Video Creation Service

30 Animated Technology Product Video Examples That Captivate And Convert

Last updated
Jul. 01, 2024

In today's digital landscape, capturing attention is paramount. The average consumer is bombarded with countless messages daily, making it increasingly difficult for brands to break through the noise. This is where the power of animated technology product videos comes into play. These videos offer a dynamic and engaging way to showcase your product, explain its features, and ultimately drive conversions.

The challenge lies in creating videos that are not only informative but also captivating. Consumers have short attention spans, so your video needs to grab their interest within the first few seconds. Animation allows you to do just that, by bringing your product to life in a visually appealing and memorable way. Imagine demonstrating the sleek design of a new smartphone or illustrating the complex functionality of a software platform through animation – the possibilities are endless.

Animated technology product videos have a wide range of applications across the marketing funnel. They can be used on your website to introduce your product, in social media campaigns to generate buzz, or even at trade shows to attract potential customers. Moreover, these videos can be easily repurposed for different platforms and audiences, maximizing your return on investment.

Consider the recent surge in virtual and augmented reality technologies. Animated videos are the perfect medium to showcase these immersive experiences, allowing viewers to understand the concept and visualize its potential applications. Similarly, for artificial intelligence and machine learning products, animation can simplify complex algorithms and data processes, making them accessible to a wider audience.

From cloud computing and cybersecurity to blockchain and the internet of things, animated technology product videos offer a versatile and effective way to communicate your message and engage your target audience. So, let's dive in and explore 30 inspiring examples that will ignite your creativity and help you harness the power of animation for your next product launch.

1. 1Password

This animated technology product teaser showcases the latest version of 1Password, emphasizing its seamless integration with macOS and highlighting features like enhanced security, speed, and a user-friendly interface. The video aims to demonstrate how 1Password simplifies password management for Mac users, offering a comprehensive solution for safeguarding digital identities.

The design style effectively employs sleek, modern aesthetics with a vibrant color palette dominated by blues and purples. Neon accents and glowing elements create a sense of dynamism and sophistication, aligning with the technological nature of the product. Visual metaphors, such as the shield imagery, reinforce the core message of security and protection. The animated technology product tour is fluid and engaging, guiding viewers through the features and benefits of 1Password 8 in a clear and concise manner.

By combining informative visuals with a compelling narrative, the video successfully captures the essence of 1Password as a reliable and user-centric password manager. The design elements work harmoniously to enhance the message, leaving viewers with a lasting impression of the product's value proposition.

2. Arrow ECS

Arrowsphere, arrow electronics' cloud delivery and management platform, empowers channel partners to effectively manage and expand their businesses. The platform simplifies the complexities of delivering cloud services, providing a comprehensive solution for navigating the ever-evolving digital ecosystem. This animated technology product case study effectively conveys the platform's capabilities and benefits.

Modern and sleek visuals, featuring data visualizations, network diagrams, and user interface elements, underscore arrowsphere's role in simplifying cloud service delivery. The use of clean lines, a sophisticated color palette, and subtle animations creates a professional and engaging aesthetic, aligning perfectly with the platform's target audience of businesses and channel partners. This animated technology product social media video showcases the modern design style.

By seamlessly blending informative visuals with concise messaging, the video effectively highlights arrowsphere's value proposition. The design elements work harmoniously to emphasize the platform's ability to streamline cloud management, enhance scalability, and drive digital growth. This visual approach ensures that viewers grasp the essence of arrowsphere and its potential to transform their cloud-based operations. This animated technology product video uses a sophisticated color palette.

3. Radix

Radix is a decentralized finance protocol that enables the development of decentralized applications, tokens, and coins. The protocol offers a high-throughput environment for building and deploying DeFi solutions. This makes it an ideal platform for creating animated technology product user guide videos that can help users understand how to use Radix-based applications.

The video's design style effectively complements its role as a product demo explainer. The use of geometric shapes, such as triangles and circles, creates a sense of modernity and sophistication, aligning with the innovative nature of the Radix protocol. This design style is also well-suited for animated technology product tour videos, as it can help to create a visually engaging and informative experience for viewers.

The clean lines and minimalist aesthetic enhance the video's clarity, ensuring that the focus remains on the core message of decentralized finance and the capabilities of the Radix protocol. The color palette, primarily consisting of blues and whites, evokes a sense of trust and security, which are crucial aspects of any DeFi platform. These design choices are also important for animated technology product videos, as they can help to build trust and credibility with viewers.

4. Sage

This video showcases sage intact planning (sip), formerly known as sage intact budgeting & planning. This animated technology product feature highlight aims to educate viewers about this specific module, highlighting its features and benefits as a planning solution.

The video employs a clean and minimalist design style, effectively conveying the core message of streamlined planning and efficient workflow. The use of simple, flat illustrations and a light color palette creates a visually appealing and easy-to-understand presentation. The animation style, with its smooth transitions and clear visual metaphors, such as a bicycle riding over paperwork, effectively illustrates the concept of simplifying complex planning processes.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully highlights the value proposition of sage intact planning. The design choices effectively communicate the module's ability to simplify budgeting and planning, making it an ideal solution for businesses seeking a more efficient and streamlined approach.


The video provides a concise overview of the integration between CXone Feedback Management and CXone Chat, showcasing its capabilities and advantages. The integration aims to enhance customer experience by streamlining feedback collection and chat interactions. This Animated Technology Product Feature Video effectively demonstrates the value proposition of the CXone integration.

The design style effectively employs screen recordings and animated overlays to visually demonstrate the integration's functionality. Clear and concise text annotations highlight key features, such as the ability to trigger surveys within chat conversations and display customer satisfaction metrics. The use of vibrant colors and smooth transitions maintains viewer engagement while ensuring the information is easily digestible. This Animated Technology Product Tour strikes a balance between being informative and visually appealing.

By combining screen recordings with animated overlays and annotations, the video effectively conveys the value proposition of the CXone integration. The design style strikes a balance between being informative and visually appealing, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video. This Animated Technology Product Feature Video effectively demonstrates the value proposition of the CXone integration.


The video showcases TRIMIT Furniture, an ERP software and Ecommerce solution designed specifically for the furniture industry. It aims to help furniture businesses optimize their operations and achieve greater efficiency. This animated technology product onboarding video effectively conveys the message of TRIMIT Furniture as a comprehensive solution for furniture businesses. The use of a circular diagram with icons representing different business functions, such as finance, sales, and logistics, visually demonstrates the software's ability to integrate and streamline various aspects of furniture operations. The clean and modern aesthetic, with a focus on white space and simple animations, ensures that the information is presented clearly and engagingly.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully highlights the key features and benefits of this animated technology product, making it an effective product demo explainer video for the furniture industry. The use of visuals, concise messaging, and a professional aesthetic effectively communicates the value proposition of the software and encourages viewers to learn more.

This animated technology product review video showcases TRIMIT Furniture, an ERP software and Ecommerce solution designed specifically for the furniture industry. It aims to help furniture businesses optimize their operations and achieve greater efficiency. The video's design style effectively conveys the message of TRIMIT Furniture as a comprehensive solution for furniture businesses. The use of a circular diagram with icons representing different business functions, such as finance, sales, and logistics, visually demonstrates the software's ability to integrate and streamline various aspects of furniture operations. The clean and modern aesthetic, with a focus on white space and simple animations, ensures that the information is presented clearly and engagingly.

7. Relativity

This animated technology product tech demo video showcases relativityone, an all-in-one investigation tool designed to simplify work processes and accelerate insights. It emphasizes the platform's ability to expedite investigations and provide quicker access to crucial information. the animated technology product's design style effectively conveys the product's capabilities through its minimalist aesthetic and use of pastel colors. Geometric shapes and lines are strategically employed to represent data points and connections, visually demonstrating the platform's ability to organize and analyze complex information. The clean and uncluttered visuals allow viewers to focus on the core message of efficiency and insight, aligning perfectly with the product's value proposition. In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements its message by employing a minimalist approach with pastel colors and geometric shapes. This visual language effectively highlights relativityone's ability to streamline investigations and deliver rapid insights, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

This animated technology product case study video showcases relativityone, an all-in-one investigation tool designed to simplify work processes and accelerate insights. It emphasizes the platform's ability to expedite investigations and provide quicker access to crucial information. The technology product's design style effectively conveys the product's capabilities through its minimalist aesthetic and use of pastel colors. Geometric shapes and lines are strategically employed to represent data points and connections, visually demonstrating the platform's ability to organize and analyze complex information. The clean and uncluttered visuals allow viewers to focus on the core message of efficiency and insight, aligning perfectly with the product's value proposition. In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements its message by employing a minimalist approach with pastel colors and geometric shapes. This visual language effectively highlights relativityone's ability to streamline investigations and deliver rapid insights, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

8. State Street

Portfolio managers often struggle to maximize returns in rapidly changing markets due to information scattered across multiple systems. They resort to spreadsheets and manual workarounds for a holistic portfolio view. This leads to missed opportunities, potential losses, and compliance violations due to stale and incomplete views of holdings and risk exposure. Fragmented legacy systems further hinder effective collaboration with traders and risk officers.

This animated technology product explainer video's design style effectively conveys these challenges using a dark background with neon-colored lines and shapes, creating a sense of urgency and highlighting the complexity of portfolio management. The animation is dynamic, with elements moving and interacting in a way that draws the viewer's attention. The use of data visualizations, such as charts and graphs, further emphasizes the importance of having a clear and comprehensive view of investment portfolios.

Overall, the animated technology product explainer video's design style is modern, engaging, and informative, making it an excellent product demo explainer video. It effectively captures the challenges faced by portfolio managers and presents a solution that addresses these issues. The video's visual language is consistent with the brand's identity, reinforcing its position as a leader in financial technology.

9. YugabyteDB

This video introduces yugabyteDB, a distributed SQL database designed for mission-critical applications that are built and deployed differently than traditional monolithic databases.

Traditional monolithic databases can be slow, complex, not cloud-friendly, and require too many manual processes. The animated technology product video uses a dark color palette with neon accents to illustrate the complexity and limitations of outdated databases. The sleek, modern design of the yugabyteDB logo and accompanying visuals effectively conveys the product's cloud-native approach and its ability to address the challenges posed by traditional databases.

The use of simple geometric shapes and clear typography makes the information easily digestible, while the animation and transitions keep the viewer engaged. This design style effectively highlights the key features and benefits of yugabyteDB, making it an excellent product demo explainer video.

10. Instacart

Instacart's online community for shoppers, shop talk, is a platform where shoppers can connect, share ideas, and learn from each other. Shop talk provides a space for shoppers to ask for tips and best practices, read instacart announcements, and stay up-to-date on the latest news. This serves as an animated technology product capability overview, offering a comprehensive look at the platform's features.

The video's design style effectively complements its purpose as a product demo explainer. The use of simple, flat illustrations with bold colors creates a visually appealing and easy-to-understand aesthetic. The characters are diverse and relatable, representing the wide range of shoppers who use the instacart platform. The animation is smooth and engaging, keeping viewers' attention focused on the key message. This animated technology product demo uses visuals to effectively showcase its capabilities.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video effectively highlights the benefits of shop talk and encourages shoppers to join the community. The design style reinforces the message of inclusivity and support, making it an ideal platform for shoppers to connect and learn from one another. This animated technology product sneak peek successfully generates interest and excitement for this new online community.

11. CorVel

Corvel's pharmacy management expertise allows them to deliver solutions based on the unique needs of their clients. their comprehensive pharmacy solution and cost containment program manages their clients total exposure and offers maximum network penetration, a first fill program, formulary management, narcotics management, brand to generic conversion, a mail order program and aggressive drug utilization management. combining these services with access to a network of over 67,000 retail pharmacies nationwide, corvel provides clients with a comprehensive pharmacy benefit management solution.

This animated technology product explainer utilizes a clean and engaging visual style to effectively communicate corvel's pharmacy benefit management solution. the animation is simple yet informative, with bright colors and clear imagery that highlights key aspects of the program. the use of split screens and character interactions effectively demonstrates the communication and collaboration between corvel, pharmacies, and healthcare providers, emphasizing the efficiency and comprehensiveness of their services.

By combining a clear and concise explanation of their pharmacy benefit management solution with engaging visuals, corvel's animated technology product video effectively captures the viewer's attention and conveys the value proposition of their services. the video's style and design contribute to a positive viewer experience, leaving a lasting impression of corvel's expertise and commitment to providing comprehensive pharmacy solutions.

12. TeamViewer

This animated technology product showcase highlights xPick, an innovative pick-by-vision solution revolutionizing warehousing and logistics. XPick streamlines manual order picking, incoming and outgoing goods management, sorting, inventory control, and Kanban systems. By enabling hands-free order picking, xPick significantly boosts productivity while minimizing errors.

The video's design effectively emphasizes xPick's benefits. Clean lines, minimalist backgrounds, and bold colors create a visually appealing and engaging experience. Simple yet informative graphics illustrate key features such as error reduction, productivity increase, and optional modules for weight checks, barcode scans, localization, and voice confirmations. The animation is smooth and dynamic, guiding viewers through xPick's functionalities clearly and concisely.

In conclusion, the video's design perfectly complements its informative content, making it an excellent technology product demo and explainer. The combination of clear visuals, concise messaging, and engaging animation effectively highlights xPick's advantages, leaving viewers with a comprehensive understanding of this revolutionary pick-by-vision solution.

13. SimplyCast

The video demonstrates how businesses can utilize marketing automation platforms to connect with potential customers across different time zones. The signup form allows prospects to provide their phone numbers, enabling businesses to schedule automated phone calls at convenient times, regardless of time zone differences. This animated technology product walkthrough effectively showcases the functionality and benefits of using a marketing automation platform for lead generation and customer engagement.

The video's design style effectively complements its purpose as a product demo explainer. The use of simple icons and a clean, minimalist aesthetic ensures that the focus remains on the core message – the functionality and benefits of using a marketing automation platform for lead generation and customer engagement. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding viewers through the process of creating a signup form, setting a timed delay, and initiating automated voice calls. The color scheme is consistent and visually appealing, creating a cohesive and professional look.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully enhances the viewer's understanding of how marketing automation platforms can streamline communication and facilitate business growth. The clear visuals, concise messaging, and engaging animation effectively convey the value proposition of the technology product, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

14. Alation

Alation celebrates its 10th anniversary by showcasing its achievements as a leader in the data catalog industry. The video highlights alation's impressive journey, including establishing the industry's first data catalog and earning the trust of over 25% of fortune 100 companies. This video serves as an excellent example of an animated technology product comparison, effectively showcasing alation's dominance in the market.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of bold colors, clean lines, and dynamic transitions creates a visually engaging experience that captures the viewer's attention. The animation style is modern and sleek, aligning perfectly with alation's position as a cutting-edge data catalog solution. This approach makes the video a compelling animated technology product user guide, demonstrating the power and accessibility of alation's platform.

The video incorporates data visualizations and infographics to present complex information clearly and concisely, reinforcing alation's expertise in data management. By combining a compelling narrative with a visually appealing design, the video effectively communicates alation's value proposition and establishes its position as the goat of data catalogs. The video's style and design choices successfully convey alation's brand identity as an innovative and reliable leader in the data management space. This animated technology product effectively showcases the value and sophistication of alation's offerings.

15. Comarch

This animated technology product tutorial showcases a futuristic vision of gas stations, where drivers of electric vehicles can seamlessly reserve charging points and enjoy convenient services. With a user-friendly mobile app, EV owners can locate nearby stations, book slots in advance, and even opt for in-store pickup or delivery of purchases.

The animation style employed in the video is characterized by its clean lines, vibrant colors, and minimalist approach. The use of flat design elements and simple shapes enhances the clarity of the message, making it easy for viewers to grasp the core functionalities of the Comarch solution. The smooth transitions and engaging animations effectively guide the audience through the process, highlighting the efficiency and user-friendliness of the system.

By combining a futuristic concept with a clear and visually appealing design, the animated technology product tutorial effectively captures the essence of Comarch's innovative solution for gas stations. The animation style not only complements the product's modern features but also reinforces its value proposition of convenience, efficiency, and customer satisfaction.

16. Seagull

This animated technology product sneak peek showcases how bartender by seagull scientific enables users to create, automate, and manage labels, barcodes, rfid tags, and more.

The video cleverly employs a minimalist design style, utilizing a two-dimensional, flat aesthetic to effectively highlight the product's ability to create and manage labels, barcodes, and rfid tags. The choice of a blue and orange color scheme further emphasizes the technological aspect of the product, while the use of simple shapes and lines ensures that the focus remains on the functionality and ease of use of the software.

By combining these design elements, the video successfully conveys the message that bartender is a powerful yet user-friendly solution for all label, barcode, and rfid tag management needs.

17. Speakfully

The video aims to promote a positive and open work environment where employees feel empowered to voice their concerns without fear of retaliation. Speakfully provides a platform for anonymous reporting, ensuring that individuals can safely address issues they may encounter in the workplace. This animated technology product promo video highlights the importance of creating a safe and supportive work environment for all employees.

Speakfully's design style effectively complements its message of transparency and communication. The use of simple, clean lines and a minimalist color palette creates a sense of clarity and professionalism. The icons and animations are intuitive and easy to understand, conveying the platform's user-friendly nature. The animated technology product feature video showcases the intuitive design and user-friendly interface of the Speakfully platform.

In conclusion, Speakfully's video design style effectively reinforces its brand message and value proposition. The clean lines, minimalist aesthetic, and intuitive animations create a visually appealing and informative experience for viewers. The design choices align perfectly with the platform's focus on transparency, communication, and employee empowerment, making it an excellent example of an animated technology product explainer video.

18. KPMG

The video showcases a cloud-based solution designed to help businesses efficiently manage and comply with the AASB 16 lease accounting standards. It emphasizes the challenges of lease accounting and how their solution simplifies the process. This animated technology product tour effectively showcases the value proposition of the cloud-based solution.

The video's design style effectively complements its purpose as a product demo and explainer. The use of vibrant colors and clean lines creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The characters and scenarios are relatable to the target audience, showcasing the common pain points associated with lease accounting. The animated technology product technical video uses a modern and dynamic animation style, keeping viewers engaged while effectively conveying the benefits of the cloud-based solution. Clear and concise text overlays further enhance understanding.

By combining a user-friendly interface, expert support, and automation capabilities, the KPMG Lease Hub solution streamlines lease accounting processes, reduces complexity, and ensures compliance with AASB 16. The video's design effectively highlights these advantages, making it an excellent tool for showcasing the value proposition of this animated technology product.

19. Higher Logic

Higher logic thrive platform is an easy-to-use solution that delivers a powerful member experience for associations. Built on years of experience, research, and feedback, higher logic thrive addresses challenges faced by associations with built-in solutions. The platform brings together the full member experience, enabling personalized engagement throughout the member lifecycle, improving member retention, and growing non-dues revenue.

This animated technology product feature demo effectively showcases the higher logic thrive platform's capabilities. The use of bold colors, clean lines, and simple icons creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The animation is smooth and fluid, guiding the viewer through the platform's features and benefits. Data visualizations and screen recordings demonstrate the platform's functionality and ease of use. The video's pacing is well-balanced, allowing viewers to absorb information without feeling overwhelmed.

In conclusion, this animated technology product video effectively highlights the higher logic thrive platform as a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for associations. The combination of visuals, animation, and data creates a compelling narrative that showcases the platform's value proposition. The video's style aligns perfectly with the target audience, making it an excellent product demo explainer video.

20. e-Builder

Local government construction & infrastructure projects are already complex, high impact, and high cost efforts. E-builder enterprise, your trusted capital planning advisor to navigate uncharted territory. For over 25 years, we have worked with owners in the government sector to increase transparency and improve control over their programs.

This animated technology product trailer video utilizes a clean and modern design aesthetic to effectively convey the value proposition of e-builder enterprise as a capital planning advisor for government construction and infrastructure projects. The use of simple icons and graphics, along with a muted color palette, creates a visually appealing and easy-to-follow presentation. This minimalist approach allows the focus to remain on the key message, of improving transparency and control over complex projects.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the animated technology product video effectively highlights the benefits of using e-builder enterprise for managing government construction and infrastructure projects. The overall design style reinforces the brand's image as a reliable and trustworthy partner for navigating the challenges of these complex endeavors.

21. AdHive

Adhive is the first social video advertising platform that uses ai and blockchain technology solutions. The platform automates all steps of interaction with bloggers, which can save a huge amount of time and effort for advertisers. Adhive reserves the budget by buying adh tokens.

This animated technology product walkthrough video uses a clean and modern design style with bright colors and simple shapes. This makes it easy to understand the key points of the platform. The use of animation helps to keep the viewer engaged and makes the video more visually appealing. The video also uses text overlays to highlight key points and make it easy to follow along.

Overall, the video is a great example of how to use design to create an effective animated technology product value proposition. The clean and modern design style, combined with the use of animation and text overlays, makes it easy to understand the key points of the platform. The video is also visually appealing and engaging, which helps to keep the viewer's attention.

22. Kion

Kion is a cloud enablement solution designed to help organizations simplify management and governance activities to realize the full benefits of the cloud. Wherever your organization is on its cloud journey, Kion empowers organizations to go farther, faster.

The animated technology product trailer video effectively uses a clean and modern design aesthetic to highlight the key benefits of this cloud enablement solution. The minimalist graphics and muted color palette create a sense of sophistication and clarity, allowing the core message of simplified management and governance to shine through.

By leveraging a simple, yet impactful visual style, the animated technology product trailer video successfully conveys the value proposition of Kion, emphasizing its ability to empower organizations to fully realize the benefits of the cloud.

23. Ateme

The video focuses on addressing concerns related to cloud DVR services, particularly storage limitations and scalability, and how they impact user experience. It aims to position ateme's cloud-based cloud DVR solution as a comprehensive and future-proof option for viewers who want to record and enjoy their favorite content without constraints. This video is an animated technology product capability overview.

The video employs a minimalist and modern design style, characterized by flat illustrations, bold colors, and clean typography. This approach effectively conveys complex technical concepts in a visually engaging and easy-to-understand manner. The use of icons and simple animations further enhances the clarity of the message, making it accessible to a wider audience. By focusing on essential elements and avoiding clutter, the design allows viewers to concentrate on the core value proposition of ateme's cloud DVR solution: limitless storage, audience captivation, and unleashed potential.

In conclusion, the video's design style effectively complements its informative content, creating a compelling product demo explainer that highlights the benefits of ateme's cloud DVR solution. The minimalist aesthetic, combined with clear visuals and concise messaging, ensures that viewers grasp the key advantages of the platform, making it an excellent example of how design can enhance the impact of a product demonstration. This animated technology product video acts as an animated technology product video ad.

24. OpenText

Enterprises are seeking enhanced infrastructure, security, scalability, and cost savings by transitioning to google cloud. However, application and information migration can present challenges that hinder organizations from fully realizing the cloud's advantages. This Animated Technology Product Preview showcases how opentext cloud managed services and cloud computing solutions can facilitate a swift, secure, and seamless transition to google cloud.

The Animated Technology Product effectively employs a clean and modern design aesthetic to highlight the key benefits of opentext's cloud computing solutions. The use of simple icons and a minimalist color palette allows viewers to easily understand the complex concepts of application and information migration. The Animated are smooth and engaging, further enhancing the viewing experience and reinforcing the message of a hassle-free journey into google cloud.

By combining informative content with visually appealing design elements, the video successfully conveys the value proposition of opentext's solutions for organizations seeking a smooth transition to google cloud.

25. Thales

This video showcases how google workspace provides organizations of all sizes with tools for teams to connect, create and collaborate securely. As more applications and services move to the cloud, security risks involving sensitive data increase. To address these security risks, google workspace uses the latest cryptographic standards to encrypt all data and offers google workspace client-side encryption. This gives you direct control over both encryption keys and the identity service. The animated technology product explainer uses simple, clean graphics and animation to clearly explain these complex concepts.

The video effectively uses a modern and minimalist design style to highlight the product's key features and benefits, making it easy for viewers to understand the importance of data security in the cloud. This animated technology product video is a great way to learn about the security features of google workspace and how it can help your organization stay safe in the cloud. The simple and clean graphics make it easy to understand the complex concepts of data security.

This animated video is a great way to learn about the security features of google workspace. The video effectively uses a modern and minimalist design style to highlight the product's key features and benefits. The simple and clean graphics make it easy to understand the complex concepts of data security.

26. Wonolo

Wonolo, which stands for work now locally, aims to simplify the staffing process by connecting businesses with a pool of reliable local workers. Their platform offers a hassle-free solution for finding qualified individuals to meet your staffing needs. This animated technology product tutorial effectively utilizes a clean and modern design style to convey its message. The animation is smooth and engaging, with a focus on user-friendly interfaces and intuitive navigation. The color palette is vibrant and eye-catching, featuring the brand's signature yellow to create a sense of optimism and efficiency. The characters are depicted in a friendly and approachable manner, emphasizing the human element of the platform. By showcasing the ease of use and the quality of the workforce, the animated technology product tutorial effectively highlights the value proposition of Wonolo's staffing solution.

In conclusion, the animated technology product tutorial's design style perfectly complements its message, creating a compelling and informative experience for viewers. The use of animation, color, and character design effectively communicates the benefits of using Wonolo to find and connect with local workers. The video's clear and concise approach leaves a lasting impression, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

27. Qt

Qt 6 offers software development productivity platform for the future by bridging the gap between increasing software requirements and team capacity. The platform has been re-architected to be more efficient and includes productivity-enhancing tools throughout the design, deployment, and development stages. Qt 6 empowers next-generation user experiences.

This animated technology product walkthrough cleverly uses a dark background and neon green accents to highlight the cutting-edge nature of the software development platform. The isometric illustrations effectively communicate the seamless collaboration between interaction design, visual design, and developers, emphasizing the efficiency and productivity enhancements offered by Qt 6.

By visually demonstrating the connection between connected devices and developers, the animated technology product walkthrough effectively showcases how Qt 6 empowers next-generation user experiences through its re-architected platform and productivity-enhancing tools.

28. Moogsoft

Moogsoft's patented AI is an IT operator's perfect companion. We do the heavy lifting, so you have more time for the important stuff in life.

This Animated Technology Product Teaser uses a clean and modern flat design style with bold colors and simple shapes. This makes it easy to understand the key concepts of AIOps and Observability, even for viewers who are not familiar with these topics. The use of animation helps to keep the viewer engaged, and the clear and concise narration explains the benefits of using Moogsoft in a way that is easy to understand.

Overall, this is a great example of a product demo explainer video. It is visually appealing, informative, and engaging, and it effectively communicates the value proposition of Moogsoft.

29. Blend

This animated technology product case study showcases blend's innovative approach to simplifying the home buying process through digital mortgages. It aims to eliminate the complexities associated with traditional mortgage applications and approvals, making it as seamless as any other online purchase. the video's design style effectively conveys this message by employing a clean and modern aesthetic. The use of vibrant colors, such as blues and purples, creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. The minimalist approach, with simple shapes and uncluttered layouts, ensures that the focus remains on the key features and benefits of blend's digital mortgage solutions. Clear and concise text further enhances the understanding of the technology product's functionalities.

by combining a user-friendly interface with intuitive visuals, the video effectively demonstrates how blend streamlines the mortgage process, empowering both lenders and borrowers. The emphasis on mobile accessibility highlights the convenience and flexibility offered by blend's digital platform. Overall, the video's design style successfully captures the essence of blend's mission to simplify homeownership through technology.

This animated technology product comparison showcases blend's innovative approach to simplifying the home buying process through digital mortgages. It aims to eliminate the complexities associated with traditional mortgage applications and approvals, making it as seamless as any other online purchase. the video's design style effectively conveys this message by employing a clean and modern aesthetic. The use of vibrant colors, such as blues and purples, creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. The minimalist approach, with simple shapes and uncluttered layouts, ensures that the focus remains on the key features and benefits of blend's digital mortgage solutions. Clear and concise text further enhances the understanding of the technology product's functionalities.

30. CMDB

The configuration management database, or CMDB, is perhaps the most important asset for IT operations managers. Responsible for providing a centralized view of IT data, the CMDB can tell you which technologies are being used, where they're being used, how they're connected, and who's using them. It can also help companies increase business agility by automating incidents, freeing your team to focus on other issues. But today's application and infrastructure stacks are becoming increasingly complex. This is a great example of an animated technology product onboarding video.

The video uses a clean and modern flat design style with a limited color palette. This helps to keep the focus on the information being presented and makes it easy to follow the flow of the video. The use of simple shapes and icons also helps to make the video more visually appealing and engaging. The video does a great job of highlighting the technology product by using clear and concise language. The visuals are also used effectively to support the message and make it easier to understand. This is a great example of an animated technology product tutorial video.

Overall, this is a great example of a product demo explainer video. The design is simple and effective, and the video does a great job of explaining the product/service/message. The use of animated motion graphics helps to keep the viewer engaged, and the video is well-paced and easy to follow.

Key Takeaways

  • what is an animated technology product video?

  • an animated technology product video uses animation to showcase a tech product or service. it goes beyond simple product demos, using engaging visuals to explain complex features, benefits, and use cases in a way that resonates with the audience. these videos are versatile, appearing on websites, social media, presentations, and more. simplifies complex concepts: animation breaks down intricate technology into easily digestible visuals. engaging and memorable: animation captures attention and leaves a lasting impression compared to static images or text. versatile applications: suitable for various platforms and marketing goals, from product launches to explainer videos. cost-effective: often more affordable than live-action video production, especially for showcasing complex scenarios.
  • creating an animated technology product video: where to start?

  • starting an animated tech product video requires a clear plan. begin by defining your target audience and understanding their needs. then, establish your video's core message and the key features you want to highlight. define your target audience: who are you trying to reach with your video? determine the video's objective: what do you want viewers to take away from the video? develop a compelling script: craft a narrative that effectively conveys your message. choose an animation style: select a style that aligns with your brand and resonates with your audience. find a skilled animation team: partner with experienced animators who can bring your vision to life.
  • animated technology product video ingredients

  • a successful animated tech product video combines several key ingredients to create a compelling and informative experience for viewers. clear and concise script: the foundation of your video, conveying the message effectively. engaging visuals: high-quality animation that captures attention and illustrates concepts. compelling sound design: music and sound effects that enhance the video's impact. strong call to action: encourages viewers to take the next step, like visiting a website or making a purchase.
  • animated technology product video goals and objectives

  • animated tech product videos can serve various purposes, from increasing brand awareness to driving sales. defining clear goals and objectives ensures your video effectively achieves its intended purpose. increase brand awareness: introduce your product and itsvalue propositionto a wider audience. educate potential customers: explain complex features and benefits in an easy-to-understand manner. generate leads and drive sales: encourage viewers to learn more or make a purchase. improve customer support: provide clear and concise instructions on product usage.
  • motion graphics in animated technology product video

  • motion graphics play a crucial role in animated tech product videos, bringing static elements to life and enhancing visual storytelling. they add dynamism and visual interest, making complex information more engaging and memorable. data visualization: transform data into compelling visuals, making it easier to understand trends and insights. product demonstrations: showcase product features and functionality in a dynamic and engaging way. user interface animation: bring ui elements to life, demonstrating user experience and interactivity. transition effects: create smooth transitions between scenes, enhancing the video's flow and visual appeal.
  • using storytelling in an animated technology product video

  • storytelling is a powerful tool for connecting with viewers on an emotional level. by weaving a narrative around your product, you can make it more relatable and memorable. create a relatable protagonist: introduce a character facing a problem that your product solves. highlight the problem and solution: clearly demonstrate how your product addresses the protagonist's needs. show the positive impact: illustrate the benefits of using your product and how it improves the protagonist's life. end with a call to action: encourage viewers to take the next step, inspired by the story's resolution.
  • best practices for animated technology product video

  • creating an effective animated tech product video requires attention to detail and adherence to best practices. keep it concise: aim for a video length that maintains viewer engagement without feeling rushed. focus on the benefits: highlight how your product solves problems and improves users' lives. use high-quality visuals: invest in professional animation that reflects your brand and resonates with your audience. optimize for different platforms: tailor your video for various social media platforms and website formats.
  • what makes animated technology product video effective?

  • an effective animated tech product video goes beyond simply showcasing features. it tells a story, evokes emotions, and leaves a lasting impression on viewers. clarity: the message is clear, concise, and easily understood by the target audience. engagement: the video captures attention and holds viewers' interest throughout. relevance: the content resonates with the target audience's needs and interests. call to action: the video motivates viewers to take the desired next step.
  • connecting your brand and animated technology product video

  • your animated tech product video should seamlessly integrate with your brand identity. this ensures consistency in messaging and strengthens brand recognition. visual style: use animation that aligns with your brand's aesthetic and visual language. brand voice: ensure the script and narration reflect your brand's tone and personality. logo and branding elements: incorporate your logo and other brand elements subtly throughout the video. consistent messaging: align the video's message with your overall brand messaging and value proposition.
  • example: slack

  • slack, a popular workplace communication platform, effectively utilizes animated videos to explain its features and benefits. their videos use a playful and engaging animation style that resonates with their target audience. by showcasing real-life scenarios and highlighting the platform's ability to streamline communication and improve productivity, slack's animated videos have contributed significantly to theirbrand awarenessand user adoption.


    Harnessing the Power of Animated Videos

    The digital landscape is saturated with content, making it increasingly challenging for brands to capture attention and effectively communicate their message. Animated technology product videos offer a compelling solution, providing a dynamic and engaging way to showcase complex features, explain intricate processes, and ultimately drive conversions. From startups launching innovative gadgets to established tech giants unveiling the latest software, animated videos have become an indispensable tool for navigating the competitive tech industry.


    The need for clear and concise communication is paramount in the technology sector. Technical specifications, intricate functionalities, and abstract concepts can often leave audiences confused or overwhelmed. Static images and text descriptions fall short in capturing the essence of a product, leaving potential customers with unanswered questions and a lack of enthusiasm. Animated videos bridge this gap by visually demonstrating how products work, simplifying complex ideas, and creating a memorable experience that resonates with viewers.


    Creating effective animated technology product videos presents its own set of challenges. Balancing technical accuracy with engaging storytelling requires a keen understanding of both the product and the target audience. Conveying the value proposition in a concise and visually appealing manner is crucial, as attention spans are limited in today's fast-paced digital environment. Additionally, staying up-to-date with the latest animation trends and technologies ensures that videos remain fresh and impactful.


    Animated technology product videos find applications across a wide spectrum of scenarios. Explainer videos are ideal for introducing new products or features, breaking down complex processes into easily digestible segments. product demos provide a virtual hands-on experience, allowing potential customers to explore functionalities and visualize the user interface. Animated case studies showcase real-world success stories, building credibility and trust with potential clients. Social media snippets and teasers generate excitement and anticipation for upcoming launches, effectively expanding reach and engagement.

    User Interface

    User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design are critical aspects of any technology product. Animated videos excel at demonstrating the intuitiveness and efficiency of a product's interface, highlighting key features and interactions. By showcasing smooth transitions, intuitive navigation, and responsive design, these videos instill confidence in users and encourage them to explore the product further.

    Software Development

    The software development lifecycle involves numerous stages, from ideation and prototyping to testing and deployment. Animated videos can effectively illustrate each phase of the process, providing stakeholders with a clear understanding of the project's progress and the team's methodology. Additionally, these videos can be used for internal training purposes, ensuring that all team members are aligned on the project's goals and technical specifications.

    Cloud Computing

    Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses operate, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Animated videos can demystify complex cloud concepts such as infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS), making them accessible to a wider audience. By visualizing data flows, security protocols, and integration capabilities, these videos empower businesses to make informed decisions about their cloud strategy.

    Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industries, from healthcare and finance to manufacturing and transportation. Animated videos can effectively explain the underlying principles of AI, such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. By showcasing real-world applications of AI, these videos inspire innovation and encourage businesses to explore the potential of this transformative technology.


    Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, making it crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. Animated videos can educate employees about common cyberattacks, such as phishing, malware, and ransomware, and provide best practices for data protection. By simulating real-world scenarios, these videos raise awareness and promote a culture of cybersecurity within organizations.

    Internet of Things

    The Internet of Things (IoT) connects everyday devices to the internet, creating a network of interconnected smart objects. Animated videos can illustrate the vast potential of IoT, showcasing applications in smart homes, industrial automation, and connected cities. By visualizing data collection, analysis, and automation processes, these videos demonstrate the transformative power of IoT and its impact on various industries.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!