Video Creation Service

30 User-centric App Onboarding Video Examples For Improved Adoption

Last updated
Jun. 24, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of mobile applications, user onboarding plays a pivotal role in determining an app's success. A seamless and engaging onboarding experience can significantly impact user adoption, retention, and overall satisfaction. However, many apps struggle to effectively guide users through their initial interactions, leading to confusion, frustration, and ultimately, abandonment.

The challenge lies in conveying complex functionalities and value propositions in a way that is both informative and engaging. Traditional onboarding methods, such as static tutorials or lengthy text instructions, often fail to capture users' attention and leave them feeling overwhelmed. This is where the power of video comes into play.

App onboarding videos offer a dynamic and visually compelling medium to educate and engage users. By leveraging the combination of visuals, audio, and motion, videos can effectively demonstrate app features, highlight key benefits, and create an emotional connection with users. For instance, a fitness app could utilize an onboarding video to showcase its workout tracking capabilities, personalized training plans, and community features, inspiring users to embark on their fitness journey.

The versatility of app onboarding videos extends across various industries and use cases. In the realm of finance, an investment app could employ a video to explain complex financial concepts, such as portfolio diversification or risk management, in a clear and concise manner. Similarly, an e-commerce app could utilize a video to guide users through the shopping process, from browsing products to completing a purchase, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience.

With the increasing demand for user-centric app experiences, onboarding videos have become an indispensable tool for driving adoption and maximizing app success. By harnessing the power of video, app developers and marketers can effectively engage users, simplify complex processes, and ultimately, foster a loyal user base. Let's dive in and explore 30 inspiring examples of user-centric app onboarding videos that have successfully improved adoption rates.


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Key Takeaways

  • app onboarding Video: A Comprehensive Guide
  • # What is an App Onboarding Video?

  • An app onboarding video is a short, engaging video that introduces new users to your app. It showcases the app's key features, benefits, and user interface, guiding users on how to navigate and utilize the app effectively. These videos are typically integrated into the app's initial setup process or readily accessible within the app's help section. Where and How are App Onboarding Videos Used? Welcome screens: Greet new users with a captivating video highlighting the app's value proposition. Interactive tutorials: Guide users through specific features or functionalities using step-by-step video demonstrations. Help sections: Provide on-demand video support for users seeking assistance with specific aspects of the app. Marketing materials: Showcase the app's capabilities and user experience in promotional videos and app store listings.
  • # Creating an App Onboarding Video: Where to Start?

  • Before diving into production, a well-defined strategy is crucial. Identify your target audience: Understand their needs, expectations, and potential pain points. Define your key message: What is the core value proposition you want to convey? Choose a video style: animated explainer, live-action demonstration, or a hybrid approach? Outline the script: Structure the video's narrative, highlighting key features and benefits. Select the right tools: Choose video editing software, screen recording tools, and animation platforms.
  • # App Onboarding Video Ingredients

  • A compelling onboarding video combines several key elements: Clarity: Concisely explain the app's purpose and functionality. Visual appeal: Use high-quality visuals, animations, and graphics to engage viewers. Conciseness: Keep the video short and focused, ideally under 2 minutes. Call to action: Encourage users to explore the app and its features. Accessibility: Ensure the video is accessible to all users, including captions and alternative formats.
  • # App Onboarding Video Goals and Objectives

  • The primary goals of an app onboarding video are: Increase user engagement: Encourage users to actively explore and utilize the app's features. Reduce churn rate: Minimize user abandonment by providing clear guidance and support. Improve user satisfaction: Enhance the overall user experience by simplifying the learning curve. boost conversions: Drive desired user actions, such as sign-ups, subscriptions, or in-app purchases.
  • # motion graphics in App Onboarding Video

  • Motion graphics play a vital role in enhancing the visual appeal and clarity of onboarding videos. Illustrate complex concepts: Simplify intricate functionalities through animated visuals. Highlight key features: Draw attention to specific elements of the app's interface. Create a dynamic experience: Engage viewers with visually stimulating animations and transitions. Maintain brand consistency: Utilize motion graphics that align with the app's overall design aesthetic.
  • # Using Storytelling in an App Onboarding Video

  • Storytelling can transform a mundane tutorial into a captivating experience. Connect with users emotionally: Craft a narrative that resonates with their needs and aspirations. Showcase real-life scenarios: Demonstrate how the app solves problems or enhances daily life. Create memorable characters: Introduce relatable personas that guide users through the app's features. Evoke positive emotions: Leave viewers feeling empowered and excited to use the app.
  • # Best Practices for App Onboarding Video

  • Keep it concise and focused: Avoid overwhelming users with excessive information. Use high-quality visuals and audio: Ensure a professional and engaging viewing experience. Optimize for mobile viewing: Design the video for optimal viewing on various screen sizes. Test and iterate: Gather user feedback and refine the video based on their responses.
  • # What Makes an App Onboarding Video Effective?

  • An effective onboarding video seamlessly blends information and engagement. Clear and concise messaging: Users understand the app's purpose and value proposition. Visually appealing and engaging: The video captures attention and maintains interest. User-centric approach: The content addresses users' needs and pain points. Measurable results: The video contributes to increased engagement and reduced churn.
  • # Connecting Your Brand and App Onboarding Video

  • The onboarding video should be an extension of your brand identity. Maintain visual consistency: Use brand colors, fonts, and imagery throughout the video. Reflect brand personality: Infuse the video with the tone and style that defines your brand. Reinforce brand values: Showcase how the app aligns with your company's mission and vision. Example: Slack, a popular team communication platform, effectively utilizes onboarding videos to introduce new users to its features. Their videos are concise, visually engaging, and highlight the platform's key benefits, such as streamlined communication and improved team collaboration. This approach has contributed to Slack's widespread adoption and user satisfaction.
  • app onboarding Video: A Comprehensive Guide
  • What is an App Onboarding Video?

  • An app onboarding video is a short, engaging video that introduces new users to your app. It showcases the app's key features, benefits, and user interface, guiding users on how to navigate and utilize the app effectively. These videos are typically integrated into the app's initial setup process or readily accessible within the app's help section. Where and How are App Onboarding Videos Used? Welcome screens: Greet new users with a captivating video highlighting the app's value proposition. Interactive tutorials: Guide users through specific features or functionalities using step-by-step video demonstrations. Help sections: Provide on-demand video support for users seeking assistance with specific aspects of the app. Marketing materials: Showcase the app's capabilities and user experience in promotional videos and app store listings.
  • Creating an App Onboarding Video: Where to Start?

  • Before diving into production, a well-defined strategy is crucial. Identify your target audience: Understand their needs, expectations, and potential pain points. Define your key message: What is the core value proposition you want to convey? Choose a video style: animated explainer, live-action demonstration, or a hybrid approach? Outline the script: Structure the video's narrative, highlighting key features and benefits. Select the right tools: Choose video editing software, screen recording tools, and animation platforms.
  • App Onboarding Video Ingredients

  • A compelling onboarding video combines several key elements: Clarity: Concisely explain the app's purpose and functionality. Visual appeal: Use high-quality visuals, animations, and graphics to engage viewers. Conciseness: Keep the video short and focused, ideally under 2 minutes. Call to action: Encourage users to explore the app and its features. Accessibility: Ensure the video is accessible to all users, including captions and alternative formats.
  • App Onboarding Video Goals and Objectives

  • The primary goals of an app onboarding video are: Increase user engagement: Encourage users to actively explore and utilize the app's features. Reduce churn rate: Minimize user abandonment by providing clear guidance and support. Improve user satisfaction: Enhance the overall user experience by simplifying the learning curve. boost conversions: Drive desired user actions, such as sign-ups, subscriptions, or in-app purchases.
  • motion graphics in App Onboarding Video

  • Motion graphics play a vital role in enhancing the visual appeal and clarity of onboarding videos. Illustrate complex concepts: Simplify intricate functionalities through animated visuals. Highlight key features: Draw attention to specific elements of the app's interface. Create a dynamic experience: Engage viewers with visually stimulating animations and transitions. Maintain brand consistency: Utilize motion graphics that align with the app's overall design aesthetic.
  • Using Storytelling in an App Onboarding Video

  • Storytelling can transform a mundane tutorial into a captivating experience. Connect with users emotionally: Craft a narrative that resonates with their needs and aspirations. Showcase real-life scenarios: Demonstrate how the app solves problems or enhances daily life. Create memorable characters: Introduce relatable personas that guide users through the app's features. Evoke positive emotions: Leave viewers feeling empowered and excited to use the app.
  • Best Practices for App Onboarding Video

  • Keep it concise and focused: Avoid overwhelming users with excessive information. Use high-quality visuals and audio: Ensure a professional and engaging viewing experience. Optimize for mobile viewing: Design the video for optimal viewing on various screen sizes. Test and iterate: Gather user feedback and refine the video based on their responses.
  • What Makes an App Onboarding Video Effective?

  • An effective onboarding video seamlessly blends information and engagement. Clear and concise messaging: Users understand the app's purpose and value proposition. Visually appealing and engaging: The video captures attention and maintains interest. User-centric approach: The content addresses users' needs and pain points. Measurable results: The video contributes to increased engagement and reduced churn.
  • Connecting Your Brand and App Onboarding Video

  • The onboarding video should be an extension of your brand identity. Maintain visual consistency: Use brand colors, fonts, and imagery throughout the video. Reflect brand personality: Infuse the video with the tone and style that defines your brand. Reinforce brand values: Showcase how the app aligns with your company's mission and vision. Example: Slack, a popular team communication platform, effectively utilizes onboarding videos to introduce new users to its features. Their videos are concise, visually engaging, and highlight the platform's key benefits, such as streamlined communication and improved team collaboration. This approach has contributed to Slack's widespread adoption and user satisfaction.


    Mastering user onboarding with Video

    The digital landscape thrives on user engagement, and effective onboarding is the cornerstone of building a loyal user base. App onboarding videos have emerged as a powerful tool to guide users, enhance their experience, and ultimately drive adoption. By showcasing the app's value proposition and core functionalities in a visually engaging format, these videos bridge the gap between initial download and active usage.


    Modern users have high expectations and limited attention spans. They seek intuitive interfaces and instant gratification. A well-crafted onboarding video addresses these needs by providing a concise, informative, and visually appealing introduction to the app. This is particularly crucial for apps with complex features or unique workflows, where users might otherwise feel overwhelmed or lost.


    Creating effective onboarding videos requires a deep understanding of user psychology and behavior. The challenge lies in striking the right balance between providing essential information and keeping the video engaging. Overloading users with excessive details can lead to disengagement, while failing to convey key functionalities can leave them confused.


    Onboarding videos find application across a wide spectrum of apps, from productivity tools to social media platforms. For instance, a financial management app can use a video to demonstrate how to link bank accounts and track expenses, while a language learning app can showcase its interactive lessons and gamified learning experience.


    Video content is inherently more engaging than static text or images. By incorporating animation, screen recordings, and voiceovers, onboarding videos capture user attention and enhance information retention. This is especially effective for demonstrating complex processes or highlighting subtle features that might be overlooked in a text-based tutorial.


    Onboarding videos can be tailored to specific user segments or demographics, providing a more personalized experience. For example, a fitness app can offer different onboarding videos for beginners and advanced users, catering to their individual needs and goals.


    Videos can be made accessible to users with disabilities by incorporating features such as closed captions and audio descriptions. This ensures that everyone can benefit from the onboarding experience, regardless of their abilities.


    The effectiveness of onboarding videos can be measured through analytics, providing valuable insights into user behavior and engagement. Metrics such as video completion rates and drop-off points help identify areas for improvement and optimize the onboarding process.


    Onboarding videos should not be static; they should evolve alongside the app. As new features are added or user feedback is gathered, the videos can be updated to reflect these changes and ensure they remain relevant and effective.


    Investing in high-quality onboarding videos demonstrates a commitment to user experience and can significantly impact app adoption and retention rates. By providing users with a clear, engaging, and informative introduction, these videos set the stage for a positive and lasting relationship with the app.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!