Video Creation Service

30 Compelling Animated Explainer Video Examples To Drive Conversions

Last updated
Jul. 01, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of modern marketing, capturing attention and driving conversions is no easy feat. founders and marketers constantly seek innovative ways to engage their target audience and effectively communicate their brand message. amidst the plethora of marketing tools available, animated explainer videos have emerged as a powerful medium, capable of simplifying complex concepts, fostering emotional connections, and ultimately, boosting conversion rates.

The challenge lies in effectively conveying the value proposition of a product or service in a way that resonates with the audience. traditional marketing methods often fall short in capturing attention and maintaining engagement, leading to a disconnect between brands and their potential customers. for instance, lengthy product descriptions or technical jargon can overwhelm and alienate audiences, hindering their understanding and ultimately, their decision to convert.

Animated explainer videos offer a compelling solution to these challenges. by leveraging the power of visual storytelling, animation can break down complex ideas into easily digestible formats, making information more accessible and engaging. the use of vibrant visuals, captivating narratives, and a touch of humor can effectively capture attention, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impression on viewers. moreover, animated explainer videos can be strategically placed across various marketing channels, including websites, social media platforms, and email campaigns, maximizing their reach and impact.

The versatility of animated explainer videos extends across diverse industries and applications. from showcasing the features of a new software application to demonstrating the benefits of a financial service, these videos can effectively communicate value propositions to target audiences. they can be used to introduce new products, explain complex processes, or even highlight the company culture and values. with their ability to simplify, educate, and entertain, animated explainer videos have become an indispensable tool for businesses seeking to enhance their marketing efforts and drive conversions.

With a clear understanding of the need and potential of animated explainer videos, let's dive in and explore 30 compelling examples that showcase their effectiveness in driving conversions.

1. Elaad

This animated explainer video focuses on the significance of seamless electric vehicle (EV) charging experiences, emphasizing the concept of interoperability. It highlights the growing diversity of electric vehicles, encompassing cars, delivery vans, trucks, and even airplanes, alongside the expanding charging infrastructure with varying shapes, sizes, and speeds. The central question revolves around ensuring compatibility and accessibility for all these EVs across different charging stations.

The video's design style effectively conveys the message of interoperability and hassle-free EV charging. The use of vibrant colors, such as purple and teal, creates a visually engaging experience. Simple yet impactful animations, like the arrows connecting the EV to the charging station, clearly illustrate the concept of seamless connectivity. Bold typography for keywords like interoperability and testing further emphasizes the key themes. The minimalist backgrounds ensure that the focus remains on the message and the visuals related to EV charging.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements its message by employing clear visuals, concise text, and a vibrant color palette. This approach effectively educates viewers about the importance of interoperability in EV charging, ensuring a smooth and convenient experience for EV owners regardless of their vehicle or charging station brand.

2. Chainlink

Chainlink oracles bring high-quality, real-world data and computation to blockchains, enabling hybrid smart contract applications that have the power to reinvent global industries. This explainer animation intro focuses on explaining how Chainlink oracles bring definitive truth to the world by reinventing global industries. The animated explainer video uses a minimalist approach with simple icons and a clean color palette to effectively communicate the complex concept of hybrid smart contracts.

The use of geometric shapes, such as hexagons and circles, visually represents the interconnectedness of data and computation within a blockchain network. This clean and modern aesthetic allows the viewer to easily understand the core message of Chainlink's innovative solution. By combining clear visuals with concise explanations, the video successfully highlights the value proposition of Chainlink's oracles for businesses and developers seeking to leverage the power of blockchain technology.

This animated overview explainer video showcases the power of Chainlink oracles in bringing real-world data to the blockchain. The animation effectively communicates the complex concept of hybrid smart contracts, making it easy for viewers to understand. This explainer video is a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn more about Chainlink and its potential to revolutionize global industries.

3. Segment

Segment simplifies the process of generating messages about user activity on your website or app, translating them into various formats, and transmitting them to designated tools known as Destinations.

The video's design style effectively conveys this process through its use of vibrant colors, clean lines, and intuitive visuals. This animated app explainer seamlessly guides viewers through the journey of messages, from their origin in browsers, mobile apps, servers, or cloud applications, to their transformation into different formats such as advertising, email marketing, push notifications, analytics, and webhooks. Each step is visually represented, making it easy for viewers to grasp the concept and functionality of Segment.

By employing a clear and engaging visual style, this animated feature explainer successfully highlights the core value proposition of Segment, which is to streamline and simplify the management of user data and its distribution to various tools. The motion graphics' simplicity and focus on key elements ensure that viewers can easily follow the process and understand how Segment can benefit their businesses.

4. FireMon

This animated explainer video showcases FireMon's innovative approach to automation in security operations, moving beyond the conventional zero touch concept. It delves into how FireMon's solutions empower organizations to enhance their security posture through advanced automation capabilities. This explainer video is a Feature Explainer Teaser.

The video employs a visually engaging isometric design style, effectively illustrating complex concepts related to security automation and compliance. The use of vibrant colors and clean lines creates a modern and professional aesthetic, while the isometric perspective provides a three-dimensional view of the various elements within the security ecosystem. This approach allows viewers to easily grasp the interconnectedness of different components, such as automated design recommendations, proactive compliance measures, and risk scoring, and how they contribute to a comprehensive security strategy.

By combining informative visuals with concise explanations, the video effectively conveys the value proposition of FireMon's automation solutions. The isometric design style not only enhances the visual appeal but also serves as a powerful tool for simplifying intricate security concepts, making it an excellent choice for an Animated Intro Explainer video targeting a technical audience.

5. US Ecology

This animated demo explainer showcases a partnership between two companies aiming to transform retail waste classification and compliance services. It delves into the challenges of wasted time and non-compliance with workforce safety regulations, offering a solution through innovative technology.

The video's design style effectively employs minimalist animation and clean visuals to convey complex information clearly and engagingly. The use of bold colors and simple icons helps viewers quickly grasp key concepts such as item capture, UPC scanning, and the overall workflow of the RetailSiS platform. By focusing on essential elements and avoiding clutter, the video maintains a professional and modern aesthetic that aligns perfectly with the technological nature of the product.

In conclusion, the animated feature explainer's design style successfully complements its informative content, creating a compelling and easy-to-understand explainer. The strategic use of animation, color, and iconography effectively highlights the RetailSiS platform's features and benefits, leaving viewers with a clear understanding of how this partnership is revolutionizing retail waste management and compliance.

6. Freshdesk

Freshdesk's post-call transcripts help businesses retrieve customer details quickly and easily, improving call quality and training processes. Supervisors can review complete calls within minutes, enhancing efficiency.

The video's design style effectively complements its purpose as an animated innovation explainer. The use of bold, contrasting colors and simple shapes creates a visually engaging experience that captures attention. The characters and objects are stylized, allowing viewers to focus on the key message, without distractions. The animation is smooth and dynamic, keeping the audience engaged throughout the video.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the explainer video effectively demonstrates the benefits of Freshdesk's post-call transcripts. The design style enhances the product's appeal, making it an excellent example of how motion graphics animation can be used to create compelling feature explainer teaser videos.

7. Bugcrowd

Bugcrowd attack surface management is the first solution of its kind to match the effort and scale of attackers with the ingenuity and impact of trusted attack-minded defenders for the most organic assessment of real risk possible.

The design style of the video is modern and minimalist, with a focus on clean lines and simple shapes. The use of bright colors and bold typography helps to create a visually appealing and engaging experience for the viewer. The video also makes use of animation to help explain complex concepts in a clear and concise way. The animation is smooth and fluid, and it helps to keep the viewer engaged.

Overall, the design style of the video is effective in communicating the message of bugcrowd attack surface management solution. The video is visually appealing, engaging, and informative. It is clear that a lot of thought and effort went into the design of the video, and it shows. The video is a great example of how design can be used to effectively communicate a message and engage an audience. This is a perfect example of an animated marketing explainer video.

8. MongoDB

Mongodb atlas is an integrated suite of data services centered around a cloud database designed to accelerate and simplify how you build with data. This developer data platform helps solve your data challenges so you can build faster and build smarter. This animated tech explainer video uses a clean and modern design style to highlight the key features and benefits of mongodb atlas. The use of bold colors, simple shapes, and clear typography helps make the information easy to understand and visually appealing. Seamless and elastic scaling, real-time analytics, and personalized insights are just some of the ways that mongodb atlas simplifies how you build with data.

The animated explainer video effectively communicates the value proposition of mongodb atlas and leaves viewers with a clear understanding of how it can help them build better applications. This animated process explainer video is designed to be engaging and informative, using animation to bring the concepts to life. The video is also optimized for online viewing, with a short runtime and clear call to action.

The video is an effective way to learn about mongodb atlas and its capabilities. It is well-produced and easy to follow, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about this powerful data platform.

9. Tipalti

This video showcases the importance of efficient and reliable payment solutions for businesses operating with a digital, online marketplace model. It emphasizes the critical role of a seamless payment process in maintaining a strong network of partners and service providers. The design likely incorporates visuals of interconnected networks, payment flows, and perhaps animated representations of onboarding and compliance processes to visually reinforce these concepts. This video can be categorized as an Explainer Demo Teaser.

The video highlights the challenges faced by businesses in ensuring timely and accurate payments to their partners, particularly when dealing with a large network. It underscores the need for a robust solution that can handle the complexities of onboarding, compliance, and tax validation, especially for businesses with a global reach. The video uses animated motion graphics to explain these concepts.

By addressing these pain points and showcasing the benefits of a reliable payment solution, the video effectively positions Tipalti as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to optimize their partner payments and strengthen their overall marketplace operations. This explainer video acts as an Animated Launch Explainer for Tipalti.

10. Carlson

The carlson boretrak2 is a user-friendly system designed to ensure the precision of drilled holes and assess their deviation from the intended design. This innovative technology plays a crucial role in mitigating the risks associated with flyrock, thereby enhancing safety measures in various drilling operations.

The video effectively showcases the boretrak2's capabilities through a minimalist and informative design style. The use of clean lines, bold typography, and a limited color palette creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for the viewer. The animated process explainer seamlessly guides the audience through the product's features and benefits, highlighting its ability to measure borehole deviation accurately. The strategic use of icons and diagrams further enhances comprehension, making it easy for viewers to grasp the technical aspects of the boretrak2 system.

In conclusion, the video's design style perfectly complements the product's message, effectively conveying the boretrak2's value proposition as a reliable and efficient solution for borehole deviation measurement. The combination of clear visuals, concise messaging, and a focus on the product's key features makes this animated feature explainer video an excellent example of a product explainer.

11. Blend

The video showcases Blend's innovative approach to simplifying the home buying process through digital mortgages. It aims to eliminate the complexities associated with traditional mortgage applications and approvals, making it as seamless as any other online purchase. This animated feature explainer video design style effectively conveys this message by employing a clean and modern aesthetic. The use of vibrant colors, such as blues and purples, creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. The minimalist approach, with simple shapes and uncluttered layouts, ensures that the focus remains on the key features and benefits of Blend's digital mortgage solutions. Clear and concise text further enhances the understanding of the product's functionalities.

By combining a user-friendly interface with intuitive visuals, the animated explainer video effectively demonstrates how Blend streamlines the mortgage process, empowering both lenders and borrowers. The emphasis on mobile accessibility highlights the convenience and flexibility offered by Blend's digital platform. Overall, the video's design style successfully captures the essence of Blend's mission to simplify homeownership through technology. This is a good example of animation.

This animated software explainer video showcases Blend's innovative approach to simplifying the home buying process through digital mortgages. It aims to eliminate the complexities associated with traditional mortgage applications and approvals, making it as seamless as any other online purchase. The video's design style effectively conveys this message by employing a clean and modern aesthetic. The use of vibrant colors, such as blues and purples, creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. The minimalist approach, with simple shapes and uncluttered layouts, ensures that the focus remains on the key features and benefits of Blend's digital mortgage solutions. Clear and concise text further enhances the understanding of the product's functionalities.

12. Medtronic

This video demonstrates how to upgrade your insulin pump to the MiniMed 780G insulin pump via a software upgrade and the Medtronic Diabetes Updater app.

The video uses a clean and simple design style to clearly explain the software upgrade process. The use of flat illustrations and minimal animation helps to keep the focus on the product and its features. The color palette is bright and cheerful, which reflects the positive impact that the product can have on peoples lives.

Overall, the video is an effective explainer video that successfully highlights the benefits of the MiniMed 780G insulin pump software upgrade. The clear and concise messaging, combined with the engaging visuals, makes it easy for viewers to understand the value of the product. This is a good example of an Animated Intro Explainer video.

13. Alation

Alation celebrates its 10th anniversary by showcasing its achievements as a leader in the data catalog industry. The video highlights alation's impressive journey, including establishing the industry's first data catalog and earning the trust of over 25% of fortune 100 companies.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of bold colors, clean lines, and dynamic transitions creates a visually engaging experience that captures the viewer's attention. The animation style is modern and sleek, aligning perfectly with alation's position as a cutting-edge data catalog solution. The video incorporates data visualizations and infographics to present complex information clearly and concisely, reinforcing alation's expertise in data management. This is a good example of an animated company explainer video.

By combining a compelling narrative with a visually appealing design, the video effectively communicates alation's value proposition and establishes its position as the goat of data catalogs. The video's style and design choices successfully convey alation's brand identity as an innovative and reliable leader in the data management space. This explainer intro teaser video is a great way to introduce alation to a wider audience.

14. Strata

This video showcases how flexible consumption models for security solutions can support critical activities like application development. The video emphasizes that procurement processes can be streamlined to avoid shortcuts that compromise security. This animated explainer video utilizes a clean and modern aesthetic with vibrant colors to highlight key features of the VM-Series virtual NGFW, such as credit-based allocation, elastic firewall sizing, and a la carte security services. The isometric illustrations effectively communicate complex concepts like cloud security and software-defined agility in an easily digestible format.

By combining clear messaging with engaging visuals, the video effectively demonstrates how the VM-Series can help organizations achieve a secure and agile cloud environment. This company explainer teaser animation video showcases how flexible consumption models for security solutions can support critical activities like application development. The video emphasizes that procurement processes can be streamlined to avoid shortcuts that compromise security. This animated explainer video utilizes a clean and modern aesthetic with vibrant colors to highlight key features of the VM-Series virtual NGFW, such as credit-based allocation, elastic firewall sizing, and a la carte security services.

The isometric illustrations effectively communicate complex concepts like cloud security and software-defined agility in an easily digestible format. By combining clear messaging with engaging visuals, the video effectively demonstrates how the VM-Series can help organizations achieve a secure and agile cloud environment. This animated explainer video showcases how flexible consumption models for security solutions can support critical activities like application development.

15. Google

This video from Google showcases the power of Google Cloud services, specifically highlighting the capabilities of its global fiber optic network. The video explains how this network seamlessly manages web traffic at scale, ensuring uninterrupted service for Google Cloud users. The animated explainer video uses a simple, colorful, and engaging visual style to illustrate complex concepts like data transfer speeds and global network infrastructure. By employing clear visuals and concise language, the video effectively demonstrates the scale and efficiency of Google's network, emphasizing its ability to transfer massive amounts of data, such as the entirety of Wikipedia, in under a second. The motion graphics in the video successfully convey the message that Google Cloud services are built on a robust and reliable foundation, capable of handling the demands of today's digital world.

This animated feature explainer video showcases the power of Google Cloud services, specifically highlighting the capabilities of its global fiber optic network. The video explains how this network seamlessly manages web traffic at scale, ensuring uninterrupted service for Google Cloud users. The video uses a simple, colorful, and engaging visual style to illustrate complex concepts like data transfer speeds and global network infrastructure. By employing clear visuals and concise language, the video effectively demonstrates the scale and efficiency of Google's network, emphasizing its ability to transfer massive amounts of data, such as the entirety of Wikipedia, in under a second. The video's design successfully conveys the message that Google Cloud services are built on a robust and reliable foundation, capable of handling the demands of today's digital world.

16. Microsoft

This video showcases how selling products on the microsoft commercial marketplace can benefit partners with valuable go-to-market support through marketplace rewards, now integrated into ISV success. Partners can expedite their business growth and successfully seal more deals by engaging with marketplace rewards.

The design aesthetic of the video employs a sleek and modern approach, utilizing a dark background with vibrant, colorful accents to highlight key information about marketplace rewards and ISV success. The use of simple icons and bold typography ensures clear communication of the video's message, emphasizing the benefits of participating in the program, such as increased sales and business growth.

This animated video explainer effectively conveys the value proposition of marketplace rewards and ISV success through its concise messaging and visually engaging design, encouraging partners to leverage these programs for enhanced go-to-market support and business expansion. This animated preview explainer video is a great way to learn more about the program.

17. Siemens

The video showcases the capabilities of Teamcenter Quality, a cloud-based solution designed to streamline quality management processes between manufacturers and their suppliers. The software facilitates efficient exchange of quality data, enabling real-time tracking of complaints and quality actions through interactive dashboards. This animated explainer video is a great way to showcase the software's capabilities.

Teamcenter Quality's user interface is clean and modern, employing a flat design aesthetic with bold colors and simple icons. The use of animation is subtle yet effective, guiding the viewer's attention to key features and functionalities. Screen recordings seamlessly integrate with animated graphics, providing a clear and concise demonstration of the software's capabilities. The explainer animation intro is well-designed and engaging, and the video's pacing is well-balanced, allowing viewers to absorb information without feeling overwhelmed.

By combining a visually appealing design with informative content, the video effectively conveys the value proposition of Teamcenter Quality. It highlights the software's ability to improve communication, enhance collaboration, and ultimately drive quality improvements throughout the supply chain. The video's style is well-suited for its target audience of manufacturing professionals, providing a clear and engaging overview of a complex software solution. This animated software explainer video is a great way to learn about Teamcenter Quality and its benefits.

18. Dun & Bradstreet

This animated overview explainer highlights the challenges organizations face with data management and presents Dun & Bradstreet's master data solutions as the answer to these challenges. It emphasizes the potential of data as an asset for growth while acknowledging the chaos that can arise from an overabundance of information.

The video's design style effectively conveys this message through clean lines, minimalist aesthetics, and a focus on data visualization. The use of simple shapes, such as circles and lines, represents the interconnectedness of data points and the flow of information within an organization. The color palette is muted and professional, with pops of color used strategically to draw attention to key points. The animation is smooth and engaging, guiding the viewer through the narrative in a clear and concise manner.

By combining a clear message with a visually appealing design, the explainer video effectively captures the viewer's attention and explains the value proposition of Dun & Bradstreet's master data solutions. The minimalist style and focus on data visualization reinforce the idea of bringing order to chaos, while the animation and color palette keep the viewer engaged. Overall, the video's design style plays a crucial role in making it a successful explainer.

19. TravelBank

Travelbank offers a comprehensive travel and expense management solution designed to streamline cash flow and spending processes for businesses. This all-in-one platform simplifies travel booking, expense tracking, and reporting, empowering organizations to optimize their financial operations.

The video's design style effectively complements its role as an animated service explainer. The minimalist aesthetic, characterized by clean lines, vibrant colors, and ample white space, ensures that viewers' attention remains focused on the core message: Travelbank's ability to simplify travel and expense management. The use of subtle animations and transitions further enhances engagement without distracting from the informative content. Clear and concise text overlays provide additional context, guiding viewers through the platform's features and benefits.

By combining a visually appealing design with informative content, the video successfully conveys the value proposition of Travelbank as a travel and expense management solution. The use of relatable scenarios and clear visuals effectively demonstrates how the platform can address common pain points faced by businesses, making it an excellent example of an animated innovation explainer video.

20. Radix

Radix is a decentralized finance protocol that enables the development of decentralized applications, tokens, and coins. The protocol offers a high-throughput environment for building and deploying DeFi solutions.

This video is an animated intro explainer. The use of geometric shapes, such as triangles and circles, creates a sense of modernity and sophistication, aligning with the innovative nature of the Radix protocol. The clean lines and minimalist aesthetic enhance the video's clarity, ensuring that the focus remains on the core message of decentralized finance and the capabilities of the Radix protocol. The color palette, primarily consisting of blues and whites, evokes a sense of trust and security, which are crucial aspects of any DeFi platform.

In conclusion, the video's design style effectively supports its purpose as an explainer video for Radix. The visuals are engaging and informative, while the overall aesthetic aligns perfectly with the brand's identity and the message of decentralized finance.

21. Yggdrash

The yggdrash initial coin offering (ico) and yeed token introduce a 3rd generation blockchain protocol, addressing scalability and utility challenges in the crypto space. The animated promo explainer video aims to explain the innovative features of this protocol and its potential impact on the blockchain industry.

The video's design style effectively conveys the complex concepts of blockchain technology and scalability solutions. The use of minimalist line art and a clean color palette creates a visually appealing and engaging experience. The animation seamlessly transitions between scenes, illustrating the interconnectedness of the protocol's components. The explainer video format is ideal for showcasing the step-by-step functionality of the yggdrash protocol, making it easy for viewers to understand its value proposition.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements the informative content, creating a compelling narrative that highlights the yggdrash protocol's potential to revolutionize the blockchain landscape. The combination of clear visuals and concise explanations effectively engages the audience and leaves a lasting impression of the project's innovative approach to scalability and utility in the blockchain space.

22. Olive

Administrative processes are the backbone of healthcare operations, but they are inefficient, error-prone, and strain the capacity of your staff. Olive's AI workforce makes healthcare more efficient, more affordable, and more human improving your bottom line today, so you can reinvent the future of healthcare tomorrow.

The video uses a clean and modern design style with a purple color scheme and simple icons to represent different healthcare processes. The use of animation and motion graphics helps to keep the viewer engaged, while the clear and concise messaging effectively communicates the benefits of Olive's AI workforce. The video highlights the challenges of traditional healthcare administration, such as inefficiency, errors, and staff strain, and then positions Olive's AI solution as a way to overcome these challenges.

Overall, the video is an excellent example of an animated explainer video. It effectively uses design and animation to communicate the value proposition of Olive's AI workforce and leaves the viewer with a clear understanding of how Olive can help to improve healthcare operations.

23. Climate Bonds Initiative

This video showcases green bonds as a financial instrument for a sustainable future. It explains how these bonds can be used to fund projects that have positive environmental or climate benefits. Green bonds function as a loan between issuers and investors, where the investor agrees to give the issuer a certain amount of money for a specific period of time.

The design style of the video is clean and minimalist, using simple icons and illustrations to explain the concept of green bonds and how they work. This animated explainer intro uses a light and airy color palette, with a focus on blues and greens to evoke a sense of sustainability and environmental friendliness.

The video effectively uses animation and visuals to highlight the key features and benefits of green bonds, making it easy for viewers to understand this complex financial instrument. The minimalist design and clear explanations make the animated video explainer engaging and informative, effectively conveying the message of green bonds as a viable solution for financing a sustainable future.

24. PointClickCare

Harmony by pointclickcare is a product designed to assist case managers at acute-care facilities in making well-informed decisions for their patients upon discharge. The platform achieves this by providing real-time access to network data and ensuring transparent care coordination throughout each stage of the patient journey.

The video's design style effectively complements its role as an animated explainer intro. The use of a vibrant green background creates a visually engaging and optimistic atmosphere, aligning with the healthcare industry's focus on well-being. Simple yet impactful visuals, such as icons representing medical services and healthcare facilities, enhance the clarity of the message. The animation style is clean and modern, with smooth transitions that guide the viewer through the patient journey and highlight the benefits of using harmony by pointclickcare.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully conveys the value proposition of harmony by pointclickcare as a solution for acute-care facilities. The combination of a visually appealing aesthetic, clear iconography, and concise motion graphics effectively communicates the product's ability to empower case managers and improve patient care coordination. This animated brand explainer video does a great job explaining the product.

25. Printify

This video promotes Printify's new service, allowing entrepreneurs to enter the profitable industries of skincare, supplements, and coffee by branding and selling these products. Printify takes care of fulfillment and delivery, simplifying the process for business owners.

The video effectively uses bold colors and geometric patterns to highlight the key elements of this new product solution. The contrasting color schemes, such as the peach and purple backgrounds for the skincare and supplement product images, draw attention to the diverse product range offered. The repeated use of circles and diamond shapes creates a visually appealing rhythm, emphasizing the core message of branding and selling with ease, as Printify handles the fulfillment and delivery aspects.

By combining clear messaging with a visually engaging design, the explainer video successfully conveys the value proposition of Printify's new service. The bold visuals and concise text work together to highlight the ease and profitability of entering the skincare, supplement, and coffee markets with Printify's support. This animated explainer video serves as both a Company Explainer Teaser and a Teaser, effectively showcasing the benefits of Printify's new service.

26. PepsiCo

PepsiCo is collaborating with organizations to make their packaging 100 recyclable, compostable, or biodegradable by 2025. This animated innovation explainer video details the environmental benefits of compostable packaging, labeling and certification systems, and proper disposal practices. The video uses a bright, colorful, and engaging animation style to explain complex concepts like biodegradation and composting in a way that is easy for viewers to understand. The use of simple shapes, bold colors, and clear typography helps to highlight the key messages of the explainer video, such as the importance of proper disposal and the benefits of compostable packaging. Overall, the animated video is an effective and engaging way to communicate the benefits of compostable packaging and to encourage viewers to adopt more sustainable practices.

27. Paysend

This animated explainer video showcases how businesses can make international payroll payments at lower costs and triple their payment options. It highlights the ability to provide international payroll payouts to cards, accounts, and wallets in over 168 countries through a single API integration. The video encourages viewers to request a demo to shape the future of their business.

The design style of the video is sleek and modern, with a focus on clean lines and simple shapes. The use of a green gradient background creates a sense of depth and movement, while the white text and graphics are easy to read and understand. The video also uses animation and motion graphics to highlight key points and keep viewers engaged. The overall effect is a professional and polished video that effectively communicates the benefits of using Paysend Enterprise for international payroll payments.

In conclusion, this animated solution explainer video's design style effectively complements the message of the video, which is to showcase the benefits of using Paysend Enterprise for international payroll payments. The use of clean lines, simple shapes, and a green gradient background creates a modern and professional look, while the animation helps to keep viewers engaged. The video is an excellent example of how design can be used to effectively communicate a message and promote a product.

28. PacketLight

This animated tech explainer video showcases PacketLight Networks' solutions for high-capacity optical transport, addressing the growing demand for high bandwidth driven by 4k streaming, 5g, iot, and autonomous cars. The need to support billions of devices and users while preserving infrastructure value presents a challenge for operators and service providers.

The design style effectively employs a dark background with contrasting bright neon colors to highlight key information and data points. The use of circular elements and lines creates a sense of movement and connectivity, aligning with the video's focus on network solutions. Simple icons and clear typography further enhance the message, making it easy for viewers to understand the benefits of PacketLight's 400g optical transport solutions.

By combining a sleek and modern design with concise messaging, the animated value proposition explainer video successfully captures the essence of PacketLight Networks' value proposition. The visuals complement the narrative, effectively demonstrating how their technology addresses the challenges of increasing bandwidth demands. The result is an engaging and informative explainer video that leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

29. PwC

The video showcases PwC's Asset Management Digital Solutions, a cutting-edge platform designed to empower mutual funds in harnessing the true potential of their data. This innovative solution offers a comprehensive suite of tools and capabilities tailored specifically to the needs of the mutual fund industry.

PwC's digital solution is visually represented through a minimalist and modern design style, effectively conveying the platform's efficiency and sophistication. The use of clean lines, geometric shapes, and a muted color palette creates a sense of order and clarity, allowing the viewer to focus on the core message of data-driven empowerment. The subtle animations and transitions further enhance the video's visual appeal while maintaining a professional and informative tone. This animated explainer video is a great way to showcase the power of PwC's Asset Management Digital Solutions.

By combining a clear and concise message with a visually engaging design, PwC effectively demonstrates the value proposition of their Asset Management Digital Solutions for mutual funds. The video's style perfectly complements the platform's focus on data analysis and insights, leaving viewers with a lasting impression of PwC's expertise in the digital asset management space. The explainer animation intro is a great way to introduce viewers to the platform and its capabilities.

30. VISA

Web3 loyalty expands opportunities for brands to reward customers for everything from social shares to viewing content. this innovative approach goes beyond traditional loyalty programs, offering a more comprehensive and engaging experience for customers. this can be effectively conveyed through an animated intro explainer video.

The video's design style effectively complements its message of enhanced customer engagement and rewards. the use of vibrant colors, such as blue and yellow, creates a visually appealing and attention-grabbing experience. the clean and simple graphics, with their paper-cutout aesthetic, convey a sense of playfulness and approachability, aligning perfectly with the concept of gamified loyalty programs. animated explainer videos with motion graphics can showcase these features effectively.

The video seamlessly transitions between scenes, showcasing various ways customers can earn rewards, such as through social media interactions and content consumption. an animated innovation explainer video can effectively demonstrate these aspects. the combination of vibrant colors, playful graphics, and seamless transitions creates a visually appealing and informative presentation that effectively captures the essence of this cutting-edge loyalty program.

Key Takeaways

  • what is ananimated explainervideo?

  • ananimated explainervideo is a short, engaging video that uses animation to explain a complex idea, product, or service in a simple and easy-to-understand way. they are often used for marketing and educational purposes, and can be found on websites, social media, and in presentations. application: explainer videos are used to introduce new products, explain complex concepts, onboard new customers, and boost marketing campaigns. what: they are short, engaging videos that use animation to simplify complex information. where: you can find them on websites, social media platforms, youtube, and as part of presentations. how: they work by combining visuals, audio, and storytelling to create a memorable and impactful explanation.
  • creating ananimated explainervideo: where to start?

  • creating an effectiveanimated explainervideo requires careful planning and execution. here's a breakdown of where to begin: define your target audience: understand who you are trying to reach with your video. establish clear objectives: determine what you want to achieve with the video (e.g., increase brand awareness, drive sales). develop a compelling script: craft a concise and engaging narrative that effectively conveys your message. choose an animation style: select a style that aligns with your brand and resonates with your target audience. find a skilled animation team: collaborate with experienced animators who can bring your vision to life.
  • animated explainervideo ingredients

  • a successfulanimated explainervideo is a recipe with several key ingredients: compelling story: a narrative that hooks the viewer and keeps them engaged. clear and concise message: the video should communicate its purpose effectively without being overly complicated. engaging visuals: high-quality animation that is visually appealing and complements the story. appropriate music and sound effects: audio elements that enhance the mood and impact of the video. call to action: a clear instruction on what the viewer should do next (e.g., visit a website, make a purchase).
  • animated explainervideo goals and objectives

  • animated explainer videos can serve a variety of purposes, and setting clear goals is crucial for success: increase brand awareness: introduce your brand and its values to a wider audience. explain complex products or services: simplify intricate concepts and make them easily understandable. drive sales and conversions: encourage viewers to take action and purchase your product or service. educate and inform: share valuable information with your target audience in an engaging way. improve customer onboarding: guide new customers through the initial stages of using your product or service.
  • motion graphics inanimated explainervideos

  • motion graphics play a vital role inanimated explainervideos, adding visual interest and enhancing the storytelling: data visualization: transform complex data into easily digestible visuals using charts, graphs, and other graphical elements. kinetic typography: animate text to emphasize key points and create a dynamic visual experience. character animation: bring characters to life to create a more engaging and relatable narrative. transition effects: seamlessly connect different scenes and ideas, maintaining a smooth flow throughout the video.
  • using storytelling in ananimated explainervideo

  • storytelling is the backbone of any successful explainer video, captivating the audience and making the message memorable: establish a problem: introduce a relatable problem that your target audience faces. present a solution: showcase how your product or service effectively addresses the problem. highlight benefits: clearly demonstrate the advantages andvalue propositionof your offering. use emotional appeal: connect with viewers on an emotional level to create a lasting impact. end with a call to action: encourage viewers to take the next step and engage with your brand.
  • best practices foranimated explainervideos

  • to create an effectiveanimated explainervideo, consider these best practices: keep it concise: aim for a video length of 60-90 seconds to maintain viewer engagement. focus on the audience: tailor the message and visuals to resonate with your target demographic. use high-quality animation: invest in professional animation to ensure a polished and visually appealing video. optimize for mobile: ensure the video is easily viewable on various devices, including smartphones and tablets. track and analyze results: monitor key metrics like views, engagement, and conversions to measure the video's effectiveness.
  • what makesanimated explainervideos effective?

  • several factors contribute to the effectiveness ofanimated explainervideos: visual appeal: animation captures attention and makes complex information more digestible. engaging storytelling: a compelling narrative keeps viewers interested and invested in the message. simplified communication: complex ideas are broken down into easily understandable concepts. memorable content: the combination of visuals, audio, and storytelling creates a lasting impression. increased engagement: animated videos are more likely to be shared and remembered than traditional text-based content.
  • connecting your brand andanimated explainervideo

  • to ensure your explainer video effectively represents your brand, consider these points: visual consistency: use brand colors, fonts, and imagery throughout the video. tone of voice: align the script and narration with your brand's personality and communication style. brand storytelling: integrate your brand's story and values into the video's narrative. call to action: direct viewers to relevant brand touchpoints, such as your website or social media channels.
  • example: dropbox

  • dropbox, a cloud storage company, effectively used ananimated explainervideo to explain its service to a wider audience. the video used simple visuals and a clear narrative to demonstrate how dropbox simplifies file sharing and collaboration. this resulted in increasedbrand awarenessand user adoption, contributing significantly to dropbox's early success.
  • what is ananimated explainervideo?

  • ananimated explainervideo is a short, engaging video that uses animation to explain a complex idea, product, or service in a simple and easy-to-understand way. they are often used for marketing and educational purposes, and can be found on websites, social media, and in presentations. application: explainer videos are used to introduce new products, explain complex concepts, onboard new customers, and boost marketing campaigns. what: they are short, engaging videos that use animation to simplify complex information. where: you can find them on websites, social media platforms, youtube, and as part of presentations. how: they work by combining visuals, audio, and storytelling to create a memorable and impactful explanation.
  • creating ananimated explainervideo: where to start?

  • creating an effectiveanimated explainervideo requires careful planning and execution. here's a breakdown of where to begin: define your target audience: understand who you are trying to reach with your video. establish clear objectives: determine what you want to achieve with the video (e.g., increase brand awareness, drive sales). develop a compelling script: craft a concise and engaging narrative that effectively conveys your message. choose an animation style: select a style that aligns with your brand and resonates with your target audience. find a skilled animation team: collaborate with experienced animators who can bring your vision to life.
  • animated explainervideo ingredients

  • a successfulanimated explainervideo is a recipe with several key ingredients: compelling story: a narrative that hooks the viewer and keeps them engaged. clear and concise message: the video should communicate its purpose effectively without being overly complicated. engaging visuals: high-quality animation that is visually appealing and complements the story. appropriate music and sound effects: audio elements that enhance the mood and impact of the video. call to action: a clear instruction on what the viewer should do next (e.g., visit a website, make a purchase).
  • animated explainervideo goals and objectives

  • animated explainer videos can serve a variety of purposes, and setting clear goals is crucial for success: increase brand awareness: introduce your brand and its values to a wider audience. explain complex products or services: simplify intricate concepts and make them easily understandable. drive sales and conversions: encourage viewers to take action and purchase your product or service. educate and inform: share valuable information with your target audience in an engaging way. improve customer onboarding: guide new customers through the initial stages of using your product or service.
  • motion graphics inanimated explainervideos

  • motion graphics play a vital role inanimated explainervideos, adding visual interest and enhancing the storytelling: data visualization: transform complex data into easily digestible visuals using charts, graphs, and other graphical elements. kinetic typography: animate text to emphasize key points and create a dynamic visual experience. character animation: bring characters to life to create a more engaging and relatable narrative. transition effects: seamlessly connect different scenes and ideas, maintaining a smooth flow throughout the video.
  • using storytelling in ananimated explainervideo

  • storytelling is the backbone of any successful explainer video, captivating the audience and making the message memorable: establish a problem: introduce a relatable problem that your target audience faces. present a solution: showcase how your product or service effectively addresses the problem. highlight benefits: clearly demonstrate the advantages andvalue propositionof your offering. use emotional appeal: connect with viewers on an emotional level to create a lasting impact. end with a call to action: encourage viewers to take the next step and engage with your brand.
  • best practices foranimated explainervideos

  • to create an effectiveanimated explainervideo, consider these best practices: keep it concise: aim for a video length of 60-90 seconds to maintain viewer engagement. focus on the audience: tailor the message and visuals to resonate with your target demographic. use high-quality animation: invest in professional animation to ensure a polished and visually appealing video. optimize for mobile: ensure the video is easily viewable on various devices, including smartphones and tablets. track and analyze results: monitor key metrics like views, engagement, and conversions to measure the video's effectiveness.
  • what makesanimated explainervideos effective?

  • several factors contribute to the effectiveness ofanimated explainervideos: visual appeal: animation captures attention and makes complex information more digestible. engaging storytelling: a compelling narrative keeps viewers interested and invested in the message. simplified communication: complex ideas are broken down into easily understandable concepts. memorable content: the combination of visuals, audio, and storytelling creates a lasting impression. increased engagement: animated videos are more likely to be shared and remembered than traditional text-based content.
  • connecting your brand andanimated explainervideo

  • to ensure your explainer video effectively represents your brand, consider these points: visual consistency: use brand colors, fonts, and imagery throughout the video. tone of voice: align the script and narration with your brand's personality and communication style. brand storytelling: integrate your brand's story and values into the video's narrative. call to action: direct viewers to relevant brand touchpoints, such as your website or social media channels.
  • example: dropbox

  • dropbox, a cloud storage company, effectively used ananimated explainervideo to explain its service to a wider audience. the video used simple visuals and a clear narrative to demonstrate how dropbox simplifies file sharing and collaboration. this resulted in increasedbrand awarenessand user adoption, contributing significantly to dropbox's early success.


    Bringing Explainer Videos to Life

    The power of animated explainer videos is undeniable. They captivate audiences, simplify complex ideas, and ultimately drive conversions. But harnessing this power effectively requires a strategic approach. Let's explore how to translate inspiration into action and integrate these compelling videos into your marketing efforts.


    The modern consumer is bombarded with information. Capturing attention and conveying value propositions concisely is a constant challenge. Traditional text-heavy content often fails to engage audiences effectively, leading to low conversion rates and missed opportunities. Animated explainer videos offer a solution by presenting information in a visually appealing and easily digestible format.


    Consider a software company launching a new project management tool. A short animated explainer video can showcase the tool's key features, benefits, and user interface in a way that static screenshots or text descriptions simply cannot. This allows potential customers to quickly grasp the value proposition and envision how the tool can streamline their workflows.


    Animated explainer videos are incredibly versatile and can be applied across various marketing channels. They can be embedded on landing pages to increase conversion rates, shared on social media to expand reach, or incorporated into email campaigns to boost engagement. Furthermore, these videos can be utilized at trade shows and conferences to attract attention and generate leads.

    Brand Building

    Beyond driving conversions, animated explainer videos contribute significantly to brand building. By incorporating brand elements such as logos, colors, and fonts, these videos reinforce brand identity and create a consistent experience for viewers. Additionally, the use of storytelling and humor can evoke emotions and foster a deeper connection with the audience, leading to increased brand loyalty.


    Explainer videos are invaluable for onboarding new customers or users. They can provide clear instructions on how to use a product or service, answer frequently asked questions, and address potential concerns. This not only improves the user experience but also reduces the burden on customer support teams.

    Internal Communication

    The benefits of animated explainer videos extend beyond external marketing efforts. They can be used internally to communicate company updates, explain new policies, or train employees on complex procedures. This enhances internal communication, improves employee engagement, and fosters a more cohesive company culture.

    product demos

    For companies with complex products or services, animated explainer videos offer an effective way to showcase their offerings. These videos can demonstrate product features, highlight use cases, and provide a virtual tour of the user interface. This allows potential customers to gain a deeper understanding of the product and make informed purchasing decisions.

    Investor Relations

    Startups and established companies alike can leverage animated explainer videos to attract investors. These videos can effectively communicate the company's vision, mission, and growth potential. By presenting complex financial data and market analysis in a visually engaging format, explainer videos can capture investor interest and secure funding.

    Educational Content

    Animated explainer videos are ideal for creating educational content. They can be used to explain scientific concepts, historical events, or complex theories in a way that is both informative and entertaining. This makes them valuable tools for educators, trainers, and anyone seeking to share knowledge in an engaging manner.

    Measurable Results

    One of the key advantages of animated explainer videos is the ability to track their performance. By monitoring metrics such as views, engagement, and conversion rates, businesses can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their video marketing campaigns. This data can then be used to optimize future videos and ensure they are achieving the desired results.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!