Video Creation Service

30 Video Examples To Enhance Your SaaS Onboarding Journey

Orko Roy
Last updated
Sep. 04, 2024

The modern SaaS landscape is fiercely competitive, and a seamless onboarding journey is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. Customers expect instant gratification and intuitive experiences, and if your onboarding process falls short, churn rates can skyrocket.

By embracing the power of video, you can transform your SaaS onboarding journey from a potential stumbling block into a catalyst for user engagement, satisfaction, and long-term success. Let's dive in.

1. OpenText

OpenText is a software company that offers a generative AI chatbot solution for IT operations. This video is designed to introduce the solution to the IT audience and highlight its benefits.

Video Design - The video utilizes simple graphics and animations, presenting a concise and clear narrative. The use of a "SaaS User Onboarding Video" format, with a blue gradient background and cloud illustrations, reinforces the digital nature of the product. The graphics are minimal but engaging, showcasing the solution's user-friendliness and the seamless integration of AI into IT operations.

The video's design is effective in communicating the solution's goal of improving the user experience, freeing up agents, and reducing support costs. The video's tone is professional and confident, highlighting the value of the solution without overselling it. The use of visuals and audio creates a strong and memorable impression, leaving the viewer with a clear understanding of the solution's benefits.

2. Diligent

Diligent Community is a solution for public education boards, it simplifies the process of managing agendas and meetings. The video is designed to showcase how Diligent Community solves the problems associated with traditional board governance.

Video Design - The video uses a fast-paced style with animated graphics to illustrate the challenges of managing complex governance tasks in a hybrid environment. The visual design helps SaaS Onboarding Journey Video by breaking down complicated processes into simple visuals and depicting common issues. The video utilizes bright colors, simple animations, and icons that are easily recognizable.

The use of quick cuts, graphics and animation helps bring the narrative of the video to life. The video also conveys a light-hearted tone to highlight the difficulties and complexities of traditional methods. The overall design and narrative effectively communicates the benefits of using Diligent Community and the need for a modern solution for public education boards.

3. Hotjar

Hotjar is a tool for analyzing website user behavior, and this video is designed to introduce a filter that shows sessions where users clicked repeatedly out of frustration.

Video Design - This SaaS Onboarding Journey Video uses a simple and clear visual design, with a white background and colorful UI elements. The video uses simple animations and transitions, but the graphic design is detailed enough to highlight how the rage click filter works. It illustrates the functionality of the feature through a visual representation of user behavior on a website.

The video's visual style communicates the objective of the video by using simple and relatable visuals to quickly explain the feature and its benefits. This keeps the video engaging and concise, making it easy for the viewer to understand the benefits of the filter. The tone of the video is professional but conversational. It makes use of simple animated graphics to explain how the rage click filter works, focusing on the use case and its benefits. The graphics effectively help viewers understand the concept of rage clicks.

4. 1Password

1Password helps businesses connect their security tools to enhance sign-on security. This video is designed to promote 1Password's integration features and educate viewers on their benefits.

Video Design - 1Password uses a simple, modern design style to Optimize Onboarding Content Video. Animated, clean, and minimalist graphics are combined with straightforward text to quickly convey how the software integrates with various systems. The video incorporates a color scheme of red, blue, purple, teal and yellow to clearly demonstrate the connections and integrations. It also uses a clean, white background that highlights the text and graphics.

The video effectively communicates how 1Password can fill gaps in existing security infrastructure by using concise animations and a clear visual style that highlights their key integrations, and focuses on how 1Password provides IT professionals with the visibility needed to secure all sign-ons. This approach helps viewers quickly understand the benefits of using 1Password, and the overall tone is professional and informative.

5. EQT

EQT is a leading provider of software and services for the entertainment production industry. This video is designed to inform potential employees, portfolio companies, business partners, and shareholders about the company's operations.

Video Design - The video is a colorful animation that utilizes minimalist shapes and bold color combinations, creating a visually appealing style that complements the content. Animated elements like the person watching television, the money coin, and the hammer breaking the box office records, highlight the importance of innovation and efficiency in the entertainment production industry. This dynamic design helps SaaS Onboarding Journey Video.

The video effectively communicates the company's commitment to innovation and its expertise in the entertainment industry. The animated style and visuals are engaging and visually appealing, creating a positive impression of the company. The use of minimal shapes and bold colors creates a modern and professional tone that resonates with the target audience.

6. Citrix

Citrix provides secure access solutions for corporations that are moving applications to the cloud. This video is designed to explain the benefits of the Citrix Zero Trust security model.

Video Design - This SaaS Onboarding Journey Video uses bright colors and animated icons to create a visually engaging experience. The video focuses on the cloud, security, and user experience, using clean and contemporary graphic elements to depict these core concepts. The video employs 3D icons, which are visually captivating and help illustrate the various components of the Citrix Zero Trust security model. These 3D icons are not overly stylized and fit seamlessly into the overall design aesthetic.

The visual style of the video clearly communicates the objective of the video, which is to illustrate the benefits of Citrix Zero Trust security. The design of the video uses bright colors, simple graphics, and a clear narrative to explain complex technical concepts in a way that is easy to understand and engage viewers. The tone of the video is upbeat and informative, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about Zero Trust security.

7. 360Learning

360Learning is a learning and development platform designed to make compliance training more engaging for learners. The video is designed to show how traditional compliance training methods are ineffective and how 360Learning can make compliance training more engaging and effective.

Video Design - The video uses a vibrant color scheme with animated elements to grab attention and keep viewers engaged. This style helps make the video feel lighthearted and fun, which is a stark contrast to the typical boring and dry compliance training videos. The use of a cartoon-style hand pointing towards the viewer and then into the screen is a common element in SaaS User Onboarding Videos, as it helps to connect the audience to the presentation.

The video uses a simple but effective visual style that aligns with the message it is trying to convey. It uses clear and concise graphics with bright colors to grab the attention of viewers and communicate the message in an engaging and memorable way. The video uses animated illustrations of check marks and a red cross, which effectively demonstrate the problem being addressed. The video style is playful and simple but still delivers a serious message about the negative impact of non-compliant behavior. The video ends with an animation of dollar signs, which reinforces the cost of non-compliance. The visuals combined with the narration successfully communicate the need for more effective compliance training.


This video is designed to showcase Medtronic's Space-D Distactor, Compressor, and Retractor system.

Video Design - This Reduce Onboarding Time Video focuses on the different elements that are unique about the product, using clear graphics to provide a concise and easy to follow demonstration. The visual design uses an animated, 3D model of the system to highlight features, with each element of the product outlined in a blue rectangle with white text.

The video uses a clear blue background, and the animation shows each component in a simple, easy to understand way, and makes the video perfect for a "Reduce Onboarding Time Video", helping viewers learn about the product and its functions quickly. The graphics are clean and simple with clear outlines, and the product is visually highlighted for optimal clarity. The bright blue background and bold white text create a clean, modern design, making the video easy to digest. The video is designed to be informative, comprehensive, and visually engaging for viewers, helping to clearly showcase the product. The overall tone of the video is informative and reassuring, making it effective for a medical product.

9. TomTom

TomTom Map Maker helps developers customize their maps, making them on brand in minutes. The video is designed to introduce developers to the new features of the map maker.

Video Design - The video utilizes a clean and simple design, featuring a dark background with a white text overlay. This style is ideal for reducing onboarding time, as it focuses the user's attention on the key information, such as the product's new features. The interface and map screenshots are crisp and easy to comprehend, demonstrating how the product works. The fast-paced editing and use of white text in the dark background effectively highlights the key features and reduces the onboarding time.

The visual design of the video communicates the ease of use of the TomTom Map Maker. It highlights the clean interface, intuitive workflow, and quick results. The sleek and modern style of the video reflects the efficiency and effectiveness of the product. The video's narrative emphasizes the benefit of using a template, which makes the map customization process much faster and simpler. The video's overall tone is positive and encouraging, motivating the developers to try out the product.

10. SilverCloud

SilverCloud is a digital mental health platform that offers programs designed to improve mental health and wellbeing. The video is designed to introduce users to the platform and highlight its key features.

Video Design - SilverCloud uses bright, modern graphics and animation to create a user-friendly and visually appealing experience. The video features a variety of colors and shapes, along with simple, easy-to-understand illustrations. These elements help Optimize Onboarding Content Video, guiding users through the platform's features and functionalities. The use of a clean and minimalist design reinforces SilverCloud's message of simplicity and accessibility.

The overall tone of the video is encouraging and optimistic, reflecting SilverCloud's commitment to improving mental health and wellbeing. By using a friendly and approachable visual style, the video effectively communicates SilverCloud's mission and invites viewers to explore the platform.

11. GE

GE is a world energy leader that provides equipment, solutions, and services across the energy value chain. This video is designed to inform the audience about the company's products that can help achieve the goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions.

Video Design - The video's design style uses simple yet impactful line art illustrations. The choice of a light blue color palette provides a sense of calm and reliability. GE is known for its focus on innovation, and this video uses line art to visually represent this. The simplicity of the line art makes the messaGE clear, and the colors help personalize the onboarding journey video for the viewer.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the company's focus on providing reliable and efficient power solutions. The clean and minimalist design complements the video's message, conveying a sense of trust and competence. The tone of the video is professional and informative, making it appealing to a wide range of audiences. The use of simple graphics, along with the clear messaging of the video, helps capture the viewer's attention and ultimately drives the video goal.

12. Atlassian

Atlassian Confluence Cloud is a platform for teams to collaborate, create, and organize information. This video is designed to onboard new Confluence Cloud users who are familiar with Confluence Data Center and Server.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and modern design style with simple illustrations and a friendly tone. The use of light colors, rounded corners, and playful graphics helps make the onboarding experience more engaging and approachable for users. The interface highlights are emphasized with animation, providing a visual guide to the navigation and features of Confluence Cloud. This further aids in the Onboarding Effectiveness For User Experience Video.

The video effectively communicates the benefits of migrating to Confluence Cloud. The video showcases features that are exclusive to the cloud version and emphasizes the ease of collaboration and efficiency that the platform provides. The video uses a conversational tone, making the user feel welcomed and comfortable with the new interface. This visual style effectively connects the narrative of the video with the product, conveying the ease of use and efficiency of Confluence Cloud.


LITEON is a company that develops solutions for the smart cities sector. The video is designed to illustrate the challenge that cities face, highlighting the increasing population and the impact on the environment.

Video Design - The video begins with a stylized cityscape, showcasing a transportation system that drives economic growth. The video utilizes bright, bold colors for the graphics and an upbeat, energetic soundtrack, optimizing onboarding content video for a younger demographic, which is the target audience of the video. The video design focuses on depicting congestion and environmental concerns, using the minimalist, flat design of the city illustrations, and the use of bright, bold, colors.

The video successfully leverages bright colors, energetic graphics, and a fast-paced, engaging narrative, to present a clear message about the need for smart mobility solutions. The video is both informative and entertaining, making the video accessible to a wider audience, including consumers and urban planners.

14. Coinbase

Coinbase Earn helps users learn about and earn cryptocurrencies. This video is designed to educate viewers on how Orchid keeps data private using the OXT token and multihop configurations.

Video Design - This SaaS Onboarding Journey Video effectively uses bright colors, minimal text, and animated graphics to easily explain complex concepts. The video uses simple illustrations to demonstrate how data is passed through a network of different bandwidth providers, using the Orchid protocol. The use of short animations combined with a clean, uncluttered visual aesthetic helps explain the concepts in a simplified and easy-to-understand manner.

The use of a bold font and clear, concise explanations ensure that the information is easy to digest. The use of animated graphics helps to keep viewers engaged and makes the information more memorable. The video tone is informative and positive. The video effectively uses visual storytelling to explain the technical details behind the Orchid protocol, making it an engaging and effective tool for onboarding new users.

15. WaterAid

WaterAid is a charity that works to provide safe water, sanitation, and hygiene education to people around the world. This video is designed to highlight the importance of these essential resources for people living in poverty.

Video Design - This video is designed to highlight the lack of access to safe water and sanitation in many communities. The video is animated and uses flat design. The animation is simple and straightforward. The use of bright colors and playful animations make this a good SaaS Onboarding Journey Video.

The video effectively communicates the objective of providing safe water and sanitation to those in need. The visual style is simple yet effective, helping to illustrate the struggles faced by people like Grace, and the impact that WaterAid's work can have. The video has a hopeful and inspiring tone, emphasizing the power of access to clean water and sanitation to improve lives and escape poverty.

16. Elaad

Elaad is a company that provides power quality solutions for Electric vehicles. The video is designed to educate viewers about the potential problems of poor power quality, and how it can impact their electric vehicles.

Video Design - The video uses simple, flat illustrations to convey information about power quality issues, and how they can be solved by Elaad products. The video also uses a bright color palette that is appealing to viewers, and the use of animation to keep the video interesting. The use of animation throughout the video makes it a great SaaS Onboarding Journey Video.

The video's design effectively conveys its message by using clear visuals and simple explanations. It uses a lighthearted tone that makes it more engaging for the viewers. The video's design helps to build trust in the company's products by showcasing their ability to solve real-world problems. Elaad's use of simple, engaging graphics combined with a straightforward narrative makes this a good "SaaS Onboarding Journey Video" as it is effective at conveying complex information in a clear and simple way.

17. Codility

Codility is a platform that helps companies find and hire the best engineers. This video is designed to highlight the benefits of using Codility for campus recruitment.

Video Design - The video uses a bold, modern design style, featuring a mix of bright colors and animated graphics. The use of a countdown timer adds urgency and excitement, while the inclusion of a social media feed highlights the company's global reach. These elements combine to Improve User Onboarding Video.

Codility effectively communicates the value proposition of their platform through the use of clean graphics and clear messaging. The bright, energetic color scheme and animated visuals create a positive and engaging experience. The video emphasizes the importance of finding and retaining top talent, which resonates with the target audience of engineering companies seeking to innovate and grow. The use of social media integration demonstrates the reach and scalability of the platform. The overall tone is upbeat and optimistic, highlighting the potential of Codility to help companies achieve success in their hiring efforts.

18. Panduit

Panduit is a cybersecurity solution that helps keep computers secure. This video is designed to highlight the importance of keeping software updated.

Video Design - This SaaS Onboarding Journey Video utilizes bold and bright colors, such as blue, green, and yellow. It showcases the features of the product through animations, making the video visually engaging. The use of simple, clean graphics, like the laptop and bug icons, further emphasizes the product's ease of use.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective of highlighting the importance of software updates. The combination of statistics, simple graphics, and a friendly tone creates a sense of urgency for the viewer, emphasizing the need for proper cybersecurity. This video uses clear and concise messaging to promote the product, urging viewers to protect their devices with Panduit.

19. Siemens

Siemens is a leading provider of healthcare solutions, and this video is designed to educate viewers about the importance of mammography in breast cancer screening.

Video Design - The video utilizes a simple and clean design style, featuring a minimalist aesthetic with flat, two-dimensional graphics. The graphics are high quality and emphasize the key elements of the story. The video leverages onboarding automation video to clearly demonstrate how mammography works, guiding the viewer through the process.

The straightforward style ensures a clear understanding of the topic, making the information accessible to a broader audience. The video's calm and informative tone further supports the goal of educating viewers about mammography. The use of illustrative visuals creates a comfortable and non-intimidating atmosphere, making it easy for viewers to grasp the key points regarding breast cancer screening.

20. Achievers

Achievers is a platform that aims to create a sense of belonging in the workplace. The video is designed to introduce the company's platform and how it works.

Video Design - This video uses a clean and modern design, with minimal graphics and a focus on animated figures. The style is bright and colorful, and uses vibrant purples, greens and oranges, which helps it stand out in the crowded HR tech space. The graphics are sleek and modern. The video also uses a simple, easy-to-follow layout and animation, which makes it easy to Optimize Onboarding Content Video for employees.

The video utilizes simple graphics and vibrant colors to convey the message of inclusivity and connection. The visual style of the video is light and engaging, which helps to drive the video goal of demonstrating how Achievers can create a sense of belonging. The use of a conversational tone and positive messaging helps the platform to stand out in a crowded market.

21. CyberArk

CyberArk provides a Privileged Access Manager (PAM) solution. The video is designed to explain the benefits of the PAM solution and how to use it.

Video Design - The video uses simple, clean, and modern animation to Enhance User Onboarding Experience Video. A simple blue and grey color palette is used throughout the video with flat design elements. The visuals are minimal, clear, and straightforward making the information easy to digest and remember. The video uses animation to illustrate the key concepts, such as accessing systems and providing passwords, enhancing the user experience.

The video's visual style and tone effectively communicate its goal of educating users on how to leverage the CyberArk solution for their everyday work. By utilizing bright colours, simple graphics, and animation, the video provides a positive, friendly experience and drives the user to understand the CyberArk PAM solution.

22. FedEx

FedEx is a shipping company that helps customers ship packages. This video is designed to help customers learn how to package and ship items.

Video Design -
The video is animated, using bright, clean colors and simple shapes. This style optimizes onboarding content video and makes it easy to follow. The graphics are clear and concise, and the overall design is professional and modern.

The video uses a minimalist approach to visual design, with simple animations and easy to follow instructions. The visual style is consistent, featuring a clear and clean design aesthetic. This approach helps to communicate the key points of the video, and makes it easy for viewers to understand the process of shipping a package with FedEx. The overall tone of the video is positive and reassuring, making the experience feel simple and straightforward.

23. Velo

Velo is a blockchain-based financial protocol that enables digital credit issuance and borderless asset transfer for businesses using a smart contract system. The video is designed to introduce the product and showcase the benefits of Velo.

Video Design - The video uses bold, dark colors, including black, white, and gold. Graphics are sleek, clean, and modern. This helps SaaS Onboarding Journey Video. The video uses an array of graphs, charts, and data visualizations. This creates a professional and sophisticated look. These elements create a clear and concise video that effectively communicates the product's value.

The use of a dark background and bold graphics helps create a feeling of security and stability, which is important for a product like Velo. The video's overall tone is confident and professional. This is further emphasized through the use of a voice-over that is both informative and engaging. These elements work together to create a persuasive and impactful video that effectively communicates the benefits of Velo.

24. Chainalysis

Chainalysis helps businesses and governments understand blockchain data and how it relates to real world actions. This video is designed to highlight how Chainalysis can help users manage risk, solve criminal cases, and understand customers.

Video Design - The video features clean, simple visuals with a bright blue background and bold white outlines. It emphasizes user onboarding with a grid interface that introduces Chainalysis's features and capabilities. The use of line drawings and icons provides a clear and engaging experience, making it an easy-to-understand introduction to the product.

The clean and visually appealing design effectively communicates the complex nature of blockchain data analysis and how Chainalysis simplifies this process. The video uses a clear, straightforward narrative with concise and focused explanations, making it easy for viewers to grasp the value proposition of the platform. The bright blue background, paired with bold white outlines, creates a sense of trust and security, highlighting the essential nature of Chainalysis's work.

25. OECD

OECD is an international organization that works towards building better policies for better lives. This video is designed to highlight the importance of adapting to climate change, and showcase how some countries are preparing for the effects of climate change.

Video Design - OECD leverages onboarding automation video to educate viewers on adapting to climate change. The video uses simple, minimalistic 3D graphics, and is presented in a childlike, friendly style. This style makes the information accessible, engaging, and memorable for a broad audience.

The video effectively communicates the objective of climate change adaptation by using 3D graphics to depict the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and unseasonal heatwaves. These 3D graphics are both informative and visually engaging, allowing the video to resonate with viewers on a personal level and make the information relatable. The video lighthearted tone helps ensure that viewers stay engaged, while still presenting a serious topic.

26. Milliken

Milliken entrance flooring offers high performance OBEX flooring. The video is designed to introduce the OBEX product and highlight its key benefits.

Video Design - The video features a simple design with clean graphics. It uses a combination of animation, close-ups of the product, and on-screen text to provide a Customer Onboarding Journey Video. The use of animation for the OBEX branding is effective in introducing the product. The video's use of on-screen text highlights important aspects of the product.

The video's visual design is able to clearly and concisely communicate its objective, which is to introduce the benefits of OBEX. The design is clean, modern, and professional, which creates a positive impression of the product and its brand. The tone is confident and informative, conveying that the OBEX flooring system is a reliable and effective solution for creating healthy, safe, and clean interior spaces.

27. Axis Bank

Axis Bank is an Indian banking institution, and this video is designed to promote their mutual fund investments. The video clearly portrays that customers can invest in mutual funds instantly through their Axis Bank mobile and internet banking applications.

Video Design - The video features clear and high-quality graphics, and it uses a minimalist visual design. The overall visual design is very clean and uncluttered, which helps Increase User Engagement For Better Experience Video. This is achieved through the clear representation of the mobile application interface. Every step of the process from logging in to selecting the investment option is shown in the video.

The video uses the minimalist visual style of the application, to demonstrate the easy user experience. The minimalist design features ensure that the focus remains on the app interface, simplifying the process for the viewer. This helps communicate the video goal, which is to highlight the seamless and easy mutual fund investment process. The use of a visual guide for navigating the app interface makes the video informative and engaging. This design style effectively communicates the tone of the video. It reflects the ease of use, simplicity, and user-friendliness of investing in mutual funds through Axis Bank.

28. Algolia

This video is designed to showcase Algolia's search solutions that help businesses deliver a fast and efficient customer experience.

Video Design - The video uses animation to highlight the user experience of a fast-loading website and the frustration that can arise with a slow-loading website. This approach uses simple yet effective graphics and a visual narrative to Increase User Engagement For Better Experience Video. It uses bold text to emphasize key points, animation to engage viewers, and a fast-paced editing style to keep the attention of the audience.

The video utilizes simple imagery and animation to capture the challenges that websites with slow loading times face. The bright colors and dynamic graphics create a visually appealing and engaging experience for the viewer, effectively communicating the benefits of Algolia's search solutions and the impact they have on user experience. The overall tone is upbeat, playful, and engaging, making the video fun and relatable for a broad audience.

29. ASUS

ASUS IoT helps enterprises improve efficiency and increase productivity in their automation systems. The video is designed to showcase how ASUS solutions benefit businesses by reducing costs, enhancing safety, improving quality assurance, and streamlining regulatory compliance.

Video Design - The video employs a minimalist design aesthetic that is effective in highlighting the key elements of ASUS IoT solutions. The video uses a mix of flat, 2D style graphics that are easy to understand and visually appealing. A clean, modern color palette that aligns with the ASUS brand and emphasizes the value of safety, automation, and streamlined operations. The overall style is a solid example of a SaaS Onboarding Strategy Video.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the key benefits of ASUS IoT solutions. The simple, clear graphics emphasize the ease of use, reliability, and safety of the technology. The video uses animation to illustrate the benefits of ASUS solutions in a dynamic and engaging way. By showcasing the smooth operation of automated systems, the video reinforces the value proposition of ASUS solutions, ultimately driving interest and encouraging viewers to learn more. The tone of the video is confident and professional, instilling trust in viewers and showcasing the reliability of the ASUS platform.

30. QuickML SaaS Onboarding Journey Video

QuickML is a no-code machine learning platform that helps streamline machine learning operations. The video is designed to introduce QuickML and demonstrate its ease of use for building, testing, deploying, and monitoring machine learning models.

Video Design - The video uses vibrant colors and a clean aesthetic to attract attention and emphasize user-friendliness. It presents a SaaS Onboarding Journey Video, using a flowchart to clearly illustrate how QuickML works. The flowcharts in the video use clear visuals and a simple design, which makes the SaaS Onboarding Journey Video clear and engaging.

The video utilizes a combination of animated graphics and typography, focusing on the key features of QuickML, including the drag and drop UI, model building, and monitoring. The visual style of the video helps communicate the video's objective, which is to explain the ease of use and value of QuickML for its target audience. The overall tone of the video is positive and enthusiastic, conveying the potential of QuickML to empower users to develop machine learning models.

Key Takeaways

onboarding video Touchpoints

A successful saas onboarding journey video guides new users through the initial stages of using your product, transforming them from curious prospects into engaged customers. Key touchpoints to consider include:

  • A Warm Welcome: Start by setting a positive tone. Introduce your brand personality and highlight the core value your product offers. For example, a project management tool might emphasize its ability to streamline workflows and improve team collaboration.
  • Product Tour: Familiarize users with the interface. Showcase key features and their functionalities, ensuring users feel comfortable navigating the platform. Consider using screen recordings with voiceover to guide users through the interface.
  • Tutorials & Guidance: Offer step-by-step instructions for completing essential tasks. Break down complex processes into manageable steps, ensuring users can quickly achieve initial success with your product.
  • Support Resources: Highlight available help channels, such as knowledge bases, FAQs, or live chat. Assure customers that assistance is readily available if they encounter any difficulties.
  • Success Stories: Build confidence by showcasing how other customers have benefited from your product. Testimonials or brief case studies can demonstrate the real-world value your product delivers.

saas video Use Cases

Different video formats cater to diverse learning styles and onboarding needs. Consider these options:

  • Animated Videos: Ideal for simplifying complex concepts or technical processes. For example, an animated video can effectively explain how data flows through your platform or how a specific algorithm works.
  • Explainer Videos: Concisely convey your product's Value Proposition and key benefits. Use them to capture attention early in the onboarding process or on your website's landing page.
  • Demo Videos: Provide a practical showcase of your product's functionality. Walk users through specific features, demonstrating how they can be used to solve real-world problems.
  • Live-Action Videos: Add a human touch to your brand. Feature your team members or satisfied customers sharing their experiences and insights. This can build trust and foster a sense of community.

SaaS Video Engagement

SaaS onboarding videos are powerful engagement drivers, offering several key benefits:

  • Enhanced Understanding: Videos present information in a visually engaging and easily digestible format, improving comprehension and knowledge retention. Studies show that viewers retain up to 95% of a message when it's delivered through video, compared to just 10% when read as text.
  • Increased Engagement: Videos are inherently more engaging than static text or images. This can lead to higher completion rates for onboarding modules and a more positive overall experience.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: A smoother onboarding experience translates to happier customers. Engaged users are more likely to become loyal advocates for your product.
  • Reduced Support Burden: Videos can effectively address common customer questions, reducing the volume of support tickets and freeing up your team to focus on more complex issues.

SaaS Video Funnel Integration

Strategically placed videos can guide prospects through your funnel, nurturing them towards conversion:

  • Top of the Funnel (Awareness): Use explainer videos to introduce your product and its benefits to a broad audience. Place these videos on your website's homepage, social media channels, or in email marketing campaigns.
  • Middle of the Funnel (Consideration): Deploy demo videos to showcase specific features and address potential objections. Include these videos on product pages or in targeted email sequences.
  • Bottom of the Funnel (Decision): Utilize tutorial videos to provide step-by-step guidance and encourage users to take action. Feature these videos in onboarding emails or within your product's help center.

SaaS Video Script Elements

A well-crafted script is the foundation of an Effective Onboarding video. Key elements include:

  • Strong Hook: Capture the viewer's attention immediately. Start with a compelling question, a relatable problem, or a surprising statistic.
  • Problem & Solution: Clearly define the pain point your product addresses and how it provides a solution. For example, a video for a CRM might start by highlighting the challenges of managing customer relationships manually.
  • Benefits & Features: Articulate the key benefits your product offers and demonstrate its core functionalities. Focus on the value users will gain, not just the technical features.
  • Clear Call to Action: Guide viewers on what to do next. Encourage them to sign up for a free trial, explore specific features, or contact your sales team.

Compelling SaaS Video Story

A strong storyline keeps viewers engaged and helps them connect with your product on an emotional level. Consider these approaches:

  • Problem-Solution Narrative: Introduce a relatable problem your target audience faces. Then, position your product as the solution, showcasing how it alleviates the pain point and delivers positive outcomes.
  • Character-Driven Narrative: Create a relatable character who faces a challenge and overcomes it using your product. This allows viewers to see themselves in the story and visualize the benefits.
  • "Day in the Life" Narrative: Show how your product seamlessly integrates into a user's daily workflow, improving efficiency and productivity.

SaaS Video Narratives

Different narrative styles can be employed to achieve specific onboarding goals:

  • Problem-Solution: A classic approach that directly addresses a pain point and presents your product as the answer. This is effective for highlighting the practical value of your product.
  • Hero's Journey: Follow a character's journey as they overcome obstacles and achieve success using your product. This can create an emotional connection and inspire viewers.
  • Testimonial: Feature satisfied customers sharing their positive experiences with your product. This builds trust and social proof.
  • Case Study: Provide a detailed analysis of how your product helped a specific customer achieve their goals. This is particularly effective for B2B audiences.

SaaS Video Pain Point Solutions

Empathy is key to building trust. Use your video to demonstrate a deep understanding of your customer's challenges:

  • Identify Key Pain Points: Conduct thorough research to understand the common frustrations and obstacles your target audience faces.
  • Showcase Solutions: Demonstrate how your product directly addresses these pain points. Use clear visuals and concise explanations to show how your product simplifies tasks, saves time, or improves outcomes.
  • Leverage Real-Life Examples: Share stories of how your product has helped other customers overcome similar challenges. Customer testimonials or brief case studies can be particularly effective.

SaaS Video Success Metrics

Measuring video performance provides valuable insights for optimization:

  • Video Completion Rate: Indicates viewer engagement. A high completion rate suggests that your video is holding viewers' attention.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Measures the effectiveness of your call to action. A high CTR indicates that viewers are taking the desired next step.
  • Conversion Rate: Tracks how well your video drives desired actions, such as sign-ups or free trial activations.
  • Customer Feedback: Gather qualitative feedback through surveys or comments to understand viewer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

Brand Aligned SaaS Video

Your video should be a seamless extension of your brand:

  • Visual Consistency: Use your brand colors, fonts, and visual style throughout the video. This creates a cohesive and professional look.
  • Tone of Voice: Maintain a consistent tone that aligns with your brand personality. Whether your brand is playful or formal, ensure your video reflects this.
  • Brand Elements: Prominently display your logo and other branding elements to reinforce brand recognition.
  • Music & Sound Effects: Choose music and sound effects that complement your brand's overall aesthetic and target audience.

High Quality SaaS Video

A high-quality video delivers value and leaves a lasting impression:

  • Keep it Concise: Aim for a video length of 2-minutes to maintain viewer engagement. Focus on delivering key information efficiently.
  • Use Clear Language: Avoid technical jargon or industry-specific terms that might confuse new users. Use simple, straightforward language that everyone can understand.
  • Focus on Benefits: Emphasize the value your product offers and how it solves customer problems. Don't just list features; explain how those features translate into tangible benefits.
  • Engaging Visuals: Use high-quality footage, animations, and graphics to keep viewers visually stimulated.
  • Strong Call to Action: End with a clear and compelling call to action, guiding viewers on what to do next.

SaaS Video Customer Support

Onboarding videos can empower users to solve problems independently:

  • FAQ Videos: Address common questions and concerns in a concise and engaging format. This can reduce the volume of basic support inquiries.
  • Troubleshooting Videos: Guide users through resolving common technical issues. Provide step-by-step instructions with clear visuals.
  • Product Walkthroughs: Offer in-depth tutorials on specific features or functionalities. Empower users to explore the product at their own pace and discover its full potential.

B2B SaaS Video Considerations

B2B audiences have unique needs and priorities:

  • Focus on Business Value: Highlight how your product improves efficiency, productivity, and ROI. Quantify the benefits whenever possible.
  • Professional Tone: Use professional language and avoid casual terms or slang. Your video should reflect the seriousness of the business context.
  • Real-World Examples: Showcase case studies and testimonials from other businesses that have successfully implemented your product.
  • Data & Analytics: If relevant, demonstrate how your product provides data-driven insights that can inform business decisions.

SaaS Video Sales Conversion

Your video can be a powerful sales tool:

  • Compelling Value Proposition: Clearly articulate the unique benefits your product offers and how it solves customer problems better than the competition.
  • Social Proof: Leverage customer testimonials and case studies to build trust and credibility. Showcasing positive outcomes from other users can be highly persuasive.
  • Strong Call to Action: Encourage viewers to take the next step in the sales process. This could be signing up for a free trial, requesting a demo, or contacting your sales team.
  • Limited-Time Offers: Create a sense of urgency by including limited-time offers or promotions in your video.

SaaS Video Onboarding Challenges

Videos can help overcome common onboarding hurdles:

  • Information Overload: Break down complex information into bite-sized chunks. Use visuals and animations to make concepts easier to understand.
  • Lack of Engagement: Create a compelling narrative that keeps viewers interested. Use humor, storytelling, or relatable characters to connect with your audience.
  • Technical Difficulties: Provide clear and concise instructions on how to set up and configure your product. Address common technical issues proactively.
  • Feature Discovery: Showcase the full range of your product's features and functionalities. Highlight hidden gems that users might not discover on their own.

Winning SaaS Video Strategy

A winning SaaS onboarding video strategy hinges on understanding your audience, setting clear goals, and crafting compelling content.

  • Know Your Audience: Tailor your message to resonate with your specific target audience. Are you speaking to enterprise clients or individual users? Highlight features and benefits that align with their needs and pain points. For example, security features might be paramount for enterprise clients, while ease of use might be more important for individual users.
  • Storytelling & Visuals: Engage viewers with a compelling narrative. Consider using a problem-solution approach or a hero's journey to showcase how your product solves a specific problem. Use high-quality visuals like screen recordings, animations, and real-life examples to enhance understanding and keep viewers engaged.
  • Data-Driven Optimization: Track key metrics like watch time, completion rates, and engagement to measure the effectiveness of your video. Use this data to make informed decisions about future iterations and optimize your onboarding process for maximum impact.

SaaS Video Retention Boost

Onboarding videos can significantly boost customer retention by showcasing your product's value and providing ongoing support.

  • Highlight Value & Address Pain Points: Demonstrate how your product solves specific customer problems. For instance, if your product is a project management tool, show how it streamlines workflows and reduces missed deadlines. Address common pain points directly, minimizing frustration and encouraging continued use.
  • Offer Ongoing Support: Empower customers with a library of tutorial videos covering specific features or troubleshooting common issues. Consider offering personalized video walkthroughs for new users or those needing extra assistance. This proactive approach fosters a sense of confidence and encourages users to stick around.

B2B vs B2C SaaS Video

While both B2B and B2C onboarding videos aim to educate and engage, their approach differs significantly.

  • B2B Focus: B2B videos emphasize business outcomes like increased efficiency, productivity, and ROI. The tone is professional and informative, aligning with the decision-making process of business professionals. Visuals often include data visualizations, charts, and testimonials from industry experts.
  • B2C Focus: B2C videos adopt a more casual and engaging tone, focusing on individual benefits like convenience, entertainment, or personal productivity. Visuals are often more vibrant and emotionally driven, featuring lifestyle imagery and user testimonials.

Example: A B2B video for a CRM might showcase how it improves sales team efficiency, while a B2C video for a photo editing app might highlight its ease of use and creative possibilities.

SaaS Video Feature Education

Introducing new features effectively is crucial for keeping your SaaS product relevant. Onboarding videos can play a key role in this process.

  • Highlight Benefits & Functionality: Create dedicated videos that showcase the key benefits of the new feature and how it solves customer problems. Demonstrate the feature in action using screen recordings or animations. For example, if you've added a new reporting feature, show how users can generate custom reports and gain valuable insights.
  • Provide Clear Instructions: Offer step-by-step guidance on how to use the new feature, ensuring users can easily integrate it into their workflow. Encourage them to try it out and provide feedback, fostering a sense of collaboration and continuous improvement.

Global SaaS Video Considerations

Reaching a global audience requires careful consideration of cultural nuances and language barriers.

  • Translation & Localization: Translate your video into multiple languages to ensure accessibility. Go beyond simple translation and consider localization, adapting the content to resonate with specific cultural contexts.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural sensitivities in your visuals and messaging. Avoid imagery or language that might be considered offensive or inappropriate in certain cultures. For example, certain colors or hand gestures may have different meanings in different parts of the world.
  • Accessibility: Ensure accessibility for users with disabilities by providing captions, transcripts, and audio descriptions. This inclusive approach demonstrates your commitment to serving a diverse global audience.

Seamless SaaS Onboarding Video

A seamless onboarding experience is key to user adoption and satisfaction. Onboarding videos can play a crucial role in achieving this.

  • Welcome & Product Tour: Start with a warm welcome message, setting a positive tone and introducing users to your product. Provide a comprehensive product tour, highlighting key features and functionalities. Focus on the most important aspects first, avoiding information overload.
  • Step-by-Step Guidance & FAQs: Offer clear, step-by-step instructions on how to use your product, addressing common questions proactively. Consider creating a dedicated FAQ section within the video or linking to relevant support resources. This proactive approach minimizes frustration and empowers users to succeed.

SaaS Video Product Adoption

Onboarding videos are powerful tools for driving product adoption by enhancing understanding and engagement.

  • Enhanced Understanding: Videos present information in a visually engaging and easily digestible format. Complex concepts can be simplified through animations or screen recordings, making it easier for users to grasp your product's value proposition.
  • Increased Engagement: Engaging video content keeps users interested and motivated to learn. This leads to higher completion rates and a deeper understanding of your product's capabilities, ultimately driving adoption. Studies have shown that video content can significantly improve user engagement and knowledge retention compared to text-based materials.

SaaS Video Trust Building

Building trust and credibility is essential for fostering strong customer relationships. Onboarding videos can be a valuable tool in this process.

  • Showcase Customer Success: Feature customer testimonials and case studies to demonstrate the real-world impact of your product. For example, you could include a short interview with a satisfied customer discussing how your product helped them achieve specific goals.
  • Transparency & Proactive Support: Be transparent about your product's features, benefits, and limitations. Address potential challenges upfront and provide solutions, demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction. This builds confidence in your brand's authenticity and fosters trust.

Successful SaaS Video Elements

A successful SaaS onboarding video combines engaging storytelling, informative content, and persuasive messaging.

  • Compelling Storyline: Capture viewers' attention with a compelling narrative. Consider using a problem-solution approach or a character-driven story to showcase how your product solves a specific problem and delivers tangible benefits.
  • Clear Value Proposition: Communicate your product's value proposition clearly and concisely. Emphasize how it solves customer problems and delivers tangible benefits. Use strong visuals and concise language to make your message memorable.
  • High-Quality Visuals: Enhance the viewing experience with high-quality visuals, including animations, graphics, and live-action footage. Visuals can help explain complex concepts, showcase product features, and make your video more engaging.

SaaS Video Customer Satisfaction

Onboarding videos can significantly improve customer satisfaction by providing a positive and informative onboarding experience.

  • Welcome & Positive Tone: Greet new users with a friendly and engaging video that sets a positive tone for their onboarding journey. Make them feel valued and excited to use your product.
  • Clear Instructions & FAQs: Provide clear and concise instructions, guiding users through the onboarding process with ease. Anticipate common questions and address them proactively within the video or through linked resources. This minimizes frustration and reduces the need for support inquiries.

Example: A video could demonstrate how to set up a user profile, navigate the dashboard, and access key features, followed by a brief FAQ section addressing common setup issues.

SaaS Onboarding Video Explained

A SaaS onboarding journey video is a digital guide designed to familiarize new users with your software as a service (SaaS) product. It serves as a welcoming introduction, showcasing key features, functionalities, and best practices for using the product effectively.

Onboarding videos aim to reduce the learning curve, improve user adoption, and enhance the overall customer experience. They can be used at various stages of the onboarding process, from initial signup to ongoing feature introductions.

SaaS Video Types

SaaS onboarding videos come in various formats, each serving a specific purpose:

  • Explainer Videos: Provide a high-level overview of the product and its benefits, ideal for initial introductions.
  • Demo Videos: Offer a practical demonstration of the product's features and functionality, showcasing its value proposition.
  • Tutorial Videos: Provide step-by-step guidance on using specific features or solving common problems, ideal for ongoing support.
  • Screencast Videos: Record a live demonstration of the product, offering a realistic view of its interface and workflow.
  • Animated Videos: Use animation to explain complex concepts or showcase product features in a visually engaging way.

SaaS Video Importance

In the competitive SaaS landscape, onboarding videos are crucial for attracting and retaining customers.

  • Reduced Churn: By empowering users to understand and utilize your product effectively, onboarding videos can significantly reduce churn. When users feel confident and comfortable using your product, they are more likely to stick around.
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Onboarding videos provide a positive and informative onboarding experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction. This positive first impression can foster long-term loyalty and advocacy.
  • Improved Product Adoption: By showcasing the value and functionality of your product, onboarding videos can drive product adoption. When users understand how your product can benefit them, they are more likely to fully utilize its features and integrate it into their workflows.

Author at advids
I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!