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30 Corporate Storytelling Video Examples That Connect With Audiences

Last updated
Jul. 01, 2024

In today's dynamic business landscape, capturing attention and forging genuine connections with audiences is paramount. Traditional marketing methods often fall short, struggling to cut through the noise and resonate with consumers on a deeper level. This is where the power of corporate storytelling videos comes into play. By weaving narratives that evoke emotions, inspire action, and build trust, businesses can effectively engage their target audience and achieve their marketing goals.

The challenge lies in crafting compelling stories that authentically reflect a brand's values and resonate with its audience. Many companies struggle to translate their complex offerings into relatable narratives, resulting in videos that fail to capture attention or drive desired outcomes. For instance, a software company might showcase its product features through a dry, technical demonstration, leaving viewers disengaged and uninspired. Instead, they could create a video that follows a customer's journey, highlighting how the software solves their pain points and improves their lives.

Corporate storytelling videos offer a versatile tool applicable across various marketing channels and touchpoints. From website landing pages and social media campaigns to investor presentations and employee onboarding, these videos can effectively communicate a brand's message and foster meaningful connections. Imagine a startup using a video to pitch their innovative idea to potential investors, or a company showcasing its commitment to sustainability through a video that highlights its eco-friendly practices. The possibilities are endless.

The rise of digital platforms and the increasing demand for video content have created a fertile ground for corporate storytelling. Consumers today are more likely to engage with video content than any other format, making it an essential tool for businesses looking to reach their target audience. Whether it's a behind-the-scenes glimpse into company culture, a customer testimonial that showcases the impact of a product or service, or a thought leadership piece that positions the brand as an industry expert, corporate storytelling videos offer a powerful means of connecting with audiences on a deeper level.

With the understanding of why corporate storytelling videos are essential in today's marketing landscape, let's dive in and explore 30 inspiring examples that effectively connect with audiences.

1. Quantiphi

Quantiphi is a company that specializes in solving complex business problems using artificial intelligence, data solutions, and cloud technology. They work with clients across various industries to help them transform their operations and achieve their business goals. This approach exemplifies a Company Overview Storytelling video, providing a comprehensive understanding of Quantiphi's mission and capabilities.

The video showcases Quantiphi's expertise in artificial intelligence and data solutions through its sleek and modern design. The use of 3D animation and motion graphics effectively highlights the company's ability to handle complex data and algorithms. The dark background with neon green accents creates a futuristic and sophisticated atmosphere, emphasizing the cutting-edge nature of Quantiphi's solutions. This visual storytelling effectively communicates the corporate value proposition of innovation and technological advancement.

The video also incorporates data visualizations and infographics, which clearly communicate the company's capabilities in data analysis and insights. Overall, the video's design style effectively conveys Quantiphi's position as a leader in artificial intelligence and data solutions. The combination of 3D animation, motion graphics, and data visualizations creates a visually engaging and informative experience that highlights the company's expertise and capabilities. The video successfully demonstrates Quantiphi's ability to transform businesses through its innovative solutions, making it a compelling example of Corporate Value Proposition Storytelling through animation and video.

2. EQT

Dunlop protective footwear, a leading manufacturer of protective wellington boots, caters to professionals in various industries such as agriculture & fishery, food processing, industry, and oil, gas & mining. Their products prioritize both comfort and protection for workers in demanding environments. This serves as a corporate vision explainer video, effectively communicating their commitment to worker safety and well-being.

The video effectively utilizes a minimalist and modern design style to showcase the brand's protective footwear solutions. The animation is clean and engaging, with bold colors and simple shapes that draw attention to the key features of the boots. The use of circular frames and transitions creates a sense of continuity and flow, guiding the viewer through the different applications and benefits of Dunlop protective footwear. This corporate storytelling approach effectively highlights the brand's dedication to providing reliable and innovative footwear solutions.

By combining a clear and concise message with visually appealing animation, the video successfully highlights the value proposition of Dunlop protective footwear. The minimalist design approach ensures that the focus remains on the products and their ability to provide comfort and protection for professionals in diverse industries. This explainer video effectively communicates the brand's core values of safety, quality, and innovation, establishing Dunlop protective footwear as a trusted partner for professionals in demanding work environments.

3. Mastercard

Mastercard, a global technology company in the payments industry, showcases its products and innovations that benefit consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments, and businesses worldwide. The corporate video demonstrates how Mastercard adds value to various stakeholders in the payments ecosystem, making it an excellent example of Corporate Explainer Storytelling.

The video's design style effectively employs clean lines, minimalist aesthetics, and bold colors to convey complex information clearly and engagingly. The use of simple shapes and icons, such as shopping bags and checkmarks, helps viewers quickly grasp the concepts presented in this corporate storytelling motion graphic video. The animation style is smooth and fluid, guiding the viewer's attention seamlessly through each step of the payment process.

This approach ensures that the focus remains on Mastercard's products and their benefits, making it an excellent product demo explainer video. By combining a visually appealing design with concise messaging, Mastercard successfully highlights its commitment to innovation and its role in facilitating secure and efficient transactions across the globe. The video's design effectively reinforces Mastercard's brand identity as a leader in the payments industry, making it a strong example of Corporate Identity Storytelling.

4. Mavenir

Mavenir is building the future of networks with advanced technology, focusing on a single, software-based automated network that runs on any cloud. They envision a future network that is fully virtualized, supported by an open architecture that leverages web-scale economics.

This corporate storytelling video effectively showcases Mavenir's expertise in network software and cloud-native solutions. The use of 3D animation and visual effects to depict complex technological concepts like 5G, Open RAN, and network automation is impressive. The sleek and modern design, coupled with dynamic transitions and informative text overlays, keeps the viewer engaged while effectively communicating the message.

Overall, the video's style is a perfect blend of technical sophistication and visual appeal, making it an excellent product demo explainer video. It successfully highlights Mavenir's innovative solutions and positions them as a leader in the future of network technology.

5. Aqua Security

This video showcases how software development and delivery can be accelerated by adopting cloud native security. It emphasizes the need for security to match the speed of devops in a cloud native environment. The video highlights the freedom and scalability that come with cloud native security.

This corporate visual storytelling explainer video utilizes a sleek and modern design aesthetic to visually represent the concepts of speed, freedom, and transformation. The use of neon colors and geometric shapes creates a futuristic and dynamic feel, symbolizing the cutting-edge nature of cloud native security. The visuals effectively communicate the message of agility and efficiency that aqua security offers.

By combining clear messaging with captivating visuals, the corporate video successfully conveys the benefits of cloud native security and positions it as a solution for organizations seeking to accelerate their software development and delivery processes.

6. CSL

CSL behring is a global specialty biotherapeutics company that develops and delivers innovative biotherapies that save lives and help people with life-threatening medical conditions live full lives. the company's products are used to treat a variety of conditions, including hemophilia, von willebrand disease, primary immunodeficiency, hereditary angioedema, and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.

This corporate explainer storytelling video uses a clean and modern design style that is both visually appealing and informative. the use of simple shapes and bright colors helps to keep the viewer engaged, while the clear and concise text makes it easy to understand the information being presented. the video also makes use of motion graphic animation to help illustrate the concepts being discussed. for example, in one scene, the video shows how CSL behring's products are used to treat hemophilia. the animation shows how the product helps to stop bleeding by clotting the blood. this helps to make the information more engaging and easier to understand.

Overall, the video is an excellent example of how to use design to create an effective product demo explainer video. the clean and modern design style, combined with the use of animation and clear and concise text, makes it easy for viewers to understand the information being presented. the video is also visually appealing, which helps to keep viewers engaged.

7. Gemalto

This corporate value storytelling video emphasizes the crucial role of trust and security in the commercial drone ecosystem. As drone technology continues to advance, ensuring secure data exchange and establishing industry standards are paramount for widespread adoption. The video underscores [Brand Name]'s commitment to building a trustworthy and reliable drone ecosystem.

The video's design style effectively conveys this message through sleek visuals and concise text overlays. The cool and futuristic color palette, dominated by shades of blue and green, evokes a sense of professionalism and technological sophistication. Geometric shapes and interconnected lines symbolize the complex network of drones, data, and regulations within the ecosystem, further enhanced by the smooth and dynamic animation that keeps viewers engaged while reinforcing the concepts of connectivity and data flow.

By combining informative text with visually appealing graphics, the video successfully explains the challenges and opportunities associated with commercial drone usage. The emphasis on security and standardization is evident throughout, making it clear that [Brand Name] is dedicated to fostering a secure and reliable drone ecosystem.

8. Boyd

This video is a great example of corporate identity storytelling. It showcases boyd corp's expertise in fabricating and assembling medical wearables, offering streamlined manufacturing know-how and strategic material partnerships. They efficiently support clients from product inception to launch with design and material selection support for solutions like transdermal patches, skin-safe adhesives, and medical dressings.

The explainer video effectively utilizes 3d animation and a minimalist aesthetic to highlight the medical wearables and their applications. The sleek, gray surfaces of the body provide a neutral backdrop that allows the blue and silver wearable technology to stand out, emphasizing their form and function. This design choice effectively communicates boyd corp's focus on providing innovative solutions for medical wearables.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the corporate video successfully demonstrates boyd corp's capabilities in the medical wearables market. The video's design effectively showcases the company's commitment to delivering high-quality products and services to its clients.

9. MSD Careers

In clinical research, the mission is simple: to find new medicines and vaccines to improve and save lives, and share them with the people who need them as quickly and safely as possible. This means conducting world-class scientific research and meticulous trials – putting patients’ wellbeing first every time. The video showcases the work of Clinical Research teams at MSD.

This corporate vision explainer video's design style is simple, clean, and modern, with a focus on bold colors and flat illustrations. The use of animation helps to bring the concepts of clinical research to life in a way that is both engaging and informative. The video also makes use of text overlays to highlight key points and statistics.

This combination of visuals and text helps to create a clear and concise message that is easy for viewers to understand. Overall, the design style of the motion graphic video is effective in communicating the importance of clinical research and the role that MSD plays in this field. The use of animation, bold colors, and flat illustrations helps to create a visually appealing and engaging corporate video that is both informative and persuasive.

10. Cisco

Cisco's Corporate Value Introduction video presents a compelling vision for the future of healthcare, one where technology is central to creating a connected, secure, sustainable, and equitable healthcare ecosystem. The video emphasizes Cisco's dedication to powering the connections that will turn this vision into reality, highlighting the corporate commitment to innovation in the healthcare sector. By showcasing this commitment, the video acts as a powerful storytelling tool, emphasizing the positive impact Cisco aims to have on the healthcare industry.

The video's design style effectively complements its message of a technologically advanced and interconnected healthcare system. The use of clean lines, minimalist shapes, and a predominantly white background creates a sense of clarity and sophistication. The animation style is smooth and dynamic, with elements seamlessly transitioning and interacting with each other, symbolizing the interconnectedness of different aspects of healthcare. The color palette is restrained, using pops of color strategically to draw attention to key elements, such as the Cisco logo and the healthcare symbols.

By combining a clear and concise message with a visually appealing and modern design style, the video effectively conveys Cisco's role as a leader in healthcare technology solutions. The animation and design elements work together to create a sense of innovation and progress, aligning perfectly with the video's theme of building a better future for healthcare.

11. NFCForum

Nfc or near field communication is a secure touchless technology that is in almost everything. Nfc allows you to pay for things and much more - check it out. All it takes is a tap!

The video uses a clean and modern design style with bold colors and simple graphics to explain the benefits of nfc technology. The use of bright colors and simple shapes helps to create a visually appealing and engaging experience for the viewer. The video also uses a combination of text and animation to explain how nfc works and how it can be used to make payments and other transactions.

Overall, the video is an effective corporate explainer video that clearly and concisely explains the benefits of nfc technology. The use of a clean and modern design style, combined with clear and concise messaging, helps to create a video that is both informative and engaging.

12. Firebase

The firebase team created this video as a holiday greeting for their developer community. It serves as a great example of corporate visual storytelling, expressing gratitude for their partnership, trust, and investment in firebase. It also hints at exciting developments in store for 2021 and encourages viewers to subscribe to their channel for updates.

The design style effectively employs a vibrant color palette, geometric shapes, and simple iconography to convey key messages about firebase. The use of bold colors and clean lines creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. Elements like graphs, charts, and icons representing features like crashlytics SDK and game development tools visually reinforce the video's message about firebase's capabilities and benefits for developers.

This corporate video, with its use of motion graphics, effectively balances aesthetics with functionality, making it an excellent product demo explainer video. The clear visuals and concise messaging effectively communicate the value proposition of firebase, leaving a lasting impression on viewers and encouraging them to explore the platform further. This is a great example of purpose and mission storytelling through a visually engaging medium.

13. MSD Careers

the video effectively communicates the crucial role of the regulatory affairs team at msd in ensuring that medical innovations, including medicines and vaccines, are compliant, safe, and effective. this team works diligently with regulatory agencies to secure approvals and deliver these essential treatments to patients who need them the most. their efforts bring hope to countless individuals around the world who are eagerly awaiting access to the right medical solutions.

the video's design style effectively complements its message of hope and progress. the use of clean lines, bold colors, and simple animation creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. the animation style is particularly noteworthy, as it strikes a balance between being informative and visually interesting. the subtle movements and transitions keep the viewer engaged without distracting from the core message. the color palette, dominated by shades of green and blue, evokes feelings of trust, reliability, and well-being, aligning perfectly with the video's focus on healthcare and patient well-being.

in conclusion, the video's design style effectively supports its message by creating a visually engaging and informative experience. the use of animation, color, and simple graphics helps to convey the importance of regulatory affairs in bringing hope to patients worldwide. the video successfully showcases msd's commitment to innovation and patient care, leaving a lasting impression on the viewer. this video is a great example of corporate core values storytelling, as it effectively communicates the company's commitment to its patients and its mission to improve global health.

14. Boyd

Boyd, a trusted innovator in the medical wearables industry, has extensive experience in designing, manufacturing, and delivering medical wearables with a focus on patient safety and medical efficacy. they offer a comprehensive approach to wearable design, identifying complementary components that can be manufactured and delivered in a single assembly.

This corporate storytelling video effectively showcases boyd's expertise in medical wearables through a visually engaging design style. the use of exploded views and 3d renderings allows viewers to understand the intricate layers and components of the wearables, such as breathable housing, comfortable cushioning layers, and skin-friendly adhesives. the sleek and modern aesthetic reinforces the company's commitment to innovation and advanced technology.

By combining clear visuals with concise explanations, the video effectively communicates the value proposition of boyd's medical wearables. the emphasis on patient comfort, performance, and efficiency highlights the company's dedication to improving healthcare outcomes. the corporate explainer video's design style serves as a powerful tool to educate and engage viewers, leaving a lasting impression of boyd's capabilities in the medical wearables market.

15. Pinkerton

Pinkerton crime index provides crime data, insights, and trends in the UK, enabling confident decision-making. The video effectively showcases the product's capabilities through its design and visuals. This serves as a Corporate Value Introduction by showcasing the product's ability to address a critical need in the UK market.

The video's design style is sleek and modern, using 3D animation and motion graphics to illustrate complex data in a visually engaging way. The use of abstract shapes and symbols, such as puzzle pieces and maps, effectively represents the concept of crime patterns and trends. The corporate video leverages motion graphics to make complex data easily understandable, enhancing the product's value proposition.

Overall, the video's design style is well-suited to its purpose as a product demo explainer video. It effectively communicates the value proposition of Pinkerton crime index and its ability to provide valuable insights into crime trends. The use of 3D animation and motion graphics makes the video visually engaging and informative, while the muted color palette and abstract imagery reinforce the seriousness of the subject matter. This approach contributes to corporate storytelling by visually narrating how Pinkerton crime index empowers users with data-driven insights.

16. Acuity

Acuity, signifying sharpness of thought, is the cornerstone of this business. Their commitment to growth, quality, and innovation is symbolized by the infinity loop, reflecting their dedication to delivering insightful solutions to their clients. Success is built on collaboration with customers, employees, and communities, underscoring the importance of partnerships in their journey.

The video's design style effectively mirrors these core values, making it a perfect example of corporate identity storytelling. A minimalist aesthetic with clean lines and bold colors creates a sense of professionalism and clarity. The use of simple icons and diagrams ensures that complex ideas are communicated in an easily digestible manner. The subtle animation adds a layer of dynamism without distracting from the message.

The overall effect is a visually appealing and informative experience that aligns perfectly with Acuity's brand identity. This corporate video successfully embodies Acuity's commitment to clarity, innovation, and partnership through storytelling. The minimalist aesthetic, clear visuals, and subtle animation work together to create a compelling and informative experience that effectively communicates the company's values and mission.


The video is a great example of Purpose and Mission Storytelling, showcasing medhost's commitment to supporting healthcare facilities and the heroes who work tirelessly within them. with a focus on over 1,000 hospitals across the nation, medhost aims to empower healthcare professionals with the tools they need to provide exceptional patient care. this corporate storytelling video acts as an explainer, effectively highlighting medhost's dedication to empowering healthcare heroes and improving patient care.

The video's design style effectively conveys this message through its use of vibrant colors, clean lines, and engaging 3d animation. the choice of bold blues and contrasting reds creates a visually appealing backdrop for the healthcare setting, while the smooth animation brings the characters and scenarios to life. the 3d animated characters, representing both medical staff and patients, are depicted in a friendly and approachable manner, fostering a sense of trust and reliability.

By combining a clear and concise message with a visually captivating design style, the video effectively highlights medhost's dedication to empowering healthcare heroes and improving patient care. the use of 3d animation allows for a dynamic and engaging presentation, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

18. Tyson

Water is essential to producing safe food. Tyson Foods is working to set contextual water targets at its facilities, recognizing that it has a significant influence on local watersheds at its processing facilities. The video aims to educate viewers about Tyson Foods' commitment to water conservation and its efforts to minimize its impact on the environment. This corporate vision explainer video effectively uses storytelling to communicate the corporate mission of sustainability.

The video's design style effectively complements its message of water stewardship and sustainability. The use of a muted color palette with blue and green tones evokes a sense of environmental consciousness. Simple yet engaging animations illustrate key concepts such as water usage, processing facilities, and the impact on watersheds. The clean lines and uncluttered visuals ensure that the focus remains on the important message of water conservation. The motion graphic elements in the video effectively communicate the message.

By combining informative visuals with a clear and concise message, the video successfully conveys Tyson Foods' dedication to responsible water management. The design style reinforces the company's commitment to sustainability, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video that effectively engages viewers and promotes environmental awareness. This mission and values storytelling video effectively uses storytelling to communicate the corporate mission of sustainability.

19. MCL

Scofield digital storytelling produced an animated explainer video for MCL restaurant & bakery, showcasing their noodle product. The video utilizes animation and creative technology to effectively communicate the brand's message and engage viewers. This is a good example of corporate explainer storytelling through video.

The design style of the video is characterized by its use of vibrant colors, simple shapes, and playful animation. This approach creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers, effectively highlighting the product and its benefits. The use of animation allows for a clear and concise explanation of the product, making it easy for viewers to understand.

In conclusion, scofield digital storytelling's explainer video for MCL restaurant & bakery is an excellent example of how animation and creative technology can be used to create engaging and effective marketing materials. The video's design style is well-suited to the product and target audience, and it effectively communicates the brand's message. This corporate storytelling video is a great example of how animation can be used to communicate a message effectively.

20. Thermo Fisher

This corporate storytelling video showcases thermo fisher scientific's comprehensive solutions for cell and gene therapy development, guiding viewers through the journey from research to commercialization. It emphasizes the company's commitment to supporting every stage of the process, ensuring the successful transformation of cells into life-saving therapies.

The video's design style effectively conveys the intricate process of cell and gene therapy development. Advanced visuals, such as the 3D representation of a hand receiving a cell infusion, symbolize the delicate nature of these therapies. The use of clear and concise graphics, like those illustrating secure packaging and cold-chain logistics, underscores thermo fisher scientific's dedication to maintaining the integrity and safety of cell therapies throughout the entire process. The inclusion of laboratory equipment visuals further reinforces the company's expertise in providing cutting-edge tools for cell and gene therapy research and development.

By combining informative visuals with a clear and concise message, the explainer video effectively demonstrates thermo fisher scientific's commitment to advancing cell and gene therapy development. The design style not only educates viewers about the complexities of the process but also instills confidence in the company's ability to provide the necessary support and resources for success in this rapidly evolving field.

21. National Grid ESO

This digital transformation video from national grid eso, showcased at the energy networks innovation conference, highlights the company's commitment to innovation in the energy sector. this corporate explainer video uses a simple, clean design style with a bright yellow color palette to effectively communicate its message of utilizing machine learning and artificial intelligence to drive the energy system transition towards net zero. the use of line art illustrations and animations helps to explain complex concepts in an easy-to-understand way, while the focus on new markets and technologies emphasizes the forward-thinking approach of the company.

by combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully demonstrates how this organization is leveraging innovation to shape the future of the energy industry. the storytelling in this motion graphic video is simple yet effective, making it easy for viewers to understand the company's vision for the future of energy. the video is a great example of how corporate videos can be used to communicate complex information in a clear and engaging way.

this video from national grid eso is a great example of a corporate vision explainer video. it uses simple, clean design and a bright yellow color palette to effectively communicate the company's commitment to innovation in the energy sector. the use of line art illustrations and animations helps to explain complex concepts in an easy-to-understand way, while the focus on new markets and technologies emphasizes the forward-thinking approach of the company. by combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the motion graphic video successfully demonstrates how this organization is leveraging innovation to shape the future of the energy industry.

22. Kubota

Kubota, since its founding in 1890, has been working to achieve solutions to social issues related to food, water, and the environment. To confront these increasingly serious social issues and to protect our sustainable everyday lives, Kubota has established GMB2030, their long-term vision indicating the roles that they should play and the guidelines for their group-wide efforts. This corporate value introduction video effectively communicates the company's commitment to solving social issues.

The video uses a clean and minimalist design style with a teal and grey color scheme, reflecting the brand's focus on water and environmental solutions. The use of simple icons and a timeline effectively communicates the company's history and expertise in providing solutions for food, water, and the environment. The animation in the video is simple yet effective in conveying the message.

The circular graphics symbolize the interconnectedness of these issues and the need for a holistic approach. Overall, the video's design effectively conveys Kubota's commitment to solving social issues related to food, water, and the environment through their GMB2030 vision. This corporate video is a great example of corporate storytelling.

23. MSD Careers

The video effectively uses the power of Corporate Core Values Storytelling to showcase the crucial role of the marketing team at astrazeneca. it highlights how the team's dedication to understanding customer needs and driving growth opportunities directly aligns with the company's mission of delivering life-saving medicines and vaccines. by showcasing the team's global collaboration and innovative partnerships, the video acts as a powerful explainer, demonstrating how astrazeneca's core values translate into real-world impact.

the video's design style further enhances its storytelling capabilities. the use of bold colors and simple shapes creates a visually engaging experience that resonates with the corporate identity of astrazeneca. the friendly and approachable depiction of characters fosters a sense of connection with the audience, making the information more relatable and impactful. the smooth animation and clear text overlays ensure that the video effectively communicates its message without overwhelming the viewer.

in conclusion, this corporate video successfully combines informative content with a captivating design style to effectively convey the significance of astrazeneca's marketing team. by employing a compelling Corporate Core Values Storytelling approach, the video leaves a lasting impression on viewers, fostering a deeper understanding of the company's commitment to improving global health outcomes.

24. Deloitte

The video emphasizes the significance of ideas and their potential to revolutionize various aspects of life, including businesses and even life-saving endeavors. This form of corporate value proposition storytelling effectively highlights the delicate nature of ideas, as they can easily fade away without proper execution. Action is portrayed as a powerful force that drives progress, but the video highlights that ideas without experience and expertise often fail to materialize into tangible outcomes.

Deloitte's video employs a visually captivating design style that effectively complements its message. The use of vibrant colors, such as blues, greens, and yellows, creates a sense of energy and dynamism, reflecting the transformative power of ideas and action. The animation style is sleek and modern, with smooth transitions and a focus on clean lines and geometric shapes. This approach aligns perfectly with the video's theme of innovation and progress. The incorporation of concentric circles and a tunnel-like effect symbolizes the journey from idea to realization, emphasizing the importance of a structured and focused approach.

In conclusion, Deloitte's corporate value proposition storytelling video successfully combines a compelling narrative with a visually appealing design style to convey its message about the synergy between ideas and action. The video's aesthetics effectively reinforce the brand's image as a forward-thinking and innovative organization, capable of guiding clients through the process of turning their ideas into reality.

25. PGE

This video exemplifies the power of Corporate Storytelling Video to educate and engage audiences on complex topics like energy consumption. It focuses on energy consumption patterns and the impact of peak usage times on energy sources, highlighting the role of PGE in meeting these demands. While acknowledging the occasional need for non-renewable sources, the video emphasizes PGE's commitment to sustainability and encourages viewers to adopt responsible energy usage habits.

The video's minimalist design, characterized by muted colors and simple 3D graphics, effectively conveys the corporate message without overwhelming the viewer. The smooth animation guides viewers through the intricacies of energy grids, power plants, and residential areas, making complex concepts easily understandable. This approach ensures the focus remains on the core message of responsible energy consumption and PGE's commitment to a sustainable energy future.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, this video serves as a compelling example of Corporate Value Storytelling. It educates viewers about the importance of responsible energy consumption while highlighting PGE's commitment to meeting energy needs in a sustainable manner. The minimalist design and engaging animation ensure that the message resonates with viewers, making it an effective tool for promoting both corporate values and environmental awareness.

26. Infineon

The autodrive project, coordinated by infineon, aimed to develop a new approach and metrics for fail-operational automotive design, ensuring vehicles can continue functioning safely even with component failures. The project involved collaboration with various european partners to advance automotive safety and reliability. This video is a good example of corporate identity storytelling, as it showcases infineon's commitment to innovation and safety in the automotive industry. as an explainer video, it effectively communicates the company's role in developing cutting-edge technology for a safer driving experience.

The video effectively employs a clean and minimalist design style, characterized by simple shapes, flat colors, and clear typography. This approach ensures that the focus remains on the core message of automotive safety and reliability. The use of subtle animations and transitions further enhances the viewer's engagement without distracting from the key points. The video's color palette, dominated by blues and whites, evokes a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness, aligning perfectly with infineon's brand identity as a leading semiconductor solutions provider. These design choices reflect the corporate image and values that infineon aims to project.

By combining informative visuals with concise explanations, the video successfully conveys the importance of fail-operational automotive design and infineon's role in driving innovation in this field. The video's style effectively balances aesthetics with clarity, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video that informs and engages the audience. Through this storytelling approach, the video not only explains the technology but also reinforces infineon's position as a leader in automotive safety solutions.

27. ExxonMobil

This video is a great example of corporate visual storytelling. It highlights how exxonmobil's initiatives in guyana are transforming lives by providing access to energy. The story revolves around a young man whose life takes a dramatic turn when his mother brings home a car battery, their first experience with electricity. This newfound access to energy empowers them to relocate from their village to a city, opening up opportunities for education and a brighter future.

The video employs a minimalist and modern animation style, characteristic of corporate identity storytelling. It utilizes flat design principles with clean lines and bold colors. The characters are depicted simply yet expressively, effectively conveying their emotions and experiences. Subtle animation and transitions add depth and dynamism to the narrative. The video's clear and concise visual language ensures that the message of energy's impact resonates with a global audience.

By combining a compelling narrative with visually engaging motion graphics, the video effectively highlights the importance of energy access in driving economic growth and improving lives. The minimalist design ensures that the focus remains on the story and its message, making it a powerful tool for corporate advocacy and awareness-raising.

28. PerkinElmer

PerkinElmer, a leading scientific instrument company, has been at the forefront of innovation for over eight decades. Their commitment to pushing the boundaries of science is evident in their latest corporate vision explainer video, which showcases their cutting-edge technology and its impact on various industries.

The video effectively highlights PerkinElmer's dedication to helping customers measure, quantify, detect, and report scientific data. The sleek and modern design of their instruments is prominently displayed, emphasizing the company's focus on precision and accuracy. The use of high-quality visuals and clear explanations ensures that viewers understand the capabilities and benefits of PerkinElmer's products.

In conclusion, PerkinElmer's corporate vision explainer video successfully combines informative content with visually appealing design to showcase their scientific expertise and commitment to customer success. By effectively communicating the value of their instruments, the video reinforces PerkinElmer's position as a trusted partner in the scientific community.

29. BDO

This video explores job opportunities and encourages viewers to get to know BDO, a firm specializing in assurance, accounting, tax, and advisory services.

The corporate value introduction video cleverly uses bold typography and a clean, minimalist design to highlight the core services offered: assurance, accounting, tax, and advisory. This minimalist approach allows the focus to remain on the firm's key offerings and the message of exploring job opportunities within these fields.

By combining clear messaging with a visually uncluttered style, the explainer video effectively communicates the essence of BDO's corporate services and encourages viewers to explore career paths within the company.

30. Housing Europe

The video by Housing Europe focuses on the housing challenge in Europe and promotes their campaign for the European Elections 2019. The campaign aims to make affordable housing accessible to more people, as exemplified by the story of Christine, the video's protagonist. This is a great example of Corporate Identity Storytelling as it showcases the organization's values and mission.

The video employs a minimalist and engaging design style, effectively conveying the message of affordable housing. The use of simple graphics, clean lines, and a limited color palette creates a visually appealing and easy-to-understand presentation. The smooth and dynamic animation, typical of motion graphic videos, keeps the viewer engaged while highlighting key points about the housing challenge and Housing Europe's solutions.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video effectively explains the importance of affordable housing and encourages viewers to learn more about Housing Europe's campaign. The design style perfectly complements the video's purpose, making it an excellent example of a corporate storytelling motion graphic that effectively communicates the corporate value proposition.

Key Takeaways

  • what is a corporate storytelling video?

  • a corporatestorytelling videouses narrative techniques to connect with audiences on an emotional level, going beyond simple product promotion. it's about showcasing a company's values, mission, and impact through compelling stories. these videos can be used for various purposes, including: attracting and engaging potential customers: by showcasing your company's values and mission, you can attract customers who align with your beliefs. boosting employee morale and attracting talent: sharing stories of employee achievements and company culture can inspire existing employees and attract new talent. building trust and credibility: authentic storytelling can humanize your brand and build trust with your audience. differentiating your brand from competitors: a unique story can set your company apart in a crowded marketplace. example: google's "year in search" videos tell compelling stories about the year's most significant events and trends, showcasing google's role in connecting people with information. these videos have garnered millions of views and strengthened google's brand image as a source of knowledge and connection.
  • creating acorporate storytellingvideo: where to start?

  • starting a corporatestorytelling videocan feel daunting, but a structured approach ensures success. begin by identifying your target audience and the message you want to convey. define your target audience: who are you trying to reach with your video? determine your message: what story do you want to tell? what emotions do you want to evoke? choose the right format: will it be a documentary-style video, an animated explainer, or something else? develop a script: outline the narrative arc, characters, and key messages. plan your visuals: consider the imagery, footage, and graphics that will best support your story.
  • corporatestorytelling videoingredients

  • a successful corporatestorytelling videorequires a blend of engaging elements to captivate the audience and deliver the intended message. compelling narrative: a strong storyline with a clear beginning, middle, and end keeps viewers engaged. relatable characters: characters that resonate with the target audience create empathy and connection. authenticity: genuine stories that reflect the company's values and mission build trust. high-quality production: professional visuals and sound enhance the viewing experience and lend credibility. clear call to action: a defined next step for viewers, whether it's visiting a website or learning more.
  • corporatestorytelling videogoals and objectives

  • before diving into production, clearly define the goals and objectives for your video. what do you want to achieve with this video? increase brand awareness: is the goal to introduce your company to a wider audience? drive sales: are you aiming to generate leads and convert viewers into customers? improve customer engagement: do you want to build stronger relationships with existing customers? attract and retain talent: is the video intended to showcase your company culture and attract potential employees? educate the audience: are you aiming to inform viewers about a specific topic or issue?
  • motion graphics incorporate storytellingvideo

  • motion graphics can elevatecorporate storytellingvideos by adding visual interest and clarity. visualizing data: motion graphicscan bring statistics and figures to life, making complex information more digestible. illustrating concepts: abstract ideas can be made concrete and understandable through animation. enhancing storytelling:motion graphicscan emphasize key points, create transitions, and add visual flair to the narrative. creating a unique style: custommotion graphicscan contribute to a distinctbrand identityand visual aesthetic.
  • using storytelling in acorporate storytellingvideo

  • storytelling is the heart of a successful corporate video. it's about connecting with your audience on an emotional level and leaving a lasting impression. focus on human experiences: share stories that resonate with your audience's emotions and experiences. highlight challenges and triumphs: showcase how your company or its products have helped overcome obstacles. use anecdotes and personal stories: make your story relatable by incorporating real-life examples and experiences. show, don't tell: use visuals and sound to bring your story to life, rather than relying solely on narration.
  • best practices forcorporate storytellingvideo

  • creating an effective corporatestorytelling videorequires careful planning and execution. keep it concise: respect your audience's time by delivering your message succinctly. use high-quality visuals and sound: professional production values enhance the viewing experience. optimize for different platforms: ensure your video is formatted correctly for various social media channels and websites. include a call to action: guide viewers on what to do next after watching your video. promote your video strategically: share your video on relevant platforms and channels to reach your target audience.
  • what makes corporatestorytelling videoeffective?

  • an effective corporatestorytelling videogoes beyond simply presenting information. it engages viewers emotionally, leaving a lasting impression and achieving its intended goals. emotional connection: the video evokes feelings and resonates with the audience's values and experiences. authenticity and transparency: the story feels genuine and reflects the company's true character. clear message and purpose: the video conveys a specific message and achieves its intended objectives. memorable storytelling: the narrative is engaging and leaves a lasting impression on viewers. high-quality production: professional visuals and sound enhance the viewing experience and lend credibility.
  • connecting your brand andcorporate storytellingvideo

  • your corporatestorytelling videoshould be an extension of your brand identity, reinforcing your values and messaging. align with brand values: ensure the story reflects your company's core beliefs and principles. maintain consistent visual identity: use brand colors, fonts, and imagery to create a cohesive visual experience. reinforce brand messaging: the video should support and amplify your existing brand messaging. showcase brand personality: let your company's unique character shine through in the storytelling and tone of the video. example: dove's "real beauty sketches" campaign used a powerful story to connect with its target audience and promote its brand message of self-acceptance. the video went viral, generating millions of views and strengthening dove's brand image as a champion of real beauty.
  • what is a corporate storytelling video?

  • a corporatestorytelling videouses narrative techniques to connect with audiences on an emotional level, going beyond simple product promotion. it's about showcasing a company's values, mission, and impact through compelling stories. these videos can be used for various purposes, including: attracting and engaging potential customers: by showcasing your company's values and mission, you can attract customers who align with your beliefs. boosting employee morale and attracting talent: sharing stories of employee achievements and company culture can inspire existing employees and attract new talent. building trust and credibility: authentic storytelling can humanize your brand and build trust with your audience. differentiating your brand from competitors: a unique story can set your company apart in a crowded marketplace. example: google's "year in search" videos tell compelling stories about the year's most significant events and trends, showcasing google's role in connecting people with information. these videos have garnered millions of views and strengthened google's brand image as a source of knowledge and connection.
  • creating acorporate storytellingvideo: where to start?

  • starting a corporatestorytelling videocan feel daunting, but a structured approach ensures success. begin by identifying your target audience and the message you want to convey. define your target audience: who are you trying to reach with your video? determine your message: what story do you want to tell? what emotions do you want to evoke? choose the right format: will it be a documentary-style video, an animated explainer, or something else? develop a script: outline the narrative arc, characters, and key messages. plan your visuals: consider the imagery, footage, and graphics that will best support your story.
  • corporatestorytelling videoingredients

  • a successful corporatestorytelling videorequires a blend of engaging elements to captivate the audience and deliver the intended message. compelling narrative: a strong storyline with a clear beginning, middle, and end keeps viewers engaged. relatable characters: characters that resonate with the target audience create empathy and connection. authenticity: genuine stories that reflect the company's values and mission build trust. high-quality production: professional visuals and sound enhance the viewing experience and lend credibility. clear call to action: a defined next step for viewers, whether it's visiting a website or learning more.
  • corporatestorytelling videogoals and objectives

  • before diving into production, clearly define the goals and objectives for your video. what do you want to achieve with this video? increase brand awareness: is the goal to introduce your company to a wider audience? drive sales: are you aiming to generate leads and convert viewers into customers? improve customer engagement: do you want to build stronger relationships with existing customers? attract and retain talent: is the video intended to showcase your company culture and attract potential employees? educate the audience: are you aiming to inform viewers about a specific topic or issue?
  • motion graphics incorporate storytellingvideo

  • motion graphics can elevatecorporate storytellingvideos by adding visual interest and clarity. visualizing data: motion graphicscan bring statistics and figures to life, making complex information more digestible. illustrating concepts: abstract ideas can be made concrete and understandable through animation. enhancing storytelling:motion graphicscan emphasize key points, create transitions, and add visual flair to the narrative. creating a unique style: custommotion graphicscan contribute to a distinctbrand identityand visual aesthetic.
  • using storytelling in acorporate storytellingvideo

  • storytelling is the heart of a successful corporate video. it's about connecting with your audience on an emotional level and leaving a lasting impression. focus on human experiences: share stories that resonate with your audience's emotions and experiences. highlight challenges and triumphs: showcase how your company or its products have helped overcome obstacles. use anecdotes and personal stories: make your story relatable by incorporating real-life examples and experiences. show, don't tell: use visuals and sound to bring your story to life, rather than relying solely on narration.
  • best practices forcorporate storytellingvideo

  • creating an effective corporatestorytelling videorequires careful planning and execution. keep it concise: respect your audience's time by delivering your message succinctly. use high-quality visuals and sound: professional production values enhance the viewing experience. optimize for different platforms: ensure your video is formatted correctly for various social media channels and websites. include a call to action: guide viewers on what to do next after watching your video. promote your video strategically: share your video on relevant platforms and channels to reach your target audience.
  • what makes corporatestorytelling videoeffective?

  • an effective corporatestorytelling videogoes beyond simply presenting information. it engages viewers emotionally, leaving a lasting impression and achieving its intended goals. emotional connection: the video evokes feelings and resonates with the audience's values and experiences. authenticity and transparency: the story feels genuine and reflects the company's true character. clear message and purpose: the video conveys a specific message and achieves its intended objectives. memorable storytelling: the narrative is engaging and leaves a lasting impression on viewers. high-quality production: professional visuals and sound enhance the viewing experience and lend credibility.
  • connecting your brand andcorporate storytellingvideo

  • your corporatestorytelling videoshould be an extension of your brand identity, reinforcing your values and messaging. align with brand values: ensure the story reflects your company's core beliefs and principles. maintain consistent visual identity: use brand colors, fonts, and imagery to create a cohesive visual experience. reinforce brand messaging: the video should support and amplify your existing brand messaging. showcase brand personality: let your company's unique character shine through in the storytelling and tone of the video. example: dove's "real beauty sketches" campaign used a powerful story to connect with its target audience and promote its brand message of self-acceptance. the video went viral, generating millions of views and strengthening dove's brand image as a champion of real beauty.


    Mastering the Art of corporate storytelling

    The power of corporate storytelling through video is undeniable. It allows businesses to connect with their audiences on a deeper level, fostering trust, loyalty, and ultimately, driving results. However, crafting compelling narratives that resonate requires a strategic approach.


    The challenge lies in cutting through the noise of today's saturated media landscape. Audiences are bombarded with content, making it crucial for brands to create videos that are not only visually appealing but also emotionally engaging and relevant to their target market. For instance, a software company aiming to showcase its new project management tool needs to go beyond simply listing features. They must weave a story that demonstrates how the tool solves real-world problems and improves the lives of its users.


    Videos can be instrumental across various touchpoints in the customer journey. product demos can effectively highlight key features and benefits, while customer testimonials build trust and credibility. Behind-the-scenes glimpses into company culture can humanize the brand and attract top talent. Explainer videos simplify complex concepts, making them accessible to a wider audience.


    Developing a successful video marketing strategy requires careful planning and execution. Start by defining your target audience and understanding their needs and pain points. Identify the key message you want to convey and choose a storytelling approach that aligns with your brand identity. Whether it's a humorous anecdote, an inspiring success story, or a thought-provoking documentary style, ensure the narrative resonates with your viewers.


    Authenticity is paramount in corporate storytelling. Audiences can easily detect inauthenticity, so it's crucial to be genuine and transparent in your messaging. Showcase real employees, customers, and experiences to build trust and establish a connection with your viewers. Avoid overly promotional content and focus on providing value and insights that resonate with your audience's interests and aspirations.


    Emotions are the driving force behind decision-making. By evoking emotions such as joy, empathy, or inspiration, you can create a lasting impact on your viewers. Use storytelling techniques like humor, suspense, or conflict resolution to keep your audience engaged and invested in the narrative. A well-crafted story can leave a lasting impression, influencing brand perception and purchase decisions.


    Creating compelling video content is only half the battle. Effective distribution is essential to reach your target audience. Utilize various channels such as social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, and your company website to promote your videos. Consider paid advertising options to expand your reach and target specific demographics. Track your video analytics to measure performance and optimize your distribution strategy over time.


    Consistency is key to building a strong brand identity and maintaining audience engagement. Develop a consistent video style and tone that aligns with your overall brand messaging. Regularly publish new content to keep your audience interested and informed. By creating a steady stream of high-quality videos, you can establish your brand as a thought leader and build a loyal following.


    Collaboration can enhance the creativity and reach of your video content. Partner with influencers, industry experts, or other businesses to create unique and engaging videos. This can help you tap into new audiences and gain fresh perspectives on your brand story. Joint ventures can also lead to cross-promotional opportunities, expanding your reach and impact.


    The world of video marketing is constantly evolving. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies to ensure your content remains fresh and engaging. Experiment with new formats, platforms, and storytelling techniques to keep your audience captivated. By embracing innovation and adapting to changing consumer preferences, you can ensure your corporate storytelling remains effective in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!