Video Creation Service

30 Compelling Platform Introduction Video Examples To Elevate Your Marketing Campaign

Last updated
Jul. 01, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of modern marketing, capturing attention and conveying value effectively is paramount. Brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage their target audience and stand out amidst the noise. Platform introduction videos have emerged as a powerful tool to achieve these goals, offering a compelling medium to showcase your brand, product, or service in a concise and engaging manner.

The challenge lies in creating platform introduction videos that are not only informative but also captivating and memorable. With attention spans dwindling, it's crucial to hook viewers from the first few seconds and maintain their interest throughout the video. This requires a strategic approach, encompassing storytelling, visual aesthetics, and a clear understanding of your target audience.

Platform introduction videos find application across a wide spectrum of scenarios, from onboarding new users to showcasing product features and updates. For instance, a software company launching a new platform can utilize a video to demonstrate its functionality and benefits, guiding users through the interface and highlighting key features. Similarly, a financial services firm can create a video to introduce its online investment platform, explaining the account opening process, investment options, and security measures.

The versatility of platform introduction videos extends beyond digital products and services. A retail brand opening a new e-commerce store can leverage a video to showcase the shopping experience, highlighting product categories, payment options, and delivery processes. Educational institutions can utilize videos to introduce their online learning platforms, providing an overview of course offerings, faculty, and student support services.

The possibilities are endless, and the impact of a well-crafted platform introduction video can be substantial. From driving user engagement and adoption to boosting brand awareness and conversions, these videos play a pivotal role in modern marketing strategies. So, let's dive in and explore 30 compelling examples that will inspire you to elevate your marketing campaign.

1. OpenText

This Platform Promo Intro video stresses the urgent need for organizations to identify and address advanced ransomware threats before they inflict substantial financial or reputational harm. It underscores the difficulties encountered by many organizations lacking the essential technology to effectively combat these threats. This introduction to the platform emphasizes the value proposition of OpenText MxDR.

The Platform Software Introduction video's design style effectively utilizes clear and concise visuals to convey complex information about ransomware threats and the solutions offered by OpenText Managed Extended Detection and Response (MxDR). The use of icons, diagrams, and animations helps to illustrate key concepts such as threat detection, data security, and cloud-based protection. This introduction to the platform leverages visuals to make complex information easy to understand.

By combining informative visuals with a clear and concise message, the video successfully demonstrates the value proposition of OpenText MxDR as a comprehensive solution for protecting businesses of all sizes from ransomware attacks. The video's design style effectively engages viewers and leaves them with a clear understanding of how OpenText MxDR can help organizations mitigate ransomware risks and safeguard their valuable data and reputation. This platform introduction effectively communicates the value of OpenText MxDR.

2. GoCardless

gocardless makes it easy to collect direct debit payments from customers worldwide, even for one-off or variable amounts. this video is a platform walkthrough introduction to gocardless.

gocardless direct debit payments are highlighted using 3d shapes with smooth edges and a neon color palette. this abstract design style provides a modern and engaging backdrop for showcasing the product's ability to simplify complex financial transactions.

the video effectively uses design to communicate the ease and efficiency of gocardless for businesses seeking a streamlined payment solution. this serves as a platform introduction to gocardless.

3. Bandwidth

The video showcases bandwidth's cloud communications software and services, highlighting their expertise in voice calling, text messaging, and emergency services. As a pioneer in the cloud communications revolution, bandwidth stands out as the first and only global Communications Platform-as-a-Service (CPaaS) provider to offer a unique blend of composable APIs, an owner-operated network, and extensive regulatory experience. This Platform Introduction Video effectively introduces the platform and its capabilities.

The video effectively employs screen recordings of the bandwidth dashboard, showcasing its user-friendly interface and intuitive design. Visual representations of global connectivity and secure communication networks further emphasize bandwidth's capabilities as a reliable and comprehensive CPaaS solution. The video's style seamlessly integrates these elements, creating a visually engaging experience that effectively communicates the value proposition of bandwidth's cloud communications services. This serves as an excellent Platform Software Introduction.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully captures the essence of bandwidth's offerings. The use of screen recordings, along with symbolic imagery, effectively demonstrates the platform's functionality and its impact on businesses seeking reliable and scalable cloud communication solutions. This introduction to the platform is both informative and engaging.

4. CAT

Cat remote fleet vision is a health and operations monitoring service that provides data to help improve efficiency, reduce risk, and minimize downtime. Users can choose the features that best fit their goals and have the data at their fingertips. This serves as a great platform introduction explainer.

The video uses a dark background with bright yellow accents to highlight key information and create a sense of urgency. The 3d animations are simple and effective, and they help to explain the complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. The use of data visualizations is also effective in communicating the value of the service. This is a good platform walkthrough introduction to showcase the platform.

The video does a great job of highlighting the benefits of cat remote fleet vision. The use of dark background and bright yellow color scheme creates a sense of sophistication and urgency, while the 3d animations and data visualizations help to explain the complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. Overall, the video is well-designed and effective in communicating the value of cat remote fleet vision. The use of color, animation, and data visualization is all very effective, and the video does a great job of highlighting the benefits of the service. This is a good introduction to the platform.

5. PacketLight

PacketLight networks offers cutting-edge dwdm and otn equipment for data, storage, voice, and video transmission across data center interconnect, metro, and long-haul fiber optic networks. Their comprehensive optical layer transport solutions encompass muxponders, transponders, roadm, optical amplifiers, and fiber diagnostic tools, with optional embedded layer-1 optical encryption for secure data transfer. This serves as a Platform Solution Introduction to their offerings.

The video effectively showcases packetlight's expertise in optical networking solutions through its sleek and modern design. The use of dark backgrounds with vibrant accents creates a visually appealing contrast, drawing attention to key information and product features. High-quality 3d animations and graphics illustrate complex concepts such as data center interconnect and optical network expansion, making them easily understandable for viewers. This Platform Introduction is visually engaging and informative.

By combining informative visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully conveys the value proposition of packetlight's dwdm and otn equipment. The emphasis on data security, network scalability, and efficient data transport resonates with potential customers seeking reliable and advanced optical networking solutions. Overall, the video's design style effectively complements its technical content, creating a compelling and informative experience for viewers interested in packetlight's offerings. This serves as a strong Platform Introduction to their capabilities.

6. ManageEngine

In today's digital landscape, cyberattacks have become increasingly sophisticated, posing significant threats to organizations of all sizes. To effectively combat these evolving threats, organizations require robust User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) solutions. These solutions leverage the power of machine learning algorithms and advanced analytics to establish baselines of normal behavior for both users and entities within an organization's network.

This Platform Technology Intro video's visual style effectively complements its message by employing a clean and minimalist aesthetic. The use of simple shapes, flat colors, and clear typography enhances the readability and comprehension of complex concepts such as anomaly detection, risk scoring, and insider threats. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding the viewer through the core functionalities of a UEBA solution. The video's color palette is carefully chosen, with a predominance of cool blues and whites, creating a sense of trust and security.

By combining informative visuals with concise explanations, the Platform Introduction video effectively demonstrates how UEBA solutions can empower organizations to proactively identify and mitigate potential security risks. The clear and engaging presentation style ensures that viewers grasp the essential value proposition of UEBA technology in safeguarding against modern cyber threats.


The video provides a concise overview of the integration between CXone Feedback Management and CXone Chat, showcasing its capabilities and advantages. The integration aims to enhance customer experience by streamlining feedback collection and chat interactions. This video serves as a Platform Software Introduction to the CXone platform.

The design style effectively employs screen recordings and animated overlays to visually demonstrate the integration's functionality. Clear and concise text annotations highlight key features, such as the ability to trigger surveys within chat conversations and display customer satisfaction metrics. The use of vibrant colors and smooth transitions maintains viewer engagement while ensuring the information is easily digestible.

By combining screen recordings with animated overlays and annotations, the video effectively conveys the value proposition of the CXone integration. The design style strikes a balance between being informative and visually appealing, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video. This serves as an Introduction to the platform.

8. OpenText

The opentext digital process automation platform, opentext appworks, empowers businesses to automate business processes, enabling better decision-making and improving employee, partner and customer experiences. The low-code application development environment in appworks enables both business and technical users to rapidly build, iterate and deploy process-centric and case management applications that improve efficiency, optimize employee skills.

This platform introduction video utilizes a clean and modern design style with a focus on bold colors and simple shapes. this approach effectively highlights the key features and benefits of the opentext appworks platform. the use of icons and illustrations helps to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand.

The overall effect is a visually appealing and informative video that is well-suited for a product demo explainer. by combining a clear and concise message with a visually engaging design, the platform introduction video effectively captures the viewer's attention and communicates the value proposition of the opentext appworks platform. the use of animation and motion graphics helps to keep the viewer engaged, while the voiceover provides additional context and explanation. the video is an excellent example of how design can be used to effectively communicate complex information and promote a product or service.

9. ManageEngine

This video is a Platform Promo Intro for ManageEngine's IT management solutions, focusing on its ability to enable remote work for distributed workforces. It aims to demonstrate how the company's solutions can create a secure and efficient remote workspace experience for employees. This serves as a platform introduction to the company's offerings.

The video's design style effectively complements its purpose as a product demo explainer. The animation is clean and minimalist, with a focus on clear visuals and concise messaging. The use of simple shapes, flat colors, and uncluttered backgrounds ensures that viewers can easily follow the key points without distractions. The characters and scenarios are relatable to a wide audience, representing the diverse nature of remote work settings.

This approach allows the video to effectively communicate the value proposition of ManageEngine's IT management solutions for remote work enablement. This introduction to the platform effectively showcases its capabilities and benefits. In conclusion, the video's design style successfully supports its objective as a product demo explainer by prioritizing clarity, simplicity, and audience engagement. The animation style effectively conveys the message of how ManageEngine's solutions can empower remote workforces and create a secure and productive work environment.

10. YugabyteDB

This video introduces yugabyteDB, a distributed SQL database designed for mission-critical applications that are built and deployed differently than traditional monolithic databases.

Traditional monolithic databases can be slow, complex, not cloud-friendly, and require too many manual processes. The video uses a dark color palette with neon accents to illustrate the complexity and limitations of outdated databases. The sleek, modern design of the yugabyteDB logo and accompanying visuals effectively conveys the product's cloud-native approach and its ability to address the challenges posed by traditional databases.

The use of simple geometric shapes and clear typography makes the information easily digestible, while the animation and transitions keep the viewer engaged. This design style effectively highlights the key features and benefits of yugabyteDB, making it an excellent Platform Introduction Explainer video.

11. Wiget Media

Wiget media is a leading online advertising platform that offers a user-friendly self-serve panel, exceptional customer service, and exclusive ad inventory across various devices. Their platform empowers online campaigns by providing advertisers with the tools and resources they need to reach their target audience effectively.

The video's design style effectively complements its role as a Platform Walkthrough Introduction. The use of clean lines, minimalist shapes, and a cohesive color palette creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The subtle animations and transitions maintain viewer interest while ensuring the focus remains on the platform's key features and benefits. The clear and concise messaging, combined with the intuitive interface, effectively demonstrates the ease of use and efficiency of Wiget Media's advertising solutions.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully showcases Wiget Media's online advertising platform as a powerful and user-friendly solution for businesses seeking to enhance their online campaigns. The video's aesthetic appeal, combined with its informative content, effectively conveys the value proposition of Wiget Media's services, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

12. Hotjar

The video showcases hotjar's highlights feature, which allows users to capture and organize key moments from recordings and heatmaps. by creating collections of these insights, teams can collaborate, analyze data, and identify areas for improvement within their digital products. this video is a platform solution introduction and aims to demonstrate how hotjar empowers teams to make data-driven decisions and enhance user experiences.

the design style effectively complements the video's purpose as a product demo explainer. the clean and minimalist aesthetic ensures that viewers focus on the essential features and functionalities being presented. the use of bright colors and subtle animations draws attention to specific elements, such as user interactions and data points. this visual clarity, combined with concise explanations, makes it easy for viewers to grasp the value proposition of hotjar's highlights feature.

in conclusion, the video's design style successfully supports its role as a product demo explainer by prioritizing clarity and engagement. the minimalist approach, strategic use of color, and subtle animations effectively guide viewers through the features and benefits of hotjar's highlights, making it an informative and visually appealing platform introduction.

13. Trillium

Trillium DQ for big data maximizes the business value of big data with industry-leading data profiling and data quality powered by the scalability and performance you need with your largest data volumes to deliver trusted business applications.

This Platform Technology Intro video uses a clean and modern design style with a focus on data visualization. The use of simple shapes, lines, and icons helps to convey complex information in an easily digestible way. The animation is smooth and engaging, and the use of color is effective in highlighting key points.

The video does a great job of explaining the benefits of using Trillium DQ for big data, such as improved data quality, increased scalability, and enhanced performance. This serves as a great introduction to the platform.

14. AWS

This video, a perfect example of a platform software introduction, showcases AWS elastic beanstalk, a service that simplifies the deployment and scaling of web applications and services across various platforms like java, .net, php, node.js, python, ruby, go, and docker. it emphasizes the ease of use, allowing developers to upload their code and let elastic beanstalk handle the rest, including capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling, and application health monitoring. the video also highlights the flexibility and control users retain over the AWS resources powering their applications.

The design style effectively complements the video's purpose as a product demo explainer. the use of minimalist line art animations on a dark background creates a clean and modern aesthetic, allowing viewers to focus on the core message without distractions. the animation of technical elements like servers, code, and clouds visually reinforces the concepts of deployment, scaling, and cloud-based management. the color palette is also strategically chosen, with the bright orange of the cube representing the application standing out against the dark background, symbolizing the central role of elastic beanstalk in managing and optimizing application performance.

in conclusion, the video's design style effectively conveys the key features and benefits of AWS elastic beanstalk. the minimalist animation, clear visuals, and strategic use of color create an engaging and informative experience for viewers, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

15. Citrix

The video addresses the common challenge of providing secure access to contractors who require access to applications containing sensitive customer data. Centrally provisioned and enforced access control measures are crucial in today's business environment. The Platform Walkthrough Introduction highlights Citrix Secure Private Access as a solution to this challenge, emphasizing its ability to streamline and secure contractor access.

The video's design style effectively complements its message of secure access and streamlined contractor management. The use of bold colors and simple animation creates a visually engaging experience that is both informative and easy to follow. The animation style is clean and modern, with a focus on clarity and conciseness. This approach aligns perfectly with the product's value proposition of simplifying and securing access management. The Platform Walkthrough Introduction visuals effectively convey the message of control and security, reinforcing the benefits of using Citrix Secure Private Access for contractor access management.

In conclusion, the video's design style effectively supports its message by creating a visually appealing and informative experience. The use of animation, bold colors, and clear visuals enhances the viewer's understanding of the challenges associated with contractor access management and how Citrix Secure Private Access provides a comprehensive solution. This Platform Introduction serves as a great starting point for anyone looking to learn more about the platform.

16. Ecube Labs

Ecube labs is a company that provides smart waste management solutions using iot technology. their product line includes a solar-powered trash compacting bin called cleancube and a fill-level sensor called cleanflex. these devices collect data that is monitored on their online platform, cleancitynetworks. this allows cities and waste managers to optimize collection routes and minimize unnecessary pickups and overflowing waste bins.

This video is a platform introduction explainer that showcases the cleancitynetworks platform and its capabilities. it provides an overview of how the platform works and the benefits it offers to cities and waste managers. the video highlights the key features of cleancitynetworks, such as real-time monitoring, data analytics, and reporting tools.

The clean and simple design style with flat illustrations and bright colors makes it easy to understand the platform and its features. the use of animation helps to demonstrate the functionality of cleancitynetworks in a clear and engaging way. for example, the video shows how data is collected from the cleancube and cleanflex devices and how it is displayed on the platform.

17. 360Learning

This platform introduction video showcases the significance of effective onboarding in fostering employee retention and satisfaction, transforming new hires into productive members of the team.

The video's design style effectively employs vibrant colors, clean lines, and engaging data visualizations to convey the message. The use of growth curves and progress bars visually represents the journey from novice to expert, aligning perfectly with the video's core theme. By incorporating employee testimonials and showcasing the user-friendly interface of the 360Learning platform, the video establishes a strong connection with the audience and highlights the product's value proposition.

In conclusion, the video's design style seamlessly complements its message, creating a compelling narrative that underscores the importance of onboarding and positions 360Learning as a valuable tool for achieving employee success.

18. OpenText

This Platform Technology Intro video showcases how businesses can improve operational excellence and automate key business processes by integrating digital document processing solutions into their existing content management platforms.

At the start of the information lifecycle, documents are often received as images or paper, and manually validating these documents across multiple applications often causes delays. The Platform Technology Intro uses a clean and simple visual style with line art and a limited color palette to illustrate the challenges of managing unstructured content. This minimalist approach helps to focus the viewer's attention on the message and the solution being presented.

By highlighting the pain points of manual document processing and showcasing the benefits of OpenText cloud capture service, the Platform Technology Intro effectively communicates the value proposition of the product. The use of animation and screen recordings helps to make the solution easy to understand and visualize.

19. Monte Carlo

Data is the backbone of digital services, products, and decisions, but inaccurate data can lead to significant losses for companies. This problem, known as data downtime, occurs when data is missing, inaccurate, or erroneous, costing companies millions of dollars annually in wasted time and resources.

This Platform Promo Intro effectively highlights the issue of data downtime and its impact on businesses using a simple, engaging visual style. The animation employs a clean and modern aesthetic with bold colors and geometric shapes, making complex concepts like data observability easily digestible. This approach ensures that the message about the importance of reliable and trustworthy data is conveyed clearly and memorably.

By combining clear messaging with an appealing visual style, the video successfully educates viewers about the challenges of data downtime and presents data observability as a solution to deliver more reliable and trustworthy data. This serves as a compelling introduction to the platform.

20. Ateme

The video showcases ateme+, a saas solution designed to help businesses keep their audiences engaged both now and in the future. It emphasizes the platform's cloud-agnostic nature, offering an ever-growing suite of tools and features. This video serves as a compelling platform introduction video, effectively introducing the platform and its capabilities.

The video's design style effectively highlights these key aspects through its use of bold colors, simple shapes, and clean lines. The animation is smooth and engaging, with transitions that seamlessly guide the viewer through the different features and benefits of ateme+. The use of icons and minimal text ensures that the message is clear and concise, allowing viewers to quickly grasp the value proposition of the platform.

By combining a modern aesthetic with clear and concise messaging, the video effectively captures the essence of ateme+ as a cutting-edge, user-friendly solution for audience engagement. The design choices reinforce the platform's focus on efficiency, scalability, and future-proof technology, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving digital landscape. This platform solution introduction effectively showcases the platform's ability to address current and future audience engagement needs.

21. Comarch

The video explores the evolving landscape of the telecommunications industry, where the lines between b2b and b2c markets are becoming increasingly blurred. Telecommunications companies are facing the challenge of catering to a diverse range of customers with varying needs. The Platform Software Introduction emphasizes the importance of flexibility and agility in meeting these demands.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of vibrant colors, clean lines, and 3d elements creates a visually engaging experience. The animation seamlessly transitions between different scenes, illustrating the interconnectedness of various technologies and services. The Platform Introduction showcases a range of solutions, including iot connectivity, 5g networks, and cloud-based platforms, highlighting comarch's comprehensive approach to addressing the evolving needs of telecommunications providers.

In conclusion, the video's design style effectively conveys the message of adaptability and innovation in the telecommunications industry. The use of modern aesthetics and clear visuals enhances the viewer's understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by the blurring lines between b2b and b2c markets. The Introduction successfully positions comarch as a leading provider of telecommunications solutions, capable of meeting the diverse requirements of modern customers.

22. State Street

State Street explores the evolving landscape of ESG in their latest research, delving into its practical implications, its ongoing evolution, and what the future holds. The research examines how ESG has transitioned from its origins in public market investments to permeate the entire financial system, driven by the demands of investors, consumers, and the global workforce.

This Platform Walkthrough Introduction video's design style effectively complements its role as a product demo explainer. The use of bold colors and clean lines creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The animation is smooth and dynamic, keeping the viewer's attention focused on the key message. The visuals effectively illustrate complex concepts, such as the interconnectedness of ESG factors and the growth of sustainable investing. By employing a minimalist approach, the video ensures that the content remains the focal point, allowing viewers to easily grasp the essential information about State Street's ESG solutions.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully enhances its effectiveness as a product demo explainer. The combination of clear visuals, concise messaging, and a focus on ESG principles effectively communicates State Street's expertise in this domain. The video serves as a valuable resource for those seeking to understand the evolving ESG landscape and the solutions offered by State Street.

23. 1Password

1password business customers can connect 1password to leading identity providers, siem tools, two-factor authentication solutions, and developer tools to fill the gaps in their sign-on security model.
1password business integrations give it the visibility they need to secure every sign-in at any scale.

this video uses a clean and minimalist design style, with a focus on the 1password logo and its integration partners. the use of simple shapes and a limited color palette helps to keep the viewer's attention focused on the key message. the animation is smooth and fluid, and the transitions between scenes are seamless. this creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for the viewer.

the video's design style is effective in highlighting the product's key features and benefits. the use of animation and visual effects helps to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. the video also does a good job of creating a sense of urgency and excitement around the product. overall, the video is a well-executed example of a platform introduction explainer video.

24. AUMA

The video showcases the digital ecosystem of CORALINK, emphasizing its ability to enhance plant lifecycle phases and provide added value. This Platform Technology Intro delves into the fascinating world of this technology, offering viewers a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities and benefits. This serves as a compelling introduction to the platform.

The design style effectively employs 3D animation and visual effects to illustrate the intricate workings of CORALINK. The use of vibrant colors and sleek graphics creates a visually appealing experience, while the seamless transitions and dynamic camera angles maintain viewer engagement. Clear and concise text overlays provide additional context, ensuring that the key features and advantages of CORALINK are effectively communicated.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements its informative content, resulting in a compelling and engaging product demo explainer. The combination of captivating visuals and informative text effectively highlights the value proposition of CORALINK, leaving viewers with a clear understanding of its potential to optimize plant operations. This introduction successfully showcases the platform's capabilities.

25. EagleView

Connectexplorer is a powerful, lightweight web-based application that enables users to view and analyze pictometry imagery. This serves as a great platform introduction video showcasing its capabilities.

The video effectively showcases the capabilities of connectexplorer through its clean and modern design style. The use of bright colors and simple shapes creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. The animation is smooth and fluid, guiding the viewer's attention to key features and functionalities.

Clear and concise text overlays provide additional context and information, ensuring that viewers understand the benefits of using connectexplorer for viewing and analyzing pictometry imagery. Overall, the video's design style effectively highlights the product's user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities, making it an excellent product demo explainer video for connectexplorer. The combination of visuals, animation, and text creates a compelling narrative that effectively communicates the value proposition of the product.

26. Acronis

Service providers often rely on a complex patchwork of legacy backup and security solutions to meet their clients’ IT requirements. The problem is that solutions that were never designed to work together create gaps in your defenses, making management more difficult, and the combined cost is a financial drain.
With Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud, there is a better way. Built with MSPs in mind, it combines the best backup, AI-enhanced anti-malware, and protection management. This serves as a Platform Solution Introduction to showcase the platform's capabilities.

The video uses a modern and sleek design style that is perfect for a product demo explainer video. The use of 3D animation and motion graphics helps to bring the product to life and make it more engaging for viewers. This approach is particularly effective for a Platform Solution Introduction as it allows for a visually compelling introduction to the platform. The color scheme is also very effective, with the use of bright and contrasting colors to help highlight the key features of the product. The video also does a great job of using text and graphics to explain the product in a clear and concise way.

Overall, the design style of this video is very effective in helping to explain the product and its benefits. The use of 3D animation, motion graphics, and a bright color scheme helps to make the video more engaging and visually appealing. This makes it an ideal format for a Platform Solution Introduction as it can effectively capture the audience's attention and provide a memorable introduction to the platform. The video also does a great job of using text and graphics to explain the product in a clear and concise way.

27. PointClickCare

Harmony by pointclickcare is a product designed to assist case managers at acute-care facilities in making well-informed decisions for their patients upon discharge. The platform achieves this by providing real-time access to network data and ensuring transparent care coordination throughout each stage of the patient journey. This video serves as a Platform Software Introduction, offering a comprehensive overview of harmony's capabilities and benefits.

The video's design style effectively complements its role as a product demo explainer. The use of a vibrant green background creates a visually engaging and optimistic atmosphere, aligning with the healthcare industry's focus on well-being. Simple yet impactful visuals, such as icons representing medical services and healthcare facilities, enhance the clarity of the message. The animation style is clean and modern, with smooth transitions that guide the viewer through the patient journey and highlight the benefits of using harmony by pointclickcare.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully conveys the value proposition of harmony by pointclickcare as a solution for acute-care facilities. The combination of a visually appealing aesthetic, clear iconography, and concise animation effectively communicates the product's ability to empower case managers and improve patient care coordination. This Introduction to the platform aims to familiarize viewers with its core functionalities and advantages.

28. Rieter

essentialbasic is the starter module of essential rieter digital spinning suite and is available for all rieter customers as a digital solution. it includes solutions such as essentialorder, essentialexpertise and essentialconsult, enabling stakeholders, from mill owners to operators, to have an overview of the relevant information that is necessary for their daily tasks.

this platform promo intro cleverly uses a modern and sleek design aesthetic to showcase the key solutions offered by essentialbasic. the isometric illustrations, combined with the vibrant neon color scheme, create a visually engaging experience that effectively communicates the digital nature of the product. the use of animated transitions between different modules, such as essentialorder and essentialexpertise, allows for a clear and concise presentation of the product's features and benefits.

overall, the video's design style effectively highlights the innovative and user-friendly nature of essentialbasic, making it an excellent product demo explainer video. this serves as a good platform introduction to the product.


This video is a Platform Solution Introduction for TRIMIT Furniture, an ERP software and Ecommerce solution designed specifically for the furniture industry. It aims to help furniture businesses optimize their operations and achieve greater efficiency.

The video's design style effectively conveys the message of TRIMIT Furniture as a comprehensive solution for furniture businesses. The use of a circular diagram with icons representing different business functions, such as finance, sales, and logistics, visually demonstrates the software's ability to integrate and streamline various aspects of furniture operations. The clean and modern aesthetic, with a focus on white space and simple animations, ensures that the information is presented clearly and engagingly.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully highlights the key features and benefits of this Platform, making it an effective product demo explainer video for the furniture industry. The use of visuals, concise messaging, and a professional aesthetic effectively communicates the value proposition of the software and encourages viewers to learn more.

30. Signifyd

Signifyd's commerce protection platform safeguards businesses from fraud and empowers them with valuable insights. their advanced AI and machine learning technology analyzes online purchases, providing merchants with actionable data to optimize their operations. signifyd's extensive network recognizes a vast majority of online shoppers, ensuring a secure and efficient commerce environment. this serves as a compelling platform introduction for new users.

the video's design style effectively conveys the platform's capabilities and benefits. the use of vibrant colors, clean lines, and 3D elements creates a visually engaging experience. isometric illustrations and animations simplify complex concepts, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, making them easily understandable for viewers. the video's dynamic transitions and motion graphics maintain a captivating pace, keeping the audience engaged with signifyd's commerce protection solutions. this approach is particularly effective for a platform walkthrough, guiding users through the platform's features.

in conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements signifyd's message, effectively showcasing the platform's ability to protect businesses and provide valuable insights. the combination of clear visuals, concise messaging, and engaging animations creates a compelling experience that leaves a lasting impression on viewers. this makes it an ideal platform feature introduction, highlighting the value and usability of specific functionalities within the platform.

Key Takeaways

  • what is a platform introduction platform video?

  • a platform introductionplatform videois a concise and engaging video designed to introduce viewers to a new digital platform or software. it showcases the platform's key features, benefits, and user experience, aiming to generate interest and encourage adoption. think of it as a virtual tour guide, highlighting the platform's strengths and demonstrating its value proposition.
  • creating a platform introduction platform video: where to start?

  • starting with a clear plan is crucial for a successful platform introduction platform video. define your target audience: understand who you are trying to reach with your video. outline key features and benefits: focus on the most impactful aspects of your platform. choose a suitable video style: consider animation, live-action, or a combination. develop a compelling narrative: tell a story that resonates with your audience. plan a clear call to action: encourage viewers to explore the platform further.
  • platform introductionplatform videoingredients

  • a compelling platform introductionplatform videoblends several key ingredients: visual appeal: high-quality visuals, including screen recordings, animations, and graphics. clear and concise messaging: explain the platform's purpose andvalue propositionsuccinctly. engaging narrative: use storytelling techniques to connect with viewers emotionally. user-focused content: showcase how the platform solves user problems and improves their experience. strong call to action: encourage viewers to sign up, download, or learn more.
  • platform introductionplatform videogoals and objectives

  • the primary goals of a platform introductionplatform videoare: increase awareness: introduce your platform to a wider audience. drive adoption: encourage viewers to start using your platform. educate users: explain the platform's features and functionality. build excitement: generate positive sentiment and anticipation for your platform.
  • motion graphics in platform introduction platform video

  • motion graphics play a vital role in platform introduction platform videos by: simplifying complex concepts: visualizing abstract ideas and processes. enhancing visual appeal: adding dynamism and visual interest to the video. improving information retention: making the content more memorable and engaging. highlighting key features: drawing attention to specific functionalities and benefits.
  • using storytelling in a platform introduction platform video

  • storytelling is a powerful tool for connecting with viewers on an emotional level. create relatable scenarios: show how the platform solves real-world problems. feature user testimonials: highlight positive experiences from existing users. emphasize emotional benefits: showcase how the platform improves users' lives. build a narrative arc: take viewers on a journey of discovery and engagement.
  • best practices for platform introduction platform video

  • to create an effective platform introduction platform video: keep it concise: aim for a video length of 1-2 minutes. focus on benefits: highlight how the platform solves user problems. use high-quality visuals: invest in professional production values. optimize for mobile: ensure the video is easily viewable on all devices. promote across channels: share the video on your website, social media, and email.
  • what makes a platform introductionplatform videoeffective?

  • an effective platform introduction platform video: captures attention: hooks viewers from the first few seconds. communicates clearly: explains the platform'svalue propositionconcisely. engages emotionally: connects with viewers on a personal level. inspires action: motivates viewers to learn more or start using the platform.
  • connecting your brand and platform introduction platform video

  • your platform introductionplatform videoshould seamlessly integrate with your brand identity. maintain consistent visuals: use your brand colors, fonts, and imagery. reflect brand voice and tone: ensure the video's messaging aligns with your brand personality. reinforce brand values: showcase how the platform embodies your brand's core principles.
  • example: slack

  • slack, a popular team communication platform, effectively used a platform introductionplatform videoto showcase its benefits. the video highlighted how slack streamlines communication, improves collaboration, and boosts productivity. by featuring relatable workplace scenarios and emphasizing user testimonials, slack successfully conveyed the platform'svalue propositionand encouraged widespread adoption. this resulted in significant user growth and established slack as a leading communication tool for businesses worldwide.
  • what is a platform introduction platform video?

  • a platform introductionplatform videois a concise and engaging video designed to introduce viewers to a new digital platform or software. it showcases the platform's key features, benefits, and user experience, aiming to generate interest and encourage adoption. think of it as a virtual tour guide, highlighting the platform's strengths and demonstrating its value proposition.
  • creating a platform introduction platform video: where to start?

  • starting with a clear plan is crucial for a successful platform introduction platform video. define your target audience: understand who you are trying to reach with your video. outline key features and benefits: focus on the most impactful aspects of your platform. choose a suitable video style: consider animation, live-action, or a combination. develop a compelling narrative: tell a story that resonates with your audience. plan a clear call to action: encourage viewers to explore the platform further.
  • platform introductionplatform videoingredients

  • a compelling platform introductionplatform videoblends several key ingredients: visual appeal: high-quality visuals, including screen recordings, animations, and graphics. clear and concise messaging: explain the platform's purpose andvalue propositionsuccinctly. engaging narrative: use storytelling techniques to connect with viewers emotionally. user-focused content: showcase how the platform solves user problems and improves their experience. strong call to action: encourage viewers to sign up, download, or learn more.
  • platform introductionplatform videogoals and objectives

  • the primary goals of a platform introductionplatform videoare: increase awareness: introduce your platform to a wider audience. drive adoption: encourage viewers to start using your platform. educate users: explain the platform's features and functionality. build excitement: generate positive sentiment and anticipation for your platform.
  • motion graphics in platform introduction platform video

  • motion graphics play a vital role in platform introduction platform videos by: simplifying complex concepts: visualizing abstract ideas and processes. enhancing visual appeal: adding dynamism and visual interest to the video. improving information retention: making the content more memorable and engaging. highlighting key features: drawing attention to specific functionalities and benefits.
  • using storytelling in a platform introduction platform video

  • storytelling is a powerful tool for connecting with viewers on an emotional level. create relatable scenarios: show how the platform solves real-world problems. feature user testimonials: highlight positive experiences from existing users. emphasize emotional benefits: showcase how the platform improves users' lives. build a narrative arc: take viewers on a journey of discovery and engagement.
  • best practices for platform introduction platform video

  • to create an effective platform introduction platform video: keep it concise: aim for a video length of 1-2 minutes. focus on benefits: highlight how the platform solves user problems. use high-quality visuals: invest in professional production values. optimize for mobile: ensure the video is easily viewable on all devices. promote across channels: share the video on your website, social media, and email.
  • what makes a platform introductionplatform videoeffective?

  • an effective platform introduction platform video: captures attention: hooks viewers from the first few seconds. communicates clearly: explains the platform'svalue propositionconcisely. engages emotionally: connects with viewers on a personal level. inspires action: motivates viewers to learn more or start using the platform.
  • connecting your brand and platform introduction platform video

  • your platform introductionplatform videoshould seamlessly integrate with your brand identity. maintain consistent visuals: use your brand colors, fonts, and imagery. reflect brand voice and tone: ensure the video's messaging aligns with your brand personality. reinforce brand values: showcase how the platform embodies your brand's core principles.
  • example: slack

  • slack, a popular team communication platform, effectively used a platform introductionplatform videoto showcase its benefits. the video highlighted how slack streamlines communication, improves collaboration, and boosts productivity. by featuring relatable workplace scenarios and emphasizing user testimonials, slack successfully conveyed the platform'svalue propositionand encouraged widespread adoption. this resulted in significant user growth and established slack as a leading communication tool for businesses worldwide.


    Mastering the Platform introduction video

    The power of platform introduction videos is undeniable. They offer a dynamic and engaging way to connect with your audience, explain your value proposition, and ultimately drive conversions. However, creating a compelling platform introduction video requires careful planning and execution. Let's explore some key approaches to ensure your video effectively elevates your marketing campaign.


    Start by clearly defining your target audience and the key message you want to convey. Are you targeting potential customers, investors, or partners? Understanding your audience will help tailor your video's content and tone to resonate with their specific needs and interests.


    Weaving a compelling narrative into your video can significantly enhance its impact. Instead of simply listing features, showcase how your platform solves real-world problems and improves users' lives. Use relatable examples and testimonials to build an emotional connection with your viewers.


    High-quality visuals are crucial for capturing attention and maintaining engagement. Invest in professional videography and editing to ensure your video looks polished and reflects the quality of your platform. Utilize a mix of footage, animation, and graphics to keep the visuals dynamic and interesting.


    Integrate your brand identity seamlessly throughout the video. Use consistent colors, fonts, and logos to reinforce brand recognition. The video should feel like an extension of your overall marketing strategy, aligning with your brand voice and messaging.

    Call to Action

    A clear and compelling call to action is essential for driving desired results. Whether it's visiting your website, signing up for a free trial, or contacting your sales team, make it easy for viewers to take the next step. Place your call to action strategically within the video and ensure it's visually prominent.


    Developing a comprehensive distribution strategy is key to maximizing your video's reach. Share it across your social media channels, embed it on your website, and consider paid advertising options to target specific demographics. Leverage email marketing to promote the video to your existing audience.


    Optimize your video for search engines by including relevant keywords in the title, description, and tags. This will increase the chances of your video appearing in search results when users are looking for platforms like yours.


    Track the performance of your video using analytics tools. Monitor metrics such as views, engagement, and conversions to gauge its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement. Use this data to refine your video marketing strategy over time.


    View your platform introduction video as a living document. As your platform evolves and your target audience expands, be prepared to update your video to reflect these changes. Regularly review and refresh your video content to ensure it remains relevant and engaging.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!