Video Creation Service

30 User-Centric Product Walkthrough Video Examples For Improved User Experience

Last updated
Jul. 01, 2024

In today's competitive digital landscape, user experience reigns supreme. capturing and retaining user attention is paramount for businesses across industries. a powerful tool has emerged to address this challenge: product walkthrough videos. these videos offer a dynamic and engaging way to showcase product features, guide users through functionalities, and ultimately enhance their overall experience.

The need for effective user onboarding and education has never been greater. with the increasing complexity of software and applications, users often face a steep learning curve. product walkthrough videos bridge this gap by providing clear, concise, and visually appealing instructions. they empower users to quickly grasp the value proposition of a product and navigate its features with ease.

Product walkthrough videos find application in various scenarios, catering to diverse user needs. for instance, during the onboarding process, these videos can provide new users with a comprehensive overview of the product's interface and core functionalities. they can also serve as valuable resources for existing users seeking to explore advanced features or troubleshoot specific issues. moreover, product walkthrough videos can be leveraged in marketing campaigns to effectively demonstrate the product's benefits and drive user adoption.

The versatility of product walkthrough videos extends across industries. in the realm of software as a service (SaaS), these videos are instrumental in guiding users through complex workflows and integrations. for e-commerce platforms, product walkthrough videos can showcase product features, highlight unique selling points, and ultimately boost conversion rates. even in the financial technology sector, these videos can simplify intricate financial concepts and empower users to make informed decisions.

With the growing demand for user-centric experiences, product walkthrough videos have become an indispensable tool for businesses seeking to engage, educate, and empower their users. let's dive in and explore 30 inspiring examples that showcase the power of product walkthrough videos in enhancing user experience.

1. StayWell

The video utilizes a minimalist and modern design style, making it an effective product demo explainer video. The use of bold colors, simple shapes, and clean lines creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. The animation is smooth and fluid, further enhancing the overall professionalism of the product software walkthrough.

By focusing on key elements such as patient education and personalized solutions, the video effectively highlights the benefits of StayWell's offerings. The clear and concise messaging ensures that viewers understand the value proposition, while the engaging visuals keep them interested throughout the presentation. The product walkthrough's design style perfectly complements the content, creating a cohesive and impactful experience that effectively showcases StayWell's commitment to empowering individuals to live healthier lives.

The video utilizes a minimalist and modern design style, making it an effective product demo explainer video. The use of bold colors, simple shapes, and clean lines creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. The animation is smooth and fluid, further enhancing the overall professionalism of the product workflow walkthrough.

2. Moogsoft

Moogsoft express, a saas aiops solution designed for devops and sres, offers a comprehensive suite of features including alert correlation, noise reduction, observability, monitoring, metrics, and anomaly detection. This overview video clip effectively showcases the capabilities of moogsoft express, inviting viewers to explore a free trial and learn more about the platform. This product demonstration walkthrough effectively showcases the product and its features.

The video's design style is characterized by its clean and modern aesthetic, employing a minimalist color palette and isometric illustrations. This approach effectively highlights the key features and benefits of moogsoft express, such as alert correlation and noise reduction, by visually representing complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. The walkthrough uses isometric illustrations to add depth and dimension to the visuals, creating an engaging and informative viewing experience.

In conclusion, the video's design style effectively complements the messaging, creating a compelling overview of moogsoft express and its capabilities. The combination of clear visuals, concise messaging, and a modern aesthetic makes this video an excellent example of a product demo explainer video. This product walkthrough is a great way to learn about the product.


Netgear insight offers a revolutionary approach to network management for small and medium-sized businesses. Setting up and maintaining a wireless network, with its numerous devices and access points, can become overwhelming. Netgear insight simplifies this process, providing a solution that saves time and effort.

This product explanation walkthrough effectively utilizes a minimalist design style with clean lines, bold colors, and simple animations to convey the message clearly. The use of icons and visual representations of devices and networks helps viewers easily understand the product's functionality. The animation style is engaging and dynamic, keeping viewers interested while effectively demonstrating the features and benefits of netgear insight.

By combining a clear and concise message with a visually appealing design, the walkthrough successfully highlights the value proposition of netgear insight as a network management solution. The minimalist approach ensures that the focus remains on the product and its benefits, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.


The video showcases a cloud-based solution designed to help businesses efficiently manage and comply with the AASB 16 lease accounting standards. It emphasizes the challenges of lease accounting and how their solution simplifies the process. This serves as a visual Product walkthrough for the product, showcasing its features and benefits.

The video's design style effectively complements its purpose as a product demo and explainer. The use of vibrant colors and clean lines creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The characters and scenarios are relatable to the target audience, showcasing the common pain points associated with lease accounting. The animation style is modern and dynamic, keeping viewers engaged while effectively conveying the benefits of the cloud-based solution. Clear and concise text overlays further enhance understanding. This walkthrough effectively demonstrates the product's capabilities and user experience.

By combining a user-friendly interface, expert support, and automation capabilities, the KPMG Lease Hub solution streamlines lease accounting processes, reduces complexity, and ensures compliance with AASB 16. The video's design effectively highlights these advantages, making it an excellent tool for showcasing the value proposition of the cloud-based solution. This Product software walkthrough provides a comprehensive overview of the product's functionality and benefits, guiding potential users through its features and demonstrating its value.

5. Microsoft

This video showcases how to build solutions faster using low-code apps. The video highlights the ability to quickly build and share these apps, empowering users to create solutions efficiently. The goal is to demonstrate the ease and speed with which solutions can be developed using microsoft power apps. this product walkthrough showcases the product's capabilities and benefits.

This video is a product how-to explainer that shows users how to build solutions using low-code apps. The video provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the product and highlights its key features. The goal is to empower users to create solutions quickly and easily using microsoft power apps. this walkthrough of the product provides a clear and concise explanation of how to use it.

This video is a product explanation walkthrough that provides an overview of low-code apps and how they can be used to build solutions. The video highlights the benefits of using low-code apps, such as speed and efficiency. The goal is to educate users about the product and its capabilities. this walkthrough provides a comprehensive overview of the product and its features.

6. Back Market

The video builds anticipation for a groundbreaking launch from a major tech company, hinting at a more sustainable smartphone. A series of clues, including a leaked document, mysterious billboards in major cities like madrid, and time-locked boxes, create a sense of intrigue and excitement.

The design style effectively employs minimalism and contrast to emphasize the product and message. The use of a dark background with vibrant green accents draws attention to the phone and the text, which highlights the concept of sustainability. The sleek and modern aesthetic aligns with the innovative nature of the product, while the use of social media snippets adds a layer of authenticity and real-world buzz.

By combining mystery, anticipation, and a focus on sustainability, the video effectively captures the viewer's attention and generates interest in Back Market's mission to promote refurbished tech as a more environmentally friendly option. The minimalist design style further reinforces the message, creating a visually appealing and impactful product demonstration walkthrough.

7. Arctic Wolf

Arctic wolf managed risk helps businesses identify and strengthen their digital environments against cyber threats. The solution provides a comprehensive view of potential vulnerabilities across networks, endpoints, and cloud environments. This product demo walkthrough effectively uses a clean and modern design aesthetic to communicate the value of arctic wolf managed risk.

The minimalist approach, with its focus on clear visuals and concise messaging, allows viewers to easily grasp the concept of attack surface coverage. The use of glowing lines and nodes to represent networks, endpoints, and cloud environments creates a visually engaging representation of the digital landscape. This walkthrough of the product demonstrates the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures.

By combining a clear explanation of managed risk with visually appealing graphics, the video successfully conveys the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures in today's digital world. This product walkthrough effectively showcases the comprehensive approach of arctic wolf managed risk in safeguarding businesses from cyber threats. The video serves as a compelling demonstration of how arctic wolf managed risk empowers businesses to proactively identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.

8. LightForce

This video showcases the process and benefits of custom treatment solutions. It aims to provide viewers with a clear understanding of how the process works and the advantages of opting for personalized treatment approaches. This product how-to explainer likely utilizes a combination of 2D animation and 3D modeling to effectively demonstrate the custom treatment process walkthrough. The use of 3D brackets, as suggested by one of the images, could indicate a focus on dental or orthodontic solutions. The clean and minimalist design, coupled with engaging visuals, ensures that the benefits of fully custom treatment are highlighted in a clear and concise manner.

By combining informative visuals with a straightforward approach, the video aims to educate viewers about the value of custom treatment solutions. The emphasis on process and benefits ensures that viewers gain a comprehensive understanding of the advantages offered by this particular approach. This product walkthrough ensures viewers understand the value proposition of this product.

9. Ateme

The video focuses on ateme's ATSC 3.0 solution and how it can help broadcasters stay at the forefront of the industry. It explores the challenges faced by broadcasters in delivering high-quality services, engaging viewers, and generating revenue. This video acts as a visual Product walkthrough for the product.

The video utilizes a minimalist and modern design style, characterized by flat illustrations, bold colors, and clean typography. The use of simple shapes and icons effectively conveys complex concepts, such as broadcasting infrastructure and global reach. This Product walkthrough is visually appealing and easy to understand.

By combining informative content with a visually appealing design, the video effectively captures the viewer's attention and conveys the value proposition of ateme's ATSC 3.0 solution. The minimalist style allows the focus to remain on the key message, while the animation and color choices create a dynamic and engaging experience. Overall, the video's design style effectively complements its purpose as a Product in-depth walkthrough, making it an excellent example of how visual communication can enhance the impact of marketing messages.

10. Freshdesk

Freshdesk's post-call transcripts help businesses retrieve customer details quickly and easily, improving call quality and training processes. Supervisors can review complete calls within minutes, enhancing efficiency.

The video acts as a product guided walkthrough, effectively showcasing the product's capabilities and guiding viewers on how to utilize its features. The use of bold, contrasting colors and simple shapes creates a visually engaging experience that captures attention. The characters and objects are stylized, allowing viewers to focus on the key message, without distractions. The animation is smooth and dynamic, keeping the audience engaged throughout the video.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video effectively demonstrates the benefits of Freshdesk's post-call transcripts. The design style enhances the product's appeal, making it an excellent example of how animation can be used to create compelling product explainer videos.

11. SurveyMonkey

Surveymonkey industry tracker is designed to help strategy, research, marketing, and finance professionals gather proprietary data and identify what is trending in key markets - to inform strategy and investment decisions. this product walkthrough uses a clean and modern design style that is perfect for a product demo explainer video. The use of simple shapes, bright colors, and bold typography helps to keep the viewer engaged and focused on the message. The animation is smooth and fluid, and the transitions between scenes are seamless. The video does a great job of highlighting the key features of surveymonkey industry tracker, such as the ability to track industry trends, gather proprietary data, and inform strategy and investment decisions.

Overall, the video is an excellent example of how to use design to create an effective product demo explainer video. The clean and modern design style, combined with the smooth animation and clear messaging, makes it easy for viewers to understand the benefits of surveymonkey industry tracker. This product software walkthrough is a great way to learn about the product and how it can be used to improve business decisions.

12. Avast

Avast business hub is a cloud-based security platform that helps businesses manage and protect their devices, data, and users. It offers a variety of features, including antivirus, firewall, email security, and patch management. Avast business hub is designed to be easy to use and manage, and it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

This Product demo walkthrough uses a modern, flat design style with bright colors and simple shapes. This makes it easy to understand and follow, even for viewers who are not familiar with cybersecurity concepts. The walkthrough also uses animation to bring the concepts to life and make them more engaging. For example, the product demo walkthrough shows how avast business hub can be used to protect devices from malware, block phishing attacks, and keep software up to date.

Overall, this product walkthrough is an effective way to explain the benefits of avast business hub. The use of simple language, clear visuals, and animation makes it easy for viewers to understand how the platform can help them protect their businesses.

13. OpenText

Financial institutions worldwide are looking for simple and secure solutions to solve their most complex operational challenges. This product how-to explainer showcases how OpenTextâ„¢ Customer Integration for Transaction Banking provides financial institutions with the resources they need to simplify complex integrations, expedite customer onboarding and innovate for the future.

The product utilizes a clean and modern design style that effectively highlights the key features and benefits of the product. The use of bold colors, simple icons, and clear typography makes it easy for viewers to understand the complex concepts of transaction banking and customer integration. The animation is smooth and engaging, keeping viewers interested in the content. The walkthrough also does a great job of emphasizing the benefits of using OpenTextâ„¢ Customer Integration for Transaction Banking, such as simplified integrations, expedited customer onboarding, and innovation for the future.

Overall, the product is an excellent example of how to use design to effectively communicate complex information in a clear and engaging way. The clean and modern style, combined with the use of animation and strong visuals, makes it easy for viewers to understand the benefits of using OpenTextâ„¢ Customer Integration for Transaction Banking.

14. district0x

The video aims to educate viewers about blockchain, bitcoin, and ethereum by addressing the byzantine general problem (bgp). Bgp is a fundamental challenge in distributed computer systems, and its solution forms the basis of blockchain technology. The video delves into the concept of byzantine fault tolerance, which is crucial for understanding the significance and potential of blockchain. This product demonstration walkthrough uses simple, clean lines and a limited color palette, creating a visually appealing and easy-to-follow aesthetic. The characters and objects are depicted in a cartoonish manner, making the complex concepts of blockchain and bgp more approachable and engaging for viewers. The animation is smooth and dynamic, keeping the audience captivated and reinforcing the key points. This product walkthrough serves as an excellent example of how design can be employed to create informative and engaging explainer videos.

The video aims to educate viewers about blockchain, bitcoin, and ethereum by addressing the byzantine general problem (bgp). Bgp is a fundamental challenge in distributed computer systems, and its solution forms the basis of blockchain technology. The video delves into the concept of byzantine fault tolerance, which is crucial for understanding the significance and potential of blockchain. This product onboarding walkthrough uses simple, clean lines and a limited color palette, creating a visually appealing and easy-to-follow aesthetic. The characters and objects are depicted in a cartoonish manner, making the complex concepts of blockchain and bgp more approachable and engaging for viewers. The animation is smooth and dynamic, keeping the audience captivated and reinforcing the key points. This product walkthrough serves as an excellent example of how design can be employed to create informative and engaging explainer videos.

15. WalkMe

Walkme's digital adoption platform helps onboard and train new and existing employees on any software quickly. The platform provides guidance and support right when and where they need it most, boosting employee productivity and engagement. This serves as an effective product explanation walkthrough, giving viewers a clear understanding of the product's purpose and benefits.

The video uses a clean and modern flat design style with bold colors and simple shapes. This makes it easy to understand the key points of the video, even for viewers who are not familiar with digital adoption platforms. The use of animation helps to keep the viewer engaged, and the clear and concise language makes it easy to follow along. This walkthrough effectively showcases the product's features and functionality.

Overall, the video is an effective way to introduce walkme's digital adoption platform to a wider audience. The design is visually appealing and easy to understand, and the video does a good job of explaining the benefits of using the platform. This product demo walkthrough provides a comprehensive overview of the product, highlighting its user-friendliness and value.

16. Avast

The video focuses on cybersecurity threats that businesses face in today's digital landscape. It highlights the importance of robust cybersecurity solutions to protect sensitive data and ensure business continuity. The video emphasizes the need for comprehensive protection against malware, phishing attacks, and other cyber threats that can compromise business operations.

This video acts as a Product demo walkthrough, showcasing the effectiveness of Avast's cybersecurity solutions in mitigating threats and safeguarding businesses. The walkthrough utilizes animation to seamlessly guide the viewer through different scenarios, clearly demonstrating how Avast's Product can be used to counter realistic cyber threats. This Product demo walkthrough is designed to give potential customers a clear understanding of how Avast can protect their business.

The video's design style effectively conveys the message of cybersecurity awareness and the importance of proactive measures. The use of isometric illustrations creates a visually engaging and informative experience. The clean lines, vibrant colors, and 3D perspective enhance the clarity of complex concepts, making it easier for viewers to understand the potential risks and the solutions offered by Avast.

17. Gelato

Gelato network is a web3 automation network, enabling developers to automate a wide variety of arbitrary smart contract executions on and across all evm-based compatible blockchains such as ethereum, polygon, bnb chain, fantom, and more.

The design style of the gelato network explainer video uses colorful and abstract 3d shapes and objects to visually represent the complex concepts of blockchain technology, automation, and decentralized finance (defi). The visual product walkthrough cleverly employs vibrant, futuristic visuals to highlight the cutting-edge nature of gelato network's solution for developers seeking to automate smart contract executions across various evm-compatible blockchains.

The video's aesthetic effectively communicates the innovative and transformative potential of gelato network's product within the evolving landscape of web3 and decentralized finance.

18. CareATC

CareATC is a population health management company that offers programs and technology to help create a thriving wellness culture within your workforce. Their goal is to empower you to inspire healthier, happier employees while simultaneously reducing healthcare expenses.

This product explanation walkthrough effectively utilizes vibrant colors, clean lines, and simple shapes to convey complex information in an easily digestible format. This approach aligns perfectly with CareATC's mission of promoting employee wellness and reducing healthcare costs. The walkthrough seamlessly guides viewers through the process of population health management, showcasing how CareATC's programs and technology can benefit both employers and employees.

By employing clear visuals and concise messaging, the product effectively highlights the value proposition of CareATC's services. In conclusion, this product explanation walkthrough is a perfect complement to CareATC's population health management solutions. The use of engaging visuals and straightforward messaging effectively communicates the company's commitment to fostering healthier, happier employees and reducing healthcare expenditures.

19. AlayaCare

This product process explainer focuses on empowering home-based care agencies to refine operations, improve efficiencies, and scale their businesses through the power of automation. It emphasizes the importance of reducing vacant visits, removing delayed messages, and staying updated to optimize home care services. The product walkthrough effectively showcases how automation can streamline various aspects of home care, making it easier for agencies to manage their operations and provide high-quality care.

The design style effectively complements the video's message by employing a clean and modern aesthetic. The use of bold colors, such as blue and orange, creates a visually engaging experience while maintaining a professional tone. Simple yet impactful icons and illustrations convey complex concepts related to automation and home care, making the video easily understandable for viewers. The isometric perspective adds depth and dimension to the visuals, further enhancing the overall appeal.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully reinforces its core message of leveraging automation to enhance home-based care services. AlayaCare's approach effectively combines informative content with visually appealing design elements, resulting in a compelling and informative explainer video.

20. Earth Token

Earth token's natural asset exchange video effectively explains the challenges and solutions in the realm of environmental preservation and sustainability. The video highlights the growing global awareness and investments in innovations like solar, wind, waste-to-energy, carbon sequestration, and preservation of natural assets. It emphasizes the difficulty in connecting buyers and sellers of sustainable products and technologies. This video acts as a product onboarding walkthrough for the users.

The video's design style is simple yet impactful, utilizing clean lines, vibrant colors, and engaging animations. Geometric shapes and icons represent various environmental initiatives and technologies, making complex concepts easily digestible. The use of a central ethereum symbol surrounded by these icons effectively conveys the role of earth token in facilitating transactions and connections within the sustainable ecosystem. The walkthrough provided in the video is easy to understand for any new user of the product.

Overall, the video's design style perfectly complements its message, creating an informative and visually appealing experience for viewers. The combination of clear explanations, engaging visuals, and a focus on human impact effectively conveys the importance of earth token's natural asset exchange in promoting environmental sustainability. The product walkthrough is quite impressive and engaging.

21. Citrix

The video explores the evolving landscape of higher education and how Citrix is shaping the future of learning for both students and staff. It delves into the concept of flexible and consistent learning, emphasizing the need for universities to adapt to the changing needs of their constituents. This product explanation walkthrough showcases how Citrix can be a valuable tool for educational institutions.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of simple, hand-drawn animation creates a friendly and approachable aesthetic, making the complex topic of educational technology more accessible to a wider audience. This walkthrough uses visuals to make the product more understandable. The minimalist color palette, with its focus on black, white, and teal, ensures that the visuals are clean and uncluttered, allowing viewers to focus on the core message.

By combining a clear and concise message with a visually appealing design, the video successfully conveys the value proposition of Citrix for higher education institutions. The animation style effectively highlights the flexibility and adaptability of the Citrix platform, while the overall tone of the video is optimistic and forward-thinking, aligning perfectly with the concept of future-proofing education. This product guided walkthrough effectively demonstrates how Citrix can help shape the future of learning.

22. Datacom

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations are faced with the imperative to embrace digital transformation or risk falling behind in the competitive market. Datacom's Container Service emerges as a solution, empowering developers to efficiently deploy and manage their crucial business applications within a secure and modern cloud environment. This product walkthrough effectively showcases the value of the product.

The video's design style effectively conveys the essence of Datacom's Container Service. The isometric illustrations create a sense of depth and dimension, drawing viewers into the digital realm where applications are deployed and managed. The vibrant color palette and clean lines enhance visual appeal, while the strategic use of icons and symbols effectively communicates complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner. This visual product walkthrough makes it easy for the viewers to understand the product.

By combining engaging visuals with a compelling narrative, the video successfully captures the viewer's attention and effectively conveys the value proposition of Datacom's Container Service. The design style not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also plays a crucial role in simplifying complex technical concepts, making it an excellent product demo explainer video that resonates with its target audience. This product workflow walkthrough provides a step-by-step guide to using the product.

23. Rubrik

The video showcases rubrik's commitment to data security, availability, and compliance, regardless of its location. It emphasizes the importance of safeguarding data in today's complex digital landscape, where information resides across various platforms and environments. this video serves as an excellent product demo walkthrough, showcasing the product's capabilities.

The video's design style effectively conveys rubrik's message through its clean and modern aesthetics. The use of bold colors, simple shapes, and clear typography enhances the viewer's understanding of rubrik's data security solutions. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding the viewer through the key features and benefits of rubrik's platform, making it a compelling product walkthrough.

The video's concise and informative approach ensures that viewers grasp the essential aspects of rubrik's data security offerings. This product workflow walkthrough effectively highlights the challenges of modern data management and presents rubrik's solutions in a clear and engaging manner. The combination of informative content and visually appealing design makes this video an excellent example of a product demo explainer.

24. Ateme

The video focuses on addressing concerns related to cloud DVR services, particularly storage limitations and scalability, and how they impact user experience. It aims to position ateme's cloud-based cloud DVR solution as a comprehensive and future-proof option for viewers who want to record and enjoy their favorite content without constraints. This video acts as a product in-depth walkthrough for the product.

The video employs a minimalist and modern design style, characterized by flat illustrations, bold colors, and clean typography. This approach effectively conveys complex technical concepts in a visually engaging and easy-to-understand manner. The use of icons and simple animations further enhances the clarity of the message, making it accessible to a wider audience. By focusing on essential elements and avoiding clutter, the design allows viewers to concentrate on the core value proposition of ateme's cloud DVR solution: limitless storage, audience captivation, and unleashed potential. This walkthrough of the product focuses on the core value proposition of the product.

In conclusion, the video's design style effectively complements its informative content, creating a compelling product demo explainer that highlights the benefits of ateme's cloud DVR solution. The minimalist aesthetic, combined with clear visuals and concise messaging, ensures that viewers grasp the key advantages of the platform, making it an excellent example of how design can enhance the impact of a product demonstration. This product demonstration acts as a product how-to explainer for the product.

25. SimplyCast

The video demonstrates how businesses can utilize marketing automation platforms to connect with potential customers across different time zones. The signup form allows prospects to provide their phone numbers, enabling businesses to schedule automated phone calls at convenient times, regardless of time zone differences. This product walkthrough showcases the ease with which businesses can engage with leads on a global scale.

The video's design style effectively complements its purpose as a product how-to explainer. The use of simple icons and a clean, minimalist aesthetic ensures that the focus remains on the core message: the functionality and benefits of using a marketing automation platform for lead generation and customer engagement. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding viewers through the process of creating a signup form, setting a timed delay, and initiating automated voice calls. This walkthrough of the product's features makes it easy for viewers to grasp its capabilities.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully enhances the viewer's understanding of how marketing automation platforms can streamline communication and facilitate business growth. The clear visuals, concise messaging, and engaging animation effectively convey the value proposition of the product, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video. This product walkthrough effectively demonstrates how businesses can leverage automation to enhance their marketing efforts.

26. Kion

This video showcases how Kion delivers complete cloud enablement, simplifying management and governance activities for organizations to realize the full benefits of the cloud.

The Product demonstration walkthrough cleverly employs a clean and modern design aesthetic to highlight its cloud enablement solutions. Using simple icons and a minimalist color palette, the video effectively communicates complex concepts like cloud computing, DevOps, and cloud migration in an easy-to-understand manner. The strategic use of animation keeps the viewer engaged while reinforcing key message,s about AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

By seamlessly blending informative visuals with a clear and concise message, the Product demonstration walkthrough successfully demonstrates how this Kion product empowers organizations to embrace the power of the cloud.

27. YugabyteDB

This video introduces yugabyteDB, a distributed SQL database designed for mission-critical applications that are built and deployed differently than traditional monolithic databases.

Traditional monolithic databases can be slow, complex, not cloud-friendly, and require too many manual processes. The video uses a dark color palette with neon accents to illustrate the complexity and limitations of outdated databases. The sleek, modern design of the yugabyteDB logo and accompanying visuals effectively conveys the product's cloud-native approach and its ability to address the challenges posed by traditional databases.

The use of simple geometric shapes and clear typography makes the information easily digestible, while the animation and transitions keep the viewer engaged. This design style effectively highlights the key features and benefits of yugabyteDB, making it an excellent Product explanation walkthrough video.

28. Mezmo

Mezmo, formerly logdna, is a comprehensive platform that makes observability data consumable and actionable for modern engineering teams at hyper-growth startups and fortune 500 companies. It fuels massive productivity gains by providing real-time intelligence powered by mezmo.

The design style of this visual product walkthrough effectively visualizes the concept of observability data by using abstract geometric shapes and patterns. The walkthrough showcases a fresh source of energy with interconnected lines and nodes, symbolizing the flow of insights and data within an organization. The use of bold colors, like blue, black, and yellow, further emphasizes the key message, of making data actionable and easily consumable.

The product walkthrough's minimalist aesthetic, combined with its dynamic animations, creates a visually engaging experience that effectively communicates the value proposition of mezmo. The design choices successfully highlight the product's ability to provide a clear and comprehensive view of complex data, ultimately leading to improved insights and decision-making for engineering teams.

29. Alation

The video focuses on the challenges of metadata management and how alation's data catalog can help businesses overcome them. it emphasizes the importance of making metadata relevant to business users and highlights the key features of alation's solution, such as active metadata, metadata repositories, and business glossaries. this video is a good example of a product process explainer.

The video's design style is modern, clean, and engaging. it uses a combination of 2d animation, bold colors, and simple shapes to create a visually appealing and easy-to-understand explanation of complex concepts. the use of animation allows for dynamic transitions and visual metaphors that effectively illustrate the benefits of alation's data catalog. for example, the video shows how alation's solution can help businesses break down data silos and connect different data sources, making it easier for users to find and access the information they need. this part of the video provides a product walkthrough of the software.

Overall, the video's design style effectively complements its message, making it an excellent product demo explainer video. the use of animation, bold colors, and simple shapes creates a visually engaging experience that helps viewers understand the value proposition of alation's data catalog. the video's clear and concise explanation of complex concepts, combined with its focus on the benefits of alation's solution, makes it an effective tool for educating potential customers and generating interest in the product. this product walkthrough is a great way to show potential customers how the product works.

30. AUMA

The video showcases the digital ecosystem of coralink, emphasizing its ability to enhance plant lifecycle phases and provide added value. it delves into the fascinating world of this technology, offering viewers a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities and benefits. this video acts as a product guided walkthrough, giving users a detailed understanding of the product.

The design style effectively employs 3d animation and visual effects to illustrate the intricate workings of coralink. the use of vibrant colors and sleek graphics creates a visually appealing experience, while the seamless transitions and dynamic camera angles maintain viewer engagement. clear and concise text overlays provide additional context, ensuring that the key features and advantages of this product are effectively communicated through this walkthrough.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements its informative content, resulting in a compelling and engaging product demo explainer. the combination of captivating visuals and informative text effectively highlights the value proposition of coralink, leaving viewers with a clear understanding of its potential to optimize plant operations. this product walkthrough clearly explains the value proposition of coralink.

Key Takeaways

  • what is a product feature demo video?

  • a product feature demo video is a concise and engaging video showcasing a specific feature of your product. it goes beyond simple explanations, visually demonstrating the feature's functionality and benefits within a real-world context. these videos are typically used on websites, landing pages, social media, and within email marketing campaigns to educate potential customers and drive conversions. application: used for marketing and sales purposes. what: showcases a specific product feature. where: found on websites, landing pages, social media, etc. how: demonstrates the feature's functionality and benefits visually.
  • creating aproduct featuredemo video: where to start?

  • before diving into production, a clear roadmap is essential. identify your target audience: understand their needs and pain points. choose the feature to highlight: select a feature that resonates with your audience and solves a specific problem. develop a compelling narrative: craft a story that showcases the feature's value proposition. plan your visuals: decide on the style, tone, and visual elements that will best convey your message. choose the right platform: consider where your target audience is most active and tailor the video accordingly.
  • product featuredemo video ingredients

  • a successfulproduct featuredemo video combines several key elements: clear and concise messaging: focus on the corevalue propositionof the feature. high-quality visuals: use compelling imagery and animations to capture attention. engaging audio: incorporate music and sound effects to enhance the viewing experience. call to action: encourage viewers to learn more or take the next step.
  • product featuredemo video goals and objectives

  • setting clear goals is crucial for measuring the success of your video. increase product awareness: introduce your feature to a wider audience. drive product adoption: encourage viewers to start using the feature. improve customer satisfaction: demonstrate how the feature solves a specific problem. generate leads and sales: motivate viewers to explore your product further.
  • motion graphics inproduct featuredemo video

  • motion graphics can elevate your video by: simplifying complex concepts: visualize intricate processes in an easy-to-understand manner. adding visual interest: capture attentionwith dynamic animations and transitions. enhancing brand identity: incorporate brand colors and design elements for a cohesive look.
  • using storytelling in aproduct featuredemo video

  • storytelling makes your video more relatable and memorable. create a relatable protagonist: introduce a character facing a challenge that your feature solves. build tension and resolution: show how the feature helps the protagonist overcome their obstacle. evoke emotions: connect with viewers on a personal level by tapping into their feelings.
  • best practices forproduct featuredemo video

  • to create an impactful video, follow these best practices: keep it short and sweet: aim for a video length of 60-90 seconds. focus on benefits, not features: highlight how the feature improves the user's life. use a conversational tone: speak directly to your audience in a friendly and approachable manner. include a clear call to action: tell viewers what you want them to do next.
  • what makesproduct featuredemo video effective?

  • an effective video is: targeted: tailored to a specific audience and their needs. engaging: captures attention and keeps viewers interested. informative: clearly explains the feature and its benefits. persuasive: motivates viewers to take action.
  • connecting your brand andproduct featuredemo video

  • maintain brand consistency throughout your video. visual identity: use brand colors, fonts, and imagery. brand voice: employ a tone and style that aligns with your brand personality. brand values: showcase how the feature reflects your company's core values.
  • example: slack

  • slack, a popular team communication platform, effectively utilizesproduct featuredemo videos to showcase new features and updates. their videos are concise, engaging, and clearly demonstrate thevalue propositionof each feature. by incorporating humor and relatable scenarios, slack connects with its audience on a personal level, driving product adoption and user satisfaction. this approach has contributed to slack's rapid growth and widespread popularity.
  • what is a product feature demo video?

  • a product feature demo video is a concise and engaging video showcasing a specific feature of your product. it goes beyond simple explanations, visually demonstrating the feature's functionality and benefits within a real-world context. these videos are typically used on websites, landing pages, social media, and within email marketing campaigns to educate potential customers and drive conversions. application: used for marketing and sales purposes. what: showcases a specific product feature. where: found on websites, landing pages, social media, etc. how: demonstrates the feature's functionality and benefits visually.
  • creating aproduct featuredemo video: where to start?

  • before diving into production, a clear roadmap is essential. identify your target audience: understand their needs and pain points. choose the feature to highlight: select a feature that resonates with your audience and solves a specific problem. develop a compelling narrative: craft a story that showcases the feature's value proposition. plan your visuals: decide on the style, tone, and visual elements that will best convey your message. choose the right platform: consider where your target audience is most active and tailor the video accordingly.
  • product featuredemo video ingredients

  • a successfulproduct featuredemo video combines several key elements: clear and concise messaging: focus on the corevalue propositionof the feature. high-quality visuals: use compelling imagery and animations to capture attention. engaging audio: incorporate music and sound effects to enhance the viewing experience. call to action: encourage viewers to learn more or take the next step.
  • product featuredemo video goals and objectives

  • setting clear goals is crucial for measuring the success of your video. increase product awareness: introduce your feature to a wider audience. drive product adoption: encourage viewers to start using the feature. improve customer satisfaction: demonstrate how the feature solves a specific problem. generate leads and sales: motivate viewers to explore your product further.
  • motion graphics inproduct featuredemo video

  • motion graphics can elevate your video by: simplifying complex concepts: visualize intricate processes in an easy-to-understand manner. adding visual interest: capture attentionwith dynamic animations and transitions. enhancing brand identity: incorporate brand colors and design elements for a cohesive look.
  • using storytelling in aproduct featuredemo video

  • storytelling makes your video more relatable and memorable. create a relatable protagonist: introduce a character facing a challenge that your feature solves. build tension and resolution: show how the feature helps the protagonist overcome their obstacle. evoke emotions: connect with viewers on a personal level by tapping into their feelings.
  • best practices forproduct featuredemo video

  • to create an impactful video, follow these best practices: keep it short and sweet: aim for a video length of 60-90 seconds. focus on benefits, not features: highlight how the feature improves the user's life. use a conversational tone: speak directly to your audience in a friendly and approachable manner. include a clear call to action: tell viewers what you want them to do next.
  • what makesproduct featuredemo video effective?

  • an effective video is: targeted: tailored to a specific audience and their needs. engaging: captures attention and keeps viewers interested. informative: clearly explains the feature and its benefits. persuasive: motivates viewers to take action.
  • connecting your brand andproduct featuredemo video

  • maintain brand consistency throughout your video. visual identity: use brand colors, fonts, and imagery. brand voice: employ a tone and style that aligns with your brand personality. brand values: showcase how the feature reflects your company's core values.
  • example: slack

  • slack, a popular team communication platform, effectively utilizesproduct featuredemo videos to showcase new features and updates. their videos are concise, engaging, and clearly demonstrate thevalue propositionof each feature. by incorporating humor and relatable scenarios, slack connects with its audience on a personal level, driving product adoption and user satisfaction. this approach has contributed to slack's rapid growth and widespread popularity.


    Mastering the User Journey

    The digital landscape thrives on user engagement, and product walkthrough videos have emerged as a cornerstone of effective user onboarding and retention. These videos transcend mere tutorials; they are strategic tools that empower users, foster brand loyalty, and ultimately drive product success. In a world saturated with information, product walkthrough videos offer a clear, concise, and engaging way to communicate value and functionality.


    The need for effective user onboarding is paramount. Users often face a steep learning curve when encountering new products, leading to frustration and abandonment. Product walkthrough videos bridge this gap by providing a visual roadmap, guiding users through the product's features and functionalities in a way that is both informative and engaging.


    Creating impactful product walkthrough videos requires a deep understanding of user needs and pain points. Striking the right balance between comprehensive information and concise delivery is crucial. Videos must be visually appealing, well-paced, and tailored to the target audience's level of expertise.


    Product walkthrough videos find application across a wide spectrum of scenarios. They are invaluable for introducing new products, showcasing updates and features, and providing ongoing support to users. These videos can be integrated into onboarding emails, knowledge bases, and social media campaigns, ensuring accessibility and maximizing reach.


    Effective onboarding is essential for user retention and product adoption. Product walkthrough videos provide a seamless introduction, guiding users through the initial setup process and familiarizing them with key features. By addressing common questions and concerns upfront, these videos empower users and reduce the likelihood of churn.

    Feature Adoption

    Product walkthrough videos are instrumental in driving feature adoption. By showcasing the value and functionality of specific features, these videos encourage users to explore the full potential of the product. This leads to increased engagement, a deeper understanding of the product's capabilities, and ultimately, a more satisfying user experience.


    Product walkthrough videos serve as a valuable support resource, providing users with on-demand access to information and guidance. These videos can address frequently asked questions, troubleshoot common issues, and offer step-by-step instructions for complex tasks. By empowering users to find solutions independently, product walkthrough videos reduce support costs and enhance user satisfaction.


    Engaging product walkthrough videos capture user attention and foster a connection with the brand. By incorporating storytelling elements, humor, and high-quality visuals, these videos create a memorable experience that resonates with viewers. This emotional connection translates into increased brand loyalty and advocacy.


    Product walkthrough videos play a pivotal role in driving conversions. By effectively demonstrating the value proposition and benefits of the product, these videos can influence purchase decisions and accelerate the sales cycle. They provide potential customers with the information they need to make informed choices, ultimately leading to increased revenue.


    Product walkthrough videos contribute significantly to user retention. By providing ongoing support, addressing user needs, and fostering a positive user experience, these videos encourage users to remain engaged with the product over time. This leads to increased customer lifetime value and a more sustainable business model.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!