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30 Ui Walkthrough Video Examples To Boost User Engagement And Drive Adoption

Orko Roy
Last updated
Sep. 04, 2024

User engagement and adoption are the lifeblood of any successful product, and in today's digital landscape, capturing attention is more challenging than ever. Founders and marketeers are constantly seeking innovative ways to showcase their products' value and drive user engagement.

By incorporating ui walkthrough videos into their marketing and user education strategies, companies can significantly enhance user engagement, accelerate product adoption, and ultimately, drive business growth. Let's dive in.

1. Planning in a Box

Planning in a Box is a SaaS solution for exception-based supply chain collaborative planning. This video is designed to showcase the problems that this solution solves.

Video Design - The video utilizes a minimalist graphic design approach. The central theme is illustrated through a series of interconnected devices, cloud applications, and a network of lines. The design is visually engaging and provides a clear representation of a complex and challenging situation. It is a good "Product UI Howto Video" because it uses a combination of colorful illustrations and graphics to visually explain the problem. The design style gives the video a professional feel and highlights the key features of the product.

The use of contrasting colors and visually appealing graphics effectively demonstrates the complexities of traditional security solutions. The video style uses a tone that is both informative and reassuring, highlighting the need for a more holistic approach to security. It emphasizes the challenge of protecting a diverse and dynamic network, offering a solution that simplifies the process and eliminates security gaps. This approach helps viewers understand the benefits of using Planning in a Box and inspires them to learn more about the product.

2. 360Learning

360Learning is a learning management system. The video is designed to show the negative impact of compliance training that is just a box-checking exercise.

Video Design - The video uses a Tech Platform UI Walkthrough Tour Video design style, with graphics and elements that are consistent with the look and feel of a tech product. The graphics are crisp, clean, and modern. The color scheme is bright and engaging, using greens, yellows, and browns that are easy to read. The video uses a combination of static images, animations, and text to drive the point home.

The video's visual design helps to communicate the objective of the video, which is to show that compliance training can be dread-inducing and can lead to negative results for businesses. The video's tone is serious and informative, but also playful and engaging, which helps to make the message more relatable. The video uses simple graphics and animations to illustrate the problem and the solution. It uses a straightforward, easy-to-understand tone to keep viewers engaged and focused on the content.

3. Papertrail

Papertrail is a safety management software that aims to minimize risks and ensure compliance for businesses. This video is designed to show how the software can help overcome these challenges.

Video Design - The video uses animated graphics and a light, playful tone that's very much in line with the brand. Papertrail uses simple cartoon-like characters in the video to depict the safety process. The clean visuals, simple animations and the green color scheme throughout the video create a strong brand identity. The video has an easy-to-follow, Technology Product UI Walkthrough Tour Video style.

The video uses clear visual metaphors, like the falling paperwork, to illustrate the problems faced by businesses that don’t have a robust safety management system. It then highlights the solution, Papertrail, by showing how the software allows them to easily track safety procedures, which leads to positive results. The video ends with a positive message emphasizing how Papertrail can help businesses avoid the dangers of non-compliance. The video's optimistic tone, simple graphics and visual metaphors help explain the benefits of Papertrail to businesses of all sizes.

4. Aircove

Aircove is a new type of router that has built-in VPN technology. The video is designed to show how Aircove protects all devices on your network with VPN security.

Video Design - This is a UI Walkthrough Video that uses animated graphics to demonstrate how Aircove works. The video uses a clean, minimalist style. The animation is simple but effective, and it's easy to follow the flow of data through the secure tunnel. The graphics are clear and easy to understand, which makes it a great video for explaining a complex topic.

Aircove utilizes clean, bright colors, and an engaging visual style. The animation style is engaging and easy to understand. The video makes use of a simple and friendly tone of voice to emphasize that Aircove provides strong security for all of your devices, making online activity private and secure.

5. Elaad

Elaad is a company that creates charging solutions for electric vehicles. The goal of the video is to explain what three phase charging is and its benefits. The video is designed to educate potential customers about Elaad's three phase charging solution and how it can benefit them.

Video Design - The video uses a simple and engaging animated style, and the use of bright colors makes it easier for the viewer to understand. This particular video is a good example of an UI Walkthrough Video. The video starts by showing a person thinking about how to charge their car faster. It then uses simple animation to explain the basic concepts of electricity and three-phase power. The video also uses a friendly and conversational tone to explain complex topics in a way that is easy to understand.

This video uses a friendly and easy-to-understand style, which is effective for a wider audience. The animated style explains the benefits of three-phase charging in an engaging and concise manner. The video uses simple explanations and animations to illustrate three-phase power, which helps to capture the viewer's attention and helps them understand the concept easily. The bright colors and clean design of the video make it visually appealing and enhance the information being presented.

6. Strata

Strata is a cybersecurity company that provides virtual firewall solutions. This video is designed to highlight Strata's new flexible consumption model for security, emphasizing the speed and agility it offers for cloud deployments.

Video Design - This video uses a modern animated design with a minimalist style and simple, engaging graphics. It begins with a straightforward illustration of a cloud environment showing how compute and storage resources are allocated. As the video progresses, we see how security is being added to this cloud environment, and this is where the visual design highlights the benefits of Strata's solution. The graphics are clean, vibrant, and easily understood. The use of contrasting colors for compute, storage, and security elements makes them stand out. This is a great example of an Enterprise Application UI Demo Video.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the message of speed, agility, and flexibility. It does this by using clean, simple animations and a modern, minimalist color palette. The video narrative highlights the benefits of Strata's consumption model, emphasizing the ease of deployment and scalability it offers. The tone of the video is upbeat and confident, which creates a positive feeling for potential customers.

7. Capital One

Capital One Business provides a way for businesses to pay vendors using their business account. The video is designed to demonstrate how this new feature saves time and makes it easy to pay vendors.

Video Design - This video uses a simple animated design, consisting of a limited color palette and bright, easily digestible visuals that emphasize the benefits of the new feature. This makes it a good Product UI Onboarding Video since the video focuses on demonstrating how the product works by showing the steps taken in the account. This is presented in the video using easy to understand illustrations, that help connect the narrative of the video with the actual use of the product.

The visual style of the video communicates the objective of the video by employing bright colors and simple visuals to appeal to a broad audience. This approach ensures that the tone of the video is friendly and inviting. It makes the process of using Capital One's new feature seem straightforward and easy to use. The video is not simply a promotional piece, but it provides a step by step visual demonstration of the new feature, helping the viewer understand its functionality.

8. StayWell

StayWell is a health empowerment company that uses the science of behavior change to help people live healthier lives. The video is designed to highlight the importance of StayWell solutions in helping reduce workplace stress by creating something for you.

Video Design - The StayWell video is a Tech Platform UI Walkthrough Tour Video. It uses simplified illustrations, bright colors, and a clean, modern aesthetic. Animated text highlights key takeaways and is complemented by a simple yet powerful animation of a light bulb. The graphic design communicates the core message of StayWell solutions helping to illuminate the path to better health.

The video effectively communicates the objective of reducing stress and using StayWell solutions to improve health. It does this by showcasing the challenges people face in the healthcare space, especially workplace stress. StayWell is portrayed as a beacon of hope, offering innovative solutions to combat these issues. The tone of the video is optimistic and reassuring, promoting StayWell's expertise in health empowerment and its commitment to helping people overcome workplace challenges.

9. Atlassian

Atlassian Confluence Cloud is a collaboration tool for teams to work together and share information. The video is designed to show new users how to navigate the interface and use its features.

Video Design - The video uses a simple, clean aesthetic. It showcases the product's user interface with animated elements and graphics to enhance visual appeal. The video emphasizes a modern and inviting design. It is a good UI Walkthrough Video because it uses visual cues, animations, and close-ups to highlight specific interface elements.

The video visual style uses bright colors and clear visuals to communicate its message. It uses a friendly and welcoming tone, creating a positive experience for viewers. This effectively encourages users to explore Confluence Cloud and its potential. The video clearly shows the benefits of the product, highlighting the features that matter most to users. The video engaging content and clean visual design work together to drive the message and encourage viewers to learn more about the product.

10. Olive

Olive is an AI workforce that helps automate administrative processes in healthcare. The video is designed to showcase how Olive's technology makes healthcare more efficient, affordable, and human.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and modern aesthetic, with a bright purple background and white text. This style is reminiscent of SaaS UI Overview Video. Animated white icons representing healthcare administrative tasks float across the screen, symbolizing the complex processes Olive aims to simplify. This style creates a sense of progress and efficiency, which aligns with Olive's value proposition.

The use of bright colors and bold text helps to capture the attention of viewers and convey the message that Olive's AI workforce can revolutionize healthcare. The animated icons and text also add visual interest and help to keep viewers engaged. The overall tone of the video is positive and optimistic, conveying the message that Olive's solution can improve the future of healthcare. The video uses visual design and messaging to highlight the benefits of Olive's AI workforce and communicates the message that Olive is a company that can help healthcare organizations achieve their goals.

11. Microsoft

This Microsoft video is designed to introduce the concept of Marketplace Rewards, which is a go-to-market support system for partners selling their products on the Microsoft commercial marketplace. The video emphasizes how Marketplace Rewards can accelerate business growth and close more deals, highlighting that partners who engage with this program sell five times more than those who don't participate.

Video Design - This SaaS UI Demo Video uses a clean and minimalist design style, employing a dark background with vibrant, contrasting color accents that highlight key graphics, and simple animation elements, such as an arrow moving across the screen. The video is designed to create a sense of momentum and progress by showcasing a continuous upward trend in the form of a line chart. The video also features sleek icons with subtle gradient fills, adding a modern touch to the overall look. These elements work together to create a visually engaging and easily digestible experience for the viewer.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the video's objective to highlight the potential for rapid growth through Marketplace Rewards. The use of clean lines and dynamic animations creates a sense of energy and possibility, mirroring the potential for expansion that the video aims to showcase. The color scheme of the video is both modern and appealing, while also reflecting a sense of trust and reliability, which are important for a SaaS platform like Microsoft Marketplace. The tone of the video is confident and optimistic, implying that partners can achieve significant success with the help of Marketplace Rewards. The video's visual approach successfully emphasizes the Value Proposition of the product, making it a compelling and engaging presentation for the target audience.

12. CareATC

CareATC empowers you to inspire healthier, happier employees and reduces your healthcare spend. This video is designed to introduce you to the company and their innovative solutions.

Video Design - The video utilizes simple, clean, and modern graphics. It is a classic example of a "Technology Product UI Walkthrough Tour Video" where the user experience is showcased, and how the company's technology can benefit employers. The color scheme is bright and inviting, reflecting a positive and optimistic approach to employee wellness. The graphics are well-designed and easy to understand, featuring a mix of colorful icons, data visualizations, and animated elements.

CareATC's focus on data-driven solutions is clear in the video. The use of graphs and charts illustrates the company's approach to population health management and how employers can use data to improve their workforce's health outcomes. This data-driven approach combined with a modern, approachable visual style effectively communicates the value of CareATC's solutions.

13. Rx EDGE

Rx EDGE's Solutions at the Shelf program provides an engaging channel to reach potential patients at the pharmacy, where healthcare is top of mind. The video is designed to showcase how this program educates and empowers patients to learn about prescription alternatives.

Video Design - This SaaS UI Demo Video features a clean and modern design, employing vibrant colors and simple graphics. A cartoon character navigates a pharmacy environment, highlighting the strategically placed dispensers. These graphics effectively convey the program's reach and impact, emphasizing the ease of finding relevant information.

The video's engaging visual style effectively communicates the program's objective. The use of bright and friendly colors conveys a positive tone, while the simple graphics and cartoon character add a touch of playfulness, making the information approachable and easy to understand. This lighthearted approach, combined with the impactful visuals, demonstrates Rx EDGE's commitment to empowering patients in their healthcare journey.

14. Axis Bank

Axis Bank is promoting its mobile banking app that allows customers to invest in mutual funds. The video is designed to encourage viewers to explore the various mutual fund options available on the app.

Video Design -
The video design style is a UI Walkthrough Video, featuring simple, clean graphics, emphasizing the ease of use of the Axis Bank mobile app. The video utilizes a minimalist design aesthetic with white backgrounds and clean lines to showcase the app interface. Animations highlight the steps required for investing in mutual funds, such as selecting the investment option and clicking on the "Start SIP" or "Invest Lump Sum" button. The design is clean and straightforward, making the investment process look simple and accessible to a wide audience.

The minimalist design and intuitive animation communicate the ease and accessibility of investing through the Axis Bank app. The video tone is positive and encouraging, emphasizing the convenience and speed of the process. The video's visual style effectively drives the goal of encouraging viewers to utilize the Axis Bank mobile app to invest in mutual funds, highlighting the simplicity and accessibility of the process.

15. Comarch

Comarch is a company that helps organizations improve customer engagement through technological solutions. This video is designed to demonstrate the benefits of Comarch's tech platform for oil and gas companies, focusing on how it can better connect with customers.

Video Design - This UI Walkthrough Video is a visually engaging, animated video that uses simple graphics and minimal text to showcase the functionality of the Comarch platform. The colors are bright and eye-catching, and the animations are smooth and easy to follow. This approach helps users easily understand the features and benefits of the platform, making it a strong example of a "UI Walkthrough Video".

The visual design of the video is critical to its overall effectiveness. The use of simple, clear graphics, and bright colors, makes the video appealing and easy to understand, especially for those new to Comarch's platform. The animation of the platform's interface is straightforward and effective, showcasing its features and functionality without overwhelming the viewer. Comarch uses a friendly and informative tone, clearly communicating the value of its platform to potential customers.

16. Diligent

Diligent Community is a governance and civic engagement solution for public education boards. This video is designed to highlight the challenges boards face with traditional methods of managing their agenda and meeting processes.

Video Design - The video utilizes a minimalist visual style that emphasizes the complexity and potential pitfalls of traditional board management, highlighting the importance of a modern solution like Diligent Community. The video showcases the chaos and inefficiency of physical documents, color coded tabs, and multiple communication channels. It seamlessly transitions from real-world scenarios to digital representations, creating a "Product UI Video" that effectively conveys the value proposition of Diligent Community.

The use of quick cuts and a fast-paced editing style creates a sense of urgency and frustration, mimicking the experience of dealing with complex board management tasks. This highlights the need for a simpler and more efficient solution. The visual design of the video clearly communicates the benefits of Diligent Community by showcasing a streamlined and digitally integrated process that eliminates the complexities of traditional methods. The overall tone of the video is urgent, humorous, and relatable, appealing to a wide audience of board administrators and leaders facing similar challenges.

17. Instacart

Instacart is an online grocery delivery service that allows shoppers to connect with a community of other shoppers.

Video Design - This video is a bright and engaging UI Walkthrough Video, with minimal use of text and a focus on the visual elements. The video features a cartoon shopper in a grocery store, with other cartoon characters representing the online community of shoppers.

The video design is simple and clean, and uses a limited color palette that is consistent with the Instacart brand. The video is fast paced and the graphics are of high quality, creating a professional and appealing look. This combination of high quality design with a simplified visual narrative is what makes this a good UI Walkthrough Video. The overall tone of the video is inviting and encouraging, making it easy for shoppers to see how they can benefit from the Instacart community. The bright colors and upbeat music create a positive feeling and the message is conveyed clearly through the design and simplicity of the video.

18. Live Oak Bank

This video aims to guide aspiring business owners through the essential components of crafting a comprehensive business plan, emphasizing its significance as a roadmap to success and securing funding. It delves into key sections such as the executive summary, business description, market research, and marketing plan, providing valuable insights for entrepreneurs embarking on their ventures. This video is a good example of a UI Walkthrough Video, as it clearly explains the user interface of a business plan.

The video's design style effectively complements its educational purpose, employing a clean and minimalist aesthetic with a focus on line art and iconography. This approach ensures that the viewers' attention remains on the core message - understanding the critical elements of a business plan. The use of subtle animations and transitions further enhances engagement without distracting from the content. Software UI Overview Video often uses a similar design style to make the UI walkthrough more engaging.

The color palette is carefully chosen, with a predominance of white space and contrasting colors to highlight key points and data. In conclusion, the video's design style successfully balances aesthetics with functionality, creating an engaging and informative experience for viewers seeking guidance on developing a robust business plan. The minimalist approach, coupled with strategic use of color and animation, ensures that the content remains the focal point, effectively conveying the importance of each element in the business plan and empowering entrepreneurs to embark on their journey with confidence. This video serves as an excellent explainer video, providing a comprehensive walkthrough of the business plan creation process.

19. Siemens

Siemens is a leading healthcare technology company that specializes in providing medical imaging solutions. The company's video is designed to educate audiences on the benefits and applications of PET/CT scans.

Video Design - The video begins with a Siemens medical imaging device that smoothly transitions to a side-by-side comparison of PET and CT scans. The video then shows a colorful anatomical representation of a human body, showcasing the capabilities of PET/CT to identify and track metabolic activity. This "Enterprise Application UI Demo Video" uses simple graphics, animated transitions, and a clear visual style to effectively communicate the complex technology behind PET/CT scans.

The video's visual style uses a combination of clear, informative graphics and animated transitions, focusing on the specific features of the technology. The color palette is clean and professional, using a combination of white, black, and bright red to highlight key information. This approach ensures that the audience understands the visual elements and message being communicated. The video's overall tone is informative, educational, and engaging, drawing the viewers in by explaining the complex processes of PET/CT scans in an easy-to-understand manner. The clear graphics and visually-driven approach make this video an excellent example of a successful "Enterprise Application UI Demo Video".


LITEON showcases the benefits of smart mobility solutions in this video. The video is designed to explain the challenges of rapid urbanization and how LITEON is a key part of the solution.

Video Design - The video has a very clean and modern design. It utilizes a combination of simple graphics, bright colours, and engaging animations. The use of flat design, isometric views, and simple animations make it a very good "UI Walkthrough Video" that highlights how the smart city initiatives can transform daily life. The video is set to upbeat music to evoke a sense of optimism about the future and the possibility of a more sustainable, equitable, and efficient urban life.

This "UI Walkthrough Video" effectively highlights the challenges of a growing urban population and the need for sustainable solutions. The use of bright colors and animation helps the viewer quickly grasp the issues associated with urbanization and the potential benefits of smart mobility. The video successfully conveys a sense of optimism and possibility for the future of smart cities and the role LITEON plays in realizing these goals. The use of animated illustrations allows the video to explore complex concepts, like the impact of transportation on urban environments and the potential solutions, in a way that is both engaging and informative.

21. Western Digital

Western Digital is a leader in automotive storage, and their goal is to support features that monitor and provide the best user experience possible. This video is designed to show how Western Digital's tools and analysis methodologies architect the right solutions for current and future workloads.

Video Design - The video is a UI Walkthrough Video. The video uses simple, clear graphics, animation, and bold typography. The use of color and animation engages the viewer and makes the information easy to understand. The simple animation and minimalist design allow the video to stand out while keeping the viewer engaged.

The video utilizes a clean and modern design style to communicate the message of the video. Western Digital's brand is associated with reliability, durability, and quality, and this style reflects those values. The video's design elements such as the clean layout, bright colors, and simple animations convey the information clearly and efficiently, which enhances the overall experience and leaves the viewer with a positive and trustworthy impression of Western Digital. The video's clear and concise tone makes the information accessible to a wide audience and makes the complex topic of automotive storage easy to comprehend.

22. VISA

VISA Faster Payments Gateway is a solution that allows users to send and receive faster payments through a single connection. The video is designed to demonstrate the value of this solution and how it can benefit various customers.

Video Design - This Technology Product UI Demo Video uses an animated style with line art, bold colors, and simple, clear graphics. The video highlights the key features of the VISA Faster Payments Gateway, including the ability to make fast payments and receive money near real-time. The graphics are clean and simple, making the information easy to understand.

The video effectively communicates the benefits of the product using clear and concise visuals. The use of line art and bold colors helps to simplify complex concepts. The tone of the video is professional and optimistic, conveying the value of the product to a wide audience. The visual style of the video reflects the brand's commitment to innovation and simplicity. The animated style is a good way to engage viewers and communicate the benefits of the product. This design is visually engaging and effectively conveys the brand's value proposition.

23. Hotjar

Hotjar is a user feedback and analytics tool that helps businesses improve their user experience. This video is designed to introduce users to Hotjar's dashboard, which provides a quick overview of user metrics.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and simple design style with bold text and bright colors that are consistent with Hotjar's branding. The video uses a combination of animated graphics and screen recordings to illustrate how the dashboard works, making it an effective App UI Demo Video. This video is a great example of how visual design can help communicate the functionality of a software application.

The visual style of the video emphasizes the key features and benefits of the dashboard. The clean, modern design creates a sense of ease and clarity for users. The use of animation adds a touch of playfulness while simultaneously emphasizing the ease of use of Hotjar's dashboard. The overall tone of the video is informative and engaging, which makes it an effective tool for promoting Hotjar's product.

24. Amazon

This video is designed to showcase the Medtronic Space-D distractor, compressor, and retractor system.

Video Design - The video is an Animated UI Walkthrough Video that utilizes a vibrant blue background. The animation style is clean and simple, featuring minimal transitions and a clear, concise presentation. The product is shown in three-dimensional form, with details highlighted in white and blue color schemes. The graphic design features high-quality, detailed renderings of the product, focusing on the key features of the system.

The video highlights the product's key features, demonstrating their functionality in a simple and easy-to-understand way. The tone of the video is informative and engaging, appealing to medical professionals and those interested in learning about this advanced technology. By showcasing the system's features and emphasizing its efficiency and ease of use, the video effectively communicates the product's benefits, encouraging viewers to explore further.

25. Back Market

Back Market is a global marketplace selling refurbished tech. The video is designed to promote Back Market as a more sustainable alternative to buying new phones.

Video Design - This video uses minimal graphic design with a focus on clean typography. It is a "Enterprise Application UI Walkthrough Tour Video" that uses a clean, modern style. The video uses animation and visual transitions to guide the viewer through the message, highlighting the phone itself in a black background with a green accent color. The text is centered on screen, white on black, which makes it easy to read. The text and animation elements move smoothly, drawing the viewer's attention to each new message. The video uses a clear and consistent visual style, with well-designed visuals and smooth transitions.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the message of sustainability and the importance of choosing refurbished products. The video's tone is bold and optimistic, suggesting that a better, more sustainable future is possible with Back Market. The narrative is straightforward, highlighting the environmental impact of e-waste and promoting Back Market's solution. The overall design of the video is clean and minimalist, aligning with the brand's image and the message of sustainability. The video effectively drives home the key takeaway of choosing Back Market as a sustainable solution for phones.

26. CombiSave

CombiSave is a company that develops innovative water-saving valves for combi boilers. The goal of this video is to illustrate how a CombiSave valve can reduce wasted water and energy, ultimately saving money on energy bills.

Video Design -
The video uses a combination of simple, clean animations and concise text to explain how the CombiSave valve works. The graphics are high-quality and visually appealing, which makes this a good "Software UI Demo Video". It focuses on showcasing the benefits of the valve in a clear and straightforward manner.

This video successfully communicates the objective of reducing wasted water and energy. By using a straightforward, easy-to-understand animation style and highlighting the time wasted waiting for hot water, CombiSave creates a compelling narrative that emphasizes the value of their product. The overall tone of the video is informative and reassuring, building trust in the CombiSave brand and its commitment to helping customers save money and be more environmentally responsible.

27. Alation

Alation is a data catalog solution that helps businesses organize and manage their data. This video is designed to show how Alation is the "greatest of all time" by highlighting its accomplishments and industry recognition.

Video Design - The video uses a bold and energetic design style. It incorporates silhouetted images of athletes in action, and pairs them with text highlighting Alation's achievements. The use of contrasting colors like blue and orange and bold fonts give the video a vibrant feel. This design style is particularly effective for a SaaS UI Walkthrough Tour Video, as it clearly communicates Alation's market position and its value proposition to viewers.

The video's design effectively communicates its objective. The use of sporting imagery and language creates a sense of excitement and competition. This tone emphasizes the idea that Alation is the leader in its field. The clear and concise presentation of facts and figures further emphasizes Alation's competitive advantage, making the video engaging and persuasive.

28. ManageEngine

ManageEngine is a company that provides software solutions for IT management and security. This particular video is designed to introduce a new solution called Endpoint Central that helps manage a wide range of endpoints, like desktops, laptops, servers, mobiles, and IoT devices.

Video Design - The video utilizes a clean, minimalist style, which emphasizes the key messages and features of Endpoint Central. It features a "UI Explainer Video" style with clear, concise graphics and a bright, modern color palette. The video shows animated characters in an office setting with speech bubbles that highlight different challenges IT admins face. The graphic design is well-executed, with simple shapes and clean lines.

The video effectively conveys the message of Endpoint Central by showcasing the challenges IT admins face in a relatable and engaging way. The animated graphics and minimalist style make the information accessible, while the bright colors and upbeat tone maintain viewer engagement. The video concludes by emphasizing how Endpoint Central simplifies the process of managing and securing a wide range of endpoints. This helps IT admins focus on the bigger picture and have a positive impact on their organization.

29. NICE

This video is designed to introduce NICE True to Interval Analytics. The video attempts to explain that NICE True to Interval Analytics helps improve forecasted staff requirements and boost efficiency by using interval data.

Video Design - This UI Walkthrough Video effectively communicates the capabilities of NICE TTI Analytics through a minimalist graphic style and clear, simple animation. The video dark green background helps to highlight the light-toned graphics and text. The video uses a mix of colorful geometric shapes, illustrations, and images to create a visually engaging experience. This style also makes the video appropriate for the target audience, which is likely in the business sector.

The use of colorful, clean, geometric graphics, along with images, and short, sharp text, creates a contemporary, minimalist visual style for this "UI Walkthrough Video". The simplicity of the visual design allows for the key messages to be conveyed in a clear, concise, and easy-to-understand manner, making this a very effective video for communicating the product's core features. The video uses animation to help visualize the benefits of NICE TTI Analytics, as well as to further simplify the message and drive home its key benefits. The video tone is upbeat and informative, promoting NICE TTI Analytics and its ability to help companies improve their customer service, and overall work efficiency.

30. Google Ui Walkthrough Video

Google makes it easy for business owners to manage their Business Profile directly on Google Search and Maps. This video is designed to illustrate the simplicity of this process.

Video Design - The video utilizes a Tech Platform UI Walkthrough Tour Video style. The use of animation and a clean, minimalist aesthetic allows for a seamless visual experience. The visuals are clear and consistent, showcasing the user interface in a concise and easy-to-understand manner. This format is crucial for demonstrating how users can easily interact with the Google Business Profile platform.

The video's design effectively conveys the message that managing a business profile on Google is straightforward and accessible. The visuals are clean and uncluttered, promoting a sense of ease and confidence. The tone of the video is informative, guiding users through the process without being overwhelming. This visual style is well suited to the video purpose, which is to encourage business owners to take advantage of the benefits of managing their profile on Google.

Key Takeaways


Enhance User Experience

Navigating the digital world can be daunting for users, especially when faced with unfamiliar interfaces. UI walkthrough videos act as a bridge, guiding users through the complexities of a product or service with clarity and ease. Imagine a virtual hand holding yours, demonstrating each step and interaction, making the experience intuitive and enjoyable.

  • By visually showcasing the product's functionality, these videos eliminate the guesswork, reducing user frustration and fostering a sense of accomplishment.

  • Moreover, UI walkthrough videos can be tailored to specific user segments, addressing their unique needs and pain points. This personalized approach ensures that each user receives relevant guidance, maximizing their understanding and satisfaction.

  • By empowering users to confidently navigate and utilize the product, UI walkthrough videos contribute to increased engagement, reduced support inquiries, and a more positive overall user experience.

Effective Walkthrough Challenges

Creating UI walkthrough videos that truly resonate with users requires a delicate balance of creativity and technical expertise. It's like crafting a compelling story, where every visual element and narrative choice contributes to a seamless and engaging experience.

  • One of the primary challenges lies in finding the sweet spot between conciseness and comprehensiveness. The video needs to convey essential information without overwhelming the viewer, maintaining a brisk pace while ensuring clarity.

  • Equally important is the visual appeal and clarity of the video. High-quality visuals, coupled with a well-structured narrative, are crucial for capturing and retaining user attention.

  • Additionally, maintaining consistency with the product's branding and tone of voice is paramount. The video should seamlessly integrate with the overall user experience, reinforcing brand identity and fostering a sense of familiarity.

UI Walkthrough Calls To Action

UI walkthrough videos, beyond their educational value, present a valuable opportunity to guide users towards specific actions, enhancing their engagement and driving conversions. Think of these calls to action as gentle nudges, encouraging users to explore further and derive maximum value from the product or service.

  • A common and effective CTA is to encourage users to delve deeper into specific features or functionalities highlighted in the video. This could involve prompting them to click on a link, access a particular section within the product, or explore related resources.

  • For new users, a compelling CTA might be to sign up for a free trial or demo, providing them with a risk-free opportunity to experience the product firsthand.

  • Existing users, on the other hand, can be encouraged to upgrade their subscription, access premium features, or explore advanced functionalities that enhance their experience.

Accessible Walkthrough Best Practices

In today's digital landscape, inclusivity is paramount. Creating UI walkthrough videos that are accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities, is not just good practice, it's essential for reaching a wider audience and fostering a sense of belonging.

  • Incorporating closed captions or subtitles is crucial for users with hearing impairments, allowing them to follow the video content with ease.

  • Providing transcripts of the video offers an alternative format for users who prefer to read the content at their own pace or require offline access.

  • For users with visual impairments, using high-contrast colors and clear visual cues enhances readability and ensures a comfortable viewing experience.

Brand Storytelling Through Videos

UI walkthrough videos, beyond their functional purpose, offer a unique platform to weave in brand storytelling, transforming a simple product demonstration into a captivating narrative that resonates with viewers on an emotional level.

  • Imagine using animation or motion graphics to bring the brand's personality and values to life, infusing the video with a sense of whimsy and delight.

  • Incorporating real-life customer testimonials or case studies adds a human touch, showcasing the positive impact of the product or service on individuals and businesses.

  • Another creative approach is to offer behind-the-scenes glimpses into the company culture, fostering a sense of transparency and connection with the people behind the product.

Successful Walkthrough Examples

Successful UI walkthrough videos often serve as benchmarks, inspiring us with their ability to engage viewers and effectively communicate product features. These videos demonstrate the power of combining clear communication with creative storytelling, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

  • One notable example is the "Airbnb: How to Book a Trip" video, which masterfully guides users through the booking process using clear visuals and concise explanations. The video's simplicity and clarity make it easy for viewers to follow along and feel confident in their ability to use the platform.

  • Another effective example is the "Slack: Getting Started" video, which injects humor and animation into the onboarding process, making it engaging and memorable. By using relatable scenarios and a lighthearted tone, the video effectively demystifies the platform and encourages users to explore its features.

User Research Through Videos

UI walkthrough videos, beyond their role in user education, can serve as valuable tools for conducting user research and uncovering insights that drive product improvement. Think of these videos as a window into the user's perspective, revealing their pain points, preferences, and areas of confusion.

  • By observing how users interact with the product during a walkthrough video, you gain valuable insights into their behavior and decision-making process. This observational data can be instrumental in identifying areas where the user interface may be causing friction or where features are not being utilized as intended.

  • Furthermore, UI walkthrough videos can be followed up with targeted surveys or feedback forms, allowing you to gather direct input from users about their experience. This qualitative data provides valuable context and helps prioritize areas for improvement.

Community Engagement Through Videos

UI walkthrough videos can be instrumental in cultivating a thriving user community, transforming passive viewers into active participants who feel connected to the brand and each other. These videos can act as catalysts for conversation, collaboration, and shared learning.

  • Consider creating videos that not only educate but also entertain and inspire, sparking discussions and encouraging users to share their own experiences and insights.

  • Highlighting user-generated content, such as reviews, testimonials, and even user-created walkthrough videos, can foster a sense of community ownership and encourage participation.

  • By creating a dedicated space for users to connect, share their knowledge, and learn from each other, you can build a loyal and engaged community around your product or service.

Track KPIs Through Videos

In the realm of marketing, data is king. UI walkthrough videos, when integrated with analytics platforms, provide valuable insights into user behavior and campaign effectiveness, allowing you to measure ROI and make data-driven decisions.

  • By tracking metrics such as video views, engagement rates (likes, shares, comments), and conversion rates (sign-ups, purchases), you gain a clear understanding of how well your videos are resonating with the target audience.

  • This data allows you to identify which videos are most effective at driving conversions, optimize your marketing campaigns, and allocate your budget more efficiently.

  • Furthermore, you can track the performance of UI walkthrough videos across different marketing channels, such as social media, email, and paid advertising, to determine which channels are most effective at reaching your target audience.

A/B Testing Through Videos

A/B testing is a cornerstone of UI/UX design, allowing you to compare different design variations and determine which performs best. UI walkthrough videos provide a unique opportunity to conduct A/B testing in a controlled environment, gathering valuable user feedback on different UI designs.

  • Imagine creating two versions of a walkthrough video, each showcasing a different UI design. By presenting these videos to separate user groups, you can track their engagement, completion rates, and feedback on each design.

  • This data allows you to identify which UI design resonates better with your target audience, providing insights into their preferences and pain points.

  • By incorporating user feedback into your design iterations, you can create a UI that is both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional, leading to a more positive user experience.

Marketing Campaigns Through Videos

UI walkthrough videos, when strategically integrated into marketing campaigns, can significantly amplify brand awareness and drive conversions. These videos act as powerful storytelling tools, showcasing the Value Proposition of your product or service in an engaging and memorable way.

  • Consider incorporating UI walkthrough videos into your social media campaigns, leveraging the power of visual platforms to capture attention and spark curiosity.

  • Email marketing campaigns can benefit from embedded UI walkthrough videos, providing subscribers with a compelling visual experience that encourages them to learn more.

  • Even your website landing pages can be enhanced with strategically placed UI walkthrough videos, captivating visitors and guiding them towards conversion points.

User Generated Content Through Videos

User-generated content (UGC) is a testament to the power of community and authenticity. UI walkthrough videos can be leveraged to encourage UGC, empowering users to share their experiences, insights, and creativity with the community.

  • Launching a contest or challenge centered around creating UI walkthrough videos can be a fun and engaging way to incentivize UGC and tap into the diverse perspectives of your user base.

  • Providing users with the necessary tools and resources, such as screen recording software or editing tutorials, can empower them to create high-quality videos that showcase their expertise.

  • Recognizing and rewarding user-generated content, whether through social media shoutouts, featuring it on your website, or offering exclusive perks, can foster a sense of community ownership and encourage continued participation.


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Author at advids
I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!