Video Creation Service

30 Captivating Social Media Teaser Videos To Spark Curiosity And Drive Traffic

Orko Roy
Last updated
Sep. 04, 2024

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, capturing the fleeting attention of your target audience is more challenging than ever. Founders and marketers are constantly seeking innovative ways to cut through the noise and leave a lasting impression. Social media, with its billions of active users, presents an unparalleled opportunity to connect with potential customers. However, simply having a presence on these platforms is no longer enough.

From showcasing upcoming product launches and announcing special promotions to providing valuable insights and teasing exclusive content, the possibilities are endless. By harnessing the power of short, captivating videos, you can effectively cut through the noise, engage your target audience, and drive meaningful traffic to your desired destinations. Let's dive in.

1. NFCForum

NFCForum is a company that is making NFC accessible and easy to use. The video is designed to showcase the benefits of using NFC for both businesses and consumers.

Video Design - This Feature Explainer Video is designed to be eye-catching and engaging. The use of bright colors and simple animation makes the video visually appealing and easily accessible. The use of a globe in the first scene highlights that NFC is everywhere and connects the viewer to a global level. The video uses a quick cut edit style, moving fast between different shots, in order to keep the viewer engaged.

The video uses a lighthearted and informative tone to explain the benefits of using NFC. The use of simple language and visuals makes the video easy to understand and relate to. The video uses clear and concise messaging, emphasizing the concept of security and convenience, that are key elements of NFC. These aspects together help the video achieve its goal of promoting NFCForum as the leading organization for NFC technologies.

2. National Grid ESO

National Grid ESO is a company that provides smart energy solutions, using technology to manage the electrical grid, and this video is designed to highlight the increasing demand for data storage as the adoption of connected vehicles increases.

Video Design - The video is a compelling Animated Business Explainer Video with a modern design aesthetic. The graphics are high quality, using a color scheme of bright blue, yellow, and teal, with bold, geometric shapes to create an engaging, dynamic feel, and it successfully presents the concept of interconnected vehicles and the need for adequate data storage solutions.

The video effectively communicates the objective of National Grid ESO through its use of vivid colors and engaging graphics. The video uses simple visuals to show how connected vehicles are generating more data than ever before, and the need for solutions to handle the increasing volume of data. The video conveys a confident, modern, and innovative tone, which is appropriate for a company specializing in technology solutions.

3. World Microbe Forum

World Microbe Forum is a groundbreaking event where microbiologists from around the world come together to discuss cutting-edge research. This video is designed to encourage people to attend the forum and showcase the importance of microbial science.

Video Design - The video uses a simple, graphic design style, with clean lines and bright colors that resemble a Startup Explainer Video. Flat, minimalist, animated characters illustrate the challenges microbiologists face, their solutions, and the impact of their research. The abstract background and clean graphics give the video a modern, sophisticated look.

This visual style communicates the video's objective of generating excitement for World Microbe Forum and the vital work done by microbiologists. The vibrant colors and simple design make the content accessible and engaging for a broad audience, emphasizing the importance of microbial research and its impact on the future. The upbeat, optimistic tone of the video reinforces the message that microbiologists are constantly working to solve critical challenges and improve the world.

4. Boyd

Boyd is a medical device manufacturer specializing in skin safe adhesives and wearable medical solutions. This video is designed to highlight Boyd's capability in creating innovative products.

Video Design - The video is an Informative Explainer Video that utilizes a simple design style, focusing primarily on showcasing product images. The video utilizes 3D graphics to visualize the products and highlight their use. The visual style is clean, simple, and informative with a white background and blue accents. The use of animation brings the product applications to life.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the key message, showcasing Boyd's ability to produce medical adhesive tapes and other wearable solutions. The video utilizes 3D animation to make the subject engaging, and uses clean graphics for a high-quality visual design. The tone of the video is professional and informative, highlighting Boyd's commitment to providing innovative solutions.


WOOD is a company that aims to deliver experiences that make life easier for both property owners and tenants. The video is designed to highlight WOOD's efforts in improving business efficiency through data access and cutting edge technologies.

Video Design - The video utilizes an Social Media Teaser Video style with minimal text, focusing on visuals that tell a story. The use of bright, bold colors like teal, green, and orange create a playful and engaging atmosphere. Simple, cartoon-like characters are used, and they interact with the interface, which is displayed in a clean and straightforward manner.

The vibrant colors and graphics effectively convey the message of ease and efficiency. The characters interact with the software in a way that feels natural and relatable, showcasing the simplicity and effectiveness of WOOD's services. The video maintains a fun and approachable tone, suggesting that WOOD's services are for everyone, making the technology seem less intimidating and more welcoming.

6. Calendly

Calendly is a platform that helps people find the perfect time to meet, even with busy schedules. This video is designed to introduce the new Calendly, which has a fresh look, feel, and smart features.

Video Design - This Animated Explainer Video uses bright, vibrant colors and simple, modern graphics. The video utilizes an isometric style to create a sense of depth and dimension. In the beginning, the video presents cartoon characters and a phone with an app open, and then moves to animated characters on a grid. These visuals create a clean, engaging, and user-friendly aesthetic, reflecting the ease of use and simplicity of the brand.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the value of the product and helps to draw in viewers. The video focuses on the new features and improved design of Calendly, creating a sense of excitement and anticipation for users. The overall tone of the video is light and fun, making the video engaging for the target audience of busy individuals and businesses.

7. Acuity

Acuity empowers customers to achieve more with less. The video is designed to explain how organizations need to adapt to new realities in a constantly changing business environment.

Video Design - The video follows a Storytelling Explainer Video style, with a simple, clean, and minimalist design. The use of vibrant, gradient colors, and the animated line icons, helps to convey the message of continuous transformation. The video uses a subtle animation style, keeping it visually engaging.

The video effectively communicates the message of transformation, using a combination of visuals and text. The bold blue color scheme and the infinity symbol, represent growth, quality and innovation. The animation style helps to create a sense of momentum and progress, driving viewers to understand the need to adapt and evolve within their respective organizations.

8. MSD Careers

MSD Careers is a global company focused on developing life-saving medicines and vaccines. The video is designed to attract new talent to the marketing team, showcasing the importance of understanding customer needs.

Video Design - This video uses a Social Media Teaser Video style. The visual design uses simple, bold colors. The video utilizes a clean, minimal design that focuses on conveying the message. The animation style is smooth and engaging, featuring diverse characters to convey the global nature of the company. The video uses minimal text and relies heavily on visuals to tell the story. This ensures the content is accessible and enjoyable for a diverse audience.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the company's mission to improve patient lives. The emphasis on teamwork and global reach highlights the collaborative environment of MSD Careers. The use of clear, concise messaging and positive visuals creates an upbeat tone that reflects the company's commitment to innovation and making a difference. The animated figures stepping up a staircase emphasizes growth and progress, leaving viewers with a positive impression.

9. Atlas Copco

The video showcases the transformative impact of Industry 4.0 on manufacturing processes, emphasizing the integration of data-driven technologies for enhanced productivity, sustainability, and user-friendliness. It highlights the shift towards smart factories that optimize material and energy efficiency, representing a significant advancement in sustainable industrial manufacturing. This is a perfect example of a Social Media Teaser Video showcasing the future of the manufacturing industry.

The video's design style effectively conveys the essence of Industry 4.0 and its implications for modern manufacturing. The use of sleek, futuristic visuals, such as the burning Earth transitioning into a digital grid and the conveyor belt with 3D cubes, symbolizes the integration of digital technologies and automation in industrial processes. The color palette, dominated by cool blues and contrasting oranges, creates a sense of innovation and efficiency. Social Media Teaser Video can leverage these visuals as a teaser.

The animation is smooth and dynamic, keeping the viewer engaged while Effectively illustrating complex concepts like data analysis and machine learning. In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements its message, providing a visually compelling and informative overview of Industry 4.0 and its role in shaping the future of manufacturing. Smart Factorie's approach effectively demonstrates how advanced technologies are driving positive change within the industrial sector. The teaser of this video can be shared on different social media platforms.

10. Alation

Alation is a data catalog solution that helps businesses understand and manage their data assets. The video is designed to announce Alation's tenth anniversary and position it as the "GOAT" of data catalogs.

Video Design -

The video has a bold, dynamic style that is visually engaging and effective. The video is set against a blue backdrop, which is used to highlight the company's brand colors of orange and white. This video uses sports icons and imagery to communicate the concept of being the "GOAT". The visuals highlight a sense of accomplishment and success, similar to the way athletes are often viewed. This is a classic “Product Awareness Explainer Video” that leverages popular sporting figures and iconic moments in sports to drive the message home.

The video uses vibrant color and sharp, clean lines that give the video a modern look. The dynamic visuals make the video visually appealing and ensure the video stands out from the competition. The graphics are of high quality and give the video a professional feel. The use of sports imagery and athletes from different sports is designed to capture the audience's attention and connect with a larger segment of viewers.

The video effectively uses sports imagery and symbolism to communicate the message of Alation's success in the data catalog space. The use of visuals like the silhouette of a basketball player, a tennis player, and a football player all combined with the word “GOAT” communicate the objective of the video and establishes a tone of pride and achievement. The visual style of the video and the use of compelling imagery make the video engaging and memorable.

11. GE

GE is a world leader in energy, providing equipment, solutions, and services across the energy value chain. This video is designed to highlight the role that gas power can play in a more decarbonized energy future.

Video Design - This Corporate Explainer Video employs a colorful and modern visual style. Animated graphics and clean lines showcase the power of renewable energy, featuring iconic wind turbines and solar panels. The use of bright colors and simple, eye-catching illustrations engages viewers and enhances the message.

The video seamlessly blends different visual elements. Animated graphics, text, and images come together to highlight the challenGE of climate change and the importance of a decarbonized energy future. This smooth integration of visual elements ensures that the video retains a consistent, engaging tone that effectively communicates the message.

12. Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet introduces a solution for master data management. The video is designed to explain the importance of data and how Dun & Bradstreet can help your organization manage the chaos of ever-growing data and thrive.

Video Design - Dun & Bradstreet uses a simple, modern, and clean design. A cityscape graphic forms the central visual, with lines and circles interacting with it, depicting the interconnectedness of data points. The video style is a "Business Explainer Video", and it uses a combination of clean visuals, concise text, and an engaging narrative to drive home its message.

The video employs a consistent color scheme of greens, blues, and purples. The graphics are simple, but they are visually appealing. They convey the information effectively, highlighting the need for managing your data to gain insights, and drive business growth. The use of minimal text, paired with engaging animation, and a clear message, make it a great example of a business explainer video. The video's tone is upbeat, and optimistic, suggesting that Dun & Bradstreet's solutions can help businesses overcome data chaos and reach new heights.

13. Comarch

Comarch's video is designed to showcase how automated network management can help telecom operators optimize energy consumption and achieve sustainability without affecting network performance.

Video Design - The video incorporates a visual style often seen in Onboarding Explainer Video. The design features clean lines and a minimalist aesthetic. The use of bright, vibrant colors adds a sense of energy, emphasizing the importance of sustainable network development. The animation style is simple, but effective, and the visual elements, such as the globe and the interconnected dots, clearly illustrate the global reach and interconnectedness of networks.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the key message of sustainability. The animation style is lighthearted but informative, conveying the message that while network growth is essential, it must also be responsible. The use of imagery like the globe and interconnected dots emphasizes the global impact of network operations, while the calming blue and purple hues create a sense of trust and responsibility. The overall tone is upbeat and hopeful, suggesting that sustainable network development is achievable.

14. Mavenir

Mavenir is building the future of networks and pioneering advanced technology. The video is designed to showcase Mavenir's role in developing a single, software-based automated network that runs on any cloud.

Video Design - The video utilizes a high-quality, futuristic visual style with sleek, 3D graphics and animations, and an emphasis on the integration of various network components, showcasing Mavenir's expertise. It incorporates abstract, stylized renderings, highlighting the company's vision for a more seamless and interconnected future. These graphics and elements make this a good Website Explainer Video, as they clearly convey the company's vision for the future of networking.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the company's mission by showcasing its global reach, technological expertise, and dedication to innovative solutions. Mavenir's commitment to a cloud-native approach is emphasized through the use of dynamic graphics, evoking a sense of advancement and progress. The video's tone is confident and aspirational, suggesting that Mavenir is a reliable partner for the future of networking.

15. VoltaChem

VoltaChem is working to decarbonize the chemical industry and create sustainable processes for producing chemicals and fuels. The video is designed to introduce VoltaChem's innovations in decarbonization of energy and recarbonization of raw materials, and highlight their commitment to the future of the chemical industry.

Video Design -
The video style is a Social Media Teaser Video using minimal 3D animation. White background and simple geometric shapes are used to present complex information in a clean and accessible way. This visual design choice helps the video to be engaging for its intended audience.

The video uses simple animations, clean visuals, and minimal text, conveying the complex subject matter in a clear and concise way. The color palette is monochromatic with pops of blue and green, reflecting VoltaChem's focus on sustainability and innovation. The visuals of the video are consistent with the message in the narrative.
The tone of the video is professional and optimistic, showing VoltaChem's confident approach to addressing the challenges faced by the chemical industry.

16. EQT

EQT is a global private equity firm that invests in businesses with a long-term perspective. This video is designed to provide general information about EQT to potential employees, portfolio companies, business partners and public shareholders.

Video Design - The video style is a Social Media Teaser Video using a mix of minimalist graphics and animation. The use of simple imagery and clean design with a clear focus on the subject of the video, EQT, gives the audience an understanding of the brand and its value. The video also uses a limited color palette, which helps to create a sense of professionalism and sophistication.

The visual style of the video communicates the objective effectively by highlighting the importance of the work of people in various industries and their contribution to the world. The video narrative focuses on the idea that EQT helps these people and their work. The tone of the video is professional and straightforward, which is consistent with the brand's identity.

17. Sanofi

Sanofi is a global healthcare company focused on developing innovative solutions for diseases including rare diseases. This particular video is designed to raise awareness about the impact of rare diseases and encourage people to seek diagnosis if they experience persistent symptoms.

Video Design - The video adopts a simple, graphic design style, reminiscent of Social Media Teaser Video examples. It uses bold, colorful typography and minimalist illustrations to depict the patient's journey. The video's animation is clean and straightforward, with a focus on visual storytelling. These elements effectively communicate the message to the audience, making the video both engaging and easy to understand.

The use of bold and simple colors helps convey the video's objective. The video's overall tone is compassionate and informative, showcasing the importance of early diagnosis in managing rare diseases. The video uses a visual narrative that demonstrates the challenges associated with rare diseases and the importance of seeking medical help when symptoms persist. This is done by depicting the patient's search for answers on the internet and the doctor's examination. The use of simple illustrations and clean animations makes the video accessible and engaging for a diverse audience, while driving the message home.

18. Noonday Collection

Noonday Collection is a company that helps women earn an income with an impact. The video is designed to inspire viewers to join the Noonday community and become ambassadors.

Video Design - The video is a minimalist "Landing Page Explainer Video" featuring a simple animated character in a bright orange shirt and black pants. The character, symbolizing an ambassador, is placed on a simple background with pastel colored hues. This background has subtle scattered dots that provide movement and interest.

The video uses a simple and engaging animation style to communicate the company's mission and benefits. The tone is positive and hopeful, emphasizing the positive impact of becoming a Noonday ambassador. The combination of simple animation and a thoughtful, hopeful tone allows the video to communicate the company's values and message effectively.

19. PGE

PGE helps provide power to homes and businesses. The video is designed to educate viewers about the relationship between energy use and energy sources.

Video Design - The video utilizes a Animated Explainer Video style, using colorful and simple graphics, depicting various scenes like a house, a coffee shop, and a car. These scenes, along with simple illustrations, create an easy-to-understand visual narrative.

The video's visual style communicates the connection between energy usage and the type of sources used. The use of bright colors and simplified illustrations contribute to an engaging and informative tone, making complex topics accessible and relatable. The video encourages viewers to think about their energy usage and how small shifts can lead to greater reliance on renewable sources.

20. BDO

BDO is a global accounting firm, and this video is designed to show that they are more than just traditional accounting services.

Video Design - This Product Explainer Video uses bright colors and bold, graphic fonts that stand out against a mostly black and white background, emphasizing the keywords of the video.

The use of graphics highlights the more contemporary and forward-thinking aspect of BDO. The dynamic text in the video adds an air of excitement and dynamism to the subject matter, making the traditionally boring subject of accounting more engaging. This visual style is able to communicate the objective of the video by showing that BDO is forward-thinking and able to meet the needs of the changing business landscape. The video uses a positive and energetic tone, which is reinforced by the fast-paced editing and upbeat music, creating an encouraging message for potential employees.

21. Printify

Printify is a print-on-demand service that allows you to sell products like skincare, supplements, and coffee without having to handle inventory. The video is designed to introduce this new product line and encourage you to join the waitlist.

Video Design - This video utilizes a bright color palette and playful visuals. A variety of animated product mockups with the brand tagline "Your Brand Here" appear throughout the video, highlighting the customizable nature of the service. Each product is displayed in a simple yet eye-catching manner, showcasing the various ways to brand and sell on Printify. The animated visuals are designed to capture attention and create a sense of excitement around the new product lines.

This video successfully combines bright colors and playful graphics to emphasize the fun and accessible nature of the Printify brand. It encourages viewers to envision themselves creating their own brands and selling a diverse range of products with the help of Printify's platform. The vibrant colors, simple animations, and product-focused design make this an effective "Process Explainer Video." The overall tone of the video is optimistic and inviting, which aligns with the message of empowering entrepreneurs to sell products without the hassle of inventory.

22. Aqua Security

Aqua Security is a cloud native security platform. The video is designed to promote the security benefits of using Aqua Security. It highlights how security can allow organizations to transform, accelerate, and scale.

Video Design - This Social Media Teaser Video starts with the words "on the cloud native fast track", using blue and purple neon-style font on a dark blue background. The video then progresses to the use of animated 3D graphics, showcasing figures working in an endless tunnel-like structure. The visuals highlight the concepts of fast track, speed, and the continuous nature of security requirements in a cloud native environment. The use of dynamic 3D elements adds an interesting visual dimension to the video.

The video, through its use of neon colors and animated 3D graphics, successfully communicates the message of the need for security in a constantly evolving and fast paced world. The tone of the video is upbeat, energetic, and optimistic, while communicating the complexity of the subject. The video, in its own unique way, captures the essence of security and its importance, using visual elements that create a sense of forward momentum.

23. Pinkerton

Pinkerton helps organizations gain insights from crime data. The video is designed to introduce their product to potential customers and showcase the value it provides.

Video Design - The video utilizes a Social Media Teaser Video style. Using a combination of simple graphics, clean visuals, and text, the video visually represents how Pinkerton's platform takes overwhelming amounts of data and turns it into a usable format. Animated puzzle pieces are used throughout the video, signifying how Pinkerton brings together complex information to provide clear and actionable insights.

The visual style of the video is simple but powerful. The use of animation and engaging visuals brings the process of analyzing crime data to life, driving home the message of Pinkerton's platform. The tone of the video is professional and straightforward, accurately conveying the complex work Pinkerton does while also being accessible to a wide audience.

24. Kubota

Kubota is a company that has been working to address social issues related to food, water, and the environment since its founding in 1890. The video is designed to introduce their long-term vision, GMB2030.

Video Design - The video uses a clean, minimalist design style that features a white background and a vibrant teal blue color scheme. This is an "Awareness Explainer Video" that utilizes line art for icons, simple infographics, and an engaging visual flow that is easy to follow. The graphics are high quality and the animation is smooth and professional, all of which contribute to a positive brand image.

The video's visual style effectively communicates Kubota's commitment to sustainability. The use of a white background with simple, bold graphics and clear fonts creates a clean and professional look that is easily digestible for the viewer. The use of a vibrant teal blue color scheme is associated with environmental consciousness, further reinforcing the company's dedication to social responsibility. The animation is subtle and focused on the information being presented, which allows the viewer to focus on the message and develop a positive association with Kubota's vision.

25. FSGImpact

FSGImpact is a company that helps organizations create lasting social change. The video is designed to explain what collective impact is and how it is a powerful approach to social change.

Video Design - The video features a simple, clean design with bold graphics and colorful elements. This creates a sense of urgency, importance, and the need for a more robust solution than just an individual effort to address a complex problem. The graphics and overall design are appealing and engaging, and the overall tone of the video is optimistic.

This video is a good example of a brand explainer video. The video design is simple and focused on communicating the message in a clear and concise manner. The bright and optimistic design is visually appealing, making it easy for viewers to understand the concept of collective impact. The color palette is bright and cheerful, which helps to draw the viewer's attention. The bold, simple graphic style of the video is designed to illustrate how collective impact works. It features a series of graphics that show how a group of people can work together to tackle a complex problem. The video is also engaging, with the use of animation and other visual elements to keep the viewer interested. The combination of the right visual style, design, and animation makes this a good Social Media Teaser Video.

The video is designed to communicate the message that collective impact is a powerful approach to social change. By using a series of simple, animated graphics, the video is able to illustrate how collective impact works and its benefits in a clear and concise manner. The visual style of the video is designed to convey a sense of optimism and hope, helping to encourage viewers to learn more about this important topic. The video's animation style communicates a strong, confident tone and the positive impact of collective impact.

26. Advanta

Advanta is a company that helps organizations achieve their transformation goals. The video is designed to show how Advanta can help businesses make big dreams come true, step by step.

Video Design - The video is a Social Media Teaser Video. It uses a combination of simple, clean graphics, black and white imagery, and blue and yellow color schemes. These elements are used to communicate the key message of the video.

The video uses black and white imagery to portray a sense of seriousness and professionalism. The simple, clean graphics help to illustrate the complex concepts of transformation and innovation. The use of blue and yellow color schemes create a feeling of optimism and energy. The use of clean graphics helps to communicate complex concepts in a simple and easy-to-understand way. The black and white photography and simple graphics help to create a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness. The overall tone of the video is upbeat and inspiring, which helps to communicate the message that Advanta can help businesses achieve their transformation goals. The video effectively communicates Advanta's capabilities and value proposition, using visual elements to drive the video goal. Advanta's video is a good example of how effective design and storytelling can be used to communicate a complex message.

27. Thermo Fisher

Thermo Fisher is a company that provides cell therapy services. This video is designed to illustrate how Thermo Fisher can help organizations transform cells into life-saving therapies.

Video Design - This is a Business Storytelling Explainer Video, showcasing a modern and simple design style with clean line art icons and a dark blue background. The design incorporates blue and yellow color schemes with animation, helping to visually communicate the ease of using Thermo Fisher products for complex cell therapy.

The video showcases the benefits of using Thermo Fisher's services by highlighting the challenges of traditional cell therapy. The visuals of the video effectively communicate the complexities associated with traditional contact centers for cell therapy, setting the stage for the introduction of Thermo Fisher's innovative solution. The tone of the video is upbeat, and the animation style is easy to follow and engaging. The video successfully drives home the message of Thermo Fisher's ability to simplify cell therapy for the benefit of patients.

28. ManageEngine

ManageEngine provides solutions for data backup and recovery. This video is designed to help businesses understand the importance of safeguarding their valuable data.

Video Design - This Enterprise Application Explainer Video uses a vibrant color palette and modern animated graphics. The animation style is simple and clean, using smooth transitions and impactful visuals. A grid pattern is used to visualize data and security. The video utilizes bold, bright colors, such as blue and pink, to highlight important information and maintain visual interest.

The video uses a clear and concise narrative to communicate the importance of data backup and recovery. It uses visuals and animations to help the audience understand how ManageEngine can help protect their data. The video has a lighthearted and reassuring tone, which effectively conveys the value of data protection without causing unnecessary anxiety. The video's visual design and narrative work together to effectively drive the video's goal of promoting ManageEngine's data backup solutions.

29. Gemalto

Gemalto is a company that provides digital security solutions for industries like the commercial drone industry. This video is designed to highlight the role of Gemalto's solutions in building trust in the commercial drone ecosystem.

Video Design - The video uses a combination of 2D and 3D animation to bring the message to life. The use of futuristic and abstract visuals like a network of connected dots and lines, further enhances the feeling of technological advancement. The inclusion of 2D animations in the form of infographics to visualize the three key elements - "Identify, Connect, Secure" - enhances the overall visual design, making it a good Advertising Explainer Video.

The use of a dynamic visual style and captivating graphics effectively communicates the need for Gemalto's solutions in securing the commercial drone industry. The fast-paced and upbeat tone of the video appeals to a wide audience, further emphasizing the potential of Gemalto's solutions for the future of the industry. The use of animated graphics and visuals to showcase the importance of drone security is able to effectively drive the video's goal of highlighting the value of Gemalto's solutions to the commercial drone industry.

30. WalkMe Social Media Teaser Video

WalkMe is a digital adoption platform that makes it effortless to use software, websites, and apps. The video is designed to introduce WalkMe and showcase its ability to simplify complex processes.

Video Design - The video uses a vibrant color palette, featuring a dark blue background with bright blue, purple, and pink elements. The design is clean and minimalistic, focusing on the core message and showcasing the product through animated graphics. The video effectively utilizes a Corporate Storytelling Explainer Video format, highlighting the problem of digital complexity and showcasing WalkMe as the solution.

The video effectively communicates the objective of simplifying digital processes through the use of visual elements such as animated interfaces and a simplified representation of the digital race. The tone of the video is positive and reassuring, assuring viewers that WalkMe can help them overcome challenges and achieve success in the digital world. The video seamlessly blends animation, visual elements, and messaging to convey WalkMe's value proposition, making the content engaging and easy to understand.

Key Takeaways

Content Elements For Teaser Videos

A captivating social media teaser video hinges on three core elements: a compelling hook, a clear value proposition, and a strong call to action.

The Hook:

The first few seconds are crucial. Grab attention with a fast-paced montage, a surprising transition, or a close-up shot of an intriguing detail. Think about what will stop thumbs mid-scroll and pique viewers' curiosity.

Value Proposition:

Clearly communicate the unique benefits of your offering. What problem does it solve? Why should viewers care? Tailor your message to your target audience and the platform you're using. For example, a teaser for a productivity app on LinkedIn might focus on saving time, while a teaser for the same app on Instagram might highlight its ease of use and aesthetic appeal.

Call to Action:

Don't leave viewers hanging. Guide them towards the next step. Instead of a generic "learn more," try something specific like "Download the free guide," "Sign up for early access," or "Visit our website to explore the collection."

Drive Traffic With Teaser Videos

Your teaser video is a trailer for your landing page. It should entice viewers to click through and learn more.

Clear Call to Action:

Direct viewers explicitly. "Click the link in bio," "Swipe up to learn more," or display the URL prominently on screen.

Exclusive Content:

Offer a glimpse of what awaits them on the landing page. This could be a sneak peek of a new product feature, a special discount code, or behind-the-scenes footage.

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out):

Highlight limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or a countdown to a product launch. Create a sense of urgency that motivates viewers to visit your landing page before it's too late.

Imagine a teaser video for an online course. It could show snippets of the course content, highlight testimonials from satisfied students, and offer a limited-time discount for early enrollment, all leading viewers to a landing page with detailed course information and a signup form.

Compelling Storylines For Teaser Videos

Captivating your audience requires a compelling storyline, especially on social media where attention spans are short.

Start Strong:

Hook viewers immediately with a thought-provoking question, a surprising statistic, or a visually arresting scene. For example, a teaser for a sustainable clothing brand could open with a shocking statistic about textile waste.

Build Intrigue:

Gradually reveal information, leaving viewers wanting more. Hint at a solution without giving it all away. A teaser for a new fitness program could show glimpses of exciting workout routines without revealing the entire program structure.

End with a Bang:

Leave viewers on the edge of their seats. This could be a cliffhanger, a powerful question, or a strong call to action. A teaser for a documentary could end with a provocative statement that leaves viewers wanting to learn more.

Build Brand Awareness With Teaser Videos

Teaser videos are powerful tools for building brand awareness in today's crowded digital landscape.

Showcase Your Brand Personality:

Infuse your brand's unique voice and style into every frame. Use visuals, music, and messaging that resonate with your target audience. A playful brand might use bright colors and upbeat music, while a luxury brand might opt for a more sophisticated aesthetic.

Tell Your Brand Story:

Share your brand's journey, values, or mission in a way that connects with your audience emotionally. A teaser for a non-profit organization could showcase the impact of their work through heartwarming stories.

Leverage User-Generated Content:

Showcase real customers using and loving your products or services. This builds authenticity and trust. A teaser for a travel company could feature user-submitted videos of their travel experiences.

Types Of Teaser Videos For Marketing

Social media teaser videos are versatile and adaptable to various marketing goals.

Product Teasers:

Generate excitement for new product launches. Showcase key features and benefits through visually appealing demonstrations or lifestyle shots.

Event Teasers:

Capture the energy and excitement of upcoming events. Highlight key speakers, activities, or exclusive behind-the-scenes footage to drive registrations.

Campaign Teasers:

Introduce new marketing campaigns with a bang. Tease the campaign's theme, message, and call to action to generate buzz and anticipation.

For example, a product teaser for a new smartphone could showcase its sleek design and innovative camera features, while an event teaser for a music festival could feature snippets of performances and highlight the festival atmosphere.

Generate Leads With Teaser Videos

Teaser videos can be effective lead generation tools when strategically crafted.

Offer a Valuable Lead Magnet:

Provide something valuable in exchange for contact information. This could be an ebook, a discount code, a webinar recording, or access to exclusive content.

Drive Traffic to a Landing Page:

Direct viewers to a dedicated landing page where they can learn more about your offer and provide their contact information. Ensure the landing page aligns seamlessly with the teaser video's messaging and visuals.

Leverage Scarcity:

Create a sense of urgency by highlighting limited-time offers or exclusive deals available only to those who provide their contact information.

For instance, a teaser video for a financial services company could offer a free guide to retirement planning in exchange for email signup, leading viewers to a landing page with a signup form and more detailed information about their services.

Track Teaser Video Performance

Measuring the success of your teaser video is crucial for optimization and future campaigns.


Track the number of times your video has been viewed to understand its reach and visibility. However, views alone don't tell the whole story.


Measure likes, comments, shares, and click-through rates to gauge audience interest and interaction. High engagement indicates that your video is resonating with viewers.

Conversion Rate:

Track the percentage of viewers who take the desired action, such as visiting your landing page, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase. This metric directly reflects the effectiveness of your teaser video in driving conversions.

Support Campaigns With Teaser Videos

Teaser videos can be strategic touchpoints that amplify the reach and impact of your broader marketing campaigns.

Build Anticipation:

Release teaser videos in the weeks or days leading up to a product launch, event, or campaign to generate buzz and excitement.

Drive Traffic to Campaign Landing Pages:

Include clear calls to action in your videos, directing viewers to dedicated landing pages where they can learn more and take action.

Reinforce Key Messages:

Use teaser videos to reiterate the core messages of your campaign, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints.

For example, a teaser video for a new car model could be released weeks before the official launch, showcasing its design and hinting at its performance capabilities, driving viewers to a landing page where they can register for updates and pre-order the car.

Optimize Teaser Videos For Platforms

Each social media platform has its own nuances. Optimizing your teaser video for each platform is crucial for maximizing its impact.

Video Length:

Instagram and TikTok favor short, snappy videos (under 60 seconds), while YouTube can accommodate longer-form content.

Aspect Ratio:

Vertical videos are ideal for mobile-first platforms like Instagram Stories and TikTok, while landscape videos are better suited for YouTube and Facebook.


Many users watch videos on mute, so adding captions ensures accessibility and improves engagement across all platforms.

Engage Customers With Teaser Videos

Teaser videos can be powerful tools for fostering meaningful engagement with your audience.

Pose Thought-Provoking Questions:

Encourage viewers to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences in the comments section. For example, a teaser for a new documentary could ask viewers what social issue they are most passionate about.

Run Interactive Polls and Quizzes:

Engage your audience with interactive elements that encourage participation and provide valuable insights. A teaser for a new clothing line could include a poll asking viewers which style they prefer.

Host Live Q&A Sessions:

Use teaser videos to announce and promote live Q&A sessions with industry experts or company leaders. This allows for direct interaction with your audience and builds a sense of community.

Brand Identity In Teaser Videos

Consistency in visual identity builds brand recognition and trust. Your teaser video should seamlessly integrate with your brand's visual language.

Color Palette:

Use colors that align with your brand's primary and secondary color palette. This creates a sense of visual harmony and reinforces brand recognition.


Choose fonts that are consistent with your brand's typography guidelines. This ensures readability and reinforces brand identity.

Visual Style:

Maintain a consistent visual style across all your marketing materials, including your teaser video. This could include the use of specific filters, animation styles, or graphic elements.

For example, a teaser video for a tech company might use a minimalist design with a cool color palette and a clean, modern font, reflecting their brand's innovative and forward-thinking image.

Showcase Product Features With Teaser Videos

Teaser videos provide a dynamic platform to showcase your product's unique selling proposition.

Focus on the "Why":

Instead of simply listing features, highlight how those features benefit the customer. A teaser for a new vacuum cleaner could show how its powerful suction makes cleaning easier and faster, rather than just stating its wattage.

Show, Don't Just Tell:

Use high-quality visuals, animations, or demonstrations to bring your product to life and showcase its capabilities. A teaser for a new cooking appliance could show it in action, preparing a delicious meal.

Incorporate Customer Testimonials:

Real-life stories of how your product has helped others can be incredibly persuasive. A teaser for a new skincare product could feature testimonials from customers who have seen positive results.

Drive Conversions With Teaser Videos

Driving conversions is a key objective for many marketing campaigns. Teaser videos can be highly effective in nudging viewers towards a desired action.

Create a Sense of Urgency:

Limited-time offers, exclusive deals, and countdown timers can create FOMO and encourage immediate action. A teaser for an online sale could feature a countdown timer highlighting the end date of the sale.

Make it Easy to Convert:

Provide clear and concise calls to action, making it effortless for viewers to take the next step. A teaser for a new app could include a prominent "Download Now" button.

A/B Test Different Elements:

Experiment with different headlines, calls to action, and visuals to see what resonates best with your audience. This allows you to optimize your teaser video for maximum conversion rates.

Target Audiences With Teaser Videos

Teaser videos can be tailored to resonate with specific audience segments, increasing their effectiveness.

Understand Your Audience:

Research your target audience's demographics, interests, and pain points. This information will guide your messaging and visuals.

Tailor Your Content:

Create different versions of your teaser video that address the specific needs and interests of each audience segment. A teaser for a new fitness program could have one version targeting young adults and another targeting seniors, each with different visuals and messaging.

Utilize Targeted Advertising:

Social media platforms offer robust targeting options. Use these to ensure your teaser video reaches the right audience segments.

Avoid Teaser Video Mistakes

Creating effective teaser videos requires avoiding common pitfalls that can hinder their impact.

Revealing Too Much:

The purpose of a teaser is to pique interest, not give away the entire story. Avoid revealing too much information, leaving viewers wanting more.

Lacking a Clear Call to Action:

Don't leave viewers guessing what to do next. Include a clear and concise call to action that guides them towards the desired outcome.

Ignoring Platform Best Practices:

Each platform has its own unique audience and best practices. Failing to optimize your video for each platform can limit its reach and engagement.

Neglecting Brand Identity:

Your teaser video should be consistent with your brand's visual identity. Inconsistent branding can confuse viewers and weaken brand recognition.

Urgency And Action In Teaser Videos

In the fast-paced world of social media, capturing attention and driving immediate action is paramount. Teaser videos excel at creating a sense of urgency, prompting viewers to act quickly. This is achieved through several strategic approaches:

Leveraging Time-Sensitive Offers:

Highlight limited-time promotions, flash sales, or early-bird discounts. This creates a sense of scarcity, implying that the opportunity won't last forever. For example, a teaser video for a clothing brand could showcase a flash sale with a 24-hour countdown, encouraging viewers to shop immediately to avoid missing out on the deals.

Using Countdown Timers:

Visual countdown timers provide a tangible representation of time running out, amplifying the urgency. Imagine a teaser video for a webinar featuring a prominent speaker. A countdown timer leading up to the webinar's start date visually reinforces the limited-time availability, encouraging viewers to register promptly.

Employing Action-Oriented Language:

Use strong verbs and phrases that explicitly encourage immediate action. Phrases like "Shop Now," "Get Yours Today," or "Don't Miss Out" create a sense of immediacy and guide viewers towards the desired action.

Elements Of Successful Teaser Videos

Crafting a successful social media teaser video requires a deep understanding of your target audience, a compelling story to tell, and a keen eye for visual storytelling. Here are the key elements:

A Strong Hook:

The first few seconds are crucial. Capture attention immediately with a visually arresting scene, a thought-provoking question, or a bold statement. Imagine a teaser video for a new smartphone. It could open with a stunning close-up shot of the phone's innovative camera lens, instantly piquing viewers' curiosity.

A Clear Value Proposition:

Communicate the unique benefits of your product, service, or event in a way that resonates with your target audience. For example, a teaser video for a fitness app could showcase how it helps users achieve their fitness goals through personalized workout plans and progress tracking, appealing to their desire for a healthier lifestyle.

A Compelling Call to Action:

Guide viewers towards the desired action. Tell them exactly what you want them to do next, whether it's visiting your website, making a purchase, or sharing the video. A teaser video for a music festival could end with a clear call to action: "Buy your tickets now before they sell out!"

Target Audiences With Teaser Videos

Social media's strength lies in its ability to target specific audience segments with precision. Teaser videos can be tailored to resonate with different demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Leverage Platform Targeting Options:

Social media platforms offer robust targeting options. You can reach specific demographics (age, gender, location), interests (hobbies, professions), and behaviors (purchase history, online activity). For instance, a teaser video for a new line of vegan skincare products could be targeted to users interested in veganism, cruelty-free products, and natural skincare.

Create Different Versions of Your Video:

Consider creating multiple versions of your teaser video, each tailored to a specific audience segment. A software company could create separate teaser videos highlighting different features of their software, targeting businesses, educators, and individual users with tailored messaging and visuals.

Use Relevant Hashtags:

Hashtags are powerful tools for reaching people interested in specific topics. A teaser video for a travel agency promoting adventure tours could use hashtags like #AdventureTravel, #Backpacking, and #ExploreTheWorld to reach users interested in these topics.

Tell Brand Stories With Teaser Videos

Storytelling connects with your audience on an emotional level. A well-crafted brand story humanizes your brand, builds trust, and creates lasting connections.

Identify Your Target Audience:

Understand your target audience's values, interests, and aspirations. A brand selling sustainable clothing would target environmentally conscious consumers, focusing their story on ethical sourcing and eco-friendly practices.

Define Your Brand's Core Values:

What does your brand stand for? What are your guiding principles? A coffee company might emphasize their commitment to fair trade practices and supporting local farmers in their brand story.

Craft a Narrative Arc:

Every good story has a beginning, middle, and end. A teaser video for a new electric car could start with the problem of pollution, introduce the car as a solution, and end with a vision of a cleaner future.

Generate Buzz With Teaser Videos

Generating buzz and excitement is crucial for a successful product or service launch. Social media teaser videos are powerful tools for creating anticipation and driving demand.

Create a Sense of Mystery:

Don't reveal everything at once. Tease snippets of information, product features, or behind-the-scenes footage to pique curiosity. A teaser video for a new gaming console could show glimpses of the console's design and gameplay without revealing the full product, leaving viewers wanting more.

Leverage Influencers and Brand Advocates:

Partner with influencers or brand advocates to share your teaser video with their followers, amplifying your reach and credibility. A beauty brand launching a new mascara could partner with beauty influencers to create teaser videos showcasing the product's benefits and application techniques.

Run Contests and Giveaways:

Encourage engagement and excitement by offering exclusive access, discounts, or prizes to those who share your teaser video. A tech company launching a new smartphone could offer a chance to win the phone to users who share the teaser video and tag their friends.

Shareable And Viral Teaser Videos

While there's no guaranteed formula for creating viral content, certain elements can increase the shareability and virality of your social media teaser video.

Evoke Strong Emotions:

Content that evokes strong emotions, such as joy, surprise, or humor, is more likely to be shared. A heartwarming teaser video for a charity showcasing the positive impact of their work could evoke strong emotions and encourage viewers to share it with their networks.

Make it Relatable:

People are more likely to share content that resonates with their own experiences, values, or beliefs. A teaser video for a parenting app showcasing the challenges and joys of parenthood could resonate with parents and encourage them to share it with other parents.

Keep it Short and Sweet:

Attention spans are short, especially on social media. Keep your teaser video concise and to the point, focusing on delivering your message effectively within a short timeframe.

Drive Engagement With Teaser Videos

Building strong customer relationships is essential for long-term success. Social media teaser videos can foster engagement, build loyalty, and create a sense of community among your customers.

Showcase Customer Success Stories:

Highlight how your product or service has helped real customers achieve their goals or overcome challenges. A teaser video for an online education platform could feature testimonials from students who have successfully completed courses and landed their dream jobs.

Go Behind the Scenes:

Offer a glimpse into your company culture, values, or the people behind your brand. A teaser video for a craft brewery could show the brewing process, introduce the brewers, and highlight their passion for creating quality beer.

Run Exclusive Contests and Giveaways:

Reward your loyal customers with exclusive access to contests, giveaways, or special offers. A coffee shop could offer a free drink to loyal customers who share a teaser video promoting their new seasonal beverage.

Promote Events With Teaser Videos

Promoting an event or campaign requires a multi-faceted approach that generates excitement, drives attendance, and maximizes impact. Social media teaser videos play a crucial role in achieving these goals.

Highlight Key Event Details:

Clearly communicate the date, time, location, and other essential information about your event. A teaser video for a conference could showcase the venue, highlight keynote speakers, and clearly display the event dates and registration link.

Showcase Speakers or Performers:

If your event features prominent speakers, performers, or guests, highlight them in your teaser video to generate interest. A teaser video for a music festival could feature snippets of performances from headlining artists, enticing viewers to attend.

Offer Exclusive Incentives:

Encourage early registration or ticket purchases by offering discounts, exclusive access, or other incentives. A teaser video for a workshop could offer a discount code for early bird registrations, motivating viewers to sign up promptly.

Educate Customers With Teaser Videos

Educating your audience about your product or service is essential for building trust and driving conversions. Social media teaser videos can deliver information engagingly and memorably.

Focus on a Specific Topic:

Instead of trying to cover everything, focus on one key aspect of your product or service. A teaser video for a new software could focus on explaining a specific feature, such as its user-friendly interface or its powerful data analytics capabilities.

Use Visuals to Simplify Complex Concepts:

Animations, diagrams, or screen recordings can make complex information easier to understand. A teaser video for a financial service could use animations to explain complex financial concepts like compound interest or investment diversification.

Provide Actionable Takeaways:

End your video with clear takeaways or next steps that viewers can implement. A teaser video for a healthy eating program could end with a simple recipe idea or a tip for incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet.

High-Quality Teaser Videos

In the crowded digital landscape, quality matters. A high-quality social media teaser video can capture attention, engage your audience, and achieve your marketing goals.

Professional Video Production:

Invest in high-quality video production to ensure your video is visually appealing and engaging. This includes using professional equipment, lighting, and editing techniques.

Clear and Concise Messaging:

Communicate your message clearly and concisely, avoiding jargon or overly technical language. Focus on delivering your key message in a way that is easy for your target audience to understand.

Strong Call to Action:

Tell viewers exactly what you want them to do next, whether it's visiting your website, making a purchase, or sharing the video. A clear and compelling call to action is essential for driving conversions.

Understanding Teaser Videos

A social media teaser video is a short, attention-grabbing video designed to pique viewers' interest and encourage them to learn more. It's like a sneak peek or a trailer that leaves viewers wanting more, prompting them to take action. Unlike longer explainer videos or product demos, teaser videos focus on creating intrigue and anticipation rather than providing comprehensive information.

Importance Of Teaser Videos

In today's digitally driven world, where attention spans are fleeting and competition for eyeballs is fierce, social media teaser videos have become indispensable marketing tools. They offer a dynamic and engaging way to cut through the noise and capture the attention of your target audience. Teaser videos can be used to generate buzz for new product launches, drive traffic to your website, increase brand awareness, and ultimately, boost conversions.

Types Of Teaser Videos

Social media teaser videos are incredibly versatile, adaptable to a wide range of marketing objectives and industries. From product launches to event promotions, there's a teaser video format that can help you achieve your specific goals.

Product Teasers:

Generate excitement for new product launches by offering sneak peeks, highlighting key features, and showcasing benefits. A teaser video for a new smartphone could showcase its sleek design, innovative camera features, and powerful processor.

Event Teasers:

Capture the energy and excitement of upcoming events, showcasing speakers, performers, or exclusive behind-the-scenes footage. A teaser video for a music festival could feature snippets of performances from headlining artists and highlight the festival atmosphere.

Behind-the-Scenes Teasers:

Offer a glimpse into your company culture, the making of your products, or the people behind your brand. A teaser video for a fashion brand could show the design process, introduce the designers, and highlight the brand's commitment to sustainability.

Author at advids
I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!