Video Creation Service

30 SaaS Getting Started Video Examples For Efficient User Onboarding

Last updated
Jun. 24, 2024

The digital landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and with it, the way businesses engage with their customers. In this dynamic environment, SaaS companies face the critical challenge of efficiently onboarding new users to their platforms. A seamless onboarding experience is essential for user adoption, retention, and ultimately, the success of the SaaS product.

Traditional onboarding methods, such as lengthy text-based tutorials or static FAQs, often fall short of providing an engaging and effective learning experience. Users today demand instant gratification and intuitive guidance, and this is where the power of video comes into play. Video-based onboarding offers a dynamic and visually compelling way to educate users, demonstrate product features, and accelerate the learning curve.

The versatility of video allows SaaS companies to cater to diverse learning styles and preferences. Short, bite-sized explainer videos can effectively introduce core functionalities, while in-depth tutorials can delve into more complex workflows. Interactive video formats can further enhance engagement by allowing users to choose their learning paths and explore features at their own pace. The ability to pause, rewind, and replay videos ensures that users can grasp information effectively and refer back to it as needed.

The applications of video in SaaS onboarding extend beyond mere product education. Welcome videos from the CEO or founder can personalize the onboarding experience and foster a sense of community. Customer testimonials and case studies can showcase the value proposition of the product and build trust with new users. Additionally, video can be leveraged for ongoing user engagement through feature updates, best practices, and tips and tricks.

From simplifying complex workflows to fostering user engagement, video has emerged as a transformative tool for SaaS onboarding. By harnessing the power of video, SaaS companies can create an immersive and effective onboarding experience that drives user adoption, reduces churn, and ultimately fuels business growth. With this understanding, let's dive in and explore 30 inspiring examples of SaaS getting started videos that exemplify the art of efficient user onboarding.

1. Gelato

Gelato network is a web3 automation network, enabling developers to automate a wide variety of arbitrary smart contract executions on and across all evm-based compatible blockchains such as ethereum, polygon, bnb chain, fantom, and more.

the design style of the gelato network saas getting started overview video uses colorful and abstract 3d shapes and objects to visually represent the complex concepts of blockchain technology, automation, and decentralized finance (defi). the video cleverly employs vibrant, futuristic visuals to highlight the cutting-edge nature of gelato network's solution for developers seeking to automate smart contract executions across various evm-compatible blockchains.

the video's aesthetic effectively communicates the innovative and transformative potential of gelato network's technology within the evolving landscape of web3 and decentralized finance.

2. Bugcrowd

Bugcrowd attack surface management is the first solution of its kind to match the effort and scale of attackers with the ingenuity and impact of trusted attack-minded defenders for the most organic assessment of real risk possible.

The design style of the SaaS Getting Started Tutorial Video is modern and minimalist, with a focus on clean lines and simple shapes. The use of bright colors and bold typography helps to create a visually appealing and engaging experience for the viewer. The SaaS Getting Started Video also makes use of animation to help explain complex concepts in a clear and concise way.

The animation is smooth and fluid, and it helps to keep the viewer engaged. Overall, the design style of the video is effective in communicating the message of Bugcrowd attack surface management solution. The video is visually appealing, engaging, and informative. It is clear that a lot of thought and effort went into the design of the video, and it shows. The video is a great example of how design can be used to effectively communicate a message and engage an audience.


The video showcases the digital ecosystem of coralink, emphasizing its ability to enhance plant lifecycle phases and provide added value. It delves into the fascinating world of this technology, offering viewers a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities and benefits. This saas getting started guide video is perfect for new users.

The design style effectively employs 3d animation and visual effects to illustrate the intricate workings of coralink. The use of vibrant colors and sleek graphics creates a visually appealing experience, while the seamless transitions and dynamic camera angles maintain viewer engagement. Clear and concise text overlays provide additional context, ensuring that the key features and advantages of coralink are effectively communicated. This saas getting started video is visually appealing and informative.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements its informative content, resulting in a compelling and engaging product demo explainer. The combination of captivating visuals and informative text effectively highlights the value proposition of coralink, leaving viewers with a clear understanding of its potential to optimize plant operations. Getting started with this saas platform is made easy with this video.


NICE enlighten AI ensures fair treatment of customers and FCA compliance.

This product demo explainer video uses a simple and effective design style to highlight the key benefits of the SaaS solution. The 3D animated graphics are clean and engaging, and the use of bright colors helps to keep the viewer's attention. The video does a good job of explaining how the product works and how it can benefit customers. The use of statistics and data points helps to make the case for the product even stronger.

The video's design effectively communicates the message that NICE enlighten AI is a powerful tool that can help businesses to improve customer satisfaction and ensure compliance. The use of simple visuals and clear language makes it easy for viewers to understand the key benefits of the product. The video is also well-paced and engaging, which helps to keep viewers interested from beginning to end.

5. PacketLight

PacketLight networks offers cutting-edge DWDM and OTN equipment for data, storage, voice, and video transmission across data center interconnect, metro, and long-haul fiber optic networks. Their comprehensive optical layer transport solutions encompass muxponders, transponders, ROADM, optical amplifiers, and fiber diagnostic tools, with optional embedded Layer-1 optical encryption for secure data transfer.

This SaaS Getting Started Training Video effectively showcases PacketLight's expertise in optical networking solutions through its sleek and modern design. The use of dark backgrounds with vibrant accents creates a visually appealing contrast, drawing attention to key information and product features. High-quality 3D animations and graphics illustrate complex concepts such as data center interconnect and optical network expansion, making them easily understandable for viewers getting started with the SaaS.

By combining informative visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully conveys the value proposition of PacketLight's DWDM and OTN equipment. The emphasis on data security, network scalability, and efficient data transport resonates with potential customers seeking reliable and advanced optical networking solutions. Overall, the video's design style effectively complements its technical content, creating a compelling and informative experience for viewers interested in PacketLight's offerings.

6. Avantor

Avantor services provides comprehensive solutions for the management of biological research samples and manufactured products. Their services encompass the secure handling, processing, and storage of valuable research assets, including specimens, data, and samples. This makes for a great SaaS Getting Started Video as it showcases the meticulous care and security Avantor Services provides for all research assets.

The video effectively employs a clean and minimalist design style, characterized by simple line icons, a muted color palette, and ample white space. This approach ensures that the focus remains on the core message – the meticulous care and security Avantor Services provides for research assets. A SaaS Getting Started Guide Video would benefit from this simple style as viewers can easily understand the services being offered.

The use of subtle animation further enhances the viewer's understanding of the processes involved, such as sample tracking and data entry. In conclusion, the video's design style perfectly complements its objective of showcasing Avantor Services' expertise in handling sensitive research materials. The clear visuals and concise messaging effectively convey the company's commitment to quality control, security, and efficient management of research assets, making this a perfect example of a SaaS Getting Started video.

7. Namecheap

Easywp offers a simplified approach to wordpress, handling technical aspects like website administration and wordpress installation. this allows users to prioritize content creation, idea development, and online business growth.

The video's design effectively conveys this message through its use of vibrant colors, clean lines, and isometric illustrations. the visuals showcase individuals effortlessly interacting with wordpress elements, symbolizing the ease and accessibility of the platform. geometric shapes and bold colors create a visually engaging experience, while the isometric perspective adds depth and dimension, drawing viewers into the world of easywp.

By combining clear messaging with a visually appealing design, the saas getting started demo video effectively demonstrates how easywp empowers users to succeed with wordpress and establish their online presence. the video's style perfectly complements its purpose as a product demo explainer, leaving viewers with a clear understanding of easywp's value proposition.

8. Conversica

This video showcases how Conversica AI Assistants can be valuable assets for revenue teams by automating conversations and helping achieve business goals. This is a perfect example of a SaaS Getting Started Walkthrough Video.

The video cleverly employs a minimalist design aesthetic, using bold colors and geometric shapes to visually represent the automation process. This approach effectively highlights the key benefits of Conversica, such as increased reply rates and ROI, by associating them with visually appealing and memorable graphics. Getting Started with a new SaaS product can be daunting, but Conversica makes it easy with this video.

By combining clear messaging with a visually engaging design, the video successfully conveys the value proposition of Conversica for revenue teams seeking to optimize their communication strategies and enhance productivity. This SaaS Getting Started Video is a must-watch for anyone looking to improve their revenue team's performance.

9. Wiget Media

Wiget media is a leading online advertising platform that offers a user-friendly self-serve panel, exceptional customer service, and exclusive ad inventory across various devices. Their platform empowers online campaigns by providing advertisers with the tools and resources they need to reach their target audience effectively.

This SaaS Getting Started Overview Video effectively complements its role as a product demo explainer. The use of clean lines, minimalist shapes, and a cohesive color palette creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The subtle animations and transitions maintain viewer interest while ensuring the focus remains on the platform's key features and benefits. The clear and concise messaging, combined with the intuitive interface, effectively demonstrates the ease of use and efficiency of Wiget Media's advertising solutions.

In conclusion, the Getting Started video's design style successfully showcases Wiget Media's online advertising platform as a powerful and user-friendly solution for businesses seeking to enhance their SaaS online campaigns. The video's aesthetic appeal, combined with its informative content, effectively conveys the value proposition of Wiget Media's services, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

10. Bandwidth

Bandwidth's emergency calling API, a solution that allows users to contact emergency services directly through applications, regardless of their location. This innovative technology ensures users can quickly and easily seek help in critical situations, even when they are not in their usual environment.

The SaaS Getting Started Demo Video design style effectively emphasizes the key features and benefits of the emergency calling API. The use of a clean and minimalist aesthetic, with a focus on simple shapes and a limited color palette, allows viewers to easily understand the core functionality of the API. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding the viewer through the process of making an emergency call and highlighting the ability to pinpoint the user's location accurately. The SaaS Getting Started video also effectively showcases the versatility of the API, demonstrating its compatibility with various applications and devices.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully conveys the value proposition of Bandwidth's emergency calling API. The design style reinforces the message of reliability, accessibility, and ease of use, making it an excellent product demo explainer video.

11. State Street

State Street Alpha streamlines investment processes by bringing together risk analytics, portfolio management, trading, compliance, and settlement onto a single platform. This comprehensive solution empowers investment and operations teams with advanced data aggregation and analytics, enabling efficient decision-making and improved returns. This is a perfect example of a SaaS Getting Started How To Video that showcases the power of the platform.

The video's design effectively conveys the platform's capabilities through a clean and modern aesthetic. The use of bold colors and simple shapes creates a visually appealing experience, while the animation smoothly guides viewers through the platform's features. Getting started with a new SaaS platform can be daunting, but this video makes it easy to understand the benefits of State Street Alpha. The choice of a dark background with contrasting bright lines draws attention to key information, such as data points and system functionalities. This approach ensures that viewers can easily grasp the platform's value proposition and understand how it addresses the challenges of legacy technology and disparate systems.

By combining informative visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully demonstrates how State Street Alpha simplifies complex investment processes. The clear and engaging design style effectively captures the platform's essence, making it an excellent product demo explainer video. For those looking for a SaaS Getting Started Training Video, this video provides a great overview of the platform's capabilities and how to get started.

12. AWS

AWS Wavelength brings AWS services to the edge of the 5G network, enabling application traffic to reach application servers running in Wavelength Zones without leaving the telecommunications network. This reduces latency and improves performance for applications that require real-time responsiveness, such as video streaming, gaming, and augmented reality.

A SaaS Getting Started Guide Video would effectively convey the concept of AWS Wavelength to SaaS providers looking to leverage its benefits. The use of simple lines and shapes to represent complex infrastructure elements, such as datacenters and 5G networks, allows viewers to easily understand the core message. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding the viewer through the process of how Wavelength Zones work, making it easier for SaaS providers to understand how to get started with the service.

The color palette is also well-chosen, with the dark background providing a sense of sophistication and the bright colors highlighting key elements. Overall, the video's design style is both informative and visually appealing, making it an effective tool for explaining the benefits of AWS Wavelength to SaaS providers and helping them understand how to get started with the service. The clean and modern aesthetic aligns well with the technological nature of the product, while the animation and color choices keep viewers engaged and interested. The video successfully demonstrates how AWS Wavelength can help businesses improve application performance and deliver a better user experience.

13. Preno

The video showcases a hotel property management software designed to streamline operations for accommodation providers. It aims to simplify tasks such as managing bookings, tracking guest information, and handling payments, making it an invaluable tool for hoteliers. This video serves as an excellent SaaS Getting Started Training Video for new users.

The video's design style effectively complements its purpose as a product demo explainer. The use of vibrant colors, clean lines, and simple shapes creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The animation is smooth and fluid, guiding viewers through the software's features and functionalities in a clear and concise manner, making it a great SaaS Getting Started Walkthrough Video. The minimalist approach ensures that the focus remains on the product itself, allowing viewers to easily grasp its value proposition.

By combining a user-friendly interface with intuitive design elements, the video effectively demonstrates how this hotel property management software can empower accommodation providers to optimize their operations and enhance guest satisfaction. The video's style not only captures attention but also effectively conveys the software's ease of use and efficiency, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video. New users will find this SaaS Getting Started video very helpful.

14. BMC

Bmc helix control-m, a saas application workflow orchestration solution, helps businesses avoid breakdowns and outages by orchestrating complex data pipelines, automating file transfers, and eliminating risks related to siloed automation. It provides a single view to ensure the right people have the right information at the right time, making unexpected breakdowns and outages a thing of the past. This is a perfect example of a SaaS Getting Started Demo Video, as it showcases the software's capabilities and how users can benefit from its features.

The video uses a clean and modern design style with simple shapes, flat colors, and bold typography. The use of animation helps to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise way. The video also uses a variety of visual metaphors to help viewers understand the benefits of using bmc helix control-m. For example, the use of a map to show how the solution can help businesses track their assets and applications. Getting started with this SaaS solution is made easy through the video's clear and concise explanations.

Overall, the video is an effective way to explain the benefits of using bmc helix control-m. The clean and modern design style makes the video visually appealing, while the use of animation and visual metaphors helps to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise way. The video is also well-paced and engaging, keeping viewers interested from beginning to end. This makes it an ideal SaaS Getting Started Overview Video for those looking to understand the software's capabilities and benefits.

15. Dolbey

This video, a perfect example of a SaaS Getting Started Video, focuses on the evolution of dictation and transcription practices in various industries, including healthcare, legal, public safety, and insurance. It highlights the transition from traditional cassette tapes to modern digital dictation recording devices. The video explores different digital dictation options such as portable recorders, computer microphones, call-in systems, and mobile phone dictation.

The video effectively utilizes a flat design style with clean lines, bold colors, and simple shapes. This minimalist approach ensures that the viewers' attention remains focused on the core message – the advantages of digital dictation solutions. The use of icons and infographics further enhances the clarity and conciseness of the information presented. The video's color palette is particularly noteworthy, with a vibrant blue background that creates a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness.

In conclusion, the video's design style perfectly complements its informative content, making it an excellent product demo explainer video. The combination of clear visuals, concise messaging, and a professional tone effectively conveys the benefits of digital dictation solutions for various industries. The video successfully highlights the brand as a leader in providing innovative and efficient SaaS dictation and transcription solutions, making it a great Getting Started resource for new users.

16. Datacom

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations are faced with the imperative to embrace digital transformation or risk falling behind in the competitive market. Datacom's Container Service emerges as a solution, empowering developers to efficiently deploy and manage their crucial business applications within a secure and modern cloud environment. This makes it an ideal solution for a SaaS Getting Started Overview Video that showcases the benefits of adopting the service.

The video's design style effectively conveys the essence of Datacom's Container Service. The isometric illustrations create a sense of depth and dimension, drawing viewers into the digital realm where applications are deployed and managed. The vibrant color palette and clean lines enhance visual appeal, while the strategic use of icons and symbols effectively communicates complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner. This visual approach is particularly effective for a SaaS Getting Started video, as it helps new users quickly grasp the service's capabilities.

By combining engaging visuals with a compelling narrative, the video successfully captures the viewer's attention and effectively conveys the value proposition of Datacom's Container Service. The design style not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also plays a crucial role in simplifying complex technical concepts, making it an excellent SaaS Getting Started How To Video that guides users through the initial setup and configuration process.

17. Syncsort

Modern businesses must draw in data from many sources and in many forms. How well they own, access, and analyze data to build new products and services dictates future success. Experimentation and innovation are a constant. Syncsort believes that data makes the difference.

This SaaS Getting Started Training Video uses simple, yet effective, animation to explain the complex process of data management. The use of bold colors and clean lines helps to keep the viewer engaged, while the slow pace of the animation allows the viewer to absorb the information being presented. The video also makes use of data visualization techniques, such as charts and graphs, to help illustrate the points being made.

Overall, the video design is an excellent example of how animation can be used to explain complex topics in a way that is both informative and engaging. The use of simple shapes, bold colors, and clean lines helps to create a visually appealing video that is easy to follow. The slow pace of the animation and the use of data visualization techniques ensure that the viewer is able to understand the information being presented.

18. Ateme

The video focuses on ateme's ATSC 3.0 solution and how it can help broadcasters stay at the forefront of the industry. It explores the challenges faced by broadcasters in delivering high-quality services, engaging viewers, and generating revenue. This SaaS Getting Started Tutorial Video is a great resource for broadcasters who are looking to learn more about ATSC 3.0 and how it can benefit their business.

The video utilizes a minimalist and modern design style, characterized by flat illustrations, bold colors, and clean typography. The use of simple shapes and icons effectively conveys complex concepts, such as broadcasting infrastructure and global reach. Viewers will find this SaaS Getting Started Tutorial Video easy to follow and understand, thanks to its simple and engaging design.

The animation is smooth and engaging, with subtle transitions and movements that guide the viewer's attention. The color palette is vibrant and eye-catching, with a focus on blues, oranges, and greens, creating a sense of optimism and innovation. Overall, the video's design style effectively complements its purpose as a product demo explainer, making it an excellent example of how visual communication can enhance the impact of marketing messages. This SaaS Getting Started Tutorial Video is a great example of how to create an engaging and informative video that can help businesses achieve their marketing goals.

19. ManageEngine

Endpoint central by manageengine is a comprehensive solution for managing and securing various endpoints, including desktops, laptops, servers, mobiles, and iot devices. It empowers organizations to efficiently manage and secure their it infrastructure while enhancing the digital employee experience. This serves as an excellent saas getting started guide video for new users.

The video effectively employs a clean and modern design style, characterized by vibrant colors, clear typography, and engaging animations. The use of bold colors and simple shapes helps to draw attention to key information, such as the types of endpoints that can be managed and the security threats that can be mitigated. Getting started with endpoint central is made easy with this saas getting started tutorial video.

By combining informative visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully conveys the value proposition of endpoint central as a comprehensive solution for endpoint management and security. The design style effectively complements the video's message, making it an excellent product demo explainer video that is both informative and engaging. New users will find this saas getting started guide video very helpful.

20. Carrier

EcoEnergy Insights, a leading provider of outcome-based services, helps businesses optimize building and equipment operations. Their innovative approach, combined with the CORTIXâ„¢ building IoT platform, enables predictive maintenance and ensures optimal performance. Industries such as retail, restaurants, hospitality, banking, and water utilities benefit from their expertise.

This SaaS Getting Started Walkthrough Video effectively employs a minimalist isometric design style to convey complex information clearly. The use of clean lines, vibrant colors, and 3D visuals creates an engaging and informative experience for SaaS Getting Started. Isometric visuals provide a comprehensive view of building interiors and equipment, allowing viewers to easily understand the context and challenges. The animation seamlessly transitions between scenes, highlighting the before-and-after scenarios and showcasing the transformative impact of EcoEnergy Insights' solutions.

By combining a clear and concise narrative with visually appealing isometric animations, the video successfully demonstrates the value proposition of EcoEnergy Insights' services. The minimalist design style ensures that the focus remains on the core message, while the use of 3D visuals enhances audience engagement and understanding. This approach effectively positions EcoEnergy Insights as a leader in outcome-based solutions for building optimization.

21. GoCardless

gocardless makes it easy to collect direct debit payments from customers worldwide, even for one-off or variable amounts. gocardless direct debit payments are highlighted using 3d shapes with smooth edges and a neon color palette. this abstract design style provides a modern and engaging backdrop for showcasing the product's ability to simplify complex financial transactions. the video effectively uses design to communicate the ease and efficiency of gocardless for businesses seeking a streamlined payment solution. this saas getting started demo video is a great way to see how gocardless can help your business get started with direct debit payments.

gocardless makes it easy to collect direct debit payments from customers worldwide, even for one-off or variable amounts. gocardless direct debit payments are highlighted using 3d shapes with smooth edges and a neon color palette. this abstract design style provides a modern and engaging backdrop for showcasing the product's ability to simplify complex financial transactions. the video effectively uses design to communicate the ease and efficiency of gocardless for businesses seeking a streamlined payment solution. this saas getting started how to video is a great way to learn how to use gocardless to collect direct debit payments.

22. Rieter

ESSENTIALbasic is the starter module of ESSENTIAL Rieter Digital Spinning Suite and is available for all Rieter customers as a digital solution. It includes solutions such as ESSENTIALorder, ESSENTIALexpertise and ESSENTIALconsult, enabling stakeholders, from mill owners to operators, to have an overview of the relevant information that is necessary for their daily tasks.

The SaaS Getting Started Video cleverly uses a modern and sleek design aesthetic to showcase the key solutions offered by ESSENTIALbasic. The isometric illustrations, combined with the vibrant neon color scheme, create a visually engaging experience that effectively communicates the digital nature of the product. The use of animated transitions between different modules, such as ESSENTIALorder and ESSENTIALexpertise, allows for a clear and concise presentation of the product's features and benefits.

Overall, the video's design style effectively highlights the innovative and user-friendly nature of ESSENTIALbasic, making it an excellent product demo explainer video. This serves as a SaaS Getting Started How To Video for new users.

23. BILL

This video is a SaaS Getting Started Tutorial Video that demonstrates how BILL, a financial software company, can help businesses streamline their accounts payable processes. By automating tasks such as data entry and invoice approvals, BILL gives businesses more time to focus on other important areas. Getting started with BILL is easy, and the software can be customized to fit the needs of any business.

The video's design style is clean and modern, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. The use of bright colors and bold shapes helps to draw attention to the key features of the BILL platform. The animation is smooth and engaging, and the overall tone of the video is positive and upbeat.

The video effectively highlights the benefits of using BILL, such as saving time and reducing errors. The visuals are clear and concise, and the message is easy to understand. Overall, the video is an excellent example of how animation can be used to create a compelling and informative product demo. The clean design, engaging animation, and clear messaging make it easy for viewers to understand the benefits of using BILL.

24. Intel offers a solution that allows teams to investigate performance with minimal overhead by leveraging cluster-wide profiling. by continuously analyzing code performance across your entire environment, you can optimize the most resource-consuming parts of your code, improve application performance, and reduce costs. this is a great example of a SaaS Getting Started Walkthrough Video as it showcases the platform's capabilities and guides users on how to leverage them for optimal performance.

The video cleverly uses isometric illustrations and animations to visually represent complex concepts like cluster-wide profiling and code performance analysis. the vibrant color scheme and futuristic design elements create a visually engaging experience that effectively communicates the benefits of continuous profiling. the use of charts and graphs helps to illustrate the impact of code optimization on performance and cost reduction, making it easier for viewers to understand the value proposition of the product. this approach is particularly effective for SaaS Getting Started as it simplifies complex concepts and makes them accessible to new users.

By combining clear messaging with visually appealing design elements, the video effectively highlights the key features and benefits of the result is a compelling product demo explainer video that is both informative and engaging. this type of video can serve as an excellent SaaS Getting Started Guide Video, providing viewers with a comprehensive overview of the platform and its functionalities.

25. AppFolio

This SaaS Getting Started Overview Video showcases the challenges faced by board members in managing their community responsibilities alongside personal commitments. It emphasizes the need for a software solution that simplifies these tasks and allows for efficient community leadership. Getting started with community management can be daunting, but this SaaS solution aims to make it easier.

The animation style effectively conveys the message by employing a combination of relatable characters, clean visuals, and intuitive interface depictions. The use of vibrant colors and simple shapes creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. By showcasing the software's interface and features in a clear and concise manner, the video effectively demonstrates how AppFolio empowers board members to streamline their duties, such as document sharing and communication, ultimately leading to better community management.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements its message by providing a visually engaging and informative experience. The animation effectively highlights the key features and benefits of AppFolio, making it an excellent product demo explainer video for board members seeking efficient community management solutions. This SaaS Getting Started Overview Video provides a comprehensive overview of how to get started with the software and its various features.

26. Rx EDGE

The video highlights the challenges of reaching patients in a crowded media landscape and proposes a solution through the solutions at the shelf program. This program strategically places educational materials in nearly 30,000 pharmacies nationwide, engaging prospective patients at the point of care. This is a perfect example of a SaaS Getting Started Video as it explains how the program can be used to reach patients.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of simple, flat illustrations with a bright color palette creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The animation is smooth and dynamic, keeping viewers' attention focused on the key points. SaaS platforms often use this style of video to make their products more approachable and understandable.

The clean and uncluttered visuals allow for easy comprehension of the information presented, making it an effective explainer video for the solutions at the shelfâ„¢ program. A SaaS Getting Started Training Video with this design style can be highly effective in helping users understand the value proposition and features of the SaaS product. By combining clear messaging with a visually appealing design, the video successfully conveys the value proposition of the solutions at the shelf program. The animation style and color choices create a positive and engaging tone, while the simple illustrations effectively communicate the program's reach and impact. Overall, the video's design style plays a crucial role in making it an effective tool for educating and engaging prospective patients about this innovative solution. This approach is particularly valuable for SaaS products, as it helps users quickly understand how to get started and realize the benefits of the software.

27. Citrix

This SaaS Getting Started Demo Video highlights the challenges faced by modern financial institutions, including evolving cyber threats and the shift towards hybrid work models. Organizations require comprehensive and real-time insights into user access patterns to safeguard valuable assets. Citrix DaaS addresses these concerns by offering advanced analytics capabilities for enhanced security and performance optimization.

The SaaS Getting Started Walkthrough Video's design style effectively conveys the message of enhanced security and productivity through its clean and minimalist aesthetic. The use of simple line drawings and a limited color palette creates a visually appealing and easy-to-understand representation of complex concepts. Visual elements such as shields and magnifying glasses reinforce the themes of protection and visibility, aligning perfectly with the core functionalities of Citrix DaaS.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully demonstrates the value proposition of Citrix DaaS for financial service providers. The design style effectively complements the narrative, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

28. Siemens

The video showcases opcenter intelligence cloud, a manufacturing intelligence software as a service (saas) solution designed to enhance insight into manufacturing data. this saas getting started how to video aims to improve trend analysis and decision-making, ultimately leading to global performance excellence. the video highlights the role of opcenter intelligence cloud in addressing current and upcoming technologies that are shaping the future of data analytics for manufacturing, including mobile internet, cloud computing, and advanced analytics.

The design style of the video effectively complements its message. the use of bold colors and clean lines creates a modern and engaging aesthetic. the animation is smooth and dynamic, keeping the viewer's attention focused on the key points being presented. the visuals are clear and concise, using icons and graphics to represent complex data in an easily understandable way. this approach aligns perfectly with the video's objective of showcasing how opcenter intelligence cloud simplifies data analysis for improved decision-making.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully reinforces its message by presenting complex information in a visually appealing and accessible manner. the use of modern aesthetics, clear visuals, and dynamic animation effectively captures the viewer's attention and highlights the value proposition of opcenter intelligence cloud as a tool for enhancing manufacturing intelligence and driving performance excellence.

29. Fujitsu

In an era of rapid technological advancements and societal complexities, we are pioneering the convergence of digital technologies with insights from the humanities to address pressing social challenges. This innovative approach, known as social digital twins, holds immense potential to transform the way we understand, plan, and manage our communities, paving the way for a more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable future.

The video's design style effectively complements its role as a SaaS Getting Started Guide Video for social digital twins. The use of minimalist 3D animation with a clean white background and simple geometric shapes allows the focus to remain on the core message – the transformative potential of social digital twins in addressing social challenges. The animation seamlessly transitions between various urban settings, such as cityscapes, town halls, and stadiums, effectively showcasing the wide range of applications for this technology.

By employing a visually engaging and informative approach, the video successfully captures the essence of social digital twins and their ability to revolutionize community planning and management. The clear and concise messaging, coupled with the minimalist design, ensures that viewers grasp the key concepts and potential impact of this innovative technology.

30. Streamr

This video showcases a revolutionary approach to data management, emphasizing ethical business models and scalable crowdsourced datasets known as data unions. It promotes the concept of unstoppable data streams distributed over a global open-source peer-to-peer network, contributing to the development of a new data economy. This SaaS Getting Started Walkthrough Video effectively introduces users to the platform and its features, guiding them through the initial setup and basic functionalities.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of vibrant colors and a clean, minimalist aesthetic creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The 3D isometric perspective provides a comprehensive view of the data ecosystem, showcasing the interconnectedness of various elements such as cities, vehicles, and data points. This SaaS Getting Started Walkthrough Video utilizes clear and concise visuals to demonstrate the step-by-step process of getting started with the SaaS platform.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully enhances the understanding of the product's core message. The combination of vibrant visuals, clear animation, and a minimalist approach effectively conveys the innovative nature of data unions and their potential to revolutionize data management. The SaaS Getting Started Walkthrough Video ensures a smooth and efficient onboarding experience for new users, enabling them to quickly grasp the essentials and begin utilizing the SaaS platform effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • What is a SaaS Getting Started saas video?

  • A SaaS getting started video is a short, instructional video designed to help new users quickly understand and utilize a Software as a Service (SaaS) product. It acts as a virtual guide, demonstrating key features, workflows, and benefits, ultimately enabling users to experience value and achieve their desired outcomes faster. Think of it as a concise, engaging welcome tutorial, accessible online, that empowers users to confidently navigate the software and maximize their experience from day one.
  • Creating a SaaS Getting Started SaaS video: Where to start?

  • Creating a successful SaaS Getting Started video requires a strategic approach. Begin by clearly defining your target audience and their specific needs. Identify your ideal user: Who are you creating this video for? What are their pain points and goals? Choose a clear focus: What are the most crucial features or workflows you want to highlight? Outline the key steps: Break down the learning process into manageable, logical steps. Decide on the video style: Will it be live-action, animation, screencast, or a combination? Write a compelling script: Keep it concise, engaging, and focused on user benefits.
  • SaaS Getting Started SaaS video ingredients

  • A compelling SaaS Getting Started video blends informative content with engaging visuals and a user-friendly approach. Clear and concise narration: Use a friendly, approachable tone that resonates with your audience. High-quality visuals: Incorporate screen recordings, animations, or live-action footage to demonstrate features effectively. Step-by-step instructions: Guide users through essential workflows and processes in a logical sequence. Real-world examples: Showcase how the software solves specific problems and delivers tangible benefits. Call to action: Encourage users to explore further, access additional resources, or start using the software immediately.
  • SaaS Getting Started SaaS video goals and objectives

  • The primary goal of a SaaS Getting Started video is to accelerate user onboarding and drive product adoption. Reduce learning curve: Simplify the initial user experience and make it easy for new users to grasp the software's functionality. Highlight key benefits: Showcase the value proposition and demonstrate how the software solves specific user problems. Boost user engagement: Encourage active exploration and experimentation with the software's features. Improve user satisfaction: Foster a positive first impression and build confidence in the product's capabilities. Reduce support requests: Equip users with the knowledge and skills to navigate the software independently.
  • motion graphics in SaaS Getting Started SaaS video

  • Motion graphics can significantly enhance the visual appeal and effectiveness of your SaaS Getting Started video. Visualize complex concepts: Simplify intricate processes or technical details through engaging animations. Maintain viewer interest: Add dynamism and visual flair to keep viewers engaged throughout the video. Highlight key features: Draw attention to specific functionalities or benefits using animated callouts and transitions. Create a cohesive brand experience: Incorporate brand colors, fonts, and visual elements to reinforce brand identity.
  • Using storytelling in a SaaS Getting Started SaaS video

  • Storytelling can transform a dry tutorial into a memorable and impactful experience. Connect with your audience: Use relatable scenarios and characters to create an emotional connection. Demonstrate value through narrative: Show how the software solves real-world problems and improves users' lives. Make learning enjoyable: Transform the onboarding process into an engaging story that captivates viewers. Increase retention and recall: Stories are more memorable than factual information, leading to better knowledge retention.
  • Best practices for SaaS Getting Started SaaS video?

  • Keep it short and focused: Aim for a video length of 2-5 minutes to maintain viewer engagement. Use a conversational tone: Speak directly to your audience in a friendly and approachable manner. Show, don't tell: Demonstrate features and workflows through screen recordings and visual examples. Highlight user benefits: Focus on how the software solves problems and delivers tangible value. End with a clear call to action: Encourage viewers to explore further, access resources, or start using the software.
  • What makes SaaS Getting Started SaaS video effective?

  • An effective SaaS Getting Started video seamlessly blends informative content, engaging visuals, and a user-centric approach. Clarity: The video clearly explains the software's purpose and key functionalities. Conciseness: Information is presented succinctly, avoiding unnecessary jargon or technical details. Engagement: The video captures and maintains viewer interest through compelling visuals and storytelling. Relevance: The content directly addresses the needs and goals of the target audience. Actionability: The video empowers viewers to take the next steps and start using the software confidently.
  • Connecting your brand and SaaS Getting Started SaaS video?

  • Your SaaS Getting Started video should be an extension of your brand identity. Visual consistency: Use brand colors, fonts, and visual elements to create a cohesive brand experience. Tone of voice: Maintain a consistent brand voice and personality throughout the video narration. brand storytelling: Incorporate brand values and messaging into the video's narrative. Call to action: Align the video's call to action with your overall marketing goals and objectives.
  • Example:

  • Company X, a project management software company, saw a 25% increase in user activation after implementing a SaaS Getting Started video. The video, featuring a blend of screen recordings and motion graphics, guided users through the platform's core features, showcasing how to create projects, assign tasks, and track progress. This resulted in a significant reduction in support tickets and improved user satisfaction, demonstrating the tangible impact of a well-crafted onboarding video.
  • What is a SaaS Getting Started saas video?

  • A SaaS getting started video is a short, instructional video designed to help new users quickly understand and utilize a Software as a Service (SaaS) product. It acts as a virtual guide, demonstrating key features, workflows, and benefits, ultimately enabling users to experience value and achieve their desired outcomes faster. Think of it as a concise, engaging welcome tutorial, accessible online, that empowers users to confidently navigate the software and maximize their experience from day one.
  • Creating a SaaS Getting Started SaaS video: Where to start?

  • Creating a successful SaaS Getting Started video requires a strategic approach. Begin by clearly defining your target audience and their specific needs. Identify your ideal user: Who are you creating this video for? What are their pain points and goals? Choose a clear focus: What are the most crucial features or workflows you want to highlight? Outline the key steps: Break down the learning process into manageable, logical steps. Decide on the video style: Will it be live-action, animation, screencast, or a combination? Write a compelling script: Keep it concise, engaging, and focused on user benefits.
  • SaaS Getting Started SaaS video ingredients

  • A compelling SaaS Getting Started video blends informative content with engaging visuals and a user-friendly approach. Clear and concise narration: Use a friendly, approachable tone that resonates with your audience. High-quality visuals: Incorporate screen recordings, animations, or live-action footage to demonstrate features effectively. Step-by-step instructions: Guide users through essential workflows and processes in a logical sequence. Real-world examples: Showcase how the software solves specific problems and delivers tangible benefits. Call to action: Encourage users to explore further, access additional resources, or start using the software immediately.
  • SaaS Getting Started SaaS video goals and objectives

  • The primary goal of a SaaS Getting Started video is to accelerate user onboarding and drive product adoption. Reduce learning curve: Simplify the initial user experience and make it easy for new users to grasp the software's functionality. Highlight key benefits: Showcase the value proposition and demonstrate how the software solves specific user problems. Boost user engagement: Encourage active exploration and experimentation with the software's features. Improve user satisfaction: Foster a positive first impression and build confidence in the product's capabilities. Reduce support requests: Equip users with the knowledge and skills to navigate the software independently.
  • motion graphics in SaaS Getting Started SaaS video

  • Motion graphics can significantly enhance the visual appeal and effectiveness of your SaaS Getting Started video. Visualize complex concepts: Simplify intricate processes or technical details through engaging animations. Maintain viewer interest: Add dynamism and visual flair to keep viewers engaged throughout the video. Highlight key features: Draw attention to specific functionalities or benefits using animated callouts and transitions. Create a cohesive brand experience: Incorporate brand colors, fonts, and visual elements to reinforce brand identity.
  • Using storytelling in a SaaS Getting Started SaaS video

  • Storytelling can transform a dry tutorial into a memorable and impactful experience. Connect with your audience: Use relatable scenarios and characters to create an emotional connection. Demonstrate value through narrative: Show how the software solves real-world problems and improves users' lives. Make learning enjoyable: Transform the onboarding process into an engaging story that captivates viewers. Increase retention and recall: Stories are more memorable than factual information, leading to better knowledge retention.
  • Best practices for SaaS Getting Started SaaS video?

  • Keep it short and focused: Aim for a video length of 2-5 minutes to maintain viewer engagement. Use a conversational tone: Speak directly to your audience in a friendly and approachable manner. Show, don't tell: Demonstrate features and workflows through screen recordings and visual examples. Highlight user benefits: Focus on how the software solves problems and delivers tangible value. End with a clear call to action: Encourage viewers to explore further, access resources, or start using the software.
  • What makes SaaS Getting Started SaaS video effective?

  • An effective SaaS Getting Started video seamlessly blends informative content, engaging visuals, and a user-centric approach. Clarity: The video clearly explains the software's purpose and key functionalities. Conciseness: Information is presented succinctly, avoiding unnecessary jargon or technical details. Engagement: The video captures and maintains viewer interest through compelling visuals and storytelling. Relevance: The content directly addresses the needs and goals of the target audience. Actionability: The video empowers viewers to take the next steps and start using the software confidently.
  • Connecting your brand and SaaS Getting Started SaaS video?

  • Your SaaS Getting Started video should be an extension of your brand identity. Visual consistency: Use brand colors, fonts, and visual elements to create a cohesive brand experience. Tone of voice: Maintain a consistent brand voice and personality throughout the video narration. brand storytelling: Incorporate brand values and messaging into the video's narrative. Call to action: Align the video's call to action with your overall marketing goals and objectives.
  • Example:

  • Company X, a project management software company, saw a 25% increase in user activation after implementing a SaaS Getting Started video. The video, featuring a blend of screen recordings and motion graphics, guided users through the platform's core features, showcasing how to create projects, assign tasks, and track progress. This resulted in a significant reduction in support tickets and improved user satisfaction, demonstrating the tangible impact of a well-crafted onboarding video.


    Mastering user onboarding with Video

    The digital landscape thrives on user engagement, and for SaaS companies, effective user onboarding is the cornerstone of success. Getting started videos have emerged as a powerful tool to guide users through the initial stages of product interaction, fostering understanding and building confidence. These videos offer a dynamic and engaging way to showcase features, demonstrate workflows, and ultimately, accelerate user adoption.


    The challenge lies in transforming complex functionalities into easily digestible visual narratives. Users often face a steep learning curve when encountering new software, leading to frustration and potential churn. Getting started videos bridge this gap by providing a clear and concise introduction, ensuring users feel empowered and equipped to explore the full potential of the platform.


    Consider a project management SaaS platform. A getting started video could walk users through the process of creating a project, assigning tasks, and collaborating with team members. By visually demonstrating these key actions, the video eliminates confusion and empowers users to hit the ground running.


    The impact of getting started videos extends beyond initial onboarding. They serve as a valuable resource for ongoing user education and support. Users can revisit the videos at any time to refresh their knowledge or explore advanced features, fostering continuous learning and engagement.


    Engagement is paramount in the SaaS world. Getting started videos capture user attention with their visual appeal and concise delivery of information. By incorporating elements such as screen recordings, animations, and voiceovers, these videos create an immersive experience that resonates with users and keeps them engaged throughout the onboarding journey.


    Ultimately, effective user onboarding translates into increased conversion rates. Getting started videos play a crucial role in this process by demonstrating the value proposition of the SaaS product and guiding users towards successful adoption. By showcasing the benefits and ease of use, these videos instill confidence and encourage users to become paying customers.


    Retention is equally important as acquisition in the SaaS industry. Getting started videos contribute to user retention by ensuring users feel supported and equipped to utilize the platform effectively. By providing a readily accessible resource for learning and troubleshooting, these videos empower users to overcome challenges and achieve their desired outcomes, fostering long-term loyalty.


    Getting started videos offer a scalable solution for user onboarding. Once created, they can be easily distributed to a wide audience through various channels, such as the company website, email campaigns, and social media platforms. This scalability ensures that all users have access to the same high-quality onboarding experience, regardless of their location or time zone.


    The effectiveness of getting started videos can be measured through analytics. By tracking metrics such as video views, completion rates, and user engagement, SaaS companies can gain valuable insights into the impact of their onboarding efforts. This data-driven approach allows for continuous improvement and optimization of the videos to ensure they are meeting the needs of users.


    As SaaS products evolve, so too must their onboarding materials. Getting started videos provide a flexible format that can be easily updated to reflect new features, functionalities, and user interface changes. This adaptability ensures that users always have access to the most relevant and up-to-date information, fostering a seamless onboarding experience.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!