Video Creation Service

30 Software Product Tutorial Videos That Enhance User Experience And Drive

Orko Roy
Last updated
Sep. 04, 2024

Software is everywhere, shaping how we live and work. For businesses to thrive in this digital age, their software needs to be both powerful and user-friendly. This is where the magic of product tutorial videos comes in.

The need for high-quality product tutorial videos has never been greater. As software becomes increasingly sophisticated, users expect intuitive and engaging learning experiences. By investing in comprehensive video tutorials, businesses can empower their users, drive adoption, and ultimately, achieve greater success. Let's dive in.

1. Sage

Sage Intacct Planning helps businesses understand their financial data. The video is designed to introduce this solution and its benefits.

Video Design - This Animated Business Intro Video uses a simple style with clean graphics and a vibrant color scheme. It highlights the challenges of budgeting and planning with spreadsheets and how Sage Intacct Planning can provide a better solution.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the benefits of using Sage Intacct Planning. The bright colors and energetic animations create a positive and engaging tone. The simple visuals and the use of relatable imagery make it easy for viewers to understand the concept of moving from spreadsheets to a cloud-based planning solution. The video effectively shows that Sage Intacct Planning can help streamline the planning process and reduce the time and effort required to manage complex data.

2. E COM

E Com Security Solutions is a network infrastructure security company that provides security assessments. The video is designed to demonstrate how their services can identify vulnerabilities in systems and networks.

Video Design - The video is visually engaging and uses a minimalist design style. The animation of the red flags growing into a mountain emphasizes the potential of a security breach. The video focuses on network security and uses graphics that represent a system. The video is a good Software Product Tutorial Video, because it focuses on a unique visual style, while explaining a complex topic in a clear and simple way.

The visual design of the video is able to communicate the company's objective of helping businesses identify and mitigate risks. The video narrative emphasizes that E Com Security Solutions understands the challenges of network security, and the tone of the video is informative and insightful. This style is impactful, as it clearly conveys the message of security threats, and the solutions offered by E Com Security Solutions.

3. PropheSee

PropheSee is a marketing analytics software platform that helps businesses to streamline and optimize their marketing campaigns for maximum impact. This video is designed to introduce the solution and show how it can help businesses to manage and analyze marketing data from multiple sources.

Video Design - The video uses simple, clean animation and graphic design. It features a cheerful and lighthearted tone, that makes it appealing to the marketing professionals who are the target audience. The cartoon style of animation is easy to digest and makes the video a great "Software Product Tutorial Video". The visual design of the video features various marketing platforms, and analytics data, which makes the video a great illustration of the subject, and helps to visually represent the brand and its offerings.

The video uses a playful and engaging approach to communicate the value of PropheSee. The cartoon animation style makes the video fun and relatable, and the simplicity of the visuals makes the solution easy to understand. This playful tone makes the video highly engaging for the target audience, and helps to drive the video goal.

4. Health-RI

Health-RI is a Dutch research institute dedicated to improving healthcare through data. The video is designed to introduce their unique data management solution, the 'Personal Health Train' (PHT).

Video Design - The video utilizes a simple, clean, and engaging design style. The animation style is clean and modern, with simple shapes and bright colors, making it a good Business Awareness Intro Video. The video uses a metaphor of a train to visually represent the concept of taking the research question to the data. This helps to communicate the core idea of PHT and its benefits clearly and effectively.

The visual design of the video helps to communicate the concept of data aggregation and secure transfer, highlighting the importance of privacy while maintaining data integrity. The animation of the PHT train moving through different data sources shows how it can securely access various data points without sharing data centrally. The video also uses icons to represent different types of data, making the video engaging and easy to understand for a wider audience. The clean, modern, and simple design of the video successfully conveys the message of security, trust, and innovation, making it a perfect introduction for Health-RI.

5. Jacobs

Track Record Facilities by Jacobs, is a web based platform for managing building compliance and condition assessments. The video is designed to introduce the platform and its benefits.

Video Design - This is an Enterprise Application Feature Intro Explainer Video, with simple visuals and graphics. The video starts with a character overwhelmed by paperwork, visually depicting the problem this solution addresses. The white background and simple graphics emphasize the technical nature of the software. The platform's logo is a blue square with an upward arrow, symbolizing the platform's ability to streamline information. The video uses circles and lines to connect different aspects of compliance, condition assessment, construction and quality management, further highlighting the platform's ability to manage workflows across multiple processes.

The minimalist, clean and modern style of the graphics effectively communicates the company's message of simplifying a complex process, making the video clear and easily digestible, creating a sense of trust and reliability. The animation uses subtle transitions and an upbeat tone that complements the video's overall message and builds a positive feeling in the viewer. The video's visual style successfully reinforces its goal to introduce a user-friendly solution for managing building compliance.

6. Remote

Remote is a solution that makes employing people internationally easier by handling global payroll, benefits, and compliance solutions. The video is designed to introduce the product to its target audience.

Video Design - The video uses simple, bold illustrations of a world map with icons that communicate Remote's key features and benefits. These bright color schemes in the video help depict the user experience of a global team. The video is an example of an Enterprise Application Feature Intro Video that uses minimal graphics and clear communication to explain the company's product.

Remote effectively utilizes its brand colors and visual design to drive the goal of the video, to make people aware of the product and its advantages. The video's animation and visual style maintain a professional, clean, and friendly tone that showcases the simplicity of the service. This video is a perfect example of how clean and straightforward visuals can communicate a complex concept in a concise and engaging way.

7. Ad Astra

This video focuses on the challenges educational institutions face in optimizing student program pathways and resource allocation. Ad Astra Information Systems offers solutions to enhance student completion rates and improve institutional efficiency. This video is a good example of an Enterprise Application Intro Video.

The video's design style effectively conveys the complexities of program pathways and resource management through clean visuals and concise messaging. The use of simple shapes, icons, and connecting lines illustrates the interconnectedness of various elements within an institution, such as enrollment management, classroom and faculty capacity, and course scheduling. The animation smoothly transitions between concepts, guiding viewers through the challenges and solutions presented. The color palette is consistent and professional, using contrasting colors to highlight key information and maintain visual interest.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video effectively explains how Ad Astra Information Systems can assist institutions in designing better program pathways, aligning faculty and space, and ultimately achieving more efficient resource stewardship. This Software Product Tutorial Video would be a valuable resource for educational institutions seeking solutions to optimize student completions and resource allocation.

8. OpenText

This video is designed to introduce OpenText's new generative AI chatbot, Aviator, for IT Operations.

Video Design - OpenText's video is an effective Software Product Tutorial Video. The animation style is simple, using clean graphics and a bright blue background. It focuses on the key features of Aviator, presenting its value proposition and highlighting its benefits. The video emphasizes the frustration of dealing with unhelpful chatbots and introduces Aviator as the solution. The design is bold, modern, and uses dynamic animation, bringing Aviator to life with minimal visual noise.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective. The use of simple graphics emphasizes the clarity and efficiency of the product. The animation elements enhance the flow and make the video engaging. The tone of the video is both professional and approachable, making it clear that Aviator is designed to improve the user experience and empower IT professionals.

9. SimplyCast

SimplyCast is a marketing automation platform that helps businesses connect with people around the world. The video is designed to demonstrate how SimplyCast can be used to automate phone calls, allowing businesses to reach prospects in different time zones.

Video Design - This Animated Explainer Intro Video features a clean and simple visual design. It uses icons, bold font, and basic colors to clearly convey the concept of automated phone calls.

The visual design of the video effectively communicates the objective of reaching prospects worldwide, while also highlighting the ease of use of SimplyCast. The tone of the video is positive and reassuring, emphasizing the potential for businesses to connect with more people and grow their business.

10. Diligent

Diligent Community is a solution designed to simplify the governance and civic engagement process for public education boards. The video is designed to showcase the problems of traditional board management and then present Diligent Community as the solution.

Video Design - The video uses simple animation and graphic design to effectively illustrate the challenges associated with traditional board management. The visual design utilizes contrasting color schemes and a clean aesthetic, further emphasizing the need for a more streamlined approach. The video features a series of simple animations that capture the complexities of manually creating meeting agendas, the potential for last-minute changes, and the frustrations of outdated technology. The use of simple yet impactful animations makes it a very effective Business Communication Intro Video.

The visual style of the video clearly communicates the chaotic nature of traditional board management and the need for a solution that streamlines processes. By showcasing these challenges, the video highlights the benefits of using Diligent Community and sets a tone of urgency that encourages viewers to explore this more efficient solution. The simple and engaging design coupled with the impactful animations drives the message across effectively.

11. Siemens

Siemens is a company that provides solutions for automation and industrial processes. This video is designed to highlight Siemens' distributed control systems and their ability to simplify plant management.

Video Design - This animated video utilizes a flat design style, using distinct colors, simplified shapes, and minimal details. The graphics are crisp and clean, which helps to create a professional and visually appealing "Animated Feature Intro Video". The video follows a consistent layout, focusing on the key features and benefits of Siemens' Distributed Control System.

The video's visual design effectively communicates the benefits of using Siemens DCS. The video uses clear, concise animation and graphics to present the challenges of managing custom PLC code. These challenges are presented through animated visuals of a worker struggling with cluttered and distracting screens. This highlights the frustration and inefficiency experienced by operators. The video then transitions to Siemens DCS, showing a clean and simplified user interface that makes plant management easier. This visual contrast emphasizes the ease of use and enhanced efficiency provided by Siemens' solutions. The video's upbeat and informative tone effectively conveys the message and encourages viewers to learn more about Siemens DCS.


KIOXIA is a company that specializes in flash memory. This particular video is designed to introduce the KIOXIA BiCS FLASH product line and highlight its capabilities.

Video Design - KIOXIA effectively uses 3D animated graphics to introduce the BiCS FLASH concept, effectively communicating the technology's benefits and how it helps KIOXIA achieve its goals. Animated graphics are used to depict the core technology of BiCS FLASH, showcasing its advanced features. This approach makes the video more engaging, particularly for a technical audience. This video is an excellent example of an Animated Software Intro Video, as it clearly conveys the complex technology through visually appealing and easily understandable animations.

The video uses simple, straightforward graphics and a clean design style. This approach is effective in communicating the complex subject matter in a way that is easy to understand. The video's design is also effective in highlighting the key benefits of BiCS FLASH technology, namely its ability to achieve high density and increase storage capacity. The use of 3D animated graphics helps to convey the key message of this video, emphasizing the importance of KIOXIA's BiCS FLASH technology in meeting the growing demand for high-density storage. The tone is upbeat and energetic, showcasing the potential of the technology to drive future innovation. The use of clean graphics and engaging animations helps to keep the audience interested, making it a great example of an Animated Software Intro Video.

13. Rubrik

Rubrik simplifies data protection, aiming to modernize and automate backups. This video is designed to demonstrate how Rubrik's approach makes data protection more efficient.

Video Design - This animated video uses clean, simple visuals and typography. A combination of bold colors and flat design elements create an engaging experience that feels modern. The video focuses on the visual representation of Rubrik's platform, the design concept is clean and clear, making the video a good "Animated Teaser Intro Video" .

The video's bright and energetic color scheme enhances the message, highlighting the efficiency and speed of Rubrik's automated platform. The video's clean design and simple graphics effectively communicate the benefits of Rubrik's technology, emphasizing a streamlined process that reduces manual effort and improves efficiency. This tone establishes Rubrik as a brand that understands modern challenges, offering an effective and user-friendly solution.

14. 1Password

1Password is a company that helps you manage and secure your passwords, SSH keys, and infrastructure secrets. This video is designed to introduce 1Password Developer Tools, a new way for developers to streamline their workflows.

Video Design - The video utilizes a minimalist design style that emphasizes functionality. The main visual elements are animated lines and geometric shapes, which creates a sense of clarity and organization. The color palette of green, purple, and black evokes a modern and trustworthy vibe, aligning with the brand's emphasis on security. This video stands out as a "Software Product Tutorial Video" because it effectively conveys its message without being overly flashy or complex.

The video's visual style is simple yet effective, communicating the benefits of using 1Password Developer Tools. The use of animations, such as the "keystroke, tap, or thumbprint," reinforces the key feature of the product, which is the ability to access secrets with ease. The video's tone is professional and informative, with a clear focus on the product's value proposition and target audience, developers. The use of minimalistic design, combined with the focus on technical aspects, makes the video engaging for its target audience, and helps drive the video goal of promoting the product's launch.

15. Superfluid

Superfluid is a protocol that enables streaming of ERC-20 tokens. This video is designed to illustrate the benefits of a fast and seamless payment solution.

Video Design - The video utilizes a clean, minimalist design style. It uses geometric shapes, bright colors, and simple animations to create an engaging and modern visual experience. This design approach reflects the brand's focus on a streamlined and user-friendly platform. The video uses abstract graphics and bold colors to represent the seamless movement of money in the digital age. The video features a light, energetic tone, making it ideal as a Software Product Tutorial Video for showcasing the ease and speed of Superfluid.

The video effectively communicates the concept of continuous, real-time payments. The use of dynamic graphics, showcasing transactions happening every second, reinforces the speed and efficiency of the Superfluid network. The overall tone of the video is optimistic and forward-looking, conveying the potential of the protocol to revolutionize the payment landscape.

16. State Street

State Street is a global custodian of assets. The video is designed to showcase the company's expertise in helping asset managers unlock opportunities, streamline operations, and expand globally.

Video Design - The video is a strong “Software Product Tutorial Video”. It uses a clean and modern design, featuring bold colors like blue, white, and black. Animations are simple, yet eye-catching, including dots and lines, plus a digitalized spinning globe. Text elements appear in a clean, easy-to-read font. The video uses strategically placed animated icons, text overlays, and a consistent color palette, making it an effective way to showcase State Street's key offerings.

The video visual style communicates State Street's global presence and its focus on data-driven insights, innovation, and growth. Animated graphics illustrate the company's approach to helping asset managers achieve success. The bright blue background evokes a sense of confidence and reliability, while the use of visual metaphors emphasizes the company's commitment to helping clients grow and expand. The video is concise, compelling, and reflects a sophisticated, yet approachable tone.

17. Intouch

Intouch is a mystery shopping service that helps businesses understand the quality of customer service they're providing. The video is designed to introduce Intouch, its services, and highlight the need for mystery shopping.

Video Design - This video is a great example of a Software Product Tutorial Video. The graphics are bright and colorful, with a minimalist and modern style. The use of animated shapes and illustrations keeps the video engaging, and the transitions between scenes are smooth and seamless. The color palette is vibrant, using blues, pinks, and other contrasting colors to create a visually appealing experience.

The video effectively communicates the value of Intouch mystery shopping services by using a simple, clear, and concise narrative. The visual style of the video reflects the company's focus on providing data-driven insights, and the use of graphs and statistics helps to demonstrate the impact of Intouch's services. Intouch's video is approachable, friendly, and conveys a professional tone.

18. Comarch

Comarch, an expert in IT systems, provides a variety of solutions for businesses. The video is designed to explain how Comarch helps businesses evolve and stay ahead of competition by leveraging Artificial Intelligence.

Video Design - The video features a futuristic and dynamic animation style, using bold colors and geometric shapes. The visual style is consistent with the theme of digital transformation, and the video design effectively captures the pace of change in today's business landscape. The animation is eye-catching, and the use of bright colors and sleek graphics is a perfect example of a Business Communication Animation Intro Video that's sure to grab your audience's attention.

The use of vibrant, contrasting colors and minimalist design elements creates a contemporary and exciting atmosphere. The video vibrant animation style matches the high-energy pace of business, and makes the topic of AI more interesting, while conveying the innovative nature of Comarch solutions. The video design and style showcase Comarch's dedication to helping businesses stay ahead of the curve. The graphics emphasize the role of Artificial Intelligence and its power to drive innovation and enable businesses to achieve their full potential.

19. HR Acuity

HR Acuity is a solution that helps companies manage employee relations issues. The video is designed to highlight the problem of employee relations and how HR Acuity can be a solution.

Video Design - This Business Explainer Intro Video uses a simple and clean design, which makes it visually appealing and easy to understand. It features animated icons and text on a white background, making the focus on the content and the message. The graphics are of high quality and are used effectively to illustrate the message and add visual interest.

The video effectively communicates the objective by using a visual style that is both professional and engaging. The clear and concise narrative focuses on the problem of employee relations issues and emphasizes the need for a solution. The design and animation create a positive and informative tone that is designed to encourage viewers to learn more about HR Acuity.

20. Freshdesk

Freshdesk is a ticketing system designed to help businesses resolve customer issues. This video is designed to showcase a feature called Parent-Child ticketing, which allows for dividing tickets into smaller sub-tickets that can be worked on in parallel.

Video Design - This Enterprise Application Feature Intro Explainer Video uses a clean, minimalist design with bright colors and simple illustrations. The video features a white background with animated graphics. The use of a clean interface highlights the simplicity of using Freshdesk.

The video illustrates how parent-child ticketing works by breaking down a complex onboarding process into smaller tasks that are assigned to different teams. The video clearly shows the flow of work and the benefits of using Freshdesk for managing complex issues. The animated style helps to explain the feature in a clear and engaging manner. A simple, yet engaging design makes the video an effective tool for introducing the feature and showcasing its benefits.

21. ntouch Insight

Intouch Insight provides customer experience solutions that utilize consumer insights to guide business decisions. This video is designed to promote the company's products and services by highlighting their capabilities in gathering data from all customer touchpoints, utilizing AI, and leveraging feedback channels for enhanced business outcomes.

Video Design - The video employs a clean, modern aesthetic, using a predominantly blue background with graphic elements. It focuses on geometric shapes and simple, bold typography to create a sleek and professional look. These visuals are combined with a smooth and dynamic animation style to further emphasize the brand's innovative approach to customer experience management. The video is designed as a Feature Intro Video, highlighting various aspects of the Intouch Insight solutions through a series of short, impactful scenes. The concise narrative and impactful visuals effectively showcase the company's Value Proposition without overwhelming the viewer.

The video effectively communicates the company's value proposition, using a calm and confident tone to convey Intouch Insight's expertise. The simple yet elegant visual style underscores the brand's focus on providing practical and effective solutions for improving customer experience. The video highlights the company's ability to collect data from various touchpoints, leverage AI insights, and analyze feedback, all of which contribute to smarter business decisions. The overall impression is one of professionalism, innovation, and a commitment to delivering tangible results.

22. US Ecology

The video is designed to show how US Ecology and Smarter Sorting are partnering to solve the problems of waste classification and compliance in retail.

Video Design - This Software Feature Intro Video uses a clean, bright color palette and bold graphics to immediately draw the viewer in. The style is straightforward, with minimalist design elements. Animations and transitions are clean, consistent, and modern. The video features an informative narrative that details the problems with traditional waste sorting, while highlighting the benefits of US Ecology's Smarter Sorting solution.

The video's visual style helps communicate the efficiency, effectiveness, and simplicity of the Smarter Sorting solution. The clean and bold design effectively communicates the company's professionalism and focus on innovation. The video is engaging, informative, and promotes US Ecology's brand as a forward-thinking and modern leader in waste classification and compliance.


TRIMIT is ERP software and ecommerce designed for furniture companies. The video is designed to introduce TRIMIT as the solution to streamline operations and make furniture businesses more efficient.

Video Design - TRIMIT uses a very clean and simple design in its Software Product Tutorial Video. The video uses light blue, white and grey colors. This creates a calming and professional visual aesthetic. The icons are in light blue and white, the text is in a clean sans-serif font, and the background is white. The video uses minimal text, with the key information highlighted in bold. This makes the information easy to understand.

TRIMIT's video design helps convey the brand's message of a user-friendly software solution for furniture companies. The video's visual style is modern and engaging, which helps TRIMIT appeal to a wider audience. TRIMIT effectively uses visual elements and text to communicate its key message, which is that TRIMIT is a simple and comprehensive solution for managing furniture businesses. The video's tone is professional, informative, and encouraging. TRIMIT uses this visual approach to attract companies in the furniture industry and encourage them to learn more.

24. Jacada

Jacada automates customer service tasks, improving customer experience. The video is designed to demonstrate how Jacada's automated solutions can benefit customers and businesses.

Video Design - The video uses a lighthearted and humorous cartoon style, featuring a man walking his dog. The visual style is simple, using bright colours, and clear graphics, making the video easy to understand. This is a great example of a Software Feature Intro Video.

The video depicts how Jacada's technology improves efficiency, with the dog representing the customer's journey. The short walks highlight the faster, more convenient experience that automated customer service provides, while the man on the phone represents a busy customer interacting with Jacada's solution. The video ends with the dog walking into a trash can, implying the customer will have a much shorter interaction with Jacada. The animated video style and lighthearted tone makes the video engaging while conveying the benefits of Jacada's solutions.

25. Denodo

Denodo is a data integration and management platform that makes it easy for businesses to access and use all their data, regardless of where it is stored. The video is designed to introduce the Denodo Platform and demonstrate its capabilities, highlighting its ability to manage data from multiple sources, including cloud-based services like Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Video Design - The video features a clean and modern design style, with bright colors and isometric illustrations, making it an engaging Software Intro Video. Data is represented by different shapes and colors, and these elements are connected with lines to show how Denodo Platform integrates and manages data from multiple sources.

The use of isometric illustrations adds depth and visual interest to the video, making it easy to understand the concept of a centralized data management layer. This visual style effectively communicates the complex concept of data integration in a simple and understandable way. It clearly showcases the capabilities of Denodo Platform and how it helps organizations gain insights from their data. The overall tone of the video is professional, confident, and informative, creating an impression of a reliable and powerful data integration solution.

26. Audaces

Audaces Idea is a design software that helps designers create and develop collections with an intuitive interface. This video is designed to showcase the features and benefits of Audaces Idea for fashion designers.

Video Design - The video uses simple and clear visuals to highlight the software's user interface. The video incorporates a clean and modern design aesthetic, with a focus on bold colors and clean lines. Audaces Idea is demonstrated through a series of fast-paced cuts, showing how users can design, create, and manage their work within the software. The video highlights the software's ease of use and the wide range of tools available to designers. This "Business Communication Showcase Intro Video" effectively demonstrates the software's features, while maintaining a clear and concise narrative throughout.

The video effectively communicates the benefits of using Audaces Idea to streamline the design process. The fast-paced nature of the video, combined with the use of vibrant colors and imagery, creates an energetic and engaging viewing experience. This tone helps the viewer understand how Audaces Idea can simplify the design process and help them create more effective collections.

27. NICE

NICE True to Interval (TTI) analytics is a workforce management solution that utilizes interval data to help businesses improve forecasted staff requirements and boost efficiency. The video is designed to demonstrate how TTI analytics works and its benefits for businesses.

Video Design - The video utilizes a simple, clean design and minimalist color palette. A dark background is used to contrast with the pale pink and purple elements, making the visuals very easy to read. The video uses bright colors and simple illustrations to highlight key information and data points. These design elements, combined with animation and audio, create a clean and visually engaging experience, making this a good Software Feature Intro Explainer Video.

The video uses a combination of text, illustrations, and short video clips to communicate its message. The visuals emphasize the simplicity and ease of use of the NICE WFM TTI analytics solution, highlighting how it can help businesses manage their workforce effectively. The dark background and light text create a sense of professionalism and clarity, giving the video a confident and informative tone. The overall design helps communicate the video's goal, which is to show how TTI analytics can streamline workforce management and enable businesses to be more proactive with their staffing.

28. PanMon

PanMon is a pantograph condition monitoring system that provides real-time, cost-efficient surveillance of pantograph units on electrified train or tram services. The video is designed to communicate the system's benefits and target audience.

Video Design - This Software Product Tutorial Video uses a simplified animation style that is easy to understand. The animations are clean, and the graphics are simple, but effective, which makes the video very engaging. The video incorporates a variety of visuals, including trains, overhead lines, and a simple diagram of a train network.

The visual style of the video is able to effectively communicate the objective of the video. The video focuses on the challenge of pantograph malfunctions, which can cause costly delays and disruptions. The narrative of the video explains how PanMon can identify vehicles that pose a greater risk of inflicting damage to the overhead wires, allowing infrastructure managers and operators to take preventative action. The video's tone is professional and informative, which is appropriate for the target audience. The overall visual quality is high, and the content is engaging, making this a great example of a video that is able to effectively communicate its message.

29. N7

N7 is a Digital Experience and Streaming platform that delivers better digital experiences, drives conversions and increases engagement. This video is designed to introduce N7 and its innovative features to its target audience.

Video Design - The video starts with an Animated Feature Intro Video featuring bold, white text on a colored background. The background is a topographic map pattern in different colors, creating a visually interesting and engaging opening. This approach is used throughout the video, with different colors used for each word. The use of minimal but visually appealing graphics helps to convey the message clearly and concisely. This video design is simple, direct, and easily digestible, making it suitable for showcasing the key benefits of the N7 platform.

The use of simple, yet impactful imagery helps to effectively communicate the message. The video uses a combination of animation and real-world footage, adding to the visual appeal. The design focuses on simple graphics and bold text, creating a clear and concise message. This ensures that the video is easy to understand and that the key message is conveyed effectively. The overall tone of the video is positive and upbeat, highlighting the capabilities of the platform and its potential to enhance the user's experience. The video is designed to engage viewers by focusing on the core values and benefits of the N7 platform.

30. GoCardless Software Product Tutorial Video

GoCardless is a payment processing company that provides a solution to combat payment fraud. The video is designed to explain their intelligent fraud prevention solution called "GoCardless Protect+" and its importance for businesses.

Video Design - The video utilizes a clean and minimalist visual style, featuring abstract and graphic imagery. The video transitions from dramatic, cinematic shots to simple, geometric shapes, highlighting the contrasting forces of fraud and protection. This approach creates a powerful "Software Product Tutorial Video" for GoCardless, effectively communicating the brand's commitment to protecting businesses from fraud.

The video uses dynamic visual elements like the dark cloud, raindrops, and water droplets to symbolize the threat of fraud. The imagery is combined with bold typography and a succinct narrative, emphasizing the consequences of payment fraud. The video's tone is urgent and informative, highlighting the need for a robust fraud prevention solution. The overall visual style is compelling and visually engaging, effectively driving the key message of the video: GoCardless Protect+ is the solution to protect businesses from the disruptive impact of fraud.

Key Takeaways

Design Effective Tutorials

Designing an effective software tutorial video requires careful planning across various stages.


  • Target Audience: Understanding your audience's technical expertise, familiarity with your software, and learning preferences is crucial. This will dictate the video's complexity, tone, and pacing. For example, a tutorial for beginners might require more detailed explanations and slower pacing than one for advanced users.
  • Content Objectives: Clearly define the learning goals of the video. What specific skills or knowledge should viewers gain? This will help you structure the content and ensure it's focused and relevant.
  • Visual Style: Choose a visual style that aligns with your brand and resonates with your target audience. Consider using screen recordings, animations, live-action footage, or a combination of these elements.

  • Storyboarding: Create a visual outline of the video, including key scenes, transitions, and on-screen text. This helps ensure a smooth flow and prevents unnecessary re-shoots.
  • Scriptwriting: Write a clear and concise script that guides the viewer through the tutorial. Use simple language, avoid jargon, and focus on delivering information effectively.

  • Video Editing: Edit the video to create a polished and engaging final product. Pay attention to pacing, transitions, and audio quality.
  • Call to Action: Include a clear call to action at the end of the video, encouraging viewers to take the next step (e.g., visit your website, sign up for a free trial).

  • Distribution Strategy: Choose the right platforms to reach your target audience. Consider your website, social media channels, YouTube, and other relevant platforms.
  • Promotion Strategy: Develop a plan to promote your video and drive viewership. This might include social media marketing, email marketing, and paid advertising.
  • Measurement Strategy: Track key metrics like views, watch time, and engagement to assess the video's effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

Boost Brand Visibility

A well-crafted software tutorial video can be a powerful tool for building brand awareness by showcasing your company's expertise, personality, and values.

Showcase Your Brand:

  • Consistent Brand Voice and Style: Use your brand's visual identity (colors, fonts, logo) and tone of voice throughout the video. This creates a cohesive brand experience and reinforces brand recognition.
  • Highlight Your Unique Selling Proposition: Subtly weave in your product's unique benefits and differentiators within the tutorial. This helps viewers understand what sets your software apart from the competition.

Build Trust and Credibility:
  • Provide Value: By offering a helpful and informative tutorial, you demonstrate your expertise and commitment to customer success. This builds trust and credibility with potential customers.
  • Showcase Company Culture: Consider incorporating glimpses of your company culture into the video, such as shots of your team or office environment. This can humanize your brand and make it more relatable.

Promote and Share:
  • Call to Action: Include a clear call to action at the end of the video, encouraging viewers to learn more about your brand or product.
  • Easy Sharing: Make it easy for viewers to share the video on social media and other platforms. This can significantly expand your reach and brand exposure.

Distribute Your Video

Distributing your software tutorial video effectively is crucial for reaching your target audience and maximizing its impact. Consider these distribution channels:

Owned Channels:

  • Your Website: Embed the video on your website, particularly on product pages, support sections, and blog posts.
  • Landing Pages: Use tutorial videos on landing pages to showcase your product's features and benefits to potential customers.

Social Media Platforms:
  • YouTube, Vimeo: Upload your video to popular video hosting platforms to reach a wider audience and benefit from their search and discovery features.
  • Social Media Sharing: Share snippets or teasers of your tutorial video on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to drive traffic to the full video.

Other Channels:
  • Email Marketing: Include links to your tutorial videos in email newsletters and product updates to engage existing customers and provide valuable resources.
  • App Stores: If your software is a mobile or desktop app, consider including a tutorial video in your app store listing to showcase its functionality and attract downloads.
  • Webinars and Live Streams: Use tutorial videos as part of webinars or live streams to demonstrate your product and answer audience questions in real-time.

Enhance Product Clarity

Software tutorial videos are highly effective in enhancing product understanding by providing clear, visual explanations and demonstrations.

Highlight Key Features and Benefits:

  • Focus on User Needs: Address common user pain points and demonstrate how your product solves them. This helps viewers understand the Value Proposition of your software.
  • Show, Don't Just Tell: Use screen recordings, animations, and other visuals to demonstrate how your product works and its key features. This makes the information more engaging and easier to grasp.

Provide Step-by-Step Instructions:
  • Break Down Complex Processes: Divide complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps. This makes the learning process less daunting and easier to follow.
  • Use Clear and Concise Language: Avoid jargon and technical terms that might confuse viewers. Focus on delivering information in a simple and understandable way.

Enhance Engagement and Retention:
  • Interactive Elements: Consider incorporating interactive elements like quizzes or clickable hotspots to enhance engagement and knowledge retention.
  • Call to Action: Encourage viewers to apply their newfound knowledge by including a call to action, such as trying out a specific feature or exploring a related resource.

Compelling Story Elements

While tutorial videos are primarily informative, incorporating storytelling elements can make them more engaging and memorable.

Structure and Narrative:

  • Clear Beginning, Middle, and End: Start by introducing the problem or task the tutorial will address. Then, guide the viewer through the solution using your software. Finally, conclude by summarizing the key takeaways and reinforcing the value proposition.
  • Relatable Protagonist: Introduce a character or persona that represents your target audience. This helps viewers connect with the tutorial on a personal level and see themselves using the software.

Creating Engagement:
  • Clear Conflict or Challenge: Present a specific problem or challenge that your software helps solve. This creates a sense of urgency and makes the tutorial more relevant to the viewer's needs.
  • Satisfying Resolution: Demonstrate how your software effectively resolves the challenge, providing a sense of accomplishment for the viewer.
  • Call to Action: Encourage viewers to take the next step by including a clear call to action, such as trying out the software or exploring additional resources.

For example, a tutorial could show a small business owner struggling to manage their inventory. The tutorial then demonstrates how the software simplifies inventory tracking, ultimately saving the owner time and reducing errors.

Reduce Customer Churn

Tutorial videos can be a valuable tool for reducing customer churn by addressing common pain points, improving product understanding, and fostering user engagement.

Proactive Support:

  • Answer Common Customer Questions: Create tutorials that address frequently asked questions and troubleshoot common issues. This empowers users to solve problems independently, reducing their reliance on customer support.
  • Provide Onboarding Resources: Develop a series of tutorial videos that guide new users through the initial setup and basic features of your software. This helps them get started quickly and reduces the likelihood of early frustration.

Enhance User Experience:
  • Step-by-Step Troubleshooting: Create videos that provide clear and concise instructions on how to resolve common technical problems. This can prevent users from becoming frustrated and abandoning your software.
  • Advanced Feature Tutorials: Offer tutorials that showcase advanced features and functionalities. This can help users discover the full potential of your software and encourage them to remain engaged.

Accessibility and Engagement:
  • Easy to Find and Access: Make your tutorial videos easily accessible within your software, on your website, and through relevant support channels. This ensures users can find the information they need when they need it.
  • Engage with Users: Encourage feedback and interaction with your tutorial videos. This can help you identify areas for improvement and demonstrate your commitment to customer success.

Optimize for Search

Optimizing your tutorial videos for search engines can significantly increase their visibility and reach a wider audience.

Keyword Optimization:

  • Relevant Keywords: Conduct keyword research to identify the terms your target audience is using to search for information related to your software.
  • Title, Description, and Tags: Incorporate relevant keywords into your video's title, description, and tags. This helps search engines understand the content of your video and rank it accordingly.

Enhance Searchability:
  • Video Transcript: Create a text transcript of your video's audio content. This allows search engines to crawl and index the text, improving your video's searchability.
  • Closed Captions: Add closed captions to your video. This not only makes your video accessible to a wider audience but also provides additional text for search engines to index.

Promote and Distribute:
  • Embed on Your Website: Embed your video on relevant pages of your website. This signals to search engines that your website is a valuable resource for information related to your software.
  • Social Media Promotion: Share your video on social media platforms and encourage others to do the same. This can increase your video's visibility and drive traffic to your website.

Increase Customer Value

Tutorial videos can play a significant role in increasing customer lifetime value (CLTV) by fostering engagement, promoting product adoption, and driving customer loyalty.

Drive Product Adoption and Usage:

  • Feature-Specific Tutorials: Create tutorials that showcase the full range of your software's features and functionalities. This encourages users to explore and utilize more features, leading to increased product adoption and engagement.
  • Advanced Use Cases: Develop tutorials that demonstrate advanced use cases and workflows. This helps users unlock the full potential of your software and achieve greater value from it.

Enhance Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty:
  • Proactive Support: Provide tutorials that address common customer questions and troubleshoot potential issues. This reduces frustration and improves the overall customer experience.
  • Onboarding and Training: Offer comprehensive onboarding tutorials that guide new users through the initial setup and key features of your software. This helps them get started quickly and reduces the likelihood of early churn.

Build a Knowledge Base:
  • Create a Tutorial Library: Develop a comprehensive library of tutorial videos that cover all aspects of your software. This provides a valuable resource for users at all stages of their journey, fostering self-sufficiency and reducing reliance on customer support.

Integrate Marketing Videos

Integrating tutorial videos into your marketing campaigns can enhance their effectiveness and drive greater engagement with your target audience.

Email Marketing:

  • Product Launch Campaigns: Include tutorial videos in your product launch email sequence to introduce new features and demonstrate their value to potential customers.
  • Nurture Campaigns: Use tutorial videos in nurture email campaigns to educate leads about your software's capabilities and address their specific needs.

Social Media Marketing:
  • Share Snippets and Teasers: Share short, engaging snippets of your tutorial videos on social media platforms to pique interest and drive traffic to the full video.
  • Run Social Media Ads: Use tutorial videos as part of your social media advertising campaigns to showcase your software's benefits and generate leads.

Website and Landing Pages:
  • Product Pages: Embed tutorial videos on your product pages to provide potential customers with a clear understanding of your software's features and functionalities.
  • Landing Pages: Use tutorial videos on landing pages to demonstrate the value proposition of your software and encourage visitors to sign up for a free trial or demo.

Improve Customer Retention

Tutorial videos can be a powerful tool for improving customer retention by addressing common pain points, fostering user engagement, and building a strong sense of customer success.

Reduce Frustration and Churn:

  • Troubleshooting Tutorials: Create videos that provide clear and concise instructions on how to resolve common technical issues. This empowers users to solve problems independently, reducing frustration and preventing churn.
  • Proactive Support: Develop tutorials that address frequently asked questions and anticipate potential user challenges. This proactive approach demonstrates your commitment to customer success and reduces the likelihood of users seeking support elsewhere.

Foster Engagement and Loyalty:
  • Feature Deep Dives: Offer tutorials that showcase advanced features and functionalities. This helps users discover the full potential of your software and encourages them to remain engaged.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Use data and analytics to identify areas where users might be struggling or underutilizing features. Then, create targeted tutorial videos to address these specific needs.

Build a Strong Customer Community:
  • Encourage Interaction: Promote your tutorial videos through various channels and encourage users to share their feedback and ask questions. This fosters a sense of community and strengthens customer relationships.
  • Showcase Customer Success Stories: Incorporate customer testimonials and success stories into your tutorial videos. This demonstrates the real-world value of your software and inspires users to achieve similar results.

Measure Video Engagement

Measuring the engagement of your tutorial videos is crucial for understanding their effectiveness and identifying areas for improvement.

Viewership Metrics:

  • Views: Track the total number of times your video has been viewed. This provides a basic measure of reach and awareness.
  • Play Rate: Measure the percentage of viewers who click play on your video. This indicates how effective your video's title and thumbnail are at attracting attention.
  • Watch Time: Analyze how long viewers are watching your video. This reveals which parts of your video are most engaging and where viewers might be losing interest.

Interaction Metrics:
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): If your video includes clickable elements, track the percentage of viewers who click on them. This measures the effectiveness of your call to action.
  • Shares: Monitor how many times your video has been shared on social media or other platforms. This indicates how valuable and shareable viewers find your content.
  • Comments and Likes: Pay attention to the number of comments and likes your video receives. This provides insights into viewer sentiment and engagement.

Feedback and Qualitative Data:
  • Customer Feedback: Solicit feedback from viewers through surveys, comments sections, or direct outreach. This provides valuable qualitative insights into how your video is being received and what improvements can be made.

Software Tutorial Videos

A software product tutorial video is a digital guide that visually demonstrates how to use a specific software application or its features. These videos aim to educate users, improve their understanding of the software's functionalities, and empower them to achieve their desired outcomes. Tutorial videos can range from simple overviews to in-depth walkthroughs of complex processes. They are a valuable resource for both new and experienced users, providing a convenient and engaging way to learn and master software tools.

Importance of Tutorials

Software product tutorial videos are essential for several reasons:

Enhanced Customer Experience:

  • Improved Product Understanding: Tutorials provide clear and concise explanations of how to use software, leading to a deeper understanding of its capabilities and benefits.
  • Reduced Support Costs: By empowering users to solve problems independently, tutorials can significantly reduce the volume of support tickets and inquiries.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: When users can easily learn and master a software product, their satisfaction and overall experience with the product improve.

Business Benefits:
  • Increased Product Adoption: Tutorials can help users quickly get started with a software product, leading to faster adoption and increased usage.
  • Improved Customer Retention: By providing ongoing support and guidance, tutorials can help reduce churn and increase customer loyalty.
  • Enhanced Brand Reputation: High-quality tutorial videos demonstrate a commitment to customer success and can contribute to a positive brand image.

Types of Tutorials

Software product tutorial videos can be categorized based on their purpose and target audience:

Onboarding and Training:

  • Quick Start Videos: Provide a brief overview of the software and its basic functionalities, helping new users get started quickly.
  • Feature-Specific Tutorials: Focus on specific features or functionalities, providing in-depth explanations and demonstrations.
  • Training Videos: Offer comprehensive training on how to use the software for specific tasks or workflows.

Support and Troubleshooting:
  • Troubleshooting Videos: Address common technical issues and provide step-by-step instructions on how to resolve them.
  • FAQ Videos: Answer frequently asked questions about the software, providing quick and easy access to information.
  • Best Practices Videos: Share tips and best practices for using the software effectively.

Marketing and Sales:
  • Demo Videos: Showcase the software's key features and benefits, highlighting its value proposition to potential customers.
  • Use Case Videos: Demonstrate how the software can be used in specific real-world scenarios, addressing the needs of different target audiences.
  • Customer Testimonial Videos: Feature satisfied customers sharing their positive experiences with the software, building trust and credibility.

Author at advids
I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!