Video Creation Service

30 Animated Business Videos To Boost Brand Awareness

Orko Roy
Last updated
Sep. 04, 2024

Today's digital landscape demands innovative approaches to capture attention and foster meaningful connections with your audience. Animated business videos have emerged as a powerful tool to achieve these goals, offering a dynamic and engaging way to communicate your brand story and value proposition.

By leveraging the power of animation, businesses can elevate their brand awareness, foster deeper engagement, and ultimately drive tangible results. Let's dive in.

1. Aqua Security

Aqua Security is a cloud native security solution provider. This video is designed to showcase the speed and agility of cloud native development and the importance of security in this fast paced environment.

Video Design -
This Animated Business Advertising Video features a modern and futuristic visual style, with bold neon colors and dynamic geometric shapes. This style is common in tech and security related video marketing. The use of geometric shapes, lines, and neon colors add a sense of speed and movement, aligning with the fast-paced nature of cloud native development.

The video uses a combination of 3D animation and motion graphics to create a visually engaging experience, highlighting the agility and freedom that cloud native development provides. The use of a dark background with bright neon colors creates a striking visual contrast, drawing the viewer's attention to the key message of the video. The video is designed to convey a sense of dynamism and progress, effectively communicating the company's ability to keep up with the speed of cloud native development while prioritizing security. The visuals highlight the company's ability to adapt to the evolving landscape of cloud native development, creating a sense of trust and confidence in their capabilities. The message of security as a key to freedom in the cloud native environment is effectively conveyed through the use of dynamic and engaging visuals.

2. Advanta

Advanta is a company that helps organizations achieve digital transformation. The video is designed to highlight how Advanta works with clients to overcome challenges and reach their goals.

Video Design - Advanta utilizes a modern and sleek visual style for their video. The video is an Animated Business Explainer Video and uses a clean, minimalist design with sharp lines and high-quality graphics. A color palette of blue, green and white is used throughout the video. The use of black and white visuals in each scene helps to emphasize the message.

The use of clean, crisp visuals combined with the narrative of the video drives home the message that Advanta can help make big dreams come true. The video has a positive tone and the graphics have a strong visual appeal which helps engage the viewer and showcases the company as a trustworthy expert in digital transformation.

3. MSD Careers

MSD Careers is a company focused on creating medical innovations and the video is designed to showcase their Regulatory Affairs team, which plays a vital role in ensuring compliance, safety, and effectiveness of their products.

Video Design - The video incorporates an Animated Business Infographic Video style, featuring dynamic graphics that symbolize the speed and efficiency of modern financial transactions. Colorful shapes and icons, along with a minimalistic design approach, create a modern and engaging visual experience. The video uses a bright, vibrant color palette, enhancing the energetic and fast-paced narrative. The quality of the graphics is exceptional, highlighting the seamlessness and fluidity of the process of money moving across the globe.

The video's visual style effectively communicates its objective, showcasing the speed and efficiency of modern financial transactions. The use of vibrant colors and fast-paced animations creates a dynamic and energetic atmosphere, while the simplified and modern graphic design emphasizes the digital nature of the subject. The video's overall tone is positive and optimistic, promoting the idea of a future where money moves freely and seamlessly. The clear and concise graphics reinforce the key message of the video, providing a powerful visual representation of the power of modern financial technology.

4. GE

GE is a global energy leader that aims to contribute to a decarbonized energy future, focusing on lower-carbon solutions like gas power supported by renewable energy. This video is designed to demonstrate the need for a balanced approach to reach a zero-emission future.

Video Design - The video uses a vibrant color palette, bright and eye-catching, with a combination of geometric shapes, lines, and textures. It's a good example of an Animated Business Video, and the visuals create a strong impression, showcasing a bold, confident, and modern GE brand. It uses a variety of animated graphics like wind turbines, solar panels, and power plants to clearly illustrate the challenges and solutions in achieving zero emissions, while creating a positive, upbeat tone.

The video's design effectively communicates the urgent need for a rapid transition to a lower-carbon future, emphasizing the role GE plays in providing solutions for the energy sector. It highlights the company's commitment to the environment and its belief in the potential of gas power as a key component of a clean energy system. Overall, the video successfully showcases GE's vision, and commitment to sustainable energy solutions, inspiring confidence in their ability to contribute to a greener future.

5. U

Integrated Marketing Solutions (U) aims to help businesses connect with their customers by leveraging personalized communication across multiple media channels. The video is designed to showcase how (U) can overcome the challenges of marketing automation, ultimately allowing brands to deliver personalized messages and achieve greater engagement.

Video Design - The video employs a clean and minimalist design style. It uses simple line illustrations, a vibrant color palette, and dynamic transitions to highlight the idea of connecting and building relationships. It is a classic example of an Animated Business Introduction Video. The key visual elements, such as the phone screen, show the power of using technology to create personalized experiences. These elements are presented in a clear and concise manner, making the video engaging for a wide audience.

The video design effectively communicates the objective of reaching and engaging with customers through personalized marketing solutions. The use of a modern and minimalist aesthetic reflects the brand's focus on technology and innovation. The overall tone of the video is optimistic and confident, reflecting the company's belief in the power of personalized communication.

6. ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil is focused on helping improve energy access in communities around the world. This particular video is designed to showcase the impact of energy, and how it can transform lives.

Video Design - The video starts with a simple animated graphic design, which is effective at conveying the importance of energy access. The use of vibrant colors, simple shapes, and a minimal design style creates a sleek and modern look. The video seamlessly transitions into a more intricate design using the animation of the earth to demonstrate how energy is impactful on a global scale. The style of the video is reminiscent of an Animated Business Launch Video, designed to appeal to a broad audience.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates its message of the importance of energy access. It is a great example of how simple animation can be used to tell a compelling story. The choice of a bright color palette and a minimal design, with a focus on simple, dynamic graphics, helps to create a positive and engaging tone. The video reinforces the importance of energy access and how this particular company is committed to making it a reality.

7. Geely

Geely is a company that focuses on the women that make their company special. This video is designed to show the role of women in Geely and how they are empowering women.

Video Design - The video has a very clean and modern design. It uses bright colors, simple shapes, and animated graphics to create a vibrant and engaging "Animated Business Marketing Video". The video is split into different sections, each with its own unique style, and showcasing various scenarios. Each section shows the role of women in the company, in a very vibrant and energetic way, with the graphics highlighting the women, showcasing their achievements. The video features the Geely brand prominently.

The vibrant design and graphics of the video effectively communicate the message of empowerment and success. The use of bright colors, playful graphics and the diverse portrayal of women create a positive and uplifting tone, making the video engaging, positive, and inspiring.

8. CorVel

CorVel is a company that develops groundbreaking technology. This video is designed to showcase the company's commitment to innovation and its role in addressing industry challenges.

Video Design -
The video is a good example of an Animated Business Overview Video. It uses bright and bold color palettes, with blue being the dominant color. The animation style uses flat design, which is simple, modern, and easy to understand. The animation is smooth and engaging. A variety of icons and graphics are used to highlight concepts like innovation and collaboration. The video's design style is clean and minimalist, emphasizing the company's focus on efficiency and technology.

The video effectively communicates the objective of CorVel, which is to empower faster, more accurate risk management for its partners. The animation style, combined with the use of icons and graphics, helps to convey the message in a clear and engaging way. The tone of the video is optimistic and confident, reflecting the company's leadership position in the industry. The use of vibrant colors and smooth animation helps to create a positive and trustworthy impression on viewers.


ENEL is a company that makes renewable energy. This video is designed to help people understand how renewable energy certificates work.

Video Design - The video uses a simple, clean design to explain the concept of renewable energy certificates. The video uses a mix of simple animations and text to show the flow of energy from wind turbines and solar farms to businesses and homes. It is an Animated Business Video that helps explain a complicated topic to a broad audience. It uses bold text and clear visuals to emphasize important points.

The clean design style, coupled with the simple animated video elements and bold text emphasizes the core message of the video. The graphic style is very clean, simple, and easy to understand. The tone of the video is informative, positive, and engaging. The video explains the importance of renewable energy certificates in a concise and easy-to-understand manner, encouraging viewers to consider the benefits of renewable energy.

10. Noonday Collection

Noonday Collection is a marketplace for Artisans around the world. The video is designed to introduce viewers to the Noonday Collection community, where they can make an income with an impact.

Video Design - The Noonday Collection video is an Animated Business Video that uses a minimalist graphic style. Simple character illustrations with a flat design aesthetic are placed against a light pastel background. The character animations are minimal and repetitive, creating a playful and lighthearted tone that is very engaging. The video is designed with a strong emphasis on storytelling and building brand awareness.

The video visual style effectively communicates Noonday Collection's objective to attract new ambassadors to the community. The video features uplifting imagery, conveying the positive impact and the joy that comes with joining the Noonday community. The use of simple and colorful graphics reflects the company's mission to create a flourishing world, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. The video encourages viewers to join the community by building an appealing visual narrative, setting the stage for a positive and fulfilling experience.

11. MCL

MCL specializes in crafting engaging and effective stories through video, animation, and creative technology, for marketing and communication clients. The video is designed to highlight the company's dedication to creating homemade food.

Video Design - The video is presented in a bright, cheerful, and stylized Animated Business Video. The use of bold colors, simple graphics, and a minimalist design, emphasizes the key elements of the brand.

The visual design of the video efficiently communicates the company's commitment to providing delicious homemade food, showcasing the food's quality and making it visually appealing. The video's whimsical tone, achieved through animation, connects with viewers and emphasizes the enjoyment of MCL's food.

12. FSGImpact

FSGImpact is a company that helps tackle complex social challenges. This video is designed to illustrate how Collective Impact works and why it's an effective approach to social change.

Video Design - This animated video uses vibrant colors and engaging graphics to explain the complex idea of Collective Impact. The viewer's attention is captured through the use of simple geometric shapes that transform and animate to depict various steps of collaboration. The video highlights the common challenges that organizations face when attempting to address social problems. The use of bright colors, smooth animations, and clear visual elements creates a very engaging Animated Business Video.

The visual style of the video is simple yet effective. The use of colorful icons, simple animations, and bold text helps to communicate the objective of the video which is to explain the concept of Collective Impact in an easy to understand manner. The use of the color green is synonymous with nature, growth, and progress. It is also a calming color that promotes trust. FSGImpact uses this visual style to drive the video goal and communicate its approach to social change. The overall tone of the video is optimistic and encouraging, inspiring viewers to find solutions to complex problems through collaboration.

13. COTI

COTI, Currency of the Internet, is a payment transaction network that uses a native digital currency. This video is designed to showcase COTI's unique approach to payments, combining traditional payment methods with the benefits of distributed ledger technology.

Video Design - The video uses a vibrant, playful design style with bright colors, flat graphics and geometric shapes. The use of an Animated Business Video effectively illustrates the evolution of the traditional financial system and how COTI can be a better solution. This visual approach makes it easy for the viewer to understand the concept, while the animated elements and visuals create a dynamic and engaging viewing experience.

The video's vibrant and colorful visual style reflects COTI's innovative approach and its goal to revolutionize the payments industry. The video uses a lighthearted and optimistic tone, signaling that COTI is confident about its solutions. The animated visuals make it clear that COTI is a modern, forward-thinking company, paving the way for a more efficient and reliable payment system.

14. BDO

BDO is an accounting firm that wants to create a more innovative, sustainable, and diverse business.

Video Design - The video uses high quality graphics and stunning visuals to bring a story of innovation, growth, and possibilities. The Animated Business Video uses a dark background, bold white text and bright color visuals to convey the message. The video takes viewers on a journey with bright lights, geometric shapes, and vibrant imagery to visually communicate BDO's values.

The visual style is designed to portray a sense of ambition and progress. The use of captivating visuals, like a space with twinkling stars, an eye with color shifting pupils, an aurora borealis, and a gymnast bending into a backflip, is meant to reflect a forward-thinking company that is committed to growth, and transformation. BDO's goal is to inspire a sense of possibility and excitement. The tone of the video is aspirational, and optimistic.

15. FGV

FGV is a company focused on agriculture. The video is designed to showcase Fgv's role as a leading company in agriculture.

Video Design - The video is an Animated Business Storytelling Video with a style that is bold, vibrant, and playful. The use of flat colors and simple shapes, coupled with a straightforward narration, gives the video a clean and modern look. The video uses a bright color palette, including green, blue, yellow, red, and brown, to capture the viewer's attention and showcase the vibrant nature of palm oil production. The video features various animations and graphics, including a plant growing from a seed, a light bulb illuminating, and a tractor driving through a palm oil plantation, all of which emphasize the growth and development associated with Fgv.

The use of bright colors and dynamic animations is meant to evoke a sense of excitement and opportunity, highlighting the diverse and important role FGV plays in the global economy, ultimately communicating Fgv's mission of bringing essential products to the world.

16. Litum

Litum is a company that provides real-time location tracking solutions. The goal of the video is to introduce the brand to the viewers and highlight the company's mission. The video is designed to communicate that Litum has been a leader in the market for years and is looking forward to shaping the future of business.

Video Design - The video employs a clean and colorful animated design style. The use of vibrant colors, simple shapes and playful animations evokes a sense of fun and energy. The space-themed backdrop and the rocket launch sequence add an element of excitement and ambition. This makes for an engaging Animated Business Video, that effectively conveys the brand's forward-thinking and dynamic nature.

The animation, graphic elements and playful tone used in the video effectively convey the message of innovation and growth that is central to Litum's business. The video is able to highlight the benefits of real-time location tracking solutions in a way that is both informative and engaging.

17. Quantiphi

Quantiphi is a company that solves business problems using artificial intelligence, data solutions, and cloud practices. This video is designed to introduce Quantiphi and highlight the company's mission to solve what matters most to its clients.

Video Design - The video features a modern animated style that uses various geometric shapes to represent the complex challenges that Quantiphi solves. The video incorporates a mix of blues, greens, and whites, which create a dynamic and engaging visual experience. These vibrant colors and bold graphic design elements make it a good Animated Business Video. The overall tone of the video is energetic and confident.

The video uses animated graphics to demonstrate the way Quantiphi tackles complex challenges. The use of geometric shapes, in particular the Rubik's cube, symbolizes the company's ability to break down problems and find solutions. The dynamic nature of the video, along with the clear and concise messaging, effectively communicates Quantiphi's value proposition.

18. Process Street

Process Street makes it easy to create workflow processes that get completed correctly and on time. The video is designed to demonstrate how Process Street simplifies complex tasks, from simple checklists to multi-departmental workflows.

Video Design -
Process Street emphasizes simplicity and clarity in the video. The UI is clean, visually appealing, and user-friendly. The video uses minimal animations and graphics, focusing on showcasing how the software can be used in real-world scenarios. Vibrant colors draw attention to key features, while a clean white backdrop enhances the overall visibility and professionalism of the Business Advertising Video.

The video effectively portrays the value of Process Street by showcasing its ability to manage various workflows, seamlessly integrating with existing tools, and streamlining collaboration for a more efficient and enjoyable work experience. The video highlights the company's focus on user-friendliness and its ability to save time and resources. The use of various visuals and scenarios demonstrates how Process Street can benefit individuals and teams across diverse industries. The video's cheerful tone and positive message create a sense of trust and optimism for the viewer, making it a successful Business Advertising Video.

19. Tyson

Tyson is committed to protecting water and communities. The video is designed to explain how Tyson aims to achieve its water stewardship goals using contextual water targets.

Video Design -
This Business Advertising Production video is visually engaging and uses a combination of illustrative graphics and text. Simple, line drawings depict farm scenes, a map of the US, and people talking about water stewardship. The clean design and simple graphics reinforce Tyson's message about sustainability.

The video's simple visuals help to communicate the message of water conservation. The use of clean, crisp graphics helps create a professional, trustworthy tone, and reinforces the idea of responsibility. The video is clear and concise, conveying the importance of water to Tyson's facilities.

20. Mavenir

Mavenir is building the future of networks. The video is designed to showcase Mavenir's capabilities and how the company is transforming the way Department of Defense connects worldwide.

Video Design - This Animated Business Video features vibrant graphics, modern font styles, and engaging visual effects. The video emphasizes a clean and minimal design aesthetic. Using high-tech visuals, the video highlights Mavenir's focus on cloud-native 5G technology. This visual design contributes towards building a high-tech brand image.

The video leverages dynamic graphics, showcasing a futuristic world map connected by lines, representing a global network. The sleek and modern graphics demonstrate Mavenir's innovative approach. The design of the video, with its vibrant colors and intricate details, creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for the viewer, driving home the message of a cutting-edge network solution.

21. Boyd

Boyd is the world's leading innovator in sustainable engineered material and thermal solutions. The video is designed to highlight Boyd's experience and expertise in creating solutions for critical applications, from space exploration to everyday technology.

Video Design - The video uses a combination of sleek, modern graphics and real-world footage to illustrate Boyd's expertise in thermal solutions. The graphics are clean and minimal, with a focus on showcasing the company's innovative technologies. The video's fast-paced nature creates a sense of dynamism and innovation, highlighting the company's forward-thinking approach. This "Animated Business Video" successfully communicates Boyd's ability to create high-quality, reliable products that perform in challenging environments.

The video's visual style effectively conveys the company's commitment to innovation, reliability, and sustainable solutions. The use of sophisticated animations and high-quality visuals creates a sense of confidence and trust. The tone is professional, with a focus on technical excellence and innovative problem-solving. The video highlights how Boyd's technologies make their customers’ products better, safer, faster, and more reliable. This results in a compelling and engaging video that leaves a lasting impression on the viewer.

22. Sanofi

Sanofi is a company dedicated to developing innovative treatments for rare diseases. This video is designed to create awareness for Sanofi and their focus on rare diseases, highlighting the significant impact of these diseases on patients and society.

Video Design - The video utilizes a minimalist, graphic design style, characterized by bold typography, geometric shapes, and a limited color palette. This simple and clean design approach focuses on the message, creating a Business Awareness Campaign Video that resonates with the target audience. The video features bold and colorful text animation, creating a visual emphasis on important information, while the use of simple graphic elements, such as search bars, calendars, and medical symbols, effectively illustrate the narrative.

The video visual style and narrative create a tone that is both informative and empathetic, highlighting the challenges faced by patients with rare diseases. The use of bold typography and graphic elements effectively conveys the message of the video, which is to encourage individuals to seek medical advice if they experience prolonged and unusual symptoms. The animated elements, such as the search bar and calendar, help to engage the viewer and create a visual story that is both accessible and relevant.

23. ManageEngine

ManageEngine is a company that provides IT management solutions. This video is designed to remind viewers of the importance of data backup and recovery.

Video Design - The video features a bright, colorful, and visually engaging style, using bold graphics and minimal text. The animation style is light and fun, with smooth transitions. The use of vibrant colors like blue, pink and green helps to create a dynamic and memorable visual experience. The simple design and clean aesthetic of the animation makes it a good Business Awareness Commercial Video that emphasizes the value proposition of the product.

The video's upbeat tone, use of graphics, and engaging narrative effectively communicate the message that data loss can be a serious problem, but it can be prevented with robust backup solutions. The animation illustrates the importance of data protection in a way that is both informative and entertaining, capturing viewers' attention and leaving a lasting impression.

24. Mastercard

Mastercard is a technology company that connects people, businesses and governments in the global payments industry. The video is designed to demonstrate how Mastercard's products and innovations benefit consumers.

Video Design - The video is a Business Awareness Communication Video that utilizes vibrant, stylized graphics and a clean minimal aesthetic. Bold, flat colors and geometric shapes create a striking visual experience, making the content easily digestible. The use of animations like moving characters and shifting screens engages the viewer and illustrates the seamless nature of Mastercard's payment solutions. The use of simple illustrations ensures that the video is approachable for a global audience.

The video's clean, modern style and animation choices establish a positive and trustworthy tone. The use of graphic illustrations allows the narrative to move quickly, making it engaging and easy to understand. Mastercard's commitment to innovation is highlighted through visual elements like the modern kitchen setting and the smartphone application interfaces. The visuals clearly communicate the core value of Mastercard's products - simplifying global commerce and providing easy access to payment solutions.

25. Justice

Justice provides information on societies recovering from conflict. The video is designed to promote the platform and its services for a global audience.

Video Design - The video features a stark, minimalist visual style, using black silhouettes on a light gray background. These simple elements are combined with graphic details representing violence and conflict. The minimalist style reflects Justice's focus on providing concise, clear information, allowing viewers to focus on the message without distractions. This video is a great example of a Business Awareness Content Video. The animated graphics draw viewers' attention to the critical topic of post-conflict reconciliation, enhancing understanding and engagement.

The video's visual style effectively conveys the seriousness of the topic while maintaining an approachable tone. The minimalist design reflects Justice's commitment to providing clear and accessible information on complex issues, fostering trust and understanding amongst its audience. The visual simplicity of the video allows the audience to concentrate on the vital message of reconciliation, encouraging further exploration of the platform and its vast resources.

26. PerkinElmer

PerkinElmer is a science-based company, working to accelerate scientific outcomes. The video is designed to showcase the company's history and innovation.

Video Design - The video is a Business Awareness Explainer Video that features a blend of vintage footage and modern graphics. The old footage highlights the company's historical impact and the role of PerkinElmer in shaping science. Modern graphics are used to showcase the company's current technology and capabilities, such as the modern lab equipment.

The video's style is clean, simple, and easy to follow. The use of archival footage and sleek animations helps to create a compelling narrative, allowing the viewer to understand the company's progress and impact on the scientific community. The tone is positive, inspiring, and aspirational. The graphics are high quality, and the video is well-edited. The video design is powerful in communicating the company's goal, which is to accelerate scientific outcomes. The use of historical footage and modern graphics helps to demonstrate the company's dedication to progress and innovation.

27. National Grid ESO

National Grid ESO is a company focused on data and technology solutions, aiming to provide smart solutions for the electric grid. The video is designed to highlight the future of data management, and its importance in the rapidly changing world of technology, with a focus on data storage needs.

Video Design - The video features a sleek, modern, and animated style. It is a Business Awareness Intro Video which utilizes bright color combinations such as teal, yellow, and white on a dark background, with a futuristic vibe. The use of animated graphics and icons, depicting futuristic vehicles and data transmission, creates an engaging and visually appealing experience. The video is clearly designed to attract a professional audience, with a focus on technology.

The video uses a narrative style that is clear and concise, focusing on the need for innovative data storage solutions as technology evolves. The design of the video incorporates these elements to create a clean and modern look, reflecting the company's commitment to innovation. The bright colors and futuristic imagery establish a sense of progress and efficiency, effectively communicating the video's message to a professional audience.

28. Avast

Avast is a digital security company that aims to make the digital world safer for everyone. This video is designed to communicate that Avast is a company that is part of the global digital world and it is constantly growing to serve a large customer base.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and simple line art style with a white background and subtle color accents, making it a strong example of a Business Awareness Marketing Video. Avast's branding is integrated seamlessly into the video, with the company's logo appearing in the lower right corner. This minimalist design is visually appealing and easy to understand.

The video uses a series of simple, animated illustrations to communicate the growth of Avast. It shows how Avast has grown from a small company to one that serves over 4.6 billion people. These illustrations are well-crafted and engaging. They make the story easy to understand and emphasize the global impact of Avast. The tone of the video is optimistic and encouraging, highlighting the possibilities that exist in a digitally connected world. This encourages viewers to trust Avast as a company that understands the digital landscape and is committed to providing safe and secure experiences for everyone.

29. Firebase

Firebase is a platform for building and scaling mobile and web apps. This video is designed to show the developer community how Firebase can help them achieve their goals.

Video Design - This Business Awareness Messaging Video has a clean and modern design style, featuring a bright color scheme and stylized graphics. The video uses bold visuals, such as the globe and the diverse range of people, to show how Firebase can be used by anyone. Simple animated graphic elements like the animated hand and moving objects are easy on the eye and engage the audience. The quality of the graphics is excellent, creating a professional and appealing feel.

The video uses a warm and inviting tone to show how Firebase can help developers build and scale apps that people rely on. The visual style is engaging and informative, and it effectively communicates the value of Firebase to the target audience. The video encourages the developer community to subscribe to the Firebase channel for updates, and the graphics and design clearly reflect that goal.

30. Digital Marketing Institute

The Digital Marketing Institute video is designed to attract education providers to partner with them and provide digital marketing training to students.

Video Design - This Animated Business Advertising Video utilizes simple but engaging graphics and transitions to present complex ideas in an easy-to-understand manner. Using bright colors for the animated ball and background icons, the video successfully highlights the various challenges faced by education providers in today's digital world. The graphic style allows for clear visual storytelling.

The video's maze metaphor illustrates the complexity of navigating the digital marketing landscape, and the clear visual design drives home the need for the Digital Marketing Institute's help. The visual style reinforces the message with a light and friendly tone, inviting viewers to learn how the Digital Marketing Institute can help them succeed.

31. Excella

Excella works collaboratively to solve clients’ biggest challenges and evolve their thinking to help them prepare for tomorrow. This video is designed to showcase how Excella can help organizations harness the power of technology.

Video Design - The video uses bright and bold colors to highlight the modern and forward-thinking nature of Excella. It uses isometric graphics to represent technology and its role in transforming businesses. This Animated Businesss video illustrates the evolution of technology in a clear and engaging way, making the subject matter easily accessible and relatable.

The video's design effectively communicates the core message of helping organizations navigate the ever-changing landscape of technology, allowing them to confidently embrace the future. It portrays the fast-paced nature of technology and its ability to influence business decisions. The overall tone is optimistic and aspirational, emphasizing the potential of technology for businesses.

32. Deloitte

Deloitte Alpha Platform helps companies rapidly transform their businesses. This video is designed to communicate the platform's benefits, highlighting the speed and ease with which users can create new propositions.

Video Design - The video incorporates a bright, simple color palette, along with clear, animated icons. The design style is friendly, clean, and approachable, with a distinct focus on the user experience, showcasing the ease of using the platform. It is a good example of an Animated Business video that conveys information in a highly visual and engaging way.

The visual style effectively communicates the video's objective by demonstrating the challenges of building new propositions and then presenting the Deloitte Alpha Platform as a solution. The video is designed to highlight the platform's ability to overcome these challenges and enable rapid innovation. The video's tone is positive and upbeat, reinforcing the idea that using the platform can be a seamless and rewarding experience.

33. Cabot

Cabot Corporation is dedicated to creating advanced materials that make a positive impact on our daily lives. The video highlights the company's purpose, showcasing how these materials are integral to various aspects of modern living. The video is designed to highlight Cabot's contribution to a more sustainable future.

Video Design - The video features a sleek and modern aesthetic, using crisp visuals that are engaging and informative. Animated Businesss video style is employed throughout the video to convey Cabot's commitment to innovation and sustainability. The video utilizes clean lines and bold colors, emphasizing the advanced nature of Cabot's products.

The video visual style effectively communicates Cabot's purpose by connecting the company's materials to real-world applications. The video's tone is inspiring, portraying Cabot as a driving force behind progress and a partner in building a better future. The use of dynamic visuals, such as wind turbines generating electricity and electric vehicles charging, emphasizes Cabot's contributions to a sustainable future.

34. WalkMe

WalkMe is a digital adoption platform. The video is designed to showcase the brand promise of helping users be more successful.

Video Design - This Animated Business video uses a modern, minimalist style. The color palette is dark blue with bright highlights in purple and blue. The video uses a variety of animated elements, including the globe, the rocket and the speech bubbles. This style uses flat design, clean lines and a minimal color palette that makes the video easy to watch and understand.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the brand's promise of making work easier and more productive. The video uses imagery that evokes a sense of speed, agility, and control. This is accomplished with the use of the globe speeding up in space, which visually symbolizes the rapid pace of the digital world. This sense of dynamism is highlighted by the moving elements. The speech bubbles suggest the need to communicate effectively with various users. The video's overall tone is optimistic and empowering, suggesting that WalkMe can help its users achieve success. The video does a good job of using visual design to communicate the brand's message and drive the desired call to action.

35. Atlas Copco

Atlas Copco Smart Integrated Assembly video is designed to showcase how the company is helping businesses to become more sustainable, efficient, and productive through the use of smart factories.

Video Design - This Animated Businesss video effectively uses 3D animation to present the complex topic of industrial automation and sustainability. The video's use of colorful, vibrant visuals, coupled with the use of data visualizations, and futuristic graphics create a captivating and engaging visual style.

The video effectively communicates the benefits of Smart Integrated Assembly by using engaging visuals to portray the key concepts of the video. The video's bright colors and futuristic aesthetic create a sense of optimism and hope, emphasizing the potential of smart factories to solve environmental issues and drive progress. The video's overall tone is one of excitement and positivity, emphasizing the potential for businesses to create a positive impact through the use of technology.

36. Boyd

Boyd is a leading innovator in engineered material and thermal solutions for its customers. This video is designed to promote the company's history, expertise, and capabilities.

Video Design - The video showcases Boyd's expertise in various industries, beginning with the International Space Station and ending with an Electric Vehicle. The video is an Animated Businesss video, composed of modern graphics that include futuristic elements, such as the 3D car and the detailed imagery of the space station. The color palette is primarily made up of cool colors, with minimal use of warm colors. This creates a calm and modern aesthetic, fitting for a company with a strong history and a focus on innovation.

The use of fast-paced transitions and animated graphics, along with a dynamic soundtrack, keeps the video engaging, highlighting Boyd's commitment to pushing boundaries and delivering quality products. The tone of the video is inspiring and forward-thinking, reflecting the company's innovative spirit. The use of graphic elements such as machines, products, and people working together in different industries, emphasizes the company's capabilities and ability to solve challenging problems.

37. BDO

BDO is committed to innovation, sustainability, and diversity.

Video Design - The video showcases the brand's ambitious growth strategies and commitment to innovation. BDO's video is animated, utilizing bold and vibrant graphics. The video employs a futuristic design aesthetic, highlighting innovation, and data through vibrant colors and abstract shapes. Animated Businesss video style uses bold text and engaging imagery to connect with the audience.

The video is designed to emphasize the company's desire to explore new possibilities, and push boundaries to unlock the potential of data and innovation, and through this, improve the experience of their clients and employees. The abstract graphics and abstract transitions of the video communicate this goal of growth. This tone of positivity and growth is further strengthened through the visual style. The video employs a vibrant palette with a dynamic and engaging style that allows BDO to showcase their aspirations.

38. Printify

Printify is a company that enables you to create your own brand and sell products. This video is designed to introduce the new product lines for Printify, including skincare, supplements, and coffee.

Video Design - The video is a lively Animated Businesss video with vibrant colors. It uses minimal text with large fonts and bold lettering, making the information clear and easy to read. The product images are clean and well-lit, showcasing the quality of the products. These design elements work together to grab attention and convey the company's message effectively.

The video's visual style and graphics communicate the objective of introducing new product lines. The animation and bold lettering create an energetic tone, reflecting the excitement of entering new markets. The vibrant colors are eye-catching and make the video engaging, emphasizing the range and quality of the products. The emphasis on customization and selling your own brand, through the use of clean visuals and text, reinforces the key message that Printify provides a platform for entrepreneurs to create and sell their products.

39. WOOD

WOOD is a company that provides services to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and safety. This video is designed to demonstrate how WOOD's solutions simplify the leasing process for both tenants and landlords.

Video Design - The video uses a vibrant and playful animated style with a focus on the user interface. The video incorporates illustrations of people interacting with technology and features a bright color palette. Bold, clear fonts and simple graphics ensure an easy-to-understand user experience. This Animated Businesss video uses a minimal design approach with bold color combinations to create an engaging and impactful experience.

The design aesthetic directly conveys the message of ease and efficiency. The minimalist style emphasizes the simplicity and user-friendliness of WOOD's services. The use of bright colors, clear visuals, and concise animations ensures that the core message is effectively communicated to the audience. The tone of the video is optimistic and positive, reinforcing the idea that WOOD's solutions create a more convenient and enjoyable experience.

40. MCL

MCL produces engaging and effective stories utilizing video, animation, and creative technology for their marketing and communications clients. This video is designed to highlight MCL's commitment to fresh, homemade food.

Video Design - This animated video utilizes a bright and cheerful color palette, along with simple, hand-drawn graphics. It's a good example of Animated Business video that uses engaging visuals to tell a story. The video is dynamic and has a whimsical feel that showcases the fun and casual atmosphere of MCL.

The unique animation style and colorful graphics work together to create a sense of warmth and invitingness, conveying MCL's message of fresh homemade food in a visually engaging way. The video focuses on the care and detail that goes into preparing each meal, showcasing the commitment to quality that MCL strives for.

41. MSD Careers

MSD Careers is a company that focuses on developing medical innovations that are compliant, safe, and effective. The video is designed to show the impact of their work and attract talented professionals to join their team.

Video Design - The video utilizes a vibrant and modern animated style. Animated graphics illustrate the company's work and the benefits of their medical innovations. The video uses a colorful and clean visual design, and incorporates various shapes and patterns that flow smoothly with the narrative. The combination of bold colors, vibrant graphics, and a fast-paced animation style make it a captivating Animated Businesss video.

This video successfully communicates the message that MSD Careers is a company that is driven by innovation, and committed to bringing hope to patients worldwide. The video style communicates this message with its focus on vibrant colors, fast-paced animation, and innovative graphics. The fast-paced animation combined with a positive tone in the voiceover, underscores the speed and agility of the company, and the benefit they bring to the lives of countless patients.

42. Housing Europe

Housing Europe is a company that works to address Europe's housing challenge, and this video is designed to inform viewers about their campaign for the European Elections 2019.

Video Design - This animated business video uses a combination of graphics and text to explain the core modernization, digital transformation, and automation solutions that Housing Europe offers. The visual design is clean and modern, and the use of color and animation helps to make the video engaging and easy to understand.

The video communicates the importance of providing affordable housing for everyone. The video utilizes a simple and inviting tone, and the visuals and text reinforce the message of Housing Europe. The use of an animated character and simple animation helps to make the video accessible for a wider audience, emphasizing the company's goal of improving lives through affordable housing solutions.

43. VoltaChem

VoltaChem provides sustainable solutions for the chemical industry. This video is designed to showcase the company's innovations in decarbonization of energy and recarbonization of raw materials.

Video Design - The video features a 3D animated illustration of a chemical plant. It utilizes a minimalist design style with a white background and bright green and blue colors. A simple, yet engaging animated flow is utilized to showcase the company's solution. This "Animated Businesss video" visually depicts the integration of renewable energy and electrochemical processes into the chemical industry.

The video's clean and modern visual style effectively communicates the objective of VoltaChem's solutions. This minimalist design effectively reinforces VoltaChem's message. The video is engaging and informative, targeting a professional audience interested in sustainable solutions for the chemical industry. The graphics are clear and easy to understand, making the video both informative and visually appealing.

44. Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet master data solutions are designed to help organizations grow, compete, and thrive by ensuring that data is accurate and consistent. This video is designed to highlight the value of master data and the challenges that can arise when it's not properly managed.

Video Design - This Animated Businesss video utilizes simple and bold graphics, such as circles, lines, and buildings to illustrate a complex topic. The video is designed to appeal to a business audience by utilizing the visual language of data and technology, using bright color tones, and clean and modern design. These graphics contribute to a dynamic and engaging video.

The video clearly illustrates how Dun & Bradstreet can help organizations achieve their goals by ensuring that their data is accurate and consistent. The video utilizes a clean and minimalist design that helps to highlight the key messages, making it easy for viewers to understand and retain the information. The tone of the video is informative and reassuring, conveying that Dun & Bradstreet is a trusted partner that can help businesses succeed.

45. Capital One

Capital One is a financial institution offering various services like credit cards, savings accounts, and auto loans. This video is designed to highlight the convenience and safety of their debit card, enticing viewers to use it for everyday purchases.

Video Design - The video uses a vibrant and engaging Animated Businesss video style. This style is characterized by bright colors and simple, bold graphics. The use of cartoonish characters and illustrations gives the video a playful and approachable tone. The animation is smooth and well-paced, keeping viewers engaged.

The visual design of the video effectively communicates the objective of the video, highlighting the convenience and safety of the Capital One debit card. The video starts by establishing a contrast between the past and present, showing the evolution from cash-only transactions to the digital age. The seamless transition from the clunky cash wallet to the sleek Capital One debit card visually conveys the benefit of switching to a digital payment option. This is further emphasized through a simple animation of the card being used at different locations. The final scenes, portraying a crowd walking on a path towards a bright future, reinforces the message that a Capital One debit card offers a safe and convenient way to navigate the modern world. The video's overall tone is positive and reassuring, making viewers feel confident about using the debit card for their everyday needs.

46. FGV

FGV is a company that focuses on palm oil production. The video is designed to introduce FGV as one of the world's largest producers of crude palm oil.

Video Design - FGV's Animated Businesss video is visually appealing and engaging. The video employs vibrant colors, smooth animation, and simple, yet captivating graphics. The video uses a bold color palette with a variety of shades of green and yellow. It has simple graphics, which helps maintain focus on the key message of the video.

The video's use of simple visuals allows the company to communicate its message effectively. The video conveys FGV's focus on sustainable practices and its commitment to providing solutions for the future. The video has a positive and optimistic tone that is in line with the company's commitment to innovation and progress. The video's use of simple graphics and vibrant colors makes the video accessible to a wide audience and helps drive home the brand's focus on palm oil production.

47. ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil is a global energy company that provides solutions to energy access across the globe. The video is designed to show how energy has a positive impact on the economy and the lives of individuals.

Video Design - This animated business video utilizes a minimalist design style. It prominently features simple shapes and color combinations, such as purple and orange, on a black background. The visual design is very clean and effective, and uses simple animations to communicate the narrative of the video, which is about cybersecurity.

The video effectively communicates its objective of highlighting the impact of energy on economic opportunity. The video uses a simple and engaging tone, as it relies heavily on animations and minimal text, making it an effective piece of content for the intended audience. It focuses on the importance of early detection of cyber attacks, and the impact of cyber attacks on global services and institutions. The animation style and the choice of visual elements are well suited for the topic, which is the importance of cybersecurity, as it adds visual interest and emphasizes the subject matter.

48. CRRC

CRRC is a company focused on intelligent operation and maintenance of railway vehicles, helping companies realize dynamic management. The video is designed to highlight CRRC's capabilities in providing cutting-edge technology solutions for efficient railway operations.

Video Design - The video uses a modern, animated style with clean lines and bright colors to visually represent the complex and dynamic nature of railway operations. The use of a blue color palette, consistent throughout the video, evokes a sense of trust, reliability, and innovation, qualities associated with CRRC. This style is perfect for an Animated Businesss video as it is visually appealing and easy to understand, making it suitable for a wide audience.

The video successfully communicates the objective of demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness of CRRC's technology solutions. The visual design and animation depict the various stages of railway operations, from maintenance to monitoring, showcasing how technology seamlessly integrates into these processes. The overall tone of the video is positive and optimistic, emphasizing the benefits of using CRRC's solutions to streamline operations and improve efficiency. The video's design effectively highlights the positive outcomes of using CRRC's technology, making it an engaging and persuasive presentation for potential clients.

49. ENEL

ENEL Green Power explains Renewable Energy Certificates, also known as RECs. This video is designed to explain RECs and how they work in the renewable energy market.

Video Design - This Animated Businesss video uses vibrant, clean colors and simple graphics to illustrate the process of buying RECs. The video begins with a map of North America showing wind turbines and solar panels, emphasizing the geographical scope of renewable energy projects. The video then transitions to a minimalist isometric graphic representing a cityscape with buildings connected to renewable energy sources. A simple visual of green lines connected to solar and wind farm icons, representing how the energy is transmitted. The video uses these simple graphics and clear animations to communicate the connection between renewable energy projects and the people who buy RECs.

The clear and bright visual style and animation in the video make the complex concept of RECs understandable for a broad audience. The video's simple but effective graphics help clarify a complex topic, making it easy to comprehend the process of how companies and consumers can support renewable energy. The video's tone is informational and positive, aiming to encourage viewers to learn more about RECs and the benefits of a sustainable future.

50. EQT

EQT is a global leader in providing protective footwear for professionals in industries such as agriculture, fishing, food processing, and oil, gas, and mining. The video is designed to give potential employees, portfolio companies, and other business partners an overview of EQT.

Video Design - The video is an Animated Businesss video with a minimalist, geometric style. The video highlights the different industries that EQT serves with simple, yet effective, visuals. The use of bright colors and simple animations, makes the video stand out and easy to digest, focusing on the content, not just entertainment. The graphic style is clear and engaging.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the message by focusing on the everyday work of EQT's customers. The video uses a light and positive tone, highlighting the importance of EQT's products for professionals who work in challenging environments, and its contribution to the overall economy. The video successfully showcases the brand's commitment to providing comfort and protection for its customers, all while being engaging, and visually appealing.

51. Mastercard

Mastercard is a technology company that enables seamless transactions in a digital world. This video is designed to demonstrate how Mastercard products and innovations are adding value to consumers and businesses.

Video Design - This animated business video uses bold visuals with minimal text, showcasing the simplicity and convenience of Mastercard's offerings. The use of bright colors like yellow, orange, red, and green creates a vibrant and engaging atmosphere. These colors combined with a clean minimalist design make the video feel modern and accessible. The animation is fluid and uses simple shapes to convey complex processes, further simplifying the message.

The video's visual style effectively communicates Mastercard's key offerings, such as secure payments and a global network. The animations depict the ease and convenience of making purchases from the comfort of one's home to on the go. The upbeat tone of the video reflects the company's commitment to innovation and a positive user experience, leaving viewers with a sense of confidence and reliability associated with the brand.

52. Quantiphi

Quantiphi is a company that uses artificial intelligence and data solutions to solve business problems. The video is designed to introduce the company and highlight its commitment to solving impactful problems.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and minimalist style with 3D animated graphics, focusing on abstract geometric shapes, predominantly cubes. The colors are a subtle palette of blues, greens, and white against a black background, creating a professional and modern aesthetic. This Animated Businesss video uses simple graphics, yet impactful, reflecting the company's focus on effective solutions.

The video's visual style effectively communicates Quantiphi's goals and the type of solutions they offer. The use of geometric shapes symbolizes a structured, organized approach, while the vibrant color scheme creates an atmosphere of innovation and progress. The video's overall tone is professional and confident, reinforcing Quantiphi's expertise in solving complex problems.

53. Sanofi

Sanofi is a global healthcare company focused on developing and providing treatments for various medical conditions, including rare diseases. This video is designed to raise awareness about the challenges associated with diagnosing rare diseases.

Video Design - The video adopts a minimalist approach with simple, animated graphics. It features a clean white background with colored shapes and bold text. These elements combine to create an engaging Animated Business video for a medical audience. The use of color and movement adds a touch of vibrancy to the otherwise straightforward narrative.

The visual style of the video perfectly reflects its objective of raising awareness about the difficulties in diagnosing rare diseases. The simple, clean animation paired with the text-heavy narrative effectively communicates the patient's journey from seeking medical help to receiving a proper diagnosis. The video's overall tone is informative and empathetic, highlighting the importance of timely and accurate diagnosis in managing rare diseases.

54. World Microbe Forum

World Microbe Forum is an online event designed to gather microbiologists from across the globe. This animated video is designed to promote the forum, highlighting the significance of microbial research in tackling global challenges.

Video Design - This Animated Businesss video utilizes a clean and modern design style with a striking color palette of purples, reds, and greens. The video incorporates simple, geometric shapes for the characters and backgrounds, lending itself to a minimalist and sophisticated aesthetic. The graphic elements are smooth and visually appealing, with the animation adding to the dynamic nature of the video.

The visual style effectively conveys the message of the video. The minimalist aesthetic and use of vibrant colors create an engaging and professional tone. The video smoothly navigates between diverse visuals, showcasing the global reach of the forum. This approach helps to communicate the idea that World Microbe Forum is a groundbreaking and inclusive event that connects microbiologists from around the world.

55. Thermo Fisher

Thermo Fisher is helping transform cells into life-saving cell therapies. This video is designed to showcase Thermo Fisher's capabilities in cell and gene therapy, from research to commercialization.

Video Design - This Animated Business video uses a minimalist design style, with sleek lines and bright colors. The video features animated icons, which represent various steps in the cell therapy journey. The use of icons helps make the complex process of cell and gene therapy more accessible and engaging.

The simple yet effective design of the video drives the message home. Thermo Fisher's products and services help streamline the cell therapy journey, and the video's narrative reinforces this message. The video employs a modern and professional tone, which resonates with its target audience.

56. FSGImpact

FSGImpact is a company that focuses on solving complex problems. Their video is designed to show how collective impact works and why it is effective.

Video Design - This Animated Businesss video uses bright, simple shapes to illustrate the process of collective impact. The video features a mix of flat design, with geometric shapes. The video is clean, minimalist and engaging, drawing the viewer to focus on the main points of the video.

The visual design of the video drives the goal to demonstrate how collective impact works. The video features a series of simple animations, that are easy to understand. The overall tone of the video is optimistic, making it clear that solutions to complex problems are achievable.

57. Gemalto

Gemalto is a company that focuses on cyber security for commercial drones. This video is designed to highlight Gemalto's solution for the industry.

Video Design - This Animated Businesss video uses a unique style that blends graphics with real-world footage. The combination of visuals creates a captivating experience for viewers, showcasing how Gemalto's technology is transforming the industry.

The video's visual style is clean and sophisticated, with an emphasis on technology and innovation. The use of graphic elements, including intricate patterns and clean lines, highlights Gemalto's commitment to secure drone technology. The use of motion graphics and 3D animation make the video feel dynamic and exciting. This visual style communicates the core message of the video, which is to inspire trust in Gemalto's solution for commercial drones and their commitment to providing reliable and secure drone technology. The video uses a professional and trustworthy tone. The video's graphics, combined with the narrative, create a compelling experience that is sure to resonate with the target audience.

58. GE

GE is a global energy leader that is focused on building a more sustainable energy future. This video is designed to showcase GE's commitment to reducing carbon emissions and highlight how gas power can help achieve this goal.

Video Design - This is an Animated Businesss video showcasing GE's innovative gas power solutions. It uses a combination of clean and simple graphics, vibrant colors, and fast-paced transitions to create an engaging viewing experience. The visual style is both informative and exciting, making the video approachable for a wide audience.

The video features a variety of animations that illustrate the interconnectedness of various energy sources. These include wind turbines, solar panels, and traditional power plants. The use of visual metaphors, like the spinning earth, further emphasizes the importance of sustainable energy solutions in addressing climate change. The animation style is light and airy, which perfectly captures the spirit of progress and innovation. The bold text, graphics, and bright colors make the video compelling and memorable. The video's upbeat soundtrack reinforces GE's optimistic vision for a cleaner energy future. The use of dynamic graphics and a positive tone help to make the video impactful, driving the audience to learn more about GE's gas power solutions and their potential for reducing carbon emissions.

59. Noonday Collection

Noonday Collection is a marketplace for Artisans around the world. This Animated Businesss video is designed to inspire people to join the company and make an income with an impact.

Video Design - The video uses minimal animation, and simple color pallet with muted color. The graphics are simple and high quality. The video utilizes the theme of transformation, with the color changing and the woman pushing the globe, it visually communicates the business model.

This video communicates the goal of building a flourishing world. The visual design, which highlights the story of transformation, creates a sense of optimism. This positive tone of the video makes it engaging and drives the video goal of encouraging viewers to join Noonday Collection.

60. Tyson

Tyson is committed to producing safe food, and understands the importance of conserving water. This video is designed to highlight how Tyson is working to set contextual water targets at their facilities to protect the environment.

Video Design - This Animated Business Video features simplified illustrations of farms and processing facilities, representing the company's commitment to sustainability. The graphics are vibrant and easy to understand, making the information accessible to a wide audience. The use of the US map visually highlights the company's geographic scope of responsibility and the importance of water conservation.

The video successfully communicates the importance of water stewardship and how the company is committed to setting contextual water targets. The visuals are clear and concise, highlighting the importance of water conservation and aligning with the company's environmental mission. The tone is upbeat and engaging, emphasizing Tyson's commitment to making a positive impact.

61. FGV

FGV is a global leader in the palm oil industry. The video is designed to showcase their commitment to sustainability and their role in meeting the needs of the world.

Video Design - This Animated Business Video uses bright, bold colors and simple, geometric shapes to create a clean, modern look. The visual design is complemented by a cheerful and uplifting soundtrack, which creates a positive and inspiring tone for the video.

The video's visuals communicate FGV's ambition by visually depicting the growth of palm trees and the global reach of the company. The use of bright and bold colors, paired with a simple visual design, helps to capture the viewer's attention and communicates the company's innovative approach to the palm oil industry. The video's overall tone is positive and optimistic, highlighting FGV's commitment to sustainable practices and their role in supporting the world's needs.

62. Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet helps businesses take control of their data and use it to grow. The video is designed to introduce Dun & Bradstreet's master data solutions and highlight the challenges businesses face with managing their data.

Video Design - The video has a minimalist design, featuring clean lines, bold colors, and simple animations. A city skyline is used to represent an organization, with various data points shown connecting to it, highlighting how data is the key to business growth. The video's Clean and Simple Visual Style is characteristic of Animated Business Video, making it engaging and easy to understand. The use of minimalist graphics allows the focus to remain on the message, effectively conveying the importance of master data.

The video's visual style helps convey the key message of the video, which is the need for master data solutions to organize and manage data for business growth. The video successfully uses the minimalist aesthetic to highlight the challenge of managing data in a modern business environment, setting the stage for Dun & Bradstreet to offer a solution. The video has a professional tone, clearly communicating the expertise of Dun & Bradstreet.

63. Atlas Copco

Atlas Copco is a company that helps businesses build a more sustainable future. This video is designed to introduce their solution for building smarter and more efficient factories.

Video Design - The video starts with an animation of the Earth with a glowing rim, emphasizing the urgency of the climate change issue. It then transitions into a stylized 3D animation of a digital landscape with blue light points that grow in number. This animation is a powerful visual representation of the growing awareness about climate change, and how it is putting pressure on businesses to act. The video is designed in a very clean and futuristic style with sharp angles, smooth transitions, and minimal text.

This Animated Business Video effectively communicates the message about climate change and Atlas Copco's role in helping businesses reduce their impact on the environment. The clean, modern design and impactful visuals effectively convey the message about the urgency of sustainability and the importance of action. The use of dynamic animation, powerful imagery and a hopeful message sets the tone of the video, which is confident, positive and inspiring.

64. PGE

PGE is a company that provides energy. This video is designed to inform viewers about energy and how energy use is connected to renewable energy sources.

Video Design - The video is an Animated Business Video, utilizing colorful graphics, simple shapes and minimal text. The video makes use of simplified 3D objects, a consistent style that helps to create a simple, engaging visual presentation. This style is a common choice for Animated Business Videos as it helps to communicate information quickly and effectively.

The video effectively explains the connection between energy use and renewable energy sources. PGE utilizes a simple and engaging visual style to demonstrate how shifting energy use can contribute to relying on more renewable energy sources. The video tone is informative, and it encourages viewers to make small changes in their energy habits to support sustainability. The video's visual design is effective in communicating this message, highlighting the importance of making conscious choices about when to use energy.

65. Sanofi

Sanofi is a pharmaceutical company that focuses on rare diseases. This video is designed to raise awareness about the importance of diagnosing rare diseases.

Video Design - The video uses a unique style of Animated Business Video, making use of bright colors and simple geometric shapes to engage viewers. It uses a light hearted approach to depict the journey of a patient seeking a diagnosis. The video also uses short, punchy sentences and bold graphics to keep the audience engaged.

The video uses a conversational and relatable style to communicate the challenges of diagnosing rare diseases. The use of simple animations and bright colors creates a positive tone while highlighting the importance of persistence in seeking diagnosis. The video uses a series of animated scenes, showing a patient seeking a diagnosis, which reinforces the message of perseverance.

66. Calendly

Calendly is a product that helps individuals and businesses simplify scheduling. The video is designed to introduce the rebranding of Calendly, highlighting a fresh and modern look and feel.

Video Design - The video uses a vibrant color palette, featuring bold fonts and shapes, typical of Animated Business Videos. It uses a bright color palette, isometric style, and dynamic transitions to showcase a refreshed, modern, and creative brand identity.

The use of shapes and transitions, in conjunction with the visual design of the logo and wordmark, reinforces the idea of connections and intersections. The animation style reflects the ability to bring people together, similar to how Calendly facilitates scheduling and connects people. The overall tone of the video is upbeat, engaging, and visually appealing, effectively communicating Calendly's evolution and its potential to simplify the world of scheduling.

67. MSD Careers

Pro BTP is a company that provides health insurance. This video is designed to showcase the company's expansion of services and benefits, including coverage for various medical needs.

Video Design - This is an Animated Business Video that utilizes a unique visual style. The video uses 3D animation with a simple block style and uses bright colors to depict a city, and in turn, the expansion of healthcare services. The video style is very engaging for the audience due to the vibrant colors and playful animations.

The video uses a vibrant and colorful style to highlight the expansion of Pro BTP's services. The simple block style animations, featuring city buildings, create a visual representation of the expansion, making the video engaging. The tone of the video is upbeat, lighthearted, and optimistic, which portrays the company's commitment to improving the well-being of its customers.

68. Acuity

Acuity's video is designed to showcase their ability to help clients adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Video Design - This Animated Business Video uses simple yet bold visuals to communicate the brand's message. Vibrant gradients and a dynamic turquoise background create an engaging atmosphere. Line art illustrations, like the person surrounded by speech bubbles representing growing customer expectations, effectively convey complex concepts. The use of geometric shapes and the infinity symbol emphasizes Acuity's commitment to innovation and growth.

The video's design effectively drives the goal of positioning Acuity as a partner that empowers organizations to navigate these challenges. The use of bold and impactful graphics, like the rocket illustration representing future readiness, creates a positive and optimistic tone.

69. Deloitte

Deloitte is a company that helps fuse ideas with action. The video is designed to showcase how Deloitte's network and expertise can transform ideas into tangible results.

Video Design - Deloitte utilizes a dynamic and captivating animated video style. This "Animated Business Video" is composed of bold, vibrant colors like blue, green, and yellow. These colors are used to create a sense of energy and innovation, reflecting the dynamic nature of Deloitte's work. The video uses abstract shapes and graphic elements to represent ideas and concepts, while the 3D effect creates a sense of depth and dimension.

The unique animated style effectively communicates Deloitte's objective of connecting ideas and action. The video's fast-paced visuals and dynamic movements reflect the company's ability to move quickly and efficiently. The use of abstract graphics and icons helps to convey complex ideas in a simple and engaging manner. The overall tone of the video is optimistic and aspirational, emphasizing the positive impact that Deloitte can create for businesses and society.

70. World Microbe Forum

World Microbe Forum is an online event that brings together microbiologists from around the world. The video is designed to promote this event and highlight its groundbreaking nature.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and modern design style. The use of animated characters and graphics, along with a vibrant color palette, help to create an engaging Animated Business Video. The simple lines and outlined design of the buildings in the background, paired with a muted green and purple background, creates a sleek and professional feel.

The animation style, while simple, is effective in communicating the key messages of the video. The visual design, coupled with the narrative, successfully emphasizes the importance of global collaboration and the urgent need to address the challenges facing humankind today. The overall tone of the video is optimistic and hopeful, conveying the sense that through collaboration, scientists can find solutions to pressing global issues.

71. Infineon

Infineon is a leading semiconductor company that creates solutions for a greener and safer future. This video is designed to highlight their AutoDrive project, which brings together a diverse group of European companies, researchers, and institutions, all working towards making autonomous vehicles a reality.

Video Design - This Animated Business Video showcases a compelling visual style. The use of simplistic illustrations, clean lines and vibrant colors, combined with smooth transitions, creates an engaging and memorable experience. This minimalist style enhances the message by focusing on the key information about the AutoDrive project and the companies involved.

The use of a map with icons representing each participating company effectively conveys the scope and reach of this project, highlighting its collaborative nature. The video seamlessly transitions from a literal door opening to the symbolic opening of new possibilities with autonomous driving. This clever use of visuals strengthens the message about transforming automotive design. The upbeat tone of the video further reinforces the message of progress and innovation, making the future of automotive technology seem exciting and attainable.

72. MCL

Scofield digital storytelling produced an animated explainer video for MCL restaurant & bakery, showcasing their noodle product. the Animated Business Video utilizes animation and creative technology to effectively communicate the brand's message and engage viewers. this motion graphics video is a 3D product marketing video example.

The design style of the video is characterized by its use of vibrant colors, simple shapes, and playful animation. this approach creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers, effectively highlighting the product and its benefits. the use of animation allows for a clear and concise explanation of the product, making it easy for viewers to understand.

In conclusion, scofield digital storytelling's explainer video for MCL restaurant & bakery is an excellent example of how animation and creative technology can be used to create engaging and effective marketing materials. the business video's design style is well-suited to the product and target audience, and it effectively communicates the brand's message.

73. BDO

BDO is a company that is looking to be more innovative, sustainable, and diverse. This video is designed to show how BDO is making this happen.

Video Design - This Animated Business Video is very graphic and modern. It uses bold, contrasting colors and shapes, and it's full of powerful imagery, like the eye, the galaxy, and a gymnast bending the arc of possibility.

The video uses a variety of interesting visual elements, such as the eye, the galaxy, a gymnast, and a person working in a hydroponic greenhouse, all designed to be bold, dynamic, and symbolic, to clearly convey BDO's goals for the future. This visual style effectively communicates BDO's bold and innovative approach to the future. The tone is enthusiastic, driven, and hopeful. The visual design is engaging because the graphics are bold, dynamic, and easily recognizable, and the content is engaging because of the use of imagery and the strong narrative, driving home BDO's ambitious goals for the future.

74. CSL

CSL is a global specialty biotherapeutics company that develops and delivers innovative biotherapies, saving lives, and helping people with life-threatening medical conditions live full lives. The video is designed to share the history, impact, and mission of CSL.

Video Design -
The video is an Animated Business Video and uses simple, stylized graphics and animation. The animation uses bright, eye-catching colors and emphasizes clean lines with flat, two-dimensional characters. The timeline visual uses a simple design, highlighting important milestones.

The visual style uses clean, modern graphics to communicate the key concepts of the video. The bright colors and simple animations create a positive tone that emphasizes the work of CSL and its commitment to improving health. The video focuses on the company's history and impactful achievements, showcasing a timeline of key events and innovations that have improved lives. The animation style and graphics are consistently high-quality, appealing to a broad audience.

75. Justice

Justice is an online resource that provides impartial and independent information about international justice. The video is designed to highlight the importance of understanding the past for building a brighter future.

Video Design - This Animated Business Video utilizes bold, black outlines and simple shapes to convey a serious tone. The video's visual design emphasizes the role of information in reconciliation, by using minimalist animations and dark gray color palettes. The use of a watering can to symbolize growth helps to communicate the message that reconciliation is possible.

The visual style of the video, combined with the powerful message it conveys, effectively communicates the objective of promoting understanding and reconciliation. The video's minimalist style and simple animations make it easy for viewers to understand the message, while the use of a black and white palette further enhances the video's tone of seriousness. The video effectively portrays the importance of information in helping societies to heal and move forward from periods of violence.

76. Geely

Geely is a company that focuses on the contributions of women. This video is designed to showcase how Geely empowers women in the workplace.

Video Design - The video begins with a bright and colorful illustration of a woman. The animation style is playful and modern, and the colors are cheerful and vibrant. The animated elements are set against a backdrop of a building with the Geely logo prominently displayed. This Animated Business Video uses simple visuals to depict women in the workforce, highlighting their contributions to the company's success.

The video uses animation to emphasize that women are an important part of Geely, highlighting their work, dedication, and overall contribution to the company. The video's bright and colorful aesthetic conveys a positive and empowering message, highlighting the importance of women in the workforce and how they are an integral part of the company's success. This upbeat tone supports the message that Geely values women and their contributions.

77. Cisco

Cisco is a company that provides technology solutions for healthcare. The video is designed to show how their technology can connect, secure, and improve healthcare.

Video Design -
This Animated Business Video is designed with a clean and simple aesthetic. The animation is clean with solid colors. The use of thin lines and white background makes it easy to focus on the information being shared. The visuals are used to showcase the four benefits of Cisco technology: connectivity, security, sustainability, and equity.

The video uses a simple narrative to communicate its message. The animation is used to depict the four benefits of Cisco technology and how they work together to create a better healthcare future. The video's tone is positive and optimistic, demonstrating the potential for a future where healthcare is connected, secure, sustainable, and equitable. The use of simple visuals and animation makes the information clear and easy to understand. The visual design creates a sense of progress and possibility, highlighting the positive impact of Cisco technology on the future of healthcare.

78. CRRC

CRRC is a leading provider of intelligent operation and maintenance solutions for railway vehicles. The video is designed to introduce their cutting-edge technology for dynamic management.

Video Design - The video is an Animated Business Video. The video employs a clean and modern design with minimalist graphics. A blue color palette, simple shapes, and subtle animation create a visual style that is both engaging and informative. The use of bold text and clear call-outs helps to emphasize key information.

The video design effectively communicates the benefits of CRRC's intelligent operation and maintenance solutions. The use of animation and simple visuals creates a sense of dynamism and efficiency. The overall tone of the video is professional and optimistic. The clear and concise message reinforces the Value Proposition of the solutions and positions CRRC as a leader in the railway industry.

79. WOOD

Wood is a company that helps businesses to improve efficiency and safety by providing a range of services, including interactive and software solutions. This animated video is designed to show the range of solutions they offer and the benefit they bring to their customers.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and simple style. It features bright colors and minimalist graphics that appeal to the modern customer. The video uses a combination of 2D and 3D animation and the overall look of the video is very sleek and modern, which is a great way to present a technology solution.

The visual design of the video is able to clearly communicate the objective of the video, which is to introduce Wood and their solutions. The animated visuals show the different aspects of Wood's service and the narrative conveys a positive and fun tone, making the video appealing to their target audience. The video is engaging and fun, and the simple visuals are able to effectively communicate the complex services offered by Wood.

80. Cabot

Cabot is a company that specializes in creating materials that improve daily life and enable a more sustainable future. This video is designed to highlight the company's role in creating advanced materials that are used in everyday products.

Video Design - The video is an Animated Business Video that uses a combination of real-world footage and animated graphics. The video features a range of products that incorporate Cabot's materials, from vehicles to wind turbines, to electric bikes. The graphics are high-quality and use a clean and modern aesthetic.

The visual design of the video is effective in communicating the company's mission and the impact that its materials have on the world. The video uses a bright and optimistic tone and emphasizes the positive impact of Cabot's materials on people and the planet. The video showcases how Cabot is helping to create a more sustainable future through its work in creating advanced materials.

81. Noonday Collection

Noonday Collection is a company that builds a marketplace for Artisans around the world. The video is designed to encourage viewers to join the Noonday community and become an Ambassador.

Video Design - The Animated Business Video uses soft, pastel colors to portray a whimsical, inviting, and positive visual style. This style aligns with the company's message of empowering women and creating a flourishing world. The simplicity of the animation coupled with the consistent use of simple geometric shapes creates a clean and appealing aesthetic.

The video effectively communicates its message by using simple imagery to convey the idea of working together to create a better world. The animated sequence of the woman pushing a globe conveys the message of making a global impact. The upbeat and positive tone of the video reinforces the idea of building a flourishing world together.

82. Printify

Printify is a company that helps you start and run your own business. This video is designed to introduce you to Printify's new product lines, and entice you to join the waitlist.

Video Design - The video uses an animated style with dynamic visuals and graphics to showcase new products. It starts with text animations, showing the words skincare, supplements and coffee. The video then focuses on the different products, showing them in close-up, and uses simple graphic transitions between the product types. The Animated Business Video uses a consistent design aesthetic, incorporating a pattern of circles and showcasing products.

The video's visual design effectively communicates its objective, driving viewers to the waitlist. By using graphics to display new product lines, it shows the potential for a successful business. The fast-paced and upbeat tone of the video creates excitement and encourages viewers to act.

83. Firebase

Firebase is a platform that helps developers build and scale apps. This video is designed to express gratitude for developers who have partnered with them.

Video Design - The video is a vibrant Animated Business Video and uses bright colors, simple graphics, and a collage-style layout to create a playful and positive mood. The use of vibrant colors like blue and orange is a core design element in Firebase's marketing. The animations are simple but effective.

The overall design and use of graphics in the video reflect the Firebase brand, promoting a sense of community and collaboration with developers, and encouraging developers to continue using their products and services. This helps establish a friendly, warm tone and expresses the company's genuine appreciation for its developer community.

84. Litum

Litum is a company providing real-time location tracking solutions. The video is designed to introduce Litum's story and highlight its commitment to empowering businesses with the right tools.

Video Design - This Animated Business Video features a bright color palette of blues, purples, reds, and yellows, which creates a fun and playful atmosphere. It uses graphics and elements that are associated with technology, space, and advancement, such as rocket ships and futuristic-looking buildings.

The video effectively communicates Litum's mission and values through a combination of vibrant graphics, fun animations, and uplifting music. The use of imagery related to space exploration emphasizes the company's ambition and innovative approach to solving business challenges. This positive and engaging tone effectively conveys the message that Litum can help businesses thrive in a dynamic world.

85. Alation

Alation is a data catalog solution that helps organizations to understand, discover, and manage their data. This video is designed to highlight Alation's achievements and its position as the greatest data catalog solution in the market.

Video Design - The video uses a bold and vibrant visual style. The use of animated athlete silhouettes highlights the company's focus on being a leader in the data catalog space. It utilizes an Animated Business Video style, contrasting the energetic orange color with a more calm blue background to create an impactful visual experience. The video makes use of bold graphics and text, highlighting key statistics and achievements that emphasize the company's position as the top data catalog solution.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective of the video, highlighting Alation's key accomplishments and its position as the greatest data catalog solution. The use of dynamic graphics, text, and an energetic tone helps capture the viewer's attention and emphasizes the key message of the video. The overall design of the video reinforces the company's confidence in its solution and drives the message home, making the video engaging and memorable for viewers.


HORNE is building the Wise Firm, a culture focused on creating positive energy and empowering people to deliver results. This video is designed to explain the meaning of the Wise Firm and its impact on the organization.

Video Design - The video is a well-crafted Animated Business Video that uses a simplified visual style to illustrate the Wise Firm's core values. The video uses geometric shapes and simple illustrations to visually represent the Wise Firm's principles. The video uses clear and concise language, making it easy to understand the company's philosophy.

The use of contrasting colors, bold text, and dynamic transitions helps to keep the viewers engaged and interested in the message. The animated elements, such as the spinning circle and the movement of the houses, are effective in drawing attention to important points. The video effectively conveys the message of building a strong foundation and emphasizes the importance of having a strong culture to weather storms and achieve success. The video's overall tone is positive, aspirational, and optimistic.

87. VoltaChem

VoltaChem helps chemical industry create a more sustainable future. The video is designed to show how VoltaChem can contribute to decarbonization and recarbonization of chemical production.

Video Design - The Animated Business Video uses a clean, minimalistic design. It features a muted color palette, geometric shapes, and a 3D rendering style. The animation is smooth and fluid. The video's visual elements make it visually appealing and professional.

The video's visuals communicate VoltaChem's goal of creating a more sustainable future for the chemical industry. The animation style and the imagery emphasize the need to transition to cleaner energy sources. The overall tone of the video is professional, informative, and optimistic.

88. COTI Animated Business Video

COTI is a payment transaction network powered by a digital currency. This animated video is designed to introduce the company, its goal, and why it is the standard for how payments should work in the digital currency era.

Video Design - The video features a simple, clean design with bright colors and a playful tone. It uses flat, geometric shapes to create the characters, setting and objects. The animation is fluid and engaging. This style is typical of an Animated Business Video.

The video uses a bright color palette and flat, geometric shapes to create a sense of trust and reliability. The animation is fluid and engaging, making it easy to watch and understand the company's core message. It is designed to attract users who are seeking a faster, easier, and more cost-effective payment method. The video effectively communicates the benefits of COTI and its goal of becoming the standard for digital payments. The visual style is playful but professional, making it appealing to a broad audience.

Key Takeaways

Animated Video Marketing Benefits

  • Animated Video Marketing Benefits
  • Animated Business Videos offer a dynamic and engaging approach to achieving your marketing objectives. By leveraging the power of visuals and storytelling, they can significantly enhance brand awareness, drive conversions, and foster stronger customer relationships. For instance, a well-crafted animated explainer video can simplify complex product features, leading to increased understanding and purchase intent. Animated videos also excel at conveying brand personality and values, creating a lasting impression on your target audience and driving brand loyalty.

  • Boost Customer Engagement
  • Animated Business Videos are highly effective at capturing and maintaining audience attention. Their vibrant visuals and dynamic storytelling capabilities create an interactive experience that surpasses traditional text or static image-based content. By incorporating interactive elements like quizzes or polls within the video, you can further enhance engagement and encourage active participation from your viewers. Animated videos can also be tailored to specific customer segments, delivering personalized messages that resonate deeply and foster a sense of connection.

  • Animated Video Types
  • Animated Business Videos encompass a diverse range of styles, each suited to specific marketing goals. Explainer videos simplify complex concepts, while product demos showcase features and benefits in a visually compelling manner. Brand videos effectively communicate your company's story and values, while testimonial videos leverage social proof to build trust. Animated infographics present data in a digestible and engaging format. Choosing the right style depends on your target audience and the message you aim to convey.

  • Animated Video Customer Support
  • Animated Business Videos can revolutionize your customer support strategy by providing readily accessible and engaging self-service resources. Instead of relying solely on text-based FAQs or lengthy manuals, you can create animated tutorials that guide customers through common troubleshooting steps or product usage instructions. This visual approach enhances comprehension and reduces the need for direct customer support interactions, leading to increased customer satisfaction and reduced support costs.

  • Animated Video Sales Boost
  • Animated Business Videos can be strategically integrated into your sales funnel to drive conversions at each stage. Product demos can highlight key features and benefits, while customer testimonial videos build trust and credibility. Animated videos can also be used to create compelling sales presentations that captivate prospects and effectively communicate your value proposition. By incorporating clear calls to action within the videos, you can guide viewers towards the desired outcome, whether it's requesting a demo or making a purchase.

  • Enhance Customer Journey
  • Animated Business Videos provide a powerful visual medium for mapping and enhancing the customer journey. By creating a series of animated videos that address each stage of the journey – from awareness to purchase and beyond – you can guide customers seamlessly through the funnel. For example, an initial awareness video might introduce your brand and its mission, while a consideration video delves deeper into product features and benefits. This cohesive approach ensures a positive and engaging experience at every touchpoint.

  • Optimize Sales Funnel
  • Animated Business Videos can optimize your sales funnel by boosting engagement and conversion rates at each stage. Lead generation videos can capture prospect information through interactive forms or calls to action. Lead nurturing videos provide valuable content that educates and builds relationships. Sales videos deliver persuasive pitches that drive conversions. By strategically deploying animated videos throughout the funnel, you can create a more compelling and effective path to purchase.

  • Increase Brand Awareness
  • Animated Business Videos are highly shareable and memorable, making them ideal for building brand awareness. By crafting a unique and engaging brand story video, you can create a lasting impression on your target audience and establish a distinct brand identity. These videos can be easily disseminated across social media platforms, expanding your reach and generating buzz around your brand. The visual nature of animation also makes it easier for viewers to recall your brand and its message, contributing to long-term brand recognition.

  • Animated Video Content Marketing
  • Animated Business Videos add a dynamic dimension to your content marketing strategy. They can be used to create engaging blog posts, social media updates, and email newsletters that stand out from the competition. Animated explainer videos can simplify complex topics, making your content more accessible and shareable. By incorporating videos into your content mix, you can increase audience engagement, drive traffic to your website, and generate leads.

  • Animated Video Social Media
  • Animated Business Videos are tailor-made for social media platforms. Their visually captivating nature grabs attention in fast-paced newsfeeds, leading to higher engagement rates. Short, snappy animated videos can be used to promote your brand, products, or services, driving traffic to your website and generating leads. Social media users are also more likely to share engaging video content, expanding your reach organically and boosting brand awareness.

  • Animated Video Email Marketing
  • Incorporating Animated Business Videos into your email marketing campaigns can significantly boost open and click-through rates. An animated GIF in your email preview can pique subscriber interest and encourage them to open the email. Within the email itself, an embedded video can deliver your message in a more engaging and memorable way, leading to higher conversion rates. Animated videos can also be used to personalize your email communications, fostering stronger relationships with your subscribers.

  • Animated Video SEO
  • Animated Business Videos can indirectly boost your SEO efforts by increasing user engagement and driving traffic to your website. Search engines favor websites with high-quality, engaging content that keeps visitors on the page longer. Animated videos can achieve this by providing valuable information in an entertaining format. When users share your videos on social media or embed them on their websites, it creates backlinks to your site, further improving your search engine ranking.

  • Improve Customer Retention
  • Animated Business Videos can play a key role in fostering customer loyalty and reducing churn. Personalized onboarding videos can welcome new customers and guide them through your product or service. Educational videos can provide valuable tips and insights, enhancing customer satisfaction. Exclusive video content can be offered as a reward for loyal customers, making them feel valued and appreciated. By consistently delivering engaging and informative video content, you can strengthen customer relationships and encourage repeat business.

  • Animated Video Storytelling
  • Animated Business Videos offer a compelling medium for bringing your brand story to life. Through visuals, music, and narration, you can create an immersive experience that resonates with your audience on an emotional level. Animation allows you to showcase your brand's personality, values, and history in a creative and memorable way. By crafting a compelling brand story video, you can connect with your audience on a deeper level, fostering brand loyalty and advocacy.

  • Generate Leads with Video
  • Animated Business Videos can be strategically deployed to capture leads and grow your email list. By incorporating interactive elements like forms or calls to action within your videos, you can encourage viewers to provide their contact information in exchange for valuable content, such as ebooks, webinars, or free trials. Animated explainer videos can also be used to generate leads by showcasing the benefits of your product or service and driving traffic to landing pages designed for lead capture.

  • Acquire Customers with Video
  • Animated Business Videos can play a pivotal role in attracting and converting new customers. Targeted advertising campaigns featuring engaging animated videos can capture the attention of your ideal customer profile on social media and other platforms. product demo videos can effectively showcase the Value Proposition of your offerings, while customer testimonial videos build trust and credibility. By leveraging the power of animation, you can create a compelling first impression and drive conversions.

  • Enhance Brand Reputation
  • Animated Business Videos can be used to proactively manage and enhance your brand's reputation. By creating videos that address customer concerns, showcase your commitment to social responsibility, or highlight positive customer experiences, you can build trust and transparency. Animated videos can also be used to respond to negative feedback or crises in a timely and empathetic manner, demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction and mitigating reputational damage.

  • Boost Customer Satisfaction
  • Animated Business Videos can enhance customer satisfaction by providing readily accessible and engaging support resources. Tutorial videos can guide customers through product usage, troubleshooting steps, or account management processes. FAQ videos can address common customer questions in a clear and concise manner. By offering these self-service resources, you can empower customers to resolve issues independently, reducing frustration and improving their overall experience with your brand.

  • Engage Employees with Video
  • Animated Business Videos can be used to foster a more engaged and informed workforce. Company culture videos can communicate your values and mission in a compelling way, while training videos can deliver essential skills and knowledge in an interactive format. Internal communication videos can keep employees updated on company news and initiatives, fostering a sense of transparency and belonging. By leveraging animation, you can create a more dynamic and engaging internal communication strategy.

  • Build Brand Loyalty
  • Animated Business Videos can nurture brand loyalty by creating a more personalized and rewarding customer experience. Exclusive video content can be offered to loyal customers, such as behind-the-scenes glimpses, early access to new products, or special promotions. Personalized thank you videos can show appreciation for customer loyalty and foster a sense of connection. By consistently delivering valuable and engaging video content, you can strengthen customer relationships and encourage repeat business.

  • Reduce Customer Acquisition Cost
  • Animated Business Videos can contribute to a lower CAC by improving the efficiency of your marketing efforts. Engaging video content can attract a wider audience and generate more qualified leads, reducing the cost of acquiring each new customer. By optimizing your Video Marketing Strategy for lead generation and conversion, you can maximize your return on investment and achieve a lower CAC.

  • Increase Customer Lifetime Value
  • Animated Business Videos can play a significant role in increasing CLTV by fostering customer loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases. Educational videos can help customers get the most out of your product or service, increasing satisfaction and reducing churn. Promotional videos can introduce customers to new offerings and encourage upsells or cross-sells. By nurturing customer relationships through engaging video content, you can extend their lifetime value and maximize their contribution to your business.

  • Foster Brand Advocacy
  • Animated Business Videos can be a powerful tool for turning satisfied customers into brand advocates. By creating shareable video content that showcases positive customer experiences, highlights your brand's unique value proposition, or tells compelling stories, you can encourage customers to recommend your brand to others. User-generated video contests or campaigns can further incentivize brand advocacy and generate authentic testimonials that resonate with potential customers.

  • Boost Website Conversions
  • Animated Business Videos are a powerful tool for boosting website conversion rates by transforming passive visitors into engaged customers. Their dynamic visuals capture attention immediately, reducing bounce rates. Explainer videos can simplify complex product features, while product demos showcase value propositions in a compelling way. By incorporating clear calls to action within the animation, you can guide viewers towards desired actions like signing up for a free trial, making a purchase, or requesting a quote, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

  • Engage Website Visitors
  • Animated Business Videos elevate customer engagement by offering interactive and memorable experiences. Instead of static text, animated videos provide dynamic content that holds viewers' attention. Interactive elements like quizzes, polls, or clickable hotspots within the video can further encourage active participation. By using animation to tell compelling stories, explain complex topics, or showcase customer testimonials, you can create a deeper connection with your audience, leading to increased time spent on your website, higher social media shares, and improved brand recall.

  • Website Storytelling with Video
  • Animated Business Videos are an exceptional medium for enhancing brand storytelling. They allow you to go beyond simple text and images, bringing your brand's narrative to life through captivating visuals and sound. Animation enables you to create unique characters, settings, and scenarios that embody your brand's personality and values. By crafting emotionally resonant stories, you can forge a deeper connection with your audience, building brand loyalty and advocacy. Animated videos can be used to showcase your brand's origin story, highlight your mission and vision, or demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.

  • Enhance Website UX
  • Animated Business Videos can significantly enhance user experience (UX) by making your website more intuitive, informative, and enjoyable to navigate. Instead of lengthy text-based instructions, you can use animated tutorials to guide users through complex processes, such as setting up an account or using a specific feature. Animated micro-interactions can provide visual feedback, making the website feel more responsive and engaging. By strategically incorporating animated videos throughout your website, you can reduce cognitive load, improve user comprehension, and create a more seamless and satisfying browsing experience.

  • Effective Marketing Campaigns
  • Animated Business Videos are a versatile asset that can elevate the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns across various channels. Their engaging nature makes them ideal for capturing attention on social media platforms, increasing click-through rates in email marketing, and boosting conversion rates on landing pages. Animated videos can be used to explain your unique selling proposition, demonstrate product benefits, build brand awareness, and generate leads. By incorporating them into your marketing strategy, you can create a more cohesive and impactful brand message that resonates with your target audience.

  • Animated Business Video
  • An Animated Business Video is a short-form video that utilizes animation techniques to communicate a business message, explain a concept, or tell a story. Unlike live-action videos, animated business videos rely on digitally created visuals, characters, and environments. They can range from simple whiteboard animations to complex 3D character animations, depending on the desired style and message. These videos are commonly used for marketing, training, education, and internal communications purposes.

  • Importance of Animated Video
  • In today's digital landscape, Animated Business Videos are crucial for cutting through the noise and effectively engaging your target audience. They offer a dynamic and visually appealing alternative to traditional text-based content, capturing attention and improving information retention. Animated videos can simplify complex ideas, making them easier to understand and remember. They can also evoke emotions, build brand personality, and create a lasting impression on viewers, ultimately leading to increased brand awareness, lead generation, and customer engagement.

  • Animated Video Types
  • Animated Business Videos encompass a wide range of styles, each suited for different purposes and target audiences. Explainer videos simplify complex concepts or products. Product demos showcase features and benefits. Brand videos tell your company's story and build emotional connections. Testimonial videos feature satisfied customers. Animated infographics present data in a visually engaging way. Whiteboard animation uses hand-drawn visuals to explain ideas. Motion graphics utilize animated text and shapes to convey information. Choosing the right style depends on your specific goals and brand identity.

  • Animated Video Benefits
  • Animated Business Videos offer a multitude of benefits for businesses seeking to enhance their marketing and communication efforts. They can significantly boost brand awareness by creating memorable and shareable content. Animated videos drive conversions by clearly explaining value propositions and incorporating compelling calls to action. They foster stronger customer relationships by providing valuable information and building emotional connections. Furthermore, animated videos can enhance brand storytelling, improve SEO, and increase social media engagement, making them a valuable asset for any business.

  • Boost Customer Engagement
  • Animated Business Videos are highly effective at boosting customer engagement due to their ability to capture attention and deliver information in a dynamic and memorable way. By using eye-catching visuals, storytelling techniques, and interactive elements, you can create videos that resonate with your audience and encourage them to interact with your brand. Animated videos can be used to spark conversations on social media, drive traffic to your website, and foster a sense of community among your customers.

  • Animated Video Customer Support
  • Animated Business Videos can revolutionize customer support by providing clear and engaging solutions to common issues. Instead of relying on lengthy text-based FAQs or manuals, you can create animated tutorials that demonstrate how to use your product, troubleshoot problems, or access specific features. These videos can be embedded on your website, shared via email, or integrated into your customer support platform, providing instant and accessible assistance to your customers, reducing support tickets, and improving customer satisfaction.

  • Animated Video Sales Boost
  • Animated Business Videos are a powerful sales tool that can influence purchasing decisions at various stages of the sales funnel. They can be used to generate leads by capturing attention and showcasing your product's unique value proposition. Animated product demos can effectively demonstrate features and benefits, overcoming objections and building trust. By incorporating compelling storytelling and clear calls to action, you can guide prospects towards making a purchase, ultimately increasing your sales conversion rates and revenue.

  • Enhance Customer Journey
  • Animated Business Videos can be strategically integrated into various touchpoints of the customer journey to create a more seamless and engaging experience. From initial awareness to post-purchase support, animated videos can guide customers through each stage, providing valuable information and building brand loyalty. They can be used to introduce your brand, explain your products or services, address customer pain points, and provide onboarding and support resources, ensuring a positive and memorable experience at every interaction.

  • Optimize Sales Funnel
  • Animated Business Videos can optimize each stage of the sales funnel, from attracting prospects to converting them into loyal customers. At the top of the funnel, engaging animated videos can capture attention and generate leads. In the middle of the funnel, explainer videos and product demos can nurture leads by providing valuable information and building trust. At the bottom of the funnel, testimonial videos and case studies can help close deals by showcasing social proof and demonstrating the value of your product or service.

  • Increase Brand Awareness
  • Animated Business Videos are a highly effective tool for building brand awareness and recognition. Their shareable nature makes them ideal for social media marketing, where they can quickly go viral and reach a wider audience. By creating visually appealing and memorable animated videos that showcase your brand's personality and values, you can leave a lasting impression on viewers, increasing brand recall and generating buzz around your company.

  • Animated Video Content Marketing
  • Animated Business Videos can significantly enhance your content marketing strategy by providing a more engaging and diverse content format. They can be used to create explainer videos, product demos, how-to guides, and animated infographics that attract and retain your audience's attention. By incorporating animated videos into your blog posts, social media feeds, and email newsletters, you can increase content consumption, improve information retention, and drive more traffic to your website.

  • 40. Animated Video Social Media
  • Animated Business Videos are tailor-made for social media platforms, where visual content reigns supreme. Their short, engaging format is perfect for capturing attention in fast-paced newsfeeds. Animated videos can be used to tell your brand story, showcase your products, run contests, and entertain your audience. By creating shareable and visually appealing animated content, you can increase social media engagement, reach a wider audience, and drive traffic to your website.

  • Animated Video Email Marketing
  • Animated Business Videos can revitalize your email marketing campaigns by increasing open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Including an animated video thumbnail in your email preview can pique recipients' curiosity and encourage them to open your email. Embedding an animated video within your email can deliver your message in a more engaging and memorable way, increasing the likelihood that viewers will click on your call to action and take the desired next step.

  • Animated Video SEO
  • Animated Business Videos can indirectly boost your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts by increasing user engagement on your website. When visitors watch your videos, it signals to search engines that your content is valuable and engaging, which can positively impact your website's ranking in search results. Furthermore, embedding videos on your website can increase the average time visitors spend on your pages, another factor that search engines consider when determining rankings.

  • Improve Customer Retention
  • Animated Business Videos can play a key role in fostering customer loyalty and improving retention rates. By creating personalized onboarding videos, you can welcome new customers and guide them through using your product or service. Animated videos can also be used to provide ongoing support, answer frequently asked questions, and offer exclusive content to loyal customers, making them feel valued and appreciated. By building stronger relationships with your customers through engaging video content, you can increase their lifetime value and reduce churn.

  • Animated Video Storytelling
  • Animated Business Videos are an exceptional medium for crafting compelling brand stories that resonate with your audience on an emotional level. Animation allows you to create unique characters, settings, and scenarios that embody your brand's personality and values. By using visual storytelling techniques, you can captivate your audience, build brand affinity, and create a lasting impression. Animated videos can be used to showcase your brand's origin story, highlight your mission and vision, or demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction.

  • Generate Leads with Video
  • Animated Business Videos are a highly effective tool for capturing leads and growing your email list. By creating engaging and informative videos that address your target audience's pain points and offer valuable solutions, you can pique their interest and encourage them to provide their contact information in exchange for access to exclusive content, such as ebooks, webinars, or free trials. Animated videos can be used on landing pages, social media, and email marketing campaigns to drive lead generation and fuel your sales pipeline.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!