Video Creation Service

30 Best UX Walkthrough Tour Videos That Enhance User Experience

Orko Roy
Last updated
Sep. 04, 2024

User experience is paramount in today's digital landscape. Founders and marketeers are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage users and guide them seamlessly through their products or services. A well-crafted UX walkthrough tour video has emerged as an invaluable tool to achieve this, providing an immersive and informative experience that traditional methods often lack.

With the ever-evolving digital landscape and the increasing demand for seamless user experiences, incorporating UX walkthrough tour videos into your marketing and product adoption strategies is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Let's dive in.

1. CorVel

CorVel develops innovative technology to help their partners manage risks. This video is designed to communicate their commitment to innovation and showcase its benefits.

Video Design - CorVel uses a simple and modern design style. They utilize a primarily blue color scheme with accents of white, yellow, and red. The use of bold colors and gradients make this a strong UX Walkthrough Tour Video. The design is visually appealing, engaging, and easy to follow.

The video effectively communicates the brand's commitment to innovation. The use of abstract imagery with bold colors and graphics creates a visually appealing narrative. CorVel uses a light and positive tone, making the video easy to understand and feel good about. The visuals and narrative work together to create a brand that is committed to progress, collaboration, and positive change.

2. Gelato

Gelato is web3's decentralized automation network that helps developers to automate their smart contracts. This video is designed to introduce the Gelato Network and explain how it can be used to make smart contracts work automatically.

Video Design -
The video design uses a variety of 3D animation and graphic elements to create a visually engaging experience. The use of soft, pastel colors and a clean, minimalist aesthetic provides a modern and approachable feel. The video features bright shapes, bubbles, and an infinity symbol. The animation is smooth and fluid, making the video easy to watch. These features make it a good UX Walkthrough Tour Video as it is visually appealing and interesting enough to keep viewers engaged.

The video's animation style communicates the automation concept effectively. The animation of the infinity symbol signifies that Gelato is always running. The bubbles popping out and floating around the logo suggest the automation process is continuous. The visual style of the video presents an energetic, optimistic, and hopeful tone. This helps to show that Gelato is a reliable and trustworthy platform.

3. 360Learning

360Learning is a learning management system that helps companies make compliance training engaging for their learners. This video is designed to show the company's target audience the serious consequences of poor compliance training and how 360Learning can prevent these.

Video Design -
The video starts with a bold, black and white color theme. It uses minimal elements like a simple animated mouse cursor and a series of simple, white squares that transform into green check marks. The green checkmarks are a clear visual representation of the success of compliance training. The graphic design style of the video can be classified as a minimalistic cartoon style which gives the video an informal, playful tone. There are bold cartoonish elements with bright colors, a simple, clean style. This makes the video feel like an Advertising Teaser Video.

The video uses a bold, graphic visual style that is able to communicate the objective of the video clearly. The design style is simple but effective. The contrast in the color palette is striking, allowing the viewer to easily follow the narrative and understand the consequences of poor compliance training. The use of simple animations and cartoon graphics throughout the video make the subject matter relatable, and approachable, while still keeping the serious tone of the message intact.

4. Intel

Intel's gprofiler is a free and open source profiling tool that can be used to continuously monitor application performance with minimal overhead. The video is designed to introduce gprofiler and highlight how it can help developers optimize their applications, improve performance, and reduce costs.

Video Design - The video design is a combination of dynamic graphics and animated data visualizations. The video features a visual representation of the impact of traditional profiling tools on performance, contrasting it with the low overhead nature of gprofiler. The visual style of the video is clean and minimalistic, using bright colors and geometric shapes to create a modern and engaging look. This simple, clean visual design makes the video a good UX Walkthrough Tour Video, conveying the sophistication and innovation of the product.

The visuals in the video effectively communicate the objective of gprofiler, showing how it can be used to monitor and improve application performance. The use of data visualizations helps viewers understand the benefits of using gprofiler. The video's tone is informative and persuasive, using a clear narrative to demonstrate the Value Proposition of the product.

5. Preno

Preno is an accommodation software for hoteliers, this video is designed to show the benefits of the software.

Video Design - This UX Walkthrough Tour Video showcases the Preno software using simple, clean visuals. The use of minimalist graphics, and clear lines creates a clean and modern feel. Color palettes are bright, and eye-catching, with a focus on usability. The video's animation is smooth, and the style of the video makes the Preno software easy to understand, making this a great UX Walkthrough Tour Video.

Preno highlights the challenge that many accommodation owners face, with complex and expensive software options. By showing the frustration with such options, the video communicates the benefit of Preno's simple solution. The video's upbeat tone further emphasizes Preno's goal of streamlining operations and saving hoteliers' time and money. The visuals reinforce the message effectively, by showing an efficient and intuitive system, designed to make running an accommodation business easier.

6. MongoDB

This MongoDB video is designed to introduce MongoDB Atlas, a cloud database service for developers. It highlights Atlas's ability to help solve data challenges and accelerate development.

Video Design - This video uses a clean and modern animation style, with simple, flat graphics and a minimalist color palette. The Motion Graphics Video incorporates 3D elements to show how Atlas works with data. The combination of visuals and animations, coupled with a clear and concise narration, effectively showcases the functionalities of MongoDB Atlas.

The video's visual style effectively communicates the objective of the video by conveying the ease and efficiency of using MongoDB Atlas. The clean and modern design creates a professional and inviting tone, highlighting the platform's user-friendliness and sophisticated capabilities. The animations add a sense of dynamism and clarity, allowing viewers to grasp the core functionalities and benefits of the cloud database service.

7. E COM

E COM Security Solutions helps businesses identify vulnerabilities and threats. The video is designed to demonstrate how the company's network infrastructure security assessment service can help businesses mitigate security risks.

Video Design - This UX Walkthrough Tour Video uses simple graphics and animation to convey complex ideas about network security assessments. The red flags represent potential threats and vulnerabilities. The motion of the graphics allows the viewer to easily follow the narrative. The video effectively explains the process of identifying threats and vulnerabilities.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective of the video. The use of simple graphics and animation makes the video engaging and easy to understand. The blue and white color scheme used throughout the video conveys a sense of professionalism and trustworthiness. The video effectively communicates the company's value proposition and positions the company as a leader in network infrastructure security solutions. The video's tone is informative and engaging, which resonates with the company's target audience of businesses and IT professionals.

8. Trifacta

Trifacta provides a cloud-based data engineering solution. The video is designed to illustrate the ease with which Trifacta's platform can help prepare and transform messy data into actionable insights.

Video Design - The video employs a simple, minimalist design, featuring bright colors and geometric shapes to represent data. These elements are used to convey the ease and efficiency of using the Trifacta platform. A cloud icon, which represents the Trifacta Data Engineering Cloud, is prominently displayed throughout the video. It's an effective Marketing Teaser Video as the visual style is clean, the animation is concise, and the content clearly defines the product value proposition.

The video's visual style is intentionally simple and easy to understand, reflecting the intuitive nature of the Trifacta platform. The use of animated geometric shapes effectively illustrates the process of preparing data and transforming it into meaningful insights. This approach ensures the video is engaging and memorable, while the overall tone is lighthearted and optimistic, conveying the benefits of using Trifacta. The video clearly communicates the value of Trifacta's solution, demonstrating how it can streamline the data engineering process and enable users to extract valuable insights from their data.

9. Vaillant

Vaillant is a heating and cooling company. This video is designed to highlight the benefits of the company's new ecoTEC exclusive model.

Video Design - The video style uses high quality graphics, and a modern aesthetic, which is common among UX Walkthrough Tour Videos for products that are designed to be cutting edge. The imagery is very clean, with minimalist design and simple visuals, for an attractive look. A circular motion graphic is used throughout the video, which emphasizes the connectivity aspect of the product, and how the product integrates seamlessly into a home.

The visual design of the video is able to clearly communicate the core values of the ecoTEC exclusive model: connectivity, sustainability, and control. The circular motion graphic represents the connected nature of the product, which is further emphasized by the imagery of the person using the product's app on their phone. The tone of the video is modern, sophisticated, and appealing, reflecting the product's intended audience of homeowners looking for a modern and connected solution to their heating and cooling needs.

10. AppFolio

AppFolio is a platform that provides property managers with the tools they need to manage their business. The video is designed to show how property managers can use AppFolio to improve communication with their residents, owners, and team during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Video Design - The video uses a bright color palette, simple graphics, and an upbeat tone. This makes it an Advertising Teaser Video, suitable for use on social media, and other platforms where potential customers can be reached. The use of bright and contrasting colors combined with clear animations creates a visually appealing and engaging experience.

The visual style is well-suited to the objective of the video because it portrays a friendly and helpful tone, while communicating the ease of use of the product. This is further emphasized by the narrative, which focuses on the importance of communication during challenging times. The visual style reinforces this message and encourages potential customers to explore AppFolio for themselves.

11. OpenText

OpenText Core Content integrated with Google Workspace helps organizations create a digital workplace, and this video is designed to show how it works.

Video Design - This video is an example of a successful Animated Infographic Video. It uses a bright, simple, and clean color palette with animated visuals that draw the viewers attention to important information about Google Workspace and OpenText Core Content. This is an Animated Infographic Video that uses motion graphics to highlight the relationship between Google Workspace and OpenText Core Content.

The design of this video effectively communicates the objective, which is to explain the importance of these products for organizations transitioning to a digital workplace. The video's visuals are lively and engaging and demonstrate how these products can be easily used, creating a positive and encouraging tone. The video effectively uses motion graphics, and visual elements to deliver the information seamlessly, while keeping the audience engaged.


TRIMIT is a furniture industry-specific business software solution that simplifies business operations. This video is designed to introduce the capabilities of TRIMIT Furniture and how it can optimize furniture companies' operations.

Video Design - TRIMIT's video uses a straightforward design style that is characteristic of UX Walkthrough Tour Videos. The video features a simple white background, and clean, minimal line icons that represent the various business operations that TRIMIT can streamline. The graphics are professional and well-designed, and the use of colors is consistent with TRIMIT's branding.

The video's design effectively communicates the objective of the video, which is to introduce TRIMIT Furniture and its capabilities to a furniture industry audience. The clear and concise graphics, coupled with the concise narrative, create a professional and confident tone. This video, while simple in design, successfully conveys the key message, and the clean visual style aligns with the product's goal of simplifying operations.

13. Wartsila

Wartsila Voyage's Fleet Optimisation Solution (FOS) is a data-driven approach to managing fleets, with the goal of improving safety, efficiency and sustainability. The video is designed to introduce FOS and showcase its benefits.

Video Design - The video is a Motion Infographic Video that utilizes animated graphics and data visualizations to engage the viewer. A blend of simplistic geometric shapes, circles, and lines, as well as color transitions, create an abstract, almost futuristic visual. The use of color and graphics is consistent with the brand's visual identity.

The video's design effectively communicates the core ideas of FOS. The animated graphics and data visualizations help illustrate the benefits of using the solution, particularly in achieving green efficiencies, enhanced performance, and streamlined operations. The overall tone of the video is confident and optimistic, conveying a message of progress and innovation.

14. Confiz

Confiz is a customer driven marketing solution designed to create unique and memorable experiences for customers.

Video Design - The video utilizes a simple yet effective motion infographic style. A clear and minimalist visual design allows the viewer to easily understand the concept of a customer driven marketing solution. The use of color, clean animations, and bold typography helps create a clean, modern aesthetic which is consistent with the theme of the video. The video focuses on the journey of the customer, using an arrow path that indicates the various customer decision points. The animation of the arrow path indicates customer decisions and illustrates the Confiz solution.

The video successfully communicates the goal of Confiz, which is to help businesses understand and connect with their customers. Confiz helps businesses engage with their customers by understanding their needs and providing them with personalized brand experiences. The video has a professional and informative tone, reflecting the value and power of the solution. The video uses a clean design style to communicate its objective, making the information easily digestible for the viewer.

15. Back Market

Back Market is a global marketplace that aims to make refurbished technology more affordable and sustainable. This video is designed to promote their refurbished products and encourage consumers to choose them over new phones.

Video Design - This is a well-crafted Animated Infographic Video that uses minimal graphics and a clean design. The video uses bright colors, especially green, to highlight the brand's commitment to sustainability. It features a mix of text and images to highlight the e-waste crisis and showcase the benefits of choosing refurbished technology. The video incorporates bold and simple typography and uses a combination of black and white imagery with splashes of green to add visual interest.

The video successfully communicates the message that choosing refurbished technology is a better way to reduce e-waste. It uses a humorous tone and a playful style to engage viewers, making the message both entertaining and educational. The video visual design further emphasizes the message by highlighting the phone's sleekness and emphasizing the brand's focus on sustainability.

16. 1Password

1Password provides a secure, integrated solution for password management. The video is designed to demonstrate the integration of 1Password with existing infrastructure, providing IT with the necessary visibility and control over user sign-ins.

Video Design - The video uses clean and modern design with an animated graphic style. Motion graphics animation, featuring simple, white background with colorful lines and check marks that connect to the 1Password logo, are used to highlight the ease of integration. Simple animated icons visually represent the key elements such as identity providers, security information and event management (SIEM) tools, two-factor authentication (MFA), and developer tools. This visual style makes the video easy to follow and understand.

The video style and content work together to convey the value proposition of 1Password. The focus on integration and security is communicated through the use of simple graphics and animations. The clean and modern design enhances the visual appeal, making the message clear and engaging. The overall tone of the video is professional and informative, highlighting the importance of 1Password in securing user sign-ins.

17. IndexExchange

IndexExchange is a company that helps publishers make more money by using software to buy digital ads. The video is designed to help marketers understand how programmatic technology works and the benefits it offers.

Video Design - This video uses simple, line-art illustrations with a blue color scheme to present a compelling Marketing Teaser Video. The white text on the blue background creates a clean, modern look. The graphic style is similar to a whiteboard animation, making it very easy to understand the complex topic of programmatic advertising. The video employs simple, clean animation to emphasize the flow of data and the targeting process.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective of increasing efficiency and reaching qualified individuals. The video emphasizes the use of data and technology to personalize ad experiences. The use of visual metaphors, such as the grid of faces and the blue circles, helps to illustrate the targeting process. The video's tone is clear and concise, making it accessible to a broad audience. The video is informative but engaging, which helps keep viewers interested in the topic of programmatic advertising.

18. Kion

Kion is a cloud enablement solution, the video is designed to introduce this new solution.

Video Design - The video uses a minimalist visual style, highlighting the simplicity of Kion's approach to cloud management. The video uses a combination of clean graphics and minimal text, making it a good Marketing Teaser Video. It is also engaging with the use of various graphical elements such as the cloud symbol, a person with a wrench, and a gear representing the Kion solution's focus on cloud enablement.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective of introducing Kion. The simple, modern design emphasizes the ease of use, accessibility, and efficiency of the solution, which in turn allows it to effectively empower organizations. The video conveys a professional and informative tone.

19. PanMon

PanMon is a pantograph condition monitoring system that provides real-time surveillance of pantograph units on electrified train or tram services. The video is designed to highlight how this solution can help identify vehicles posing a risk to overhead wires.

Video Design - The video utilizes a simple and clean design style, featuring animated 3D models. A high-quality graphic style is used to create a realistic representation of a train moving on a track, and the video effectively uses color and imagery to highlight the pantograph, the overhead wires, and the related infrastructure. This is a great UX Walkthrough Tour Video because it introduces the product and its applications with a clear and concise visual narrative, using simple but powerful visuals.

PanMon utilizes a visually appealing, yet simple design that effectively communicates its objective and target audience. The video utilizes vibrant color palettes and animated 3D models to create a visually engaging experience. By showcasing a train traversing through a realistic 3D environment, the video clearly demonstrates the product's application and benefits. The overall tone of the video is professional and informative, successfully communicating the value proposition of the solution and its ability to mitigate the risk of damage to the overhead wires.

20. Avantor

Avantor provides biorepository and archiving services for biological research samples and manufactured products. The video is designed to introduce Avantor's services and communicate their value to viewers.

Video Design - The video features a clean, modern design with minimalist graphics and bright colors. It uses simple animated icons and illustrations. The video is fast paced with simple narration, which makes it easy to digest. This style of video is perfect for a product demo or sample video.

The video's visual design effectively communicates Avantor's focus on meticulous care and security. The use of bright colors and animated icons creates a positive and engaging tone while highlighting the importance of protecting valuable research assets. The video ends with a clear message that Avantor is the trusted partner for biorepository and archiving needs.

21. Microsoft

Microsoft Power Apps is a low-code application development platform, this video is designed to explain how to use this tool to create applications and share them quickly.

Video Design - This Product Demo Video showcases the ease and intuitive nature of the product. The video utilizes a clean and simple animation style. The use of animated graphics helps emphasize the drag-and-drop simplicity of the platform and the visual appeal of the apps built with it. The clear layout and minimalist design helps users understand the process of creating apps with the platform.

The video's visual style conveys a clear, professional, and easy-to-understand tone. The animation style reflects the low-code and drag-and-drop nature of the platform, further emphasizing the ease of use. It highlights how the platform can automate and improve processes, and how the created applications can be shared quickly, thus driving user engagement and highlighting the value proposition of Microsoft Power Apps.

22. Mezmo

Mezmo, formerly LogDNA, is a platform that helps make observability data actionable, driving productivity for modern engineering teams. The video is designed to showcase Mezmo's capabilities and the benefits it offers.

Video Design - The video uses a combination of animated geometric shapes and text, creating a visually engaging, modern, and minimalistic style. This approach is effective in capturing attention, as the Advertising Teaser Video emphasizes the fluidity and freedom of data flow. The geometric shapes, such as circles, squares, and lines, represent the data itself. The color palette is vibrant and contrasting, drawing the viewer's eye to the key elements and enhancing the overall impact. The use of animation and bold typography further adds dynamism and readability to the video.

The visual style of the video is impactful and communicates its key message about freeing data and enhancing productivity. The abstract, graphic design, combined with concise and bold text, creates an engaging and memorable experience that effectively highlights Mezmo's unique capabilities. The video is designed to capture attention, convey a sense of modernity and innovation, and drive the viewer to learn more about Mezmo. The video's tone is confident, modern, and future-oriented.

23. N7

N7 is a digital experience and streaming platform, designed to deliver better experiences and drive conversions. This video is designed to introduce N7 and its unique approach to eCommerce.

Video Design - N7's UX Walkthrough Tour Video utilizes bold, minimalist design. Each scene contains an overlay of abstract topographical lines. This visually represents the concept of navigating the digital landscape, with each of the keywords signifying a critical element that helps brands to successfully navigate the online world. The video utilizes a variety of graphics, with each keyword in a different font and color scheme to create visual interest and aid in retention.

The minimalist design of the video, coupled with the impactful keywords, effectively communicates the purpose and benefits of N7. The video is concise and engaging, focusing on the core elements of N7's platform and the value it brings to eCommerce brands.

24. ntouch Insight

Intouch Insight offers customer experience management solutions and services, designed to help businesses make smarter decisions. The video is designed to communicate the value of this solution, showcasing how Intouch Insight helps organizations leverage customer insights.

Video Design - The video utilizes a minimalist design style, employing vibrant colors and simple shapes, creating a visually engaging and playful aesthetic. Geometric shapes and clean lines dominate the graphics, with a focus on bold color palettes, creating a striking visual contrast against the bright blue backdrop, effectively capturing attention, and highlighting Intouch Insight's mission. The overall video style is that of a Marketing Teaser Video, focusing on showcasing the company's core value proposition through strong visuals and a clear message.

The video's visual style effectively communicates Intouch Insight's commitment to delivering valuable customer insights and helps establish a modern and innovative tone. The choice of bright colors and minimalist design emphasizes the company's data-driven approach, while the playful elements of the video convey the brand's easy-to-use and accessible platform. The video's upbeat tempo creates a sense of energy and optimism, suggesting that Intouch Insight is a company that can help businesses thrive in a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape.

25. State Street

State Street is introducing a new peer-to-peer financing platform, Venturi, that eliminates intermediaries and promotes transparency. The video is designed to showcase Venturi's benefits to investors and borrowers.

Video Design - The Animated Infographic Video utilizes a minimalist, yet engaging design, showcasing the features of Venturi through simplified graphics. The video features abstract shapes, vibrant colors, and dynamic transitions. These elements create a modern and visually appealing aesthetic.

The visual style of the video communicates the power and simplicity of Venturi. The use of abstract shapes and dynamic transitions emphasizes the platform's streamlined nature, while the bright colors and clear graphics communicate its user-friendliness. The video adopts a light-hearted tone, showcasing the platform's ability to connect investors and borrowers directly, with the goal of providing seamless access to liquidity and improved yields.

26. TeamViewer

TeamViewer's xPick is a pick-by-vision solution that helps businesses speed up and improve their warehousing and logistics processes. This video is designed to showcase xPick's ability to increase productivity and reduce errors.

Video Design - The video uses a clean, modern style with flat graphics and a bright color palette. The animation is simple and effective, and the video follows a logical progression, beginning with the problems that xPick aims to solve and then introducing the solution. The video is a good example of a Motion Infographic Video, as it uses visuals and animation to convey information. xPick is highlighted as a pick-by-vision solution. It emphasizes the solution's ability to streamline processes like order picking, inventory management, and sorting. The video clearly shows how xPick simplifies the process of picking and reduces the chances of error.

The visual style of the video clearly communicates the objective of the video. The video begins with a cartoon character experiencing the challenges of slow picking times and high error rates, making the issue relatable for the audience. This effectively sets up the need for a solution, which is then presented by xPick. The video then goes on to highlight the key features and benefits of xPick, using animation and visuals to illustrate its simplicity and ease of use. The video concludes by showing how xPick can help businesses increase productivity, reduce errors, and improve overall efficiency. The video's simple and engaging style makes it easy for viewers to understand xPick's value proposition. The optimistic tone of the video conveys a sense of possibility and confidence.

27. AWS

This video is designed to introduce viewers to asset tracking solutions for warehouses. The video uses animation to visualize the concept.

Video Design - The video uses a cartoon style design with isometric graphics and a bright color palette. This cartoon style is engaging and easier to understand for the general audience. The video shows various warehouse activities with simple and repetitive animations, making it a good Social Media Teaser Video. The use of clean and minimal graphics make it visually appealing, yet effective in communicating the intended message.

The visual style of the video uses simple animation to quickly and effectively communicate the concept of asset tracking. It emphasizes efficiency, ease of use, and the positive impact it can have on warehousing operations. The simple design paired with the clear visuals helps the viewer grasp the core message quickly and easily.

28. Health-RI

Health-RI is a company that helps manage the huge amounts of data involved in modern health research. The video is designed to introduce their “Personal Health Train” solution, which gives access to various health datasources without sharing data in a central database.

Video Design - This is a Social Media Teaser Video. It starts with an animated scene showing people walking and cycling, with red plus signs appearing above them, representing data. The video then showcases an abstract concept of Health-RI's solution, where a train is taking research questions to the data. The visuals are simple, clean and engaging with vibrant colours.

The clean visual design drives the goal of the video effectively. The animation style and the visuals capture the essence of a “Personal Health Train,” demonstrating how the research question is being taken to the data rather than vice-versa. The video's tone is informative, engaging, and optimistic, showcasing the potential of Health-RI's technology to advance health research.

29. Amplitude

Amplitude is a product analytics platform, that helps to track and understand user behavior, and this video is designed to provide an overview of the Amplitude product and how it works.

Video Design - This UX Walkthrough Tour Video employs a unique and captivating visual style that effectively conveys the story of a young boy discovering the power of energy. The video utilizes a minimalist design, featuring simple but expressive illustrations, a vibrant color palette, and clean animation. The use of dynamic transitions and close-up shots on the characters creates a sense of excitement and wonder.

The video's visual style reflects the product's core values, which emphasizes clarity, simplicity, and user-friendliness. The clean lines, bold colors, and focused animation create a memorable and engaging viewing experience for the audience. The video's visual design effectively communicates the brand's message by showcasing the impact that Amplitude can have on users' lives, transforming their experiences with technology. The video features a compelling narrative that highlights the transformative power of energy, and the positive impact it can have on individuals and communities. The narrative is told through a simple and relatable story, which resonates with the audience on an emotional level. The overall tone of the video is positive and optimistic, highlighting the potential of Amplitude to empower users and bring about positive change.

30. Hotjar Ux Walkthrough Tour Video

Hotjar is a user research platform, this video is designed to introduce a new feature called Highlights.

Video Design - The video features a minimalist design, simple animated graphics, and a motion infographic style. The use of clean white backgrounds, bold text, and bright colors like yellow and red help to make the video engaging and memorable. The visuals in the video are clean, high-quality, and help to illustrate the functionality of the product in a simple and clear manner. The video effectively communicates the value of the Highlights feature through its clear visuals, simple animations, and concise narrative. The video design is modern, clean, and easy to understand, which is consistent with Hotjar's overall brand image.

The video visual style communicates the objective of the video, which is to introduce and highlight the benefits of the new feature, Highlights, in an engaging and informative manner. The video has a professional yet friendly tone, reflecting the brand's overall approach to user research. The video uses visual cues, like the animation of the cursor hovering over the key elements of the product, to drive the video goal, which is to show how easy it is to use Highlights. The video successfully communicates the value of Highlights, by showing how this feature can help to solve a common problem in user research, which is the challenge of sharing insights effectively with team members.

Key Takeaways

What are the key touchpoints to consider when creating a Ux Walkthrough Tour Video for a B2B software?

Creating a compelling Ux Walkthrough Tour Video for B2B software requires focusing on key touchpoints that resonate with your target audience. These touchpoints showcase the software's value proposition and demonstrate its capabilities in an engaging and informative way.
  • Emphasize Benefits, Not Just Features: Instead of simply listing features, highlight how they directly address specific business problems and the tangible benefits they offer. For example, instead of saying "Our software has automated reporting," say "Save hours each week with our automated reporting feature, freeing up your team to focus on strategic initiatives."
  • Seamless Integration: Demonstrate how your software integrates with popular tools your audience already uses. This showcases a streamlined workflow and enhanced efficiency. For instance, visually demonstrate the integration with Salesforce, highlighting how data flows seamlessly between the two platforms.
  • Intuitive Design: Showcase the user interface and user experience, emphasizing ease of navigation and a visually appealing design. Use screen recordings to demonstrate how easy it is to complete common tasks, highlighting intuitive menus and user-friendly workflows.
  • Real-World Use Cases: Provide practical examples of how your software is successfully implemented across different industries or business scenarios. This illustrates its versatility and effectiveness. For example, showcase a brief case study of how a marketing agency used your software to improve campaign performance.

Customer Journey Design

A well-crafted Ux Walkthrough Tour Video can strategically map out the customer journey, visually guiding viewers through each stage of engagement with your product.
  • Visual Representation: The video becomes a powerful tool for visually representing each stage of the customer journey, from initial awareness to purchase. For example, you can use animations to show a customer discovering your software through online research, then exploring its features on your website.
  • Product Usage Guidance: Illustrate the stages of customer interaction with your product, highlighting its functionalities and benefits within a natural context. Show how a user would navigate the software to complete a specific task, emphasizing the ease of use and efficiency gains.
  • Addressing Customer Pain Points: Proactively showcase solutions to common pain points a customer might encounter during their journey. For instance, if users often struggle with data import, demonstrate how your software simplifies this process with a user-friendly interface and clear instructions.

Video Storytelling Types

The narrative structure you choose for your Ux Walkthrough Tour Video plays a crucial role in engaging viewers and conveying your message. Different narratives cater to specific goals and target audiences.
  • Problem-Solution Narrative: This approach resonates strongly by highlighting a common problem faced by your target audience and then demonstrating how your software provides a compelling solution. For example, you could start by showing the frustration of manually managing projects, then introduce your software as a solution that streamlines project management.
  • Feature-Focused Narrative: If your goal is to showcase key features, this narrative style is ideal. Emphasize the benefits of each feature and how they enhance the user experience. For instance, you could dedicate segments of the video to showcasing specific features like reporting, analytics, or collaboration tools.
  • Story-Driven Narrative: Craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your target audience, seamlessly weaving your software as a key element within the story. For example, you could tell the story of a business struggling with inefficiency, then show how your software helped them achieve significant growth and success.
  • Testimonial-Based Narrative: Leverage the power of social proof by featuring real-life customers sharing their positive experiences with your software. This builds trust and credibility. Include short video clips of satisfied customers explaining how your software has helped them achieve their business goals.

Winning Marketing Strategy

A well-crafted Ux Walkthrough Tour Video can be a cornerstone of a winning marketing strategy, driving engagement and propelling you towards your business goals.
  • Content Marketing: Position your brand as a thought leader by creating informative videos that educate your target audience. For example, create a series of videos explaining best practices in your industry and subtly showcasing how your software can be used to implement these practices.
  • Social Media Marketing: Share short, attention-grabbing video clips on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your website. Use compelling visuals and concise messaging to pique interest and encourage viewers to click through to learn more.
  • Email Marketing: Enhance your email campaigns by including video links, providing a more interactive experience for your subscribers. For instance, in a nurture email sequence, include a video demonstrating a specific feature relevant to the recipient's industry or interests.
  • Paid Advertising: Maximize your ROI by running targeted video ads on platforms like Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads. Use compelling ad copy and visuals to attract your ideal customers and drive them to your landing page.

High-Quality Video Elements

Creating a high-quality Ux Walkthrough Tour Video requires meticulous attention to various elements that contribute to its effectiveness and impact.
  • Visual Appeal: Captivate your audience with high-quality visuals, professional animation, and compelling graphics. Use a consistent brand color palette and typography to create a visually cohesive and professional look.
  • Clear and Concise Narration: Employ a professional voiceover that delivers your message clearly and engagingly. Ensure the narration is well-paced, easy to understand, and complements the visuals effectively.
  • Relevant and Engaging Content: Focus on delivering value by showcasing key features, addressing customer pain points, and providing information that resonates with your target audience. Tailor the content to specific user personas and their needs.
  • Call to Action: Include a clear and compelling call to action that guides viewers towards the next step. For example, encourage them to visit your website, sign up for a free trial, or request a demo.
  • Optimize for Different Platforms: Maximize your video's reach by optimizing it for various platforms, including YouTube, Vimeo, and social media. Ensure the video is properly formatted and encoded for each platform to ensure a seamless viewing experience.

Customer Support Enhancement

A well-designed Ux Walkthrough Tour Video can empower your customers to resolve issues independently, reducing their reliance on direct contact with support agents.
  • Onboarding New Customers: Streamline the onboarding process by guiding new customers through the initial setup and familiarizing them with the software's features. For example, create a welcome video that walks new users through the account setup process and highlights key features they need to get started.
  • Troubleshooting Common Issues: Equip customers with the tools to solve problems independently by providing step-by-step instructions for resolving common issues. Create a library of short videos addressing frequently asked questions and troubleshooting common errors.
  • Explaining Complex Features: Break down complex features into easily digestible segments, making it easier for customers to understand and utilize the full potential of your software. For instance, create a series of videos explaining advanced features in detail, using screen recordings and animations to illustrate the concepts.

Product Engagement Boost

A well-crafted Ux Walkthrough Tour Video can boost engagement with your product by providing a captivating and interactive experience.
  • Visual Storytelling: Captivate your audience from the outset by employing engaging visuals, animation, and storytelling techniques. For example, you could use animation to illustrate a customer's journey from a problem to a solution, with your software as the hero of the story.
  • Interactive Elements: Transform passive viewers into active participants by incorporating interactive elements. For instance, you could include clickable hotspots that allow viewers to explore specific features in more detail or branching paths that tailor the video experience to their individual needs.
  • Personalized Content: Tailor the video content to resonate with the specific needs and interests of your target audience. For example, you could create different versions of the video for different user personas, highlighting the features and benefits that are most relevant to each group.

B2B Lead Generation

In the competitive B2B landscape, capturing qualified leads is paramount. A well-designed Ux Walkthrough Tour Video can effectively showcase your software's value proposition and compel viewers to take action.
  • Targeted Content: Craft videos that speak directly to the specific needs and challenges faced by your target audience. For example, if you're targeting marketing professionals, create a video that focuses on how your software can help them improve campaign performance and track ROI.
  • Compelling Call to Action: Include a clear and compelling call to action that encourages viewers to take the next step. For instance, you could offer a free trial, a demo request, or a downloadable resource in exchange for their contact information.
  • Lead Capture Forms: Integrate lead capture forms directly into your video player or landing page, allowing viewers to easily provide their contact information. Make the form short and easy to fill out, and clearly explain the value they'll receive in exchange for their information.

New Customer Onboarding

First impressions matter. A well-designed Ux Walkthrough Tour Video can significantly enhance the onboarding experience for new customers.
  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Empower new customers to confidently use your product by providing clear and concise instructions for setting up the product and utilizing key features. For example, create a video that walks new users through the process of creating their first project, assigning tasks, and tracking progress.
  • Visual Demonstrations: Go beyond static explanations by using visual demonstrations to illustrate the product's functionalities. Use screen recordings and animations to show users how to complete common tasks and navigate the software interface.
  • Interactive Elements: Transform the onboarding process from a passive experience to an engaging one by incorporating interactive elements. For instance, you could include quizzes to test users' understanding of key concepts or branching paths that allow them to choose the onboarding path that best suits their needs.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Converting viewers into paying customers is the ultimate goal. A well-crafted Ux Walkthrough Tour Video can effectively showcase your product's value proposition and compel viewers to take action.
  • Targeted Content: Craft videos that speak directly to the specific needs and challenges faced by your target audience at different stages of the buyer's journey. For example, create separate videos for users who are just becoming aware of your product versus those who are actively comparing solutions.
  • Compelling Call to Action: Include a clear and compelling call to action that encourages viewers to take the next step in the buying process. For instance, you could offer a limited-time discount, a free consultation, or a case study download to incentivize conversions.
  • Social Proof: Incorporate testimonials and case studies into your video to build trust and credibility. Showcasing real-world examples of how your product has helped other businesses achieve their goals can be a powerful motivator for potential customers.

Pain Point Resolution

Addressing customer pain points effectively is crucial for building trust and converting prospects into loyal customers. A well-designed Ux Walkthrough Tour Video can be an invaluable tool in this process.
  • Identify Common Pain Points: Conduct thorough research to identify the most common pain points experienced by your target audience. Use surveys, customer feedback, and competitor analysis to gain insights into their challenges.
  • Showcase Solutions: Clearly demonstrate how your product or service directly addresses the identified pain points. Use visuals, animations, and real-world examples to show how your product solves their problems and makes their lives easier.
  • Empathy and Understanding: Use language that demonstrates empathy and understanding of your customers' challenges. Avoid technical jargon and focus on communicating the benefits of your product in a clear and relatable way.

Software UX Improvement

A positive user experience is paramount for the success of any software. A well-designed Ux Walkthrough Tour Video can significantly enhance this experience.
  • Onboarding New Users: Provide a smooth and intuitive onboarding experience by guiding new users through the initial setup process and familiarizing them with the software's key features. Use clear and concise instructions, visual demonstrations, and interactive elements to make the onboarding process engaging and effective.
  • Contextual Help: Integrate short walkthrough videos directly into your software interface to provide contextual help when users need it most. For example, offer a short video tutorial when a user first encounters a new feature or struggles to complete a specific task.
  • User Feedback: Use the video as a tool to gather user feedback and identify areas for improvement. Include a feedback form at the end of the video or encourage users to leave comments and suggestions.

Value Proposition Showcase

In a crowded marketplace, effectively communicating your product's value proposition is crucial for attracting customers. A well-crafted Ux Walkthrough Tour Video can be your secret weapon.
  • Focus on Benefits: Clearly articulate the key benefits of your product and how it solves specific problems for your target audience. Use visuals and storytelling to illustrate the value your product brings to their lives or businesses.
  • Highlight Unique Features: Differentiate your product from the competition by showcasing its unique features and functionalities. Demonstrate how these features provide a competitive advantage and make your product a more compelling choice.
  • Tailor the Message: Create different versions of the video for different target audiences, highlighting the aspects of your value proposition that are most relevant to each group. For example, you might create separate videos for small businesses, enterprise customers, and specific industry verticals.

Feature Highlight Video

A Ux Walkthrough Tour Video excels at showcasing product features by going beyond static explanations. Instead of simply listing features, use visual demonstrations like screen recordings with zoom-ins and callouts to illustrate how each feature works in action. For example, if you're showcasing a photo editing app, demonstrate the cropping tool by actually cropping a photo within the video.
Provide step-by-step instructions to guide viewers through using each feature. Numbered steps or a clear voiceover can make it easy to follow along. Imagine demonstrating how to create a new project in a design software – each step, from opening the application to selecting a template, can be visually presented and explained.
Finally, focus on the benefits, not just the features themselves. Connect each feature to a user need or pain point. Instead of just saying "our software has advanced reporting capabilities," show how those reports can help users save time or make better decisions. By highlighting the "why" behind each feature, you make the video more engaging and persuasive.

Compelling Story Creation

Transform your product demo into a captivating story by incorporating narrative elements. Start by establishing a clear narrative arc. Introduce a user persona, like a freelance designer struggling to manage projects, and frame the video around their journey to find a solution.
Introduce relatable characters that viewers can connect with. Perhaps your designer persona is overwhelmed by deadlines and disorganized files. This creates empathy and makes the product's benefits more tangible.
Develop conflict and resolution. Show the designer struggling with their current workflow, highlighting the frustrations and inefficiencies. Then, introduce your product as the solution that helps them overcome these challenges and achieve their goals, creating a satisfying resolution to the story.

Attention-Grabbing Hook

In the first few seconds, you need to hook your viewers. Start with compelling visuals. Imagine opening your video with a dynamic animation of your product's logo transforming into its user interface, or a visually stunning shot of the product in action.
Intriguing questions can also pique curiosity. Start with a question like, "Tired of spending hours creating presentations?" or "Wish there was an easier way to manage your social media?" This immediately draws viewers in, encouraging them to seek answers within your video.
Unexpected twists can keep viewers engaged. Perhaps you start with a common user frustration and then introduce your product in a humorous or surprising way. This disrupts expectations and makes the video more memorable.

Video Type Leverage

Ux Walkthrough Tour Videos can be adapted to various formats to suit different needs. Product demos
can showcase the core features and benefits. For example, a demo for a project management tool could highlight task creation, team collaboration, and progress tracking.
Software tutorials provide step-by-step instructions. Imagine a tutorial demonstrating how to use the advanced features of a video editing software, guiding users through each step with screen recordings and voiceovers.
Customer testimonials build trust and credibility. Feature satisfied users sharing their positive experiences with your product. For instance, a testimonial from a marketing manager explaining how your analytics platform helped them improve their campaigns adds authenticity and social proof.

Integrated Marketing Campaign

Your Ux Walkthrough Tour Video can be a powerful asset across your marketing channels. Use it in your content marketing efforts. Embed the video in relevant blog posts or create landing pages dedicated to specific features highlighted in the video.
Promote it through social media marketing. Share short, engaging snippets of the video on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn, driving traffic to your website or landing page.
Integrate it into your email marketing. Include a link to the video in your email newsletters or automated email sequences, providing subscribers with a more engaging way to learn about your product.

Targeted Audience Reach

To effectively reach your target audience, tailor your video's content and style. Content personalization is key. If you're targeting small business owners, focus on features that address their specific needs, like managing inventory or processing online orders.
Visual appeal matters. If your target audience is young and tech-savvy, use a vibrant color palette, fast-paced editing, and modern graphics. For a more professional audience, opt for a cleaner, more sophisticated aesthetic.
Messaging should resonate with your audience's pain points and aspirations. If you're targeting busy professionals, emphasize how your product can save them time and increase productivity.

Social Media Short Form

Social media demands concise and engaging content. Focus on key highlights. Instead of showcasing every feature, select the 2-3 most impactful ones and demonstrate them quickly and effectively.
Use engaging visuals. Bright colors, dynamic animations, and eye-catching graphics can help your video stand out in a crowded social media feed.
Include a clear call to action. Encourage viewers to visit your website, learn more, or sign up for a free trial. Make it easy for them to take the next step.

Micro-Interaction Enhancement

Micro-interactions add subtle details that enhance engagement. Button animations
provide visual feedback. When a user clicks a button, a subtle color change or a "bounce" animation confirms their action and makes the experience feel more responsive.
Progress bars keep users informed. If your video is demonstrating a multi-step process, a progress bar visually indicates how far along the viewer is, reducing anxiety and encouraging them to continue watching.
Hover effects can reveal additional information. Imagine hovering over a feature icon in the video to reveal a tooltip with a brief description or a link to learn more.

A/B Testing Implementation

A/B testing helps you optimize your video's performance. Create content variations. You could test two versions of your video: one that focuses on features and another that emphasizes benefits. Track which version leads to higher engagement and conversions.
Experiment with visual variations. Test different color palettes, animation styles, or even the order in which features are presented. Analyze which visual approach resonates best with your target audience.
Test call to action variations. Try different button text, colors, or placement. See which version drives the most clicks and conversions.

Marketing Funnel Guidance

Your video can be tailored to nurture leads through each stage of the funnel. At the awareness stage, focus on introducing your product and highlighting a common problem it solves. For example, a video for a time tracking software could start by highlighting the challenges of manual time tracking.
In the consideration stage, delve deeper into your product's features and benefits. Show how the time tracking software automates tasks, generates reports, and improves team productivity.
At the decision stage, provide compelling evidence to solidify their choice. Showcase customer testimonials, case studies, or data-driven results that demonstrate the software's effectiveness and ROI.

UX Walkthrough Video

A Ux Walkthrough Tour Video is a dynamic and engaging way to showcase the user experience of your product or service. It's like a virtual tour guide, leading viewers through the interface, demonstrating features, and highlighting benefits.
Instead of static images or text, a walkthrough video provides a visual representation
of how the product works. Imagine showcasing a mobile app – the video can simulate swiping through screens, tapping buttons, and navigating menus, giving viewers a realistic sense of the user experience.
Walkthrough videos can also be interactive, incorporating clickable elements or quizzes to enhance engagement. This immersive experience makes the product more memorable and understandable.

Video Creation Benefits

Ux Walkthrough Tour Videos offer numerous benefits. They increase engagement by providing a visually stimulating and interactive experience. Studies show that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text.
They improve conversion rates by effectively communicating the product's value proposition and addressing customer pain points. A well-crafted video can significantly increase the likelihood of viewers taking the desired action, such as signing up for a free trial or making a purchase.
They enhance customer satisfaction by empowering users to confidently navigate and utilize the product. By providing clear instructions and addressing common questions, walkthrough videos can reduce support inquiries and improve the overall customer experience.

Business Video Importance

In today's competitive digital landscape, a Ux Walkthrough Tour Video is essential for businesses to stand out and connect with their target audience. It allows for visual storytelling, capturing attention and making your brand more memorable. Videos are processed by the brain 60,000 times faster than text, making them a highly effective communication tool.
Walkthrough videos enhance the user experience by providing clear guidance and addressing potential pain points. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth referrals.
They also increase brand awareness by providing shareable content that can be distributed across various platforms. Videos are highly shareable on social media, increasing your brand's reach and visibility.

Author at advids
I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!