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30 Technology Product Guided Tour Video Examples That Boost Technology Product User Retention

Last updated
Jul. 01, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of technology products, user retention emerges as a critical determinant of success. With the ever-increasing competition and evolving user expectations, capturing and maintaining user engagement is no small feat. This is where the strategic application of guided tour videos comes into play, offering a powerful tool to enhance user onboarding, education, and overall product experience.

The challenge lies in effectively communicating the value and functionality of complex technology products to users with varying levels of technical expertise. Static tutorials or text-heavy manuals often fail to capture attention and can leave users feeling overwhelmed and disengaged. For instance, imagine a new user trying to navigate a sophisticated software platform with numerous features and functionalities. A lengthy instruction manual is unlikely to provide the intuitive guidance and support needed to foster a positive user experience.

Guided tour videos bridge this gap by providing an engaging and interactive medium to showcase product features, demonstrate workflows, and address common user pain points. These videos can be strategically integrated into onboarding processes, knowledge bases, and in-app support systems, offering users readily accessible guidance at their point of need. By visually illustrating key concepts and functionalities, guided tour videos cater to diverse learning styles and enhance user comprehension, ultimately leading to increased product adoption and retention.

The applications of guided tour videos extend beyond mere user onboarding. They can be leveraged to announce new features, highlight product updates, and provide ongoing user education. For example, a software company releasing a new version of their platform can create a guided tour video that walks users through the latest enhancements, ensuring a seamless transition and maximizing the value derived from the updated product.

With the understanding of why guided tour videos are essential in today's technology landscape, let's dive in and explore 30 exceptional examples that effectively boost user retention.

1. Sage

This video showcases sage intact planning (sip), formerly known as sage intact budgeting & planning. The video aims to educate viewers about this specific module, highlighting its features and benefits as a planning solution. This technology product onboarding demo provides a guided tour of the software, demonstrating how users can get started with sip and leverage its capabilities for efficient planning.

The video employs a clean and minimalist design style, effectively conveying the core message of streamlined planning and efficient workflow. The use of simple, flat illustrations and a light color palette creates a visually appealing and easy-to-understand presentation. This technology product interface presentation offers a guided tour of the sip interface, allowing viewers to familiarize themselves with the layout, menus, and key functionalities of the software.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully highlights the value proposition of sage intact planning. The design choices effectively communicate the module's ability to simplify budgeting and planning, making it an ideal solution for businesses seeking a more efficient and streamlined approach. This technology product demo provides a guided tour of the software's features, showcasing how sip can streamline planning processes and improve efficiency for businesses.

2. e-Builder

Local government construction & infrastructure projects are already complex, high impact, and high cost efforts. A Technology Product Walkthrough Video of e-Builder Enterprise can serve as your trusted capital planning advisor to navigate uncharted territory. For over 25 years, we have worked with owners in the government sector to increase transparency and improve control over their programs.

This Technology Product Walkthrough utilizes a clean and modern design aesthetic to effectively convey the value proposition of e-Builder Enterprise as a capital planning advisor for government construction and infrastructure projects. The use of simple icons and graphics, along with a muted color palette, creates a visually appealing and easy-to-follow guided tour. This minimalist approach allows the focus to remain on the key message, of improving transparency and control over complex projects.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the Technology Product video effectively highlights the benefits of using e-Builder Enterprise for managing government construction and infrastructure projects. The overall design style reinforces the brand's image as a reliable and trustworthy partner for navigating the challenges of these complex endeavors.

3. Wiget Media

Wiget media is a leading online advertising platform that offers a user-friendly self-serve panel, exceptional customer service, and exclusive ad inventory across various devices. Their platform empowers online campaigns by providing advertisers with the tools and resources they need to reach their target audience effectively.

The video acts as a Technology Product Interface Presentation by showcasing the platform's intuitive design and user-friendly interface. Through a guided tour of the platform's features, viewers can gain a clear understanding of how to navigate and utilize the technology product's various tools and functionalities. The video's clean lines, minimalist shapes, and cohesive color palette enhance the visual appeal of the technology product, making it more engaging for viewers.

The subtle animations and transitions used in the video effectively demonstrate the Technology Product Functionality Explanation. By visually representing the processes and outcomes of using the platform, the video provides a comprehensive understanding of how the technology product operates. This guided tour of the platform's functionalities allows viewers to grasp the value and efficiency of wiget media's advertising solutions. The clear and concise messaging further reinforces the ease of use and effectiveness of the technology product.

4. CorVel

Corvel, a nationwide leader in technology-driven claims solutions, develops groundbreaking technology and streamlines processes to empower faster, more accurate risk management for their partners. Their commitment to innovation allows them to proactively identify and address industry challenges in a constantly changing world. Corvel invests in intelligent systems and the integrated ecosystem that keeps them connected.

This Technology Product Features Walkthrough effectively showcases Corvel's innovative approach to risk management solutions. The use of clean lines, vibrant colors, and modern animation creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The animation seamlessly guides viewers through complex concepts, such as intelligent systems and integrated ecosystems, making them easy to understand. The guided tour effectively highlights Corvel's commitment to innovation and its ability to provide cutting-edge solutions for its partners.

In conclusion, this technology product features walkthrough perfectly complements Corvel's message of innovation and efficiency in risk management. The use of modern animation and clear visuals effectively communicates the company's commitment to providing advanced technology-driven solutions. The guided tour leaves a lasting impression, showcasing Corvel as a leader in the industry.

5. ZoomInfo

The video showcases zoominfo engage, a solution designed to expedite the sales cycle by enabling users to discover and connect with potential customers more efficiently. the platform offers a comprehensive approach to streamline the sales process, making it a valuable technology product for sales teams.

The video's design style effectively complements its role as a technology product functionality demonstration and explainer. employing vibrant colors and engaging animations, it captures viewers' attention and maintains their interest throughout, providing a guided tour of the platform's capabilities. the clean and uncluttered visuals ensure that the focus remains on the key features and benefits of zoominfo engage.

by incorporating concise text and clear narration, the video effectively conveys the value proposition of the platform, making it easy for viewers to grasp its functionality and advantages. in conclusion, the video's design style is well-suited for its purpose as a product demo and explainer. the use of vibrant colors, engaging animations, and a clean visual aesthetic effectively highlights the capabilities of zoominfo engage, making it an informative and visually appealing presentation of this technology product.

6. AxxonSoft

axxonsoft, a leading developer of smart integrated security and video surveillance systems, has partnered with intel to deliver cutting-edge ai technologies to meet the increasing demands of the security surveillance market. axxonsoft is a member of the intel iot solution alliance and the intel ai in production community. the company's portfolio for the safety & security market boasts over 150,000 projects with 2.5 million cameras installed.

the video showcases axxonsoft's expertise in ai-powered video analytics and security solutions. this technology product demo showcase utilizes bold colors and geometric shapes to create a modern and futuristic aesthetic, effectively conveying the advanced nature of their technology. the animation is smooth and engaging, with clear and concise visuals that highlight the key features and benefits of axxonsoft's products.

the video also effectively demonstrates how axxonsoft's solutions can be applied in real-world scenarios, such as airports and retail environments, to enhance safety and security. this guided tour of axxonsoft's technology product allows viewers to understand the capabilities of their cutting-edge ai-powered security solutions. the video acts as a comprehensive technology product demo showcase, highlighting the practical applications and benefits of axxonsoft's advanced technology in real-world settings.

7. Kion

Kion is a cloud enablement solution designed to help organizations simplify management and governance activities to realize the full benefits of the cloud. Wherever your organization is on its cloud journey, kion empowers organizations to go farther, faster.

The Technology Product Capabilities Guide effectively uses a clean and modern design aesthetic to highlight the key benefits of this cloud enablement solution. The minimalist graphics and muted color palette create a sense of sophistication and clarity, allowing the core message of simplified management and governance to shine through.

By leveraging a simple, yet impactful visual style, the Technology Product Capabilities Guide successfully conveys the value proposition of kion, emphasizing its ability to empower organizations to fully realize the benefits of the cloud.

8. State Street

This earth day video from state street focuses on the growing demand for esg-driven assets and the challenges investors face in managing esg-focused portfolios. With esg assets exceeding 40 trillion dollars, investors need help normalizing disparate data sources and managing risks, including market, liquidity, and counterparty risk. This technology product video acts as a guided tour for investors to understand the complexities of esg investing.

The video's design style effectively uses animation and data visualization to explain complex financial concepts in a clear and engaging way. The use of bold colors, simple shapes, and clean lines creates a modern and professional look, while the animation helps to bring the data to life. For example, the video uses a bar chart to show the growth of esg assets over time, and it uses icons to represent different types of risks. This technology product interface exploration helps to simplify the understanding by investors.

Overall, the video's design style is well-suited to its purpose of explaining esg investing. The use of animation and data visualization makes the video engaging and informative, while the clean and modern design style helps to convey the professionalism of state street. This technology product functionality explanation provides a comprehensive tour of the esg landscape.

9. GoCardless

gocardless makes it easy to collect direct debit payments from customers worldwide, even for one-off or variable amounts. this walkthrough technology product demo uses 3d shapes with smooth edges and a neon color palette to highlight gocardless direct debit payments. this abstract design style provides a modern and engaging backdrop for showcasing the product's ability to simplify complex financial transactions. the video effectively uses design to communicate the ease and efficiency of gocardless for businesses seeking a streamlined payment solution.

gocardless makes it easy to collect direct debit payments from customers worldwide, even for one-off or variable amounts. this technology product functionality demonstration uses 3d shapes with smooth edges and a neon color palette to highlight gocardless direct debit payments. this abstract design style provides a modern and engaging backdrop for showcasing the product's ability to simplify complex financial transactions. the guided tour of the technology product effectively uses design to communicate the ease and efficiency of gocardless for businesses seeking a streamlined payment solution.

10. Thales

This video showcases how google workspace provides organizations of all sizes with tools for teams to connect, create and collaborate securely. As more applications and services move to the cloud, security risks involving sensitive data increase. To address these security risks, google workspace uses the latest cryptographic standards to encrypt all data and offers google workspace client-side encryption. This gives you direct control over both encryption keys and the identity service. The video uses simple, clean graphics and animation to clearly explain these complex concepts. This Technology Product Functionality Walkthough provides a guided tour of the technology product, highlighting its key features and benefits. The video effectively uses a modern and minimalist design style to highlight the product's key features and benefits, making it easy for viewers to understand the importance of data security in the cloud.

11. AppFolio

The video showcases the challenges faced by board members in managing their community responsibilities alongside personal commitments. It emphasizes the need for a technology product solution that simplifies these tasks and allows for efficient community leadership. This video acts as a Technology Product Interface Tour by taking the viewer through the interface.

The animation style effectively conveys the message by employing a combination of relatable characters, clean visuals, and intuitive interface depictions. The use of vibrant colors and simple shapes creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. By showcasing the software's interface and features in a clear and concise manner, the video effectively demonstrates how AppFolio empowers board members to streamline their duties, such as document sharing and communication, ultimately leading to better community management.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements its message by providing a visually engaging and informative experience. The animation effectively highlights the key features and benefits of AppFolio, making it an excellent product demo explainer video for board members seeking efficient community management solutions. This guided tour of the software is a great way for potential customers to see how it works.

12. Trifacta

This Technology Product Functionality Explanation video showcases the capabilities of trifacta data engineering cloud in simplifying and expediting the process of data preparation and engineering data products. It emphasizes the platform's ability to make these tasks more intuitive and efficient, making it a powerful Technology Product.

The design style effectively complements the video's objective by employing a minimalist approach with clean lines, geometric shapes, and a muted color palette. This aesthetic choice directs the viewer's attention to the core message – the transformative power of trifacta's data engineering solutions. The use of subtle animations and transitions further enhances the viewing experience, maintaining engagement without distracting from the central theme.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully underscores the efficiency and user-friendliness of trifacta data engineering cloud. The minimalist aesthetic, coupled with strategic use of animation, creates a visually appealing and informative experience that effectively conveys the platform's value proposition, offering a Guided Tour of this Technology Product.

13. Acronis

service providers often rely on a complex patchwork of legacy backup and security solutions to meet their clients’ it requirements. the problem is that solutions that were never designed to work together create gaps in your defenses, making management more difficult, and the combined cost is a financial drain.
with acronis cyber protect cloud, there is a better way. built with MSPs in mind, it combines the best backup, ai-enhanced anti-malware, and protection management.

the video uses a modern and sleek design style that is perfect for a technology product demo explainer video. the use of 3d animation and motion graphics helps to bring the technology product to life and make it more engaging for viewers. this guided tour is very effective, with the use of bright and contrasting colors to help highlight the key features of the product. the video also does a great job of using text and graphics to explain the product in a clear and concise way.

overall, the design style of this video is very effective in helping to explain the product and its benefits. the use of 3d animation, motion graphics, and a bright color scheme helps to make the video more engaging and visually appealing. the video also does a great job of using text and graphics to explain the product in a clear and concise way.

14. Alation

Alation celebrates its 10th anniversary by showcasing its achievements as a leader in the data catalog industry. The video highlights alation's impressive journey, including establishing the industry's first data catalog and earning the trust of over 25% of fortune 100 companies. This serves as a Guided Technology Product Tour showcasing the breadth of alation's capabilities.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of bold colors, clean lines, and dynamic transitions creates a visually engaging experience that captures the viewer's attention. The animation style is modern and sleek, aligning perfectly with alation's position as a cutting-edge data catalog solution. This guided tour of the technology product is both informative and visually appealing.

The video incorporates data visualizations and infographics to present complex information clearly and concisely, reinforcing alation's expertise in data management. By combining a compelling narrative with a visually appealing design, the video effectively communicates alation's value proposition and establishes its position as the goat of data catalogs. The video's style and design choices successfully convey alation's brand identity as an innovative and reliable leader in the data management space. The tour provides a comprehensive overview of the technology product's features and benefits.

15. Sofico

Miles is a specialized software solution designed to empower captive finance companies, leasing companies, and mobility management companies in streamlining their business processes. This comprehensive technology product offers a wide range of features and functionalities to optimize operations and enhance efficiency. This video acts as a Technology Product Orientation Video and takes the viewer on a guided tour of the software.

The video's design style effectively complements its role as a product demo explainer. The use of vibrant colors, clean lines, and simple shapes creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The flat design aesthetic with subtle shadows adds depth and dimension to the visuals, while the consistent color palette of blue and orange reinforces brand identity. The animation is smooth and dynamic, guiding the viewer's attention to key features and benefits of the Miles technology product.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully enhances its effectiveness as a Technology Product Overview for Miles software. The combination of visual elements, animation, and concise messaging creates an informative and engaging experience for viewers, effectively highlighting the software's capabilities and value proposition for businesses in the captive finance, leasing, and mobility management sectors. This guided tour allows a potential customer to get a good overview of the software.

16. Rubrik

This Technology Product Onboarding Demo highlights the crucial role of cloud storage for businesses grappling with rapidly expanding data needs. It underscores the advantages of leveraging Rubrik for seamless data management and protection, while also accelerating cloud adoption, simplifying archival processes, streamlining application migration, and unifying data protection across multi-cloud and hybrid environments. This Technology Product provides a Guided Tour of Rubrik's capabilities.

The design style effectively complements the video's message by employing a clean and modern aesthetic. The use of vibrant colors, such as blue, purple, and teal, creates a visually engaging experience while maintaining a professional tone. Simple icons and graphics represent complex concepts like cloud storage, data management, and application migration, making them easily understandable for viewers. The animation is smooth and dynamic, guiding the viewer's attention to key points and ensuring a clear and concise delivery of information.

Overall, the video's design style successfully enhances the message by creating a visually appealing and informative experience. The combination of clear visuals, concise messaging, and smooth animation effectively communicates the value proposition of Rubrik's cloud data management solutions. This Technology Product Guided Tour ensures viewers understand the benefits of Rubrik.

17. EagleView

Connectexplorer is a powerful, lightweight web-based application that enables users to view and analyze pictometry imagery. This serves as an excellent Technology Product Interface Presentation as it showcases the user interface and its features. It is a guided tour of the software, highlighting its key functionalities.

The video effectively showcases the capabilities of connectexplorer through its clean and modern design style. The use of bright colors and simple shapes creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. This serves as a Technology Product Onboarding Demo for new users, providing a guided tour of the software's interface.

The animation is smooth and fluid, guiding the viewer's attention to key features and functionalities. Clear and concise text overlays provide additional context and information, ensuring that viewers understand the benefits of using connectexplorer for viewing and analyzing pictometry imagery. This technology product demonstration effectively communicates the value proposition of the product.

18. Intouch

Intouch insight's core platform is a customer experience (cx) intelligence solution that gathers actionable insights from all customer touchpoints. This cx intelligence software aims to align operational delivery with customer expectations. The platform offers unparalleled capabilities for multi-location businesses, especially when combined with intouch insight's leading mystery shopping and audit managed services.

This video acts as a technology product onboarding demo, providing a guided tour of the platform's features and benefits. The use of clean lines, minimalist graphics, and a white background ensures that the focus remains on the core message: intouch insight's cx intelligence software and its capabilities. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding the viewer through the platform's features and benefits. Visual representations of data collection, analysis, and integration with other systems effectively illustrate the platform's functionality and value proposition.

By combining clear visuals with concise explanations, the video effectively demonstrates how intouch insight's cx intelligence software empowers businesses to gather, analyze, and act on customer feedback. The design style supports the video's objective of showcasing the platform's capabilities and benefits, making it an excellent technology product demo explainer.

19. Scorebuddy

The video showcases Scorebuddy, a quality assurance (QA) solution designed for contact centers. It emphasizes the significance of agent engagement and its impact on customer interactions. The video also highlights the challenges of maintaining consistent quality and agent performance. This video acts as a Technology Product Orientation Video by providing a guided tour of the platform's capabilities.

Scorebuddy's integrated suite of solutions effectively addresses these challenges by enabling contact centers to find, fix, and measure the quality of customer interactions. The video's design style effectively conveys this message through its use of clean lines, bold colors, and simple animation. The visuals are clear and concise, making it easy for viewers to understand the key features and benefits of the Scorebuddy platform. This Technology Product demonstration provides a guided tour of the platform's features.

In conclusion, the video's design style effectively complements its message, creating a compelling and informative overview of Scorebuddy's QA solution for contact centers. The video's focus on agent engagement, quality management, and performance measurement is clearly communicated through its visuals and narration, making it an excellent example of a Technology Product Capabilities Guide. Viewers can consider this a guided tour of how the product works.

20. NICE

Traditional workforce management (WFM) methods of forecasting and scheduling are based on outdated paradigms. This Technology Product Functionality Demonstration showcases how NICE is breaking the chains of the WFM paradigms with True to Interval (TTI) Analytics. This Technology Product provides a guided tour of its functionality.

The video cleverly uses a dark background and neon-colored graphics to highlight the outdated nature of traditional WFM methods. The use of bar graphs and data visualizations effectively emphasizes the concept of interval and how NICE's True to Interval (TTI) Analytics provides a more accurate and efficient approach to forecasting and scheduling. This Tour of the product interface helps users understand its capabilities.

By combining informative visuals with a clear and concise message, the video effectively demonstrates how NICE's True to Interval (TTI) Analytics is revolutionizing the WFM landscape. The design style perfectly complements the video's message, making it a compelling and informative Technology Product Interface Tour. This guided demonstration effectively showcases the product's features and benefits.

21. Segment

Segment simplifies the process of generating messages about user activity on your website or app, translating them into various formats, and transmitting them to designated tools known as destinations. this technology product features walkthrough video's design style effectively conveys this process through its use of vibrant colors, clean lines, and intuitive visuals. the animation seamlessly guides viewers through the journey of messages, from their origin in browsers, mobile apps, servers, or cloud applications, to their transformation into different formats such as advertising, email marketing, push notifications, analytics, and webhooks. each step is visually represented, making it easy for viewers to grasp the concept and functionality of segment.

by employing a clear and engaging visual style, the walkthrough technology product demo video successfully highlights the core value proposition of segment, which is to streamline and simplify the management of user data and its distribution to various tools. the guided tour animation's simplicity and focus on key elements ensure that viewers can easily follow the process and understand how this technology product can benefit their businesses.

22. Jacada

Jacada's automation expertise and IP within customer service operations continue to deliver end-to-end customer service automation solutions to global enterprises helping them move further down an autonomous CX path. From guiding the contact center agents and automating their manual tasks to fully automated customer self-service solutions, Jacada automates interactions while improving customer experience. This technology product provides a guided tour of the customer service functions.

The video utilizes a vibrant and engaging cartoon style, effectively showcasing Jacada's customer service robotic process automation solutions. The clean lines, bold colors, and simple character designs create a visually appealing and easy-to-follow experience for viewers. This technology product interface tour is particularly well-suited for explaining complex technological concepts, as it allows for a clear and concise presentation of information without overwhelming the audience.

By employing this animation style, Jacada successfully highlights the benefits of their customer service automation solutions. The use of relatable characters and scenarios helps viewers understand how these solutions can be applied in real-world settings, while the overall lighthearted tone of the video keeps the audience engaged and interested in learning more. This technology product onboarding demo provides a guided tour of the product.

23. Alation

This technology product demo showcase focuses on the challenges of metadata management and how alation's data catalog can help businesses overcome them. it emphasizes the importance of making metadata relevant to business users and highlights the key features of alation's solution, such as active metadata, metadata repositories, and business glossaries. this technology product offers a guided tour of the product.

The video's design style is modern, clean, and engaging. it uses a combination of 2d animation, bold colors, and simple shapes to create a visually appealing and easy-to-understand explanation of complex concepts. the use of animation allows for dynamic transitions and visual metaphors that effectively illustrate the benefits of alation's data catalog. for example, the video shows how alation's solution can help businesses break down data silos and connect different data sources, making it easier for users to find and access the information they need.

Overall, the video's design style effectively complements its message, making it an excellent product demo explainer video. the use of animation, bold colors, and simple shapes creates a visually engaging experience that helps viewers understand the value proposition of alation's data catalog. the video's clear and concise explanation of complex concepts, combined with its focus on the benefits of alation's solution, makes it an effective tool for educating potential customers and generating interest in the product.

24. CareStack

This Technology Product Demo Explainer video showcases how dental practices can overcome the challenges of managing claims and denials with a robust revenue cycle management (rcm) strategy. It highlights the importance of proven technology to simplify insurance billing and collections tasks. carestack offers an innovative rcm system designed to alleviate staff burnout and reduce administrative costs. The Technology Product video emphasizes key features such as centralized billing, smart eligibility forms, an intuitive claim management interface, and built-in payment mechanisms, all visually represented through clear and engaging graphics. The design effectively communicates how carestack optimizes the revenue cycle for dental practices. by combining a concise narrative with visually appealing graphics, the video successfully demonstrates how carestack's rcm solution addresses the pain points of dental practices, offering a streamlined and efficient approach to managing their financial operations.

This Technology Product Onboarding Demo video showcases how dental practices can overcome the challenges of managing claims and denials with a robust revenue cycle management (rcm) strategy. It highlights the importance of proven technology to simplify insurance billing and collections tasks. carestack offers an innovative rcm system designed to alleviate staff burnout and reduce administrative costs. The Technology Product video emphasizes key features such as centralized billing, smart eligibility forms, an intuitive claim management interface, and built-in payment mechanisms, all visually represented through clear and engaging graphics. The design effectively communicates how carestack optimizes the revenue cycle for dental practices. by combining a concise narrative with visually appealing graphics, the video successfully demonstrates how carestack's rcm solution addresses the pain points of dental practices, offering a streamlined and efficient approach to managing their financial operations.

25. Google

This upcoming feature in google classroom helps teachers and students practice more effectively with specific feedback. Practice sets will give teachers the time and tools to better support their students with more interactive assignments and faster, more personal feedback.

The technology product functionality walkthrough video uses a clean and simple design style to highlight the key features and benefits of practice sets. The use of bright colors and bold lines helps to draw attention to the important information, while the animated illustrations make the video engaging and easy to follow. The video effectively communicates the value of practice sets by showing how they can be used to improve student learning and make teachers' lives easier.

The video's design style is well-suited for a technology product demo explainer video, as it is both informative and visually appealing. The video does a good job of explaining the key features and benefits of practice sets, and it is clear that the video was created with the target audience in mind.

26. Vaillant

The video is a Technology Product Overview of the new ecoTEC exclusive, a state-of-the-art boiler system designed for modern homes. With its sleek and contemporary design, the ecoTEC exclusive offers a seamless blend of style and functionality, making it the perfect choice for those seeking a reliable and efficient heating solution. This Technology Product provides a Guided tour of the product.

The video highlights the ecoTEC exclusive's connectivity features, allowing users to control their heating system remotely using a dedicated app. The app provides real-time energy consumption data, empowering users to monitor and optimize their energy usage for enhanced sustainability. Additionally, the ecoTEC exclusive offers remote diagnostic and maintenance services, ensuring that the system operates at peak performance.

By combining stunning visuals with informative content, the video effectively demonstrates the ecoTEC exclusive's advanced capabilities and user-friendly interface. The emphasis on connectivity, energy monitoring, and remote services underscores Vaillant's commitment to providing innovative and sustainable heating solutions for the modern home. This Technology Product provides a Tour of the product.

27. Chainlink

Chainlink oracles bring high-quality, real-world data and computation to blockchains, enabling hybrid smart contract applications that have the power to reinvent global industries. This Technology Product Functionality Explanation focuses on explaining how chainlink oracles bring definitive truth to the world by reinventing global industries. This Technology Product offers a guided tour of how chainlink oracles function.

The design style uses a minimalist approach with simple icons and a clean color palette to effectively communicate the complex concept of hybrid smart contracts. The use of geometric shapes, such as hexagons and circles, visually represents the interconnectedness of data and computation within a blockchain network. This clean and modern aesthetic allows the viewer to easily understand the core message of chainlink's innovative solution.

By combining clear visuals with concise explanations, the video successfully highlights the value proposition of chainlink's oracles for businesses and developers seeking to leverage the power of blockchain technology. This Technology Product acts as a guided tour for businesses and developers seeking to leverage the power of blockchain technology. This Technology Product offers a guided tour of how chainlink oracles function.

28. OpenText

Businesses need their data and documents formatted and stored correctly. But they also need them to be easily accessible to avoid slow processes, costly delays and legal risks. Traditional document management methods seldom make this easy. The Technology Product Orientation Video explains how OpenTextâ„¢ Output Transformation Server processes, extracts and transforms high volumes of data and documents and enables enterprise-level storage management for accessibility, retention, migration or presentment purposes.

The Technology Product uses a clean and modern design style with simple icons and illustrations to explain the complex process of document management. This guided tour of OpenTextâ„¢ Output Transformation Server uses bright colors and bold typography to keep the viewer engaged, while the animation is used to illustrate the key points of the video. The video does a great job of highlighting the product's features and benefits, and it is clear that the designers have put a lot of thought into making the video both informative and visually appealing.

Overall, this is a great example of a product demo explainer video. The design is simple and effective, and the video does a great job of explaining the product's features and benefits. The video is also visually appealing, and it is clear that the designers have put a lot of thought into making the Technology Product Interface Exploration both informative and engaging.

29. E COM

The video showcases infrastructure security assessments services, simulating an attacker's approach to exploit security weaknesses in multiple systems. This process identifies vulnerabilities and reveals how networks, intended for regular business operations, can inadvertently provide attackers with access to sensitive back-end systems and data.

This Walkthrough Technology Product Demo emphasizes the concept of pathways to back-end systems and data through its minimalist design. The use of simple graphical elements, such as the expanding squares and the traffic light analogy, effectively illustrates how attackers exploit vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive assets. This visual approach simplifies a complex process, making it easily understandable for viewers.

By visually representing the vulnerability of networks and the potential pathways for attackers, the Technology Product video effectively communicates the importance of robust infrastructure security assessments. The minimalist design, coupled with clear and concise messaging, ensures that the core message is effectively conveyed to the audience, taking them on a guided tour of potential security risks.

30. Bandwidth

The video showcases bandwidth's emergency calling API, a solution that allows users to contact emergency services directly through applications, regardless of their location. This innovative technology ensures users can quickly and easily seek help in critical situations, even when they are not in their usual environment. This serves as a Guided Technology Product Tour for the API.

The video's design style effectively emphasizes the key features and benefits of the emergency calling API. The use of a clean and minimalist aesthetic, with a focus on simple shapes and a limited color palette, allows viewers to easily understand the core functionality of the API. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding the viewer through the process of making an emergency call and highlighting the ability to pinpoint the user's location accurately. This guided tour of the technology product showcases its ease of use.

The video also effectively showcases the versatility of the API, demonstrating its compatibility with various applications and devices. By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully conveys the value proposition of bandwidth's emergency calling API. The design style reinforces the message of reliability, accessibility, and ease of use, making it an excellent Technology Product Onboarding Walkthrough.

Key Takeaways

  • what is a technology productguided tourvideo?

  • a technology productguided tourvideo is a concise and engaging video demonstrating how a software or digital product works. it acts as a virtual tour guide, walking viewers through the product's key features, benefits, and user interface. these videos are typically used on websites, landing pages, and within the product itself to educate potential and existing users. application: onboarding new users, showcasing product updates, driving conversions. what: a visual walkthrough of the product's functionality. where: websites, landing pages, knowledge bases, in-app. how: screen recordings, animations, voiceovers, text overlays.
  • creating a technology productguided tourvideo: where to start?

  • starting a technology productguided tourvideo can feel overwhelming, but breaking it down into manageable steps simplifies the process. identify your target audience: determine who you're creating the video for and tailor the content to their needs and knowledge level. define your key message: what are the most important things you want viewers to take away from the video? choose the right format: will it be a screen recording, animation, or a combination of both? write a script: plan out the flow of the video and what you'll say at each step. gather visuals: capture screen recordings, create animations, or source relevant imagery.
  • technology productguided tourvideo ingredients

  • a successful technology productguided tourvideo blends several key ingredients to create an engaging and informative experience. clear and concise narration: a friendly and knowledgeable voiceover guides viewers through the product. high-quality visuals: crisp screen recordings, engaging animations, and relevant imagery enhance understanding. intuitive flow: the video should follow a logical sequence, mirroring how users would interact with the product. call to action: encourage viewers to take the next step, whether it's signing up for a trial or exploring a specific feature.
  • technology productguided tourvideo goals and objectives

  • every technology productguided tourvideo should have clearly defined goals and objectives to ensure its effectiveness. increase product adoption: encourage users to actively engage with the product and its features. reduce support tickets: provide clear instructions and guidance to minimize user confusion and questions. improve user satisfaction: enhance the overalluser experienceby making the product easier to understand and use. drive conversions: showcase the product's value proposition and encourage viewers to become paying customers.
  • motion graphics in technology productguided tourvideo

  • motion graphics can significantly enhance a technology productguided tourvideo by adding visual interest and clarity. highlight key features: animated arrows, zoom-ins, and other visual cues can draw attention to specific functionalities. simplify complex concepts: abstract ideas can be made more concrete and understandable through visual metaphors and animations. maintain viewer engagement: dynamic visuals prevent monotony and keep viewers interested throughout the video.
  • using storytelling in a technology productguided tourvideo

  • storytelling can transform a dry product demonstration into a compelling narrative that resonates with viewers. create relatable scenarios: show how the product solves real-world problems by presenting realistic use cases. introduce characters: humanize the experience by featuring relatable characters who interact with the product. evoke emotions: connect with viewers on an emotional level by highlighting the positive impact the product can have on their lives.
  • best practices for technology productguided tourvideo

  • creating an effective technology productguided tourvideo requires adhering to best practices that ensure clarity, engagement, and impact. keep it concise: aim for a video length that's informative but not overwhelming, ideally under 3 minutes. focus on the user: highlight the benefits and value the product brings to the user, not just its technical features. use high-quality audio and video: ensure clear audio and visually appealing footage for a professional presentation. test and iterate: gather feedback from target users and refine the video based on their input.
  • what makes technology productguided tourvideo effective?

  • an effective technology productguided tourvideo seamlessly blends information and engagement to leave a lasting impression on viewers. clarity: the video clearly explains the product's functionality and benefits in a way that's easy to understand. engagement: the video captures and maintains viewer interest through compelling visuals, storytelling, and a dynamic presentation style. relevance: the content is tailored to the target audience's needs and interests, addressing their specific pain points and goals. call to action: the video motivates viewers to take the next step, whether it's exploring a feature, signing up for a trial, or making a purchase.
  • connecting your brand and technology productguided tourvideo

  • aligning your technology productguided tourvideo with your brand identity strengthens brand recognition and reinforces your message. visual consistency: use brand colors, fonts, and imagery throughout the video to create a cohesive visual experience. tone of voice: ensure the narration style and language align with your brand's personality and values. brand storytelling: integrate brand narratives and messaging into the video to reinforce your brand identity.
  • example: slack

  • slack, a popular team communication platform, effectively utilizes product tour videos to onboard new users and showcase features. their videos are concise, visually engaging, and feature relatable scenarios that demonstrate the platform's value in a workplace setting. this approach has contributed to slack's rapid user growth and widespread adoption. by showcasing the platform's ease of use and collaboration benefits, slack'sproduct tourvideos have played a key role in establishing the company as a leader in the team communication space.


    Mastering user retention with Video Guides

    Technology products, with their intricate features and evolving functionalities, often pose a challenge for user onboarding and retention. Users may feel overwhelmed, leading to frustration and ultimately, abandonment of the product. This is where technology product guided tour videos step in as a powerful solution. These videos act as virtual guides, offering step-by-step instructions and visual demonstrations that simplify complex processes and enhance user understanding.


    The need for effective user onboarding and retention strategies is paramount in today's competitive technology landscape. With countless options available, users have little patience for products that are difficult to navigate or understand. Product abandonment not only impacts immediate revenue but also hinders long-term growth and brand loyalty.


    Technology products often face challenges in conveying the value and functionality of their features to users. Static text instructions or complex user manuals can be overwhelming and fail to engage users effectively. Moreover, users have diverse learning styles and preferences, making it crucial to provide a variety of onboarding resources.


    Technology product guided tour videos address these challenges by providing a dynamic and engaging learning experience. They cater to visual learners and offer a clear, concise explanation of product features. These videos can be easily integrated into onboarding processes, knowledge bases, and support resources, ensuring accessibility and convenience for users.


    The impact of technology product guided tour videos extends beyond user onboarding. They also serve as valuable resources for ongoing user support and training. By providing readily available visual references, these videos empower users to troubleshoot issues independently and explore advanced features at their own pace. This not only reduces support costs but also fosters user confidence and satisfaction.


    Technology product guided tour videos enhance user engagement by transforming passive learning into an interactive experience. Through screen recordings, voiceovers, and annotations, these videos guide users through real-world scenarios and demonstrate practical applications of product features. This active learning approach promotes knowledge retention and encourages users to explore the full potential of the product.


    Accessibility is a key consideration in designing effective technology product guided tour videos. Providing captions and transcripts ensures that users with hearing impairments can access the information. Additionally, offering videos in multiple languages caters to a global audience and expands the reach of the product.


    Technology product guided tour videos offer a scalable solution for user onboarding and support. Once created, these videos can be easily distributed across various platforms and channels, reaching a wide audience without requiring additional resources. This scalability makes them a cost-effective investment for businesses of all sizes.


    Customization is essential to ensure that technology product guided tour videos align with specific user needs and product functionalities. Tailoring the content and style of the videos to different user segments or product versions enhances their relevance and effectiveness. This personalized approach fosters a sense of connection and demonstrates a commitment to user success.


    As technology products evolve, so too must their guided tour videos. Regularly updating the videos to reflect new features and functionalities ensures that users have access to the latest information. This commitment to continuous improvement demonstrates a dedication to user experience and reinforces the value of the product.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!