Video Creation Service

30 Software Walkthrough Video Examples That Captivate And Convert

Orko Roy
Last updated
Sep. 04, 2024

Software walkthrough videos are no longer a nice-to-have; they are a must-have for any business looking to engage customers, boost conversions, and stand out in today's digital landscape. As consumers increasingly turn to video content for information and entertainment, businesses that fail to adapt risk falling behind.

From onboarding new users to showcasing advanced features, the applications of software walkthrough videos are vast and varied. They can be used on websites, landing pages, social media, email campaigns, and even during sales demos to enhance the customer journey and drive conversions. So, let's dive in.


VISA Faster Payments Gateway is a single connection to US faster payment networks. This video is designed to show businesses how the platform can benefit them and their customers.

Video Design - This Software Walkthrough Video utilizes clean, simple line art graphics on a blue background to highlight the faster payment network solution. The graphics are animated to help illustrate the ease of use and speed of payments.

The visual style of the video is effective at communicating the objective of the video. The clean graphics and animations create a modern and trustworthy tone that is likely to appeal to a diverse business audience. The video clearly explains how VISA Faster Payments Gateway can help businesses make and receive payments faster, which is a key benefit for businesses that want to improve their cash flow. The use of animation and colorful graphics helps to keep the video engaging and easy to understand. The video is also well-paced and concise, which makes it easy to watch and retain the key information.

2. Jacobs

Jacobs Track Record Facilities is a web-based compliance management platform that helps manage building compliance, condition assessment and data management. This video is designed to showcase the platform and its benefits for companies managing facilities.

Video Design - This is a Software Walkthrough Video. The video starts with an illustration of the challenges faced by facility managers, then transitions to a graphic representation of the software platform. The design style is simple and clear, with vibrant colors and icons.

The design effectively communicates how Track Record Facilities simplifies and streamlines compliance management, making the process more efficient and less stressful. The video has a professional and modern tone, which makes it engaging and informative. The design of the video reinforces the messaging of Track Record Facilities being a digital solution that simplifies complex processes. This message is conveyed through the use of a clean and concise graphic style, highlighting the key features and benefits of the platform. The video design helps to clearly and effectively communicate the key value propositions of Track Record Facilities, making it a compelling and informative promotional tool.

3. IndexExchange

IndexExchange is a company that helps publishers sell their advertising space more effectively. This video is designed to give a quick overview of how their software helps both publishers and advertisers.

Video Design - This SaaS Software Walkthrough Video uses a simple, clean design. It uses blue and white colors, minimalist graphics, and clear animations. This makes the video easy to understand and visually appealing. The graphics are line drawn and look simple but effective.

This video style is successful as it is very clear and concise. The visual style helps to quickly and easily illustrate the concept of programmatic advertising and how it can benefit advertisers and publishers. The simple and clear style is engaging for the target audience. It is easy to understand the main points of the video.

4. Qt

Qt is a software development productivity platform designed to close the gap between increasing software requirements and a team's capacity. The video is designed to showcase Qt's benefits and how it can address these challenges.

Video Design - This Software Getting Started Video utilizes a minimalist and sleek design to highlight Qt's capabilities. The video features a dark background, with bright neon green text and elements, illustrating a clean and modern aesthetic. Isometric graphics are used to visually represent the complex challenges developers face, such as messy workflows and inefficient tools, and how Qt provides a solution. This design style is effective in communicating the message of streamlined development and user experience that Qt provides.

The video uses bold graphics and a clear narrative to communicate Qt's core message. By visually demonstrating the frustration of using inefficient tools and messy workflows, the video quickly establishes the problem that Qt addresses. Qt's solution is presented in a simple and clear manner, showcasing the benefits of using Qt's platform. The video concludes with a strong call to action, inviting viewers to explore Qt and experience the benefits firsthand. This overall tone conveys efficiency, clarity, and confidence, leaving viewers with a positive impression of Qt's offering.

5. Alation

Alation makes metadata management relevant for business users. The video is designed to convince business users to use the product for data definitions.

Video Design - This is a Software Walkthrough Application Video that uses bright, contrasting colors and a simple cartoon style to illustrate the problems with traditional metadata management. The video utilizes a grid design that emphasizes the problem and uses a clear narrative that flows from one screen to the next.

The video successfully shows how Alation's product resolves a key problem by using a lighthearted tone to engage its target audience and present the value of using active metadata. The colorful, easy-to-understand graphics, and simple navigation highlight the core benefits of Alation and convey the message that metadata can be a useful and engaging tool.

6. Intel

Intel's GProfiler is a free, open source solution that empowers teams to utilize cluster-wide profiling. This video is designed to demonstrate the advantages of GProfiler for investigating performance and optimizing resource consumption.

Video Design - Intel utilizes high-quality graphics, bright colors, and a Software Walkthrough Video style to visually represent GProfiler's capabilities. The video focuses on the visual representation of the solution by using isometric illustrations and graphics that emphasize the technical aspects of GProfiler. The video highlights the concept of continuous profiling through animations and visuals, representing how the solution analyzes code performance and identifies bottlenecks in real time.

The video style, using a combination of colorful graphics, animations, and concise explanations effectively communicates the value of GProfiler. Intel effectively uses the visual style to draw viewers' attention towards the core benefits of the solution, presenting a compelling argument for its application. The video's tone is confident, emphasizing the ability to achieve significant performance improvements through GProfiler.

7. LightForce

LightForce is a company that provides custom orthodontic treatment. The video is designed to demonstrate the process of their treatment, as well as highlight the benefits of this type of orthodontic care.

Video Design - The video uses a Software Walkthrough Explainer Video style. This is evident through the use of clean, bold graphics with simple illustrations that clearly depict the steps of the process. The video utilizes a variety of bright colors that visually guide the viewer through the different stages of the treatment, making it engaging and informative.

The visual style of the video effectively conveys the message of the video. The graphics and animation create a lighthearted and approachable tone that would appeal to LightForce's target audience. It allows the company to explain the complexity of their process in a straightforward and easy to understand manner. This approach reinforces the company's commitment to providing accessible and personalized orthodontic solutions.

8. Later

Later is a social media scheduling platform. The video is designed to promote Later's free social media training course.

Video Design - The video is simple yet colorful, featuring bold graphics with a lighthearted tone. Software Walkthrough Instruction Video graphics are bright, using mostly pastels and featuring clean outlines with bold colors. This makes the video engaging as it showcases the simplicity and user-friendliness of Later's platform.

The video uses a lighthearted tone to communicate the value of Later's free training course, emphasizing that learning should be fun and accessible for everyone. This is achieved through the use of vibrant colors and playful animations, suggesting that the course is not intimidating and can be enjoyed by users of all skill levels. The overall visual design of the video successfully highlights the benefits of Later's free training course, such as its ease of use and user-friendly interface.

9. Tipalti

Tipalti is a global payments platform that helps businesses manage their partner payments. The video is designed to highlight the challenges of managing payments in a complex digital marketplace.

Video Design - The video design style is simple and clean, using bold colors, flat design, and a minimalist aesthetic. It starts with a visual representation of a digital marketplace, using icons to represent different types of partners, and then transitions to a Software Walkthrough Screencast Video showcasing how Tipalti simplifies the payment process.

The video design effectively communicates the value proposition of Tipalti by visually depicting the complexity of managing payments in a digital marketplace, and then demonstrating how Tipalti's platform streamlines the process. The clean and minimalist aesthetic creates a professional and trustworthy tone, making the video engaging and informative.

10. 360Learning

360Learning provides a solution for compliance training, making it more engaging and effective. The video is designed to highlight the negative consequences of boring and ineffective compliance training, which can lead to non-compliant behavior and costly results.

Video Design - The video uses minimalist animation, vibrant colors, and a light-hearted tone to create an engaging and visually appealing "Software Getting Started Video". Each slide emphasizes a key point through animated icons, text, and illustrations. The color palette utilizes a combination of bright greens, yellows, and grays, which is consistent with the 360Learning brand and makes the video visually appealing.

The video's visual style effectively communicates its objective by showing the cost of non-compliance and showcasing how 360Learning can improve training effectiveness. The use of animated icons and illustrations helps to simplify complex information and makes the video more engaging, while the light-hearted tone makes compliance training less daunting and more relatable.

11. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey Industry Tracker is a tool for gathering data and identifying trends in key markets. This video is designed to show professionals how this solution can help inform their strategy and investment decisions.

Video Design - This Software Walkthrough Video uses bright, bold colors and simple illustrations to illustrate the concepts of industry tracking. It uses a minimalistic, clean design style that highlights the functionality of the software, demonstrating the features and benefits of SurveyMonkey Industry Tracker, without overwhelming the viewer. The video uses a neutral tone to emphasize data-driven insights, making it relevant to finance, marketing, strategy and research professionals.

The video's visual style, along with its engaging narrative, helps convey the key message of SurveyMonkey Industry Tracker: to provide actionable insights that enable better business decisions. It highlights the value of proprietary data, market trends, and data-driven insights that drive results. The use of simple, impactful visuals and a clear, concise narrative makes it easy for viewers to understand the product and its potential benefits, contributing to the video's overall effectiveness.

12. CorVel

CorVel's pharmacy program provides comprehensive solutions for managing pharmacy exposures. This video is designed to showcase the benefits of utilizing CorVel's pharmacy program.

Video Design - The video uses a Software Walkthrough Demo Video style that is both informative and engaging. The animation is bright and colorful and the visuals are clear and easy to understand. The use of simplified graphics makes the complex processes of drug utilization management and prior authorization understandable to viewers.

The video effectively communicates CorVel's objective of showcasing the value of their program through the use of animated visuals that show how their pharmacy experts work with pharmacies to manage prescriptions and ensure that only work-related medications are filled. The tone of the video is professional yet friendly and approachable. The animation style allows CorVel to communicate complex information in an easily digestible format that is engaging for viewers.

13. Preno

Preno is a simple accommodation software designed to help hotel owners efficiently manage their properties. The video is designed to showcase the software's ease of use, affordability, and powerful features.

Video Design - This "Animated Software Explainer Video" utilizes a clean, minimalist design. Bright, pastel colors and simple, animated shapes create an approachable and playful tone. The use of line drawings to depict the software's interface highlights Preno's clean, user-friendly design. This visual style communicates the software's functionality, targeting hoteliers who may be overwhelmed with complex management systems.

The video uses a direct and relatable narrative. By illustrating the challenges hoteliers face with cumbersome software, the video effectively highlights Preno's solution. The video's visual style, combined with its clear and concise messaging, efficiently conveys Preno's benefits and helps hoteliers envision themselves using the software. The video effectively uses a relatable, approachable tone to establish trust with its viewers and create a positive association with the Preno brand.

14. Freshdesk

Freshdesk is a ticketing system designed to help businesses resolve customer issues efficiently. This video is designed to illustrate the benefits of Freshdesk's Parent-Child ticketing feature for dealing with complex requests.

Video Design - The video uses clean, simple visuals with a minimalist style. This includes vibrant colors and flat, line-art icons to represent various tasks. The Animated Software Video uses a clean visual style with bright colors and a consistent design language. This makes the video easy to understand and follow.

The video features a visual metaphor to depict the parent-child ticketing process. The main ticket is shown as a large ticket with smaller sub-tickets hanging from it. This clearly illustrates the process of splitting a complex ticket into smaller, more manageable sub-tickets. The video's concise narrative, engaging animations, and clear explanations make the solution for complex support tickets readily understood and memorable. It emphasizes a light-hearted tone, making it engaging and approachable for a diverse audience. The clear, focused visuals help to highlight the benefits of Freshdesk's solution, driving the viewer toward further exploration of the platform.

15. Citrix

Citrix enables healthcare organizations to deliver better patient experiences by providing a secure, reliable, and scalable technology platform. This video is designed to showcase the positive impact of Citrix on the future of healthcare.

Video Design - The video uses a minimalist, abstract visual style, featuring simple line drawings and bold colors. The video design utilizes a clean white background that clearly allows the viewer to focus on the animated visuals. The animated elements are kept simple, while their color scheme is consistent with Citrix's branding. The use of animated icons and simple shapes helps to illustrate the complex ideas of interconnectedness, security, sustainability, and equity in healthcare. The video follows a clear and linear narrative, highlighting the importance of a connected healthcare ecosystem. This Animated Software Video effectively conveys how Citrix can help healthcare organizations achieve these goals.

The video's visual style is able to communicate the objective of the video through its minimalistic design, which creates a sense of clarity and simplicity. The video use of a simple animation style and bold colors further emphasizes the core message of a better, more equitable future for healthcare. The video narrative suggests a sense of optimism and progress, showcasing the potential of Citrix to drive positive change within the healthcare industry.

16. Cotiviti

Cotiviti works with healthcare payers to deliver higher-performing payment accuracy, risk adjustment, quality improvement, and consumer engagement programs. This video is designed to showcase how Cotiviti enables a high-quality and viable healthcare system.

Video Design - This Animated Software Video utilizes vibrant colors like purple and pink, bold outlines, and simple graphics to create a visually engaging experience. The video presents information through concise, clear animations that are easy to understand and engage viewers. The graphics are high quality and help depict the different aspects of Cotiviti's services.

The visual style of the video is able to communicate the objective of the video. It demonstrates the benefits of Cotiviti's services, through simple, clear, and visually engaging animation. The tone of the video is professional but approachable, highlighting the importance of patient care and a seamless experience. This video effectively communicates Cotiviti's message, showing how its services can enhance the overall health system, while remaining visually appealing and informative.

17. OneAtlas

OneAtlas APIs are designed to help you develop new applications and integrate satellite imagery into your GIS tools. The video is designed to introduce the functionality of OneAtlas APIs and their benefits.

Video Design - This video is a SaaS Software Walkthrough Video that uses animated graphics to highlight the user experience of OneAtlas APIs. Animated computer screen interfaces are used to showcase how these APIs can be used to search, download, and stream high quality satellite imagery. The visual design is clean and minimal, with a focus on the functionality of the APIs. The video uses a simple color scheme with a bright blue background and contrasting colors for the UI. The use of a yellow cursor with a sharp point is a design element that draws the viewer's eye and creates a good contrast.

The visual style of the video is able to communicate the objective of the video effectively. The clean and minimal design of the video, the use of animated graphics to showcase the user experience, and the focus on the functionality of the APIs all contribute to the video's success in communicating its message. The tone of the video is professional and informative, reflecting the seriousness of the product. The video demonstrates the user-friendliness and efficiency of OneAtlas APIs by showcasing the ease with which users can access and integrate high-quality data into their applications.

18. Codility

Codility is a tech hiring platform that helps engineering teams predict candidate skills. The video is designed to introduce the platform and highlight its benefits for faster hiring.

Video Design - The video is visually stimulating and uses animation to depict the Codility platform. The user interface of the platform is shown through animation with a vibrant color palette and modern design. The video uses high-quality graphics and dynamic visuals to make it an engaging "Software Feature Overview Video".

The video's visual style effectively communicates the objective of hiring teams being able to assess candidates' real-world skills and increase efficiency in the process. The video narrative highlights the platform's ability to help companies make informed decisions about hiring, thus conveying a confident and professional tone. The focus on technical aspects with animation makes the video engaging for the target audience of engineering teams.

19. Scorebuddy

Scorebuddy is a Contact Center QA solution that helps businesses improve the quality of their customer interactions. The video is designed to showcase how Scorebuddy can help businesses to track and manage agent performance.

Video Design - This Software Feature Walkthrough Video uses simple and clean visuals to highlight Scorebuddy's key features. Scorebuddy uses a bold black font for the brand name, with bright colors for the visual design and icons. The use of animated icons and graphs helps to communicate the complexities of contact center operations, making this a good example of a Software Feature Walkthrough Video.

The video's visual style is able to communicate the objective of the video by using engaging and simple visuals that appeal to a broad audience. The visual design of the video focuses on the importance of agent performance and engagement by showing how these things impact customer experience. The use of colorful icons and graphics helps to create a positive and optimistic tone, which is reinforced by the narrator's friendly and approachable voice.

20. Comarch

Comarch is a professional provider of information technology systems that helps businesses evolve. This video is designed to showcase the use of Artificial Intelligence to make processes faster and more efficient.

Video Design - This video uses a Software Walkthrough Video format that is visually appealing and engaging. It utilizes a clean, modern, and professional style with 3D graphics that are bold, bright, and colorful. The design is easy to follow and understand, and the animations add a layer of visual interest that helps to keep the viewer engaged.

The video successfully conveys its objective through a series of visual elements and animation. The blue background is a calming and professional visual. It effectively communicates that Artificial Intelligence is a key factor in the future of business. The tone of the video is optimistic and hopeful, suggesting that with the use of Artificial Intelligence, businesses can achieve more, and improve their processes.

21. ManageEngine

ManageEngine is a company that specializes in helping businesses manage and secure their endpoints, including desktops, laptops, servers, mobile devices and IoT devices. This video is designed to give an overview of their solution Endpoint Central, which is a unified Endpoint Management and Security solution.

Video Design - The video is a Software Walkthrough Video that starts with cartoon visuals of employees in an office setting. This represents a problem that IT departments face with hybrid workforces, managing the entire IT landscape. The video then transitions to a more simplistic style featuring a character with a plain background, showing various security issues that can arise. As the video progresses, the issues are addressed by showing checks being placed next to each notification, suggesting that ManageEngine Endpoint Central can solve them. This solution is depicted through the use of a user interface (UI) with notifications and visual cues for the user to understand the product and the features available in the solution.

The video uses a clean and minimalist visual style to communicate the complex task of managing endpoints. The video shows a simple user interface, which provides a clear and easy-to-understand visual representation of the solution. The video also highlights the importance of security and efficiency and communicates a confident and reassuring tone throughout, emphasizing the benefits of using the solution. This reinforces that ManageEngine Endpoint Central can provide an effective and secure solution for IT departments to address the growing security threats in today's hybrid workplace.

22. Confiz

Confiz provides a state-of-the-art customer driven marketing solution that drives engagement for businesses. The video is designed to highlight the platform's capabilities and how it can personalize customer experience and create memorable buying journeys.

Video Design - The video features a Software Walkthrough Video style. It uses a modern and clean aesthetic with simple illustrations and a minimalist color palette. The graphics are high quality and easy to understand, creating a professional look. The use of animation and smooth transitions further enhances the visual appeal.

The video effectively communicates the message by using a combination of visuals and simple narrative. It highlights the challenges businesses face in engaging with their customers and then introduces Confiz as the solution. The use of animated icons and illustrations helps to create a friendly and approachable tone. The video's style makes it easy for viewers to understand the product's benefits and its impact on businesses.

23. State Street

State Street's Venturi is a revolutionary platform that connects cash investors and borrowers, enabling them to interact directly. The video is designed to introduce the revolutionary platform, highlighting its efficiency in removing intermediaries and increasing transparency.

Video Design - The video embraces a minimalist, modern aesthetic. A dark blue background provides a stark canvas for bright, geometric shapes that form the visual foundation of the video. The use of animation brings the graphic elements to life, creating a dynamic and engaging experience. The video's simplicity aligns with the core message, creating a clear Software Walkthrough Feature Video showcasing Venturi's capabilities. The clear, concise animation, and lack of clutter make it easy to understand the benefits.

The video visual style effectively conveys its objective. The minimalist approach focuses attention on the key advantages of Venturi: efficiency, transparency, and the power to make informed decisions. This approach creates a professional, confident tone, reflecting the platform's reliability and sophistication. The use of graphic elements, animation, and an efficient editing style creates a highly engaging experience, underscoring the platform's ability to streamline the repo process.

24. Rubrik

Rubrik simplifies the data protection process, ensuring data security, availability and compliance. This video is designed to show the benefits and how Rubrik achieves these goals.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and modern design style, with a focus on flat illustrations, geometric shapes, and subtle animation. The use of bold colors and a minimal aesthetic creates a visually engaging experience that aligns with the clean and efficient approach to data protection that Rubrik promotes. This video is a Software Walkthrough Video as it clearly displays the solution's key features and functionality through visual representations, making it easier to understand and engage with the audience.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective of the video. The use of a clean and modern design style complements the brand identity and highlights Rubrik's commitment to simplicity and efficiency. The video's narrative emphasizes the key benefits of the Rubrik platform, which are presented in a clear and concise manner. The video's tone is confident and professional, reflecting Rubrik's position as a leading provider of data protection solutions.

25. ITRS

ITRS Geneos MDM is a data monitoring solution helping market participants gain greater control of their data systems. This video is designed to explain how the solution can support regulatory requirements and improve data quality.

Video Design - The video utilizes a clean and minimalist design, featuring a bright blue background with neon green and purple lines for highlighting key elements. The city skyline visual represents the complexities of data systems and the various data sources ITRS Geneos MDM can handle. The animated icons of various data vendors are an effective way to illustrate the broad range of providers supported. Overall, it is a Software Walkthrough Video that leverages visual metaphors to make complex concepts easy to understand.

The visual design is effective in communicating the video's objective by emphasizing the need for robust data monitoring and the solution's ability to simplify complex data ecosystems. The simple animation style adds interest and keeps viewers engaged, while the clean and modern design reinforces the ITRS Geneos MDM brand's focus on technical expertise and reliability. The video's calm and professional tone makes it suitable for a diverse audience of financial professionals who are seeking reliable and efficient solutions for their data monitoring needs.

26. Ateme

Ateme's ATSC 3.0 solution is a next generation television broadcasting solution that will allow broadcasters to stay at the cutting edge of broadcasting, keep viewers engaged, and gain respect for the quality of service. The video is designed to introduce Ateme's ATSC 3.0 solution to a target audience.

Video Design - The video is a Software Walkthrough Video that uses minimal illustrations and bold text in a playful and engaging fashion. The video contains vibrant colors that are well organized and complement the clean, simple, and modern design. The use of color creates a sense of excitement for the solution.

The video's visual style is able to effectively communicate the goal of the video by using bright, eye-catching colors and illustrations to create a sense of excitement and intrigue for the new technology. The video's visual style successfully communicates the advantages of using Ateme's ATSC 3.0 solution in a conversational and positive tone. The video is able to capture the attention of its audience by creating a sense of excitement for the new technology, and successfully illustrates the benefits of this new solution.

27. Papertrail

Papertrail is a safety management software that focuses on ensuring compliance and staff accountability. The video is designed to showcase Papertrail as a solution for companies needing to minimize risks and ensure compliance in their operations.

Video Design - This is a Software Walkthrough Video. The visual design is minimalist and uses simple, clean graphics. The video focuses on demonstrating the software's functionalities through animated characters and features a green checkmark symbol to highlight the compliance feature.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates its objective. The bright green and clean graphics create a positive and reassuring tone, highlighting the benefits of using Papertrail for safety management. The narrative emphasizes the importance of compliance, risk mitigation, and the consequences of not having accurate records. This strong focus on the core features of the software makes the video engaging and compelling for its target audience.

28. Streamr

Streamr is an open source network that helps users share and monetize their data. The video is designed to promote this solution, highlighting how it can create new ethical business models for user data.

Video Design - The video uses bright, colorful graphics in a flat design style. These graphics are used to illustrate the different environmental projects that can be funded by Streamr. The hexagon shape is used consistently throughout the video, creating a sense of visual cohesion. The clean lines and minimalist style reinforce the idea of a secure and transparent network, making it a good example of a Motion Graphics Software Walkthrough Video.

The use of bright colors creates a sense of optimism and hope, reflecting the video's message of positive change through technology. The fast-paced editing and dynamic graphics further emphasize the speed and efficiency of the Streamr network, making it an engaging and informative video that successfully communicates the company's mission.

29. OpenText

OpenText helps financial institutions simplify complexities and modernize transaction banking. The video is designed to show how OpenText Customer Integration for Transaction Banking can help banks meet the challenges of customer onboarding, secure integrations and innovation.

Video Design - This is an Software Walkthrough Video, with a clean design, with simplistic iconography, set against a blue background. The video uses a flow chart, with lines connecting to each other to illustrate the multiple ways OpenText Customer Integration for Transaction Banking can be used to simplify banking complexities.

The video effectively communicates the objective of the video through a simplistic visual design with animated elements, focusing on the core message that OpenText can simplify the process of transaction banking for financial institutions. The tone of the video is reassuring, encouraging, and emphasizes the positive impact OpenText can have on banking operations, ensuring that the video is both informative and engaging.

30. N7 Software Walkthrough Video

N7 is a Digital experience and Streaming platform that delivers better digital experiences, drives conversions, and increases engagement. This video is designed to showcase the N7 team and how they bring these benefits to customers through their platform.

Video Design - This video is a Software Walkthrough Demonstration Video that utilizes a dynamic visual style. It showcases the team's dedication to creating a robust and engaging platform. The use of a consistent background featuring topographic lines and a bright color palette creates a visually appealing and memorable video. The company utilizes an overlay of the topography lines with each new word being emphasized to add visual interest. The overlay gives the impression of movement across the screen.

The video is designed to highlight the passion, tenacity, and innovation of the N7 team, emphasizing their dedication to digital evolution. The video conveys the company's commitment to creating a platform that provides a strong foundation for navigating this evolution. The video has a positive and uplifting tone, showcasing the team's commitment to success while establishing trust with their potential clients.

Key Takeaways

B2B Walkthrough Touchpoints

B2B Walkthrough Touchpoints

Creating a compelling B2B software walkthrough video requires a deep understanding of your target audience. Consider their industry, role, technical expertise, and pain points. Speak their language, using relevant terminology and examples. Clearly articulate your software's unique Value Proposition and how it solves their specific problems. Emphasize tangible benefits and ROI, showcasing how your software positively impacts their bottom line. By addressing these touchpoints, your video becomes informative and persuasive, driving engagement and conversions.

Engaging Walkthrough Story

A captivating storyline is crucial for an engaging software walkthrough video. Start with a hook – a relatable problem, statistic, or thought-provoking question – to grab attention. Introduce the problem your software solves, emphasizing pain points. Showcase key features and benefits, directly correlating them to the problem. Use visuals, animations, and real-world examples to illustrate how features work and empower users to achieve goals. Conclude with a clear call to action, encouraging viewers to take the next step.

Walkthrough Video Types

Software walkthrough videos come in various types, each serving specific purposes. Product demos provide comprehensive overviews, ideal for awareness and conversions. Tutorials offer step-by-step guidance on specific features. Explainer videos simplify complex concepts, communicating your value proposition. Onboarding videos guide new users through setup, ensuring a smooth start. Support videos offer targeted solutions to common customer issues. By strategically utilizing these types, you engage your audience at every stage of their journey.

Brand Aligned Walkthrough

Brand consistency is crucial for software walkthrough videos. Maintain visual consistency by using brand colors, fonts, and imagery. Align the video's messaging with your brand voice and tone, whether professional, friendly, or humorous. Ensure the overall aesthetic, including animation style, music, and visuals, reflects your brand's personality and values. This reinforces brand identity and creates a cohesive experience.

Walkthrough Success Metrics

Tracking the right metrics is crucial for measuring your video's success. Track video views for reach, but delve deeper with watch time to gauge engagement. Click-through rate measures call-to-action effectiveness. Lead generation indicates the video's ability to capture interest. Ultimately, conversion rate reveals how effectively your video converts viewers into paying customers. Analyzing these metrics helps optimize your video for maximum impact.

Global Audience Walkthrough

Reaching a global audience requires addressing language, cultural sensitivity, and accessibility. Use a widely understood language or provide subtitles/dubbing. Be mindful of imagery, humor, and cultural references to ensure inclusivity and avoid offense. Provide captions for the hearing impaired, transcripts for reading preference, and audio descriptions for the visually impaired. This ensures your video is accessible and engaging for a diverse audience.

Platform Optimized Walkthrough

Optimizing your video for different platforms ensures a seamless viewing experience. Consider video length: shorter videos for social media, longer ones for websites or YouTube. Ensure video format compatibility (MP4, MOV, AVI) for broad platform support. Use high-resolution video for sharp visuals on various screen sizes. Optimizing for each platform maximizes reach and engagement.

Industry Specific Walkthrough

Tailoring your video to specific industries demonstrates understanding. Identify your target audience within the industry and research their technical expertise, jargon, and pain points. Incorporate industry-specific language and terminology. Showcase real-world use cases within that industry, demonstrating how your software has helped similar businesses overcome challenges and achieve results. This targeted approach increases relevance and appeal.

Software Walkthrough Explained

A software walkthrough video is a dynamic visual guide that showcases your software's features and functionalities. It's like a virtual tour, demonstrating how the software works in action through screen recordings, voiceovers, animations, and even interactive elements. It educates users on navigating the interface, utilizing key features, and achieving specific tasks, ultimately providing a compelling and informative experience.

Walkthrough Video Benefits

Software walkthrough videos offer numerous benefits. They increase engagement by capturing attention and conveying information more effectively than text. They improve user understanding by visually simplifying complex concepts. They enhance customer onboarding by providing clear guidance for new users, reducing the learning curve and support requests. Ultimately, these benefits contribute to increased conversions, as engaged and informed users are more likely to become paying customers.

Business Walkthrough Importance

In today's competitive digital landscape, a software walkthrough video is essential for business success. It serves as a powerful educational tool, effectively communicating your software's value proposition and demonstrating how it solves customer problems. This visual demonstration builds credibility and trust. It drives product adoption by providing a compelling introduction, encouraging potential customers to choose your solution, leading to increased sales and business growth.

Persona Targeted Walkthrough

Software walkthrough videos can be tailored to resonate with specific buyer personas at different stages of the B2B sales funnel. For example, a video targeting "Decision Makers" might focus on ROI and business impact, while a video for "Technical Evaluators" could delve into technical capabilities and integrations. By understanding each persona's pain points, priorities, and decision-making criteria, you can create targeted videos that address their specific needs, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

Community Driven Walkthrough

Elevate your onboarding experience by integrating authentic user-generated content (UGC) into your software walkthrough video. Encourage users to share their experiences and insights through dedicated platforms like forums or in-app feedback tools. Showcase user-created tutorials, tips, and testimonials directly within the video, demonstrating the software's value through real-world examples. This fosters a sense of community and trust, making new users feel welcomed and supported by a network of experienced peers.

Personalized Learning Walkthrough

Transform your walkthrough video into a personalized learning journey by leveraging data analytics and user tracking. Monitor user interactions, such as sections watched, features engaged with, and quiz results. Based on this data, dynamically adjust the video content, offering tailored recommendations and alternative learning paths. For example, advanced users can be fast-tracked to complex features, while those needing more support can access supplementary tutorials. This personalized approach ensures optimal learning and engagement for each user.

Data Driven Walkthrough

Utilize your walkthrough video as a valuable tool for gathering data and user feedback to identify areas for software improvement. Track user engagement metrics like watch time, drop-off points, and click-through rates to pinpoint areas where users struggle or lose interest. Integrate interactive elements like surveys and polls directly within the video to solicit direct feedback. Analyze this data to identify patterns, trends, and common pain points, allowing you to prioritize improvements and enhance the overall user experience.

AI Powered Walkthrough

Harness the power of AI and machine learning to create a truly personalized walkthrough experience. Analyze user data, including past interactions, preferences, and learning patterns, to identify individual needs and tailor the video content accordingly. AI-powered recommendations can suggest relevant resources, tutorials, or support materials based on the user's progress and learning style. Dynamic content adjustments ensure users receive the most relevant information at the right time, optimizing their learning journey.

Social Media Walkthrough

Extend the reach of your walkthrough video by strategically leveraging social media and influencer marketing. Share the video on relevant platforms where your target audience is most active, crafting engaging captions that highlight its value. Collaborate with industry influencers who have a strong following and credibility among your target audience. Influencers can create engaging content around your video, showcasing its benefits and driving traffic to your website or landing page, significantly increasing brand awareness and lead generation.

Social Proof Walkthrough

Boost your software's credibility by incorporating user-generated content (UGC) and testimonials into your walkthrough video. Integrate user-created tutorials, tips, and success stories to showcase the software's value through authentic voices. Feature testimonials from satisfied customers, highlighting their positive experiences and the tangible benefits they've achieved. This social proof builds trust and assures potential customers that your software delivers on its promises, ultimately increasing conversions.

Optimized Walkthrough Content

Continuously optimize your walkthrough video through A/B testing and data analysis. Create multiple versions of the video with variations in elements like the introduction, pacing, or call to action. Test these versions simultaneously with different audience segments. Track key metrics like watch time, click-through rates, and conversion rates for each version. Analyze the data to identify the most effective version, allowing you to refine your video for maximum engagement and conversion impact.

Immersive Walkthrough Experience

Transform your walkthrough video into an immersive experience by leveraging virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). VR can create simulations where users explore your software's features in a virtual environment, interacting with virtual objects and navigating simulated scenarios. AR can overlay digital information onto the real world, providing context-specific instructions as users interact with the software. These technologies enhance user understanding and engagement, creating a more memorable onboarding experience.

Accessible Walkthrough Video

Maximize the reach and impact of your walkthrough video by prioritizing cross-platform compatibility and accessibility. Ensure your video plays seamlessly on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, allowing users to access content from any device. Incorporate accessibility features like closed captions, transcripts, and audio descriptions to make your video inclusive for users with disabilities. This demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity and ensures your message reaches the widest possible audience.

Gamified Walkthrough Learning

Boost user engagement and motivation by incorporating gamification and rewards systems into your walkthrough video. Integrate game mechanics like points, badges, leaderboards, and progress bars to track user progress and encourage completion. Award points for watching modules, completing quizzes, or exploring features. Offer badges for achieving milestones or demonstrating mastery. Gamifying the learning experience makes it more enjoyable and rewarding, leading to increased knowledge retention and a more positive overall experience.

Continuous Improvement Walkthrough

Harness the power of user feedback and community engagement to continuously improve your software. Integrate interactive elements like surveys, polls, and comment sections within the video to encourage users to share their thoughts and suggestions. Actively monitor these channels and respond to feedback, demonstrating your commitment to improvement. Create a dedicated online community forum or social media group where users can connect, share tips, and discuss the software, fostering a valuable feedback loop.

Data Driven Software Trends

Stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving software industry by leveraging data-driven insights from your walkthrough video. Track user interactions, such as sections watched and features engaged with, to identify patterns, trends, and emerging user needs. Monitor industry publications, forums, and social media to stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies. Use this information to inform your product development roadmap, ensuring your software remains competitive and aligned with evolving user needs.

Storytelling Brand Identity

Transform your walkthrough video into a compelling narrative that resonates with viewers on an emotional level. Instead of simply listing features, craft a story that showcases how your software solves real-world problems and improves lives. Use relatable characters, engaging visuals, and emotive language to create a connection. Highlight the human element behind your software, showcasing how it empowers users and helps them achieve their goals. Share customer success stories that demonstrate the positive impact your software has had, fostering brand loyalty and advocacy.

Author at advids
I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!