Video Creation Service

30 SaaS Animated Video Examples That Boost Conversions

Orko Roy
Last updated
Sep. 04, 2024

SaaS companies face an uphill battle when it comes to standing out in a crowded market. With so many options available, capturing the attention of potential customers and effectively communicating your value proposition is more challenging than ever. Traditional marketing materials often fall flat, failing to engage prospects and convey the true power of your software solution.

From explainer videos that break down complex features to product demos that showcase functionality, animated videos can be leveraged across various stages of the SaaS customer journey. They can be used on landing pages, social media, email campaigns, and even during sales presentations to boost engagement and drive conversions. So, let's dive in.

1. Qt

Qt is a software development platform designed to increase productivity. This video is designed to highlight the challenges developers face and how Qt provides a solution.

Video Design - This Animated SaaS Explainer Video utilizes a dark, minimalist design with bright green neon text and graphics. The animation style uses smooth transitions and subtle movements to depict the connection between different software development phases.

The visual style of the video perfectly conveys the need for efficiency in software development. The use of a dark background and neon green elements creates a modern and sleek look that appeals to developers. The animated elements that connect the various software development phases highlight the interconnected nature of the work and the importance of a streamlined process. The video's narrative and visual design emphasize the challenges faced by development teams, effectively driving home the need for a platform like Qt to overcome these obstacles. The video effectively showcases Qt as the solution for these challenges. The tone of the video is informative and engaging, making it clear that the solution provided by Qt is a must-have for any development team.

2. Microsoft

This Microsoft video is designed to introduce partners to Marketplace Rewards, a program that helps partners sell more products on the Microsoft commercial marketplace.

Video Design - The video design uses a simple SaaS Animated Video style, with a dark background and a minimal number of graphics. The animation is fluid and engaging. The primary color used in the video is a cool teal green, which is a common color for SaaS products, as it conveys a feeling of trust and professionalism. This style of animation, coupled with the bold color scheme, conveys a message of growth and expansion.

The video uses a series of arrows to show the growth of the marketplace. It also uses icons to represent key concepts. This visual approach makes the video engaging and easy to understand. The video uses a friendly and encouraging tone that aims to highlight the benefits of Marketplace Rewards and encourage partners to participate. The video is effective in communicating the objective of Marketplace Rewards, which is to help partners grow their businesses and increase sales.

3. FireMon

FireMon provides a solution to automate security processes, helping organizations manage and protect their data. The video is designed to introduce its four levels of automation, allowing for flexible security implementations.

Video Design - This Animated marketing campaign video utilizes a vibrant color palette of blue, green, and orange, creating a modern and engaging visual aesthetic. The video incorporates isometric illustrations of individuals working on different tasks, demonstrating the various aspects of FireMon automation. The bold use of typography and animation enhances the overall message.

The video effectively communicates the value proposition of FireMon by showcasing its four levels of security automation, visually illustrating how the solution can benefit organizations. The upbeat tone and engaging visuals make the content appealing to a wide audience, particularly those interested in streamlining security processes.

4. State Street

State Street is a company that helps investment firms and asset owners with ESG-focused portfolios. This video is designed to showcase the company's solutions and highlight the rising demand for ESG investment strategies.

Video Design - The video incorporates a clean and modern visual style, using animated graphics, a color palette of blue, yellow, and green, and simple line drawings. The animated graphic style represents a SaaS Animated Video. This style effectively communicates the concept of ESG investments, using a visual language that resonates with the target audience. The style is also consistent with State Street's brand identity.

The visual design of the video effectively communicates the video goal, which is to demonstrate State Street's ability to help clients manage ESG-focused portfolios. The video's tone is professional and informative, creating a sense of confidence and trust. The visual style of the video, the use of animated graphics, the color palette, and the concise narrative reinforce the video's key message. This is a strong example of how a video can be used to educate and inform potential customers about a company's products and services.

5. Tipalti

Tipalti provides global payment solutions for online marketplaces. This video is designed to inform businesses about the importance of reliable partner payments.

Video Design - The video utilizes a clean, minimalist design style common in SaaS Animated Videos. The video incorporates simple shapes and bright colors, making it easy to understand and engaging to watch. Graphics are sharp and modern. The use of icons helps illustrate complex processes. This clean design aesthetic is consistent with the brand's marketing efforts, making it recognizable and memorable.

The visual style effectively communicates the importance of reliable payments in the global marketplace. The video's use of vibrant colors and icons conveys a sense of efficiency and professionalism. This tone of the video reflects the brand's commitment to providing seamless and efficient payment solutions. It also highlights Tipalti's ability to scale with businesses as their needs grow.

6. Kion

Kion provides cloud enablement solutions to help organizations simplify management and governance activities, and this video is designed to show how Kion achieves this.

Video Design - The video uses an engaging design style that visually communicates the complexity of cloud management, using a series of animated icons and lines to represent processes and user interaction. The Company Animated Video uses icons to represent tasks, compliance issues, and users, and the design emphasizes simplicity.

This clean design and emphasis on visual storytelling allows Kion to effectively explain the complexities of cloud management. The simplicity of the visuals allows the viewer to focus on the solution, which is Kion's cloud enablement platform. The design is effective in communicating the video's goal: to showcase Kion's ability to streamline cloud management and governance for businesses, without overwhelming the viewer with technical jargon.

7. SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey Anywhere is a solution to collect survey data online or offline. The video is designed to highlight the feature of offline data collection and syncing data online.

Video Design - This video uses flat cartoon graphics with an easy to follow visual style, making it a good SaaS Animated Video. The video includes a desktop interface of the product, a user friendly interface, and the product logo, which makes the video a well-rounded explainer.

The visual design of the video emphasizes the ease of using the product while on the go. The video uses bright color palette and clean visuals, which adds a cheerful and optimistic tone to the video. The video highlights the use of the product while offline, with visuals showcasing the process of downloading and then uploading survey responses, which helps the viewer understand the benefit of using the product.

8. Kion

Kion is a cloud enablement solution that helps organizations simplify cloud management and governance. This video is designed to introduce Kion and showcase its capabilities.

Video Design - Kion uses a modern SaaS Animated Video style with clean and simple graphics. The color palette of mint green, light blue, and grey provides a calm and professional feel. The video uses clean lines and geometric shapes to create a visually appealing and engaging experience. The cloud icons and other visuals are simple and easy to understand, making it easy for viewers to grasp the concept of cloud enablement.

The video uses a minimalist approach to visual design, which helps highlight the key messages. The graphics are modern and visually engaging, making the video more memorable for viewers. The video's style effectively communicates the value proposition of Kion, showcasing how it can simplify complex cloud management tasks and accelerate cloud adoption. The overall tone is positive, highlighting the benefits of using Kion and its ability to empower organizations to achieve their cloud goals.

9. MongoDB

MongoDB Atlas is a cloud database that helps developers solve data challenges. The video is designed to introduce MongoDB Atlas and highlight its benefits for building applications.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video uses a clean and minimalist design, showcasing the product and its benefits. The video incorporates bold colors and clean lines, highlighting the product's user interface and functionality. A visual timeline shows the difference of treatment with traditional orthodontics and lightforce.

The visual style of the video communicates the objective by using a clear and engaging narrative. The video utilizes simple and straightforward language with animation and visuals that highlight the product's features. The tone is informative and positive, showcasing the value of MongoDB Atlas and its features, which builds trust and confidence in the product.

10. Benchling

Benchling is a cloud platform designed for scientists and research teams. The video is designed to highlight how Benchling maximizes productivity by providing an integrated and extensible platform for collaboration.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video uses simple, clean graphics and animations to illustrate the core features of Benchling. It features a blue and white color scheme with bold outlines for a modern look. The video showcases an assortment of icons representing essential features like inventory, search, notebook, registry, and storage.

The visual style of the video effectively conveys its message and objective. The clear and concise animations paired with the clean design highlight how easy it is to use Benchling to organize and manage data, track experiments, and collaborate with colleagues. The video's tone is both informative and engaging, making it clear that Benchling is a powerful tool that can help scientists to accelerate their work.

11. Western Digital

Western Digital offers solutions for the growing automotive storage market. This video is designed to highlight the importance of storage in automotive systems.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video effectively showcases Western Digital's storage solutions. The bright color palette and simple graphics create a clean and professional look. The use of animation effectively brings the data to life, making it easier for viewers to understand.

The video uses a conversational tone to make the audience feel engaged. The visuals combined with the narrative communicate the benefits of Western Digital's storage solutions, emphasizing the key advantage of monitoring and preventing storage overwrites. This prevents expensive recalls and ensures the longevity of automotive systems.

12. TeamViewer

TeamViewer presents xPick, a pick-by-vision solution that aims to revolutionize warehousing and logistics processes. The video is designed to showcase the benefits of xPick and how it can improve productivity and reduce error rates.

Video Design - The video utilizes a minimalist, animated style that is common in SaaS Animated Videos. Simple graphics and bright colors are used to visually illustrate the benefits of xPick and the challenges it aims to solve. The use of animated characters and graphs helps to keep the video engaging and easy to understand.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objectives and the overall tone is positive, emphasizing the efficiency and ease of use of xPick. The use of animations allows the video to quickly and clearly illustrate the various functionalities of xPick, such as inventory management and picking. The video effectively highlights the potential benefits of xPick for businesses in the logistics and warehousing sector.

13. Intel

Intel is a company that creates and develops continuous profiling solutions. The video is designed to demonstrate how this solution can benefit developers by providing continuous analysis of code performance, helping them optimize the most resource-consuming parts of their code, improve application performance, and reduce costs.

Video Design - The video uses a modern, minimal design style with a futuristic and technical aesthetic. It is a SaaS Animated Product Video that uses bold colors, clean lines, and a combination of 2D and 3D graphics. The use of these elements conveys a sense of innovation, sophistication, and technical expertise, making the product more appealing to developers.

The video uses an animated style to explain the concept of continuous profiling, making it easy for viewers to understand how it works. The video uses a combination of animations and data visualizations to help explain the benefits of this solution. The video also effectively uses transitions to show the flow of information, moving from one concept to the next in a logical and engaging manner. The tone is professional, informative, and confident. The clean visual style, in combination with the product narrative, helps drive the video goal of introducing the benefits of Intel's continuous profiling solution and its impact on developers.

14. Telia

Telia Global IoT Connectivity is designed to simplify global IoT connectivity. The video highlights the complications of managing multiple operators and contracts.

Video Design - The video utilizes a SaaS Animated Video style, with simple, clean graphics and a bright color palette. The use of flat illustrations, minimal text, and a clear, concise visual language effectively communicates the complexity of global IoT connectivity. The world map and the animated characters help illustrate the point.

The video's visual style and narrative work together to demonstrate the value of Telia Global IoT Connectivity. The use of bright colors and simple graphics creates a positive and engaging tone, making the video memorable and effective in driving the video goal of highlighting the benefits of the solution. The animation helps emphasize the solution's ability to manage the complex regulatory landscape and makes the video light and easy to understand.

15. BetterCloud

BetterCloud is a SaaS management platform. This video is designed to help companies understand the challenges of managing a growing app landscape and how BetterCloud can help solve them.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video utilizes a modern design style with bold colors and simplistic animations. A dark blue background serves as a canvas for bright blue and white animated graphics that effectively highlight the key features and benefits of BetterCloud. Animated arrows effectively represent the flow of data and user actions, while the use of various icons helps to visualize the different SaaS applications that BetterCloud can manage.

The video utilizes a clear and concise narrative to communicate the message of reducing costs and maximizing benefits. A question mark graphic appears in the center of the video, representing the challenges associated with managing numerous SaaS applications. The visuals drive the video goal of highlighting the solution BetterCloud provides for this challenge. The video ends with a call to action to learn more about the product. This video is engaging and informative, making it effective at communicating the benefits and features of BetterCloud to the intended audience.

16. o9

O9 is a platform that helps companies modernize their supply chains by using a cloud-native solution. This video is designed to highlight the need for modern solutions to meet the needs of today's dynamic business environment.

Video Design - The video utilizes a simple and sleek design style using flat graphic elements, to convey the message to the viewer that O9 is modern, innovative and a cloud-native solution. This design style is very effective as it provides a modern look that is both engaging and easy to understand. This is a good SaaS Animated Promo Video and a great example of how simple design and minimal visual effects can create an engaging video experience.

The video emphasizes how these old systems are unable to meet the changing demands of today's marketplace. The use of animations such as the spinning floppy disk and the constantly loading circle, visually emphasize the slow and inflexible nature of old systems. The video's tone is confident and assertive which effectively emphasizes the importance of updating these systems. The overall design effectively communicates the key message that traditional systems are obsolete, and that companies need to move to a more modern cloud-native platform.

17. Bandwidth

Bandwidth is a communication platform that helps businesses connect with customers. This video is designed to show how Bandwidth can help businesses innovate and improve their performance.

Video Design - The video uses a combination of abstract imagery and high-quality footage to create a visually compelling SaaS Animated Video. The video's colors and graphics are bold and dramatic, conveying a sense of power and innovation. The video's tone is confident and aspirational, communicating the message that Bandwidth can help businesses achieve great things.

Bandwidth is all about helping businesses grow and evolve. The video uses a montage of images to show how the company helps businesses achieve their goals. The visuals are energetic and visually engaging, conveying the idea that Bandwidth can help businesses reach new heights. The video's tone is both optimistic and inspiring, conveying the idea that Bandwidth can help businesses unlock their potential. The video is designed to help viewers visualize the possibilities of using Bandwidth's platform and to inspire businesses to embrace new ways of working.

18. Wonolo

Wonolo believes staffing should not be hard work. This video is designed to introduce Wonolo, a platform connecting businesses with workers, and highlight its user-friendly features.

Video Design - The video has a Software Animated Video style, using bright, simple graphics with clear lines and bold colors. The animation style makes it easy to understand the process of posting jobs, managing workers, and utilizing Wonolo. The animated characters emphasize the accessibility of the platform while maintaining a professional and engaging tone.

The video utilizes bright colors and playful animations to present the Wonolo platform in a fun and easy-to-understand way. It targets businesses that need help finding qualified workers quickly. The video's tone is light-hearted and encouraging, creating a positive feeling about the service. This visual style effectively communicates the simplicity of Wonolo and its ability to solve staffing challenges.

19. Visa

Visa is a global leader in digital payments. This video is designed to explain how Visa Secure with EMV 3-D Secure can make e-commerce transactions safer for businesses and consumers.

Video Design - This is a SaaS Animated Promotional Video with simple flat style illustrations. The video focuses on the visual storytelling of the challenges associated with e-commerce transactions, and how Visa Secure with EMV 3-D Secure addresses them. Bright colors and simple graphics are used for visual appeal and understanding. The use of a circular shape with overlapping layers is used to symbolize the flow of transactions and the need for security during each transaction step.

The simple but engaging graphic style of the video effectively emphasizes the benefits of using Visa Secure with EMV 3-D Secure. The use of bright colors and simple animated graphics creates a positive and reassuring tone for the video. The video uses dynamic visual effects, which create a sense of excitement and speed, which effectively draws the viewer into the video's message of security and convenience. The video is able to effectively portray a sense of security and trustworthiness, which is important for promoting a brand that is associated with financial transactions.

20. CMDB

CMDB is a crucial asset for IT operations managers. This video is designed to explain how CMDB helps improve business agility and automate incidents.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and modern design with bright colors. The graphics are simple but effective, using flat and minimalist designs. This makes it a good SaaS Animated Video, easy to understand, with clear visuals and animation that is appealing to its target audience.

This video effectively conveys the benefits of CMDB and its potential to streamline incidents. The clean design and animation help the viewer understand the complexities of modern IT infrastructure and how CMDB can provide clarity. The video's tone is upbeat and confident, assuring viewers that using CMDB can bring value to their business.

21. Microsoft

Microsoft Power Apps is a low-code platform for creating innovative applications. This video is designed to introduce the benefits of using Microsoft Power Apps.

Video Design - The video uses simple, clean, SaaS Animated Video. The use of a dark grey background and purple accents creates a visually appealing and professional look.
Each scene is straightforward, using flat design to showcase the various features of the app. It incorporates multiple scenes and animations to highlight the app's functionality, user interface, and ease of use.

The use of animated scenes and graphics effectively communicates the video's objective. It showcases the ease with which anyone can create custom applications using Microsoft Power Apps. The tone of the video is confident and inspiring, encouraging viewers to explore the platform's potential. The video's style and narrative demonstrate the power and accessibility of the low-code platform.

22. Instacart

Instacart is an online grocery delivery service that connects shoppers with customers. This video is designed to introduce and highlight the benefits of joining Instacart's online community, Shop Talk.

Video Design - The video uses a bright and colorful animated style with rounded edges and flat colors, a common style for SaaS Animated Video. The use of animated icons and graphics, such as the shopping cart and the megaphone, creates a friendly and inviting atmosphere that is perfect for attracting new users to the platform. The video uses minimal text, opting instead to rely on visual storytelling to convey the message. This approach allows viewers to quickly understand the benefits of using Shop Talk.

The video's visual style is able to communicate its objective through the use of bright, engaging visuals, and clear messaging. The animation style and choice of colors create a fun, upbeat tone, and the inclusion of a call to action encourages viewers to join Shop Talk. The narrative of the video focuses on the advantages of connecting with other shoppers to get tips, best practices, and share ideas. This clearly conveys the value of the platform and encourages viewers to join the community.

23. ChannelAdvisor

ChannelAdvisor Commerce Network is a platform that connects sellers and marketplaces. This video is designed to introduce ChannelAdvisor Commerce Network, an online platform that helps sellers expand their reach and increase growth.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video uses bold graphics and a lighthearted tone to engage viewers. The video features a mix of animated graphics and bright colors to illustrate the connection between sellers and marketplaces.

The video is designed to show the ease of use of the platform. The visual style of this video successfully communicates the message of ChannelAdvisor Commerce Network. The use of bright colors and simplistic animations emphasizes the ease of connecting with other businesses on the platform. The tone of the video is optimistic, which helps to showcase the benefits of the platform.

24. WalkMe

WalkMe is a digital adoption platform designed to help businesses onboard and train their employees more effectively. This video is designed to demonstrate how WalkMe can help businesses solve the problem of employee productivity dropping due to inefficient software training.

Video Design - The video uses a minimalist design style, with simple illustrations and a clean interface. This style is effectively used to explain the benefits of WalkMe. The Walkthrough Animated Videoe video shows the on-screen walkthroughs for employees that are displayed at the exact time, and place, they are needed. This method is a more engaging and effective alternative to traditional training manuals, helping employees learn and use new software faster.

The video design uses bright colors and animations to make the information more engaging and easy to understand. This visual style helps make the content more accessible to a wider audience, including employees with diverse learning styles. The video tone is informative and encouraging. The video focuses on the challenge of employee productivity and how WalkMe can be the solution. The visual style drives the video goal by communicating the effectiveness and user-friendliness of the product, thus prompting viewers to take action and learn more about WalkMe.

25. Datasite

Datasite is a solution that empowers investment bankers to conduct deals more effectively. This video is designed to highlight how Datasite can help investment bankers gain valuable insights and move faster through the deal lifecycle.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and modern design style, with a focus on 3D animation and a clean white background. The video features an animated depiction of a deal lifecycle, showcasing a conveyor belt with documents flowing through various stages. This SaaS Animated Video effectively conveys Datasite's value proposition using clear and engaging visuals.

The video visual design, graphics, and animations are well-executed and create a sense of speed and efficiency. This visual style is aligned with the video objective to emphasize how Datasite can streamline and accelerate deal processes. The animation focuses on the movement of documents and collaboration, seamlessly illustrating Datasite's core functionalities, which are integral for investment banking. The clean and simple design of the video, devoid of unnecessary clutter, ensures the messaging remains clear and focused on the core value proposition of Datasite. This style establishes a professional and sophisticated tone, resonating with the target audience of investment bankers.

26. Wartsila

Wartsila Voyage's Fleet Optimization Solution (FOS) is a comprehensive package that helps ship owners and managers run their fleets with optimal safety, efficiency, and sustainability. The video is designed to show how this solution helps customers make immediate and positive change to their fleet operations.

Video Design - The video uses a SaaS Animated Video style with bold graphics and a clean minimalist design. It employs vibrant colors, geometric shapes, and animation to engage the audience and clearly communicate the benefits of the fleet optimization solution. The video is full of dynamic elements such as data visualizations and radar-like imagery.

The visual design of the video effectively communicates the objective of making the future of fleet operations more efficient and sustainable. The video narrative focuses on the impact of digitization, decarbonization, and green efficiencies. This message is further amplified by the vibrant color palettes and futuristic aesthetics, which communicate the benefits of the product in a compelling way.

27. Bandwidth

Bandwidth is a company that helps businesses find new insights and opportunities to work smarter and dream bigger. This video is designed to showcase the company's commitment to innovation and their desire to propel their customers forward.

Video Design - This Animated Production Sample video uses a combination of abstract imagery, vibrant colors and bold graphics. The video utilizes text, with a futuristic font style, that is placed on top of dynamic, abstract images, like a nebula, an eye, and glowing liquid. These elements are designed to evoke a sense of excitement, curiosity, and the possibility of new discoveries.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective of the video by creating a sense of energy and excitement. The abstract imagery and bold text help to capture the audience's attention and convey a sense of ambition. The overall tone of the video is optimistic and forward-looking. The video uses a fast pace to maintain the viewer's interest. This video does a great job in showcasing Bandwidth's dedication to helping their customers achieve their goals.

28. Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo is a software solution that helps companies manage and improve their data quality. The video is designed to introduce the concept of data observability and highlight the challenges of data downtime.

Video Design - The video is a vibrant and engaging SaaS Animated Product Video. The use of bright colors, simple shapes, and quirky characters creates a lighthearted and approachable tone. The animation is smooth and fluid, drawing the viewer's attention to the key concepts. A grid layout is used to emphasize data points, and a colorful data visualization scheme is used to highlight the concept of data accuracy. The combination of animation and visuals helps to simplify a complex topic and make the information more digestible.

The video effectively communicates the need for data observability and highlights the importance of data quality. The animation and visual style create a positive and engaging experience, reinforcing the message that data observability is a necessary solution for ensuring reliable and trustworthy data. The video uses a lighthearted and engaging style to explain a complex topic and emphasize the benefits of data observability.

29. Avast

Avast Business Cloud Backup is a solution designed to protect businesses from data loss caused by ransomware attacks and other cyber threats. The video is designed to explain the threat of ransomware and the importance of having a backup solution in place.

Video Design - Avast Business Cloud Backup video utilizes a simple, clean, and professional style that is common in SaaS Animated Videos. The use of isometric illustrations and a bold blue and red color palette helps to convey the seriousness of the subject matter and the importance of the solution. The video effectively uses animation and visual elements to illustrate the impact of ransomware and to highlight the benefits of having a secure backup solution.

The video effectively conveys the potential risks associated with ransomware. By utilizing vivid imagery and concise animations, the video highlights the severity of the issue. The blue and red color palette symbolizes security and danger respectively. The tone of the video is professional and informative, highlighting the importance of being proactive about data protection.

30. Olive

Olive's AI workforce automates administrative tasks in healthcare, solving challenges related to efficiency and cost. This video is designed to showcase the benefits of Olive's AI and encourage viewers to explore their solution.

Video Design - The video features a vibrant purple background, with animated icons, highlighting various aspects of healthcare administration, such as inventory management, claims processing, and credential verification. The icons are designed in a clean and modern style, with bold white outlines, emphasizing the efficient and organized approach Olive offers. This style makes the video a compelling Animated Marketing Campaign Idea video that effectively communicates the brand's value proposition.

The visual design plays a vital role in conveying the video's objective, which is to showcase Olive as the solution for healthcare challenges. The video utilizes a combination of animation and motion graphics to create a dynamic and engaging experience, highlighting the efficiency and accuracy of Olive's AI workforce. The use of vibrant colors, bold visuals, and a fast-paced editing style results in a video that is both informative and entertaining.

31. Google

This Google video is designed to explain how the Google Cloud network functions and delivers high-speed performance for services like Google Search and Gmail.

Video Design - The video features a clean and minimalist design. It utilizes bright colors and simple animations to illustrate complex concepts in a visually engaging manner. The graphics are sharp and modern, incorporating flat vector illustrations, which is a popular style for SaaS Animated Demo Videos. The animation style smoothly guides the viewer through the explanation of Google's global network infrastructure, which highlights the speed and scalability of the Google Cloud platform.

The video uses an effective combination of visuals and clear narration to make the information accessible to a broad audience. The simple, yet informative visuals combined with the calm and clear voiceover create a reassuring tone that effectively communicates the reliability and efficiency of Google's network infrastructure. The video uses animation and visual aids to explain a complex topic, making it easier for viewers to understand how Google's data centers network work and contribute to their service's performance.

32. Freshdesk

Freshdesk is a ticketing system designed to help businesses better manage customer support, sales, and marketing. The video is designed to showcase the parent-child ticketing feature which breaks down a complex ticket into smaller sub-tickets.

Video Design - Freshdesk utilizes a minimalistic style for this SaaS Animated Video. The video contains clean and bright colors with simple line icons, making it visually appealing and easy to understand. Each step is visualized with a simple icon and animation, making the concept easy to understand.

The video's design focuses on using a simple and effective method to illustrate the benefit of the parent-child ticketing feature. The visual style, with the use of simple icons and clean animations, makes it easy to understand the key features and benefits. The overall tone is friendly and welcoming, highlighting the simplicity of the solution. The design effectively drives the video's goal of demonstrating how the feature can help businesses manage complex issues more efficiently and quickly.

33. MRI

MRI believes in the power of a well-connected community and builds software to transform how people live, work, and play. This video is designed to showcase how their software can solve issues related to customer satisfaction and outdated technology.

Video Design - The video utilizes a 3D animated walkthrough style to demonstrate a common challenge within real estate businesses. The visuals are clean and modern with a focus on simple shapes and bright colors. A bright white background allows the 3D characters and graphics to pop out and capture the viewer's attention. The animated walkthrough style allows for an easy and engaging introduction of the problem and the solution.

The video design clearly communicates the objective. The scenes transition smoothly, using colorful, bold graphics to illustrate the challenges faced in customer service due to outdated technology. The overall tone of the video is playful and informative, creating a sense of hope and excitement for a better solution. It uses 3D cartoon characters to demonstrate the problems and how MRI software solves the pain points of businesses struggling with these challenges.

34. ManageEngine

ManageEngine is a unified endpoint management and security solution. The video is designed to introduce you to ManageEngine's Endpoint Central. The video highlights the features and benefits of the solution for managing and securing various endpoints.

Video Design - The video uses a simple yet engaging animation style. It incorporates a clean, modern aesthetic with bright colors and cartoon-like characters. The video design uses callouts, using bright colors for emphasis. The callouts feature a visual notification bell icon, indicating endpoint issues, and then transitioning to a green checkmark when resolved. These design elements make it a SaaS Animated Demo Video.

This visual style effectively communicates the benefits of ManageEngine's Endpoint Central, allowing the viewer to easily understand how the solution can effectively address endpoint management and security challenges. The animation style makes the video more engaging and appealing. The color scheme is consistent throughout the video, reinforcing the brand's identity. Overall, the design of this video is designed to showcase the product's key features and capabilities to a technical audience. The overall tone of the video is professional and informative, making it suitable for potential customers and IT professionals.

35. HR Acuity

HR Acuity is a solution that helps manage employee relations issues. The video is designed to showcase how HR Acuity can help HR and Employee Relations teams achieve consistency, improve outcomes, and mitigate risk.

Video Design - The video is a SaaS Animated Video. It uses simple, minimalist graphics, with a focus on clean lines and bright, contrasting colors. The use of icons and a simple, geometric visual style makes the video easy to understand and engaging. The video is animated, with smooth transitions and subtle movements that keep the viewer's attention.

The video uses a clean, simple style to communicate HR Acuity's value proposition. The animation style and graphics are designed to be approachable and non-threatening, reflecting the human-centric nature of HR Acuity's service. The bright colors, icons, and geometric shapes create a visual style that is both modern and approachable. The tone of the video is professional, yet reassuring. The video's narrative focuses on the challenges and risks associated with employee relations issues. This narrative helps to communicate the value proposition of HR Acuity's solution, and the video's overall message is one of confidence and control.

36. State Street

State Street Alpha is a platform designed to simplify investment processes, providing tools for risk analytics, portfolio management, trading, compliance, and settlement. The video is designed to highlight the platform's benefits for investors facing market challenges like fragmented liquidity, cost pressures, and low interest rates.

Video Design - The video uses an illustrative animated design style with a focus on geometric shapes, line art, and a clean color palette. This style is common in B2B Animated Videoe video and is well-suited to conveying complex information in a clear and engaging way. It creates a modern and sophisticated aesthetic that resonates with a professional audience, while also making the content easy to understand.

The animated graphics effectively illustrate the platform's value proposition. For example, the use of fragmented shapes represents the challenges investors face, which are then streamlined into a single, integrated platform. The video's clean and modern design language underscores the platform's ability to simplify complex processes and improve efficiency. The clean visuals, simple narrative, and minimalist tone ensure that the video's message remains clear and concise, attracting the attention of the intended audience while effectively communicating the benefits of State Street Alpha.

37. Bandwidth

Bandwidth's video is designed to promote their off-the-shelf integration with Pindrop, for enterprise contact centers. This SaaS Animated Demonstration Video highlights the need for voice authentication in today's world, where fraud is prevalent and customer experience is paramount.

Video Design - This video is a classic example of a SaaS Animated Demonstration Video. With its clean aesthetic and simple 2D animations, the video focuses on conveying information in a clear and concise manner. A soft color palette of blue, pink, and green is used throughout the video and the graphics are sleek and modern, representing a company that is modern and reliable.

The animation is simple yet engaging, demonstrating a solution to a key pain point. The video's smooth flow and clear graphics ensure that viewers grasp the core value proposition of Bandwidth's voice authentication solution, which helps enterprise contact centers prevent fraud and enhance customer experience. This approach creates a professional and trust-worthy tone, effectively communicating the benefits of Bandwidth's integration with Pindrop.

38. Feadship

Feadship is a leader in the field of custom superyachts. Their video is designed to show the benefits of the Polestar remote monitoring system.

Video Design - The video uses a clean, modern style, featuring simple graphics and animations. The video is presented in a SaaS Animated Video style, with a focus on clear and concise information. The video uses a simple city skyline as the backdrop, with icons and text appearing to highlight the features of the Polestar system. The simplicity of the graphics and animations allows the information to be quickly and easily understood.

The design style of the video emphasizes the sleek and modern design of the Feadship superyachts. The use of clean lines, simple graphics, and subtle animation create a feeling of sophistication and trustworthiness, reflecting the high-quality craftsmanship associated with the Feadship brand. The video's tone is positive and reassuring, highlighting the benefits of the Polestar remote monitoring system and its ability to provide peace of mind to Feadship owners.

39. Dolbey

Dolbey Fusion Suite is a digital dictation recording software suite. The video is designed to highlight the need for better solutions to digital dictation for professionals.

Video Design - The video uses clean and simple graphics, with minimal use of color. The SaaS Animated Video style allows for straightforward explanations. A blue background is used throughout the video. The visuals depict a doctor struggling with time management issues as a result of needing to spend too much time typing on his computer.

The visual design of the video is able to communicate the objective of the video by showcasing the struggles of a busy professional. The graphics depict the doctor's frustration over having to spend too much time in front of a computer entering data. This tone is conveyed throughout the video with the use of animation.

40. CyberArk

CyberArk is a leading provider of privileged access security solutions. This video is designed to highlight the power and benefits of integrating CyberArk with Tenable.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video uses a simple and modern animation style. The video utilizes bold primary colors and clean line art. The visuals are engaging, with a variety of animated elements to draw attention to key features. The video uses high-quality graphics and a polished visual style.

The visuals in this video effectively convey the message of a seamless integration between CyberArk and Tenable. The use of animated elements highlights the key features of the integration. The overall tone of the video is positive and optimistic, reflecting the benefits of using the solution. The video narrative smoothly presents how the integration helps streamline the process of identifying vulnerabilities and securing critical access points in real-time. The video design utilizes bold colors, simple lines, and engaging animations to communicate the value proposition of this integration, which is a modern and effective visual communication approach.

41. Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf provides managed risk solutions that help organizations discover, assess, and harden their environments against digital risks. The video is designed to highlight the challenges of managing a growing attack surface and to demonstrate how Arctic Wolf can help businesses stay ahead of cyber threats.

Video Design - The video features a SaaS animated style, using a minimalist design, clean lines, and a dark color palette. The animation is smooth and engaging. The visual design helps to illustrate the complexity of cybersecurity and the need for a comprehensive approach to managing risks. The use of a seesaw metaphor is clever and relatable to explain the impact of security vulnerabilities.

The video's visual style communicates the need for a proactive approach to managing security risks. The use of vibrant colors and a dynamic animation style keeps the audience engaged. The content of the video is informative and relevant to the target audience, making it an effective tool for driving awareness of Arctic Wolf's managed risk solutions. The video uses a professional tone that is confident and reassuring, conveying the message that Arctic Wolf has the expertise to help organizations stay secure.

42. ManageEngine

ManageEngine is a company that provides a solution to protect against sophisticated cyberattacks. The video is designed to explain how their User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) solution works.

Video Design - This is a SaaS Animated Advertisement Video. The animation style is simple and clean, using bright colors and a flat design. The video makes use of simple graphics that help depict the core functions of the product. The minimalist design allows the audience to easily follow the product narrative. Each character has a simple design and an expression that denotes their personality.

The video uses a simple and engaging animation style to communicate the complex subject of user entity behavior analytics. The video explains how the solution works by highlighting the importance of establishing a baseline for user and entity activity. This helps to ensure that the audience understands how the technology can identify potential threats. The video is simple but effective at communicating the benefits of using the product. The tone of the video is professional and informative, making it easy for viewers to understand the benefits of using the UEBA solution.

43. e-Builder

e-Builder is a capital planning advisor, assisting local governments to achieve higher transparency and control over construction and infrastructure projects. The video is designed to showcase e-Builder's capabilities and how it can improve these challenging projects.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Explainer Video features clean and minimalist graphics, with a blue and grey color scheme. The use of icons to represent different projects, stakeholders, and challenges, highlights the software's ability to provide insights into diverse project aspects. The video utilizes a consistent style, transitioning seamlessly from one graphic to the next, emphasizing the software's comprehensive approach.

The video effectively communicates its objective by showcasing the challenges faced by local governments, particularly the need for transparency and control. The video's narrative emphasizes the importance of project management and the potential for cost overruns and delays. This style helps to establish a sense of urgency, subtly urging viewers to learn more about e-Builder and how it can offer solutions to these complex issues. The video's tone is informative yet engaging, making it relatable to a broad audience.

44. ProdPad

ProdPad is a product development platform that helps teams plan and manage their product roadmap. The video is designed to showcase how ProdPad works with development tools like Jira, Trello, and Azure DevOps.

Video Design - The video utilizes a SaaS Animated Video style, employing simple, colorful, and engaging illustrations of rolling balls and small human-like figures. The graphics are well-crafted and bring the characters to life. The simple and consistent color palette helps maintain visual clarity and creates a friendly, approachable tone. The video uses a combination of smooth transitions, simple animations, and a clear, concise narrative to deliver its message.

The video's design seamlessly aligns with its objective. It clearly depicts the integration between ProdPad and various development tools, focusing on the streamlined workflow and collaboration it enables. The animated visuals effectively communicate the key benefits of using ProdPad, emphasizing the seamless exchange of information between development and product teams. The tone of the video is positive and reassuring, promoting a harmonious workflow between teams.

45. EfficientIP

EfficientIP is a company that helps organizations improve their disaster recovery planning using DNS. The video is designed to introduce their DNS GSLB solution and explain how it can help ensure business continuity during emergencies.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Commercial Video is designed to showcase the company's solution in a simple, yet engaging manner. The video features a clean, minimalist design style, with bright colors and a stylized cartoon aesthetic that focuses on making the core concept of their solution easy to understand. The design uses simple, easy-to-follow animated graphics to represent the company's product and the flow of information from one data center to another. The inclusion of the characters Meg and Tom further simplifies the complex process of DNS by representing real-world users.

The video design successfully communicates the goal of EfficientIP's solution by demonstrating how their DNS GSLB technology can seamlessly direct traffic to a backup data center in the event of a failure at the primary site, ensuring seamless business continuity. The video's overall tone is friendly and informative, making it relatable to a wide audience. The combination of easy-to-understand graphics and relatable characters helps viewers understand the solution's value and how it can benefit their business.

46. US Ecology

The video is designed to explain how a partnership between Smarter Sorting and US Ecology is changing how waste is classified and managed. The goal of the video is to highlight the value of their partnership and explain how it benefits retailers.

Video Design - The video uses a SaaS Animated Onboarding Guide Video style, with bright colors and simple graphics. The video follows a consistent design language with a clean interface, using line art, thin lines, flat color, geometric shapes and a bright orange background, which creates a clean and professional look, keeping the video engaging and to the point. The video also uses a conversational tone, which makes it feel more relatable and approachable.

The visual style effectively communicates the video objective, showing the benefits of partnering with US Ecology and Smarter Sorting. The video's message is that the partnership can help retailers save time, money, and improve their environmental footprint. The overall tone of the video is optimistic and encouraging.

47. Decred

Decred is a community-directed digital currency designed to be a superior store of value. This video is designed to introduce the concept of Decred to a broader audience.

Video Design - This video uses a simple but effective SaaS Animated Video design style. The design of the video uses a dark background, bright and contrasting colors, and geometric shapes to deliver a clean and modern look. There is a focus on the use of animations to demonstrate and explain core concepts of the product, which is common practice in animated videos for SaaS platforms.

The video's visual design is effective at communicating the objective of the video. The design clearly conveys the complexity and security of the Decred network by using visual metaphors like chains and the concept of decentralized governance. The video's upbeat and informative tone makes the complex concept of blockchain and digital currency more approachable for the general audience.

48. Ciox

Ciox Cross Checkâ„¢ is an artificial intelligence, natural language processing enabled solution that helps with coding review. The video is designed to showcase the Value Proposition of Ciox Cross Checkâ„¢ in automating a complex and tedious task.

Video Design - Ciox Cross Checkâ„¢ uses a cartoon style animation for this SaaS Animated Demo Videoe video. The graphics are simple, clean and appealing. The video employs a bright and colorful palette and uses a straightforward visual language to convey the message.

The video effectively communicates the challenges of manual coding review and the benefits of using Ciox Cross Checkâ„¢. It uses the narrative of a coder struggling with a manual task to highlight the pain points of this process and how Ciox Cross Checkâ„¢ can make it easier, faster, and more accurate. The tone of the video is professional and informative. Overall, the visual design of the video is well-suited to its purpose, which is to drive engagement and encourage viewers to consider Ciox Cross Checkâ„¢ as a solution to their coding review needs.

49. Affable

Affable is an influencer marketing platform that helps brands manage impactful data-driven campaigns.
The video is designed to highlight the benefits of Affable and how it enables brands to run effective influencer marketing campaigns.

Video Design -
The video uses isometric style illustration. It features different illustrations and characters showing how the platform works. A cloud icon representing the digital world is also used, to represent its online presence.
It is a great "SaaS Animated Platform Video" example, with a unique and modern approach.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective. It conveys the message that Affable is a powerful platform that can help businesses manage their data and achieve better results. It utilizes animated illustrations and visuals, and the tone of the video is informative and engaging, highlighting the key features and functionalities of Affable.

50. Bugcrowd

Bugcrowd is a security platform that helps companies identify and manage their attack surface. The video is designed to show how Bugcrowd can help companies protect themselves from cyberattacks.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video uses bold colors and simple shapes to create a modern and engaging look. The use of a building icon to represent the organization's attack surface is effective, and the animation is smooth and well-paced.

The video's visual style effectively communicates its objective of promoting Bugcrowd's attack surface management solution. By using visual metaphors such as the building icon and the hackers, the video creates a compelling narrative that highlights the benefits of using Bugcrowd. The tone of the video is confident and reassuring, conveying that Bugcrowd is a reliable partner for organizations seeking to improve their security posture.

51. WinAutomation

WinAutomation brings the benefits of Robotic Process Automation to your desktop. The video is designed to highlight how WinAutomation can make daily tasks simpler for individuals and businesses, emphasizing speed and accuracy.

Video Design - The video opens with a cartoon illustration of a woman working on a computer. This simple design style is easy to understand and relatable. The video transitions into a graphic illustration of the WinAutomation platform, which is comprised of a yellow globe with icons representing its key features, such as security, scripting support, advanced synchronization and command line. The vibrant colors and clean graphics make this a SaaS Animated Guide Video, visually appealing and easy to understand, while highlighting the various functionalities of WinAutomation.

The video clearly conveys how WinAutomation helps users automate tasks, with its clean and minimalistic design. It is well-paced, using animation and narration to highlight the benefits of using the software, creating a positive and informative tone for the viewer.

52. Freshdesk

Freshdesk is a ticketing system that makes it easier to manage customer issues. This video is designed to introduce the concept of parent-child ticketing, a feature that helps to resolve complex issues quickly.

Video Design - This video is a SaaS Animated Tutorial Video that takes a very simple approach to explain a complex topic. The bright colors, the clean lines of the animation, the use of icons and simple text, combined make the video visually appealing and easy to understand. The use of bold colors like red, yellow, and blue help to highlight the important parts of the video.

The clear visual design of the video is able to communicate the complex process of parent-child ticketing with ease. The video shows the different teams involved, and the tasks that need to be completed. The tone of the video is light and friendly, making it easy for anyone to understand.

53. Trends

Trends is a new feature from Hotjar that allows users to see the big picture of what's happening on their sites. The video is designed to introduce users to Trends and encourage them to explore its benefits.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video uses bright, colorful illustrations and a modern minimalist style to communicate the product's benefits. Trends is presented through visual metaphors, like the earth and a satellite, which connect with the larger picture of user experience and data. A simple, clean, color palette consisting of blue and orange is used.

The visual style of the video communicates the objective of the video effectively. The minimalist, bold graphics match the bold and simple tone of the video, which suggests that Trends can help users understand complex data without overwhelming them. The video seamlessly transitions between various visual elements like simple geometric shapes, line art, and illustrations to highlight the user experience and the simplicity of using Trends.

54. PagerDuty

PagerDuty is a platform that helps businesses manage their real-time operations and ensure everything is running smoothly, the video is designed to showcase the benefits of PagerDuty.

Video Design - The video is a concise SaaS Animated Video, utilizing a simple color palette of green, blue, and white, emphasizing the brand's signature green. This style ensures a clean and professional aesthetic, which is typical of the SaaS industry. The video uses simple graphic design, and animations to portray the idea of managing real-time operations, and the need for speed. The animated elements are engaging, but the minimalist style ensures focus on the brand's core message.

The clean animation, combined with the use of brand colors and minimalist graphic design effectively communicates the company's commitment to providing reliable, efficient solutions for businesses. The overall tone of the video is professional, reassuring, and instills confidence in the viewer. The video successfully conveys the message that PagerDuty is the reliable solution to manage complex operations in a world where every second matters.

55. Cloudflare

Cloudflare is a global network designed to make everything connected to the internet secure, private, fast, and reliable. The video is designed to explain how Cloudflare operates and how it benefits its users.

Video Design - The video is a well designed SaaS Animated Video, using simple and clear animations that emphasize the core benefits of Cloudflare. The video utilizes a light blue and white color scheme for a modern, clean look, and the simple graphics and icons communicate the product's key features. This approach works very well for a video that aims to explain a complex topic such as a global network.

The animation highlights the idea of Cloudflare being a global network by showing a map of the world. This effectively communicates the reach and scope of the product. The video also focuses on how Cloudflare makes online connections secure, private, and reliable. It does this by using simple, easy-to-understand graphics that visualize the product's security features, showing how Cloudflare protects sensitive data, which resonates with users who are concerned about online security. Overall, the video's tone is reassuring and confident, conveying a sense of trust in Cloudflare's ability to improve internet security, reliability and efficiency for users.

56. Speakfully

Speakfully is a solution that enables a secure and transparent work environment. The video is designed to showcase the product's ability to empower employees to report concerns.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video utilizes simple line art and bright color palettes to make a strong visual impact, and to illustrate how Speakfully can help companies solve problems. The flat design and clean lines are a common theme in the tech space, and are great for representing technology and data. The animation is basic and the pace is appropriate to focus on the information being shared.

The visual style is effective in communicating the objective of the video, as it underscores the ability of Speakfully to create a more open communication environment within organizations. The overall tone of the video is positive, hopeful and inviting. The color scheme is carefully chosen and the animations are minimal and effective in driving the video goal.

57. Trends

Trends is a new feature designed to empower you to gain a bigger picture of your website, offering insights into user behavior, metrics, and trends. This video is designed to showcase this innovative solution and its benefits.

Video Design - The video employs a vibrant and engaging design style, characteristic of a SaaS Animated Video. A mix of flat illustrations and animated elements bring the concept of zooming out from individual user data to understanding broader trends. The graphic design is bold and distinct, with a color palette of cool blues and warm yellows, contrasting to emphasize the key takeaways, making it a visually appealing and captivating experience.

Trends helps you visualize how users interact with your product, highlighting key metrics over time. The video uses animated graphs and charts to illustrate the insights derived from the platform. These engaging visuals help to communicate the objective of the video, which is to show how Trends can provide a clear and comprehensive overview of user behavior and website performance. The tone is enthusiastic, highlighting the value and benefits of Trends, making it an engaging and informative experience for the audience.

58. Preno

Preno is accommodation software for hoteliers, this video is designed to show how simple and easy the software is to use.

Video Design - The video is a SaaS Feature Walkthrough Video that uses a simple graphic design style that includes clean lines, flat colors, and simple animations. The use of simple, flat colors makes the video easy on the eyes, while clean lines and simple animation makes the video look modern and accessible. The graphic design style also helps highlight the software's features, making it easier for viewers to understand.

The video showcases the ease of use of Preno through a series of animated screens showing the main features. The simple graphics draw attention to the easy user interface and its straightforward flow. The consistent visual style emphasizes the simplicity of the software and makes the video engaging and enjoyable to watch.

59. Google

Google's global network connects many data centers to provide its services and products. This video is designed to explain how the network works at scale, keeping Google Cloud services running seamlessly.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video uses simple, colorful graphics, vibrant flat colors, and a smooth animation style to guide the viewer through the complexities of Google's global network. The video utilizes clean backgrounds and crisp illustrations to clearly convey information and maintain a light, friendly tone. The choice of animation style is appropriate for the topic, making complex concepts easy to understand.

The use of a simple animation style and clear visuals helps communicate the key message of the video. The animated map illustrates the vast reach of Google's network, showcasing its global presence. The accompanying text and narration emphasize the speed and scale of the network, driving home its ability to handle enormous amounts of data. The overall tone of the video is informative and engaging, using a friendly, approachable style to make a complex subject accessible to a wider audience.

60. iCare

iCare is a provider engagement platform that aims to improve communication and data sharing between providers. The video is designed to showcase the iCare platform and its benefits.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Promo Video utilizes a bright color palette with clean, modern graphics. It showcases the problem of missing data and siloed departments within an organization. The graphic elements, such as the bursting computer screen, burning paperwork, and cluttered desks, are used to create a sense of overwhelm and stress.

This video communicates iCare's solution through simple, yet effective, visuals. The platform is depicted as a network connecting different departments, streamlining the process, and eliminating data silos. The video maintains a professional and positive tone while highlighting the challenges faced by healthcare organizations. The combination of visuals and narrative effectively demonstrates iCare's ability to solve these issues, making it an engaging and informative video.


TRIMIT is an ERP and e-commerce software solution specifically designed for the furniture industry. The video is designed to introduce TRIMIT and its benefits for furniture businesses, emphasizing its ability to streamline operations and empower companies to focus on core business aspects.

Video Design - This SaaS Feature Walkthrough Video utilizes a combination of clean and simple animation, along with bold, clear typography. The video is focused on presenting a comprehensive overview of the product and its features, with a streamlined visual approach that uses a color palette consisting of green, blue, grey and white. It features a visual hierarchy that emphasizes the central concept of the software's core features, highlighted by circles and text.

The video use of a clean minimalist design, along with its focus on visual clarity, ensures that the information about the TRIMIT Furniture software is presented in a professional and engaging manner. The animated elements bring a sense of dynamism to the video and effectively communicate the efficiency and effectiveness of the software. The concise and engaging visuals effectively drive the video's objective by showcasing the software's ability to simplify complex furniture industry operations. This approach highlights TRIMIT's power and its ease of use for furniture businesses. The overall tone of the video is both informative and reassuring, conveying a sense of confidence and competence in the software solution.

62. Function Point

Function Point is a software solution that helps creative agency owners make better business decisions. The video is designed to introduce the software and its features to potential customers.

Video Design - The video uses a vibrant SaaS Animated Video style with a clean and modern aesthetic. Flat graphics are used throughout the video, including a colorful logo, charts, and icons. This style is visually appealing and creates a sense of professionalism. The use of simple graphics keeps the video focused on conveying information rather than flashy visuals, effectively communicating the software's functionality.

The video effectively communicates Function Point's goal by highlighting the importance of data and insights for making informed decisions. The video's tone is confident and reassuring, emphasizing the software's ability to provide agency owners with the tools needed to improve workflow, streamline operations and drive growth.

63. Comarch

Comarch focuses on providing telecommunication companies with a solution that addresses the evolving needs of both business and consumer clients. This video is designed to highlight the blurring lines between B2B and B2C markets and Comarch's capabilities in bridging this gap.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video uses a vibrant blue background with a central circle representing "IoT" and connected to other circles which represent the interconnected nature of the business and consumer world. These circles are animated with an attractive glow, adding depth and visual appeal.

The video effectively conveys the concept of the blurring lines between B2B and B2C markets, emphasizing that the modern world demands flexibility from telecommunication companies to accommodate the evolving needs of various customers. The dynamic animation and the visual language of the video create a sense of dynamism and innovation, positioning Comarch as a company that understands the importance of adaptability and responsiveness in the modern telecommunications landscape. The animation style and the focus on the connected nature of the "IoT" solution creates a sense of excitement and opportunity, highlighting the potential benefits of Comarch's solutions for telecommunication companies. The video achieves its goal of creating awareness about Comarch's capabilities in addressing the needs of both B2B and B2C sectors.

64. Namecheap

EasyWP is a web hosting solution designed to simplify WordPress website development. This video is designed to highlight the struggles of managing complex web hosting and showcase EasyWP as the solution.

Video Design - The video features a mix of colorful animated graphics and illustrations. It is designed in a playful and vibrant style, using whimsical geometric shapes and elements to represent different aspects of website creation and management. The use of bright colors and playful animations makes this a good SaaS Functionality Overview Video, highlighting the ease of use of EasyWP.

The video uses simple animated graphics to create a visual metaphor for the complex technical details of web hosting. It conveys the frustration of technical obstacles by showing a person struggling with a series of interconnected blocks. This visual style helps to communicate the problems with traditional WordPress hosting and the benefits of using EasyWP. The use of a simple and friendly tone emphasizes the ease and accessibility of EasyWP. The video successfully demonstrates that using EasyWP can help users avoid technical frustration and focus on what matters most: bringing their ideas to life online.

65. CyberArk

CyberArk is a leading provider of privileged access security solutions. This video is designed to highlight the benefits of integrating CyberArk with Tenable to strengthen security protocols.

Video Design - The video utilizes a SaaS Animated Video style, featuring a clean and minimalist design with flat illustrations and bold colors. The use of blue and purple color palette conveys a sense of professionalism and trust, aligning with the brand's identity. The video employs a fast-paced animation to engage viewers and clearly demonstrate the key features and benefits of the integration.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective, which is to showcase the integration of CyberArk and Tenable as a powerful solution to bolster security postures. The dynamic animation and clear, concise messaging effectively highlight the seamless nature of the integration and its potential to streamline vulnerability management and secure access. The overall tone of the video is confident and upbeat, positioning CyberArk as a proactive and reliable security partner.

66. Audaces

Audaces Idea is a solution that provides fashion designers with a tool to create fashion designs and technical sheets. The video is designed to show how Audaces Idea simplifies the design process and makes it easier for fashion designers to create collections.

Video Design - The video has a very clean and modern aesthetic, with a strong focus on the application itself. The video uses a SaaS Animated Video style, which makes the product appear user-friendly and accessible. It uses simple, bright graphics, and a clear user interface, which helps to convey the ease of use of the application. This style makes the video appealing to a wide audience of fashion designers.

The video style effectively communicates the message of ease of use and efficiency. By focusing on the design process of the application, the video drives the goal of showcasing the benefits of using Audaces Idea. The video has a positive and aspirational tone, which makes the audience feel excited about using the product and seeing the results it can deliver. The design of the video successfully highlights the benefits of using Audaces Idea in a clear and engaging way, making the solution appear highly appealing to its target audience.

67. 1Password

1Password is a password manager that aims to provide secure sign-on solutions. This video is designed to explain the benefits of integrating 1Password Business with existing infrastructure for enhanced security.

Video Design - The video design is simple yet effective, adopting a clean, modern aesthetic. It uses animated graphics, such as a 3D representation of the 1Password logo, which is a unique design element that reflects the brand's focus on security. The use of icons and visual cues to represent key integrations like IDPs, SIEM, MFA, and developer tools, creates a clear and concise SaaS Animated Video. The minimalist design, white background, and clean lines create a professional look that is appealing to a business audience.

The use of a central hub with radiating lines to represent connections clearly illustrates the integration of 1Password with various tools. The checkmarks that appear on the various integrations highlight the key benefits of using 1Password. The video's tone is professional, confident, and engaging, conveying the message of enhanced security and simplified management. The use of visual elements effectively drives the video's goal to showcase the benefits of integrating 1Password and how it can improve security posture by providing a comprehensive solution for managing and connecting with various tools.

68. Comarch

Comarch is a telecommunications company that provides services to both business and individual customers. The video is designed to highlight how the company is leveraging the internet of things to connect the two markets and deliver new opportunities.

Video Design - The video employs a SaaS Animated Video style. The visual design features a blue background with a circular pattern in the middle. The word "IoT" is prominently displayed in the middle of the circle surrounded by several blue circles, each containing icons representing various connected devices. These icons represent several applications of the Internet of Things.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the subject of the video, which is the blending of B2B and B2C markets. The circular pattern and interconnected icons highlight the connectivity and integration that the Internet of Things offers. The blue color scheme provides a modern and professional feel, reflecting the innovation and technological advancements that Comarch is bringing to the telecommunications industry. The video's tone is professional and informative, inviting viewers to learn more about the possibilities that IoT offers.

69. Enable

Enable is a platform that helps businesses streamline their B2B deals and improve financial transparency and operational efficiency. The video is designed to showcase the benefits and functionality of this platform.

Video Design - This Animated Motion Graphics video uses bright colors and simplified graphics to depict the complex world of B2B deals. The use of coins falling in a chain reaction illustrates the impact of Enable's solution on achieving business goals. Each graphic is clearly labeled, with an accompanying visual representation, making the content easy to understand and digest.

The video's visual style communicates the objective of the video by simplifying the complex subject of deal management with clear visuals. The video uses an optimistic and engaging tone to showcase Enable's solutions and their potential benefits for businesses, encouraging viewers to learn more about the platform and its benefits. The visual design clearly conveys that Enable is a tool that can be used to effectively activate deals, generate valuable results, and achieve business goals.

70. 360Learning

360Learning is a learning management system that helps organizations onboard new employees effectively. This video is designed to showcase how the 360Learning platform helps organizations solve their onboarding challenges.

Video Design - The video is a SaaS Animated Marketing Video. It uses a combination of minimalist and dynamic graphic designs. The video uses simple shapes, colorful graphics, and animation to drive home the message of onboarding new employees seamlessly. The visuals are clean, crisp, and easy to understand. The colors are bright and vibrant, and the animation is smooth and engaging.

The video's visual style uses vibrant colors and simple shapes to highlight the challenges of onboarding. The video utilizes animation to emphasize the need for a smoother onboarding experience. The animation style effectively communicates the message of fast-forwarding to employee success through a personalized learning experience. The tone of the video is positive and upbeat, highlighting the benefits of 360Learning for companies that want to improve their onboarding process and maximize employee retention.

71. Intouch

Intouch is a mystery shopping service that helps companies understand how customers experience their brand. This video is designed to introduce the service and explain its value proposition.

Video Design - Intouch uses a bright, playful, and energetic visual style. It is a SaaS Animated Video that uses flat, geometric shapes and bold colors, giving it a modern, fresh look. The animated elements add to the overall vibrancy of the video, making it engaging and memorable.

The video effectively communicates its message by using visual metaphors and strong visuals. It shows the importance of delivering a great customer experience, highlighting the challenge of overseeing service quality across multiple locations. The bright colors and animated elements draw the viewer in, while the clear message and simple graphics make the video easy to understand. The overall tone of the video is positive, informative, and encouraging, leaving viewers with a good impression of the Intouch service.

72. Streamr

Streamr is a decentralized network which allows data to be shared in an open-source peer-to-peer network, building a new data economy. This video is designed to introduce the concept of data unions and how they could ethically create new business models for data.

Video Design - The Animated Production video is visually appealing, utilizing bright colors and simple, cartoonish graphics. The use of icons representing various sustainability projects, such as wind turbines, solar panels, and carbon sequestration, effectively communicate the company's focus on environmental sustainability. The use of interconnected hexagons helps to visualize the network of data sharing that Streamr provides, making it engaging and easy to understand.

The animated video successfully conveys the objective of empowering individuals to control their data, allowing them to contribute to funding for sustainable projects and creating a more equitable data ecosystem. The bright and friendly visual style reinforces the positive and optimistic message about the power of data to create positive change in the world, ultimately driving viewers towards learning more about Streamr and its data union model.

73. Hotjar

The video showcases Hotjar's Highlights feature, which allows users to capture and organize key moments from recordings and heatmaps. By creating collections of these insights, teams can collaborate, analyze data, and identify areas for improvement within their digital products. The video aims to demonstrate how Hotjar empowers teams to make data-driven decisions and enhance user experiences. This video is a good example of a SaaS Feature Walkthrough Video.

The design style effectively complements the video's purpose as a SaaS animated marketing video. The clean and minimalist aesthetic ensures that viewers focus on the essential features and functionalities being presented. The use of bright colors and subtle animations draws attention to specific elements, such as user interactions and data points. This visual clarity, combined with concise explanations, makes it easy for viewers to grasp the value proposition of Hotjar's Highlights feature.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully supports its role by prioritizing clarity and engagement. The minimalist approach, strategic use of color, and subtle animations effectively guide viewers through the features and benefits of Hotjar's Highlights, making it an Informative and Visually Appealing presentation.

74. Rubrik

Rubrik is a data protection and recovery solution that simplifies data protection. The video is designed to demonstrate the benefits of Rubrik's platform.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video utilizes bright colors and minimalist graphics that are consistent with the modern design trend. The platform is represented by a series of animated icons and text that makes it easy to understand how Rubrik can help simplify data protection. The video also uses a clean, crisp visual design that makes it engaging and easy to watch.

Rubrik's SLA Policy Engine provides an automation approach to data protection by reducing time spent managing backups by 90 percent. The video uses vibrant colors and simple animations that communicate the benefits of Rubrik's platform in a clear and concise manner, making the video tone both informative and approachable.


MEDHOST is a healthcare data-centric company that focuses on transitioning healthcare from episodic care to population health management. The video is designed to illustrate how MEDHOST's "YourCare Continuum Suite" enhances decision-making for healthcare providers.

Video Design - The video utilizes an infographic animated style with 3D elements to illustrate the suite's features. Simple, flat graphics with bold colors give the video a friendly, approachable feel. The animation is clear and concise, showcasing the interconnectedness of the suite's features, highlighting patient interaction, provider management, and the flow of data within the system.

The video's visual style communicates the effectiveness of MEDHOST's solutions. The video's focus on data-driven healthcare and its use of animated graphics effectively demonstrates the suite's ability to improve patient care and streamline processes. The overall tone is positive and informative, highlighting the ease of use and efficiency of the MEDHOST platform.

76. Alation

Alation is a company that provides a data catalog solution. The goal of the video is to promote Alation as the best data catalog solution available. The video is designed to show Alation's achievements, establishing that it's the "GOAT" - greatest of all time - in its field.

Video Design - The video starts with a sports theme, using imagery of famous athletes, establishing the idea of a "GOAT," or "greatest of all time." It's a clever and engaging way to capture the audience's attention, and quickly communicate Alation's claim. The use of dynamic animation, simple color palettes, and bold text make the video a strong example of a SaaS Animated Onboarding Video.

The video uses a consistent design aesthetic, featuring a blue background, orange highlights, and bold text. The use of bold typography helps to emphasize key messages and make the video more engaging. It's a simple but effective design approach, with each slide using the same layout and visual style, but changing the player. The visual design clearly drives the video's goal, which is to highlight Alation's accomplishments and promote the company as the best data catalog solution. The overall tone of the video is positive and confident. The video's style is fun, and it effectively captures Alation's message and personality.

77. Ecube Labs

Ecube Labs provides smart waste management solutions. This video is designed to introduce the company and its products, CleanCUBE, CleanFLEX, and CleanCityNetworks.

Video Design - The video is a SaaS Animated Video. Ecube Labs uses a combination of flat and simple design style to communicate its key products and services. The video contains different colored icons of waste bins and a green truck. In one scene, an animated truck drives along a route with trash bags. The truck is picking up overflowing waste bins and then drives to another location, where it empties the trash bags. The simplicity of the graphics ensures that the audience can easily understand the message of the video. The use of bright colors draws the viewer's eye to the core message.

The video successfully communicates the value of Ecube Labs solutions in optimizing waste collection routes. The video uses bright and engaging visuals, clean animations, and a simple narrative, all of which contribute to its friendly and approachable tone.

78. AWS

AWS for Games is a suite of services designed to support game developers in achieving their vision for games that delight players. This video is designed to highlight the key features and benefits that AWS offers to game developers.

Video Design - The video leverages a SaaS Animated Video style, showcasing the capabilities of AWS for Games in a visually engaging and informative manner. The video uses simplified graphics, vibrant colors, and a clear layout to communicate its message to its audience. A key feature of the video is the use of geometric shapes, these shapes are designed to represent servers, and other infrastructure elements which creates a sense of modernity and scalability. The video seamlessly transitions between different visual elements, illustrating how Aws helps game developers with various aspects of their game development lifecycle.

The video design effectively communicates its objective of promoting Aws as the leading cloud provider for game developers. The use of minimalist graphics and a vibrant color palette creates a modern and engaging tone, reflecting the innovation and dynamism of the gaming industry. The animation, particularly the way the different elements are brought together, helps to illustrate the interconnected nature of cloud solutions. This approach effectively demonstrates how Aws helps developers overcome the technical challenges of modern game development and helps them deliver high-quality and engaging gaming experiences for their players.

79. GoCardless

GoCardless makes recurring payments easy for businesses worldwide. This video is designed to explain the challenges businesses face with late or failed payments, and how GoCardless simplifies the process.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Product Video uses a minimalist style with 3D geometric shapes in a dark color palette. The shapes are brightly colored and move around the screen, creating a dynamic and engaging experience. This visual style is effective at showcasing GoCardless's core features and their global reach.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the message that GoCardless makes managing payments easy. The video has a smooth and calm tone, which creates a sense of trust and reliability. The clean and simple animation style further emphasizes the simplicity and ease of use that GoCardless provides. The use of 3D shapes and smooth movements adds a professional touch and makes the video more appealing to a wider audience.

80. Papertrail

Papertrail's video highlights the importance of safety management software. The video is designed to showcase the solution as a necessity to ensure compliance.

Video Design - Papertrail's video uses a SaaS Animated Video style that utilizes flat graphic design, simple yet expressive characters, and a lighthearted, playful tone. The graphics are bold and easily comprehensible, making it a good SaaS Animated Video, and the use of the green color palette adds to the video's professional and approachable feel.

The video clearly communicates the problems associated with manual record keeping for health and safety in the 21st century and how Papertrail's solution provides a better, more efficient, and less error-prone process. The video utilizes a calming and professional tone while showcasing a straightforward solution to the complexities of health and safety compliance, ensuring the message is engaging and easily understandable for the intended audience.

81. Fujitsu

Fujitsu is a company specializing in High Performance Computing solutions. This video is designed to showcase the benefits of Fujitsu's Secure High Performance Computing, enabling accurate modeling of real-life challenges.

Video Design -
The video leverages simplistic yet effective isometric style. The animation is clean and straightforward, using white and gray as the dominant colors, creating a calm and professional look. The graphic elements such as the tornado, city, and stopwatch, are highly stylized, but not overly complex, making it an example of a SaaS Animated Platform Videoe video. This minimalistic approach ensures clarity, leaving no room for confusion.

The use of a light gray background with blue lines creates visual structure. The white text against the dark gray boxes ensures readability. The video's visuals are simple and engaging. The tone of the video is informative and sophisticated, highlighting the complexities of modeling real-life challenges and how Fujitsu's solutions are solving these issues. The narrative of the video clearly communicates the need for powerful solutions to address complex simulations that require high processing power.

82. NICE

NICE Enlighten AI for Vulnerable Customers ensures the fair treatment of customers and FCA compliance.

NICE provides AI-powered solutions for customer interactions. The video is designed to demonstrate the importance of identifying and engaging with vulnerable customers.

Video Design - The video utilizes a 3D animation style, featuring a minimalist and colorful design that is common in SaaS Feature Walkthrough Videos. The use of 3D graphics, combined with animated elements like emojis and a gavel, creates a visually engaging and memorable experience. The bright color palette and simple graphic designs make the video feel modern and approachable. The focus is on visually representing the problem, showcasing the solution with an animation, followed by a key takeaway at the end. The video uses minimal text and simple language to convey its message effectively, keeping the focus on the visual story.

The use of animation and simple graphics makes the video accessible and engaging for a wide audience, ensuring that the message resonates with both technical and non-technical individuals. The overall tone of the video is lighthearted but informative, highlighting the importance of providing the right care to vulnerable customers without being overly serious or preachy. This visual approach effectively communicates the value proposition of NICE Enlighten AI and its ability to improve customer interactions and ensure compliance with regulations.

83. Hotjar

Hotjar is a SaaS product that helps companies understand how users interact with their websites and mobile apps. This video is designed to demonstrate the company's rage click filter, which helps users identify frustrating elements on their website.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video uses simple yet effective visuals to highlight the rage click filter. The video uses clear, concise, and easy to understand graphics. The animation is simple, but it does a good job of conveying the message. The choice of colors, such as the blue and pink used in the UI, is consistent with the Hotjar brand.

The design and animation of the video work together to clearly communicate the benefit of using the rage click filter. The video effectively shows that this filter can be used to identify usability issues. The video uses a calm and conversational tone to communicate the value of the filter, making it easy for viewers to understand how it can improve user experience on websites.

84. PanMon

PanMon is a pantograph condition monitoring system. The goal of the video is to show how PanMon works, and the benefit of using it. The video is designed to provide a brief overview of the PanMon system and its features.

Video Design - The video uses a simple, clean design with bright colors and sharp graphics. It starts with an animation of a high-speed train traveling through a simulated environment, which sets the scene for the problem PanMon solves. The video progresses by illustrating the common issues that lead to damage of the catenary equipment and highlights the importance of preventive action. A Walkthrough Animated Video is included, with a graphic representation of a train line and a graphic representation of the PanMon system. The video includes simple animations and visual effects that highlight the points being explained, making it easy to follow.

The clean design and animation help to communicate the complex technology of PanMon, and make the video easy to understand. The overall tone of the video is professional and informative, conveying the seriousness of the issue and the efficacy of the solution. The focus is on the problem of overhead wire damage, and how PanMon can prevent it.


MEDHOST's YourCare Continuum Suite is a data-centric approach that empowers providers to better meet the needs of patients, caregivers, and communities. The video is designed to showcase the suite's capabilities and how it can help healthcare organizations move from episodic care to population health management.

Video Design - The video utilizes a vibrant and engaging 3D animated style. It features simple, clean graphics, with bold colors. The design is a SaaS Animated Video that seamlessly blends a modern aesthetic with a clear and easy-to-understand narrative. 3D graphics are prominent with characters and environments designed to showcase the suite's features, user-friendliness, and benefits in an engaging manner. The use of bright colors and clean visuals makes the information easy to grasp, even for viewers unfamiliar with the healthcare IT industry.

The video's design effectively communicates the objective of MEDHOST's YourCare Continuum Suite. By showcasing a simple, yet powerful visual representation of the suite's ability to connect various stakeholders and streamline healthcare processes, the video conveys the suite's value proposition. The use of colorful visuals and animations creates a positive and optimistic tone that emphasizes the positive impact of the solution on patients, providers, and communities.

86. 1Password

1Password is a password manager that helps businesses secure their sign-on process. The video is designed to show how 1Password can integrate with a company's existing security infrastructure.

Video Design - 1Password uses a clean, minimal, and modern design style to highlight the ease of use and integrations with other products. The white background, simple animations, and soft color palette create a sleek SaaS Animated Video that is visually appealing. 1Password's dark blue logo stands out against the white background, making the brand instantly recognizable. The use of checkmarks within the animation clearly denotes the successful integration of 1Password with these tools.

The video demonstrates how 1Password can securely integrate with existing systems, providing IT teams with the visibility needed to protect sign-on security. The animations in the video are designed to be easy to understand, and the narrative highlights the key benefits of using 1Password for sign-on security. The video's calm and confident tone reassures viewers that 1Password is a reliable and trusted solution.

87. AUMA

AUMA's CORALINK is a digital ecosystem that helps to master challenges in plant operations. The video is designed to introduce viewers to the benefits of using CORALINK.

Video Design - This Guide Animated Video uses a simple but effective visual style that effectively conveys CORALINK's key features. The video features clean and modern graphics, with an emphasis on line art and abstract elements. The graphics are well-designed and easy to understand. AUMA uses a color palette that is consistent throughout the video, with blues and whites, giving the video a professional and modern feel. The use of motion graphics and smooth transitions throughout the video adds interest and dynamism, making the video engaging for viewers.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the goal of the video, which is to demonstrate how CORALINK can enhance plant operations. The blue and white color scheme and the use of line art in the graphics contribute to a professional and trustworthy tone. The animated graphics are used to represent the connected nature of CORALINK's digital ecosystem. This design approach reinforces the idea that CORALINK offers a comprehensive solution for plant operations.

88. Fujitsu

Fujitsu is a company that specializes in high-performance computing solutions, and this video is designed to showcase how their government-grade secure solutions can help businesses and organizations to better model complex scenarios.

Video Design - This video starts with an isometric city illustration, and then transitions to a laptop screen with a tornado, representing a real-life challenge, and showcases how Fujitsu solutions can model such scenarios and help to predict their impact. The video uses minimal text, relying instead on visual elements and graphics to engage the viewer. This style of video is common in the SaaS Animated Video genre, which emphasizes clarity and engagement over complex narratives. The design relies heavily on a blue and grey color scheme, giving the video a clean, modern, and professional look. The graphics are sharp and well-defined, with clean lines and no unnecessary details.

The video's visual style and the focus on real-world scenarios effectively communicate the message that Fujitsu can help organizations with their complex computing needs. The overall tone of the video is informative and professional, appealing to the target audience of businesses and organizations that need high-performance computing solutions to model complex scenarios.

89. NICE

NICE Enlighten AI is an AI-powered solution for vulnerable customers. This video is designed to showcase how the solution helps companies comply with the Financial Conduct Authority regulations and treat customers fairly.

Video Design - This SaaS Animated Video style presents a simplistic design for easy understanding. The animated icons help visually communicate the challenges that organizations face when dealing with vulnerable customers. The video uses bright and colorful graphics to capture the attention of the viewers. These graphics have a modern feel and appeal to the target audience of the solution.

The video uses a combination of animation and narration to explain the solution and its benefits. The visuals are simple but effective, and they help to drive the key message home. The video uses bright colors and a friendly tone, making it engaging and approachable for all types of viewers. The tone of the video is calm and reassuring, conveying the message that NICE Enlighten AI provides an effective solution for meeting FCA compliance and ensuring fair treatment of vulnerable customers.

90. OpenText SaaS Animated Video

OpenText helps life sciences companies manage their data. This video is designed to explain how organizations can utilize OpenText information archiving solutions to avoid the costly mistakes companies often make when they merge or divest.

Video Design - This animated advertisement sample video features a simple style that utilizes only three primary colors. The video employs graphic design elements, such as flat icons and bold outlines, to communicate its message. This makes the video easy to understand and engaging.

The visual design of the video successfully drives the objective of the video. The visual elements reinforce the message, and the video tone is straightforward and professional. By focusing on the visual element of a factory and the cloud, the video communicates the complex problem of information management. The video uses simple visuals with an animation style to attract a wide audience, like a sales executive, a manager, or a technology consultant. The visuals help the viewer engage with the content, and the video's quick pace keeps the viewer attentive.

Key Takeaways

Boost User Engagement

SaaS animated videos are powerful tools for boosting user adoption and retention.

Onboarding: Create engaging onboarding videos that guide new users through the initial setup and key features. For example, a video could demonstrate how to navigate the platform, personalize settings, or complete a core task. This helps users quickly grasp the product's value and feel confident using it.

Feature Spotlights: Use animation to highlight new features or updates. Instead of just a text announcement, a short video can showcase the feature in action and explain its benefits, keeping users engaged and informed.

Customer Support: Animated tutorials can address common user questions or troubleshoot issues. Visual demonstrations are often more effective than written instructions, leading to faster problem resolution and increased user satisfaction.

Product Demos: Showcase your product's capabilities through animated demos. These videos can simplify complex concepts and highlight key benefits in a visually appealing way, attracting potential customers and driving adoption.

Visual Storytelling

Different animation styles offer unique ways to communicate your brand message and resonate with your target audience.

2D Animation: Ideal for explainer videos and conveying simple concepts. Its versatility allows for a wide range of styles, from cartoonish and playful to sleek and professional.

3D Animation: Perfect for showcasing product features and creating realistic demonstrations. It adds depth and visual appeal, especially for complex products or technical concepts.

Motion Graphics: Effective for data visualization and highlighting key information. Using dynamic text, icons, and transitions, motion graphics can make complex data more engaging and understandable.

Whiteboard Animation: Excellent for explaining processes or simplifying complex ideas. Its hand-drawn aesthetic creates a sense of authenticity and approachability, fostering trust with viewers.

Choosing the Right Style: Consider your brand personality, target audience, and the specific message you want to convey when selecting an animation style. A consistent style across your videos will help build brand recognition and create a memorable visual identity.

Funnel Conversion

SaaS animated videos can be strategically deployed throughout the sales funnel to nurture leads and drive conversions.

Awareness Stage: Focus on explainer videos that introduce your product and its core value proposition. Keep them concise and engaging, highlighting the key problem your product solves. For example, a video could show how a project management tool streamlines workflows and improves team collaboration.

Consideration Stage: Showcase specific features and use cases that address potential customer pain points. Demonstrate how your product compares to competitors and highlight its unique benefits. For instance, a video could focus on the advanced reporting capabilities of your analytics platform.

Decision Stage: Build trust and credibility with testimonials and case studies. Show how other businesses have successfully used your product to achieve their goals. A video featuring a satisfied customer discussing the positive impact of your CRM software can be highly persuasive.

Call to Action: Include clear calls to action in your videos, guiding viewers to the next step in the sales process. This could be visiting your website, signing up for a free trial, or requesting a demo.

Campaign Analytics

Measuring the impact of your SaaS animated video campaigns is crucial for optimization and ROI.

Video Analytics Platforms: Utilize platforms like Wistia or Vidyard to track key metrics such as video views, watch time, engagement rate (likes, shares, comments), and conversion rate (clicks on calls to action).

A/B Testing: Experiment with different versions of your videos to identify the most effective elements. Test variations in headlines, visuals, calls to action, or video length. Analyze the data to determine which version performs best in terms of engagement and conversions.

Heatmaps and Scroll Depth: Understand how viewers interact with your videos using heatmaps and scroll depth tracking. Identify which parts of the video capture the most attention and where viewers drop off. This helps you optimize video content and placement for maximum impact.

Google Analytics Integration: Integrate your video analytics platform with Google Analytics to gain a holistic view of your video performance within your overall marketing strategy. Track how video views contribute to website traffic, lead generation, and conversions.

Content Marketing Integration

SaaS animated videos should be an integral part of your content marketing strategy, not just standalone pieces.

Blog Posts: Enhance your blog content with embedded videos. A short animated video summarizing the key takeaways of a blog post can increase engagement and knowledge retention.

Social Media: Create short, attention-grabbing video teasers for social media platforms. Promote your longer videos by sharing snippets or behind-the-scenes clips to generate interest and drive traffic to your website or YouTube channel.

Email Marketing: Include videos in your email newsletters to boost open and click-through rates. A personalized video welcoming new subscribers or showcasing a new feature can significantly improve engagement.

Landing Pages: Use animated explainer videos on landing pages to increase conversion rates. A compelling video that clearly communicates your product's Value Proposition can be more effective than text alone in capturing leads.

Studio Collaboration

Collaborating with an animation studio to produce high-quality SaaS animated videos requires clear communication and a shared vision. Begin by providing the studio with a comprehensive brief that outlines your video's purpose, target audience, and desired outcomes. This brief should include:

Concept & Script: Share your initial video concept, storyline ideas, and if available, a draft script.
Style References: Provide examples of animation styles, character designs, and color palettes that resonate with your brand.
Target Audience: Describe your ideal viewer, their pain points, and how the video will address their needs.
Desired Outcomes: Clearly define the goals of the video, whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or generating leads.

Be open to the studio's feedback and suggestions. They possess expertise in animation and can offer valuable insights to enhance your video's effectiveness. Regular communication through established channels, such as email, project management tools, or video conferencing, ensures everyone stays aligned throughout the project. By fostering a collaborative environment built on mutual respect and a shared vision, you can achieve a successful outcome and a high-quality animated video that meets your specific needs.

Landing Page Integration

Integrating SaaS animated videos into your landing pages can significantly boost conversion rates by capturing attention, simplifying complex information, and guiding users towards desired actions.

Strategic Placement:

Above the Fold: Placing your video prominently at the top of the landing page ensures it's the first thing visitors see, instantly grabbing their attention.
Within Content: Embedding videos within the landing page content can break up text and provide visual breaks, making the information more engaging and digestible.
Pop-up/Lightbox: Triggering a video in a pop-up or lightbox format can be effective for highlighting specific features or offering a product demo.

Content Optimization:

Focus on Value Proposition: Clearly communicate the benefits of your SaaS product and how it solves the target audience's pain points.
Keep it Concise: Aim for a video length that effectively conveys your message without losing viewer interest.
Include Strong Call to Action: Encourage viewers to take the next step, such as signing up for a free trial or requesting a demo.

By strategically integrating your animated videos and optimizing their content, you can create a compelling landing page experience that drives conversions and maximizes your marketing ROI.

Segment Optimization

A/B testing is a powerful tool for optimizing your SaaS animated videos and tailoring them to resonate with specific user segments.

Identify Target Segments: Begin by defining your key audience segments based on demographics, behavior, or needs. For example, you might have separate segments for small businesses, enterprise clients, or users with specific pain points.

Create Video Variations: Develop different versions of your video that cater to each segment's unique characteristics. You can test variations in:

Messaging: Tailor the script and voiceover to address the specific needs and interests of each segment.
Visuals: Use imagery and character design that resonates with the target audience's preferences.
Call to Action: Customize the call to action to align with the desired outcome for each segment.

Analyze Results: Track key metrics like video completion rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates for each video variation. Analyze the data to identify which version performs best for each segment.

By leveraging A/B testing, you can gain valuable insights into what resonates with different user groups and optimize your videos to maximize engagement and conversions across all your target audiences.

Value Proposition Narrative

SaaS animated videos offer a unique opportunity to craft compelling narratives that connect with your audience on an emotional level and effectively communicate the value of your product.

Understand Your Audience: Start by deeply understanding your target audience's pain points, aspirations, and motivations. What challenges do they face, and how can your product help them overcome those obstacles?

Craft a Story: Build a narrative that resonates with your audience's experiences. Consider using storytelling frameworks like the hero's journey, where your product acts as the guide that helps the protagonist (your customer) achieve their goals.

Showcase the Solution: Clearly demonstrate how your product solves the audience's problems and helps them achieve their desired outcomes. Use visuals and animation to bring the solution to life and make it relatable.

Evoke Emotions: Connect with your audience on an emotional level by using relatable characters, engaging storylines, and a tone that aligns with your brand personality.

By weaving a compelling narrative that highlights your product's value proposition, you can create animated videos that resonate deeply with your target audience, leaving a lasting impression and driving conversions.

Brand Consistency

SaaS animated videos can be a powerful tool for building a consistent brand experience across your marketing channels, reinforcing your brand identity, and driving measurable results.

Maintain Visual Consistency: Ensure your videos adhere to your brand guidelines, using consistent color palettes, typography, and animation styles across all platforms.

Develop a Brand Voice: Establish a consistent tone of voice for your video scripts and voiceovers that aligns with your brand personality and resonates with your target audience.

Tailor Content to Channels: While maintaining consistency, adapt your video content to suit the specific context of each marketing channel. For example, a short, engaging video might be ideal for social media, while a longer, more detailed video could be used on your website or in email marketing campaigns.

Track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Measure the impact of your animated videos by tracking relevant KPIs such as video views, watch time, engagement rates (likes, shares, comments), click-through rates, and conversion rates.

By using animated videos strategically and consistently across your marketing channels, you can create a cohesive brand experience that strengthens brand recognition, builds trust, and drives measurable results.

User-Generated Content

Incorporating user-generated content (UGC) into your SaaS animated videos can be a powerful way to build trust, authenticity, and social proof.

Showcase Customer Testimonials: Animate customer testimonials and success stories to highlight the positive experiences others have had with your product.

Feature User-Created Content: Integrate user-created videos, images, or text into your animations to showcase real-world applications of your product and create a sense of community.

Run Contests and Challenges: Encourage users to create their own videos related to your product or brand and feature the best submissions in your animated content.

Partner with Influencers: Collaborate with influencers or industry experts to create animated videos that showcase their experiences and perspectives on your product.

By leveraging UGC in your animated videos, you can demonstrate the value of your product through the voices of your customers, building trust and authenticity that resonates with potential buyers.

SEO Optimization

Optimizing your SaaS animated videos for search engines can significantly improve their visibility, attract more organic traffic, and expand your reach.

Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords that your target audience is searching for and incorporate them into your video titles, descriptions, and tags.

Video Transcript: Create a text transcript of your video's audio and include it in the video description or as a separate file. This allows search engines to understand the content of your video and index it accordingly.

Closed Captions: Add closed captions to your videos to improve accessibility and provide another opportunity for keyword inclusion.

Video Sitemap: Submit a video sitemap to Google Search Console to help search engines discover and index your videos more effectively.

Promote on Social Media: Share your videos on social media platforms and encourage viewers to like, share, and comment. Social signals can influence search engine rankings.

By implementing these SEO best practices, you can increase the visibility of your SaaS animated videos in search results, driving more organic traffic to your website and expanding your reach to a wider audience.

Technical Explanation

SaaS animated videos are an ideal medium for simplifying complex technical concepts and making them accessible to a wider audience.

Visualize Abstract Ideas: Use animation to visually represent abstract ideas, processes, or data in a way that is easy to understand.

Break Down Complex Information: Divide complex topics into smaller, digestible chunks and present them sequentially in your video.

Use Metaphors and Analogies: Employ metaphors and analogies to relate technical concepts to familiar objects or experiences, making them easier to grasp.

Focus on Benefits, Not Features: Instead of overwhelming viewers with technical details, emphasize the benefits of your product and how it solves their problems.

Keep it Concise and Engaging: Maintain a clear and concise narrative, avoiding jargon and technical terms that might confuse viewers. Use humor, storytelling, and visually appealing animation to keep the audience engaged.

By employing these strategies, you can effectively use SaaS animated videos to explain even the most complex technical concepts in a way that is both informative and engaging.

Customer Onboarding

SaaS animated videos can be a valuable tool for onboarding new customers, guiding them through your product's features, and improving their adoption rate.

Welcome Video: Create a welcoming animated video that introduces new customers to your product, its benefits, and your company culture.

Tutorial Videos: Develop a series of short tutorial videos that demonstrate how to use specific features or functionalities of your product.

Interactive Walkthroughs: Create interactive animated walkthroughs that guide users through key workflows and processes within your application.

FAQ Videos: Address common customer questions and concerns through engaging animated FAQ videos.

Gamified Onboarding: Incorporate gamification elements into your onboarding videos, such as quizzes, challenges, or rewards, to make the learning process more interactive and fun.

By utilizing animated videos in your onboarding process, you can provide new customers with a clear, engaging, and effective way to learn about your product, leading to increased product adoption and customer satisfaction.

Sales Team Education

SaaS animated videos can be a powerful tool for educating your sales team, enhancing their product knowledge, and improving their sales effectiveness.

Product Demo Videos: Create engaging animated videos that showcase your product's key features, benefits, and use cases.

Competitive Analysis Videos: Develop animated videos that compare your product to competitors, highlighting your unique advantages and value proposition.

Sales Training Videos: Use animated videos to train your sales team on effective sales techniques, objection handling, and product positioning.

Customer Success Stories: Showcase customer success stories through animated videos to inspire your sales team and demonstrate the positive impact of your product.

Microlearning Modules: Create short, focused animated videos that cover specific product features or sales strategies, allowing your team to learn at their own pace.

By incorporating animated videos into your sales training program, you can provide your team with an engaging and effective way to learn about your product, understand its value proposition, and improve their sales performance.

Social Media Engagement

SaaS animated videos can be a highly effective way to create engaging social media content that captures attention, drives traffic to your website, and generates leads.

Short & Catchy Videos: Create short, visually appealing animated videos that are optimized for each social media platform's format and audience.

Focus on Value & Benefits: Highlight the key benefits of your product and how it solves your target audience's pain points in a concise and engaging way.

Use Humor & Storytelling: Incorporate humor, storytelling, and relatable characters to make your videos memorable and shareable.

Include Strong Call to Action: Encourage viewers to visit your website, sign up for a free trial, or learn more about your product through a clear and compelling call to action.

Run Contests & Giveaways: Use animated videos to promote contests and giveaways that incentivize engagement and generate leads.

By creating high-quality, engaging animated videos tailored for social media, you can effectively capture attention, drive traffic, and generate leads for your SaaS business.

Brand Awareness

SaaS animated videos can be a powerful tool for building brand awareness, establishing thought leadership, and positioning your company as an industry expert.

Explainer Videos: Create animated explainer videos that educate your audience about industry trends, challenges, and solutions, showcasing your expertise.

Thought Leadership Interviews: Animate interviews with industry experts or thought leaders, sharing their insights and perspectives on relevant topics.

Data Visualization Videos: Use animation to visualize data and research findings in a compelling and easy-to-understand way, demonstrating your industry knowledge.

Behind-the-Scenes Videos: Offer a glimpse into your company culture, values, and processes through animated behind-the-scenes videos, building brand authenticity.

Industry Event Recaps: Create animated recaps of industry events or conferences, highlighting key takeaways and positioning your company as a thought leader.

By strategically using animated videos to share valuable insights and demonstrate your expertise, you can effectively build brand awareness and establish thought leadership in your industry.

Video Repurposing

Repurposing your existing SaaS animated videos is a cost-effective way to extend their reach, maximize their impact, and engage with a wider audience.

Create Shorter Clips: Edit your longer videos into shorter, bite-sized clips that are optimized for different social media platforms and content formats.

GIFs & Memes: Extract engaging moments from your videos and turn them into GIFs or memes that can be shared on social media or in email marketing campaigns.

Blog Post Graphics: Use stills or animated sequences from your videos as visuals in blog posts or articles to enhance their engagement and visual appeal.

Email Marketing: Embed your videos or shorter clips in email newsletters or promotional campaigns to capture attention and drive click-through rates.

Website Landing Pages: Integrate your videos into relevant landing pages on your website to increase engagement and conversion rates.

By repurposing your existing animated videos in creative ways, you can extend their lifespan, reach a wider audience, and maximize their return on investment.

ROI Measurement

Measuring the ROI of your SaaS animated videos is crucial for demonstrating their value to stakeholders and justifying continued investment in video marketing.

Track Key Metrics: Monitor relevant metrics such as video views, watch time, engagement rates, website traffic, lead generation, and sales conversions.

A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests to compare the performance of different video variations or placement strategies and identify what drives the best results.

Cost per Lead (CPL) & Cost per Acquisition (CPA): Calculate the cost per lead and cost per acquisition generated through your video marketing campaigns to assess their efficiency.

Customer Surveys & Feedback: Gather customer feedback on your videos to understand their impact on brand perception, product understanding, and purchase decisions.

Reporting & Analytics: Use analytics tools to track video performance, generate reports, and visualize the impact of your video marketing efforts on key business objectives.

By implementing a robust measurement framework and tracking relevant metrics, you can effectively demonstrate the ROI of your SaaS animated videos and showcase their value to stakeholders.

Author at advids
I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!