Video Creation Service

30 Captivating Guided Product Tour Video Examples That Drive Feature Adoption

Orko Roy
Last updated
Sep. 04, 2024

Product adoption is the holy grail for any founder or marketer. You've poured your heart and soul into building an amazing product, but getting users to fully embrace it and unlock its full potential is a constant challenge. Users might feel overwhelmed by a suite of features, unsure where to begin, or simply not grasp the true value proposition.

From increasing user engagement and reducing churn to driving feature adoption and ultimately boosting your bottom line, the potential impact of captivating guided product tour videos is undeniable. So, let's dive in.

1. Amazon

This Amazon video is designed to help businesses expand internationally by identifying products that have high sales potential in other marketplaces.

Video Design - This software feature tour sample video uses a minimalist style with simple graphics and a clean design. The use of bright colors like yellow and teal creates a cheerful and engaging atmosphere. The video features animated icons that represent different products and features of the software, which helps to simplify the information for viewers and makes it easier to understand.

The visual style of the video is clean and simple, focusing on clear, concise messaging and visuals. The use of animated icons, combined with the text on screen, effectively communicates the benefits and features of the software. The bright color palette and simple animation style create a cheerful and positive tone, making the video engaging and easy to watch.

2. Trifacta

Trifacta is a cloud data engineering platform that prepares data and engineers data products quickly and intuitively. The video is designed to illustrate how Trifacta makes data preparation a smooth process.

Video Design - The video starts with a simple illustration of a person surrounded by messy data, then, as the person brings the data to Trifacta, the data gets organized and turned into valuable insights. The use of simple shapes and clean graphics emphasizes the ease of use and clarity Trifacta brings to data management. This design style makes it a good Guided Product Tour Video, by visualizing the product's core functionality and demonstrating how the solution addresses a common challenge, data management.

The clean visual style of the video mirrors the intuitive and easy-to-use nature of Trifacta. The bright colors and simple graphics create a positive tone. The animation flows smoothly, leading the viewer through a clear narrative of how Trifacta seamlessly integrates with existing data warehouses.

3. AppFolio

AppFolio is a software product that helps property managers to maintain leasing operations and offer a positive customer experience. This video is designed to demonstrate how property managers can utilize AppFolio's services, particularly during the pandemic, to offer an exceptional customer experience and ensure the safety of staff.

Video Design - This Software Product Feature Video uses a bright and clean color palette, a simple hand drawn style, and simple graphic design elements. The video utilizes whiteboard-style animated graphics that are easy to understand. The focus is on product features and how they are used by customers to provide a positive customer experience. The video is lighthearted in tone, yet conveys the seriousness of the pandemic.

The video utilizes a simple design style that uses simple graphics and a bright color palette. This style effectively conveys the main video goal: to demonstrate the features of AppFolio. The use of simple graphics and a hand drawn style creates a relaxed and approachable tone, which is further enhanced by the cheerful animation. These elements make the video informative, while still being engaging and informative for the audience.

4. Gridsmart

The video focuses on showcasing a solution for protecting vulnerable road users, addressing the limitations of existing detection systems. It introduces Gridsmart Protect, emphasizing its ability to enhance safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and individuals with disabilities. This video offers a guided product tour experience, visually demonstrating how the product works. This is a good example of a Visual Product Tour video.

The video's design style effectively complements its purpose as a video. The use of bold typography and contrasting colors, particularly the black background and yellow elements, creates a visually striking and attention-grabbing aesthetic. The animation style is clean and modern, with smooth transitions and clear visuals that effectively convey the message. The motion graphics and isometric perspective in the street scene illustration provide a comprehensive view of the environment, allowing viewers to easily understand the context and application of Gridsmart Protect. This video is a Guided Product Tour Video.

By combining informative visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully highlights the key features and benefits of GRIDSMART Protect. The animation style and design choices work together to create a compelling and engaging experience for viewers, effectively demonstrating the product's Value Proposition and leaving a lasting impression. This guided tour allows potential customers to understand the product's capabilities.

5. Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo is a company that helps businesses solve the problem of data downtime. The video is designed to introduce data observability, a solution that can help businesses improve data reliability.

Video Design - Monte Carlo uses a combination of animated graphics and simplified visuals to clearly explain data downtime. The video uses a playful and colorful design style, with a mix of simple geometric shapes and bold colors. This approach creates an easy to understand and engaging Guided Product Tour Video, especially for a technical topic like data observability.

The use of animated graphics with characters and scenarios makes the subject of data downtime relatable and easier to understand. By visually showing the impact of data downtime on businesses, the video helps drive home the importance of data observability. The simple visual design with bold colors makes the content accessible to a wide audience and helps to create a positive tone, making the video engaging.

6. Freshdesk

Freshdesk is a customer support software that offers a variety of tools to help businesses manage their customer interactions. This video is designed to introduce Freshdesk's post-call transcripts feature, which can help businesses quickly retrieve customer details from call recordings.

Video Design - The video uses a bright, bold, and colorful design with geometric shapes, neon colors, and animated transitions to create a fun and engaging "Software Feature Tour video." The use of these elements highlights the key benefits of Freshdesk, such as efficiency, speed, and user-friendliness.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the objective of the video. The use of bright colors and playful animations creates a positive and welcoming tone that makes the video engaging. The clear and concise explanations of the post-call transcripts feature help viewers understand its benefits, making the video persuasive. The overall design and messaging of the video effectively conveys that Freshdesk is a modern, innovative, and effective solution for customer support management.

7. Streamr

Streamr is a platform that distributes unstoppable data streams over a global open source peer-to-peer network, allowing users to build a new data economy.

Video Design - The video design utilizes simple illustrations and animations, creating a Software Product Feature Video. This video displays several key elements, including the use of bright colors and visually engaging icons which represent different aspects of the data economy.

The video is designed to engage the viewer through a combination of clean visuals and a clear explanation of Streamr's core purpose. The overall tone is positive and optimistic, highlighting the potential of a new data economy and emphasizing the importance of ethical business models for user data. The video's visual style emphasizes the growth and expansion of the Streamr network, using visual metaphors to communicate the idea of interconnectedness and collaboration between individuals and businesses, contributing to a positive change.

8. State Street

State Street highlights the growing importance of ESG investing in the financial market, and how it presents challenges for investment firms. The video is designed to explain how State Street helps investment firms build and manage ESG focused portfolios.

Video Design - State Street uses simple, clean, and engaging animated graphics to present a Guided Product Tour Video. The video starts with a clear explanation of ESG factors, with a minimalist illustration of the earth, a scale, and a document to visually represent the environmental, social and governance factors. The video then uses clean, consistent design throughout, using bright, bold color contrasts to highlight important concepts, such as the growth of ESG-driven assets with a line graph that depicts the upward trend.

The visual style of the video is designed to convey the complexities of the subject matter in a digestible way. The bright colors and consistent style of animation provide a clean and sophisticated visual experience. The clean visual design, and simplistic animations make the video engaging, and are successful in driving the video goal of highlighting State Street's solutions for investment firms. The tone of the video is factual, informative and reassuring, as it aims to help investment firms navigate the challenges of ESG investing.

9. PacketLight

PacketLight develops and manufactures DWDM and OTN equipment for transporting data, storage, voice and video over data center interconnect, metro, and long haul fiber optic networks. This video is designed to highlight the key features and benefits of PacketLight's products.

Video Design - This video is a Software Functionality Video that showcases the key features of PacketLight's products, using a combination of animated graphics and text overlays. The visuals are clean, modern, and professional, featuring a sleek dark blue background with bright, colorful elements.

The use of animated graphics and text overlays helps to keep the video engaging and informative. The graphics are high quality and clear, and the text is easy to read and understand. The video effectively communicates the key features of the product. The use of animation and graphics helps to illustrate the product's features and benefits, making it more engaging and understandable for viewers. The overall tone of the video is professional and informative, highlighting PacketLight's commitment to providing high-quality optical network solutions.

10. iCare

iCare is a provider engagement platform that helps businesses close gaps throughout the year. This video is designed to help viewers understand the benefits of iCare.

Video Design - The video uses a Guided Product Tour Video style to explain the benefits of iCare. The video uses bright colors, clear graphics, and a modern visual style.

The video is engaging and informative, and it effectively communicates the value of iCare. The tone of the video is friendly and approachable, and it resonates with the target audience.

11. district0x

District0x, a company focused on decentralized marketplaces, has designed this video to introduce the concept of blockchain through a classic problem known as the Byzantine Generals Problem.

Video Design - This video is a Software Screencast Video. It uses a minimalist and clean design. The graphics are simple, yet engaging. The illustrations of generals and the castle are reminiscent of children's storybooks, making the video feel light and fun.

The narrative of the video uses a playful tone, employing analogies to help viewers understand the complexity of blockchain. The video showcases a series of simple, yet effective animations that illustrate the Byzantine Generals problem, while connecting it to the concept of a distributed ledger. It highlights the importance of consensus and how the proof of work concept helps in achieving it. The video uses a clear and concise language, making the explanation accessible to even those with little or no knowledge of blockchain technology.

12. Ateme

Ateme is a cloud DVR platform that offers limitless storage and scalability for a better user experience. This video is designed to highlight these advantages.

Video Design - The video showcases a cartoon-style graphic design to visually represent the benefits of Ateme's cloud DVR platform. This style is used to communicate the concept of scalability in a simplified manner. The video is an Animated Software Feature Video that uses colorful and bright elements, making it visually engaging. The illustration of a small server icon inside the cloud and the house icon represents the reach and scalability of Ateme's platform.

The video uses a simple and consistent visual style to effectively communicate the objective of the video. This consistent style, along with the simple animated graphics, helps reinforce the key message: Ateme's cloud DVR platform is the perfect solution for unlimited storage, scalability, and an excellent user experience. The overall tone of the video is confident and positive, highlighting Ateme's innovative and future-proof cloud DVR solution.

13. MCI

MCI offers application modernization solutions that quickly and securely convert outdated legacy code to newer languages. This video is designed to showcase the benefits of MCI's code refactoring solution using AI.

Video Design - MCI's video is a good Software Walkthrough Feature Video. The video uses a simple, clean design. The video uses a combination of simple graphics, animated icons, and text overlays to illustrate the process of code refactoring. The graphics are clean, minimalist, and visually appealing.

The video effectively demonstrates the benefits of using AI for code refactoring. The visuals are used to illustrate how the process works. The video narrative is clear and concise. The video features a professional tone, which helps to establish trust and credibility. The tone of the video is informative and engaging. The video visuals and narrative work together to communicate the message of the video and drive the viewer to learn more.

14. PropheSee

PropheSee is a marketing analytics software that will help you explode engagement and grow revenue. The video is designed to introduce the software and the need for a consolidated marketing analytics platform.

Video Design - PropheSee utilizes a Guided Product Tour Video that incorporates cartoon animation. The video features bright color palettes and simple graphics that communicate the pain points of analyzing data across multiple marketing platforms.

The video depicts a scenario where a user is overwhelmed by the inflUX of data from various platforms, symbolizing the challenge of managing complex marketing analytics. The visual design effectively conveys the need for a solution, which is then introduced as the PropheSee platform. This style uses simple design elements that are relatable to the target audience, making it engaging. The video's tone is lighthearted and informative, effectively driving the objective of presenting PropheSee as the solution to these marketing analytics challenges.

15. FIS

FIS Omnichannel Payments is a solution that enables a seamless experience for customers who buy products online, then return them in store. The video is designed to demonstrate how FIS can make the Buy Online Return In Store (BORIS) experience better for both the consumer and retailer.

Video Design - The video employs a software screencast idea style and focuses on illustrating the complexities of a typical BORIS transaction. It starts with a simple 3D isometric illustration of a store layout. This illustration is then used to trace the customer journey, with each step of the process highlighted by a different visual element. For example, when explaining the need for a return, a red "X" mark is used to indicate a denied transaction.

FIS's use of minimalist and clean design elements communicates the ease and efficiency that its solutions offer. The video tone is informative and straightforward, highlighting the challenges of traditional approaches, which makes the solution's benefits clear. This visual style ensures the viewer understands the challenge of traditional approaches, while FIS's solution makes it easier to manage this transaction efficiently, and is a valuable resource for retailers looking to optimize their BORIS processes.

16. Kion

Kion is a cloud enablement solution designed to help organizations simplify management and governance activities to realize the full benefits of the cloud. The video is designed to introduce Kion and highlight its ability to empower organizations to move faster on their cloud journey.

Video Design - The video showcases a minimalist design, utilizing white background and subtle color accents. It uses geometric shapes and line drawings to visually depict cloud enablement and simplify complex processes. It highlights Kion's Software Functionality Video, demonstrating the ability to streamline and simplify cloud complexity. The animation is smooth and transitions are subtle, which helps to maintain focus on the key message and enhance the overall visual quality. The graphic elements, like the use of arrows and interconnected shapes, provide a strong representation of the flow and connectivity inherent in cloud computing.

The visual style effectively communicates Kion's commitment to simplifying cloud computing and empowering businesses to achieve greater results. The video has a professional yet approachable tone, making it relevant to a broad audience of organizations seeking to leverage cloud technology. The design and animation are tailored to engage a professional audience, focusing on visual clarity and conveying the message efficiently. The overall tone is professional and reassuring, while remaining approachable. The use of a minimalist design enhances the visual impact and effectively communicates Kion's value proposition.

17. OneAtlas

OneAtlas APIs are designed to help you develop new applications. The video is designed to showcase the use of OneAtlas APIs.

Video Design - The Guided Product Tour Video features a visual style that is clean, modern, and engaging. The use of bright colors, simple graphics, and a consistent visual flow makes the video easy to follow and understand. The video illustrates how to search, download, and stream satellite imagery using the APIs.

The video effectively communicates the objective of the video through a simple and clear visual style. The use of bright colors and simple graphics helps to engage the audience and highlight the key features of the OneAtlas APIs. The video's tone is professional and informative, which makes it suitable for a wide range of viewers interested in using satellite imagery in their applications.

18. BetterCloud

BetterCloud is a SaaS management platform designed to help companies centralize and manage their SaaS applications, maximizing the benefit of their SaaS investments, while minimizing time and effort wasted on mundane IT activities. This video is designed to highlight the challenges of managing a growing SaaS landscape and how BetterCloud can help to solve these problems.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and modern design style, with a dark blue background and white graphics. The Animated Software Feature Video uses a series of animated illustrations, including a dark blue background, white clock and dollar symbols, and blue arrows. This is a great example of how to effectively use animation to communicate complex concepts, like the management of a growing SaaS landscape. The bright blue arrows highlight the solution and show the impact of BetterCloud on the SaaS management processes. This is a great example of how to effectively use visual elements to highlight the key features and benefits of a SaaS solution.

The video's clean design, simple graphics, and bright accents, allow the viewer to easily understand the benefits and results of using BetterCloud to manage their SaaS applications. The tone of the video is engaging and informative, and the animation helps to make the content more interesting and memorable. It clearly communicates the company's goal to streamline SaaS management and help companies optimize their SaaS investments. The animation helps to illustrate the company's vision and the importance of automating repetitive tasks associated with SaaS management.

19. Cohesity

Cohesity protects data and streamlines the development process. This video is designed to demonstrate how Cohesity helps organizations build applications faster.

Video Design - Cohesity uses a clean and modern visual style. The Guided Product Tour Video highlights the core benefits of Cohesity by using simple visuals of servers and data. The video focuses on the speed and efficiency of their solution, as shown by the chain that quickly connects the application to the server.

Cohesity's animated video effectively showcases the challenges of legacy IT and presents their solution as a way to overcome those challenges. The video is engaging and easy to understand, making it ideal for showcasing the product's benefits to a technical audience. The video's design highlights the ease of use and powerful capabilities of the Cohesity platform, leaving viewers with a positive impression of the product.

20. Wonolo

Wonolo is a platform that connects businesses with workers for temporary or full-time jobs. The video is designed to show how easy it is to find high-quality workers locally.

Video Design - The video is a Software Walkthrough Guide Video. It uses simple, bright graphics and a clear, concise narrative to walk viewers through the steps of using the platform. Each step is explained visually, and the graphics are clean and easy to understand. The platform design is modern, and the video uses a flat design style, which is popular for Software Walkthrough Guide Video.

The visual style of the video helps to communicate the ease of use and the simplicity of the Wonolo platform. The video's tone is friendly and upbeat. The visuals help to engage the viewer and drive the call to action, which is to learn more about the platform. The content is clear and engaging, and the video effectively shows the benefits of using Wonolo.

21. Bandwidth

Bandwidth is a cloud communications platform that simplifies how businesses connect and compose their customer experience flows. The video is designed to showcase the benefits and functionality of Bandwidth Maestro, an enterprise cloud that helps businesses address their communications challenges.

Video Design - The video's design style is clean and modern, featuring a mix of animated graphics and text. The use of simple lines and shapes, combined with a minimalist color palette of blue, green, and yellow, creates a professional and engaging look. The video employs a fast-paced style, highlighting key features and benefits of the platform. This approach makes it an effective Guided Product Tour Video that effectively showcases the product's capabilities.

The video effectively communicates the key features of Bandwidth Maestro, highlighting its ability to converge platforms, provide a faster time-to-value, and customize contact center call flows with a no-code visual builder. The graphics and animations are used to illustrate these key features, making it easier for viewers to understand the product's benefits. The use of a clean and modern design style reinforces the message that Bandwidth Maestro is a cutting-edge platform that can help businesses improve their communications and customer experiences. The overall tone of the video is confident and informative, highlighting the product's capabilities without being overly promotional.

22. ServiceNow

ServiceNow digitizes workflows, helping employees and customers get what they need, when they need it. The video is designed to showcase the ease of use and benefits of this digitalization.

Video Design - The video utilizes a minimalist design style, featuring flat illustrations and simple animations. This style effectively portrays ServiceNow as a user-friendly software product that simplifies complex workflows. The visual design of the video showcases the software's intuitive interface and the ease with which users can navigate through different functionalities. The focus on clear and concise visuals makes it an engaging Guided Product Tour Video.

The use of a clean and simple color palette, combined with a subtle, upbeat tone, effectively communicates ServiceNow's value proposition of simplifying and optimizing workflows. The video highlights how ServiceNow's platform can help businesses achieve higher productivity levels.

23. Capillary

Capillary Anywhere Commerce is a cloud-based digital commerce platform. This video is designed to communicate how Capillary helps brands provide a unified omnichannel experience for their customers.

Video Design - The video features simple, bright, and clean flat design, consistent with the clean and modern feel of the Capillary brand. The video incorporates a software screencast style and visual design elements such as icons and animations, which clearly highlight the capabilities of the platform. These visuals make it an effective "Software Screencast Video", and its focus on functionality makes the platform relatable.

This engaging, visually rich video clearly communicates the benefits of the platform. The video employs a light tone and simple animated elements, which effectively convey the ease of use, seamless integration, and multi-channel capabilities. This video is effective, as it clearly showcases the value proposition of Capillary and how the platform can enhance customer experience, driving a deeper understanding of the product for viewers.

24. NICE

NICE Enlighten AI is a software solution that ensures the fair treatment of vulnerable customers. The video is designed to highlight the need for proper identification and treatment of vulnerable customers and the risks of non-compliance.

Video Design - This video uses a 3D animated style, with a simple blue background. The animated visuals are clear and easy to follow, highlighting the key features of the software and helping to visually convey the narrative of the video. The video uses a combination of 3D elements, like the computer and the phone, to create a dynamic and engaging experience for the viewer.

The video effectively communicates the importance of treating vulnerable customers fairly. The use of 3D animation and a simple, clean design helps to make the complex topic of compliance and customer treatment more approachable. The tone of the video is professional, reassuring, and engaging, suggesting that NICE is dedicated to helping organizations meet the needs of vulnerable customers.

25. o9

09 is a platform designed to help businesses revolutionize their supply chain operations and drive success. The video is designed to highlight the need for modern, cloud-native platforms, and explain how 09's solution can address the challenges of traditional legacy planning systems.

Video Design - The video utilizes a minimalist design style, featuring a dark background with simple, geometric shapes in muted pastel colors. This design choice effectively emphasizes the key elements of the narrative, such as the outdated floppy disk representing legacy systems and the sleek, modern interface symbolizing the power of 09's platform. Software capabilities are showcased through a series of animated transitions, showing the different aspects of the system. The video is a good Software Capabilities Video, as it demonstrates the core functionality of the 09 platform in a concise and engaging way.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the message of modernization and efficiency. The animation style is simple and smooth, contributing to a professional tone and a clear focus on the product's benefits. The video design highlights the need for agility and speed in today's rapidly changing business environment. This minimalist design emphasizes the efficiency of the 09 solution, making it a compelling visual representation of the platform's power and capabilities.

26. AWS

AWS Asset Tracking solution is a cloud based system that helps manage and track assets in warehouses. This video is designed to introduce the solution and show how it works.

Video Design - The video features a simple, clean design with bright colors and isometric visuals. The warehouse is the primary focus of the video and it shows workers going about their daily tasks. The graphic quality is high and the overall style makes this a Software Walkthrough Guide Video.

The video's visual style is able to communicate the objective of the video because it uses simple graphics to clearly explain the complexities of a warehouse management system. The bright colors and simple design of the video create a positive and approachable tone that invites the viewer to learn more about the AWS Asset Tracking solution.

27. YugabyteDB

YugabyteDB is a distributed SQL database that is open source and Postgres compatible, designed for mission-critical applications. This video is designed to communicate the problems with traditional monolithic databases, which can be slow, complex, and difficult to manage in the cloud.

Video Design - The video begins with a series of questions, hinting at the problems that companies face when trying to run mission-critical applications. This is a good software feature tour idea video because it quickly connects with the viewer's existing knowledge about their current challenges and positions YugabyteDB as the solution to those issues. The visual style of the video features a combination of 3D, isometric, and flat design elements that convey the concept of scalability and cloud-native architecture. The gradient colors and animated elements are engaging and give the video a modern and futuristic look.

The video's visual design successfully communicates the objective of promoting YugabyteDB as a superior solution to traditional databases. The overall tone of the video is upbeat, confident, and engaging. The use of bold text and contrasting colors creates a strong visual impact and emphasizes the key messages about the database. The video's dynamic visuals make it easy to understand complex concepts and keep viewers engaged with the story.

28. Sage

Sage Intacct Planning, formerly known as Sage Intacct Budgeting & Planning, is a cloud-based solution that helps businesses plan, budget, and forecast their financial performance. The video is designed to help viewers understand the importance of using a proper tool for budgeting and planning.

Video Design - This Software Product Feature Video uses clean and simple animated graphics. The background is a solid blue color with a simple cartoon style. The use of simple graphics is effective for communicating the concept of budgeting and planning, and the visual design makes it easy to understand the message of the video. The animated scene, a person riding a bike, highlights the difficulty of planning without proper tools, like the Sage Intacct Planning product.

The video design drives the goal of the video, which is to show the benefits of using Sage Intacct Planning. The video tone is conversational and engaging, making the product seem user-friendly. This clear visual style is able to get the point across while keeping the viewer engaged.


MEDHOST's YourCare Continuum Suite is a data-centric approach to healthcare. The video is designed to showcase how this platform can enhance decision-making for providers.

Video Design - The video features a clean, simple, and modern design using 3D graphics. It uses a bright blue background and bold white text, making it easy to read and follow along. The video uses animated graphics, which is an effective way to showcase software functionality. The graphics make it easy to visualize the workflow for patient care.

The minimalist aesthetic of the video, combined with the bright, bold color scheme, is effective in communicating the objective of the video. This style creates a professional and trustworthy tone, appropriate for the healthcare industry. The video's clear, concise messaging, coupled with a soothing color scheme, helps viewers easily understand the solution and its benefits.

30. Speakfully Guided Product Tour Video

Speakfully is a platform that empowers companies to create a safe and transparent workplace. The video is designed to showcase Speakfully's ability to encourage employees to voice concerns anonymously.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and minimalist design with simple line drawings and animated icons. This style effectively highlights the Software Capabilities Video. Example video uses vibrant color palettes and simple transitions to keep the video engaging and informative.

The visual style of the video helps communicate the objective of the video by conveying a sense of trust and security. The video's narrative highlights the benefits of Speakfully for both employees and employers. The tone is professional yet approachable, making it easy for viewers to understand how Speakfully can help create a positive and open work environment.

Key Takeaways

Product Tour Video Use Cases

Guided product tour videos offer a versatile way to engage your audience and showcase your product's value. By tailoring the video type to specific use cases, you can maximize their impact.

Interactive Product Tour Videos

Interactive product tour videos are ideal for complex products or in-depth demonstrations. Imagine a software demo where viewers can click through different features, simulating the actual user experience. E-learning platforms can also benefit from interactive elements, allowing learners to actively participate in the learning process.

Animated Product Tour Videos

Animated product tour videos excel at explaining abstract concepts or simplifying complex features. Consider a fintech company explaining blockchain technology through engaging animations. These videos are also effective for products with a strong visual appeal, like a new mobile game showcasing its vibrant graphics and gameplay.

Live-Action Product Tour Videos

Live-action product tour videos provide a relatable and human touch. A company launching a new line of sustainable clothing could use a live-action video to showcase the materials and production process, building trust and transparency. These videos are also ideal for demonstrating product usage in real-world settings, like a cooking appliance demo in a home kitchen.

Product Tour Strategy Touchpoints

Implementing a successful guided product tour video strategy involves identifying key touchpoints in the customer journey where these videos can be most effective.

Product Launch

Generate excitement and build anticipation for your new product or feature with a captivating video. Showcase its unique value proposition and highlight key benefits to create a buzz.

New Feature Release

Announce and explain new features with a concise video that demonstrates their value. Guide users on how to utilize these features, encouraging adoption and enhancing user experience.

Customer Onboarding

Simplify the learning curve for new users with a welcoming video that walks them through the product's functionalities. Reduce user frustration and improve product adoption by providing a clear and engaging introduction.

Product Training

Offer in-depth training on specific features or functionalities with dedicated videos. These can be used for internal training programs or as resources for customers seeking advanced knowledge.

Sales Pitch

Elevate your sales presentations by incorporating a video that showcases the product's value proposition in a dynamic and engaging way. This can be particularly effective in virtual sales meetings or online demos.

Marketing Campaign

Amplify your marketing campaigns by using videos to promote your product or service and generate leads. Share them on social media, embed them on landing pages, and use them in email marketing to capture audience attention.

Customer Support

Provide quick and easy access to answers for common customer questions through a library of support videos. This can reduce support inquiries and improve customer satisfaction by offering self-service solutions.

Onboarding Video Benefits

Guided product tour videos can significantly enhance the customer onboarding experience, leading to increased user engagement, product adoption, and customer satisfaction.

Improved User Experience

Imagine a new user signing up for a project management tool. Instead of being overwhelmed by a complex interface, they are greeted with a friendly video that walks them through the basics, making them feel comfortable and confident.

Increased Product Adoption

By guiding users through the product's functionalities, videos can reduce the learning curve and encourage active exploration. This leads to faster adoption and a deeper understanding of the product's value.

Reduced Customer Support Costs

A well-crafted onboarding video can answer common questions upfront, reducing the need for users to contact customer support. This frees up support teams to focus on more complex issues.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

A positive onboarding experience sets the stage for a long-term customer relationship. By providing a clear and engaging introduction, videos can build trust and create a positive first impression.

Compelling Product Tour Story

A compelling storyline is essential for capturing viewer attention and conveying the value of your product in a memorable way.

Understand Your Audience

Start by identifying your target audience's needs, pain points, and motivations. What challenges do they face, and how can your product help them overcome those challenges?

Define the Problem

Clearly articulate the problem your product solves for your target audience. This establishes the context and creates a sense of urgency for the viewer.

Present the Solution

Introduce your product as the solution to the identified problem. Showcase its key features and demonstrate how it addresses the specific needs of your audience.

Highlight the Benefits

Go beyond simply listing features. Explain how those features translate into tangible benefits for the user. Focus on the positive outcomes and value your product delivers.

Include a Call to Action

Encourage viewers to take the next step, whether it's signing up for a free trial, requesting a demo, or making a purchase. A clear call to action guides the viewer towards the desired outcome.

Product Tour Video Narratives

Different narrative approaches can be used to create engaging and effective guided product tour videos, depending on your product and target audience.


This classic narrative structure starts by highlighting a common problem your target audience faces. Then, it introduces your product as the solution, demonstrating how it effectively addresses the issue.


Connect with viewers on an emotional level by crafting a narrative that resonates with their experiences. This could involve a character who faces a challenge and overcomes it with the help of your product.


Focus on showcasing the product's features and functionalities in a practical and straightforward manner. This approach is ideal for products that require clear visual explanations.


Build trust and credibility by featuring customer testimonials. Let satisfied users share their positive experiences with your product, highlighting its real-world impact.


If your product offers a clear advantage over competitors, consider using a comparison narrative. Highlight the key differentiators and demonstrate why your product is the superior choice.

Boost Customer Engagement

Guided product tour videos can significantly boost customer engagement by offering an interactive and visually appealing experience.

Clarity and Conciseness

Use a clear and concise script that is easy to understand and follow. Avoid jargon and technical terms that might confuse your audience.

Visually Engaging Content

Incorporate high-quality visuals that are relevant to your product and target audience. Use a mix of images, videos, and animations to keep viewers interested.

Interactive Elements

Enhance engagement by adding interactive elements like clickable buttons, quizzes, or branching scenarios. This allows viewers to actively participate in the experience.

Compelling Call to Action

Encourage viewers to take the next step by including a clear and compelling call to action. This could be visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or requesting a demo.

Product Tour Video Design

Designing an effective guided product tour video requires careful consideration of several key elements to ensure a positive and engaging viewer experience.

Visual Appeal

Use high-quality visuals that are relevant to your product and brand. Choose a color palette and visual style that aligns with your brand identity.

User Interface

Ensure the video is easy to navigate and understand. Use clear and concise on-screen text, intuitive controls, and a logical flow of information.

Content Clarity

Provide clear and concise information about your product. Focus on the key features and benefits that are most relevant to your target audience.

Compelling Call to Action

Encourage viewers to take the next step by including a clear and compelling call to action. This could be visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or requesting a demo.

Product Tour Sales & Leads

Guided product tour videos can be a powerful tool for driving sales and generating leads by showcasing your product's value proposition and encouraging viewers to take action.

Highlight Key Benefits

Clearly demonstrate how your product solves a problem or fulfills a need for your target audience. Focus on the tangible benefits and positive outcomes users can expect.

Strong Call to Action

Include a clear and compelling call to action that encourages viewers to take the next step in the sales funnel. This could be visiting a product page, requesting a demo, or making a purchase.

Targeted Marketing

Promote your video to your ideal audience through targeted advertising campaigns on social media, search engines, and other relevant platforms.

Performance Tracking

Monitor the video's performance metrics, such as views, engagement, and click-through rates. Use this data to optimize your video and improve its effectiveness in driving sales and leads.

High-Quality Product Tour

Creating a high-quality guided product tour video requires careful planning and attention to detail to ensure a professional and engaging experience for your viewers.


Craft a clear and concise script that is easy to understand and follow. Use language that resonates with your target audience and avoids technical jargon.

Visuals and Graphics

Use high-quality images, videos, and animations that are relevant to your product and brand. Ensure the visuals are visually appealing and support the narrative.

Audio Production

Use professional voice-over talent and high-quality audio recording equipment. Ensure the audio is clear, well-balanced, and free of distractions.

Video Editing

Edit the video seamlessly to create a smooth and engaging flow. Use transitions, effects, and music to enhance the viewing experience.

Call to Action

Include a clear and compelling call to action that encourages viewers to take the next step. This could be visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or requesting a demo.

Product Tour Marketing Support

Guided product tour videos can be a valuable asset for supporting your marketing and sales efforts by providing a compelling and informative way to showcase your product and its benefits.

Website Integration

Embed the video on your website's landing pages, product pages, and blog posts to provide visitors with an engaging overview of your product.

Social Media Promotion

Share the video on your social media channels to reach a wider audience and generate interest in your product.

Email Marketing

Include the video in your email marketing campaigns to provide subscribers with a visual demonstration of your product's features and benefits.

Paid Advertising

Use the video in your paid advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads to target potential customers and drive traffic to your website.

Product Tour Pain Point Solutions

Guided product tour videos can effectively address customer pain points by showcasing how your product solves common problems and provides solutions.

Identify Pain Points

Conduct thorough research to understand your target audience's challenges and frustrations. What are their biggest pain points related to your product category?

Showcase Solutions

Demonstrate how your product directly addresses these pain points and provides effective solutions. Use clear visuals and concise explanations to illustrate the benefits.

Provide Evidence

Support your claims with evidence such as customer testimonials, case studies, or data points that demonstrate the positive impact of your product.

Offer a Solution

Encourage viewers to try your product and experience the benefits firsthand. Provide a clear call to action that guides them towards a free trial, demo, or purchase.

Product Adoption Through Video

Guided product tour videos can significantly improve product adoption by providing a clear and engaging introduction to your product and its functionalities.

Product Overview

Start with a concise overview of the product, highlighting its key features and benefits. Explain how it solves a problem or fulfills a need for your target audience.

Functionality Demonstration

Demonstrate the product's key functionalities in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. Use screen recordings, animations, or live-action footage to illustrate how the product works.

Address Common Questions

Anticipate common user questions and address them proactively in the video. This can help reduce confusion and improve user confidence.

Encourage Engagement

Include interactive elements or a call to action to encourage viewers to explore the product further. This could be a link to a free trial, a demo request form, or a guided tutorial.

Seamless Customer Journey Video

Guided product tour videos can play a key role in creating a seamless customer journey by providing a clear and engaging experience that guides users through each stage of their interaction with your product or service.

Customer Journey Mapping

Start by mapping out the different stages of your customer journey, from awareness to purchase and beyond. Identify the key touchpoints and information needs at each stage.

Stage-Specific Videos

Create videos that are tailored to the specific needs and challenges of each stage in the customer journey. For example, an awareness stage video might focus on introducing your brand and its mission, while a consideration stage video might delve deeper into product features and benefits.

Consistent Brand Voice

Maintain a consistent brand voice and style across all your videos to create a cohesive and recognizable experience for your customers.

Clear Calls to Action

Guide users through their journey by providing clear calls to action at the end of each video. This could be encouraging them to visit your website, download a resource, or sign up for a free trial.

Conversion Rate Boost Video

Guided product tour videos can be a powerful tool for increasing conversion rates by showcasing your product's value proposition in a compelling and persuasive way.

Benefit-Driven Messaging

Focus on highlighting the key benefits of your product and how it solves a problem or fulfills a need for your target audience. Use clear and concise language that resonates with their pain points and aspirations.

Strong Call to Action

Include a clear and compelling call to action that encourages viewers to take the desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a free trial, or requesting a demo.

Targeted Audience Segmentation

Tailor your video messaging and distribution to specific audience segments based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors. This ensures that your message resonates with the right people.

A/B Testing and Optimization

Experiment with different video variations, such as length, messaging, and calls to action, to identify what resonates best with your audience and drives the highest conversion rates.

Brand Awareness Video Strategy

Guided product tour videos can effectively enhance brand awareness by providing a compelling and engaging way to showcase your brand's personality, values, and unique selling proposition.

Brand Storytelling

Use your video to tell a story that connects with your audience on an emotional level and showcases your brand's values and mission. This could involve highlighting your company's history, showcasing your team's passion, or demonstrating your commitment to social responsibility.

Unique Selling Proposition

Clearly articulate your brand's unique selling proposition and how it differentiates you from competitors. Explain what makes your product or service special and why customers should choose you.

Visual Brand Identity

Maintain a consistent visual brand identity throughout your video, including your logo, color palette, and typography. This helps to reinforce brand recognition and build a strong brand image.

Multi-Channel Promotion

Promote your video across multiple channels, including your website, social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, and paid advertising. This helps to reach a wider audience and increase brand visibility.

Building Customer Trust Video

Guided product tour videos can be powerful tools for building trust with your customers by offering a transparent and informative look into your product and its value.

Show, Don't Just Tell

High-quality visuals are key. Think crisp graphics, professional narration, and a well-designed interface. This demonstrates that you've invested in your product and care about the user experience, fostering a sense of confidence.

Keep it Real

Authenticity matters. Feature real people using your product and showcasing its benefits in a genuine way. Avoid overly scripted or salesy language. Instead, focus on clear, concise explanations that address potential customer concerns.

Interactive Elements Build Confidence

Allow viewers to explore features at their own pace through clickable elements or branching scenarios. This hands-on approach empowers users and builds trust in their ability to understand and utilize your product.

Customer Education Video

Guided product tour videos are excellent for educating customers, transforming complex concepts into easily digestible information.

Targeted Learning

Start by identifying your key learning objectives. What specific knowledge do you want your audience to gain? Structure your video around these objectives, ensuring a logical flow of information.

Visual Learning is Key

Leverage visuals like screen recordings, animations, and diagrams to illustrate complex processes or features. Visual aids cater to different learning styles and make the information more memorable.

Interactive Quizzes and Branching

Boost engagement and knowledge retention by incorporating interactive elements. Quizzes can test understanding, while branching scenarios allow users to explore different aspects of the product based on their interests or needs.

Simplified Onboarding Video

Onboarding new users can be a challenge. Guided product tour videos offer a streamlined and engaging solution.

Welcome and Overview

Start by warmly welcoming new users and providing a concise overview of your product's core functionalities and benefits. This sets the stage for a positive first impression.

Step-by-Step Guidance

Demonstrate key functionalities through clear, step-by-step instructions. Show users exactly how to navigate the interface, complete common tasks, and access important features.

Address FAQs Proactively

Anticipate common user questions and address them directly within the video. This reduces the need for users to search for help elsewhere, creating a smoother onboarding experience.

Progress Indicators and Personalization

Enhance the onboarding journey with progress indicators that show users how far they've come and personalized welcome messages to foster a sense of connection.

Guided Product Tour Explained

A guided product tour video is a digital walkthrough that showcases the features, benefits, and functionalities of a product or service. Think of it as a virtual tour guide, leading viewers through the key aspects of your offering.

Types of Tours

These videos can take various forms, including interactive simulations where users can click and explore, animated explainers that simplify complex concepts, or live-action demonstrations featuring real people using the product.

Purpose and Benefits

Guided product tour videos are commonly used for onboarding new users, introducing new features, providing product demos, and reducing support requests. They offer a more engaging and effective way to educate users compared to traditional text-based manuals or static help pages.

Product Tour Video Elements

A successful guided product tour video hinges on several key elements:

Clear and Concise Script

The script is the foundation. It should be easy to understand, free of jargon, and focused on delivering key information about the product's value proposition.

Engaging Visuals

High-quality visuals are crucial for capturing and maintaining viewer attention. Use a mix of screen recordings, animations, graphics, and even live-action footage to illustrate your points and make the video visually appealing.

Compelling Call to Action

Guide viewers towards the desired next step with a clear and compelling call to action. This could be anything from signing up for a free trial to visiting your website for more information. The call to action should be relevant to the video's content and the viewer's stage in the customer journey.

Product Tour Video Importance

Guided product tour videos offer significant benefits for businesses looking to enhance user engagement and drive product adoption.

Improved User Experience

By providing clear and concise guidance, these videos reduce user frustration and make it easier for customers to understand and utilize your product's features. This leads to a more positive user experience and increased customer satisfaction.

Increased Product Adoption

When users can quickly grasp the value and functionality of your product, they are more likely to adopt it and integrate it into their workflows. This translates to higher user engagement and a greater return on your product development investment.

Drive Sales and Conversions

By showcasing the product's benefits and addressing potential customer concerns, guided product tour videos can effectively drive sales and generate leads. A well-crafted video can be a powerful tool for moving potential customers through the sales funnel.

Compelling Product Tour Hook

The first few seconds of your video are crucial for grabbing viewer attention. A compelling hook can make the difference between a viewer watching your entire video or clicking away.

Start with a Problem

Immediately resonate with your audience by highlighting a common problem that your product solves. For example, "Are you struggling to manage your social media accounts effectively?"

Visually Captivating

Use a strong visual, such as a striking image or a short, impactful animation, to draw viewers in. The visual should be relevant to your product and its benefits.

Intriguing Question

Pose a thought-provoking question that piques the viewer's curiosity and makes them want to learn more. For example, "What if you could automate your entire marketing workflow?"

Product Tour Micro-Interactions

Micro-interactions are small, interactive elements that can significantly enhance the engagement and effectiveness of your guided product tour video.

Clickable Hotspots

Allow viewers to click on different parts of the product interface within the video to learn more about specific features or functionalities. This provides a more hands-on and interactive learning experience.

Animated Visual Cues

Use subtle animations to highlight key features, guide the viewer's eye, or provide visual feedback when a user interacts with an element. Animations can make the video more dynamic and visually appealing.

Interactive Quizzes

Incorporate short quizzes throughout the video to test viewer understanding and reinforce key concepts. Quizzes can also be used to personalize the viewing experience by branching to different sections based on the user's answers.

Product Tour Funnel Integration

Guided product tour videos can be strategically integrated into your marketing funnel to nurture leads and guide them towards conversion.

Awareness Stage

Create videos that focus on the problem your product solves and its overall value proposition. These videos can be used on your website, social media, and in paid advertising campaigns to attract potential customers.

Consideration Stage

Develop videos that delve deeper into specific features and benefits, showcasing how your product compares to competitors and addressing potential customer concerns. These videos can be used in email marketing campaigns and on product pages to educate and engage leads.

Decision Stage

Create videos that feature customer testimonials, case studies, and detailed product demonstrations. These videos can be used on landing pages and in sales presentations to help potential customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Integrated Marketing Campaign Video

Guided product tour videos can serve as a cornerstone of an integrated marketing campaign, ensuring a consistent message and brand experience across multiple channels.

Website Integration

Embed the video on your website's landing pages, product pages, and blog posts to provide visitors with an engaging overview of your product.

Social Media Promotion

Share the video on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, tailoring the captions and format to each platform's audience. Consider creating shorter, platform-specific versions of the video for optimal engagement.

Email Marketing

Include the video in your email newsletters and promotional emails to educate subscribers about your product and drive traffic to your website.

Paid Advertising

Utilize the video in targeted advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads to reach a wider audience and generate leads.

Product Tour Audience Targeting

One size doesn't fit all when it comes to guided product tour videos. Tailoring your video to specific target audiences can significantly increase its effectiveness.

Know Your Audience

Start by thoroughly researching your target audience. Understand their demographics, needs, pain points, and motivations. This will inform your video's messaging, visuals, and overall tone.

Targeted Messaging

Craft a script that speaks directly to the specific needs and interests of your target audience. Use language and terminology that they understand and relate to.

Relevant Visuals

Choose visuals that resonate with your target audience. For example, if you're targeting a younger demographic, you might use brighter colors and a more dynamic editing style.

Tailored Calls to Action

Guide viewers towards the next step that is most relevant to their needs and stage in the customer journey. For example, a video targeting existing customers might encourage them to upgrade to a premium plan, while a video targeting new customers might encourage them to sign up for a free trial.

Short-Form Product Tour Videos

Repurposing your guided product tour video into shorter, platform-specific videos can significantly expand your reach and engagement.

Break it Down

Divide your main video into smaller segments, each focusing on a specific feature, benefit, or use case. These shorter videos are ideal for platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts.

Platform Optimization

Tailor each short-form video to the specific platform you're sharing it on. Use vertical video for platforms like TikTok and Instagram Stories, and consider adding platform-specific elements like text overlays and trending music.

Consistent Branding

Maintain a consistent brand voice and visual style across all your short-form videos to ensure a cohesive brand experience.

Clear Calls to Action

Even in short-form videos, a clear call to action is essential. Guide viewers towards the next step, whether it's visiting your website, following your social media account, or signing up for a free trial.

Product Tour A/B Testing

A/B testing is a valuable technique for optimizing your guided product tour video and maximizing its effectiveness.

Identify Key Variables

Determine which elements of your video you want to test. This could include the script, visuals, call to action, video length, or even the background music.

Create Variations

Develop two or more versions of your video, each with a different variation of the chosen variable. For example, you might create one version with a shorter script and another with a longer script.

Track and Analyze

Use A/B testing software to track the performance of each video variation. Monitor metrics like watch time, click-through rates, and conversions. Analyze the results to determine which version performs best.

Iterate and Improve

Based on the A/B testing results, make adjustments to your video to improve its performance. You can continue to test different variations until you find the optimal combination of elements.

Product Tour Video Results

Measuring the results of your guided product tour video is crucial for understanding its impact and making data-driven improvements.

Track Video Views and Engagement

Monitor the number of times your video is viewed, the average watch time, and the completion rate. These metrics provide insights into viewer interest and engagement.

Monitor Conversions

Track the number of leads generated, trials started, or purchases made as a result of watching the video. This helps you understand the video's impact on your bottom line.

Gather Customer Feedback

Collect feedback from viewers through surveys, comments, or social media interactions. This qualitative data can provide valuable insights into viewer experience and identify areas for improvement.

Analyze and Optimize

Regularly analyze the data you collect and use it to make informed decisions about how to optimize your video for better performance. This might involve adjusting the script, visuals, call to action, or distribution strategy.

Author at advids
I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!