Video Creation Service

30 Empowering Business Identity Video Examples That Unveil Company Essence

Last updated
Jul. 01, 2024

In the contemporary business landscape, establishing a distinct and compelling identity is paramount. Brands are no longer mere logos or taglines; they embody a company's essence, values, and vision. This essence is what resonates with audiences, fosters trust, and cultivates loyalty. However, conveying this intricate tapestry of attributes through traditional marketing methods can be challenging.

One of the most potent tools at a company's disposal is the business identity video. These videos transcend the limitations of static content, offering a dynamic and engaging medium to unveil the heart and soul of an organization. They allow businesses to showcase their culture, their people, and their impact in a way that words alone cannot capture. The visual storytelling inherent in video format creates an emotional connection with viewers, leaving a lasting impression that fosters brand affinity.

The need for effective business identity videos is further amplified by the evolving digital landscape. Attention spans are shrinking, and competition for eyeballs is fierce. Businesses must cut through the noise and deliver their message in a way that is both concise and captivating. Videos excel in this regard, offering a medium that is easily digestible and shareable across various platforms. Whether it's a company overview on a website, a social media campaign, or a presentation at an industry event, business identity videos provide a versatile tool to reach target audiences effectively.

The applications of business identity videos extend far beyond mere brand awareness. They can be instrumental in attracting and retaining top talent, showcasing the company's work environment and values to potential employees. Additionally, these videos can be used to educate customers about products or services, demonstrating their value proposition in a clear and engaging manner. For investors and stakeholders, business identity videos offer a window into the company's operations, fostering transparency and building trust.

With the power of video at their fingertips, businesses have an unprecedented opportunity to shape their narratives and connect with audiences on a deeper level. From startups seeking to establish their presence to established corporations looking to revitalize their image, business identity videos offer a transformative solution. So, let's dive in and explore thirty empowering examples that unveil the true essence of companies across diverse industries.

1. Excella

Excella, a technology solutions provider, helps organizations harness the power of technology to realize their future. They work collaboratively to solve their clients biggest challenges and evolve their thinking to help them prepare for tomorrow. Excella believes in the power of technology to engage customers, serve citizens, and modernize aging systems.

This business identity and culture video uses a modern and engaging isometric design style to explain excella's services. The use of bright colors and simple shapes makes the video visually appealing and easy to follow. The isometric perspective gives the video a sense of depth and dimension, while the animation helps to bring the concepts to life.

The video also uses text overlays to highlight key points and make the information easy to understand. Overall, the video is an effective way to explain excella's services and how they can help organizations harness the power of technology. The modern design style and engaging animation make the video visually appealing and easy to follow, while the text overlays help to reinforce the key points.

2. Housing Europe

The video by Housing Europe focuses on the housing challenge in Europe and promotes their campaign for the European Elections 2019. The campaign aims to make affordable housing accessible to more people, as exemplified by the story of Christine, the video's protagonist. This is a good example of Business Identity-Based Storytelling as it uses a personal story to connect with the viewer and promote the business's mission.

The video employs a minimalist and engaging design style, effectively conveying the message of affordable housing. The use of simple graphics, clean lines, and a limited color palette creates a visually appealing and easy-to-understand presentation. The animation is smooth and dynamic, keeping the viewer engaged while highlighting key points about the housing challenge and Housing Europe's solutions. By focusing on the organization's identity and mission, this explainer video effectively uses Business Identity-Driven Content to connect with the audience.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video effectively explains the importance of affordable housing and encourages viewers to learn more about Housing Europe's campaign. The design style perfectly complements the video's purpose, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video. The video successfully uses its design and storytelling to communicate the business' identity and goals.

3. ManageEngine

The video emphasizes the importance of data security and disaster recovery in today's digital world, where organizations are increasingly relying on data-driven systems. With the rapid digitization of businesses, ensuring data protection and implementing robust backup and recovery solutions is crucial. This business identity value video effectively conveys this message using a modern and engaging approach.

The video's design style effectively conveys this message using a modern and engaging approach. The use of vibrant colors, sleek animations, and clear iconography creates a visually appealing experience that captures the viewer's attention. The animation of data flowing between different systems and the central cloud icon highlights the interconnectedness of data in today's digital landscape. This motion graphic video's emphasis on data security is further reinforced by the use of visual metaphors, such as shields and locks, which symbolize protection and resilience.

Overall, the video's design style effectively complements its message, creating a compelling and informative experience for viewers. By combining engaging visuals with a clear and concise message, the video successfully highlights the importance of data security and disaster recovery solutions, such as ManageEngine's RecoveryManager Plus or Network Configuration Manager, in today's digital age. This business identity essence video is a must-watch for any business looking to protect its data.

4. Sanofi

This business identity-oriented video sheds light on the challenges faced by individuals affected by rare diseases and their impact on society. It emphasizes the importance of seeking medical attention and consulting a general practitioner (GP) for diagnosis and management.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of minimalist animation with clean lines and pastel colors creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The simple yet impactful visuals, such as the doctor's office and medication icons, effectively convey the video's theme of healthcare and rare diseases. The animation style is modern and uncluttered, allowing viewers to focus on the key message, without distractions.

In conclusion, the video's design style is well-suited for a product demo explainer video as it effectively balances aesthetics with clarity. The minimalist approach, coupled with relevant visuals and concise messaging, ensures that viewers grasp the significance of rare diseases and the importance of seeking medical advice from a GP.

5. PGE

This video, a perfect example of a Business Identity Video, delves into energy consumption patterns and the impact of peak usage times on energy sources. It underscores the role of PGE in meeting energy demands during these peak periods, even if it means utilizing non-renewable sources with a higher carbon footprint. The explainer video also encourages viewers to adopt small changes in their energy usage habits to help mitigate energy spikes and promote environmental sustainability.

The Company Identity Animation employs a minimalist and informative design style, effectively conveying the message about energy consumption and PGE's role in providing reliable power. The use of simple 3D graphics and animation helps visualize complex concepts such as energy grids, power plants, and residential areas. The color palette is muted, with a focus on blues, greens, and grays, creating a clean and professional look. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding the viewer through the different energy sources and their impact on the environment.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the business identity video effectively educates viewers about the importance of responsible energy consumption and highlights PGE's commitment to meeting energy needs while striving for sustainability. The minimalist design style ensures that the focus remains on the core message, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

6. BDO

BDO, a leading accounting and advisory firm, has launched an innovative initiative called PossibilitiesX to drive progress and redefine the future of the firm. This strategic framework aims to create a more innovative, sustainable, and diverse company culture, fostering a sense of purpose and enthusiasm among its employees. This business identity vision video effectively conveys BDO's vision for a more dynamic and inclusive future through its captivating visuals and concise messaging. The use of vibrant colors, such as the striking green of the aurora borealis, symbolizes growth and new beginnings. The imagery of individuals collaborating and supporting one another underscores the importance of teamwork and shared values in achieving success. The video's sleek and modern design aligns perfectly with BDO's forward-thinking approach, while the powerful storytelling evokes a sense of inspiration and possibility.

In conclusion, BDO's PossibilitiesX motion graphic video successfully captures the essence of the initiative's goals and values. The business video's design style effectively complements the message, creating a compelling narrative that resonates with viewers and leaves a lasting impression. By showcasing its commitment to innovation, sustainability, and diversity, BDO demonstrates its dedication to shaping a brighter future for the firm and its stakeholders.

7. NFCForum

Nfc or near field communication is a secure touchless technology that is in almost everything. Nfc allows you to pay for things and much more - check it out. All it takes is a tap!

This business identity essence video uses a clean and modern design style with bold colors and simple graphics to explain the benefits of nfc technology. The use of bright colors and simple shapes helps to create a visually appealing and engaging experience for the viewer. The video also uses a combination of text and animation to explain how nfc works and how it can be used to make payments and other transactions.

Overall, the video is an effective product demo explainer video that clearly and concisely explains the benefits of nfc technology to the business. The use of a clean and modern design style, combined with clear and concise messaging, helps to create a video that is both informative and engaging, building a strong business identity.

8. MSD Careers

The video effectively communicates the role of the Regulatory Affairs team at MSD, showcasing their commitment to delivering safe and effective medical solutions. This Business Identity Promotion video emphasizes the team's dedication to compliance and collaboration with regulatory agencies, highlighting their crucial role in bringing medical innovations to patients. The video serves as an explainer, demonstrating how MSD's identity is intertwined with its mission to improve patient lives.

The video's design style effectively complements its message of hope and progress. The use of clean lines, bold colors, and simple animation creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The animation style is particularly noteworthy, as it strikes a balance between being informative and visually interesting. The subtle movements and transitions keep the viewer engaged without distracting from the core message. The color palette, dominated by shades of green and blue, evokes feelings of trust, reliability, and well-being, aligning perfectly with the video's focus on healthcare and patient well-being.

In conclusion, the video's design style effectively supports its message by creating a visually engaging and informative experience. The use of animation, color, and simple graphics helps to convey the importance of regulatory affairs in bringing hope to patients worldwide. The video successfully showcases MSD's commitment to innovation and patient care, leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

9. ExxonMobil

This Business Identity Explanation video showcases the transformative power of energy access, specifically focusing on ExxonMobil's initiatives in Guyana. It tells the story of a young man whose family's life changed dramatically when his mother brought home a car battery, providing them with electricity for the first time. This access to energy enabled them to move from their village to a city, opening doors to education and a brighter future.

The animation style is minimalist and modern, employing flat design principles with clean lines and bold colors. The characters are depicted in a simple yet expressive manner, effectively conveying emotions and experiences. The use of subtle animation and transitions adds depth and dynamism to the narrative. The video's visual language is clear and concise, ensuring that the message of energy's impact is easily understood by a global audience.

By combining a compelling narrative with a visually engaging style, the Business Identity Explanation video effectively highlights the importance of energy access in driving economic growth and improving lives. The minimalist design allows the focus to remain on the story and the message, making it a powerful tool for advocacy and awareness-raising.

10. Geely

The video celebrates the significant contributions of women in modern-day china, highlighting their roles as family leaders, trendsetters, and societal leaders. Geely recognizes the crucial role women play in the group's success and emphasizes that empowering women leads to collective empowerment. This Business Identity-Based Storytelling effectively showcases the brand's commitment to inclusivity and equality.

The animation style effectively employs vibrant colors, clean lines, and simple shapes to convey the message of women's empowerment at Geely. The use of diverse characters and scenarios showcases the multifaceted contributions of women across various roles within the company. The video's visual language aligns perfectly with the narrative, creating a cohesive and engaging experience for the viewer, reinforcing the Business Identity Essence of Geely.

By combining a clear message with a visually appealing design style, the video successfully captures the essence of Geely's commitment to empowering women. The animation's simplicity and effectiveness make it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video that effectively communicates the company's values and initiatives, further solidifying its brand identity in the business world.

11. Aqua Security

This Business Identity Highlight video showcases how software development and delivery can be accelerated by adopting cloud native security. It emphasizes the need for security to match the speed of devops in a cloud native environment. The explainer video highlights the freedom and scalability that come with cloud native security.

The business identity video utilizes a sleek and modern design aesthetic to visually represent the concepts of speed, freedom, and transformation. The use of neon colors and geometric shapes creates a futuristic and dynamic feel, symbolizing the cutting-edge nature of cloud native security. The visuals effectively communicate the message of agility and efficiency that aqua security offers.

By combining clear messaging with captivating visuals, the video successfully conveys the benefits of cloud native security and positions it as a solution for organizations seeking to accelerate their software development and delivery processes.

12. FinGo

Fingo offers a revolutionary approach to accessing various services, from making payments and age verification to entering buildings and utilizing transportation. Fingo eliminates the need for traditional methods like cards, documents, or devices, streamlining the process by utilizing your unique finger vein pattern for identification and authentication. This serves as a business identity story video, capturing the essence of Fingo's innovative solution.

The video's design style effectively conveys the simplicity and convenience of Fingo's technology. The animation is clean and uncluttered, with bold colors and simple shapes that draw attention to the key features of the product. The use of a continuous red line throughout the video serves as a visual metaphor for the seamless experience that Fingo provides, connecting different aspects of daily life, such as shopping, transportation, and accessing buildings. The motion graphic animation of the finger scanning process is particularly effective in demonstrating the ease and speed of using Fingo.

In conclusion, the video's design style perfectly complements the message of convenience and accessibility that Fingo aims to convey. The animation is engaging and informative, effectively highlighting the benefits of using Fingo for a variety of everyday tasks. The video's clear and concise message, coupled with its visually appealing design, makes it an excellent product demo explainer video that effectively captures the essence of Fingo's innovative solution for your business identity.

13. CSL

CSL behring is a global specialty biotherapeutics company that develops and delivers innovative biotherapies that save lives and help people with life-threatening medical conditions live full lives. the company's products are used to treat a variety of conditions, including hemophilia, von willebrand disease, primary immunodeficiency, hereditary angioedema, and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. this video effectively communicates the business identity and culture of CSL behring, showcasing its commitment to improving patients' lives.

the video uses a clean and modern design style that is both visually appealing and informative. the use of simple shapes and bright colors helps to keep the viewer engaged, while the clear and concise text makes it easy to understand the information being presented. the video also makes use of animation to help illustrate the concepts being discussed. for example, in one scene, the video shows how CSL behring's products are used to treat hemophilia. the animation shows how the product helps to stop bleeding by clotting the blood. this helps to make the information more engaging and easier to understand.

overall, the video is an excellent example of a business identity value video. the clean and modern design style, combined with the use of animation and clear and concise text, makes it easy for viewers to understand the information being presented. the video is also visually appealing, which helps to keep viewers engaged and reinforces the company's identity.

14. National Grid ESO

This digital transformation video from National Grid ESO, showcased at the Energy Networks Innovation Conference, is a great example of a business identity video. The video uses a simple, clean design style with a bright yellow color palette to effectively communicate its message of utilizing machine learning and artificial intelligence to drive the energy system transition towards net zero. The use of line art illustrations and animations helps to explain complex concepts in an easy-to-understand way, while the focus on new markets and technologies emphasizes the forward-thinking approach of the company.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, this explainer video successfully demonstrates how this organization is leveraging innovation to shape the future of the energy industry. This business identity video effectively communicates the company's commitment to innovation in the energy sector. The video's simple design and clear messaging make it easy for viewers to understand the company's vision for the future of the energy industry.

The video's use of line art illustrations and animations makes it an engaging and informative explainer video. The video is an effective tool for communicating the company's identity and its commitment to innovation. This business identity story successfully highlights the company's commitment to innovation in the energy sector. The video's focus on new markets and technologies emphasizes the forward-thinking approach of the company.


HORNE, a company dedicated to building the Wise Firm, has released a Business Identity Vision video explaining their mission and vision. The video delves into the concept of the Wise Firm, exploring how HORNE is actively constructing it and the underlying reasons behind their pursuit.

The business identity video employs a dynamic and engaging design style that effectively captures the essence of HORNE's message. The use of bold colors, clean lines, and a mix of 2D and 3D animation creates a visually appealing experience that keeps viewers hooked. The motion graphic animation seamlessly transitions between different scenes, illustrating key concepts such as the Wise Firm's impact on clients and the firm's commitment to innovation.

By combining informative content with a captivating design style, HORNE's video successfully conveys the value and significance of the Wise Firm. The video's ability to explain complex ideas in a clear and concise manner, coupled with its visually stunning presentation, makes it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

16. Gemalto

This business identity value video focuses on the importance of trust and security in the commercial drone ecosystem. As drone technology advances, ensuring secure data exchange and establishing industry standards are crucial for widespread adoption. The video makes it clear that [Brand Name] is committed to building a trustworthy and reliable drone ecosystem.

The video's design style effectively conveys this message using sleek visuals and concise text overlays. The color palette is predominantly cool and futuristic, with shades of blue and green creating a sense of professionalism and technological sophistication. Geometric shapes and interconnected lines symbolize the complex network of drones, data, and regulations within the ecosystem. The animation is smooth and dynamic, keeping the viewer engaged while reinforcing the concepts of connectivity and data flow.

By combining informative text with visually appealing graphics, the video successfully explains the challenges and opportunities associated with commercial drone usage. The emphasis on security and standardization is evident throughout, making it clear that [Brand Name] is committed to building a trustworthy and reliable drone ecosystem.

17. Deloitte

This video showcases the future of personal mobility, highlighting how breakthroughs in self-driving cars are transforming the way we travel from point A to point B. This shift is creating a new ecosystem of personal mobility that will impact various industries beyond just automakers. This video serves as a Business Identity Vision video, effectively showcasing the future of the business.

The video effectively uses a clean and modern design aesthetic to illustrate the concept of a new ecosystem of personal mobility. The minimalist, flat design style, with its vibrant color palette, allows viewers to easily grasp the complex ideas being presented. The use of simple, geometric shapes for buildings and vehicles further emphasizes the futuristic and technologically advanced nature of the emerging environment. This design aesthetic effectively communicates the business identity, making it easily recognizable.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully conveys the transformative potential of this new era of personal mobility. The design choices effectively highlight the key message, making it an engaging and informative product demo explainer video. The clear and concise messaging in the explainer video helps solidify the business identity in the viewers' minds.

18. Tyson

Water is essential to producing safe food. Tyson Foods is working to set contextual water targets at its facilities, recognizing that it has a significant influence on local watersheds at its processing facilities. The video aims to educate viewers about Tyson Foods' commitment to water conservation and its efforts to minimize its impact on the environment.

This Business Identity-Oriented Video effectively uses motion graphics to communicate its message. The use of a muted color palette with blue and green tones evokes a sense of environmental consciousness. Simple yet engaging animations illustrate key concepts such as water usage, processing facilities, and the impact on watersheds. The clean lines and uncluttered visuals ensure that the focus remains on the important message of water conservation.

By combining informative visuals with a clear and concise message, the video successfully conveys Tyson Foods' dedication to responsible water management. This serves as a Business Identity Explanation, reinforcing the company's commitment to sustainability, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video that effectively engages viewers and promotes environmental awareness.

19. Calendly

This video showcases the evolution of Calendly, a scheduling solution, from its inception in 2013 to its current state in 2021. The video highlights the growth of the product and its customer base. This video is a Business Identity Highlight as it showcases the journey of the brand.

The video emphasizes the simplicity and ease of use of Calendly as a scheduling solution. The clean and minimalist design style effectively conveys the user-friendliness of the product. The use of bright colors and playful animations adds a touch of personality and reinforces the brand's focus on making scheduling enjoyable. The animation style helps in building the business identity.

Overall, the video successfully communicates the value proposition of Calendly as a scheduling solution that simplifies the process of finding time to meet. The design style effectively complements the message, creating a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. This video is a good example of a Business Identity-Oriented Video as it effectively communicates the brand's identity.

20. Printify

This video serves as a compelling business identity promotion, showcasing printify's new service that empowers entrepreneurs to tap into the lucrative skincare, supplement, and coffee markets. by branding and selling these products, businesses can leverage printify's streamlined fulfillment and delivery processes, simplifying operations for business owners.

The video effectively uses bold colors and geometric patterns to highlight the key elements of this new product solution. the contrasting color schemes, such as the peach and purple backgrounds for the skincare and supplement product images, draw attention to the diverse product range offered. the repeated use of circles and diamond shapes creates a visually appealing rhythm, emphasizing the core message of branding and selling with ease, as printify handles the fulfillment and delivery aspects.

By combining clear messaging with a visually engaging design, the video successfully conveys the value proposition of printify's new service. the bold visuals and concise text work together to highlight the ease and profitability of entering the skincare, supplement, and coffee markets with printify's support.

21. Process Street

Process street's workflow automation software helps businesses create and manage processes efficiently, ensuring tasks are completed accurately and on schedule. The software offers a free trial, allowing users to experience its benefits before committing to a subscription.

This business identity story video's design style effectively conveys the message of streamlined workflows and process management. The use of clean lines, vibrant colors, and simple motion graphics creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The clear and concise visuals, combined with the informative narration, make it easy for viewers to understand the value proposition of process street's workflow automation software platform.

By showcasing the software's features and benefits in a visually compelling manner, the video effectively captures the audience's attention and encourages them to explore process street's offerings further. The video's design style aligns perfectly with the product's purpose, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

22. Deloitte

The video emphasizes the significance of ideas and their potential to revolutionize various aspects of life, including businesses and even life-saving endeavors. This makes it a strong example of Business Identity-Driven Content, as it showcases the power of innovation in a business context. However, it also acknowledges the delicate nature of ideas, as they can easily fade away without proper execution. Action is portrayed as a powerful force that drives progress, but the video highlights that ideas without experience and expertise often fail to materialize into tangible outcomes.

Deloitte's video employs a visually captivating design style that effectively complements its message, making it a powerful tool for Business Identity Promotion. The use of vibrant colors, such as blues, greens, and yellows, creates a sense of energy and dynamism, reflecting the transformative power of ideas and action. The animation style is sleek and modern, with smooth transitions and a focus on clean lines and geometric shapes. This approach aligns perfectly with the video's theme of innovation and progress. The incorporation of concentric circles and a tunnel-like effect symbolizes the journey from idea to realization, emphasizing the importance of a structured and focused approach.

In conclusion, Deloitte's video successfully combines a compelling narrative with a visually appealing design style to convey its message about the synergy between ideas and action. The video's aesthetics effectively reinforce the brand's identity as a forward-thinking and innovative organization, capable of guiding clients through the process of turning their ideas into reality.

23. Quantiphi

Quantiphi, a leading amazon web services (AWS) partner specializing in machine learning, data analytics, and cloud migration solutions. They help businesses solve complex problems and achieve quantifiable results quickly. This serves as a Business Identity Essence explainer video for the company.

The video effectively uses a clean and modern design style to convey its message. The use of bold typography, icons, and a dark color palette creates a professional and engaging look. The animation is smooth and visually appealing, with subtle transitions that keep the viewer engaged. The video also incorporates data visualizations, such as charts and graphs, to illustrate the company's capabilities and expertise in data analytics and machine learning.

Overall, the video's design style effectively complements the message and highlights Quantiphi's expertise in AWS cloud services, machine learning, data analytics, and migration solutions. The combination of clear visuals, concise messaging, and a professional design creates a compelling video that effectively showcases the company's value proposition and strengthens its business identity.

24. Noonday Collection

This video, a perfect example of Business Identity and Culture, invites you to become a Noonday Ambassador and create a marketplace for Artisans around the world. As a Noonday Ambassador, you can gather women to shop beautifully handmade jewelry, accessories, home goods, and gifts.

This motion graphic video uses a flat design style with bold colors and simple shapes to communicate the message of empowerment and global connection. The use of diverse female characters effectively represents the target audience of women who want to make an income with an impact while sharing stories of transformation behind the collection.

The clean and modern aesthetic of the video is engaging and easy to understand, making it an effective tool for promoting the Noonday Ambassador program and its mission of building a flourishing world. This business identity video effectively communicates the brand's values and mission.

25. Capital One

With a Capital One debit card from Mastercard, you have an easy way to make everyday purchases or even large ones. Simply swipe, insert, or tap your debit card for anything from coffee to gas, and the money is pulled right from your account. And it's safer than cash as it comes with $0 fraud liability, text alerts and notifications, and you can lock or unlock your card right from your smartphone. Plus it's accepted anywhere Mastercard is in other words, worldwide. Lose the hassle of cash and enjoy the convenience of a Capital One debit card.

The video utilizes a minimalist and modern design style, which effectively complements its role as a Business Identity and Culture video. The color palette is predominantly blue, creating a sense of trust and security, aligning perfectly with the financial services being showcased. The use of simple shapes and flat illustrations helps to keep the focus on the key message, the ease and security of using a Capital One debit card. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding the viewer through the benefits of the product in a clear and concise manner.

By combining a clean aesthetic with informative visuals, the video successfully captures the essence of the Capital One debit card. The design choices effectively highlight the product's features, making it an excellent example of a Business Identity Explanation video that is both visually appealing and informative.

26. FGV

This video is about how opportunity can help us focus and maintain a sense of purpose. It uses a simple, yet effective animation style to illustrate this point, making it a great example of a business identity explainer video.

The business identity video's design is clean and uncluttered, with a focus on bold colors and shapes. This helps to keep the viewer's attention focused on the message, which is about the importance of opportunity. The use of animation also helps to make the video more engaging and visually appealing. The video uses a variety of visual metaphors to represent the concept of opportunity. For example, the use of a light bulb to represent an idea, and the use of a plant to represent growth.

Overall, the business identity explanation video's design is effective in communicating the message about the importance of opportunity. The simple animation style, bold colors, and use of visual metaphors all work together to create a video that is both informative and engaging. This makes it a great example of a product demo explainer video.


This video, a perfect example of Business Identity Vision, showcases medhost's commitment to supporting healthcare facilities and the heroes who work tirelessly within them. with a focus on over 1,000 hospitals across the nation, medhost aims to empower healthcare professionals with the tools they need to provide exceptional patient care. this business identity video effectively highlights medhost's dedication to empowering healthcare heroes and improving patient care.

The video's design style effectively conveys this message through its use of vibrant colors, clean lines, and engaging 3d animation. the choice of bold blues and contrasting reds creates a visually appealing backdrop for the healthcare setting, while the smooth animation brings the characters and scenarios to life. the use of 3d animation in this identity video allows for a dynamic and engaging presentation.

The 3d animated characters, representing both medical staff and patients, are depicted in a friendly and approachable manner, fostering a sense of trust and reliability. by combining a clear and concise message with a visually captivating design style, the video effectively highlights medhost's dedication to empowering healthcare heroes and improving patient care. this motion graphic video is an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

28. Deloitte

Deloitte's alpha platform helps businesses launch new propositions within 3 months, overcoming limitations of legacy technologies. it leverages pre-integrated, loosely coupled cloud-native components for rapid assembly and development. this approach aligns with the principles of business identity value video, focusing on the tangible benefits the platform offers to businesses.

The video's minimalist 3D animation style effectively conveys the platform's agility and speed. the use of simple shapes, vibrant colors, and smooth transitions creates a visually engaging experience that aligns perfectly with the platform's value proposition. this visual storytelling approach exemplifies business identity-based storytelling, using animation to communicate the platform's identity as a fast and efficient solution.

By combining a clear and concise message with a visually appealing design, the video effectively captures the essence of deloitte's alpha platform. the animation style reinforces the platform's key benefits, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video. this approach effectively communicates the business identity of the platform through a compelling and informative video.

29. Firebase

The video is a holiday greeting from the firebase team to their developer community, expressing gratitude for their partnership, trust, and investment in firebase. It also hints at exciting developments in store for 2021 and encourages viewers to subscribe to their channel for updates. This is a good example of a business identity-oriented video.

The design style effectively employs a vibrant color palette, geometric shapes, and simple iconography to convey key messages about firebase. The use of bold colors and clean lines creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. Elements like graphs, charts, and icons representing features like crashlytics SDK and game development tools visually reinforce the video's message about firebase's capabilities and benefits for developers.

The video's design style successfully balances aesthetics with functionality, making it an excellent product demo explainer video. The clear visuals and concise messaging effectively communicate the value proposition of firebase, leaving a lasting impression on viewers and encouraging them to explore the platform further. This business identity video does a great job of showcasing the business identity of firebase.

30. Acuity

Acuity, signifying sharpness of thought, is the cornerstone of this business. Their commitment to growth, quality, and innovation is symbolized by the infinity loop, reflecting their dedication to delivering insightful solutions to their clients. Success is built on collaboration with customers, employees, and communities, underscoring the importance of partnerships in their journey.

The video's design style effectively mirrors these core values. A minimalist aesthetic with clean lines and bold colors creates a sense of professionalism and clarity. The use of simple icons and diagrams ensures that complex ideas are communicated in an easily digestible manner. The subtle animation adds a layer of dynamism without distracting from the message. The overall effect is a visually appealing and informative experience that aligns perfectly with Acuity's brand identity.

In conclusion, this business identity highlight video's design style successfully embodies Acuity's commitment to clarity, innovation, and partnership. The minimalist aesthetic, clear visuals, and subtle animation work together to create a compelling and informative experience that effectively communicates the company's values and mission. This motion graphic video is a great example of how a business can use video to communicate its identity.

Key Takeaways

  • what is abusiness identitybusiness video?

  • abusiness identitybusiness video is a powerful tool used to showcase a company's core values, mission, and overall brand identity. it goes beyond traditional promotional videos by focusing on the essence of the business, highlighting its unique personality and what sets it apart. purpose: to establish a strong brand presence and connect with the target audience on an emotional level. content: showcases company culture, values, mission, vision, and key differentiators. style: often utilizes high-quality visuals, compelling storytelling, and impactful music to create an engaging and memorable experience. placement: can be used on websites, social media platforms, during presentations, and at industry events.
  • creating abusiness identitybusiness video: where to start?

  • starting abusiness identitybusiness video requires careful planning and a clear understanding of your brand. define your message: what are the key takeaways you want viewers to remember about your business? identify your target audience: who are you trying to reach with this video? choose a style: will it be live-action, animation, or a combination of both? develop a script: craft a compelling narrative that showcases your brand's story. select a production team: find experienced professionals who can bring your vision to life.
  • business identitybusiness video ingredients

  • a successfulbusiness identitybusiness video combines several key ingredients to create a cohesive and impactful message. authenticity: showcase the genuine personality and values of your company. storytelling: use narratives to connect with viewers on an emotional level. visual appeal: employ high-quality visuals and graphics to capture attention. clear messaging: communicate your brand'score valuesand mission concisely. call to action: encourage viewers to engage with your brand further.
  • business identitybusiness video goals and objectives

  • before creating abusiness identitybusiness video, it's crucial to establish clear goals and objectives. increase brand awareness: introduce your company to a wider audience and build recognition. attract talent: showcase your company culture and values to attract top talent. build trust and credibility: establish your company as a reliable and trustworthy partner. differentiate from competitors: highlight what makes your company unique and stand out in the market. drive engagement: encourage viewers to interact with your brand and learn more.
  • motion graphics inbusiness identitybusiness video

  • motion graphics can elevate abusiness identitybusiness video by adding visual interest and dynamism. enhance storytelling: bring abstract concepts and data to life through animation. create visual appeal:capture attentionwith eye-catching graphics and transitions. simplify complex information: make information more accessible and engaging. reinforce brand identity: usemotion graphicsto reflect your brand's visual style.
  • using storytelling in abusiness identitybusiness video

  • storytelling is a powerful tool for connecting with viewers on an emotional level and making your brand memorable. humanize your brand: share stories about your company's journey, values, and people. create relatability: use narratives that resonate with your target audience's experiences. evoke emotions: engage viewers through stories that inspire, motivate, or entertain. build trust and connection: foster a sense of authenticity and transparency through storytelling.
  • best practices forbusiness identitybusiness video

  • creating an effectivebusiness identitybusiness video requires adhering to best practices. keep it concise: aim for a video length that maintains viewer engagement. focus on quality: invest in high-quality visuals, audio, and editing. optimize for different platforms: create versions tailored for various social media platforms and websites. use a strong call to action: encourage viewers to take the next step, such as visiting your website or contacting your team. track and analyze results: monitor video performance to measure effectiveness and make adjustments as needed.
  • what makesbusiness identitybusiness video effective?

  • an effectivebusiness identitybusiness video goes beyond simply presenting information; it creates an emotional connection with the viewer. authenticity: the video should feel genuine and reflect the true essence of the brand. compelling storytelling: engaging narratives draw viewers in and make the message memorable. high-quality production: professional visuals and audio enhance the viewing experience. clear and concise messaging: the video should communicate the brand'score valuesand mission effectively. strong call to action: encourage viewers to take the next step and engage with the brand further.
  • connecting your brand andbusiness identitybusiness video

  • yourbusiness identitybusiness video should be a seamless extension of your brand. visual consistency: use brand colors, fonts, and imagery throughout the video. tone of voice: ensure the video's language and style align with your brand's personality. messaging alignment: reinforce key brand messages and values in the video's narrative. target audience focus: tailor the video's content and style to resonate with your ideal customer.
  • example: how a company benefited from a similar video

  • company: warby parker, an online eyeglasses retailer. video: warby parker's "our story" video effectively showcased theirbrand identityby highlighting their commitment to social good, affordable eyewear, and customer-centric approach. benefits: increased brand awareness: the video went viral, introducing warby parker to a wider audience. enhanced brand perception: the video effectively communicated warby parker's values and mission, building trust and credibility. boosted sales: the video's success translated into increased sales and customer loyalty. warby parker's video demonstrates the power of a well-craftedbusiness identitybusiness video in shapingbrand perceptionand driving business success.
  • what is abusiness identitybusiness video?

  • abusiness identitybusiness video is a powerful tool used to showcase a company's core values, mission, and overall brand identity. it goes beyond traditional promotional videos by focusing on the essence of the business, highlighting its unique personality and what sets it apart. purpose: to establish a strong brand presence and connect with the target audience on an emotional level. content: showcases company culture, values, mission, vision, and key differentiators. style: often utilizes high-quality visuals, compelling storytelling, and impactful music to create an engaging and memorable experience. placement: can be used on websites, social media platforms, during presentations, and at industry events.
  • creating abusiness identitybusiness video: where to start?

  • starting abusiness identitybusiness video requires careful planning and a clear understanding of your brand. define your message: what are the key takeaways you want viewers to remember about your business? identify your target audience: who are you trying to reach with this video? choose a style: will it be live-action, animation, or a combination of both? develop a script: craft a compelling narrative that showcases your brand's story. select a production team: find experienced professionals who can bring your vision to life.
  • business identitybusiness video ingredients

  • a successfulbusiness identitybusiness video combines several key ingredients to create a cohesive and impactful message. authenticity: showcase the genuine personality and values of your company. storytelling: use narratives to connect with viewers on an emotional level. visual appeal: employ high-quality visuals and graphics to capture attention. clear messaging: communicate your brand'score valuesand mission concisely. call to action: encourage viewers to engage with your brand further.
  • business identitybusiness video goals and objectives

  • before creating abusiness identitybusiness video, it's crucial to establish clear goals and objectives. increase brand awareness: introduce your company to a wider audience and build recognition. attract talent: showcase your company culture and values to attract top talent. build trust and credibility: establish your company as a reliable and trustworthy partner. differentiate from competitors: highlight what makes your company unique and stand out in the market. drive engagement: encourage viewers to interact with your brand and learn more.
  • motion graphics inbusiness identitybusiness video

  • motion graphics can elevate abusiness identitybusiness video by adding visual interest and dynamism. enhance storytelling: bring abstract concepts and data to life through animation. create visual appeal:capture attentionwith eye-catching graphics and transitions. simplify complex information: make information more accessible and engaging. reinforce brand identity: usemotion graphicsto reflect your brand's visual style.
  • using storytelling in abusiness identitybusiness video

  • storytelling is a powerful tool for connecting with viewers on an emotional level and making your brand memorable. humanize your brand: share stories about your company's journey, values, and people. create relatability: use narratives that resonate with your target audience's experiences. evoke emotions: engage viewers through stories that inspire, motivate, or entertain. build trust and connection: foster a sense of authenticity and transparency through storytelling.
  • best practices forbusiness identitybusiness video

  • creating an effectivebusiness identitybusiness video requires adhering to best practices. keep it concise: aim for a video length that maintains viewer engagement. focus on quality: invest in high-quality visuals, audio, and editing. optimize for different platforms: create versions tailored for various social media platforms and websites. use a strong call to action: encourage viewers to take the next step, such as visiting your website or contacting your team. track and analyze results: monitor video performance to measure effectiveness and make adjustments as needed.
  • what makesbusiness identitybusiness video effective?

  • an effectivebusiness identitybusiness video goes beyond simply presenting information; it creates an emotional connection with the viewer. authenticity: the video should feel genuine and reflect the true essence of the brand. compelling storytelling: engaging narratives draw viewers in and make the message memorable. high-quality production: professional visuals and audio enhance the viewing experience. clear and concise messaging: the video should communicate the brand'score valuesand mission effectively. strong call to action: encourage viewers to take the next step and engage with the brand further.
  • connecting your brand andbusiness identitybusiness video

  • yourbusiness identitybusiness video should be a seamless extension of your brand. visual consistency: use brand colors, fonts, and imagery throughout the video. tone of voice: ensure the video's language and style align with your brand's personality. messaging alignment: reinforce key brand messages and values in the video's narrative. target audience focus: tailor the video's content and style to resonate with your ideal customer.
  • example: how a company benefited from a similar video

  • company: warby parker, an online eyeglasses retailer. video: warby parker's "our story" video effectively showcased theirbrand identityby highlighting their commitment to social good, affordable eyewear, and customer-centric approach. benefits: increased brand awareness: the video went viral, introducing warby parker to a wider audience. enhanced brand perception: the video effectively communicated warby parker's values and mission, building trust and credibility. boosted sales: the video's success translated into increased sales and customer loyalty. warby parker's video demonstrates the power of a well-craftedbusiness identitybusiness video in shapingbrand perceptionand driving business success.


    Unveiling Your Essence: Mastering Business identity videos

    The digital landscape thrives on visual storytelling, and businesses are increasingly turning to video to convey their identity, values, and mission. However, crafting a compelling business identity video requires more than just assembling clips and adding music. It demands a deep understanding of your brand essence and the ability to translate it into a visual narrative that resonates with your target audience. Let's explore how to effectively leverage business identity videos in real-world applications.


    In today's competitive market, capturing attention and establishing a distinct brand identity is crucial. Consumers are bombarded with information, making it challenging to stand out and connect with your ideal customers. Business identity videos offer a powerful solution, allowing you to showcase your unique personality, values, and offerings in an engaging and memorable format.


    Creating an impactful business identity video presents several challenges. Defining your core message, selecting the appropriate tone and style, and ensuring high-quality production are just a few hurdles businesses face. Additionally, aligning the video with your overall brand strategy and marketing goals requires careful planning and execution.


    Business identity videos have diverse applications across various marketing channels and touchpoints. Integrating them into your website, social media platforms, and email campaigns can significantly enhance brand awareness and engagement. Moreover, these videos can be invaluable assets during presentations, trade shows, and investor meetings, effectively conveying your company's story and value proposition.


    Embedding a business identity video on your website's homepage or about us page can instantly capture visitor attention and provide a comprehensive overview of your brand. This immersive experience fosters a deeper connection with potential customers, encouraging them to explore your products or services further.

    Social Media

    Social media platforms offer a dynamic space to share your business identity video with a wider audience. Utilize platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram to promote your video and engage with your followers. Consider creating shorter snippets or teasers to pique interest and drive traffic to the full-length video.

    Email Campaigns

    Incorporating business identity videos into your email marketing campaigns can significantly boost open and click-through rates. A well-crafted video can effectively introduce your brand to new subscribers and nurture relationships with existing customers, ultimately driving conversions and sales.

    Internal Communications

    Business identity videos are not limited to external audiences. They can also be powerful tools for internal communications, fostering employee engagement and alignment with company values. Sharing your brand story and vision with your team can strengthen company culture and boost morale.

    Investor Relations

    When seeking funding or partnerships, a compelling business identity video can be a game-changer. It allows you to present your company's potential in a concise and engaging format, capturing the attention of investors and demonstrating your commitment to growth and success.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!