Video Creation Service

30 Impactful Animated Corporate Overview Video Examples To Drive Success

Last updated
Jul. 01, 2024

In today's dynamic business landscape, capturing attention and conveying complex information effectively is paramount. Animated corporate overview videos have emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to achieve these goals, offering a unique blend of engagement, clarity, and memorability. These videos go beyond traditional marketing materials, providing an immersive experience that resonates with audiences on a deeper level.

The need for impactful communication is greater than ever. Businesses face the challenge of cutting through the noise and standing out in a crowded marketplace. Static presentations and text-heavy documents often fail to capture attention and leave audiences disengaged. Animated corporate overview videos, on the other hand, leverage the power of storytelling, visuals, and audio to create a compelling narrative that sticks.

Animated videos offer versatility and can be applied across various touchpoints in the customer journey. They are ideal for website landing pages, trade show presentations, investor pitches, and social media campaigns. For example, a software company can use an animated video to showcase its product's features and benefits in a way that is both informative and engaging. Similarly, a healthcare organization can utilize animation to explain complex medical procedures or promote patient education initiatives.

The beauty of animated corporate overview videos lies in their ability to simplify complex concepts and make them accessible to a wider audience. Through the use of animation, businesses can break down intricate processes, illustrate data, and demonstrate value propositions in a visually appealing manner. This is particularly beneficial for industries with technical products or services, where traditional communication methods may fall short.

With the increasing demand for engaging and informative content, animated corporate overview videos have become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. They offer a unique opportunity to tell your brand story, connect with your audience, and drive success. Let's dive in and explore 30 impactful examples that showcase the power of animation in corporate communication.

1. Healthe

Healthe inc.'s 60-second corporate overview video titled this is healthe delves into the realm of circadian lighting and its impact on human health and well-being. The animated video showcases the company's innovative lighting solutions designed to promote healthier living by aligning with natural circadian rhythms.

The video's design style effectively complements its role as a product demo explainer. The animation style is clean, modern, and engaging, featuring vibrant colors and simple yet impactful character designs. The use of bold typography and clear visuals ensures that the key messages about circadian lighting and its benefits are easily understood by the viewer. The video seamlessly transitions between scenes, showcasing various applications of healthe's lighting solutions in different environments, such as homes, offices, and healthcare facilities.

In conclusion, healthe inc.'s corporate video successfully utilizes a visually appealing and informative design style to explain the concept of circadian lighting and demonstrate the company's product offerings. The video's engaging animation, clear visuals, and concise messaging effectively convey the importance of circadian lighting for human health and well-being, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

2. Infineon

The autodrive project, coordinated by infineon, aimed to develop a new approach and metrics for fail-operational automotive design, ensuring vehicles can continue functioning safely even with component failures. The project involved collaboration with various european partners to advance automotive safety and reliability. This animated corporate video provides a comprehensive overview of the project and its goals.

The video effectively employs a clean and minimalist design style, characterized by simple shapes, flat colors, and clear typography. This approach ensures that the focus remains on the core message of automotive safety and reliability. The use of subtle animations and transitions further enhances the viewer's engagement without distracting from the key points. This animated corporate presentation effectively uses visuals to explain the importance of fail-operational design.

By combining informative visuals with concise explanations, the video successfully conveys the importance of fail-operational automotive design and infineon's role in driving innovation in this field. The video's style effectively balances aesthetics with clarity, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video that informs and engages the audience. The corporate video clearly explains the value proposition of infineon's innovative approach to automotive safety.

3. Dun & Bradstreet

The video highlights the challenges organizations face with data management and presents Dun & Bradstreet's master data solutions as the answer to these challenges. It emphasizes the potential of data as an asset for growth while acknowledging the chaos that can arise from an overabundance of information. This animated corporate video provides a clear overview of the solutions.

The video's design style effectively conveys this message through clean lines, minimalist aesthetics, and a focus on data visualization. The use of simple shapes, such as circles and lines, represents the interconnectedness of data points and the flow of information within an organization. These animated corporate elements, including motion graphics, make the video engaging. The color palette is muted and professional, with pops of color used strategically to draw attention to key points.

The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding the viewer through the narrative in a clear and concise manner. By combining a clear message with a visually appealing design, the video effectively captures the viewer's attention and explains the value proposition of Dun & Bradstreet's master data solutions. The minimalist style and focus on data visualization reinforce the idea of bringing order to chaos, while the animation and color palette keep the viewer engaged. Overall, the video's design style plays a crucial role in making it a successful product demo explainer.

4. Deloitte

The video emphasizes the significance of ideas and their potential to revolutionize various aspects of life, including businesses and even life-saving endeavors. However, it also acknowledges the delicate nature of ideas, as they can easily fade away without proper execution. Action is portrayed as a powerful force that drives progress, but the video highlights that ideas without experience and expertise often fail to materialize into tangible outcomes. This makes this video a perfect example of an animated corporate roadmap video.

Deloitte's video employs a visually captivating design style that effectively complements its message. The use of vibrant colors, such as blues, greens, and yellows, creates a sense of energy and dynamism, reflecting the transformative power of ideas and action. The animation style is sleek and modern, with smooth transitions and a focus on clean lines and geometric shapes. This approach aligns perfectly with the video's theme of innovation and progress, making it a very effective corporate overview presentation video.

In conclusion, Deloitte's video successfully combines a compelling narrative with a visually appealing design style to convey its message about the synergy between ideas and action. The video's aesthetics effectively reinforce the brand's image as a forward-thinking and innovative organization, capable of guiding clients through the process of turning their ideas into reality. The video is a great example of how animation can be used to communicate complex ideas in a clear and concise way.

5. FinGo

FinGo offers a revolutionary approach to accessing various services, from making payments and age verification to entering buildings and utilizing transportation. FinGo eliminates the need for traditional methods like cards, documents, or devices, streamlining the process by utilizing your unique finger vein pattern for identification and authentication.

The animated design style of this corporate overview explainer video effectively conveys the simplicity and convenience of FinGo's technology. The animation is clean and uncluttered, with bold colors and simple shapes that draw attention to the key features of the product. The use of a continuous red line throughout the video serves as a visual metaphor for the seamless experience that FinGo provides, connecting different aspects of daily life, such as shopping, transportation, and accessing buildings. The animation of the finger scanning process is particularly effective in demonstrating the ease and speed of using FinGo.

In conclusion, the corporate overview video's design style perfectly complements the message of convenience and accessibility that FinGo aims to convey. The explainer video is engaging and informative, effectively highlighting the benefits of using FinGo for a variety of everyday tasks. The video's clear and concise message, coupled with its visually appealing design, makes it an excellent product demo explainer video that effectively captures the essence of FinGo's innovative solution.

6. Comarch

This video, a prime example of an Animated Corporate Overview, delves into the difficulties telecommunications companies face in managing energy consumption and minimizing their environmental impact. It emphasizes how automated network management can achieve these objectives without sacrificing network performance or quality. This video is part of Comarch's 2023 excellence in telco campaign, showcasing their solutions for the telecommunications industry.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of dark blue backgrounds with contrasting bright blue accents creates a sense of sophistication and technological advancement. The animated style is sleek and modern, featuring clean lines and minimalist shapes. This visual approach aligns perfectly with the video's focus on cutting-edge technology solutions for network optimization and energy efficiency.

By combining a clear and concise message with a visually appealing design, the video successfully captures the viewer's attention and effectively conveys the value proposition of Comarch's automated network management solutions for telecommunications companies. The video's style and substance work together seamlessly to create a compelling and informative experience for the audience.

7. Justice

This animated explainer video sheds light on the crucial work of JusticeInfo.Net, an initiative by Fondation Hirondelle dedicated to preventing cycles of violence by ensuring the victims of the past do not become the perpetrators of the future. Through its focus on transitional justice and international criminal justice, JusticeInfo.Net aims to foster peace and human dignity.

This animated corporate overview video's design style effectively complements its message of justice and peace. The use of bold, contrasting colors and stark imagery creates a sense of urgency and draws attention to the gravity of the issues being addressed. The animation style is simple yet powerful, with clean lines and minimal details that allow the viewer to focus on the core message.

The choice of fonts is also deliberate, with the use of a bold, sans-serif typeface conveying a sense of authority and clarity. By combining impactful visuals with a clear and concise message, this corporate overview video successfully raises awareness about the importance of transitional justice and the role of JusticeInfo.Net in promoting peace and human dignity. The video's design style effectively reinforces its message, making it a powerful tool for advocacy and education.

8. Aqua Security

This animated corporate teaser showcases how software development and delivery can be accelerated by adopting cloud native security. It emphasizes the need for security to match the speed of devops in a cloud native environment. The explainer video highlights the freedom and scalability that come with cloud native security.

This animated corporate pitch utilizes a sleek and modern design aesthetic to visually represent the concepts of speed, freedom, and transformation. The use of neon colors and geometric shapes creates a futuristic and dynamic feel, symbolizing the cutting-edge nature of cloud native security. The corporate video effectively communicates the message of agility and efficiency that aqua security offers.

By combining clear messaging with captivating visuals, this animated overview video successfully conveys the benefits of cloud native security and positions it as a solution for organizations seeking to accelerate their software development and delivery processes.

9. WalkMe

This animated corporate pitch showcases a product designed to simplify the user experience across various digital platforms, including software, websites, and applications. The primary goal is to provide effortless interaction and eliminate any complexities associated with using these platforms. This animated video with motion graphics effectively communicates the product's benefits and leaves a lasting impression on the viewer.

The design style effectively complements the product's objective by employing a clean and minimalist aesthetic. The use of vibrant gradients and subtle animations adds a touch of dynamism without overwhelming the viewer. The choice of a dark background with contrasting bright elements ensures optimal visibility and draws attention to the key message. The incorporation of geometric shapes and smooth transitions further enhances the modern and sophisticated feel of the video.

In conclusion, the corporate video's design style successfully aligns with the product's core value proposition of simplifying the digital experience. The visual elements work harmoniously to create a visually appealing and informative presentation that effectively communicates the product's benefits and leaves a lasting impression on the viewer.

10. BDO

BDO, a leading accounting and advisory firm, has launched an innovative initiative called PossibilitiesX to drive progress and redefine the future of the firm. This strategic framework aims to create a more innovative, sustainable, and diverse company culture, fostering a sense of purpose and enthusiasm among its employees. This animated corporate pitch effectively conveys BDO's vision for a more dynamic and inclusive future through its captivating visuals and concise messaging. The use of vibrant colors, such as the striking green of the aurora borealis, symbolizes growth and new beginnings. The imagery of individuals collaborating and supporting one another underscores the importance of teamwork and shared values in achieving success. The animated corporate overview video's sleek and modern design aligns perfectly with BDO's forward-thinking approach, while the powerful storytelling evokes a sense of inspiration and possibility.

In conclusion, BDO's PossibilitiesX animated corporate presentation video successfully captures the essence of the initiative's goals and values. The corporate video's design style effectively complements the message, creating a compelling narrative that resonates with viewers and leaves a lasting impression. By showcasing its commitment to innovation, sustainability, and diversity, BDO demonstrates its dedication to shaping a brighter future for the firm and its stakeholders.

11. MSD Careers

This animated corporate video showcases the crucial role of the marketing team at astrazeneca in understanding customer needs and driving growth opportunities for the company's life-saving medicines and vaccines. the team collaborates globally to identify new business prospects and fosters innovative partnerships to expand the reach of their products. additionally, they play a vital role in educating medical professionals about astrazeneca's medicines and ensuring patients who can benefit the most receive the necessary information.

the video's design style effectively complements its informative purpose. the use of bold colors and simple shapes creates a visually engaging experience that captures the viewer's attention. the characters are depicted in a friendly and approachable manner, fostering a sense of connection with the audience. the animation is smooth and dynamic, maintaining a steady flow of information without overwhelming the viewer. the clear and concise text overlays further enhance the message, ensuring viewers grasp the key points about astrazeneca's marketing efforts and their impact on patients' lives.

in conclusion, this animated corporate explainer video successfully combines informative content with a captivating design style to effectively convey the significance of astrazeneca's marketing team in bringing life-saving medicines and vaccines to those in need. the video's engaging visuals and clear messaging leave a lasting impression on viewers, fostering a deeper understanding of the company's commitment to improving global health outcomes.

12. EQT

Dunlop protective footwear is a leading manufacturer of protective wellington boots, catering to professionals in various industries such as agriculture & fishery, food processing, industry, and oil, gas & mining. Their products prioritize both comfort and protection for workers in demanding environments.

This animated corporate roadmap effectively utilizes a minimalist and modern design style to showcase the brand's protective footwear solutions. The animation is clean and engaging, with bold colors and simple shapes that draw attention to the key features of the boots. The use of circular frames and transitions creates a sense of continuity and flow, guiding the viewer through the different applications and benefits of dunlop protective footwear.

By combining a clear and concise message with visually appealing motion graphic animation, the corporate video successfully highlights the value proposition of dunlop protective footwear. The minimalist design approach ensures that the focus remains on the products and their ability to provide comfort and protection for professionals in diverse industries. This animated overview is a great way to showcase the company's roadmap.

13. Cabot

This video showcases how advanced materials make everyday products possible, driving the business and purpose of cabot. the corporate overview presentation emphasizes the creation of materials that improve daily life and enable a more sustainable future.

the corporate overview presentation effectively highlights the importance of advanced materials by showcasing a variety of products that rely on them, such as wind turbines, circuit boards, and tires. the use of close-up shots and vibrant colors draws attention to the intricate details and diverse applications of these materials. this visual approach effectively demonstrates how cabot's products contribute to a more sustainable future by enabling the development of innovative and eco-friendly solutions.

by combining informative visuals with a clear message, the animated video successfully conveys the company's commitment to creating materials that improve daily life and promote sustainability. the design style effectively emphasizes the impact of advanced materials on various aspects of modern life, reinforcing cabot's position as a leader in materials science and innovation.

14. Firebase

This firebase holiday greeting video doubles as a corporate overview explainer, thanking their developer community for their partnership, trust, and investment in firebase. it also hints at exciting developments in store for 2021 and encourages viewers to subscribe to their channel for updates.

the design style effectively employs a vibrant color palette, geometric shapes, and simple iconography to convey key messages about firebase. the use of bold colors and clean lines creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. elements like graphs, charts, and icons representing features like crashlytics sdk and game development tools visually reinforce the video's message about firebase's capabilities and benefits for developers.

the animated corporate overview explainer video's design style successfully balances aesthetics with functionality, making it an excellent product demo explainer video. the clear visuals and concise messaging effectively communicate the value proposition of firebase, leaving a lasting impression on viewers and encouraging them to explore the platform further.

15. Sanofi

The video sheds light on the challenges faced by individuals affected by rare diseases and their impact on society. It emphasizes the importance of seeking medical attention and consulting a general practitioner (GP) for diagnosis and management. This animated corporate overview video effectively communicates the significance of rare diseases and encourages viewers to seek medical advice from a GP.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of minimalist animation with clean lines and pastel colors creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The simple yet impactful visuals, such as the doctor's office and medication icons, effectively convey the video's theme of healthcare and rare diseases. The motion graphic style is modern and uncluttered, allowing viewers to focus on the key message, without distractions.

In conclusion, the video's design style is well-suited for a product demo explainer video as it effectively balances aesthetics with clarity. The minimalist approach, coupled with relevant visuals and concise messaging, ensures that viewers grasp the significance of rare diseases and the importance of seeking medical advice from a GP. This animated corporate overview video provides a concise overview of rare diseases and their impact, making it an effective tool for raising awareness and promoting healthcare-seeking behavior.

16. VoltaChem

The chemical industry is facing a significant challenge in reducing its CO2 emissions and transitioning towards sustainable production methods for chemicals and fuels. With the increasing availability of renewable electricity and stricter regulations on CO2 emissions, innovation in decarbonization and recarbonization processes is crucial. VoltaChem aims to accelerate the adoption of electrochemical processes within the chemical industry to address these challenges.

This Animated Corporate Teaser video's design style effectively conveys the message of sustainable chemical production through its clean and minimalist aesthetic. The use of 3D animation allows for clear visualization of complex processes, such as hydrogen electrolysis and power-to-chemicals conversion. The color palette, featuring shades of blue and green, reinforces the theme of environmental consciousness. Simple shapes and lines guide the viewer's attention to key elements, such as the hydrogen electrolyzer and chemical structures, while textual explanations provide further context.

In conclusion, this corporate overview video's design style successfully combines visual appeal with informative content, making it an excellent product demo explainer video. The use of 3D animation, a clean aesthetic, and a carefully chosen color palette effectively highlights VoltaChem's commitment to sustainable chemical production and its innovative solutions for decarbonization and recarbonization.

17. MSD Careers

In clinical research, the mission is simple: to find new medicines and vaccines to improve and save lives, and share them with the people who need them as quickly and safely as possible. This means conducting world-class scientific research and meticulous trials - putting patients' wellbeing first every time. The animated corporate pitch video showcases the work of clinical research teams at MSD.

The video's design style is simple, clean, and modern, with a focus on bold colors and flat illustrations. The use of animation helps to bring the concepts of clinical research to life in a way that is both engaging and informative. The corporate explainer video also makes use of text overlays to highlight key points and statistics.

This combination of visuals and text helps to create a clear and concise message that is easy for viewers to understand. Overall, the design style of the animated overview video is effective in communicating the importance of clinical research and the role that MSD plays in this field. The use of animation, bold colors, and flat illustrations helps to create a visually appealing and engaging video that is both informative and persuasive.

18. Boyd

This video showcases boyd corp's expertise in fabricating and assembling medical wearables, offering streamlined manufacturing know-how and strategic material partnerships. They efficiently support clients from product inception to launch with design and material selection support for solutions like transdermal patches, skin-safe adhesives, and medical dressings. This animated corporate teaser effectively utilizes 3d animation and a minimalist aesthetic to highlight the medical wearables and their applications.

The sleek, gray surfaces of the body provide a neutral backdrop that allows the blue and silver wearable technology to stand out, emphasizing their form and function. This design choice effectively communicates boyd corp's focus on providing innovative solutions for medical wearables. By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the motion graphic video successfully demonstrates boyd corp's capabilities in the medical wearables market.

The corporate overview presentation video's design effectively showcases the company's commitment to delivering high-quality products and services to its clients.

19. Alation

Alation celebrates its 10th anniversary with a captivating Corporate Overview Explainer video that showcases its achievements as a leader in the data catalog industry. The video highlights alation's impressive journey, including establishing the industry's first data catalog and earning the trust of over 25% of fortune 100 companies. This corporate overview video effectively uses animation to communicate alation's impact.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of bold colors, clean lines, and dynamic transitions creates a visually engaging experience that captures the viewer's attention. The animation style is modern and sleek, aligning perfectly with alation's position as a cutting-edge data catalog solution. The animated video incorporates data visualizations and infographics to present complex information clearly and concisely, reinforcing alation's expertise in data management.

By combining a compelling narrative with a visually appealing design, the video effectively communicates alation's value proposition and establishes its position as the goat of data catalogs. The video's style and design choices successfully convey alation's brand identity as an innovative and reliable leader in the data management space. This corporate overview explainer video is a testament to alation's decade of success.

20. Boyd

Boyd, a trusted innovator in the medical wearables industry, has extensive experience in designing, manufacturing, and delivering medical wearables with a focus on patient safety and medical efficacy. They offer a comprehensive approach to wearable design, identifying complementary components that can be manufactured and delivered in a single assembly.

This animated corporate overview video effectively showcases boyd's expertise in medical wearables through a visually engaging design style. The use of exploded views and 3d renderings allows viewers to understand the intricate layers and components of the wearables, such as breathable housing, comfortable cushioning layers, and skin-friendly adhesives. The sleek and modern aesthetic reinforces the company's commitment to innovation and advanced technology.

By combining clear visuals with concise explanations, the explainer video effectively communicates the value proposition of boyd's medical wearables. The emphasis on patient comfort, performance, and efficiency highlights the company's dedication to improving healthcare outcomes. The video's design style serves as a powerful tool to educate and engage viewers, leaving a lasting impression of boyd's capabilities in the medical wearables market.

21. Geely

The video celebrates the significant contributions of women in modern-day China, highlighting their roles as family leaders, trendsetters, and societal leaders. Geely recognizes the crucial role women play in the group's success and emphasizes that empowering women leads to collective empowerment. This animated corporate teaser video provides a great overview of the company's values.

The animation style effectively employs vibrant colors, clean lines, and simple shapes to convey the message of women's empowerment at Geely. The use of diverse characters and scenarios showcases the multifaceted contributions of women across various roles within the company. The corporate video's visual language aligns perfectly with the narrative, creating a cohesive and engaging experience for the viewer.

By combining a clear message with a visually appealing design style, the video successfully captures the essence of Geely's commitment to empowering women. The animation's simplicity and effectiveness make it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video that effectively communicates the company's values and initiatives. The motion graphic in the animated corporate roadmap video is simple yet effective.

22. Acuity

Acuity, signifying sharpness of thought, is the cornerstone of this business. Their commitment to growth, quality, and innovation is symbolized by the infinity loop, reflecting their dedication to delivering insightful solutions to their clients. Success is built on collaboration with customers, employees, and communities, underscoring the importance of partnerships in their journey.

The animated corporate pitch video's design style effectively mirrors these core values. A minimalist aesthetic with clean lines and bold colors creates a sense of professionalism and clarity. The use of simple icons and diagrams ensures that complex ideas are communicated in an easily digestible manner. The subtle animation adds a layer of dynamism without distracting from the message. The overall effect is a visually appealing and informative experience that aligns perfectly with Acuity's brand identity.

In conclusion, the corporate overview presentation video's design style successfully embodies Acuity's commitment to clarity, innovation, and partnership. The minimalist aesthetic, clear visuals, and subtle animation work together to create a compelling and informative experience that effectively communicates the company's values and mission.

23. Digital Marketing Institute

Education is a competitive business, and there are many things to consider on the path to success; from enrolments to curriculum to target markets and brand awareness. The way students learn is changing, and the make-up of students is evolving. This means that educational institutions need to work harder and smarter to invigorate existing markets, tap into new ones, and take advantage of opportunities.

As a digital education leader, DMI understands the challenges faced by educational institutions in today's digital world. This animated corporate pitch video uses a minimalist design style with simple shapes and a limited color palette to highlight the complexities of the education market. The clean and uncluttered visuals allow the viewer to focus on the message without distractions. The use of animated balls navigating through various obstacles represents the challenges and opportunities in the evolving educational landscape.

The animated explainer video effectively uses design to communicate the brand's understanding of the education market and its commitment to providing solutions for educational institutions.

24. Printify

This animated corporate teaser promotes printify's new service, allowing entrepreneurs to enter the profitable industries of skincare, supplements, and coffee by branding and selling these products. Printify takes care of fulfillment and delivery, simplifying the process for business owners.

The video effectively uses bold colors and geometric patterns to highlight the key elements of this new product solution. The contrasting color schemes, such as the peach and purple backgrounds for the skincare and supplement product images, draw attention to the diverse product range offered. The repeated use of circles and diamond shapes creates a visually appealing rhythm, emphasizing the core message of branding and selling with ease, as printify handles the fulfillment and delivery aspects.

By combining clear messaging with a visually engaging design, the animated corporate overview video successfully conveys the value proposition of printify's new service. The bold visuals and concise text work together to highlight the ease and profitability of entering the skincare, supplement, and coffee markets with printify's support.

25. Noonday Collection

This animated corporate pitch invites you to become a Noonday Ambassador and create a marketplace for Artisans around the world. As a Noonday Ambassador, you can gather women to shop beautifully handmade jewelry, accessories, home goods, and gifts.

The corporate explainer video uses a flat design style with bold colors and simple shapes to communicate the message of empowerment and global connection. The use of diverse female characters effectively represents the target audience of women who want to make an income with an impact while sharing stories of transformation behind the collection.

The clean and modern aesthetic of the animated video is engaging and easy to understand, making it an effective tool for promoting the Noonday Ambassador program and its mission of building a flourishing world.

26. Calendly

This animated corporate video showcases the evolution of Calendly, a scheduling solution, from its inception in 2013 to its current state in 2021. The video highlights the growth of the product and its customer base.

The animated corporate overview emphasizes the simplicity and ease of use of Calendly as a scheduling solution. The clean and minimalist design style effectively conveys the user-friendliness of the product. The use of bright colors and playful animations adds a touch of personality and reinforces the brand's focus on making scheduling enjoyable.

Overall, the motion graphic video successfully communicates the value proposition of Calendly as a scheduling solution that simplifies the process of finding time to meet. The design style effectively complements the message, creating a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers.

27. Housing Europe

The animated corporate roadmap video by Housing Europe focuses on the housing challenge in Europe and promotes their campaign for the European Elections 2019. The campaign aims to make affordable housing accessible to more people, as exemplified by the story of Christine, the video's protagonist.

The video employs a minimalist and engaging design style, effectively conveying the message of affordable housing. The use of simple graphics, clean lines, and a limited color palette creates a visually appealing and easy-to-understand presentation. The animation is smooth and dynamic, keeping the viewer engaged while highlighting key points about the housing challenge and Housing Europe's solutions.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the animated video effectively explains the importance of affordable housing and encourages viewers to learn more about Housing Europe's campaign. The design style perfectly complements the video's purpose, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

28. Mastercard

Mastercard, a global technology company in the payments industry, showcases its products and innovations that benefit consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments, and businesses worldwide. This animated corporate presentation demonstrates how Mastercard adds value to various stakeholders in the payments ecosystem, making it an excellent explainer video for corporate overviews.

The video's design style effectively employs clean lines, minimalist aesthetics, and bold colors to convey complex information clearly and engagingly. The use of simple shapes and icons, such as shopping bags and checkmarks, helps viewers quickly grasp the concepts presented. The animation style is smooth and fluid, guiding the viewer's attention seamlessly through each step of the payment process. This approach ensures that the focus remains on Mastercard's products and their benefits.

By combining a visually appealing design with concise messaging, Mastercard successfully highlights its commitment to innovation and its role in facilitating secure and efficient transactions across the globe. The corporate overview presentation effectively reinforces Mastercard's brand identity as a leader in the payments industry, making this animated video a valuable tool for showcasing the company's global reach and impact.

29. Excella

Excella, a technology solutions provider, helps organizations harness the power of technology to realize their future. They work collaboratively to solve their clients biggest challenges and evolve their thinking to help them prepare for tomorrow. Excella believes in the power of technology to engage customers, serve citizens, and modernize aging systems.

This corporate overview explainer video uses a modern and engaging isometric design style to explain Excella's services. The use of bright colors and simple shapes makes the animated corporate video visually appealing and easy to follow. The isometric perspective gives the video a sense of depth and dimension, while the animation helps to bring the concepts to life. The video also uses text overlays to highlight key points and make the information easy to understand.

Overall, the motion graphic video is an effective way to explain Excella's services and how they can help organizations harness the power of technology. The modern design style and engaging animation make the video visually appealing and easy to follow, while the text overlays help to reinforce the key points.

Key Takeaways

  • what is an animated corporate overview video?

  • an animated corporateoverview videois a concise and engaging video that uses animation to showcase a company's story, products, services, and values. it's a powerful tool for quickly and effectively communicating key information to a target audience. applications: website landing pages, investor presentations, sales pitches, social media, onboarding materials. format: typically short, ranging from 1-3 minutes. style: can vary from simple 2d animation to complex 3d visuals, depending on the brand and message. purpose: to educate, inform, and generate interest in the company.
  • creating an animatedcorporate overviewvideo: where to start?

  • starting an animated corporateoverview videocan feel overwhelming. the key is to break down the process into manageable steps. define your target audience: who are you trying to reach with this video? establish clear objectives: what do you want viewers to take away from the video? develop a compelling narrative: what story will best convey your company's message? choose an animation style: what visual approach aligns with your brand and resonates with your audience? find a skilled animation team: look for professionals with experience in creating corporate videos.
  • animated corporateoverview videoingredients

  • a successful animated corporateoverview videocombines several key ingredients to create a compelling and informative experience. clear and concise messaging: focus on the most important information about your company. engaging visuals: use animation to bring your story to life and capture viewers' attention. professional voiceover: a strong voiceover adds credibility and guides the viewer through the narrative. background music and sound effects: enhance the emotional impact and create a more immersive experience. call to action: encourage viewers to take the next step, such as visiting your website or contacting your team.
  • animated corporateoverview videogoals and objectives

  • before diving into production, it's crucial to define the specific goals and objectives you want your animated corporateoverview videoto achieve. increase brand awareness: introduce your company to a wider audience and establish a memorable brand identity. generate leads and drive sales: showcase your products or services in a compelling way that encourages viewers to learn more. attract investors and secure funding: present a clear and concise overview of your business plan and growth potential. improve employee onboarding and training: use animation to explain complex concepts and engage employees in a more interactive way.
  • motion graphics in animatedcorporate overviewvideo

  • motion graphics play a vital role in creating visually engaging and informative animatedcorporate overviewvideos. data visualization: transform complex data into easily digestible visuals, such as charts, graphs, and infographics. kinetic typography: bring text to life with dynamic animations that emphasize key messages and create visual interest. iconography and illustrations: use simple and memorable visuals to represent your company's products, services, and values. transitions and effects: create a seamless flow between scenes and add visual flair to keep viewers engaged.
  • using storytelling in an animatedcorporate overviewvideo

  • storytelling is a powerful tool for connecting with viewers on an emotional level and making your message more memorable. create a relatable protagonist: introduce a character that represents your target audience and their needs. establish a clear conflict and resolution: highlight a problem that your company solves and showcase how your products or services provide a solution. use emotional cues: incorporate music, visuals, and voiceover to evoke specific emotions and create a lasting impact. focus on the benefits, not just features: explain how your company improves the lives of your customers or clients.
  • best practices for animatedcorporate overviewvideo

  • creating an effective animated corporateoverview videorequires careful planning and attention to detail. keep it concise: respect your viewers' time and deliver your message in a clear and concise manner. focus on the visuals: use animation to its full potential to create a visually engaging and memorable experience. choose the right music and sound effects: enhance the emotional impact and create a more immersive experience. test and refine: gather feedback from your target audience and make adjustments to ensure your video is effective.
  • what makes an animated corporateoverview videoeffective?

  • an effective animated corporateoverview videogoes beyond simply presenting information; it tells a story, evokes emotions, and leaves a lasting impression. clarity: the message is clear, concise, and easily understood by the target audience. engagement: the visuals are captivating, the narrative is compelling, and the overall experience is enjoyable. memorability: the key takeaways are presented in a way that sticks with viewers long after the video ends. call to action: the video inspires viewers to take the next step, whether it's visiting a website, making a purchase, or contacting the company.
  • connecting your brand and animatedcorporate overviewvideo

  • your animated corporateoverview videoshould be a seamless extension of your brand identity. visual consistency: use colors, fonts, and imagery that align with your brand guidelines. tone of voice: ensure the voiceover and script reflect your brand's personality and values. messaging: reinforce your brand promise and key differentiators throughout the video. target audience: tailor the content and style to resonate with your specific target audience.
  • example: how dropbox benefited from an animated explainer video

  • dropbox, a file hosting service, utilized a simple yet effectiveanimated explainervideo to showcase its product's functionality and benefits. the video, featuring a charming and relatable animation style, clearly explained how dropbox simplifies file sharing and collaboration. this approach resonated with viewers, leading to increasedbrand awarenessand user adoption. dropbox's success story demonstrates how a well-crafted animated video can effectively communicate complex concepts and drive business growth.
  • what is an animated corporate overview video?

  • an animated corporateoverview videois a concise and engaging video that uses animation to showcase a company's story, products, services, and values. it's a powerful tool for quickly and effectively communicating key information to a target audience. applications: website landing pages, investor presentations, sales pitches, social media, onboarding materials. format: typically short, ranging from 1-3 minutes. style: can vary from simple 2d animation to complex 3d visuals, depending on the brand and message. purpose: to educate, inform, and generate interest in the company.
  • creating an animatedcorporate overviewvideo: where to start?

  • starting an animated corporateoverview videocan feel overwhelming. the key is to break down the process into manageable steps. define your target audience: who are you trying to reach with this video? establish clear objectives: what do you want viewers to take away from the video? develop a compelling narrative: what story will best convey your company's message? choose an animation style: what visual approach aligns with your brand and resonates with your audience? find a skilled animation team: look for professionals with experience in creating corporate videos.
  • animated corporateoverview videoingredients

  • a successful animated corporateoverview videocombines several key ingredients to create a compelling and informative experience. clear and concise messaging: focus on the most important information about your company. engaging visuals: use animation to bring your story to life and capture viewers' attention. professional voiceover: a strong voiceover adds credibility and guides the viewer through the narrative. background music and sound effects: enhance the emotional impact and create a more immersive experience. call to action: encourage viewers to take the next step, such as visiting your website or contacting your team.
  • animated corporateoverview videogoals and objectives

  • before diving into production, it's crucial to define the specific goals and objectives you want your animated corporateoverview videoto achieve. increase brand awareness: introduce your company to a wider audience and establish a memorable brand identity. generate leads and drive sales: showcase your products or services in a compelling way that encourages viewers to learn more. attract investors and secure funding: present a clear and concise overview of your business plan and growth potential. improve employee onboarding and training: use animation to explain complex concepts and engage employees in a more interactive way.
  • motion graphics in animatedcorporate overviewvideo

  • motion graphics play a vital role in creating visually engaging and informative animatedcorporate overviewvideos. data visualization: transform complex data into easily digestible visuals, such as charts, graphs, and infographics. kinetic typography: bring text to life with dynamic animations that emphasize key messages and create visual interest. iconography and illustrations: use simple and memorable visuals to represent your company's products, services, and values. transitions and effects: create a seamless flow between scenes and add visual flair to keep viewers engaged.
  • using storytelling in an animatedcorporate overviewvideo

  • storytelling is a powerful tool for connecting with viewers on an emotional level and making your message more memorable. create a relatable protagonist: introduce a character that represents your target audience and their needs. establish a clear conflict and resolution: highlight a problem that your company solves and showcase how your products or services provide a solution. use emotional cues: incorporate music, visuals, and voiceover to evoke specific emotions and create a lasting impact. focus on the benefits, not just features: explain how your company improves the lives of your customers or clients.
  • best practices for animatedcorporate overviewvideo

  • creating an effective animated corporateoverview videorequires careful planning and attention to detail. keep it concise: respect your viewers' time and deliver your message in a clear and concise manner. focus on the visuals: use animation to its full potential to create a visually engaging and memorable experience. choose the right music and sound effects: enhance the emotional impact and create a more immersive experience. test and refine: gather feedback from your target audience and make adjustments to ensure your video is effective.
  • what makes an animated corporateoverview videoeffective?

  • an effective animated corporateoverview videogoes beyond simply presenting information; it tells a story, evokes emotions, and leaves a lasting impression. clarity: the message is clear, concise, and easily understood by the target audience. engagement: the visuals are captivating, the narrative is compelling, and the overall experience is enjoyable. memorability: the key takeaways are presented in a way that sticks with viewers long after the video ends. call to action: the video inspires viewers to take the next step, whether it's visiting a website, making a purchase, or contacting the company.
  • connecting your brand and animatedcorporate overviewvideo

  • your animated corporateoverview videoshould be a seamless extension of your brand identity. visual consistency: use colors, fonts, and imagery that align with your brand guidelines. tone of voice: ensure the voiceover and script reflect your brand's personality and values. messaging: reinforce your brand promise and key differentiators throughout the video. target audience: tailor the content and style to resonate with your specific target audience.
  • example: how dropbox benefited from an animated explainer video

  • dropbox, a file hosting service, utilized a simple yet effectiveanimated explainervideo to showcase its product's functionality and benefits. the video, featuring a charming and relatable animation style, clearly explained how dropbox simplifies file sharing and collaboration. this approach resonated with viewers, leading to increasedbrand awarenessand user adoption. dropbox's success story demonstrates how a well-crafted animated video can effectively communicate complex concepts and drive business growth.


    Harnessing the Power of Animated Storytelling

    The dynamic landscape of modern business demands innovative approaches to communication. Traditional methods often fall short in capturing attention and conveying complex information effectively. This is where animated corporate overview videos emerge as a transformative tool, offering a compelling solution to bridge the gap between businesses and their audiences.


    The need for impactful communication is paramount, especially in today's competitive environment. Businesses face the challenge of conveying their value proposition, mission, and vision in a way that resonates with stakeholders. Static presentations and text-heavy documents often fail to engage viewers, leading to a disconnect and missed opportunities. Animated corporate overview videos address this challenge by presenting information in a visually captivating and easily digestible format.


    Animated videos possess an inherent ability to captivate audiences. The combination of visuals, motion, and sound creates a multi-sensory experience that draws viewers in and holds their attention. This heightened engagement translates into better information retention and a deeper understanding of the message being conveyed.


    Animated corporate overview videos offer remarkable versatility, catering to a wide range of applications. They can be used to introduce a company's brand, showcase products or services, explain complex processes, or highlight company culture. Whether used on a website, social media platforms, or during presentations, these videos provide a consistent and impactful communication tool.

    brand identity

    Animated videos play a crucial role in shaping and reinforcing brand identity. Through carefully crafted visuals and storytelling, businesses can convey their unique personality, values, and positioning. Consistent use of brand elements, such as logos, colors, and fonts, further strengthens brand recognition and recall.


    Storytelling lies at the heart of effective communication. Animated videos provide a powerful platform to tell compelling stories that resonate with audiences on an emotional level. By weaving together narratives, characters, and visuals, businesses can create memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression.


    Complex ideas and data can be challenging to communicate effectively. Animated videos excel at simplifying complex information, making it accessible and understandable to a wider audience. Visual representations, such as charts, graphs, and diagrams, aid in comprehension and retention.

    Global Reach

    In today's interconnected world, businesses often operate on a global scale. Animated videos transcend language barriers, making them an ideal tool for reaching international audiences. With the ability to easily add subtitles or voiceovers in multiple languages, businesses can effectively communicate their message across borders.


    While creating high-quality animated videos requires an initial investment, they offer long-term cost-effectiveness. Once produced, these videos can be used repeatedly across various platforms and marketing channels, maximizing their return on investment.

    Measurable Results

    The impact of animated corporate overview videos can be measured through various metrics, such as views, engagement rates, and conversion rates. This data provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of the video and allows businesses to refine their communication strategies accordingly.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!