Video Creation Service

30 Animated Feature Tour Video Examples That Boost Signups

Last updated
Jul. 01, 2024

In today's digital landscape, capturing attention and driving conversions is more challenging than ever. Consumers are bombarded with information, making it crucial for businesses to find innovative ways to stand out. Animated feature tour videos have emerged as a powerful tool for engaging audiences, simplifying complex concepts, and ultimately boosting signups.

The need for effective communication is paramount, especially when introducing new products, services, or platforms. Static images and text-heavy descriptions often fail to capture the essence of an offering, leaving potential customers confused or disinterested. Animated videos, on the other hand, can bring features to life, showcasing functionality and benefits in a visually compelling and easily digestible format.

Challenges arise when attempting to convey the value proposition of a product or service concisely and engagingly. Traditional marketing materials often fall short, resulting in low conversion rates and missed opportunities. For instance, a software company offering a complex project management tool might struggle to explain its various features and benefits through static screenshots or lengthy descriptions. An animated feature tour video, however, could effectively demonstrate the tool's workflow, highlighting key functionalities and showcasing its ease of use.

Animated feature tour videos find application across a wide range of scenarios, from onboarding new users to showcasing product updates and demonstrating integrations. They can be embedded on websites, landing pages, and social media platforms, providing a consistent and engaging brand experience. Real-world use cases include software demos, mobile app walkthroughs, online course introductions, and explainer videos for financial products or healthcare services.

By leveraging the power of animation, businesses can effectively communicate their value proposition, simplify complex concepts, and ultimately drive signups. The versatility and effectiveness of animated feature tour videos make them an invaluable asset for founders and marketers looking to enhance their marketing efforts and achieve their business goals. Let's dive in and explore 30 inspiring examples that showcase the potential of this dynamic medium.

1. 360Learning

The video showcases the significance of effective onboarding in fostering employee retention and satisfaction, transforming new hires into productive members of the team. The animated feature walkthrough effectively employs vibrant colors, clean lines, and engaging data visualizations to convey the message. The use of growth curves and progress bars visually represents the journey from novice to expert, aligning perfectly with the video's core theme. By incorporating employee testimonials and showcasing the user-friendly interface of the 360Learning platform, the video establishes a strong connection with the audience and highlights the product's value proposition.

In conclusion, the video's design style seamlessly complements its message, creating a compelling narrative that underscores the importance of onboarding and positions 360Learning as a valuable tool for achieving employee success. The animated feature exploration explainer video tour offers a comprehensive overview of the platform's features and benefits, enabling viewers to understand its capabilities and potential impact. The video's engaging format and informative content make it an effective tool for educating potential customers about the value of 360Learning.

The video's use of animation and visuals helps to simplify complex concepts and make them more accessible to a wider audience. The feature tour video effectively demonstrates how 360Learning can be used to create engaging and effective onboarding programs that drive employee success. By showcasing the platform's user-friendly interface and intuitive design, the video helps to build trust and confidence in 360Learning as a solution.

2. Live Oak Bank

This video aims to guide aspiring business owners through the essential components of crafting a comprehensive business plan, emphasizing its significance as a roadmap to success and securing funding. It delves into key sections such as the executive summary, business description, market research, and marketing plan, providing valuable insights for entrepreneurs embarking on their ventures.

The video's design style effectively complements its educational purpose, employing a clean and minimalist aesthetic with a focus on line art and iconography. This approach ensures that the viewers' attention remains on the core message – understanding the critical elements of a business plan. The use of subtle animations and transitions further enhances engagement without distracting from the content. The color palette is carefully chosen, with a predominance of white space and contrasting colors to highlight key points and data.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully balances aesthetics with functionality, creating an engaging and informative experience for viewers seeking guidance on developing a robust business plan. The minimalist approach, coupled with strategic use of color and animation, ensures that the content remains the focal point, effectively conveying the importance of each element in the business plan and empowering entrepreneurs to embark on their journey with confidence. This video serves as both an animated feature exploration of business plans and an animated feature demonstration of their key components.

3. Bullhorn

Bullhorn talent platform is a digital talent experience that empowers the modern candidate to take control of their work life. Powered by automation and AI, bullhorn provides a high-touch, high-tech experience that builds loyalty, drives redeployment, and lowers the cost of service by taking the busywork away from your recruiters.

The video effectively showcases the platform's features and benefits through a clean and modern design aesthetic. The use of bold colors, simple typography, and concise messaging helps to keep the viewer engaged and focused on the key points. The video also incorporates screen recordings and animated graphics to demonstrate how the platform works in a clear and easy-to-understand way. This approach effectively highlights the platform's user-friendly interface and intuitive design, making it appealing to potential users.

Overall, the video's design style is well-suited for an animated feature presentation. It effectively communicates the value proposition of the bullhorn talent platform in a visually appealing and engaging way. The use of modern design elements, combined with clear and concise messaging, helps to create a positive impression of the platform and encourages viewers to learn more.

4. Elaad

This explainer video delves into the grid operator's requirements for public EV charging stations in the Netherlands, shedding light on the essential role these entities play in ensuring the seamless integration of charging infrastructure into the power grid. Connecting a charging station is akin to connecting a house, demanding adherence to specific guidelines to maintain grid stability and safety.

The video's design style effectively employs a minimalist and flat aesthetic, characterized by clean lines, vibrant colors, and simple shapes. This approach proves particularly well-suited for conveying technical information in an easily digestible manner. The use of bold typography and concise text ensures that key points regarding charging stations and grid operators are effectively communicated. Visual metaphors, such as the depiction of electricity flow and connections, further enhance comprehension.

In conclusion, the Animated Feature Overview video's design style excels in its ability to simplify complex concepts related to EV charging infrastructure and grid operator requirements. By combining a minimalist aesthetic with clear visuals and concise messaging, the Animated Feature Presentation video effectively educates viewers about the intricacies of connecting charging stations to the power grid in the Netherlands.

5. Smartsheet

Smartsheet is a work management platform that enables teams and organizations to manage projects, automate workflows, and build solutions with no-code tools. The platform integrates with existing tech ecosystems and scales to meet the demands of businesses of all sizes.

The animated feature overview effectively showcases Smartsheet's capabilities through its clean and modern design style. The use of bold colors and simple shapes helps to highlight the platform's key features, such as its project management tools, automation capabilities, and no-code solutions. The video also does a great job of demonstrating how Smartsheet can be used to improve team collaboration and productivity.

Overall, the animated feature explainer video is an excellent example of how to use design to create a compelling and informative feature tour. The clean and modern style, combined with the use of bold colors and simple shapes, helps to effectively communicate the value proposition of Smartsheet. The video is also well-paced and engaging, making it easy for viewers to understand the platform's capabilities.

6. Cegid

This video showcases the comprehensive support Cegid offers its Retail customers, empowering them to enhance their skills and maximize their software utilization. The video cleverly employs a minimalist and engaging design style to highlight the key aspects of Cegids retail solutions. The use of bold colors, particularly blue, creates a visually appealing contrast, effectively drawing attention to the core message of support and tutorials. Simple yet effective animations, such as the question mark and the animated hand gestures, further enhance the viewers engagement and understanding of the softwares benefits.

By combining clear messaging with visually appealing design elements, the video effectively communicates the value proposition of Cegids retail solutions, emphasizing their commitment to customer success through comprehensive support and readily available resources. This animated feature explainer video utilizes motion graphics to showcase the features and benefits of the software. The animated tour provides a comprehensive overview of the softwares capabilities, enabling viewers to quickly grasp its value.

This type of video, often referred to as an animated feature intro, is particularly effective in capturing attention and conveying key information concisely. The use of animation and motion graphics makes the video engaging and easy to understand, ensuring that viewers retain the core message. By presenting the software in an appealing and informative manner, the video effectively encourages viewers to explore Cegids retail solutions further.

7. U.S. Bank

The u.s. bank business essentials video provides a comprehensive overview of the platform's features and benefits, showcasing its ability to streamline business management tasks. The video highlights the platform's efficiency in handling accounts, sending invoices, and monitoring financial performance. This animated feature intro effectively emphasizes the business essentials platform's user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation.

The clean and minimalist aesthetic, with a focus on the platform's core functionalities, allows viewers to easily grasp the value proposition. The use of bold colors and clear typography further enhances the visual appeal and ensures that key information is easily digestible. The video's pacing is well-balanced, providing ample time for viewers to absorb the presented information without feeling overwhelmed. This animated feature showcase acts as a video explainer tour for the platform.

In conclusion, the u.s. bank business essentials video successfully demonstrates the platform's capabilities and benefits through its well-executed design and clear messaging. The video's style effectively caters to its target audience of business owners and managers, leaving them with a solid understanding of how the platform can simplify their financial operations and improve overall efficiency.


Traditional workforce management (WFM) methods of forecasting and scheduling are based on outdated paradigms. This Animated Feature Showcase cleverly uses a dark background and neon-colored graphics to highlight the outdated nature of traditional WFM methods. The use of bar graphs and data visualizations effectively emphasizes the concept of interval and how NICE's True to Interval (TTI) Analytics provides a more accurate and efficient approach to forecasting and scheduling. The inclusion of emoticons and social media icons adds a touch of modernity and relatability, further emphasizing the innovative nature of NICE's solution.

The video cleverly uses a dark background and neon-colored graphics to highlight the outdated nature of traditional WFM methods. This Animated Feature Teaser uses animation and data visualizations to effectively emphasize the concept of interval and how NICE's True to Interval (TTI) Analytics provides a more accurate and efficient approach to forecasting and scheduling. The inclusion of emoticons and social media icons adds a touch of modernity and relatability, further emphasizing the innovative nature of NICE's solution.

By combining informative visuals with a clear and concise message, the video effectively demonstrates how NICE's True to Interval (TTI) Analytics is revolutionizing the WFM landscape. The design style perfectly complements the video's message, making it a compelling and informative feature tour video.

9. Cargill

This animated video tackles the global health issue of excessive sugar consumption and its link to the growing number of overweight individuals. The World Health Organization has sounded the alarm about the excessive intake of calories from sugar. In response, Cargill and DSM have teamed up to help food and beverage manufacturers create products with significantly reduced calories while preserving the taste and quality that consumers enjoy.

The video employs a minimalist and engaging design style, effectively conveying the message of reducing sugar intake. The use of simple shapes, such as circles and squares, along with clean lines and a limited color palette, creates a visually appealing and easy-to-understand presentation. The animation is smooth and fluid, guiding the viewer's attention to key information. The video also incorporates relatable icons and characters, such as the Pac-Man-inspired figure consuming a sugar cube and stick figures representing adults and children, to illustrate the prevalence of sugar consumption and its impact on different age groups.

By combining a clear and concise message with a visually engaging design, the video effectively highlights the importance of reducing sugar intake and showcases Cargill and DSM's commitment to providing solutions for healthier food and beverage options. The minimalist style ensures that the focus remains on the core message, making it an excellent animated feature teaser video that is both informative and engaging.

10. Deloitte

The video explores the future of health, driven by digital transformation enabled by radically interoperable data and open, secure platforms. The focus is on sustaining well-being as the primary goal of healthcare. This animated feature demo showcases the potential of digital health to revolutionize the way we approach healthcare.

The isometric design style effectively showcases the interconnectedness of digital health technologies. The use of vibrant colors and clean lines creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. Each scene is thoughtfully composed, highlighting key elements such as patient monitoring, data integration, and personalized healthcare experiences. This animated feature tour seamlessly transitions between scenes, guiding the viewer through the narrative of how technology is transforming the healthcare landscape.

Overall, the video design style effectively communicates the message of a digitally transformed healthcare system that prioritizes well-being. The use of isometric visuals, vibrant colors, and clear storytelling creates an engaging and informative experience for the viewer. Deloitte video successfully demonstrates the potential of digital health to revolutionize the way we approach healthcare.

11. Klear

This video showcases how IN-SYNCH simplifies businesses by maximizing Sage 100 investment through integration and customization. The product offers real-time, bidirectional synchronization that is lightning-fast, secure, flexible, and scalable, allowing for 24/7 independence.

The design style utilizes simple icons and graphics to visually represent the key features and benefits of the product. The use of a shopping cart icon to represent Have a cart effectively communicates the eCommerce integration aspect. The speedometer graphic emphasizes the lightning-fast synchronization, while the gear icons highlight the seamless integration and customization capabilities.

By employing a clean and minimalist design aesthetic, the video effectively conveys the product's value proposition of simplifying business processes through seamless integration and efficient synchronization. This animated feature demo video also acts as an animated feature platform tour video, using animation to showcase the features of the platform.

12. OpenText

Opentext intelligent capture helps to transform incoming content into actionable data for downstream systems, people, and processes, so that employees can spend less time on data validation and more time on value-added tasks. The video demonstrates how to harness the power of AI, continuous machine learning, and information capture to help streamline processes. This animated feature platform tour video is a great way to showcase the features and benefits of opentext intelligent capture.

The video uses a clean and modern design style with a focus on simplicity and clarity. The use of bold colors and simple shapes helps to draw attention to the key information, such as the product name and features. The animation is smooth and engaging, and the use of icons and illustrations helps to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. This app functionality walkthrough demonstration video uses motion graphics to bring the product to life and make it more engaging for viewers.

The video also uses a clear and concise voiceover to explain the benefits of the product. Overall, the design style of the video is effective in communicating the key message of the product. The use of simple shapes, bold colors, and clear animation helps to create a visually appealing and engaging video that is easy to understand. The video is an excellent example of how to use design to create a video that is both informative and engaging.

13. Codility

Codility's video showcases their platform, designed to assist engineering teams in building and evaluating talent. The video emphasizes the challenges of hiring and retaining skilled engineers, especially in the competitive tech industry. The video acts as an animated feature walkthrough explainer, showcasing the platform's ability to streamline the tech recruiting process.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of bold colors and clean lines creates a modern and professional aesthetic, aligning with Codility's focus on technology and innovation. The animation is smooth and engaging, keeping viewers focused on the key points. By incorporating screen recordings and data visualizations, the video effectively demonstrates the platform's functionality and value proposition.

In conclusion, Codility's video successfully combines a clear message with a visually appealing design to create an impactful app functionality walkthrough demonstration. The video's style effectively highlights the platform's features and benefits, making it a valuable tool for attracting potential clients and showcasing Codility's expertise in the tech recruiting space.

14. Alation

Alation celebrates its 10th anniversary by showcasing its achievements as a leader in the data catalog industry. The video highlights alation's impressive journey, including establishing the industry's first data catalog and earning the trust of over 25% of fortune 100 companies. This animated feature overview effectively communicates alation's value proposition and establishes its position as the goat of data catalogs.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of bold colors, clean lines, and dynamic transitions creates a visually engaging experience that captures the viewer's attention. The animation style is modern and sleek, aligning perfectly with alation's position as a cutting-edge data catalog solution. This animated feature demonstration's style and design choices successfully convey alation's brand identity as an innovative and reliable leader in the data management space.

The video incorporates data visualizations and infographics to present complex information clearly and concisely, reinforcing alation's expertise in data management. By combining a compelling narrative with a visually appealing design, the video effectively communicates alation's value proposition and establishes its position as the goat of data catalogs. The video's style and design choices successfully convey alation's brand identity as an innovative and reliable leader in the data management space.

15. Planning in a Box

This video showcases a saas solution for supply chain collaborative planning, emphasizing exception-based management using big data and iot device feeds. It addresses challenges in supply chain management by offering a connected platform for real-time visibility and issue resolution.

The design style effectively complements the video's purpose as an animated feature explainer. The use of vibrant colors and clean lines creates a visually engaging experience, while the simple yet informative illustrations clearly convey the key features and benefits of the planning in a box solution. The animation seamlessly guides viewers through the platform's functionalities, highlighting its ability to track inventory, resolve exceptions, and provide actionable insights.

By combining a clear and concise narrative with visually appealing design elements, the video effectively captures the essence of planning in a box as a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for modern supply chain challenges. The animated feature presentation style enhances the message by providing a dynamic and engaging representation of the platform's capabilities, making it an excellent tool for both product demonstration and explanation.

16. Comarch

This animated feature intro showcases the transformative impact of 5G on the telecommunications industry, particularly in shifting the focus from B2C to B2B models. With substantial investments in 5G networks, telecom operators are now providing innovative services to enterprise customers. These businesses, in turn, rely on telcos to leverage the emerging use cases associated with 5G and the internet of things (IoT).

The video's design style effectively complements its role as an explainer. The use of vibrant colors and clean lines creates a visually appealing aesthetic, while the minimalist approach ensures that the focus remains on the core message: the potential of 5G and IoT for businesses. The animation seamlessly guides viewers through complex concepts, such as non-stand alone (NSA) architecture and the interplay between 4G, 5G, LTE, and NR, making them easily understandable.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully balances aesthetics with functionality, making it an excellent tool for explaining the intricacies of 5G and its implications for the B2B sector. The clear visuals and concise messaging effectively convey the value proposition of 5G and IoT solutions for businesses, encouraging further exploration and adoption.

17. Veeam

Veeam backup for microsoft office 365 eliminates the risk of losing access and control over your office 365 data including exchange online, sharepoint online, onedrive for business and microsoft teams. The video provides an overview of the product and the importance of protecting office 365 data.

The animated feature explainer utilizes a modern and engaging design style that effectively highlights the key benefits of veeam backup for microsoft office 365. The use of bold colors, clean lines, and 3d isometric illustrations creates a visually appealing and professional aesthetic. The animations are smooth and well-timed, keeping the viewer engaged and focused on the message. The video also incorporates clear and concise text overlays that reinforce the key points being made.

Overall, the design style of the video is well-suited for a feature tour. It effectively captures the viewer's attention, conveys the key benefits of the product, and leaves a lasting impression. The use of modern design elements and engaging animations helps to create a memorable and informative viewing experience. The animated feature showcase is a great way to learn more about the product.

18. Robert Koch

Antibiotic-resistant pathogens lead to infections that are difficult to treat, and Integrated Genomic Surveillance (IGS) is a tool to detect and combat outbreaks more rapidly. This Animated Feature Intro explains how IGS uses the genetic fingerprint of pathogens and information on infected or colonized individuals to track these pathogens nationwide in Germany.

The video uses a clean and engaging isometric design style to effectively communicate the complex process of IGS. The visuals clearly illustrate the steps involved in genomic surveillance, from collecting samples to analyzing data and detecting outbreaks. The use of bright colors and simple icons helps to make the information accessible and easy to understand.

Overall, the video's design style is well-suited for explaining a complex scientific topic in a clear and engaging way. The isometric visuals, combined with the concise narration, effectively communicate the potential of IGS for combating antibiotic-resistant pathogens.

19. Credit Karma

Credit karma works with equifax and transunion to show you your credit reports for free. Keeping tabs on the info in your reports is important - it can have a big impact on your finances.

This animated feature tutorial video is designed in a simple and easy to understand style, with a focus on the key information that viewers need to know about credit reports. The use of bright colors and bold fonts helps to draw attention to the most important points, while the animation and motion graphics keep the video engaging. The video also uses a variety of visual metaphors to help explain complex concepts, such as the use of a key to represent access to credit reports and puzzle pieces to represent the different factors that affect credit scores.

Overall, the design style of the video is effective in communicating the key message about the importance of credit reports and how credit karma can help people access and understand their credit information. The use of simple visuals, clear language, and engaging animation makes this animated feature showcase video both informative and entertaining, which is essential for an explainer video.

20. Coinbase

This animated feature demo aims to explain how Kyber Network makes exchanging Ethereum tokens easy and frictionless. Viewers can learn how it works and earn KNC tokens through Coinbase Earn. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the Kyber Network protocol to exchange tokens.

The design style of the video is simple and clean, with a focus on clear and concise communication. The use of flat illustrations and animation helps to explain the complex concepts of DeFi and token exchange in an easy-to-understand way. The color palette is bright and engaging, and the overall tone of the video is informative and educational. The video effectively highlights the key features and benefits of the Kyber Network protocol, such as its ease of use, low fees, and wide range of supported tokens.

In conclusion, the video is an excellent example of how animation and motion graphics can be used to create engaging and informative feature videos. The simple and clean design style, combined with the clear and concise communication, makes it easy for viewers to understand the complex concepts of DeFi and token exchange. The animated feature teaser effectively highlights the key features and benefits of the Kyber Network protocol, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about this innovative technology.

21. Axis Bank

Axis bank customers can invest online & instantly in the best mutual funds, just in few clicks. Explore different funds such as tax saving funds, equity funds for long term wealth creation, debt funds for wealth preservation and liquid funds for parking surplus cash. Check the performance of different mutual funds and start a SIP or invest a lump sum. No paperwork or branch visit required. Customers who are new to mutual funds can also invest seamlessly as their MF KYC gets verified without the hassle.

The video effectively showcases the user interface of the Axis Bank app, guiding viewers through the process of investing in mutual funds. The clean and minimalist design, with a focus on the mobile app interface, allows viewers to easily understand the steps involved in exploring different funds, checking performance, and initiating investments. The use of clear typography and concise text further enhances the clarity of the instructions.

By highlighting the key features and benefits of the Axis Bank app, such as the ability to invest in various types of mutual funds, track performance, and complete KYC verification seamlessly, the video effectively demonstrates the convenience and ease of use of the platform. This animated feature platform tour video's design style effectively complements its purpose, providing a clear and engaging overview of the Axis Bank app's mutual fund investment capabilities.

22. BM

Bankmobile disbursements offers students two electronic options for receiving their refunds. Students can choose to have their money deposited into an existing bank account or onto the bankmobile vibe checking account.

This animated feature demo uses a clean and modern design style with bold colors and simple animation to explain the refund process. This makes it easy for viewers to follow along and understand the information. The use of icons and illustrations helps to break down complex concepts into smaller, more digestible pieces. For example, the video uses an icon of a bank account to represent the option of depositing funds into an existing account.

Overall, the design of this explainer video is effective in communicating the message about bankmobile disbursements refund options in a clear and concise way. The use of simple animation, bold colors, and icons makes it easy for viewers to understand the information and learn more about the service.

23. Papertrail

Papertrail's best-in-class safety management software will save you time and money, whilst ensuring 100% compliance and staff accountability. The video demonstrates how it works.

The video utilizes a minimalist and modern design style, making it an effective animated feature explainer video. The use of simple shapes, flat colors, and clean lines creates a visually appealing and easy-to-follow experience for viewers. The animation is smooth and engaging, effectively highlighting the key features and benefits of the software.

The video's focus on clarity and simplicity allows viewers to quickly grasp the value proposition of Papertrail's safety management software. The minimalist approach ensures that viewers are not distracted by unnecessary visual elements, allowing them to focus on the core functionality and benefits of Papertrail's safety management software. This animated feature platform tour video is a great way to learn about the software.

24. LinkedIn

This video showcases LinkedIn Recruiter, a talent acquisition platform designed to streamline the hiring process for talent professionals. The platform offers advanced search capabilities, including over 40 filters, keyword and Boolean search options, and proprietary filters like 'Open to work' and 'More likely to respond'. Additionally, the LinkedIn Recruiter Mobile app ensures productivity on the go.

The video's design style effectively complements its purpose as an animated feature intro for the platform. The use of clean lines, minimalist backgrounds, and a muted color palette allows the focus to remain on the platform's features and benefits. Simple yet engaging animations guide the viewer through the search process, highlighting key functionalities such as filtering, sorting, and candidate engagement tools like InMail. The clear and concise visuals, coupled with the informative narration, ensure that viewers grasp the value proposition of LinkedIn Recruiter.

By employing a visually appealing and informative design style, the video successfully demonstrates the power and efficiency of LinkedIn Recruiter as a talent sourcing solution. The emphasis on user-friendly interfaces and intuitive search options effectively conveys the platform's ability to simplify and expedite the recruitment process for talent professionals. This serves as an excellent app functionality walkthrough demonstration for new users.

25. mtu

The mtu hydrogen ecosystem optimizes the use of renewable energy by making energy transportable and storable in the form of fuel. Electricity generated by renewable energies such as solar panels or wind turbines cannot always be used directly, so this animated feature overview showcases how this ecosystem provides storage of electricity in battery containers or as fuel.

The hydrogen ecosystem processes electricity to break down water into its components hydrogen and oxygen in an electrolyzer. The clean design aesthetic of the explainer video employs a minimalist color palette and simple 3D graphics to illustrate this process. The hydrogen is stored in special buffer tanks so that it can be used when needed to supply electrical or mechanical energy in a fuel cell.

The simple and effective visual style of the animated feature showcase does a great job of clearly explaining a complex process, making it easy for viewers to understand the benefits of the mtu hydrogen ecosystem.

26. Roche

This animated feature explainer provides a comprehensive overview of multiple sclerosis (ms), a disease affecting the central nervous system and potentially impacting various bodily functions, leading to challenges in daily activities. The video delves into the two types of inflammation, acute and chronic, and their contribution to the progression of ms, ultimately affecting an individual's life.

The animation style effectively employs vibrant colors and clear imagery to illustrate complex medical concepts related to ms. The use of contrasting colors, such as the stark difference between a healthy and inflamed brain, effectively highlights the impact of inflammation on the central nervous system. Similarly, the distinct visual representations of acute and chronic inflammation, such as a raging waterfall versus a slowly eroding landscape, provide a clear understanding of their differing effects on the body. This visual approach aids viewers in grasping the complexities of ms and its impact on individuals.

In conclusion, roche's animated feature teaser on multiple sclerosis successfully utilizes animation to explain a complex medical topic in an engaging and informative manner. The video's strength lies in its ability to visually represent intricate concepts related to inflammation and its role in ms progression, making it an excellent resource for patients, caregivers, and anyone seeking to understand this condition.

27. Algolia

This concise explainer video focuses on Algolia's implementation process, which can be completed in just four simple steps. The video provides a brief overview of these steps and highlights some of the tasks involved in each stage. Algolia customers have access to Algolia Academy, a valuable resource that offers a wide range of guides and videos to support them throughout their implementation journey.

The video's design style effectively complements its role as an Animated Feature Intro and explainer. The use of clean lines, minimalist aesthetics, and a muted color palette creates a visually appealing and uncluttered presentation. This allows viewers to focus on the key information being conveyed without distractions. The animation is smooth and engaging, further enhancing the viewing experience.

The video's clear and concise language ensures that the steps involved in implementing Algolia are easy to understand, even for those who may not be familiar with the platform. The Animated Feature Tutorial, with its combination of clear visuals, concise language, and engaging motion graphics, creates a compelling and informative viewing experience.

28. Nutrition International

This animated feature showcase highlights the remarkable impact of vitamin a supplementation in saving lives and preventing blindness in children under five. Nutrition international, a canada-based organization, has been at the forefront of this life-saving initiative, providing over 10 billion vitamin a capsules to children in need.

The video's design style effectively complements its message, employing vibrant colors, simple shapes, and clear typography to convey the importance of vitamin a. The use of bold, contrasting colors and straightforward animation captures the viewer's attention and ensures that the message is easily understood. By incorporating visual representations of key statistics, such as the number of capsules distributed and the impact on child mortality, the animated feature demo effectively highlights the scale and significance of nutrition international's efforts.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully supports its objective of raising awareness about the critical role of vitamin a in child health. The combination of engaging visuals and concise messaging effectively communicates the impact of nutrition international's work and underscores the importance of supporting such initiatives to improve the lives of children worldwide.

29. Capgemini

Capgemini and red hat simplify cloud-native app migration with sophisticated cloud automation tools. The animated feature teaser showcases cloud automation tools that streamline the process of cloud-native app migration. The design style employs a vibrant color palette and bold graphics to effectively communicate the value proposition of these tools. The use of simplified visuals, such as hands interacting with devices and a cloud with a lock, helps to make complex concepts more accessible to a wider audience.

By combining clear messaging with engaging visuals, the animated feature platform tour successfully highlights the benefits of capgemini and red hat's cloud automation tools for businesses seeking to simplify their cloud-native app migration journey. The video design style employs a vibrant color palette and bold graphics to effectively communicate the value proposition of these tools. The use of simplified visuals, such as hands interacting with devices and a cloud with a lock, helps to make complex concepts more accessible to a wider audience.

By combining clear messaging with engaging visuals, the video successfully highlights the benefits of capgemini and red hat's cloud automation tools for businesses seeking to simplify their cloud-native app migration journey. The video design style employs a vibrant color palette and bold graphics to effectively communicate the value proposition of these tools. The use of simplified visuals, such as hands interacting with devices and a cloud with a lock, helps to make complex concepts more accessible to a wider audience.

30. Accenture

The video showcases how intelligence is driving change and creating new opportunities in the industry. It emphasizes the disruptive nature of intelligence and its potential to revolutionize various sectors. The video aims to educate viewers on how intelligence is shaping the future of industries and invites them to learn more about these transformative advancements.

The design style of the video effectively complements its message by employing a clean and minimalist aesthetic. The use of isometric illustrations with a white background and purple accents creates a sense of sophistication and modernity. The 3D visuals enhance the clarity of complex concepts, such as industrial automation and cloud computing, making them easily understandable for the audience. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding viewers through the different aspects of intelligence-driven disruption. This animated feature tutorial is a great way to learn about new technology.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully conveys the message of intelligence as a driving force for change in the industry. The use of isometric illustrations, clean aesthetics, and smooth animation effectively highlights the key concepts and engages viewers. The video's visual appeal and informative content make it an excellent tool for learning, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. An app functionality walkthrough demonstration is another type of video that can be used to educate viewers.

Key Takeaways

What is an Interface Guided Tutorial Video?

Interface Guided Tutorial Video is a concise video demonstrating software or app features. It simplifies complex processes, making it easier for viewers to understand and use the interface.

  • Primarily used for:
    • Onboarding new users
    • Highlighting new features
    • Showcasing product functionality
  • Where to find them:
    • Software websites
    • Help centers
    • YouTube channels
  • How they work:
    • Screen recording software captures the interface.
    • Voiceover or text explains the steps.
    • Visual cues highlight important elements.

    For example, a project management software company created an interface guided tutorial video to demonstrate its new task management feature. The video resulted in a 20% decrease in support tickets related to task management, as users were able to quickly learn how to use the new feature.

    Creating an Interface Guided Tutorial Video: Where to Start?

    Starting with a clear plan is crucial when creating an interface guided tutorial video. This ensures your video is effective in engaging your audience and achieving its intended purpose.

  • Define your target audience:
    • Who are you creating this video for?
    • What are their pain points and needs?
  • Choose the right software:
    • Screen recording software (Camtasia, OBS Studio)
    • Video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro)
  • Write a script:
    • Keep it concise and engaging.
    • Use clear and simple language.
  • Record high-quality audio:
    • Use a good microphone.
    • Eliminate background noise.

    For example, a CRM platform wanted to simplify its onboarding process for new users. They created a series of interface guided tutorial videos, each focusing on a specific aspect of the platform. This resulted in a 15% increase in user activation rates, as new users were able to quickly learn how to use the platform and its features.

    Interface Guided Tutorial Video Ingredients

    A successful interface guided tutorial video requires a blend of essential elements to effectively convey information and engage viewers.

  • Screen Recording:
    • High-resolution footage of the interface.
    • Smooth transitions between actions.
  • Voiceover or On-Screen Text:
    • Clear and concise explanations.
    • Engaging tone and pacing.
  • Visual Cues:
    • Arrows, highlights, and zoom-ins.
    • Emphasize important elements.
  • Background Music and Sound Effects:
    • Enhance engagement and create a professional feel.
    • Choose appropriate and non-distracting audio.

    For example, an online design platform used a combination of screen recordings, voiceovers, and visual cues to create a tutorial video for its new template feature. The video led to a 10% increase in template usage, as users were able to easily understand how to access and customize the templates.

    Interface Guided Tutorial Video - Goals and Objectives

    Before creating an interface guided tutorial video, clearly define your goals and objectives. This ensures your video is focused and delivers the desired impact.

  • Increase user adoption:
    • Demonstrate the value of your product or feature.
    • Make it easy for users to get started.
  • Reduce support tickets:
    • Provide clear instructions and troubleshooting tips.
    • Empower users to solve problems independently.
  • Improve user engagement:
    • Highlight advanced features and use cases.
    • Keep users coming back for more.

    For example, a financial software company aimed to reduce the number of support tickets related to a complex reporting feature. They created an interface guided tutorial video that provided step-by-step instructions on how to generate and customize reports. This resulted in a 25% reduction in support tickets related to that feature, saving the company time and resources.

    Selecting a Style for Your Interface Guided Tutorial Video

    The style of your interface guided tutorial video should align with your brand and resonate with your target audience.

  • Formal:
    • Professional tone and visuals.
    • Suitable for technical or corporate content.
  • Informal:
    • Conversational tone and casual visuals.
    • Ideal for consumer-facing products or apps.
  • Animated:
    • Engaging and visually appealing.
    • Effective for explaining complex concepts.

    For example, a language learning app opted for an informal and engaging style for its tutorial videos, using colorful animations and a friendly voiceover. This resonated well with their target audience of casual learners, leading to a 15% increase in app downloads.

    Storytelling in an Interface Guided Tutorial Video

    Incorporating storytelling techniques can make your interface guided tutorial video more engaging and memorable.

  • Create a relatable scenario:
    • Present a problem that your target audience faces.
    • Show how your product or feature provides a solution.
  • Use a conversational tone:
    • Speak directly to the viewer.
    • Avoid technical jargon.
  • Show, don't just tell:
    • Use visuals to illustrate your points.
    • Keep the video concise and to the point.

    For example, a video editing software company used storytelling to create a tutorial video for its new color grading feature. The video followed a freelance filmmaker struggling to achieve a specific look for their project. The tutorial demonstrated how the new color grading feature could help them achieve their desired results, resulting in a 20% increase in feature adoption.

    Best Practices for Interface Guided Tutorial Videos

    Following best practices ensures your interface guided tutorial video is effective and engaging for your viewers.

  • Keep it concise:
    • Aim for videos under 5 minutes.
    • Break down complex topics into shorter segments.
  • Use high-quality visuals:
    • Ensure clear and sharp screen recordings.
    • Use visually appealing graphics and animations.
  • Add a call to action:
    • Encourage viewers to try the feature or explore more resources.
    • Provide links to relevant documentation or support materials.

    For example, an email marketing platform incorporated these best practices into their tutorial videos, resulting in a 10% increase in feature adoption and a 15% decrease in support tickets.

    What Makes an Interface Guided Tutorial Video Effective?

    Effective interface guided tutorial videos share common characteristics that contribute to their success in engaging viewers and achieving their intended purpose.

  • Clarity:
    • Easy to understand and follow.
    • Information is presented in a logical sequence.
  • Relevance:
    • Addresses the specific needs and pain points of the target audience.
    • Content is up-to-date and accurate.
  • Engagement:
    • Visually appealing and interesting to watch.
    • Uses storytelling techniques to capture and maintain attention.

    For example, a task management software company created a series of interface guided tutorial videos that were clear, relevant, and engaging. This resulted in a 15% increase in user satisfaction and a 10% reduction in churn rate.

    Connecting Your Brand and Interface Guided Tutorial Video

    Your interface guided tutorial video should seamlessly integrate with your brand identity to create a cohesive and professional impression.

  • Use brand colors and fonts:
    • Maintain consistency with your website and other marketing materials.
    • Reinforce brand recognition.
  • Incorporate your brand voice and tone:
    • Ensure the language and style align with your brand personality.
    • Create a familiar and trustworthy experience.
  • Include your logo and branding elements:
    • Subtly incorporate your logo in the video intro and outro.
    • Maintain a professional and cohesive look and feel.

    For example, a cybersecurity software company incorporated its brand colors, fonts, and logo into its interface guided tutorial videos. This helped to create a professional and trustworthy impression, leading to a 10% increase in lead generation from their website.

    Instructions -
    For the output, always start the answer from the first input, means from the very first, which in this case is Q1.
    Do not change or alter any content.
    Add proper HTML tag to the entire input. Add html tag to all questions, headers, pointers, answers.
    Add proper HTML Tag.


    Harnessing the Power of Animated Storytelling

    The digital landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, demanding innovative approaches to capture attention and drive engagement. Animated feature tour videos have emerged as a powerful tool, offering a dynamic and captivating way to showcase products, services, and brand stories. By weaving together compelling narratives, stunning visuals, and concise messaging, these videos have the potential to transform the way businesses connect with their audiences.


    The challenge lies in cutting through the noise and delivering information in a way that resonates with viewers. Traditional marketing methods often fall short, failing to capture the imagination and leaving audiences disengaged. Animated feature tour videos offer a solution, providing a medium that is both informative and entertaining, effectively bridging the gap between brands and their target markets.


    Animated feature tour videos find application across a wide spectrum of industries and use cases. For software companies, these videos can effectively demonstrate complex features and functionalities, guiding users through the onboarding process and enhancing user experience. E-commerce platforms can leverage animated videos to showcase product features and benefits, driving conversions and boosting sales. Educational institutions can utilize animated explainers to simplify complex concepts, making learning more engaging and accessible.


    The impact of animated feature tour videos extends beyond mere engagement. By creating a memorable and immersive experience, these videos foster brand loyalty and build trust with potential customers. The ability to convey complex information in a clear and concise manner enhances understanding and empowers viewers to make informed decisions. Moreover, the shareability of animated videos amplifies brand reach, extending marketing efforts across social media platforms and online communities.


    At the heart of every successful animated feature tour video lies the art of storytelling. By crafting a compelling narrative that resonates with the target audience, brands can forge emotional connections and leave a lasting impression. Whether it's highlighting the problem-solving capabilities of a product or showcasing the values that drive a company, storytelling elevates the video from a mere marketing tool to a powerful communication platform.


    Visual aesthetics play a crucial role in capturing attention and conveying information effectively. Animated videos offer endless possibilities for creative expression, allowing brands to develop unique visual styles that align with their brand identity. From character design and animation style to color palettes and background music, every element contributes to the overall impact of the video.


    While visuals draw viewers in, it's the messaging that truly drives the point home. Animated feature tour videos provide a platform to deliver concise and impactful messages that resonate with the target audience. By focusing on key features, benefits, and calls to action, brands can ensure that viewers walk away with a clear understanding of what they have to offer.


    The versatility of animated feature tour videos allows for customization to suit specific needs and objectives. Whether it's a short explainer video for a new product launch or a comprehensive brand story video, the format can be adapted to effectively communicate the desired message. This flexibility ensures that brands can tailor their video content to resonate with different audience segments and achieve their marketing goals.


    Animated feature tour videos transcend language barriers and cultural differences, making them an ideal tool for reaching global audiences. By incorporating subtitles and voiceovers in multiple languages, brands can expand their reach and connect with customers around the world. This accessibility opens up new markets and opportunities for growth.

    Measurable Results

    The effectiveness of animated feature tour videos can be measured through various metrics, providing valuable insights into audience engagement and campaign performance. By tracking metrics such as views, click-through rates, and conversion rates, brands can gauge the success of their video marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions to optimize future campaigns.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!