Video Creation Service

30 Explainer Onboarding Video Examples That Accelerate User Adoption

Last updated
Jul. 01, 2024

In today's digital landscape, user onboarding plays a crucial role in driving product adoption and ensuring customer success. A seamless onboarding experience can make all the difference in converting curious users into loyal advocates. However, many businesses struggle to effectively engage and educate their users during this critical phase.

One of the most powerful tools at our disposal is the explainer video. Explainer videos offer a dynamic and engaging way to communicate complex information, showcase product features, and guide users through the onboarding process. They can simplify intricate concepts, demonstrate value propositions, and leave a lasting impression on viewers.

The challenges of user onboarding are multifaceted. Users often face information overload, steep learning curves, and a lack of clear guidance. Traditional onboarding methods, such as lengthy text tutorials or static FAQs, can be overwhelming and fail to capture user attention. This is where explainer videos shine. Their ability to combine visuals, audio, and storytelling creates an immersive experience that resonates with users and facilitates knowledge retention.

Explainer videos find application across a wide range of scenarios within the user onboarding journey. Welcome videos can introduce users to the product and set expectations. Feature tutorials can delve into specific functionalities and demonstrate their practical use cases. Interactive walkthroughs can guide users step-by-step through key processes, ensuring they feel confident and empowered. By strategically incorporating explainer videos into the onboarding flow, businesses can significantly enhance user engagement and accelerate adoption.

The versatility of explainer videos extends beyond onboarding. They can be leveraged for marketing campaigns, customer support resources, and internal training programs. Their ability to convey information concisely and effectively makes them an invaluable asset for any organization seeking to improve communication and drive results. With the power of explainer videos at your fingertips, you can transform the user experience and unlock the full potential of your product. Let's dive in.

1. Atlassian

Atlassian Confluence Cloud is a knowledge management and collaboration tool, and this video is designed to highlight the key features of Confluence Cloud for users migrating from Server or Data Center.

Video Design - This Guided Product Tours video effectively uses bright, bold colors and simple animations to highlight the different features of Confluence Cloud. The video uses a white background, against which the blue, red, green, yellow elements pop out. These elements bring the home dashboard of Confluence Cloud to life. The use of animated arrows further explains the feature of "spaces" and "recent work." The video effectively uses the simple call to action of "show more," which can be seen on the user interface of Confluence Cloud.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective of the video, which is to showcase the new features of Confluence Cloud. This video focuses on user experience and product interface. The video uses an upbeat tone to encourage users to make the switch to Confluence Cloud. The video shows that Confluence Cloud is user friendly and visually engaging. The video utilizes simple animations to attract the user's attention and highlight the new features. This gives an overview of the platform’s design, with all its features easily identifiable. The video is an excellent guide for users unfamiliar with Confluence Cloud.

2. CombiSave

CombiSave is designed to improve boiler efficiency and save money on energy bills. The video aims to show how this product can be beneficial.

Video Design - The video uses a simple and clean design, with a clear and concise style. It is a 3D Product Feature Overview Showcase video, showcasing the CombiSave valve and how it works. The use of flat 3D design brings a modern, simplistic visual to the product. The graphics are simple yet effective, with a bright blue color scheme that is easy on the eyes.

The clean visuals and simple animations in this video effectively communicate the core benefit of CombiSave. The video emphasizes the problem of wasting water and energy, which is directly related to the product's goal. A gentle tone is used, which is appropriate for the product and its audience. The visual style is engaging, and the content is easy to understand.

3. Roche

This animated explainer video helps viewers understand disease progression in multiple sclerosis (ms), a relapsing disease. The animation explains what disease progression in ms is, how it works, and why it's critical that to talk about it with a healthcare provider for a timely diagnosis and treatment.

The video uses a clean and simple animation style with a limited color palette. This helps to keep the focus on the information being presented. The use of icons and illustrations also helps to make the information more engaging and easier to understand. The video also uses motion graphics to help illustrate the concepts being discussed. For example, the video shows how the myelin sheath is damaged in ms and how this can lead to disease progression.

Overall, the design of this explainer user adoption guide video is effective in communicating the complex topic of disease progression in ms. The use of animation, icons, illustrations, and motion graphics helps to make the information more engaging and easier to understand. This is a great example of how animation can be used to create effective explainer videos.

4. Coinbase

Coinbase is a leading cryptocurrency exchange, and the video is designed to educate users about Orchid and how it can keep data private.

Video Design - The video uses simple, clean graphics with a white background and purple and blue highlights. This gives the video a clean and modern look. The animated software demo video uses a minimalist approach and features a clear and consistent design to highlight the steps, functionality, and features of Orchid.

The video clearly demonstrates how Orchid works and the benefits of using its VPN service. The graphic elements and animations effectively guide the viewer through the steps of using Orchid, making the information easily understandable. The video uses a conversational tone, making it approachable and engaging for a wide audience. The overall visual style of the video is sleek, modern, and informative. These design choices effectively communicate the value proposition of Orchid and reinforce its focus on user privacy and security.

5. Cegid

Cegid is a software company that provides solutions for the retail industry. This particular video is designed to promote the Cegid Retail Y2 software and its enhanced support services.

Video Design - The video employs a simple yet effective design style, using bold colors and clear visuals. It starts with a minimalist illustration depicting two office workers on computers, showcasing the software's applicability in both offices and stores. The transition to a bolder, more dynamic illustration of two men climbing a mountain with red arrows representing growth showcases the software's potential for advancement and development. The video includes animation, clean graphics, and simple illustrations to engage viewers.

The use of bright blue and red colors combined with bold fonts and sharp visuals helps to convey the message about Cegid Retail Y2 and its powerful capabilities. The tone of the video is upbeat and positive, emphasizing how Cegid is committed to helping retail customers succeed. The visual design of the video effectively communicates the objective of the video by showcasing the software's key benefits, such as its comprehensive support system, and emphasizing the value that Cegid brings to its retail customers.

6. Bullhorn

Bullhorn Talent Platform is a digital talent experience that helps candidates take control of their work life.

Video Design - This onboarding demo video features a clean and minimalist design style with a blue and white color palette. The graphics are high quality, simple and easy to understand, making it a good onboarding demo video. Animated icons are used to represent various energy sources and the automation and AI features of the platform.

The video’s clean design style effectively conveys the message of a user-friendly and efficient platform, while the emphasis on automation and AI reinforces the platform's ability to simplify recruitment processes and empower candidates. The cheerful and optimistic tone establishes a positive brand identity.

7. OpenText

Financial institutions worldwide are looking for simple and secure solutions to solve their most complex operational challenges. This video showcases how OpenTextâ„¢ Customer Integration for Transaction Banking provides financial institutions with the resources they need to simplify complex integrations, expedite customer onboarding and innovate for the future.

The video utilizes a clean and modern design style that effectively highlights the key features and benefits of the product. The use of bold colors, simple icons, and clear typography makes it easy for viewers to understand the complex concepts of transaction banking and customer integration. The animation is smooth and engaging, keeping viewers interested in the content. The video also does a great job of emphasizing the benefits of using OpenTextâ„¢ Customer Integration for Transaction Banking, such as simplified integrations, expedited customer onboarding, and innovation for the future.

Overall, the video is an excellent example of an Explainer Software Demo Video that effectively communicates complex information in a clear and engaging way. The clean and modern style, combined with the use of animation and strong visuals, makes it easy for viewers to understand the benefits of using OpenTextâ„¢ Customer Integration for Transaction Banking. This video serves as a compelling Explainer App Onboarding Video, guiding new users through the features and functionalities of the software.

8. Planning in a Box

The video showcases a saas solution for supply chain collaborative planning, emphasizing exception-based management using big data and iot device feeds. It addresses challenges in supply chain management by offering a connected platform for real-time visibility and issue resolution. This explainer video effectively captures the essence of planning in a box as a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for modern supply chain challenges. The animation style enhances the message by providing a dynamic and engaging representation of the platform's capabilities.

The design style effectively complements the video's purpose as an explainer onboarding tool. The use of vibrant colors and clean lines creates a visually engaging experience, while the simple yet informative illustrations clearly convey the key features and benefits of the planning in a box solution. The animation seamlessly guides viewers through the platform's functionalities, highlighting its ability to track inventory, resolve exceptions, and provide actionable insights.

By combining a clear and concise narrative with visually appealing design elements, the explainer user guide video effectively captures the essence of planning in a box as a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for modern supply chain challenges. The animation style enhances the message by providing a dynamic and engaging representation of the platform's capabilities, making it an excellent tool for both product demonstration and explanation.

9. Miracle-Gro

This video provides essential garden watering tips, emphasizing the significance of humidity, soil, sunlight, and plant types in determining moisture requirements. It serves as a comprehensive guide for effectively watering your garden, ensuring optimal plant health and growth. This video is a good example of an explainer user guide video.

The video's design style effectively complements its informative content. The use of vibrant colors and bold typography creates a visually engaging experience, capturing the viewer's attention and enhancing message retention. The animation style is simple yet effective, with clear illustrations that demonstrate key watering techniques. The explainer video's pacing is well-suited to the topic, allowing viewers to absorb the information at a comfortable rate. The onboarding process for new gardeners is made easier with the help of motion graphics.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully supports its educational purpose, making it an excellent resource for gardeners of all levels. The combination of informative content, engaging visuals, and clear instructions effectively conveys the importance of proper watering techniques, empowering viewers to cultivate thriving gardens. This explainer how to video is a valuable tool for anyone seeking to enhance their gardening knowledge.

10. Accenture

Accenture is a global professional services company that specializes in technology consulting and outsourcing. This video is designed to explain the use of predictive analytics in a clear and engaging way.

Video Design - Accenture uses a bright color palette and clean, modern graphics in this video. The Saas Onboarding Ui video uses a combination of isometric illustrations and motion graphics to communicate complex information in a simple and easy-to-understand way. The use of animation adds visual interest and helps to keep the viewer engaged. The graphics and imagery are consistent with Accenture’s branding.

The video uses a simple and straightforward narrative to explain predictive analytics. The use of visual metaphors and examples helps to make the concept of predictive analytics more relatable. The video has a light and informative tone, making the content relevant for a wide audience. The video is able to effectively communicate the objective of explaining predictive analytics using the visual style.

11. Google

Google helps businesses manage their profile directly on Google Search and Maps. This video is designed to show business owners how to access their profile.

Video Design - The video uses clean, simple graphics and animation, providing a good overview of the process. This "Saas Onboarding Ui video" uses a light minimalist design that emphasizes the information over visual complexity, aligning with the Google brand's focus on functionality.

The video uses a combination of animation and screen recordings to make a clear visual guide for business owners who want to use Google to manage their profile. The design is clear and easy to understand, providing a streamlined approach to the onboarding process. The light and airy tone of the video reinforces Google's brand identity, making the experience friendly and approachable.

12. Comarch

Comarch is a telecommunications company that is helping telcos to monetize their investments in 5G networks. The video is designed to showcase how operators can develop a successful business strategy to leverage 5G technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) to deliver new services to enterprise clients.

Video Design - The video utilizes a clean, modern, and minimalistic design style that is consistent with Comarch's branding. The 3D animated graphics are simple but effective, and the use of vibrant colors enhances the visual appeal of the video. The animations are smooth and fluid. The video is highly focused on the product and its features, making this a great Product Software Demo Idea video. The visual elements and graphics are straightforward, concise, and easy to understand, effectively illustrating the concepts of 5G monetization.

The visual style of the video is effective in communicating the objective of the video. The video uses a combination of graphics and animation to illustrate how 5G can be used to create new business opportunities. The tone of the video is professional and informative, making it appropriate for a business audience. The overall message of the video is positive and optimistic, emphasizing the potential benefits of 5G for both businesses and consumers.

13. Sun Life

Sunlife canada's video explains how a life annuity can convert your retirement savings into guaranteed income payments for life, addressing the need for a worry-free retirement income solution. This is a good example of an explainer onboarding explainer video.

The video's design style effectively uses simple visuals, such as icons representing money and a calendar, to convey the concept of converting savings into regular income payments. The use of contrasting colors and clear typography ensures that the information is easy to understand. The animation is smooth and engaging, keeping the viewer's attention focused on the key message, of securing a reliable income stream during retirement.

In conclusion, sunlife canada's explainer video successfully utilizes a clean and straightforward design style to explain the benefits of life annuities for retirement income planning. The video's visual elements and animation effectively complement the informative content, making it an excellent explainer user adoption guide video.

14. Bio-Rad

Bio-Rad is a global leader in life science research and clinical diagnostics. This video is designed to explain thalassemia, one of the major genetic blood disorders worldwide and how the company's products can help identify the carriers of this disorder.

Video Design - Bio-Rad's Onboarding Demo video features bold, simple graphics and clean animation. The graphics and illustrations are well-defined. The video also has a calming, informative tone which helps viewers grasp the serious nature of the topic.

The video utilizes bold colors and simple animations to highlight the impact of thalassemia on individuals and their families. The message of the video is brought to life through the use of illustrative animations, making the topic accessible and engaging for a wider audience. The video emphasizes the importance of early screening and the positive impact it can have on individuals and families. The visuals are designed to resonate with viewers, particularly those concerned about family planning and antenatal health.

15. Elaad

This explainer onboarding explainer video focuses on the significance of seamless electric vehicle (EV) charging experiences, emphasizing the concept of interoperability. It highlights the growing diversity of electric vehicles, encompassing cars, delivery vans, trucks, and even airplanes, alongside the expanding charging infrastructure with varying shapes, sizes, and speeds. The central question revolves around ensuring compatibility and accessibility for all these EVs across different charging stations.

The video's design style effectively conveys the message of interoperability and hassle-free EV charging. The use of vibrant colors, such as purple and teal, creates a visually engaging experience. Simple yet impactful animations, like the arrows connecting the EV to the charging station, clearly illustrate the concept of seamless connectivity. Bold typography for keywords like interoperability and testing further emphasizes the key themes. The minimalist backgrounds ensure that the focus remains on the message and the visuals related to EV charging.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements its message by employing clear visuals, concise text, and a vibrant color palette. This approach effectively educates viewers about the importance of interoperability in EV charging, ensuring a smooth and convenient experience for EV owners regardless of their vehicle or charging station brand.

16. 360Learning

360Learning is a learning platform that helps companies measure the impact of their learning programs. The video is designed to showcase the power of 360Learning’s analytics features, which go beyond simple completion rates.

Video Design - This Software Software Demo video uses bright, colorful graphics and engaging animations to make the data more appealing to viewers. The use of abstract shapes and bold colors visually represents the process of piecing together fragmented data and shows how 360Learning can provide a more comprehensive picture. The use of lines, shapes, and arrows visually highlight the important information about the reporting and analytics features in the platform.

The design of the video effectively communicates 360Learning’s mission to help companies make data-driven decisions about their learning programs. The use of colorful graphics and animated illustrations creates a modern and engaging tone, which encourages viewers to explore the features of 360Learning. The visuals are designed to help viewers understand the benefits of using the platform and how it can help them to achieve their learning goals.

17. Algolia

Algolia is a company that provides solutions for headless commerce. This video is designed to showcase Algolia’s capabilities for eCommerce brands.

Video Design - This is a Technical Walkthrough Explainer video that utilizes bold graphics and animated text to highlight the product’s benefits. The video design is focused on simplicity and clarity to explain the complexities of headless commerce. A simple color scheme of purple and pink is used throughout the video, which helps create a clean and modern look.

The video uses visual metaphors to explain the benefits of Algolia, highlighting how slow loading times can result in lost customers. This is achieved by using humorous animations, such as a goldfish being more responsive than a slow-loading website. The video utilizes a straightforward approach to explain the benefits of headless commerce, keeping the focus on the product and its capabilities. The video concludes with a call to action for users to explore Algolia’s solutions, effectively driving engagement. The tone of the video is lighthearted and playful, which helps make the complex subject matter more accessible to viewers.

18. Delta Dental

Delta Dental is focused on helping people of all ages keep their teeth healthy, by educating them about the importance of good oral hygiene. This video is designed to teach kids why it’s important to take care of their teeth and what can happen if they don’t.

Video Design - This video is an excellent "Product Capabilities Sample video" for Delta Dental, as it provides a visual and engaging way to communicate a serious subject matter. Animated graphics and silly germs are used to explain the importance of brushing and flossing. The video uses a lighthearted approach to make the subject matter easy to understand.

The design of this video is very child friendly, as it uses bright colors, playful animations, and silly characters. This tone and approach will make it engaging for kids, and help them remember what they’ve learned. The video is successful in conveying its objective by making it clear that bad germs cause cavities, which are harmful to teeth, and that brushing and flossing can help keep these germs away.

19. Papertrail

Papertrail is a safety management software that helps businesses stay compliant and accountable. The video is designed to demonstrate the value of Papertrail and the problems it solves.

Video Design - The video utilizes simple animated characters and visuals to explain how Papertrail works and highlights the importance of safety management. The style of the animation is playful yet professional, making it a great Branded SaaS Marketing Sample video. This design choice makes the video engaging, memorable and relevant to the target audience.

Papertrail showcases how accidents can happen even with safety precautions in place. The video's minimalist design and simple animations focus the viewer on the narrative. The visuals and narrative work together to emphasize the need for a reliable safety management solution like Papertrail. The tone is lighthearted, while still delivering a serious message about the importance of compliance and accountability.

20. Blatchford

The video aims to showcase how prosthetic products with integrated elevated vacuum function and how perforated liners can enhance user experience. It delves into the mechanics of vacuum generation within the socket and how the act of walking actively contributes to this process. Additionally, it highlights the significance of a Silcare Breathe Liner in augmenting the vacuum's strength and overall effectiveness.

This video is a good example of an Explainer How To Video. The video employs a 3D animation style that effectively demonstrates the intricate workings of the prosthetic leg and vacuum system. The use of vibrant colors and clear visuals aids in comprehending the complex mechanisms at play. The animation seamlessly transitions between different views, providing a comprehensive understanding of the product's functionality. Furthermore, the incorporation of text overlays and voice-over narration ensures viewers grasp the key concepts and benefits of the technology.

This is also a good example of an Explainer Onboarding Video. By combining informative visuals with concise explanations, it effectively educates viewers about the innovative features and advantages of Blatchford's prosthetic solutions. The video's clarity and engaging presentation make it an invaluable tool for both amputees and healthcare professionals seeking to understand the intricacies of elevated vacuum technology and its impact on prosthetic users.

21. CommentSold

The video showcases the ease and efficiency of online shopping using the commentsold platform. It highlights the process of selling and buying products through comments on social media, making it a convenient and engaging experience for both sellers and customers. The video also emphasizes the platform's features, such as payment processing, invoicing, and growth strategies, which contribute to a seamless and successful online selling experience.

This explainer training video design style is characterized by its clean and modern aesthetic, using flat illustrations and icons to represent the different aspects of the commentsold platform. The color palette is vibrant and engaging, with a focus on blues, greens, and yellows, which create a sense of optimism and excitement around online shopping. The use of animation is smooth and effective, guiding the viewer through the process of using commentsold in a clear and concise manner. The video's design effectively complements the message of convenience and efficiency, making it an excellent explainer video.

In conclusion, the video's design style effectively conveys the message of commentsold as a user-friendly and efficient platform for online shopping. The use of flat illustrations, vibrant colors, and smooth animation creates an engaging and informative experience for the viewer, highlighting the key features and benefits of the platform. This explainer feature explainer video design is well-suited for its purpose as an onboarding tool, leaving a positive impression on potential users of commentsold.

22. Boyd

Boyd specializes in innovating and designing thermal solutions for demanding applications. This video is designed to introduce the concept of Two-Phase Enhanced Air Cooling and its benefits.

Video Design - The video uses clear and simple 3D animation, focusing on the key components of the system, like the condenser retention plate, mounting hardware and heat transfer. It uses a color scheme of white and gray with hints of red to highlight the heat transfer process. It is a perfect Introduction Teaser Sample video, as it is informative and engaging.

The video’s visuals clearly communicate how the system functions, highlighting the innovative design and technology behind it. The animated representation of the heat transfer process brings the complex technical concept to life, making it easily understandable for viewers. The choice of graphics and animation keeps the tone professional and informative. The video effectively promotes the company’s expertise in thermal solutions.

23. Hotjar

Hotjar is a product that provides a dashboard that gives you a high-level visual view of user metrics. The video is designed to introduce the new Dashboard.

Video Design - The video is an Animated Saas Explainer video. It uses a clean and minimal design style. The colors are bright and bold, and the animations are simple but effective. The video has a friendly and approachable tone, making it a good introduction to Hotjar's new Dashboard feature.

The visual design of the video is very effective in communicating the benefits of the product and driving the goal of the video to introduce the new Dashboard feature. It uses bright and bold colors, making it visually appealing to viewers. The animations are simple but effective in showcasing how the product works. The clean and minimal design style makes the video easy to understand and helps ensure that viewers can easily grasp the key features of Hotjar's Dashboard.

24. 1Password

1Password is a password management solution that helps businesses secure their sign-on model. This video is designed to demonstrate how 1Password integrates with other tools to provide a comprehensive security solution.

Video Design - This Software Platform Tutorial Intro video uses a clean and minimal design to communicate how 1Password integrates with different systems. The video uses a combination of simple animations, diagrams, and text to explain the concept. It incorporates various colors to identify different types of integrations, including IDPs, SIEM, MFA, and developer tools, all connected to a central 1Password logo.

The video uses a clear and concise approach, focusing on the visual aspect of showcasing how the integrations work together. The design emphasizes simplicity and clarity, making it easy for viewers to understand the concepts and the benefits of using 1Password. The clean, minimalist style is consistent with the 1Password brand, which emphasizes security, simplicity, and ease of use.

25. Deloitte

Deloitte - Travel Ready app enables employees to travel with confidence and focus on what matters. The app combines remote work approval, travel booking, and compliance processes, giving employees real-time clearance while they request to work remotely or make their travel plans. A seamless experience is delivered by a simplified user journey.

The design style of the video is modern and minimalist, with a focus on clean lines and simple shapes. The use of green and grey creates a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness, while the animation is smooth and engaging. This explainer video does an excellent job of highlighting the key features of the Deloitte Travel Ready app, such as the ability to book travel, track expenses, and manage compliance. The use of animation helps to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand, and the overall tone of the video is informative and helpful.

The Deloitte Travel Ready app is a valuable tool for employees who travel frequently or work remotely. The app's simple design and user-friendly interface make it easy to use, and the features it offers can help employees save time and money. This explainer user adoption guide video does an excellent job of showcasing the benefits of the app, and it is likely to be effective in encouraging employees to use it.

26. CoreLogic

CoreLogic's Market Trends video is designed to showcase the company's data solution for the New Zealand property market.

Video Design - The video utilizes a clean and modern style, incorporating an animated Saas promotional sample video aesthetic. It features vibrant colors, simple graphics, and a clear, concise visual narrative. The video effectively employs engaging animations to represent market trends. It features different chart types like bar charts and pie charts, making the data readily understandable to viewers.

The video uses a positive and informative tone to convey the value of CoreLogic's data solution. The visual style of the video effectively communicates the message by visually demonstrating the power of CoreLogic’s data insights. The visuals, like the animated maps and graphs, highlight the key features of the solution. The video's visual style and animated elements enhance the user experience, making the data more engaging and accessible to a wider audience. The video clearly illustrates how CoreLogic’s Market Trends can help users make better decisions and stay ahead in the New Zealand property market.

27. CyberArk

CyberArk Endpoint Privilege Manager helps organizations to manage and secure privileged access. This video is designed to show how CyberArk and ServiceNow integration can streamline and automate end-user privilege elevation requests.

Video Design - The video uses a simplified design style. The video features basic icons and a clean background. The city skyline in the background, adds a subtle corporate feel. While the animations are minimal and the colors are kept simple. The layout is clean and organized, making the video easier to understand. The video is structured like an Onboarding Demo video.

This video style is well-suited for explaining a complex subject like privileged access management. The simplicity of the visual style helps the viewers focus on the message being conveyed. The clean and modern look of the video communicates CyberArk's commitment to security and innovation. The tone of the video is serious and informative, reflecting the importance of the topic.

28. U.S. Bank

The u.s. bank business essentials video provides a comprehensive overview of the platform's features and benefits, showcasing its ability to streamline business management tasks. The video highlights the platform's efficiency in handling accounts, sending invoices, and monitoring financial performance. This explainer onboarding explainer video is a great way to introduce new users to the platform.

The video's design effectively emphasizes the business essentials platform's user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation. The clean and minimalist aesthetic, with a focus on the platform's core functionalities, allows viewers to easily grasp the value proposition. The use of bold colors and clear typography further enhances the visual appeal and ensures that key information is easily digestible. The explainer video's pacing is well-balanced, providing ample time for viewers to absorb the presented information without feeling overwhelmed.

In conclusion, the u.s. bank business essentials video successfully demonstrates the platform's capabilities and benefits through its well-executed design and clear messaging. The video's style effectively caters to its target audience of business owners and managers, leaving them with a solid understanding of how the platform can simplify their financial operations and improve overall efficiency. This explainer training video is a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn more about the platform.

29. Insight

The video showcases the transformative impact of technology on the manufacturing industry, highlighting innovative solutions such as predictive analytics, remote condition monitoring, automation, AI, robotics, and augmented reality. It emphasizes how these advancements are revolutionizing manufacturing processes and creating a better experience for both employees and customers.

This explainer training video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of minimalist backgrounds and simple 3D animations allows viewers to focus on the key concepts being presented. The clean lines and uncluttered visuals create a sense of sophistication and professionalism, aligning with the advanced technological solutions being discussed. The color palette is also carefully chosen, with the use of contrasting colors like magenta and teal to draw attention to important data points and statistics.

Overall, the video's design style effectively supports its message by creating a visually engaging and informative experience for viewers. The combination of clear visuals, concise messaging, and a modern aesthetic makes it an excellent explainer app walkthrough video that effectively showcases Insight's Digital Innovation solutions for manufacturing.

30. Cisco

Cisco is a leading networking company that specializes in technology solutions for businesses. This video is designed to showcase the Cisco Catalyst 9100 Access Point and its key features.

Video Design - The video utilizes a clean and modern design aesthetic. The animated promo video employs a sleek white background, highlighting the access point in sharp detail. Graphics are used to point out specific ports, such as the dual 5-Gbps PoE uplinks ports, the console port, and the environmental sensors. The use of clear and concise text labels makes the video informative and easy to understand.

The video's clean and professional design communicates Cisco's commitment to quality and innovation. The focused, visual approach effectively showcases the features and functionality of the access point, making it easy for viewers to quickly grasp its capabilities. The clean design and clear graphics enhance the video's professionalism and clarity, creating a positive and engaging experience.

Key Takeaways

What is an Explainer Onboarding Video?

Explainer Onboarding Video is a short, engaging video used to welcome and educate new users about a product, service, or process.

  • Primarily used during the onboarding stage
  • This is to quickly get users up to speed.

  • Explains complex concepts in a simple way
  • It helps improve user understanding.

  • Showcases value proposition and benefits
  • This helps drive user engagement.

  • Can be animated, live-action, or a combination of both
  • This allows for versatility and customization.

    For example, a project management software company created an animated explainer onboarding video to showcase its key features and benefits. The video helped reduce user churn by 20% within the first month of implementation.

    Creating an Explainer Onboarding Video: Where to Start?

    Begin by defining your target audience and their specific needs.

  • Identify your target audience
  • Understand their pain points and motivations.

  • Define your key message
  • What do you want viewers to take away?

  • Choose the right video style
  • Animated, live-action, or screencast.

  • Write a compelling script
  • Keep it concise, engaging, and informative.

    For example, a cybersecurity firm wanted to educate its clients about its new threat detection software. They started by identifying the target audience, which consisted of IT professionals and business owners. This helped them tailor the video's content and messaging to resonate with their specific needs and concerns.

    Explainer Onboarding Video Ingredients

    A successful explainer onboarding video blends several key ingredients.

  • A strong hook
  • Grab attention within the first few seconds.

  • Clear and concise messaging
  • Explain complex topics in a simple way.

  • Engaging visuals
  • Use animations, illustrations, or live footage.

  • A call to action
  • Tell viewers what you want them to do next.

    For example, a cloud storage company incorporated a strong hook in their explainer onboarding video by showcasing the common problem of limited storage space on personal devices. This immediately captured the attention of viewers facing similar issues.

    Explainer Onboarding Video - Goals and Objectives

    Clearly define what you aim to achieve with your explainer onboarding video.

  • Increase user adoption
  • Get users to actively engage with your product or service.

  • Reduce support tickets
  • Provide clear instructions to minimize user questions.

  • Improve user satisfaction
  • Create a positive onboarding experience.

  • Enhance brand loyalty
  • Build trust and credibility with new users.

    For example, a customer relationship management (CRM) platform aimed to increase user adoption with their explainer onboarding video. By showcasing the platform's intuitive interface and key features, they successfully encouraged viewers to start using the CRM effectively.

    Selecting a Style for Your Explainer Onboarding Video

    The style of your video should align with your brand and resonate with your target audience.

  • Animated explainer videos
  • Ideal for simplifying complex concepts.

  • Live-action explainer videos
  • Best for showcasing human connection and real-world applications.

  • Screencast explainer videos
  • Suitable for software demos and tutorials.

    For example, a financial technology company chose a live-action style for their explainer onboarding video to build trust and credibility with their audience. Featuring real customers sharing their positive experiences, the video effectively conveyed the company's commitment to customer satisfaction.

    Storytelling in an Explainer Onboarding Video

    Engage viewers emotionally by weaving a compelling narrative into your video.

  • Introduce a relatable problem
  • Connect with viewers on a personal level.

  • Present your product or service as the solution
  • Highlight its value proposition and benefits.

  • Show the positive outcomes
  • Illustrate how your offering improves users' lives.

    For example, an online learning platform used storytelling in their explainer onboarding video by featuring the journey of a student struggling to balance work and education. The video then showcased how the platform's flexible learning options provided the perfect solution, enabling the student to achieve their academic goals.

    Best Practices for Explainer Onboarding Videos

    Follow these best practices to create effective and engaging explainer onboarding videos.

  • Keep it short and sweet
  • Aim for a video length of under two minutes.

  • Use a conversational tone
  • Speak directly to your audience.

  • Add subtitles
  • Make your video accessible to a wider audience.

  • Include a clear call to action
  • Tell viewers what you want them to do next.

    For example, a language learning app kept their explainer onboarding video concise and engaging, focusing on the app's key features and benefits. By highlighting the app's user-friendly interface and personalized learning paths, they effectively conveyed its value proposition within a short timeframe.

    What Makes an Explainer Onboarding Video Effective?

    An effective explainer onboarding video is engaging, informative, and memorable.

  • It captures attention from the start
  • A strong hook is crucial.

  • It clearly explains the value proposition
  • Viewers understand what's in it for them.

  • It's visually appealing and easy to follow
  • High-quality visuals and clear audio are essential.

  • It leaves a lasting impression
  • A memorable video reinforces key messages.

    For example, a design software company created an explainer onboarding video that was both informative and visually appealing. By using stunning animations and clear explanations, they effectively showcased the software's capabilities and inspired viewers to explore its features further.

    Connecting Your Brand and Explainer Onboarding Video

    Ensure your explainer onboarding video aligns with your brand identity and messaging.

  • Use brand colors and fonts
  • Maintain visual consistency.

  • Incorporate brand voice and tone
  • Ensure your video reflects your brand personality.

  • Align with brand values
  • Communicate your company's mission and vision.

    For example, a sustainable clothing brand incorporated its commitment to eco-friendly practices in its explainer onboarding video. By showcasing its use of organic materials and ethical manufacturing processes, the video effectively communicated the brand's values to its target audience.


    Mastering user onboarding with Explainer Videos

    The digital landscape thrives on user engagement, and effective onboarding is the cornerstone of building a loyal user base. Explainer videos have emerged as a powerful tool to accelerate user adoption, offering a dynamic and engaging way to introduce users to platforms, products, or services.


    Modern users demand instant gratification and intuitive experiences. Complex interfaces or lengthy text instructions can lead to frustration and abandonment. Consider a new mobile banking app – users expect to seamlessly navigate features like bill payments or fund transfers. A concise explainer video can guide them through these processes, ensuring a smooth and positive first impression.


    Creating impactful explainer videos requires a strategic approach. Balancing information density with engaging visuals is crucial. The video must be concise yet comprehensive, addressing key features and functionalities without overwhelming the viewer. Additionally, tailoring the video to the target audience ensures relevance and resonance.


    Explainer videos find application across diverse scenarios. For software companies, these videos can showcase product features, demonstrate workflows, and highlight key benefits. E-commerce platforms can utilize them to guide users through the purchase process, from browsing products to checkout and order tracking. Educational institutions can leverage explainer videos to introduce online learning platforms, course structures, and student support services.


    The impact of explainer videos extends beyond initial onboarding. They serve as valuable resources throughout the user journey, acting as quick reference guides or refreshers. Moreover, these videos can be easily shared across various channels, amplifying reach and brand awareness.


    Explainer videos excel at capturing user attention and fostering engagement. The combination of visuals, audio, and storytelling creates a multi-sensory experience that resonates with viewers. This heightened engagement translates to improved information retention and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.


    Complex concepts or processes can be simplified through the power of visual storytelling. Explainer videos break down information into easily digestible segments, using animations, screen recordings, and voiceovers to illustrate key points. This clarity empowers users to confidently navigate platforms and utilize features.


    Explainer videos cater to diverse learning styles and preferences. Visual learners benefit from the graphic representations, while auditory learners grasp information through narration. Additionally, videos can be made accessible with closed captions and transcripts, ensuring inclusivity for users with disabilities.


    Investing in explainer videos streamlines the onboarding process, reducing the need for extensive customer support or training materials. Users can independently learn at their own pace, freeing up resources and enhancing overall efficiency.


    Explainer videos are easily scalable assets that can be readily adapted to different platforms and audiences. They can be embedded within websites, shared on social media, or integrated into email campaigns, maximizing reach and impact.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!