Video Creation Service

30 Branded Video Stories That Will Captivate Your Audience

Orko Roy
Last updated
Sep. 04, 2024

The modern consumer craves connection. They don't want to be simply sold to; they want to be engaged, entertained, and inspired. This shift in consumer behavior presents a significant challenge for brands: how do you break through the noise and forge lasting relationships in a world saturated with content?

Ready to unlock the power of branded video storytelling and captivate your audience? Let's dive in.

1. Gemalto

Gemalto is a cybersecurity company that is providing solutions for the commercial drone industry. This video is designed to educate viewers about the importance of security in the drone ecosystem.

Video Design - Gemalto's video utilizes the design style of "Branded Stories", which is characterized by compelling visuals, a strong narrative, and a clear call to action. The video opens with a dynamic abstract graphic that sets the tone for the content. The graphic is composed of a grid that represents connectivity. The drone is then introduced within this visual, creating a captivating link between the company's offering and the industry it serves. The video has a visually appealing graphic style that emphasizes the company's core values. It is a prime example of a well-produced, visually appealing "Branded Stories video".

The video utilizes a combination of animation and footage to communicate the complexities of drone security. The use of graphics and compelling narratives drive the viewer to understand the security concerns within the commercial drone ecosystem. This is done through concise explanations and visually appealing graphics that explain the concept of identity, connection and security. Gemalto's video effectively uses visual storytelling to emphasize the importance of cybersecurity and the value it offers. The video's overall tone is confident and informative. Gemalto's video emphasizes the importance of cybersecurity, making the viewers aware of the company's product offering, and showcasing its value to the drone industry.

2. Excella

Excella helps organizations harness the power of technology. The video is designed to highlight the importance of finding a partner to help navigate the constantly evolving technology landscape.

Video Design - The video uses a vibrant color palette and isometric graphics to create a modern and engaging aesthetic. The use of colorful geometric shapes and lines adds a playful touch. This visual style is common in branded stories video, which aim to engage audiences with appealing visuals and a clear message.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the objective of finding the right partner to navigate the complexities of technology, ultimately enabling organizations to thrive. The use of modern graphics and a dynamic pace reflects the rapid pace of technological change and reinforces Excella's message that they are a forward-thinking partner. The overall tone of the video is confident, optimistic, and inspiring.

3. Justice

Justice is a non-profit, independent organization that provides information and analysis on international justice. The video is designed to explain the importance of information in facilitating reconciliation between societies that have suffered from conflict.

Video Design - The video utilizes a minimalist style with simple, black and white illustrations. The use of a light gray background and black lines reinforces the brand's focus on truth and transparency. The illustrations effectively depict the complexities of conflict and reconciliation. The video is a great example of a Branded Stories video, showcasing the organization's values and purpose through a captivating narrative.

The video's clean and straightforward aesthetic creates a somber tone that reflects the seriousness of the topics discussed. The video seamlessly transitions from abstract illustrations of conflict to a clear message about the role of information in promoting healing and understanding. The focus on information as the foundation for reconciliation is clearly presented, leaving the viewer with a sense of hope and the importance of Justice's work in supporting Justice and peace.

4. Process Street

Process Street helps businesses automate workflows, ranging from simple tasks like office cleaning to complex processes like information security audits. The video is designed to showcase how the platform streamlines work and makes it easier for teams to collaborate.

Video Design - Process Street employs a clean, modern visual style that perfectly complements their workflow automation software. The video uses bright, vibrant colors and clean lines. The use of animated interfaces, progress bars, and checkmarks reinforces the core functionality of the software. The visuals create a sense of simplicity, efficiency, and user-friendliness, which are essential elements of a Branded Stories video.

The video effectively communicates the benefits of using Process Street by showing how the platform makes it easier to manage tasks, assign responsibilities, and track progress. The visuals make the process of workflow automation seem simple, intuitive, and accessible. The video has a clear and positive tone, conveying a message of efficiency and empowerment.

5. Boyd

Boyd is a company that designs, manufactures, and delivers medical wearables, with a focus on patient safety. The video is designed to promote their medical-grade adhesives.

Video Design - Boyd's video utilizes simple but compelling visual design. The video uses clean graphic elements to highlight their 3M preferred converter status and to showcase the medical wearable adhesive. The video features 3M preferred converter, which indicates Boyd's expertise in adhesives. The video features a sleek and modern design, which is consistent with Boyd's brand identity. The video employs a Branded Stories video style, which uses short animated sequences to showcase the product and its benefits. The visuals in the video are clear, concise, and professional.

The video design effectively communicates Boyd's expertise in medical wearables, highlighting the quality of their adhesive. The visuals create a professional and trustworthy tone, which is crucial for a brand that provides medical products. The video emphasizes the company's expertise in adhesives, while illustrating the effectiveness of their product. The video uses a simple and clean visual aesthetic, which creates a sense of confidence and reassurance for potential clients.

6. ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil is a multinational oil and gas company focused on providing reliable energy resources to the world. This particular video is designed to showcase the positive impact energy access can have on communities.

Video Design - This "Branded Stories video" effectively uses a blend of animation and imagery to highlight the importance of energy. The visuals are bold, vibrant and minimalist, focusing on a few key elements that are repeated throughout the video. Animated circles represent the world and are strategically used to depict how the flow of energy connects people. The graphics are clean, simple, and easily digestible.

The combination of minimalist animation with a soft narrative creates a calm and positive tone. The video focuses on the positive impact of energy access in Guyana. This style helps connect viewers to the subject, highlighting the importance of energy access and its impact on economic opportunity.

7. Calendly

Calendly simplifies scheduling for individuals and businesses. This video is designed to introduce the new Calendly, its features, and how it is changing the world of scheduling.

Video Design - This Branded Stories video utilizes engaging visuals and minimal text to demonstrate the ease of use and efficiency of the product. Colorful and vibrant graphics showcase the connection between users and their audience, representing a natural, refreshing and smart solution.

The video's visual design effectively communicates the benefits of Calendly by conveying a sense of speed, efficiency and user-friendliness. The tone is modern, approachable and upbeat, reinforcing the idea that scheduling can be easy and enjoyable.

8. CorVel

CorVel develops technology and streamlines processes to empower faster, more accurate risk management. This video is designed to highlight how CorVel uses innovation to address industry challenges.

Video Design - This Branded Stories video uses a blend of abstract graphics and illustrations. The blue color scheme paired with a white background creates a calming yet energetic tone. The use of light blue hexagon shapes, floating around the center hexagon, visually showcases the concept of connection and integrated ecosystem. The video features a combination of geometric shapes and flat illustrations, enhancing the clean and modern aesthetic.

The visual style effectively conveys the company's commitment to innovation and how CorVel is leading the way in technology-driven claims solutions. The animated elements create a dynamic and engaging experience, highlighting the key benefits of their solutions, including faster processing, more accurate data, and a seamless user experience. This video tone exudes a sense of trust and expertise, reassuring viewers that CorVel is a leader in its field.

9. National Grid ESO

National Grid ESO is a company that provides critical solutions for the energy industry. This video is designed to inform viewers about the digital transformation of the transportation sector.

Video Design - This video uses simplistic graphics and a minimalist design style to communicate the message effectively. The use of vivid colors and abstract shapes helps to create a modern and dynamic feel. It uses elements like animated cars, lines, and circles. The style of the video is similar to other "Branded Stories video" that focuses on highlighting innovation and technological advancements.

The video effectively communicates the message by showing how digital transformation is enabling the transition to smarter and more efficient vehicles. The use of bright colors and fast-paced animations creates a sense of optimism and progress, which aligns with the video's overall goal. The video uses graphics to highlight the key benefits of digital transformation, including increased safety and improved performance.

10. Kubota

Kubota is a company that works to find solutions to social problems, mainly related to food, water, and the environment. This video is designed to showcase Kubota's long term vision, GMB2030.

Video Design - This Branded Stories video highlights Kubota's history, as the foundation for the future. The visual design of the video is simple but powerful. The use of icons, graphic timelines, and clean typography keeps the video on brand. The colors are bright, with a focus on teal and white, creating a modern and approachable feel. The narrative blends the company's history with their mission to protect the planet, making it a very engaging video.

The video design is consistent with Kubota's overall branding. The use of minimalist visuals, clean typography, and a straightforward narrative style, helps drive the video goal of communicating the company's commitment to GMB2030. The video tone is hopeful and optimistic, while being informative and educational, creating an engaging visual story for viewers.

11. NFCForum

NFCForum is a company that aims to make people aware of the presence and benefits of NFC technology, in every day life. This video is designed to showcase the use of NFC technology, along with its advantages.

Video Design -
This is a Branded Stories video that uses graphic design elements to illustrate the message. The video uses simple, yet very striking graphics. The visuals are minimal with a focus on a clean and modern design style, that is consistent across all scenes. The color palette is simple and uses a blend of soft colors like beige and pale green, with white typography, so the key messages in each scene are highlighted clearly.

The video effectively communicates the power of NFC technology in a simple and engaging way. The use of graphics effectively showcases the concept of NFC being everywhere. The tone is friendly and informative, the visuals are clean and simple, which makes the video even more engaging and easy to follow. The video is able to convey the message in an impactful way that is easy to understand and remember, making it a good example of a well-designed Branded Stories video.

12. COTI

COTI is a payment network that leverages the power of digital currency. This video is designed to showcase the benefits of COTI, which combines the best of traditional payments with the best of distributed ledger technology.

Video Design - This Branded Stories video utilizes a simplistic visual style and incorporates a colorful palette, creating a playful and engaging narrative. The video uses bright, modern colors and sharp lines in a minimalist style to highlight the company's logo and text, making it visually appealing and easy to understand.

The video's visual style, with its bold colors and clean lines, evokes a feeling of trust and innovation. This, combined with the video's narrative, successfully conveys COTI's mission to revolutionize the way payments are made, making them faster, easier, and more cost-effective. The video's lighthearted tone reflects COTI's commitment to making payments accessible and seamless.

13. MSD Careers

MSD Careers is a company that is focused on delivering medical innovations to people in need. This video is designed to showcase the importance of the Regulatory Affairs team in ensuring the compliance, safety, and effectiveness of these innovations.

Video Design - This video utilizes a combination of vibrant colors and simple abstract shapes to create a lively and engaging visual style. It features a light and airy background with an overlay of simple graphic elements. The animated design uses elements of geometric shapes and color gradients to create a sleek modern aesthetic that is in keeping with the latest trends in "Branded Stories video" style.

The visual design of the video effectively communicates the idea of speed and progress which is central to the narrative. The use of fast-paced animations and a bright, modern color palette conveys the rapid pace of innovation and the efficiency with which the company is striving to deliver its medicines and vaccines. This tone complements the narrative that is focused on the company's mission to bring hope to patients worldwide who are waiting for life-saving treatments.

14. Comarch

Comarch is a company that helps Telcos make their networks sustainable. The video is designed to show how automated network management can help telcos reduce their energy consumption without affecting network performance.

Video Design - The video uses a unique blend of 2D and 3D animation, with vibrant blue and purple colors, creating a futuristic and visually appealing look. The animation in the video utilizes a lot of energy, which is a great visual metaphor for the subject of the video, emphasizing the importance of energy efficiency in the telecommunications industry. The video's design complements the narrative, using bold and dynamic graphic elements to highlight the importance of sustainable networks. This makes it a great "Branded Stories video" example.

The video's visuals are engaging, conveying a positive and optimistic tone. The animated character and the use of glowing globes to represent the network effectively illustrate the concept of sustainable networks. The bright colors and dynamic animations draw the viewer in, holding their attention while explaining the complex topic of energy consumption in the telecommunications industry, creating a visually compelling narrative that communicates the importance of sustainable networks.

15. BDO

BDO is a professional services firm that specializes in accounting and advisory services. The video is designed to showcase the breadth of BDO's capabilities, highlighting the variety of services they offer.

Video Design - The video is a Branded Stories video that leverages a montage style to depict the various services offered by BDO. A modern look is achieved with a fast-paced format and clean, minimal graphics that convey a clear and concise message. The video uses bold text overlayed on simple, yet high quality graphics that feature imagery depicting each service.

The clean design and high-quality graphics are effective in conveying the message about the range and complexity of the services offered by BDO. The video's tone is professional yet engaging, highlighting the dynamism and innovation within the firm. It effectively communicates the goal of showcasing a more modern, forward-thinking approach to accounting and advisory services, and thus, enticing viewers to consider BDO as a potential partner.

16. Healthe

Healthe Inc. is a company that uses light to benefit people in unique ways. The Healthe video is designed to showcase the company's mission to bring innovative lighting solutions to the world.

Video Design - This Healthe Branded Stories video utilizes simple, clean animation to visually depict the application of their products. A vibrant purple background, reminiscent of the night sky, sets the stage. The animated astronauts, though simplified in design, are detailed enough to convey emotions and actions. The transition from space to Earth is smoothly represented through a light beam, which then illuminates the company's lighting solutions.

The use of animations, coupled with the narrative, effectively communicates how Healthe's lighting solutions can benefit people worldwide. The bright, clean visuals set a positive tone, highlighting the impactful nature of the company's technology. The video ends with a visual representation of how Healthe's products are bringing light to the planet. The overall design of the video is visually appealing, engaging, and impactful, effectively showcasing the purpose of Healthe and its lighting solutions.

17. Deloitte

Deloitte is a global consulting firm that creates videos to help businesses understand emerging technologies and how they impact industries. This particular video is designed to explore the implications of SmartCities and how this new ecosystem is changing personal mobility.

Video Design - This Branded Stories video is a blend of minimalist illustrations and animations, creating a clean, futuristic aesthetic. The video uses flat colors and geometric shapes to depict a modern urban environment. The simplified graphics help to emphasize the technological elements of the video, such as data collection, predictive analytics, and autonomous vehicles, without overwhelming the viewer.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the goal of the video, which is to highlight the emerging technology of SmartCities and how it is changing the world. By using a minimalistic and futuristic design, the video conveys a sense of innovation and progress, reflecting the technological advancements of SmartCities. The clean visuals and simple animations maintain a positive tone, emphasizing the potential benefits of this emerging technology.

18. Sanofi

Sanofi is a company that works with rare diseases. This video is designed to increase awareness and emphasize the importance of early diagnosis for rare diseases.

Video Design - The video uses a simple and engaging style, with bright colors and bold graphic elements. This style is consistent with Sanofi's brand identity, creating a consistent and familiar look and feel across their Branded Stories video. The use of simple graphics and animations makes the information more accessible and understandable for a broad audience.

The video's design successfully drives the video's goal, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis. The graphic style combined with the narration creates a lighthearted tone that invites viewers to learn more about rare diseases. The visual elements are simple and straightforward, keeping the focus on the information conveyed. The video encourages viewers to visit their GP and seek diagnosis if they experience symptoms that may indicate a rare disease.

19. Noonday Collection

Noonday Collection is all about creating a marketplace for artisans around the world. This video is designed to encourage viewers to join the community and become Noonday Ambassadors.

Video Design - This video uses a simplistic animation style featuring a single female character, flat color backgrounds, and minimal graphics. The video uses a muted color palette which creates a warm and inviting feeling, and it feels authentic. The video narrative focuses on the journey of women and how they are empowered through handmade jewelry, accessories, home goods, and gifts. This makes it a great example of a Branded Stories video.

The visual style of the video reinforces the message of empowerment and community. The color palette, simplified animation, and focus on female characters conveys a sense of warmth and positivity that aligns with the video's goal of encouraging viewers to join the Noonday community. The overall tone of the video is encouraging and uplifting, effectively communicating the message that by joining the Noonday community, viewers can play a role in building a flourishing world.

20. CSL

CSL is a global specialty biotherapeutics company that develops and delivers innovative biotherapies. The video is designed to communicate CSL's commitment to saving lives and improving the quality of life for people with life-threatening medical conditions.

Video Design - The video design is clean and modern, featuring minimalist illustrations and a bright color palette. This approach is consistent with the company's focus on innovation and cutting-edge biotherapies. A timeline with circles and lines illustrates the history of CSL's progress, reinforcing the company's long-standing legacy in healthcare. The video's strong visuals, combined with the use of text overlays, effectively tell CSL's “Branded Stories” video.

The use of simple, yet engaging illustrations, coupled with a white background, creates a sense of clarity and professionalism. The video's consistent visual style reinforces the core values of CSL, conveying the company's focus on innovation and patient-centered care. The use of a gentle and optimistic tone throughout the video helps to build trust and confidence in the company.

21. Printify

Printify is a print-on-demand platform that allows you to create and sell your own branded products without the hassle of inventory management or fulfillment. This video is designed to introduce new product lines coming to the platform, including skincare, supplements, and coffee.

Video Design - This Branded Stories video utilizes animated graphic design to showcase the new product lines. Bright colors and bold fonts create a visually stimulating experience, making it a highly engaging video. The use of a dynamic, animated background combined with the consistent use of the “Your Brand Here” call to action help deliver a strong message that Printify's platform is the solution to help bring a product idea to life.

The video's dynamic visual style, along with bright colors and bold text, effectively communicate the value proposition of Printify to its target audience. This video adopts a tone of excitement and opportunity, successfully conveying the message that Printify makes it easy for anyone to enter the world of skincare, supplements, or coffee.

22. Acuity

Acuity helps organizations achieve more with less. The video is designed to communicate how Acuity helps organizations transform and grow.

Video Design - Acuity uses a clean, minimalist design style throughout the video. The use of bold, geometric shapes and vibrant colors like orange and blue gives the video a modern, dynamic feel. A unique design style is applied to the video with an orange and blue gradient.

Acuity uses graphic animations in the video to highlight the key concept of continuous change. Using a combination of simple animation and subtle transitions, Acuity presents a powerful narrative about the need for transformation and growth. This type of video design is known as Branded Stories video that incorporates the brand's identity to communicate its message. The tone of the video is confident and upbeat, highlighting Acuity's expertise and ability to help organizations succeed. The video effectively communicates Acuity's brand and Value Proposition using minimal text, creating a powerful, engaging, and memorable experience for the viewer.

23. FGV

FGV is a company, dedicated to providing food, agriculture, and energy. The video is designed to showcase FGV's global impact and leadership in the agriculture industry.

Video Design - The video utilizes a modern, abstract style, featuring bright colors and bold shapes to create a visually engaging experience for viewers. The use of flat design and simple animation creates a lighthearted and energetic tone, emphasizing the company's focus on growth and innovation. The clean, minimal graphics allow for the narrative to flow smoothly, focusing on the core message about FGV's presence in the agricultural space. This style of visual design is reminiscent of the "Branded Stories" video trend, where the narrative is driven by bold imagery and minimal text.

The video's design effectively conveys the message about FGV being a leader in palm oil production. The bright colors, simple shapes, and consistent animation create a positive and optimistic tone, which aligns well with FGV's commitment to sustainable agriculture and social responsibility. The overall design evokes a sense of growth and progress, capturing the essence of FGV's mission to meet the needs of a growing global population.

24. PGE

PGE encourages customers to be conscious of how and when they use energy. This video is designed to inform customers that shifting energy usage can reduce reliance on non-renewable sources.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and simple 3D animation style, similar to branded stories video. The 3D elements are clean, and well-rendered, bringing the narrative to life. The video uses a clock and a bar graph to visually illustrate energy usage throughout the day. This animated visual design effectively communicates the message and helps viewers understand the relationship between energy use and different types of energy sources.

The visual style of the video is simple and engaging. It effectively communicates the message that PGE wants to convey. The graphics are clean, and the animations are smooth and visually appealing. By using simple 3D models and bright colors, the video helps customers understand the concept of peak energy demand and the importance of shifting energy usage. The overall tone is informative and optimistic, encouraging viewers to participate in creating a more sustainable future by making small shifts in their energy habits.

25. VoltaChem

VoltaChem is a company focused on making the chemical industry more sustainable by utilizing renewable energy and reusing raw materials. The video is designed to showcase their Power-2-Chemicals program, a line of their Shared Innovation Program focused on integrating electrochemical reactors into existing chemical production facilities.

Video Design - VoltaChem utilizes a clean and minimalist design with simple graphics. The video focuses on visual storytelling and emphasizes the integration of sustainable energy sources like wind and solar power, demonstrating the company's commitment to green solutions. This approach makes it a classic example of a Branded Stories video.

The video uses a combination of visuals and animations to explain how VoltaChem's technology works and the benefits it brings to the chemical industry. The choice of soft color palettes like teal and blue emphasizes sustainability and innovation. This makes for a visually engaging experience, effectively communicating the video's objective of introducing VoltaChem's power-to-chemicals approach, highlighting the potential for a more sustainable future in the chemical industry. The video uses a calm and informative tone, making it easy for viewers to understand the complex concepts being discussed.

26. U

Integrated Marketing Solutions (U) is a production company that specializes in creating marketing automation solutions. The video is designed to highlight the company's expertise in providing a seamless and personalized digital experience for customers.

Video Design - The video utilizes a clean and modern design style. This is evident in the use of line art to create a simplified and visually appealing depiction of a city skyline, incorporating graphics like a clock, a sun, and a moon, to denote time and location. The graphics, animated with a bright aqua green color, are engaging and memorable. This simple yet effective design style is further complemented by the use of crisp white background that emphasizes the key messages and graphics, making the video a strong example of a "Branded Stories video" that effectively communicates the company's branding and services.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective of the video through a clear and concise narrative. The video showcases the power of marketing automation in delivering personalized messages, and the smooth transitions between each scene guide the viewer to understand the solution. The tone of the video is professional, informative, and engaging, resonating with customers by emphasizing the solution's benefits.

27. World Microbe Forum

World Microbe Forum is a groundbreaking event that brings together microbiologists from around the world to discuss the latest innovative research and address challenges facing humanity. The video is designed to encourage registration and showcase the forum's importance in advancing scientific progress.

Video Design - The video starts with a simplistic illustration style with bold lines and vibrant color palettes. The characters are all wearing face masks, a visual reminder of the global challenges facing humanity. The video seamlessly transitions between different scenes, each featuring unique color palettes and graphic elements, reflecting the diversity of research presented at the forum. The use of a captivating and dynamic background with abstract shapes, lines, and textures provides a visually engaging experience, highlighting the global nature of the forum. These elements make this a good Branded Stories video.

The video effectively communicates the objective of the forum, emphasizing the importance of collaboration, sharing knowledge, and tackling crucial challenges. The visual design complements the video's narrative and inspires excitement for the event, ultimately encouraging viewers to register and participate in this groundbreaking forum. The video has a professional yet approachable tone, capturing the essence of scientific discovery and its impact on human well-being.

28. FinGo

FinGo is a next generation identity authentication solution that enables people to make payments and access buildings and transport services with their finger. The video is designed to introduce FinGo and explain its benefits to a wider audience.

Video Design - FinGo utilizes a clean and minimalist design style with simple illustrations and bold text. The video is colorful and engaging, with bright colors and dynamic movement. The consistent use of the red ribbon throughout the video creates a sense of continuity and helps to guide the viewer through the key messages. A combination of bold and light text effectively highlights the company's brand and message. This approach helps make the video a strong Branded Stories video.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective, which is to demonstrate the ease of use and convenience of FinGo. The video uses simple animations and illustrations to show how FinGo can be used in various situations. The video's tone is upbeat and optimistic, highlighting the positive impact of FinGo on everyday life.

29. Geely

Geely is a automotive company that celebrates the contributions of women to their success. This video is designed to honor women on International Women's Day.

Video Design - The video is designed with a cheerful and uplifting tone, featuring an animated style with bold colors and simple graphics. This visual style, reminiscent of "Branded Stories" video, effectively portrays the empowering message. The use of flowers and other natural elements reflects the blossoming of women's influence in society. The inclusion of detailed illustrations of tools, car parts, and mechanics further emphasizes the role of women in the automotive industry.

The video utilizes a vibrant color palette and simple graphics to communicate its message. This visual style allows viewers to quickly grasp the empowering message. This approach makes it possible to convey the strength and determination of Geely women with the use of engaging and simple illustrations. The tone of the video is celebratory, highlighting the importance of women's contributions to the success of Geely.

30. Mastercard

Mastercard is a technology company that provides payment solutions for consumers, businesses, and governments in over 210 countries. This video is designed to show how Mastercard's products and innovations add value to their users.

Video Design - The video design uses a clean and minimalist style with bright colors, flat vector illustrations, and simple animations. The video style utilizes a bright color palette and uses various graphics, like a digital interface for an online store and a person making payments on their phone. This is a good example of a Branded Stories video that is simple to understand, yet highly engaging.

The video visual style is able to communicate the objective of the video by showcasing the ease of use and accessibility of Mastercard's products, no matter where you are or what you are doing. The overall tone of the video is friendly and reassuring, communicating the message that Mastercard is a reliable and trustworthy company, and their products make everyday transactions easy and seamless.

31. Healthe

Healthe is a company focused on lighting solutions. The goal of this video is to show how Healthe's innovative lighting can be used in a variety of ways to benefit people and the planet. The video is designed to highlight Healthe's brand values and how they’re making a difference in the world.

Video Design - The Healthe Branded Video is beautifully designed, featuring high-quality graphics and animations. The visual style is bright and colorful, conveying a sense of optimism and possibility. The use of space-themed imagery, like astronauts and stars, suggests the company's commitment to innovation and exploration.

The visual design of the video effectively communicates the company's goal to help people and the planet. The video narrative is inspiring and hopeful, and the visual style complements this tone. The brightly colored graphics, like those of the houses and sea turtles, highlight Healthe's lighting solutions as a source of life and well-being. The video overall conveys the message that Healthe's lighting solutions can help create a brighter and healthier future.

32. Gemalto

This Branded Video emphasizes the critical role of trust and security in the commercial drone ecosystem. As drone technology rapidly evolves, ensuring secure data exchange and establishing robust industry standards are paramount for widespread adoption. This video effectively communicates this message by seamlessly blending informative text with captivating visuals, underscoring the brand's commitment to fostering a trustworthy and reliable drone ecosystem.

The video's design aesthetic effectively conveys professionalism and technological sophistication through a predominantly cool and futuristic color palette. Shades of blue and green, often associated with trust and innovation, dominate the visuals. Geometric shapes and interconnected lines artfully symbolize the intricate network of drones, data, and regulations within the ecosystem. The smooth and dynamic animation keeps viewers engaged while reinforcing the concepts of connectivity and seamless data flow.

By combining informative text with visually appealing graphics, the video successfully explains the challenges and opportunities associated with commercial drone usage. The emphasis on security and standardization is evident throughout, reinforcing the brand's dedication to building a trustworthy and reliable drone ecosystem. This approach makes it a compelling company video idea for stakeholders in the drone industry.

33. Excella

Excella helps organizations harness the power of technology to realize their future. The video is designed to introduce Excella as a partner that can guide companies through the ever-evolving technology landscape.

Video Design - The video utilizes an isometric design style with vibrant, clean graphics, highlighting the integration of technology into various business functions. The use of bright colors, simple shapes, and subtle animations helps create a playful and engaging visual experience, while conveying the message of technology's power. This is a good example of a Branded Video.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the message of trust and partnership. The use of bright colors and animated elements creates a sense of optimism and confidence, highlighting the benefits of working with Excella. The narrative showcases the company's commitment to helping businesses navigate the complexities of technology and reach their full potential. The overall tone of the video is upbeat and encouraging, reflecting the positive outcomes that can be achieved through the use of technology.

34. Mastercard

Mastercard, a global technology company in the payments industry, showcases its products and innovations that benefit consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments, and businesses worldwide. The Branded Video demonstrates how Mastercard adds value to various stakeholders in the payments ecosystem. This serves as a good product video idea for businesses.

The video's design style effectively employs clean lines, minimalist aesthetics, and bold colors to convey complex information clearly and engagingly. The use of simple shapes and icons, such as shopping bags and checkmarks, helps viewers quickly grasp the concepts presented. The animation style is smooth and fluid, guiding the viewer's attention seamlessly through each step of the payment process. This approach ensures that the focus remains on Mastercard's products and their benefits.

By combining a visually appealing design with concise messaging, Mastercard successfully highlights its commitment to innovation and its role in facilitating secure and efficient transactions across the globe. The video's design effectively reinforces Mastercard's brand identity as a leader in the payments industry.

35. Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet provides master data solutions for organizations. This video is designed to show the importance of master data for organizations and how Dun & Bradstreet can help.

Video Design - This Branded Video features simple animations and a very clean visual style. Green and black colors are used. The use of arcs and circles gives the video a modern and dynamic feel. The use of minimal text and simple animations makes the video engaging and easy to understand. This visual style aligns with the Dun & Bradstreet brand which is known for its reliable and efficient data solutions.

The video's visual style is able to communicate the objective of the video by making it easy to understand. The video uses a clean and simple design, which helps viewers to focus on the message being conveyed. The use of bright and bold colors also helps to make the video engaging and memorable. The tone of the video is professional and informative. The video clearly explains the challenges of managing data in an organization and how Dun & Bradstreet can help to overcome these challenges.

36. PGE

This Branded Video delves into energy consumption patterns and the impact of peak usage times on energy sources. It highlights the role of PGE in meeting energy demands during these peak periods, even if it means utilizing non-renewable sources with a higher carbon footprint. The video also encourages viewers to adopt small changes in their energy usage habits to help mitigate energy spikes and promote environmental sustainability.

The video employs a minimalist and informative design style, effectively conveying the message about energy consumption and PGE's role in providing reliable power. The use of simple 3D graphics and animation helps visualize complex concepts such as energy grids, power plants, and residential areas. The color palette is muted, with a focus on blues, greens, and grays, creating a clean and professional look.

The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding the viewer through the different energy sources and their impact on the environment. By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video effectively educates viewers about the importance of responsible energy consumption and highlights PGE's commitment to meeting energy needs while striving for sustainability. The minimalist design style ensures that the focus remains on the core message, making it an excellent example of a branding video idea.


MEDHOST is a healthcare solutions company that provides support to hospitals and healthcare facilities. The video is designed to showcase how MEDHOST helps healthcare professionals save lives and make a difference in their communities.

Video Design - The video is a vibrant and stylized animation that incorporates bold colors and simple graphics, with the animated characters representing hospital staff and patients. The use of a bright blue background combined with the red accents adds to the bright and cheerful tone. This approach helps to create a Branded Video that emphasizes the positive impact of the MEDHOST product.

The video utilizes stylized visuals to highlight the challenges faced by healthcare professionals and emphasizes how MEDHOST provides the right support to save the day, creating a sense of optimism and relief. This approach helps to visually communicate the objective of the video, which is to show that MEDHOST is a powerful tool that can help healthcare professionals make a difference in the lives of their patients.

38. EQT

EQT is a global investment firm, focused on investing in businesses that are critical to society. This video is designed to inform potential employees, portfolio companies, and business partners about EQT's business and operations.

Video Design - EQT uses a minimalist design style to create their Branded Video. The video features simple, flat graphics, and the animations are clean and easy to follow. This style is used throughout the video, from the use of flat colors and shapes to the use of simple transitions. The video uses a circular framing to present the information, it is a clean and modern look. These design elements, along with the use of bright colors, make this a good Branded Video that effectively communicates the core values of EQT.

The video uses a combination of imagery and text to tell the story of EQT. Each scene features a simple illustration representing a different industry that EQT invests in. The scenes seamlessly transition into one another, with the use of subtle animations. The tone of the video is optimistic and upbeat. This combination of imagery, text, and animation allows the video to effectively communicate the impact of EQT's work and the firm's commitment to making a positive impact on society.

39. ExxonMobil

ExxonMobil is focusing on improving lives around the world through energy access. This video is designed to highlight the impact of energy in Guyana by showcasing a young man who used a car battery to power his dreams.

Video Design - The video utilizes a colorful and minimalist visual style, with bold, contrasting colors that draw the viewer's attention. Simple animated shapes and icons enhance the video's narrative. The overall effect is that of a sleek and modern "Branded Video" that embodies the company's dedication to clean, reliable energy.

The video uses a combination of abstract graphics and text to illustrate the importance of reliable energy access. The animation is simple and engaging, but the message is powerful and drives the video's goal. It is clear that ExxonMobil is passionate about the subject and uses the video to highlight the positive impact of energy on the lives of people in Guyana. This video effectively conveys the message of hope and opportunity through the narrative and visual style.

40. FSGImpact

FSGImpact is a platform that helps organizations tackle complex problems. The video is designed to illustrate how collective impact works and why it's an effective approach to social change.

Video Design - The video uses simple, clear, and well-designed graphics to illustrate the core message of the video. The stylized figures represent organizations, and the color scheme is vibrant and easily accessible. The video employs basic animation to highlight the key points and make the video engaging. The overall look of the video is clean and modern, which makes it a good Branded Video.

The video illustrates how multiple organizations working together can successfully overcome complex problems. The use of basic shapes and bright colors help keep the video engaging and conveys a positive and hopeful tone. The visual design is simple, yet powerful, and the overall look and feel of the video is uplifting and optimistic. This helps the video drive home its objective of showing how organizations can work together to create a better world.


Horne, a company dedicated to building the Wise Firm, has released a video explaining their mission and vision. The Branded Video delves into the concept of the Wise Firm, exploring how Horne is actively constructing it and the underlying reasons behind their pursuit.

The video employs a dynamic and engaging design style that effectively captures the essence of Horne's message. The use of bold colors, clean lines, and a mix of 2D and 3D animation creates a visually appealing experience that keeps viewers hooked. The animation seamlessly transitions between different scenes, illustrating key concepts such as the Wise Firm's impact on clients and the firm's commitment to innovation.

By combining informative content with a captivating design style, Horne's commercial video successfully conveys the value and significance of the Wise Firm. The video's ability to explain complex ideas in a clear and concise manner, coupled with its visually stunning presentation, makes it an excellent example of a motion graphics piece.

42. Deloitte

This Branded Video underscores the power of ideas and their capacity to transform businesses and even save lives. It stresses that ideas are fragile and require action to flourish. The video champions action as the driving force behind progress, cautioning that ideas without experience and expertise often fail to materialize.

Deloitte's video boasts a visually stunning design that amplifies its message. The use of vibrant blues, greens, and yellows injects energy and dynamism, mirroring the transformative potential of ideas and action. The sleek and modern animation, with its smooth transitions and emphasis on clean lines and geometric shapes, aligns perfectly with the video's theme of innovation. Concentric circles and a tunnel-like effect symbolize the journey from idea to realization, underscoring the need for a structured approach.

In essence, Deloitte's video artfully blends a compelling narrative with captivating visuals to convey the synergy between ideas and action. The video's aesthetics reinforce the brand's image as a forward-thinking and innovative organization, capable of guiding clients to transform their ideas into reality. This commercial video sample effectively utilizes motion graphics.

43. Infineon

The autodrive project, coordinated by infineon, aimed to develop a new approach and metrics for fail-operational automotive design, ensuring vehicles can continue functioning safely even with component failures. The project involved collaboration with various european partners to advance automotive safety and reliability. This video is a good example of a Branded Video.

The video effectively employs a clean and minimalist design style, characterized by simple shapes, flat colors, and clear typography. This approach ensures that the focus remains on the core message of automotive safety and reliability. The use of subtle animations and transitions further enhances the viewer's engagement without distracting from the key points. This Branded Video uses motion graphics.

The video's color palette, dominated by blues and whites, evokes a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness, aligning perfectly with infineon's brand identity as a leading semiconductor solutions provider. By combining informative visuals with concise explanations, the video successfully conveys the importance of fail-operational automotive design and infineon's role in driving innovation in this field. The video's style effectively balances aesthetics with clarity, making it an excellent example of an advertising video that informs and engages the audience.

44. Pinkerton

Pinkerton delivers timely crime data, and granular detail. The video is designed to showcase the company's expertise and its unique approach to solving challenges in security and risk management.

Video Design - The video starts with a dynamic graphic. The video incorporates a visually appealing representation of data and uses an array of geometric shapes, like the puzzle pieces, to depict the company's approach to data modeling. Branded Video graphics play a crucial role in captivating the viewer's attention.

The video's fast paced transitions, clean design, and animated graphics emphasize a sense of dynamism. This effectively communicates the company's forward-thinking approach to tackling modern security challenges. A confident and optimistic tone is conveyed through graphics and visuals. This design style aligns with the goal of encouraging trust and confidence in Pinkerton's data driven solutions.

45. Sanofi

Sanofi is a pharmaceutical company that focuses on providing treatments for rare diseases. This video is designed to raise awareness about these diseases and their impact.

Video Design - This Branded Video utilizes a flat design style with bright, bold colors and geometric shapes. It starts with an online search for symptoms associated with rare diseases, highlighting the commonality of online health searches. This is followed by a visual representation of a visit to a general practitioner's office. The simplicity of the graphics emphasizes the message and allows for quick understanding.

The video effectively communicates its message using simple animations and minimal text. The style is light and engaging, yet still conveys the seriousness of rare diseases. The use of a calendar visualizes the passage of time, highlighting the frustrating wait for a clear diagnosis. This visually reinforces the importance of early diagnosis and the impact of these conditions on individuals.

46. MSD Careers

This Branded Video highlights the crucial role of the Regulatory Affairs team at MSD in ensuring that medical innovations, including medicines and vaccines, are compliant, safe, and effective. This team works diligently with regulatory agencies to secure approvals and deliver these essential treatments to patients who need them the most. Their efforts bring hope to countless individuals around the world who are eagerly awaiting access to the right medical solutions.

The video's design style effectively complements its message of hope and progress. The use of clean lines, bold colors, and simple animation creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The animation style is particularly noteworthy, as it strikes a balance between being informative and visually interesting. The subtle movements and transitions keep the viewer engaged without distracting from the core message. The color palette, dominated by shades of green and blue, evokes feelings of trust, reliability, and well-being, aligning perfectly with the video's focus on healthcare and patient well-being.

In conclusion, this promotional video sample's design style effectively supports its message by creating a visually engaging and informative experience. The use of animation, color, and simple graphics helps to convey the importance of regulatory affairs in bringing hope to patients worldwide. The video successfully showcases MSD's commitment to innovation and patient care, leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

47. Tyson

Tyson is committed to doing its part to conserve water resources and protecting its local communities and businesses. The video is designed to promote Tyson's efforts to establish contextual water targets at its facilities.

Video Design - Tyson uses a clean and simple design aesthetic, featuring bright colors and a minimalist style. This design is typical of a Branded Video that is both professional and approachable. The video uses animated graphics, and these graphics are simple but eye-catching. The video is concise and visually engaging.

The use of bold colors and a minimal design communicates the importance of the topic in a clear and concise manner. The video is designed to be informative and approachable, using animation and a conversational tone to make the information accessible to a broad audience. The video narrative reinforces the message that Tyson's water conservation efforts are critical for protecting its communities and business.

48. BDO

This Branded Video explores job opportunities and encourages viewers to get to know BDO, a firm specializing in assurance, accounting, tax, and advisory services. The video cleverly uses bold typography and a clean, minimalist design to highlight the core services offered: assurance, accounting, tax, and advisory. This minimalist approach allows the focus to remain on the firm's key offerings and the message of exploring job opportunities within these fields.

By combining clear messaging with a visually uncluttered style, the video effectively communicates the essence of BDO's services and encourages viewers to explore career paths within the company. This motion graphics video serves as an excellent example of a product launch video sample, showcasing the brand and its offerings in an engaging and informative way.

The video's use of motion graphics further enhances its visual appeal and helps to keep viewers engaged. Overall, this Branded Video effectively promotes BDO as a potential employer and highlights the diverse range of career opportunities available within the firm.

49. VoltaChem

VoltaChem is focused on decarbonizing energy and re-carbonizing raw materials to accelerate new electrochemical processes in the chemical industry. The video is designed to introduce the company and its Power-2-Chemicals program.

Video Design -
The VoltaChem Branded Video uses minimalist graphics to effectively convey its message. It features a simple, white background and uses sharp, clean 3D models to represent the chemical industry's shift to renewable energy. This creates a visually appealing and modern aesthetic that appeals to its target audience.

The clean visual style highlights the company's commitment to sustainability and innovation. The video uses minimalist graphics and focuses on clean lines and high-quality 3D models, showcasing the company's commitment to a more sustainable future, resonating with its target audience, the chemical industry. The video's straightforward tone is compelling and invites viewers to learn more about how VoltaChem is changing the chemical industry for the better.

50. U

This Branded Video showcases the importance of building customer relationships through personalized communication across various media channels in today's digital landscape. It emphasizes the need for businesses to adapt to the fast-paced environment and leverage effective communication strategies to connect with their customers. This video uses motion graphics and is a corporate branding video sample.

The video's design style effectively complements its message by employing a clean and modern aesthetic. The use of line art illustrations, icons, and minimal text creates a visually appealing and easy-to-understand presentation. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding the viewer through the key points of the video. The color palette is consistent and reinforces the brand identity.

By combining a clear message with a well-executed design style, the video successfully captures the viewer's attention and effectively conveys the importance of personalized communication in building strong customer relationships. The use of visual elements enhances the understanding of the benefits and its role in facilitating effective communication across multiple channels.

51. Firebase

Firebase is a platform that helps developers build and scale apps. This video is designed to thank the developer community for their partnership and trust in Firebase.

Video Design - The video uses simple yet engaging animation, emphasizing the colorful and playful aspect of the Firebase brand. A bright yellow color scheme provides a contrast to the blue tones of the video and helps to highlight important information. This Branded Video incorporates geometric shapes and graphics, which reflects the platform's focus on structure and functionality.

The video utilizes a montage of images depicting people using different mobile and web apps, along with imagery associated with everyday use of these apps. This further reinforces the relevance of the Firebase platform to the lives of everyday users. The video cheerful tone and positive messaging emphasize the value Firebase provides to developers, showing how the platform helps them achieve success. This visual style reinforces the message of the video, highlighting how Firebase empowers developers to build engaging and meaningful apps for a global audience.

52. Acuity

Acuity, signifying sharpness of thought, is the cornerstone of this business. Their commitment to growth, quality, and innovation is symbolized by the infinity loop, reflecting their dedication to delivering insightful solutions to their clients. Success is built on collaboration with customers, employees, and communities, underscoring the importance of partnerships in their journey.

This Branded Video's design style effectively mirrors these core values. A minimalist aesthetic with clean lines and bold colors creates a sense of professionalism and clarity. The use of simple icons and diagrams ensures that complex ideas are communicated in an easily digestible manner. The subtle animation adds a layer of dynamism without distracting from the message. The overall effect is a visually appealing and informative experience that aligns perfectly with Acuity's brand identity.

In conclusion, this marketing campaign video example's design style successfully embodies Acuity's commitment to clarity, innovation, and partnership. The minimalist aesthetic, clear visuals, and subtle animation work together to create a compelling and informative experience that effectively communicates the company's values and mission.

53. FGV

FGV is a company that focuses on agriculture. The video is designed to showcase the company's expertise, particularly in palm oil, as a leading global producer.

Video Design - The video uses a simple, clean, and colorful design style with a focus on graphics. The visual style is lighthearted and engaging. This Branded Video is effective as it is able to bring to life the company's role in the world. The use of vibrant colors and simple illustrations creates a friendly and approachable feel, while the clear and concise messaging emphasizes the company's core value proposition.

The video uses a combination of animation and graphics to convey the message effectively. This visual style is able to communicate the goal of the video through the animated visuals of the company's activities and the role it plays in the global market. The overall tone of the video is uplifting and positive, further reinforcing the company's mission of contributing to a sustainable future through agriculture.

54. Justice

Justice is a news and information website that focuses on international justice, transitional justice, and human rights. The video is designed to showcase the importance of Justice in the process of reconciliation and rebuilding societies after periods of conflict.

Video Design - The video uses a minimalist, almost abstract style with simple, hand-drawn illustrations. This design style, paired with the use of black and white colors, creates a clean and impactful look, making it an excellent example of a Branded Video. The use of subtle animation, and a single consistent color scheme helps maintain focus on the message.

The video's visual style, with its use of simple illustrations and subtle animations, effectively conveys the message of the importance of information and Justice in the process of reconciliation. The tone of the video is serious and informative, reflecting the gravity of the issues being discussed. It creates a sense of urgency, highlighting the need for Justice to help rebuild societies in the wake of violence and conflict.

55. GE

This Branded Video from GE effectively communicates their commitment to a lower-carbon future through innovative energy solutions. It emphasizes the importance of decarbonization in the power sector and its potential impact on other industries. GE believes that by combining renewable energy sources like solar and wind with gas power, we can significantly reduce carbon emissions and achieve a more sustainable energy landscape.

The video's design style effectively conveys this message through vibrant visuals and clear messaging. The use of animation allows for a dynamic representation of complex concepts, such as the integration of renewable energy sources and the reduction of CO2 emissions. The animation style is modern and engaging, with a focus on clean lines, bright colors, and smooth transitions. This approach helps to maintain the viewer's attention and effectively communicate the key points about GE's lower-carbon solutions.

By combining informative visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully highlights GE's dedication to a sustainable energy future as part of their social video marketing strategy. The animation style complements the video's content, creating an engaging and informative experience for the viewer. Overall, the explainer video effectively demonstrates GE's commitment to decarbonization and its role in shaping a cleaner energy landscape.

56. Printify

Printify is an on-demand print platform that is adding skincare, supplements, and coffee to their product line. The video is designed to generate interest and get people on the waitlist for the new product launch.

Video Design - The video features a clean and modern design style with a minimalist aesthetic. Printify uses a variety of color palettes in the video that include pastel green, yellow, purple and black with bold, white text, showcasing the new product line in a bright and engaging manner. The use of simple, bold graphics throughout the video, like a coffee cup on a dark background and a pattern of circles against a solid background, creates a Branded Video that is both memorable and eye-catching.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates its objective by showcasing the new products and the ease of customization, helping viewers imagine how they can create their own brands with Printify. The use of bold graphics, clean lines, and simple transitions reinforces Printify's brand identity, while the use of color and animation keeps the video visually engaging, ensuring the viewer's attention is held and is clear about the new product line, the tone of the video is positive and enthusiastic, encouraging viewers to join the waitlist.

57. Mavenir

Mavenir is building the future of networks with advanced technology, focusing on a single, software-based automated network that runs on any cloud. They envision a future network that is fully virtualized, supported by an open architecture that leverages web-scale economics.

The video effectively showcases Mavenir's expertise in network software and cloud-native solutions. The use of 3D animation and visual effects to depict complex technological concepts like 5G, Open RAN, and network automation is impressive. The sleek and modern design, coupled with dynamic transitions and informative text overlays, keeps the viewer engaged while effectively communicating the message.

Overall, the video's style is a perfect blend of technical sophistication and visual appeal, making it an excellent explainer video. It successfully highlights Mavenir's innovative solutions and positions them as a leader in the future of network technology. This Branded Video is a great example of effective video content marketing.

58. National Grid ESO

This digital transformation video from National Grid ESO, showcased at the Energy Networks Innovation Conference, highlights the company's commitment to innovation in the energy sector. This serves as a great video content marketing example for showcasing a company's vision. The video uses a simple, clean design style with a bright yellow color palette to effectively communicate its message of utilizing machine learning and artificial intelligence to drive the energy system transition towards net zero. The use of line art illustrations and animations helps to explain complex concepts in an easy-to-understand way, while the focus on new markets and technologies emphasizes the forward-thinking approach of the company.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the Branded Video successfully demonstrates how this organization is leveraging innovation to shape the future of the energy industry. This approach effectively conveys the company's message and serves as a model for other businesses looking to create engaging and informative video content. The video's success lies in its ability to break down complex information into easily digestible visuals and language, making it accessible to a wider audience.

This approach is particularly effective for companies operating in complex industries, such as energy, where clear and concise communication is essential. The video's focus on innovation and the future of the energy industry also helps to position National Grid ESO as a leader in the field. Overall, this video is a great example of how companies can use video marketing to communicate their message, engage their audience, and build their brand.

59. Digital Marketing Institute

Digital Marketing Institute is a global leader in digital marketing certification. This video is designed to show educators how Digital Marketing Institute can help them navigate the complexities of education in the digital age.

Video Design - The video uses a simple, engaging, and clean design aesthetic to communicate its message. The visual style of the video incorporates bright, fun colors with simple, flat graphics and animations. The use of a maze metaphor is both visually appealing and helps viewers understand the complex challenges educators face. It reinforces the idea of Digital Marketing Institute being a guide and a resource for navigating these complex challenges. The clean graphics and minimalist design, along with the use of a maze, are all elements of a Branded Video that work together to give Digital Marketing Institute a cohesive visual identity.

The use of bright colors and simple, flat graphics helps to create a light-hearted and playful tone, while the maze metaphor creates a sense of challenge and need for a solution. The video visual style reinforces the key message of Digital Marketing Institute being a resource to help educators overcome the challenges they face and make their mark on the digital education landscape.

60. Alation

Alation celebrates its 10th anniversary by showcasing its achievements as a leader in the data catalog industry. The video highlights alation's impressive journey, including establishing the industry's first data catalog and earning the trust of over 25% of fortune 100 companies. This video is a good example of Branded Video.

This Branded Video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of bold colors, clean lines, and dynamic transitions creates a visually engaging experience that captures the viewer's attention. The animation style is modern and sleek, aligning perfectly with alation's position as a cutting-edge data catalog solution. The video incorporates data visualizations and infographics to present complex information clearly and concisely, reinforcing alation's expertise in data management.

By combining a compelling narrative with a visually appealing design, the video effectively communicates alation's Value Proposition and establishes its position as the goat of data catalogs. The video's style and design choices successfully convey alation's brand identity as an innovative and reliable leader in the data management space. This video is a digital video advertising example.


HORNE is building the Wise Firm. The video is designed to explain what the Wise Firm is, how it is being built, and why it is important.

Video Design - The video has a simple, clean design that focuses on communicating the brand's values and aspirations. HORNE uses a series of animated graphics and illustrations that convey the concepts of wisdom, building, and strength. The graphics have a modern and sophisticated feel, and the color palette is consistent throughout the video, creating a strong sense of brand identity. A Branded Video has a consistent style.

The video's visual design effectively communicates the objective. The use of simple and clean graphics drives the video's goal of conveying the values and aspirations of the Wise Firm. The use of subtle animation helps to keep the viewer engaged, and the overall tone is positive and aspirational. This approach helps to build trust and confidence in the brand.

62. FinGo

FinGo is a next-generation identity authentication solution that provides easy access to various services. This video is designed to showcase how FinGo simplifies life by eliminating the need for cards, documents, or devices.

Video Design - FinGo's Branded Video utilizes a simple and bold visual style with flat illustrations, featuring a single color palette of blue and red throughout. The video employs minimal text and clear visuals, focusing on illustrating the benefit of using FinGo. The clean and minimalistic design of the video is a powerful way to highlight the ease of use and accessibility of the platform.

The use of animated graphics effectively showcases the advantages of using FinGo. The video's tone is upbeat and positive, emphasizing the potential of FinGo to make daily tasks simpler and more secure. The video's narrative highlights the everyday benefits of using FinGo, driving the message home that it can replace the use of cards and documents with just a fingerprint.

63. BDO

BDO is a company that offers accounting, financial and advisory services. This video is designed to attract potential employees by showcasing the dynamic, innovative and diverse work being done at the company.

Video Design - BDO uses high-quality graphics and animation with bold text overlays to highlight keywords that are central to its business. This is a common style in Branded Videos to attract an audience with visually stimulating content.

The video moves from a standard office setting to a more modern and dynamic one, highlighting how the company is changing and adapting to new industries. This is reinforced by a bright, energetic tone, making it clear that BDO wants to be seen as a forward-thinking company. This helps drive home the video's goal, which is to make viewers aware of the diverse and evolving career opportunities that are available at BDO.

64. Comarch

Comarch is a company that helps telcos make their networks more sustainable. The video is designed to show how Comarch can help operators reduce their carbon footprint without affecting network performance or quality.

Video Design - The video is animated, and uses graphic elements such as a globe, satellite, and satellite dishes. A stylized character is used to explain the solution and drive the narrative. The blue and black color palette and futuristic design elements contribute to the Branded Video aesthetic.

This particular visual style helps the viewer connect with the idea of a digital world and technology, but in a sustainable way. The video uses a positive tone to communicate Comarch's solution, making it more engaging for telco operators. The animation helps bring the message to life, and helps communicate the core value proposition of the solution. The visual design of the video clearly conveys the company's focus on sustainability and technology.

65. Gemalto

Gemalto is a company that provides cybersecurity solutions for the commercial drone industry. This video is designed to explain the benefits of Gemalto's cybersecurity solutions for commercial drones.

Video Design - Gemalto uses a sleek and modern visual design to convey their message. The video uses high-quality graphics and animations, along with abstract representations of technology, that make it a visually appealing, Branded Video. These visual elements create a sense of trust and reliability in the audience.

The video uses a combination of visual elements, including futuristic graphics, drone footage, and high-quality animation, to create a sense of excitement and anticipation about the future of drone technology. The video's tone is professional and informative, while also conveying the excitement of the possibilities of commercial drones. The visual design of the video is able to effectively communicate the video's objectives of raising awareness about drone cybersecurity and Gemalto's role in ensuring trust in the commercial drone industry. The video is designed to be engaging and informative for a variety of audiences, including businesses, government agencies, and consumers interested in commercial drones.

66. Acuity

Acuity highlights the importance of transformation in today's ever-changing business environment. The video is designed to showcase how companies can adapt to new challenges and empower themselves to achieve more with less.

Video Design - Acuity uses minimalist graphic elements and a vibrant color palette. The Branded Video employs a clean and modern design style. Simple line icons and white text contrast against the blue gradient background. The use of a ring animation and circular elements with text in the middle emphasizes the importance of continuous growth and the company's commitment to innovation.

Acuity's use of animation and the infinity symbol effectively communicates the importance of adapting to new business realities and emphasizes the value of Acuity's solutions. The video's tone is optimistic and encouraging, suggesting that businesses can overcome these challenges with the right guidance and resources. The animated graphic elements and strategic use of text create a visually appealing and compelling video, successfully communicating Acuity's brand and message.

67. National Grid ESO

National Grid ESO is a company that works with energy networks. The video is designed to explain how the company is digitally transforming to keep up with the changing world of energy. This includes developing solutions for new ways of using energy, such as electric vehicles and smart grids.

Video Design - The video design is modern, colorful, and uses a lot of animation to illustrate the concept of digital transformation. The animations are simple, yet effective, and use a blue, green and yellow color scheme that is consistent throughout the video. These elements create a Branded Video that visually reflects the company's forward-thinking approach to solving problems in the energy sector.

The visual style of the video helps communicate the importance of digital transformation in the energy industry. The animations and graphics effectively capture the essence of how data and technology are driving change and innovation. The video takes on a hopeful tone, highlighting the positive impact of digital transformation on the future of energy. The use of bright colors and engaging animations creates a positive and optimistic feel for viewers, suggesting the exciting possibilities of the future with a digital approach to energy.

68. World Microbe Forum

World Microbe Forum is an online forum for microbiologists worldwide. The video is designed to promote the forum and encourage registration.

Video Design - The video utilizes a simplistic graphic style, incorporating flat, outlined illustrations. This Branded Video features bold color schemes and animated transitions, bringing energy and dynamism to the content. The video's abstract design allows for visual storytelling, creating a sense of movement and exploration. The graphics and overall aesthetic are well aligned with the message of the forum, which is global and innovative.

The abstract design, vibrant color palette, and dynamic animation effectively communicate the video's objective of informing viewers about the World Microbe Forum and encouraging them to participate. The video's tone is both informative and exciting, accurately reflecting the groundbreaking nature of the forum and its goal of tackling challenges facing humanity.

69. Geely

Geely is a Chinese multinational automotive company. This video is designed to celebrate International Women's Day and highlight women's contributions to Geely.

Video Design - This Branded Video uses a stylized, flat design aesthetic. The illustrations feature bold colors, geometric shapes, and a vibrant color palette that highlights the dynamism and energy of Geely women. The graphics and animations are clean, modern, and visually appealing. This makes it a visually engaging and compelling Branded Video that resonates with the target audience.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the message of empowerment and celebrates the diverse roles of women within the company. The video uses a positive and uplifting tone to create a sense of community and belonging. The narrative uses imagery of a woman in a powerful position, with text that emphasizes the positive impact of women in the company. The graphics clearly highlight women's important role in a variety of positions, showcasing the wide range of skills and contributions that women bring to Geely.

70. CRRC

CRRC is a company that focuses on developing smart solutions for warehouse operations. The video is designed to showcase the benefits of using their software to streamline warehouse operations and increase efficiency.

Video Design - The video uses a minimalist style with bright blue and white color scheme. It is composed of flat illustrations and simple animations. This design style creates a clean and modern look, which is consistent with the branding of CRRC. The use of simple, geometric shapes adds a sense of order and clarity to the video. The combination of blue and white is a timeless classic that symbolizes trust, reliability, and efficiency. This is a good example of a Branded Video, as it effectively communicates the company's values through its design.

The video uses a variety of visuals and graphics, including animated maps, data visualizations, and illustrations to effectively communicate the benefits of using CRRC's software. The clean and minimalist visual style helps to highlight the key features and benefits of their warehouse tasking solution. The tone of the video is informative and engaging. It effectively communicates the key benefits of CRRC's solution, while also creating an air of excitement for the potential of their technology. The simplicity of the video allows the viewers to focus on the core Value Proposition of CRRC's software.

71. Aqua Security

Aqua Security is a cloud native security platform. The video is designed to showcase how the solution can help businesses keep up with the speed of DevOps, while still maintaining security.

Video Design - The video utilizes a futuristic design style. This is created by using neon light elements and geometric shapes. These graphics are used to represent the speed and power of cloud native technology. This is a Branded Video that showcases the Aqua Security brand.

The visual design effectively communicates the objective of the video. The neon lights and geometric shapes, create a visual language that is distinct, futuristic and vibrant. The video narrative explains that security is essential for cloud native transformation, and that Aqua Security can provide the necessary protection. The tone of the video is confident and optimistic. It emphasizes that companies can run free with Aqua Security, and that security is not a barrier to innovation.

72. U

Integrated Marketing Solutions (U) is a company that provides personalized marketing solutions. The video is designed to show how Integrated Marketing Solutions (U) helps brands connect with their customers by providing personalized messaging across various channels.

Video Design - This Branded Video utilizes clean and modern graphic elements, a bright color palette, and a minimalist design style. The graphics are high quality and simple, they are strategically placed to highlight the key messages, making it an engaging video. This approach helps to communicate the efficiency and effectiveness of Integrated Marketing Solutions (U) solutions.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the benefits of Integrated Marketing Solutions (U). The sleek and simple design helps highlight the company's innovative approach to marketing automation, which empowers brands to effectively connect with customers. The video's positive tone emphasizes the ease of use and efficiency of Integrated Marketing Solutions (U) solutions. The video ends with a clear and concise message, leaving viewers with a sense of hope and optimism about the future of personalized marketing.

73. Deloitte

Deloitte is a consulting firm that focuses on helping businesses think and act differently. The video is designed to communicate the idea that ideas are powerful, but they need action to make a real impact.

Video Design - The video starts with a simple, clean design using a series of light bulbs, emphasizing the importance of ideas, and then shifts to a more complex design that uses bold colors and geometric shapes to represent the action that Deloitte brings to the table. This Branded Video uses the bright colors, graphics, and visual elements to draw attention, which helps communicate the company's message of connection and innovation.

The visual style of the video effectively drives its objective. By using simple imagery to convey the idea of ideas and complex imagery to communicate action, the video clearly demonstrates the value of Deloitte's services. The tone of the video is confident and optimistic, which creates a sense of trust and enthusiasm.

74. Alation

Alation is a data catalog company. The video is designed to celebrate Alation's tenth anniversary and highlight the company's success in the data catalog industry.

Video Design - The video design is built around the concept of the Greatest Of All Time, a term most often associated with the top athletes of a particular sport. The video features silhouettes of athletes in their respective sports like basketball, soccer, tennis, and football, and uses the term “GOAT” throughout. The visual style is bold with bright orange and blue colors that are used throughout the video to create a unified look, which makes it a great Branded Video. The graphics are clean and simple, with the silhouettes of athletes being the primary focus.

The video uses the silhouettes of athletes to position Alation as the industry leader in data catalogs. The video visual style is vibrant and exciting, emphasizing the importance of a data catalog and its use across a variety of industries. The use of the term “GOAT” implies that Alation is the best in the data catalog industry, much like the athletes that are shown in the video. The video positive and upbeat tone helps to highlight Alation's accomplishments and solidify the company's leadership in this industry.

75. PerkinElmer

PerkinElmer is a science-driven company that helps customers measure, quantify, detect and report. This video is designed to showcase PerkinElmer's history and its impact on the scientific community.

Video Design - PerkinElmer utilizes a blend of modern and vintage visuals throughout the video. The use of black and white footage, combined with sleek, contemporary graphics, creates a visually engaging and nostalgic experience. The video utilizes an engaging blend of animation and real-world images to illustrate the company's science-focused products and solutions, further solidifying its brand identity.

The video effectively conveys the company's dedication to scientific advancement through the use of impactful visuals, music, and storytelling. The combination of historical footage, contemporary visuals, and compelling narrative effectively communicates PerkinElmer's past, present, and future, driving viewers to learn more about the company and its scientific endeavors. The overall tone of the video is professional, inspiring, and forward-looking, leaving the viewer with a sense of optimism about the future of science.

76. Kubota

Kubota is a company that has been working to achieve solutions for food, water, and the environment since 1890. This video is designed to introduce GMB2030, a long-term vision that outlines the role of Kubota to address social issues.

Video Design - The video utilizes a clean and modern visual style. The vibrant green color and simple icons symbolize the company's commitment to sustainability and its focus on the essentials of life, such as food, water, and the environment. This Branded Video effectively communicates the company's values and its vision for the future.

The video uses a timeline to show the history of Kubota and its long-standing commitment to innovation. The visuals are clean and impactful, making the video engaging and easily understandable. The clear and concise narrative, combined with the use of compelling visuals, effectively conveys the importance of the company's vision for a sustainable future. The overall tone of the video is positive, hopeful, and inspiring.

77. Capital One

Capital One provides a wide range of financial services, including debit cards. This video is designed to highlight the convenience and safety of using Capital One debit cards for everyday purchases.

Video Design - This Branded Video features a simple and clean visual design with bright and bold colors that pop on the screen. The graphics are minimalist, featuring illustrations of everyday objects, like a red purse and a shopping cart. Capital One's logo is featured prominently in the video, ensuring consistent brand recognition.

The visual style of the video clearly and effectively communicates the video objective, which is to persuade viewers to use Capital One debit cards. The bright and clean graphics and illustrations create a positive and upbeat tone, making the video feel engaging and appealing to the viewer.

78. Infineon

Infineon is a world leader in semiconductor solutions that make life easier, safer, and greener. This video is designed to introduce the AutoDrive project, a pan-European initiative focused on revolutionizing automotive design.

Video Design - The video utilizes a minimalistic and clean style, featuring animated graphics that highlight the key aspects of the AutoDrive project. The color palette is consistent, with a focus on blue, yellow, and white, which creates a clear and Branded Video. Logos of the participating companies are animated, each appearing on a map of Europe, symbolizing the collaborative nature of the project. These elements help to reinforce the global impact and collaboration at the heart of this project.

The video uses a combination of animated visuals and text to deliver information about the AutoDrive project. The overall tone is informative and enthusiastic, showcasing the potential of AutoDrive to redefine the automotive industry. The video's animation style helps to emphasize the innovative and forward-thinking nature of the project. The use of simple visuals, paired with engaging text, effectively communicates the complex ideas of the AutoDrive project. The clean and minimalist visual style further emphasizes the innovative and technologically advanced nature of the AutoDrive project.

79. Noonday Collection

Noonday Collection is a community of women who create a marketplace for artisans around the world. The video is designed to encourage women to join Noonday Collection and make an income while creating an impact.

Video Design - This Branded Video uses animation and simple, clean graphics to showcase the company's mission of empowering women and building a flourishing world. The simple and engaging visuals portray the message in a clear and concise manner.

The animation of the woman pushing a globe represents the concept of building a flourishing world. The use of bright colors, simple graphics and animated elements convey a positive and hopeful tone. The design elements of the video effectively communicate the goal of encouraging viewers to join Noonday Collection and become part of their mission. The video's hopeful and positive tone effectively drives the call to action.

80. Litum

Litum is a company that provides real-time location tracking solutions for businesses. The video is designed to introduce viewers to the company and its solutions, showcasing how it helps clients optimize their operations and increase efficiency.

Video Design - The video uses a unique style of animation with bright, colorful graphics, inspired by outer space, featuring animated planets and rockets. Litum's branding is prominently displayed using a bold font style for their company name and logo. This Branded Video uses the animated world of outer space, as a metaphor for a world of endless possibilities for businesses, that Litum is able to create with its solutions.

The animation style is dynamic and engaging, quickly capturing attention and keeping viewers interested. The video uses a positive tone, with a focus on the company's vision and commitment to helping businesses succeed. This approach effectively communicates Litum's passion for innovation and its dedication to providing clients with the best possible tools and resources. The video concludes with a visual depiction of the company's commitment to innovation, highlighting its role in transforming the future of business.

81. Boyd

Boyd creates medical adhesive tapes and other wearable solutions. The video is designed to highlight the company's expertise in manufacturing and assembling wearable medical devices.

Video Design -
Boyd uses a modern, clean, and minimalist design approach to their Branded Video. This design style is conveyed through the use of simple graphic elements like squares, circles and lines, and subtle transitions.

The video utilizes a muted color palette with shades of grey, white and blue. The graphics used are sharp and simple, highlighting the sophistication of the medical wearables. The use of 3D models showcases the complex and innovative designs of the medical adhesive tapes. The simple graphics are combined with a concise and informative narrative, allowing viewers to quickly understand Boyd's capabilities and contributions to the medical wearables market.

The video effectively communicates the company's core value of innovation and expertise in designing and manufacturing medical wearables. The clean and concise design paired with the informative narration creates a professional and trustworthy tone that resonates with the company's target audience of medical professionals, healthcare providers, and manufacturers.

82. WalkMe

WalkMe is a Digital Adoption Platform that helps make using any software, website, or app easier and more productive. This video is designed to show WalkMe's capabilities and explain the value it brings to businesses.

Video Design - WalkMe uses bright and bold colors for its Branded Video, with a focus on blue and purple shades. The video is a combination of simple animated shapes and text-based graphics to communicate complex ideas visually. These visuals, along with the dark background, draw the viewer's attention to the text and branding. The video highlights the concept of the "Digital Race" by using a planet and moving lines to suggest an endless race to keep pace with technological advancements.

The combination of bright colors, simple animation and bold text makes this video easily engaging. The video uses impactful imagery to demonstrate how WalkMe's solution solves the problem of staying productive and successful in the digital world. It uses concise language and simple visuals, making it easy for any audience to understand the core value of WalkMe. The video's overall tone is energetic and positive, which highlights the benefits of using WalkMe.

83. NFCForum

NFCForum is a company that promotes and develops NFC technology. This video is designed to educate the audience about the widespread use of NFC and its capabilities.

Video Design - NFCForum uses a clean and simple design style for their Branded Video. The video utilizes bright colored backgrounds for each scene. The use of simple graphics, like a globe and a smartphone, clearly illustrates the technology and its functions. The video features minimalist text and graphics, ensuring that the message remains clear and concise.

The visual style of the video helps convey the message of NFC being ubiquitous. The use of vivid colors and minimal graphics adds a contemporary and engaging tone to the video, drawing attention to the core message of how NFC seamlessly integrates into everyday life. By showcasing the simplicity and ease of use of NFC technology, the video effectively highlights the core benefits and encourages viewers to explore its possibilities.

84. GE

GE is a global energy leader working towards a decarbonized energy future. The video is designed to showcase the need for lower-carbon solutions and the importance of gas power in achieving zero emissions.

Video Design - The video uses a bold and colorful animation style. Simple animated graphics and text overlays, combined with a fast pace and energetic music create an engaging Branded Video.

The video uses bright color schemes and geometric shapes, while maintaining a clean, modern aesthetic. The clean and minimal design allows the viewers to focus on the messaGE and the key points without distractions. This visual style effectively communicates the urgent need for action and underscores GE's commitment to driving a sustainable energy future.

85. Mastercard

Mastercard is a technology company focusing on global payments. This video is designed to showcase the company's innovative products and services that add value to consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments, and businesses in over 210 countries.

Video Design -
The video design is clean and minimalist, using bold, vibrant colors that complement Mastercard's branding. The use of animated characters engaging in everyday activities creates a relatable and approachable tone. The video features simple illustrations with clean lines, creating a sense of sophistication. This Branded Video employs an easily recognizable brand palette, which reinforces brand identity and fosters a memorable visual experience.

The video effectively communicates its objective by using dynamic visual elements and a consistent design style. The narrative of the video emphasizes the convenience and accessibility of Mastercard's services, showcasing their reach in a global network. This approach helps drive the video goal of highlighting the company's reach and value proposition. The overall tone of the video is friendly, approachable, and trustworthy, reflecting the brand's commitment to providing secure and reliable payment solutions.

86. Mavenir

Mavenir is building the future of networks, focusing on a single, software-based automated network. This video is designed to demonstrate Mavenir's network capabilities and showcase their impact on the Department of Defense.

Video Design - The video features an energetic, high-tech design that aligns with the company's focus on innovation and cutting-edge technology. The visual style is characterized by a dark, almost futuristic theme with vibrant colors used to highlight key information. Bold graphics and dynamic transitions create a sense of momentum and progress. This is a Branded Video, showcasing Mavenir's commitment to transforming network capabilities for various organizations.

The video's visual design effectively communicates Mavenir's vision of a fully virtualized, open architecture network. The animation is used to create a sense of scale and global reach. This allows the video to appeal to a wider audience, while maintaining a tone of confidence and leadership in the network solutions space.

87. PGE

PGE is a company that provides energy. This video is designed to inform people how using energy at different times can have a big impact on the types of energy that get used.

Video Design - This Branded Video uses a simple cartoon animation style, featuring houses, businesses and people. The bright colors and simple lines make the information easy to understand, and the cartoon style creates an engaging, relatable feel. The use of a clock to illustrate the concept of time and an energy use bar to visualize the impact of energy use, clearly explains how PGE's energy source is affected by the usage of energy by customers.

This simple and accessible visual style allows PGE to communicate the complex relationship between energy usage and the type of energy source used. By making the information easy to understand, the video successfully encourages viewers to make small changes in their energy habits that will help reduce peak energy usage. The tone of the video is positive and encouraging, reminding viewers that together they can help PGE rely on more renewable energy sources.

88. WOOD

This video is designed to introduce the services that WOOD offers for property management. WOOD offers solutions that allow landlords and tenants to easily connect and manage properties, which allows both sides to focus on work and play.

Video Design - The video showcases a clean and modern design style. Vivid colors are used throughout, including blue, green, yellow, and orange. The use of simple, bold text and playful animated characters creates a light-hearted tone that reflects WOOD's easy to use solutions. This Branded Video features consistent visual elements that emphasize user experience, and that aim to communicate WOOD's user-friendly services.

This colorful and playful style effectively communicates WOOD's objective of making property management more seamless. The video illustrates the efficiency of their online applications, and the accessibility of data that their platform provides. This easy to follow format reinforces the message that WOOD is a user-friendly solution that allows everyone to focus on what matters most, their lives.

89. MSD Careers Branded Video

MSD Careers is a company that develops medical innovations and this video is designed to showcase the vital role of their Regulatory Affairs team in bringing life-saving medicines and vaccines to patients worldwide.

Video Design - The video uses a vibrant, contemporary design style that incorporates bold colors, geometric shapes, and animated graphics. This style, combined with a fast-paced editing rhythm, effectively communicates the company's commitment to innovation and progress. The video is a Branded Video, in that it uses design elements to create a cohesive and memorable visual identity. The company's logo, brand colors, and tagline are prominently displayed, reinforcing brand recognition.

The video's visual style, combined with its engaging narrative, effectively communicates the company's objective of attracting talent to its Regulatory Affairs team. The vibrant colors and energetic animation create a sense of excitement and dynamism, highlighting the company's commitment to making a positive impact on the world. The video's positive and hopeful tone reinforces the team's role in bringing life-saving treatments to those who need them most.

Key Takeaways

B2B Video Content Essentials

Creating a compelling B2B branded video requires a deep understanding of your audience and a clear value proposition. Showcase your expertise by using industry-specific language and addressing the specific challenges your audience faces. Emphasize tangible benefits over features, quantifying them with data whenever possible (e.g., increased efficiency by 15%).

Craft a compelling narrative, perhaps through customer success stories or a problem-solution journey, that resonates emotionally. Finally, include a clear call to action, guiding viewers on the next steps, such as visiting your website or requesting a demo.

Video Sales Process Support

Branded videos can be powerful sales enablement tools. Product demonstration videos allow potential customers to visualize your product's functionality and benefits. Customer testimonial videos build trust and credibility by showcasing positive experiences. Your sales team can use these videos in presentations and follow-ups to simplify complex concepts and maintain prospect engagement.

Videos can also be used for lead nurturing, educating prospects about your industry and guiding them through the buyer's journey with targeted content.

Funnel Stage Video Types

Different video types cater to different stages of the customer journey. Awareness stage videos, like brand videos or explainer videos, should be short and engaging, introducing your brand and its value proposition. Consideration stage videos, such as product demos, case studies, and webinars, provide in-depth information to educate prospects.

Decision stage videos, like customer testimonials and product comparisons, focus on building trust and encouraging conversions by highlighting unique selling propositions and addressing any remaining concerns.

Boost Brand Awareness, Drive Traffic

Branded videos can significantly boost brand awareness and website traffic. Captivating visuals and storytelling are crucial for grabbing attention. Strategic distribution across multiple channels, including social media, your website, and email marketing, maximizes reach. A clear call to action within the video, such as "Visit our website to learn more," guides viewers towards your desired destination.

SEO optimization of video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords enhances organic visibility and drives targeted traffic.

Target Audience Resonance

Designing a resonant branded video requires a deep understanding of your target audience. Thorough audience research reveals their demographics, psychographics, pain points, and online behavior. This informs your video's visual style, ensuring it aligns with their preferences. The content tone should match their expectations, whether it's formal, informal, humorous, or informative.

Finally, the messaging should be clear, concise, and address their specific needs and pain points using language they understand.

Build Trust, Gain Credibility

Branded videos can effectively build trust and credibility. Customer testimonials provide social proof and demonstrate the value you deliver. Behind-the-scenes content humanizes your brand and fosters transparency. Expert insights from thought leaders or industry professionals position your brand as a trusted source of information.

Investing in high-quality production conveys professionalism and attention to detail, further enhancing your brand's credibility.

Branded Video Campaign Metrics

Tracking key metrics is essential for evaluating your branded video campaign's success. View count provides insights into reach and visibility. Engagement metrics like watch time, likes, shares, and comments reveal audience interaction. Website traffic from the video indicates its effectiveness in driving visitors to your site. Lead generation measures the number of leads captured through the video.

Ultimately, sales conversions attributed to the campaign demonstrate its impact on your bottom line.

Showcase Culture, Values

Branded videos can effectively communicate your company's culture and values. Employee spotlights provide authentic insights into the employee experience and work environment. Behind-the-scenes glimpses of your workplace and team interactions humanize your brand. Integrating your mission and values into the video's narrative reinforces your brand's purpose.

Showcasing social responsibility initiatives demonstrates your commitment to making a positive impact.

Generate Leads, Nurture Prospects

Branded videos can be powerful lead generation and nurturing tools. Offer valuable content like webinars or e-books as gated content in exchange for contact information. Include compelling calls to action within your videos, encouraging viewers to take the next step, such as signing up for a newsletter or requesting a demo. Personalized video messages can engage leads on a deeper level.

Interactive video elements like quizzes or polls can further enhance engagement and capture lead data.

Compelling Video Storyline

A compelling storyline is crucial for engaging viewers. Introduce relatable characters that your audience can connect with. Establish an intriguing conflict or challenge that keeps viewers invested. Evoke emotional connections by tapping into universal themes or aspirations.

Finally, provide a clear resolution to the conflict, leaving viewers with a sense of satisfaction and a memorable takeaway.

Differentiate From Competitors

Branded videos can effectively differentiate your company. Highlight your unique selling propositions, showcasing what makes your brand stand out. Infuse your brand personality into the video's tone and style to create a memorable experience. Focus on customer-centricity, demonstrating how you solve their specific pain points.

Leverage creative storytelling to showcase your brand's unique journey or impact, setting you apart from generic marketing messages.

Educate Customers, Product/Service

Branded videos are excellent educational tools. Explainer videos can simplify complex concepts using animation or live-action footage. Product demonstrations showcase features, benefits, and use cases. Tutorial videos provide step-by-step guidance on using your products or services.

FAQ videos address common customer questions in a readily accessible format, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Multi-Platform Video Optimization

Creating a branded video that resonates across various platforms requires a strategic approach to optimization. Video length is paramount; platforms like TikTok thrive on concise, impactful content (under 60 seconds), while YouTube audiences engage with longer, in-depth videos (up to minutes). Aspect ratio is crucial; vertical videos (9:16) dominate mobile-first platforms like Instagram Stories, while horizontal (16:9) remains standard for YouTube and Facebook. Audio must be clear and engaging, recognizing that many viewers watch with the sound off. Captions are essential for accessibility and engagement.

Finally, platform-specific calls to action are vital. Encourage "link in bio" clicks on Instagram, "Subscribe" on YouTube, and platform-relevant engagement.

Drive Conversions, Increase Sales

Branded videos can be powerful drivers of conversions when strategically crafted. Clearly articulate your value proposition, demonstrating how your product or service solves a specific customer pain point. Build trust and credibility by showcasing social proof, such as customer testimonials or data-driven results. Create a sense of urgency with limited-time offers or exclusive deals presented within the video.

Simplify the purchase process by providing clear calls to action and direct links to your website or online store. This seamless path to purchase can significantly impact conversion rates.

Memorable Brand Experience

Branded videos offer a unique opportunity to craft memorable brand experiences that resonate with viewers. Emotional storytelling is key; connect with your audience by crafting narratives that evoke empathy, aspiration, or shared experiences. Engage the senses with high-quality visuals, captivating audio, and creative editing techniques. Personalization can enhance the experience; address viewers directly, offer choices within the video, or incorporate interactive elements like quizzes.

Maintain brand consistency throughout the video, ensuring that messaging, tone, and visuals align with your overall brand identity.

Successful Video Strategy

A successful branded video strategy requires a well-defined roadmap. Start with clear objectives, outlining SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) for your video marketing efforts. Identify your target audience with precision, understanding their demographics, psychographics, and online behavior. Develop a content strategy that aligns with your audience's interests and your marketing objectives, planning a diverse range of video content. Establish a distribution and promotion plan, leveraging social media, email marketing, paid advertising, and influencer collaborations.

Finally, track and analyze performance to optimize future content and distribution strategies.

Build Brand Community

Branded videos can be powerful catalysts for community building. Focus on shared values and interests, creating content that resonates with your target audience's passions and beliefs. Encourage interaction through polls, quizzes, or challenges within your videos, fostering a sense of belonging. Offer exclusive behind-the-scenes access to your community, showcasing product development, company events, or team member spotlights.

Embrace user-generated content, encouraging your audience to create and share their own videos related to your brand. This fosters a sense of ownership and strengthens community bonds.

Measure Campaign Impact

Branded videos provide valuable data points for measuring marketing campaign effectiveness. Utilize dedicated landing pages for your video campaigns and track traffic and conversions from those pages. Employ unique URLs and tracking parameters within video descriptions and calls to action to isolate video-specific results. Monitor social media analytics closely, tracking views, engagement, reach, and click-through rates.

Conduct A/B testing with different versions of your video content to identify which elements resonate most effectively with your target audience and drive desired outcomes.

Accessible Video for All

Accessibility is paramount in branded video creation. Provide accurate closed captions for all videos, making them accessible to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Incorporate audio descriptions that narrate visual elements for viewers who are blind or visually impaired. Offer language options through subtitles or dubbing to cater to a wider audience. Ensure keyboard navigation for your video player, accommodating individuals who cannot use a mouse.

Maintain sufficient color contrast between text, graphics, and background colors for viewers with low vision.

Compelling Brand Storytelling

Branded videos are ideal for compelling brand storytelling. Identify your brand's core narrative, including your origin, mission, values, and impact. Humanize your brand by showcasing the people behind it, their passions, and their commitment. Focus on customer-centricity, highlighting how your brand has positively impacted customers' lives through testimonials or case studies.

Leverage the power of visual storytelling, using compelling visuals, evocative music, and creative editing to bring your brand's story to life and create a lasting impression.

Defining Branded Video

A branded video is a video created specifically to promote a brand, product, or service. It transcends traditional advertising by focusing on storytelling, emotional connection, and providing value to the viewer.

Branded videos aim to increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive sales, and foster customer loyalty by showcasing the brand's personality, values, and unique selling propositions in an engaging and memorable way.

Branded Video Benefits

Branded videos offer numerous benefits in today's digital landscape. They enhance engagement as videos are inherently more captivating than text-based content. They improve brand recall through visual storytelling and emotional connections. They increase conversion rates by driving website traffic, generating leads, and boosting sales.

They also boost social media engagement as videos are highly shareable and tend to generate higher interaction on these platforms, amplifying brand reach.

Importance of Branded Video

In today's competitive market, a branded video is essential for business success. It builds trust and credibility by showcasing brand authenticity and customer-centricity. It cuts through the online noise, capturing attention in a content-saturated environment. It humanizes your brand by showcasing the people behind it, making it more relatable.

Ultimately, it drives business results by increasing brand awareness, generating leads, driving sales, and fostering customer loyalty.

Author at advids
I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!