Video Creation Service

30 Captivating Guided App Tour Video Examples That Drive User Engagement

Orko Roy
Last updated
Sep. 04, 2024

App user engagement is the holy grail for founders and marketers alike. A captivated user base translates to higher retention rates, increased conversions, and ultimately, a thriving business. But in a sea of apps all vying for attention, how do you ensure yours stands out?

From onboarding new users to introducing advanced features, guided app tour videos can be seamlessly integrated into various stages of the user journey. They can be used as part of a welcome sequence, embedded within help sections, or even shared on social media to attract new users. The possibilities are endless, and the potential for engagement is immense. So, let's dive in.

1. SIG

SIG is a company that provides solutions for digitally connected packaging. The video is designed to showcase how SIG's Connected Pack platform works.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and modern visual style. It features simple, flat illustrations with bright colors that highlight the key features of the Connected Pack platform. The visual design emphasizes the simplicity and ease of use of the product. The use of QR codes, charts, and graphs visually communicates the concept of data collection and analysis. The overall design style makes the video a good Business Vision Video for companies looking to modernize their packaging.

The video effectively communicates the key features of SIG's Connected Pack platform. By showing how the QR codes can be scanned and how the data can be used, the video highlights the benefits of the platform. The overall tone of the video is informative and positive, emphasizing the value and opportunities presented by SIG's solutions. The use of animated graphics, such as the hand holding the milk carton and scanning the QR code, brings the product to life and makes the video visually engaging. The clear and concise narrative explains the functionality and benefits of SIG's product.

2. Renasant

Renasant aims to help users manage finances through the Renasant Card App, making it easier to control and monitor spending, no matter where you are. The video is designed to showcase the benefits and features of the Renasant Card App.

Video Design - The video uses a stylized, animated design with a clear focus on the app interface. The clean, minimalist style makes the visual elements, such as the charts, graphs, and transaction lists, stand out. Renasant cleverly incorporates the "Business Vision Video" concept into the video. The blue and pink colors are used throughout the video, creating a consistent and visually engaging experience. The graphics and illustrations used are modern and high-quality, ensuring a polished aesthetic that represents a secure, user-friendly experience, aligning with the Renasant brand.

The visual style helps communicate the video's objective, which is to demonstrate the power and accessibility of the Renasant Card App. The app is presented as a tool that empowers users to take control of their finances, with a clear and easy-to-understand interface. The video adopts a playful tone, incorporating elements such as the character's concerned expression and the use of security camera imagery, which adds a touch of humor and makes the app appear modern, tech-savvy, and user-friendly. The video's tone successfully matches the app's features, reinforcing the benefits and encouraging viewers to explore the app further.

3. Capital One

Capital One's mobile app video is designed to showcase the convenience and ease of managing finances without physically visiting a bank branch.

Video Design - The video features a modern minimalist design with simplified graphics of a smartphone and app icons, illustrating various app features. The bright color palette, clean layout, and animated icons create a friendly and inviting feel, emphasizing the app's accessibility and intuitive interface. The video uses a simple but effective animation style with a clear focus on the app's features, making it an excellent Guided App Tour Video.

The visual style effectively conveys the goal of the video, highlighting the app's user-friendliness and ability to manage finances anytime, anywhere. The video's minimalist style and clear animations underscore the message, creating a sense of ease and security for users. The modern graphics and sleek design appeal to a wide audience, conveying the app's modern appeal.

4. Xfinity

This video is designed to guide viewers through the process of activating a Storm Ready Wifi Device. The video uses a clear and concise approach to help viewers understand the benefits of this product.

Video Design - This is a "Purpose Statement Video" that utilizes clear graphics and simple animations to demonstrate the device's functionality. The video focuses on the steps needed to activate the device, highlighting its ease of use. The use of a bright blue color scheme and simple call to action graphics helps to reinforce the overall message and tone of the video.

The video effectively uses a clean and modern aesthetic to communicate the objective of the video. By focusing on the key steps involved in activating the device, the video provides a straightforward and easily digestible experience for viewers. The tone is helpful and informative, ensuring that viewers feel comfortable and confident in using the device. The simplicity of the design and the clear instructions guide viewers through the activation process, making it easy for anyone to understand and successfully activate their Storm Ready Wifi Device.

5. attentive

attentive is a company that provides a conversational SMS marketing platform, and this video is designed to showcase how Attentive can help businesses connect with their customers.

Video Design - Attentive uses a minimalist, clean design to make it easy for viewers to understand how its platform works. The graphics are simple, and the colors are bright and inviting. The video uses a combination of animated graphics and text to communicate its message clearly. Attentive uses an explainer video format with a combination of isometric graphics and a voiceover to make the message clear. The isometric style of graphics makes it a good Guided App Tour Video. This particular style highlights the main concept and makes it look simple and user friendly.

The clean visual style of the video reinforces the idea that Attentive is a simple and easy-to-use solution. The conversational tone of the video speaks directly to the viewer, and the animation makes the video engaging. This type of design is important for engaging customers who are looking for a simple solution. The overall aesthetic of the video makes it easy for viewers to understand the product and understand the benefits of using it.

6. Axis Bank

Axis Bank is a financial institution that provides customers with the ability to invest in mutual funds online. The video is designed to demonstrate the ease and convenience of investing in mutual funds with Axis Bank.

Video Design - The video showcases a clean and minimalistic design, highlighting the user interface of the Axis Bank mobile app. The graphics are clear and easy to understand, providing a visually appealing and informative experience. The dominant color scheme is white with accents of pink and purple, emphasizing the brand's logo and key elements of the app. These design choices make the video a strong "Guided App Tour Video", showcasing the intuitiveness and functionality of the Axis Bank mobile app.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the simplicity and convenience of the investment process. The use of animated screenshots and a clear call to action in the form of buttons like "Start SIP" and "Invest Lump Sum" guides viewers to understand how they can easily navigate and invest in mutual funds on the mobile app. The tone of the video is positive and upbeat, conveying that investing with Axis Bank is a simple and straightforward process.

7. Rightware

Rightware is a company that offers a toolchain for creating advanced user interfaces for automotive systems. This video is designed to show how Rightware's Kanzi One can help carmakers create personalized user experiences for their vehicles.

Video Design - This Guided App Tour Video showcases the power of Kanzi One, a user interface platform, to create modern, interactive, and intuitive user interfaces for vehicles using the Android Automotive operating system. Rightware achieves this by using sleek animations, stylish UI elements, and a modern color palette to present a compelling experience. The video uses a black and white color scheme throughout, with minimal use of color accents, effectively highlighting the clean, futuristic design of the Kanzi One platform. The use of high-quality 3D graphics and detailed UI elements presents the potential of this platform for creating high-quality visual experiences in the automotive industry.

The video's visual design and graphics clearly communicate the ease of use and flexibility of the Kanzi One platform, with its powerful UI toolchain. The video's narrative, which focuses on seamless integration with Android Automotive, reinforces the value proposition of Kanzi One, driving potential clients to learn more about the platform. The video utilizes a professional tone and a sense of optimism to convey the potential of the platform for transforming the automotive experience.

8. Amadeus

Amadeus Media Solutions helps hotels get in front of travel agents and prospects. The video is designed to demonstrate the simplicity of using Amadeus Media Solutions and the return on investment.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and modern visual design with a simple white background and a minimal use of colors. The graphics are high quality and simple, giving it a Corporate Vision Video feel. The use of bright blue and green colors for code and text makes it stand out.

The video's design effectively communicates the product's ease of use. The video uses simple graphics and animation to show the different steps involved in sending data to Amadeus, making the process look straightforward. The tone of the video is professional and informative, reflecting the product's target audience of professionals in the travel industry.

9. SilverCloud

SilverCloud is a leading digital mental health company. The video is designed to showcase how the platform helps improve mental health and well-being.

Video Design - The video is clean and simple with a minimal aesthetic. It primarily utilizes animated graphics of people interacting with the digital platform. The use of bright colors and flat design elements provides a professional yet friendly feel. The "Purpose Statement Video" highlights the main features of the platform such as the use of evidence-based methods like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness and Positive Psychology, with animated graphics depicting a person engaging with the platform.

The video effectively communicates the objectives of SilverCloud. The graphics and animation showcase the ease of use and accessibility of the platform, and the tone of the video is reassuring and approachable, making it a great resource for potential users.

10. LuLu

LuLu is a money transfer company that aims to make sending money to the Philippines simple and secure. This video is designed to highlight the ease and convenience of LuLu's money transfer services.

Video Design - This video uses a clean and bright color scheme with animated illustrations. The scenes are designed to show common scenarios where a person might need to send money, such as medical emergencies, family needs, and even birthdays. This creates a sense of familiarity and makes the service more relatable. The "Corporate Vision Video" employs a storytelling approach, focusing on everyday situations and how LuLu can make life easier.

The video's clear visuals effectively communicate the LuLu money transfer process. By showcasing the simplicity of transferring money through their app, the video reinforces the message of LuLu's reliable and secure service. The overall tone of the video is upbeat and optimistic, emphasizing the positive impact of LuLu on people's lives.

11. VISA

VISA is creating a new loyalty program that uses Web3 technology. The video is designed to introduce this new program to potential customers and partners.

Video Design - The video utilizes a clean and simple visual style. The use of a blue watercolor background and hand-drawn elements like a scale, heart, and gift box create a visually appealing Vision Statement Explainer Video. This style is engaging and memorable. The color palette is bright and optimistic, creating a positive tone.

The combination of hand-drawn illustrations and sleek digital interfaces creates a unique contrast that highlights the key features of the VISA Web3 loyalty program. This visual style effectively communicates the benefits of the program. The video uses bold colors and minimal text, making the information easy to understand and engaging.

12. Medtronic

Medtronic is a company that develops medical devices and therapies, including insulin pumps. This video is designed to teach users how to upgrade their 770G pump to the 780G using a software update. The video is straightforward and informational, helping viewers understand the process and giving them confidence in the upgrade.

Video Design - This video uses a clean and minimalist style, common for Medtronic's Vision Statement Video. Simple graphic illustrations of the 770G and 780G pumps with flat colors are used to show the upgrade process. This design is very effective because the simplicity is clean and the video is easy to follow. The focus is on the process and how it benefits the viewer.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective. The video uses clear and concise language to explain the software upgrade process. The animation provides visual clarity and a light, friendly tone. The visual design makes the video easy to follow and understand, reinforcing the message and driving the video goal.

13. Mint

Mint is a financial management app that allows users to track their spending, budget, and overall financial health. This video is designed to introduce viewers to the Mint app and its key features.

Video Design - This “About Us Video” uses a minimalist design approach with a focus on visual clarity and simplicity. It features bright green and white color scheme that provides a clean and modern feel. The animation is smooth, emphasizing the ease of navigation and smooth user experience. Animations such as the animated bars on the graph clearly show progress towards financial goals, and the interactive charts with clear category labels are designed for visual clarity.

The video does a great job of showcasing the key features of Mint, such as its budgeting capabilities, spending analysis, and transaction categorization. The calm and informational tone of the video provides viewers with a sense of trust and reassurance, while the clear and concise visuals make it easy to understand how the app works.

14. Boyd

Boyd is a company that creates sustainable, engineered material and thermal solutions. The video is designed to highlight the company's history of innovation and its commitment to its customers.

Video Design - The video is a compelling Guided App Tour Video that utilizes a mix of animated graphics, footage of Boyd's manufacturing processes, and a cinematic look. These design elements come together to convey the message of Boyd's expertise, its dedication to innovation, and its commitment to providing solutions that make its customers' products better, safer, faster, and more reliable. This is a good Guided App Tour Video because it effectively communicates Boyd's value proposition and captures the audience's interest, resulting in a positive brand experience.

The video uses a mix of high-quality animation and product shots to showcase Boyd's technologies and material science. The tone of the video is confident and authoritative, reflecting Boyd's position as a leading innovator. The video's goal is to establish Boyd as a trusted partner for customers who are seeking sustainable solutions to their most critical applications. By emphasizing its history of innovation and its focus on delivering high-performance solutions, the video effectively communicates Boyd's core values.

15. Cisco

Cisco is a technology company that provides solutions for the healthcare industry. The video is designed to highlight the company's commitment to a better future for healthcare, where it is connected, secure, sustainable, and equitable.

Video Design - This Mission Statement Video uses a clean and simple visual design, with a white background and bold blue and green lines that represent connections and progress. The graphics are minimal and easy to understand, with icons depicting key concepts like security, sustainability, and equity. This minimalist style ensures that the message is clear and concise, reflecting the brand's focus on impactful technology solutions.

The use of illustrations and simple animations creates a positive and optimistic tone, showcasing the potential of Cisco's technology to improve healthcare. This optimistic and approachable visual style is effective in communicating Cisco's commitment to a brighter future for healthcare, inspiring confidence in the company's ability to deliver on its promises.

16. Acuity

Acuity is a company that brings transformative benefits to its clients. The video is designed to emphasize how organizations must evolve and transform to meet new challenges.

Video Design - The video uses a clean, minimal design style with vibrant colors and simple graphics. A mix of geometric shapes and icons are used to visually represent the business narrative. The animation is subtle and uses white lines on a blue background with a gradient. This minimalist graphic design approach creates a clean and engaging "Vision Statement Video" that focuses on the message.

The video visual style effectively communicates Acuity's objective to help businesses grow and innovate. The use of modern graphic elements in the video reinforces the message of forward momentum and progress, making the video feel both optimistic and aspirational. The animation and overall tone of the video are positive and confident, which helps to inspire viewers and encourage them to partner with Acuity.

17. MSD Careers

MSD Careers is a pharmaceutical company that specializes in finding new medicines and vaccines. This video is designed to showcase the benefits of clinical research by highlighting the impact of new medicines on patients' lives.

Video Design - The video employs a 3D animated city as its main visual style, featuring colorful, geometric buildings and characters. This Guided App Tour Video uses a cartoonish style for its animation, creating a playful and lighthearted tone. The clean graphics and bold colors make the video visually appealing, engaging the viewer.

The video's use of 3D animation helps to visually communicate the key message, which is that PRO BTP is expanding its services to include more healthcare options. The use of animation enables the video to show the growth of the company in a fun and digestible way. The video's bright and cheerful tone further emphasizes the positive impact of the new services and suggests that they are easily accessible and affordable.

18. Litum

Litum is a company specializing in real-time location tracking solutions, helping businesses optimize operations, increase efficiency and reduce costs. This video is designed to introduce Litum and highlight its mission to transform the future of business.

Video Design - The video employs a playful and vibrant style, reminiscent of a Mission Statement Video. It utilizes 2D animation and simple, cartoony graphics that evoke a sense of fun and innovation. Bright colors, emojis, and the use of space-themed imagery add a lighthearted and whimsical touch to the narrative, aligning with the company's emphasis on progress and transformation.

The video uses a combination of imagery and animation to depict key milestones, such as the launch of Facebook, the 2004 Summer Olympics, and the landing of spacecraft on Mars. These symbolic events emphasize the company's focus on technology, innovation, and growth. The overall tone is optimistic, encouraging, and aspirational, aligning with the brand's commitment to empower businesses through its real-time location solutions. The vibrant design and upbeat narrative effectively communicate Litum's mission to empower businesses through innovative tools and technology.

19. Mavenir

Mavenir is building a future network, which is fully virtualized and runs on any cloud. The video is designed to introduce Mavenir's advanced technology for the Department of Defense.

Video Design - The video is an Guided App Tour Video, showcasing how Mavenir is transforming the way DoD connects worldwide. The animated graphics and stylish font are clean, futuristic and bold. The video utilizes a high-quality, futuristic visual style with sleek, tech-forward animations that complement the core message of Mavenir's advanced network capabilities.

The fast-paced nature of the video uses animations to move from one concept to the next, which effectively shows how the advanced network technology works. This visual style helps to communicate the innovative and dynamic nature of Mavenir's solution. The video's narrative is infused with an optimistic tone, suggesting the transformative potential of the network.

20. Digital Marketing Institute

Digital Marketing Institute is a global leader in digital marketing certification. This video is designed to highlight the challenges and opportunities facing educational institutions in the digital world and how DMI can help navigate the maze.

Video Design - The video uses simple, clean graphics and animation with bright, bold colors that make it engaging and easy to understand. The use of a green circle navigating a maze-like path visually represents the challenges facing educational institutions. The clear icons and simple text layout enhance brand recognition. This video serves as a great Values Statement Video, showcasing the brand's core values through its use of color, graphic elements, and a captivating storyline.

The video effectively communicates its objective using a combination of visual elements and narrative. The maze-like path visualizes the complexities of navigating the digital landscape for educational institutions. By showcasing icons representing various key marketing disciplines, the video highlights DMI's expertise. The overall tone is reassuring and confident, suggesting DMI is the solution to navigating the digital maze and ensuring success. The video concludes with a call to action, inviting viewers to visit DMI's website, further establishing the brand's commitment to helping educational institutions thrive in the digital world.

21. CRRC

CRRC is a company that provides intelligent operation and maintenance solutions for railway vehicles. The video is designed to showcase the cutting-edge technology and dynamic management of their solution.

Video Design - The video starts with a depiction of a busy warehouse, highlighting the chaos and disorganization that can occur in a warehouse environment. The Animated Vision Video then seamlessly transitions to an illustration of a connected network, emphasizing the role of data and technology in achieving efficiency. The use of bold, geometric shapes and a limited color palette, predominantly shades of blue, creates a modern and visually engaging experience. The clean, simple graphics and bright colors make the video easy to understand and enjoyable to watch.

The visual style effectively communicates the video's objective by showcasing the need for a dynamic and intelligent solution to manage complex warehouse operations. The video uses a fast-paced, energetic tone that reflects the need for efficient and responsive management solutions. The animated visualization of the data-driven solution effectively conveys the power and potential of CRRC's technology.

22. Firebase

Firebase is a platform that helps developers build and scale mobile and web applications. This video is designed to thank their developer community and share their excitement for the future.

Video Design -
The video's design style is characterized by the use of simple, flat colors and geometric shapes. This creates a clean and modern look that is consistent with the Firebase brand. The video uses a combination of animated and still graphics to communicate the features of the platform. The video includes a range of visuals such as people using their computers, icons of apps, and a variety of abstract shapes. The animated graphics help to bring the story to life and make it more engaging for the viewer. This simple yet effective visual style helps make the video a good Animated Vision Video.

The bright colors and playful animations used in the video give it a friendly and approachable tone. The message of partnership, trust, and investment reinforces the positive relationship that Firebase aims to cultivate with its developer community. The overall feel of the video is one of optimism and excitement for the future of Firebase and the impact it will have on the developer community. This video effectively communicates the objective of the video by showcasing the platform's success and its commitment to innovation. This is accomplished through the use of simple yet impactful graphics and a positive tone that resonates with its target audience, developers.

23. Noonday Collection

Noonday Collection is a community that helps women create an income with an impact. The video is designed to encourage viewers to join the community and become Noonday Ambassadors, creating a marketplace for Artisans around the world.

Video Design - The video utilizes a minimalist design style. The background has a soft pink color, and the animated female figure is depicted in simple lines. The video includes simple animated transitions and a small number of dots scattered throughout the background. The use of these elements creates a clean, aesthetic visual, and contributes to the video's Values Statement Video quality.

The visual style effectively communicates the video's objective to invite viewers to join the Noonday community. The use of minimalist design and the depiction of a female figure pushing the globe, creates an optimistic and encouraging tone. These visuals help establish a message of empowerment, which resonates with the target audience and encourages them to take action by joining Noonday Collection.

24. PGE

PGE is an energy provider, and this video is designed to explain how energy consumption patterns impact the types of energy sources used.

Video Design - This PGE Guided App Tour Video uses a simple and engaging visual style. The video features 3D animated graphics. These graphics effectively illustrate how energy usage spikes in a home. This visual style helps illustrate the key message of the video.

The video uses simple graphics and straightforward language, creating a calm and informative tone. By explaining the connection between energy usage and the type of sources utilized, PGE invites viewers to make small changes that can significantly impact energy consumption. This encourages viewers to consider how their energy habits affect PGE's ability to rely on renewable sources.

25. FinGo

FinGo is a new generation of identity authentication that makes the world easier. The video is designed to introduce the product and its benefits.

Video Design - The video uses a simple, colorful animation style. The primary colors red, blue and green are used to depict the FinGo product and its benefits. This simple, playful style makes it engaging for viewers of all ages. It is a "Guided App Tour Video" as it conveys the product's value proposition concisely and clearly.

The visual design of the video is effective in communicating the objective of the video. The use of simple animation, vivid colors, and straightforward narrative make it easily understood and engaging. The overall tone is optimistic, highlighting the ease and security that FinGo offers. The video successfully communicates that FinGo removes the need to rely on cards, documents, or devices for authentication by presenting a world where a simple finger touch is all that is needed.

26. CSL

CSL is a global specialty biotherapeutics company, dedicated to developing innovative biotherapies that save lives. This video is designed to highlight the impact CSL has had on the world by presenting their company history through a timeline.

Video Design - The video uses a clean and modern design style that effectively communicates the company's corporate vision. The timeline graphic uses simple shapes, clean lines, and a minimalist color palette of gold and gray that is visually appealing and sophisticated, which creates a strong "Corporate Vision Video". The use of animation brings the timeline to life and makes it more engaging. The video's simple but impactful visuals effectively convey CSL's commitment to progress, innovation, and making a difference.

The video's minimalist style and simple yet powerful visuals create a positive and inspiring tone, demonstrating the value and impact of CSL's work. This narrative, presented through the timeline, shows the viewer CSL's commitment to research, innovation, and making a difference in the lives of patients around the world.

27. Process Street

Process Street is workflow management software that makes it easy to create processes and get them done right on time. This video is designed to introduce potential customers to Process Street and how it can streamline their work processes.

Video Design - This Process Street video features a minimalist design style that uses a light background and bright colors. These design elements make it a strong Values Statement Video. The video's design helps to communicate the company's values of simplicity, efficiency, and clarity. The use of checklists, workflow diagrams, and animated elements helps to demonstrate the platform's features and benefits in a clear and engaging manner.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective of the video by presenting a clean and organized platform that is easy to use. The video's narrative showcases how Process Street can be used to automate and streamline a wide range of tasks. The tone of the video is professional and upbeat, and the use of visuals makes the information easily accessible and digestible. The video effectively conveys the ease of use of the platform.

28. Thermo Fisher

Thermo Fisher Scientific is a company that provides products, services and support to help create cell therapies for research and commercialization. The video is designed to show how Thermo Fisher can facilitate your journey of transforming cells into life-saving therapies.

Video Design - The video starts with a series of animated icons that highlight the challenges of traditional contact centers. These animated icons are very simple, a bold line style, and the minimal use of colors, makes it a very effective Vision Statement Explainer Video. This style reinforces the concept of simplicity, which is an important value of Thermo Fisher. The video then transitions to a circle diagram of icons representing how Thermo Fisher helps customers to overcome these challenges. This combination of design and visual cues helps illustrate Thermo Fisher's approach and their commitment to customer success.

The design of the video is straightforward, clean, and modern. It uses a minimal color palette and bold outlines. The animation is simple, with icons appearing and disappearing on a dark background. The minimalist style helps communicate the main message of the video, which is that Thermo Fisher Scientific is a company that can help customers transform cells into life-saving therapies. This approach to design reflects a professional and confident tone. The visual style helps drive the video goal of showcasing Thermo Fisher's services and expertise to support cell and gene therapy development.


HORNE is building the Wise Firm, which is the company's culture. This video is designed to explain the Wise Firm and its philosophy.

Video Design - The video uses a simple and elegant design, with minimal text and a focus on graphics. The color scheme is primarily blue and gray with white and black accents. The graphics are clear and easy to understand, which makes the video a good Guided App Tour Video.

The visual style effectively communicates the video's objective. The graphics and animations are simple, conveying a sense of clarity and focus. The use of the parable of the Wise Man builds a strong foundation for the company's culture and values. The tone is reassuring, underscoring the idea that building on a strong foundation will lead to long-term success.

30. Deloitte Guided App Tour Video

Deloitte's video is designed to demonstrate how data analytics can help companies see the future of Smart Cities.

Video Design - This About Us Video uses a minimalist style with flat graphics that illustrate the concept of a Smart City. The city is drawn in a clean, almost abstract way, with buildings and cars represented by simple geometric shapes. The use of bright colors and bold lines creates a visually engaging style that is unique to Deloitte.

Deloitte successfully uses a visual style that is both modern and informative to communicate the video goal. The city design, which emphasizes a technology-forward future, is a simple but effective way to showcase the company's ability to analyze and predict Smart City trends. The use of vivid color palettes further enhances the video message by creating a sense of optimism and innovation. This combination of simple graphics and bold colors create an engaging and accessible tone that effectively communicates the company's expertise in helping businesses navigate this emerging environment.

Key Takeaways

App Tour FAQs

Boost Engagement With App Tours

Engaging users within your app is crucial for driving adoption and satisfaction. Guided app tour videos can be instrumental in achieving this by transforming passive viewing into active participation.
Interactive Elements: Instead of just watching, users can actively engage with the video through quizzes, polls, or clickable hotspots. For example, a quiz after a feature demonstration can reinforce understanding, while clickable hotspots allow users to explore specific areas of interest within the app interface directly from the video.
Concise Instructions: Break down complex processes into bite-sized, easily digestible steps. Use clear and concise language, complemented by visual cues like arrows or highlights, to ensure users feel confident navigating your app.
Problem-Solution Focus: Clearly demonstrate how your app addresses specific user pain points. For instance, if your app helps manage tasks, show a scenario where a user is overwhelmed with to-dos and then demonstrate how your app simplifies their workflow.
Visual Appeal: Utilize high-quality visuals, animations, and a consistent brand aesthetic to create a visually engaging experience. Consider using animation to explain complex features or transitions, and ensure your brand colors and logo are subtly integrated throughout the video.
Call to Action: Conclude with a clear call to action, prompting users to explore a specific feature or complete a desired action. This could be a button prompting them to start a free trial, create an account, or watch another video tutorial on a specific feature.

App Tour Types And Uses

Guided app tour videos come in various formats, each catering to specific objectives and user preferences.
Interactive App Tours: Ideal for complex apps with numerous features, these videos empower users to interact directly with the interface. Users can click buttons, navigate menus, and even complete simulated tasks within the video, fostering a deeper understanding of the app's functionality.
Animated App Tours: Leverage animation to simplify complex concepts and make the learning process more engaging. These are particularly effective for explaining abstract ideas or showcasing features that are not easily demonstrable in a live-action format.
Live Action App Tours: Featuring real people interacting with the app, these videos provide a relatable and human touch. They can be used to build trust and familiarity, especially when showcasing user-centric features or demonstrating the app's ease of use.

Sales Funnel App Tours

Your guided app tour video can act as a persuasive salesperson, guiding users through the sales funnel towards conversion.
Captivating Hook: Begin with a compelling hook that instantly grabs the user's attention and highlights a key pain point. For example, a project management app could start with a scene of a frustrated individual struggling to juggle multiple tasks.
Value-Driven Narrative: Craft a clear and concise narrative that showcases the value proposition of your product at each stage of the funnel. As the video progresses, demonstrate how your app addresses the initial pain point and provides tangible benefits.
Feature-Benefit Alignment: Highlight specific features and directly correlate them to the benefits they offer. For instance, show how the "task assignment" feature in a project management app leads to improved team collaboration and reduced workload.
Strategic Call to Action: Incorporate strong calls to action that encourage users to take the next step in the funnel. This could be a prompt to sign up for a free trial, download a resource, or schedule a demo.

App Tour Marketing Touchpoints

Strategically integrating guided app tour videos into your marketing campaigns can significantly amplify their impact.
App Launch: Generate excitement and drive early adoption by showcasing your app's core features and benefits. Create a visually stunning launch trailer that highlights the app's unique value proposition and encourages downloads.
Product Updates: Introduce new features or improvements through short, focused videos. Demonstrate how these updates address user feedback or enhance existing functionalities, keeping users engaged and informed.
Customer Onboarding: Facilitate a smooth onboarding experience by guiding new users through the initial setup and key functionalities. A series of short videos can walk users through account creation, profile customization, and basic navigation.
Support Requests: Reduce support tickets and empower users with self-service options by addressing common issues and providing step-by-step solutions. Create a library of tutorial videos covering frequently asked questions and troubleshooting steps.

App Tours For User Experience

Guided app tour videos can be powerful tools for proactively addressing customer pain points and enhancing the overall user experience.
Identify Pain Points: Conduct thorough user research to identify common pain points and areas of friction within your app. Analyze user feedback, support tickets, and app usage data to pinpoint areas where users struggle.
Targeted Solutions: Create dedicated videos that directly address these pain points, providing clear and concise solutions. For example, if users struggle with a specific feature, create a tutorial video demonstrating its proper usage.
Empathy and Understanding: Use a tone that conveys empathy and understanding, assuring users that their challenges are acknowledged and addressed. Start the video by acknowledging the user's frustration and then offer a clear and helpful solution.
Proactive Support: By anticipating and addressing potential issues, you demonstrate a commitment to user success and satisfaction. Include videos that address common pitfalls or offer tips for maximizing the app's potential.

Brand Aligned App Tours

Maintaining brand consistency across all touchpoints is crucial for building a strong brand identity.
Visual Identity: Incorporate your brand colors, fonts, and imagery to create a cohesive visual experience. Use your brand's color palette throughout the video, ensure the font style aligns with your brand guidelines, and incorporate your logo subtly within the video frames.
Brand Voice: Ensure the video's tone and language align with your brand's personality and resonate with your target audience. If your brand is playful and informal, reflect that in the narration and script. If your brand is professional and authoritative, adopt a more formal tone.
Brand Messaging: Reinforce your brand's core values and messaging throughout the video, creating a unified brand experience. Subtly weave your brand's key messages into the script and visuals, ensuring the video aligns with your overall brand narrative.
Consistency is Key: Aligning the video with your overall brand guidelines ensures a seamless and memorable experience for your users. This fosters brand recognition and reinforces a positive brand perception.

App Tours For Adoption & Retention

Driving product adoption and retaining users are paramount for long-term success. Guided app tour videos can play a pivotal role in achieving these goals.
Value Demonstration: Showcase the core value proposition of your product and how it solves specific user needs. Clearly demonstrate the benefits users will gain by using your app, focusing on the positive outcomes and improvements it offers.
Feature Highlighting: Focus on key features that differentiate your product and provide a competitive advantage. Highlight the unique functionalities that set your app apart from competitors and demonstrate how they provide tangible value to users.
Engaging Storytelling: Craft a compelling narrative that resonates with users and keeps them engaged throughout the video. Instead of simply listing features, tell a story that showcases how your app can improve users' lives or solve their problems.
Clear Call to Action: Encourage users to take the next step, such as signing up for a free trial or exploring a specific feature. End the video with a clear and concise call to action that prompts users to engage further with your app.

App Tour Success Metrics

Measuring the effectiveness of your guided app tour videos is essential for optimization and improvement.
Completion Rate: This metric indicates user engagement and whether the video effectively holds their attention. A high completion rate suggests that users find the video valuable and engaging, while a low rate may indicate that the video is too long, irrelevant, or poorly produced.
Engagement Rate: This measures how actively users interact with the video, such as clicking on interactive elements or watching specific segments. High engagement suggests that users are actively participating with the content and finding it valuable.
Conversion Rate: This tracks the percentage of users who complete a desired action after watching the video, such as signing up or making a purchase. A high conversion rate indicates that the video is effectively driving users towards your desired outcome.
User Retention: This analyzes whether users who watch the video are more likely to continue using your product over time. If users who watch the video exhibit higher retention rates, it suggests that the video is effectively onboarding them and demonstrating the app's value.

App Tours For Differentiation

In a crowded marketplace, differentiation is key. Guided app tour videos can be powerful tools for highlighting what sets your product apart.
Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Clearly articulate your product's USP and how it addresses user needs in a way that competitors don't. Focus on the unique benefits your app offers and how it solves a specific problem better than alternative solutions.
Competitive Advantage: Showcase features or benefits that give you a competitive edge, emphasizing what makes your product superior. Demonstrate how your app's features are more intuitive, efficient, or powerful than those offered by competitors.
Value-Driven Narrative: Craft a compelling narrative that focuses on the unique value you offer and the problems you solve for your target audience. Tell a story that resonates with users and highlights the specific ways in which your app can improve their lives or businesses.
Customer Testimonials: Incorporate testimonials from satisfied customers who have experienced the benefits of your product firsthand. Authentic testimonials can build credibility and trust, showcasing the positive impact your app has had on others.

Compelling App Tour Storylines

A captivating storyline can make all the difference in engaging your audience and leaving a lasting impression.
Relatable Hook: Start with a hook that resonates with your target audience's pain points or aspirations, capturing their attention from the outset. This could be a scene depicting a common frustration users experience or a glimpse of the positive outcomes your app can deliver.
Problem-Solution Framework: Clearly establish the problem your product solves and how it improves users' lives or businesses. Introduce the problem early in the video and then demonstrate how your app provides a clear and effective solution.
Feature-Benefit Alignment: Showcase key features and directly correlate them to the benefits they offer, emphasizing the value proposition. Don't just list features; explain how each feature directly addresses a user need or pain point and delivers a tangible benefit.
Call to Action: Conclude with a clear and compelling call to action, prompting viewers to take the next step. Encourage users to download the app, sign up for a free trial, or visit your website to learn more.

App Tours For Support Efficiency

Guided app tour videos can be valuable assets for your customer support strategy, empowering users with self-service options and reducing support inquiries.
Knowledge Base Integration: Embed videos within your knowledge base or help center to provide visual guidance alongside written documentation. Users can watch a video tutorial instead of reading through lengthy text instructions, making it easier to understand and follow the steps.
Proactive Problem Solving: Create videos that address common support requests, guiding users through troubleshooting steps or FAQs. Anticipate common user issues and create videos that provide clear and concise solutions, reducing the need for users to contact support.
Accessibility and Searchability: Ensure videos are easily accessible and searchable within your support resources, allowing users to find answers quickly. Use clear and descriptive titles and tags for your videos, making it easy for users to find the information they need through keyword searches.
Reduced Support Tickets: By empowering users to resolve issues independently, you can reduce the volume of support tickets and associated costs. Self-service support options, like video tutorials, can significantly reduce the burden on your support team and free up their time to handle more complex issues.

B2B App Tour Considerations

Tailoring your approach to your target audience is crucial. When creating a guided app tour video for a B2B audience, consider the following:
Business Value Focus: Emphasize how your product solves business challenges, improves efficiency, or increases ROI. Focus on the tangible benefits your app offers to businesses, such as cost savings, increased productivity, or improved customer satisfaction.
Professional Tone: Adopt a professional and informative tone that resonates with a business audience. Avoid using overly casual language or humor that may not be appropriate for a professional context.
Industry-Specific Language: Use industry-specific terminology and examples to demonstrate your understanding of their needs. Tailor your language and examples to the specific industry your target audience operates in, showing that you understand their unique challenges and requirements.
Data and Case Studies: Incorporate data, statistics, or case studies to support your claims and showcase the tangible benefits of your product. Provide evidence to back up your claims about your app's effectiveness, using data or real-world examples to demonstrate its impact on businesses.

Seamless Onboarding With App Tours

First impressions matter. Guided app tour videos can be instrumental in creating a seamless and engaging user onboarding experience.
Warm Welcome: Start by welcoming new users and setting the stage for a positive onboarding journey. Use a friendly and welcoming tone in the video to make users feel comfortable and excited to explore your app.
Value-Driven Introduction: Provide a concise overview of your product's core features and benefits, highlighting its value proposition. Clearly communicate the key benefits users will gain by using your app, focusing on the positive outcomes it delivers.
Step-by-Step Guidance: Guide users through the initial setup process, key functionalities, and essential workflows. Break down complex processes into simple, easy-to-follow steps, using clear visuals and concise instructions.
Personalized Experience: Consider using personalized videos or branching paths based on user roles or goals to enhance relevance. Tailor the onboarding experience to the specific needs and interests of different user segments, providing them with the most relevant information and guidance.
App Tours For Conversions & Sales
Guided app tour videos can be powerful tools for boosting conversions and driving sales when strategically crafted.
Highlighting Value: Clearly articulate your app's unique selling proposition and how it addresses specific customer pain points. For example, if your app helps users save time, showcase this benefit directly in the video using relatable scenarios.
Building Trust: Incorporate social proof like user testimonials or case studies. Seeing others succeed with your app can significantly influence potential customers. Consider featuring a brief clip of a satisfied user explaining how your app solved a problem for them.
Driving Action: Conclude with a clear and compelling call to action (CTA). Instead of a generic "Download Now," tailor your CTA to the specific goal, such as "Start Your Free Trial" or "Learn More About [Specific Feature]."
Testing and Optimization: A/B test different video elements like messaging, visuals, and CTAs to identify what resonates best with your audience. Track metrics like click-through rates and conversions to optimize your videos for maximum impact.
Successful App Tour Marketing
A well-defined strategy is crucial for maximizing the impact of your app tour videos.
Know Your Audience: Clearly identify your target audience through user research, surveys, and analyzing app store demographics. Understand their needs, pain points, and preferences to tailor your video content accordingly.
Content Planning: Develop a content calendar that outlines the topics, themes, and formats for your videos. Consider creating a series of videos focusing on specific features or use cases.
Strategic Distribution: Determine the most effective channels to reach your target audience. This could include your website, social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, or even paid advertising.
Performance Monitoring: Regularly track key metrics like watch time, engagement, and conversions to measure the effectiveness of your videos. Use this data to make data-driven adjustments to your strategy.
High Quality App Tour Experience
User experience is paramount, and guided app tour videos can play a significant role in creating a positive and seamless experience.
Clarity and Simplicity: Keep videos short, focused, and easy to understand. Avoid jargon or overly technical language. Imagine a user encountering your app for the first time – ensure the video provides a clear and concise introduction.
Visual Appeal: Use high-quality visuals, smooth animations, and a consistent brand aesthetic to create an engaging and visually pleasing experience. Consider using professional voiceovers and background music to enhance the overall quality.
Accessibility: Ensure videos are accessible on all devices and platforms, with options for captions or subtitles. This caters to a wider audience and improves user experience for everyone.
User Feedback: Gather feedback from users through surveys or in-app prompts to understand their preferences and identify areas for improvement in your videos.
Mobile App Tour Considerations
Mobile devices present unique considerations for video content due to screen size, user behavior, and data limitations.
Vertical Optimization: Optimize for vertical viewing, as most users hold their phones vertically. Ensure all UI elements and text are clearly visible in this format.
Concise Content: Keep videos short and to the point, as mobile users often have shorter attention spans. Focus on the core features and benefits of your app.
Touch-Friendly Navigation: If your video includes interactive elements, ensure they are large enough and easy to tap on a mobile screen. Test the video on various devices to ensure a smooth experience.
Data Usage: Consider the video file size and offer options for lower-resolution versions to accommodate users with limited data plans. This can be achieved by providing different streaming quality options.
Engaging App Tour Experience
Interactive elements can transform passive viewing into active participation, enhancing engagement and knowledge retention.
Interactive Quizzes: Test user comprehension and reinforce key concepts with interactive quizzes or polls within the video. For example, after showcasing a feature, you could ask a multiple-choice question about its functionality.
Branching Paths: Allow users to choose their own adventure by providing branching paths based on their interests or goals. For instance, a project management app could offer different video paths for users interested in task management versus team collaboration.
Gamification: Incorporate game-like elements, such as points, badges, or leaderboards, to motivate users and make learning more fun. This can be particularly effective for onboarding new users.
Personalized Content: Use data to personalize the video experience, such as addressing users by name or showcasing relevant features based on their behavior. This creates a more tailored and engaging experience.
App Tour Onboarding Benefits
Customer onboarding is crucial for user success, and guided app tour videos offer several benefits during this stage.
Improved Understanding: Videos provide a visual and engaging way to explain complex concepts, features, and workflows. For example, a video can visually demonstrate how to navigate the app's interface and access key features.
Increased Product Adoption: By guiding users through the initial setup and key functionalities, videos can accelerate product adoption. Users are more likely to actively use the app when they understand its value and how to use it effectively.
Reduced Support Costs: Videos can empower users to self-serve, reducing the volume of support tickets and associated costs. A well-designed video can answer common user questions, minimizing the need for direct support interactions.
Enhanced User Experience: A smooth and engaging onboarding experience can lead to higher user satisfaction and retention. When users feel confident and comfortable using your app from the start, they are more likely to stick around.
Personalized App Tour Experience
Personalization can significantly enhance the user experience, making users feel valued and understood.
Data Segmentation: Segment your audience based on demographics, behavior, or goals to deliver tailored video content. For example, you could create different onboarding videos for new users versus returning users.
Dynamic Content: Use dynamic content to personalize the video experience, such as addressing users by name or showcasing relevant features based on their past interactions. Imagine a video that welcomes a user back and highlights new features they haven't explored yet.
Branching Paths: Allow users to choose their own adventure by providing branching paths based on their interests or needs. This empowers users to focus on the aspects of the app that are most relevant to them.
Personalized Recommendations: Use data to recommend relevant videos or features based on user behavior or preferences. For example, if a user frequently accesses a specific feature, the video could suggest related features or advanced tips.
Industry Specific App Tours
Different industries have unique needs, challenges, and terminology, requiring tailored approaches to app tour videos.
Industry Research: Conduct thorough research to understand the industry's pain points, trends, and language. For example, a healthcare app would need to use medical terminology appropriately and address concerns about data privacy.
Targeted Messaging: Tailor your messaging and visuals to resonate with the specific industry audience. A financial app might focus on security and reliability, while a gaming app would emphasize entertainment and engagement.
Case Studies and Examples: Showcase how your product has benefited businesses in that industry through case studies or testimonials. This builds credibility and demonstrates the app's practical value in a specific context.
Industry-Specific Features: Highlight features or functionalities that are particularly relevant or valuable to businesses in that sector. For example, a retail app might showcase inventory management features, while a construction app would focus on project planning tools.
App Tours For Customer Loyalty
Customer satisfaction and loyalty are essential for long-term success, and guided app tour videos can contribute to these goals.
Proactive Support: By addressing common questions or challenges, videos can provide proactive support and reduce user frustration. For example, a video could demonstrate how to troubleshoot a common technical issue, preventing users from needing to contact support.
Value Demonstration: Showcasing the value proposition of your product and how it solves specific user needs can increase satisfaction. Clearly illustrate how your app makes users' lives easier, more efficient, or more enjoyable.
Engaging Content: Creating informative and engaging videos can foster a positive brand association and build loyalty. Use high-quality visuals, storytelling techniques, and a friendly tone to create a memorable experience.
Continuous Improvement: Regularly updating videos based on user feedback and product enhancements demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction. This shows users that you are actively listening to their needs and striving to improve their experience.
Understanding App Tours
A guided app tour video is like a virtual tour guide for your app. It's a digital guide designed to provide users with a comprehensive walkthrough of your application or software.
These videos visually demonstrate the app's functionality and features, guiding users through its interface and capabilities. Think of it as a concise and engaging way to showcase your app's value proposition and help users get started quickly and effectively.
Understanding App Tours
Guided app tour videos are concise and engaging visual aids that showcase the functionality and features of your app. They act as a digital guide, walking users through the app's interface and demonstrating its capabilities.
These videos can take various forms, from simple screen recordings with voiceovers to more sophisticated animated explainer videos or interactive walkthroughs. The key is to choose a format that best suits your app and target audience.
Importance Of App Tours
In today's digital landscape, where user attention spans are short and competition is fierce, a guided app tour video is crucial for capturing interest and showcasing your app's value.
Users often face a steep learning curve when encountering new apps. A well-crafted video can simplify complex processes, highlight key features, and demonstrate the app's benefits in a clear and engaging way. This can lead to increased user engagement, faster adoption, and ultimately, higher conversion rates.
Measuring App Tour Success
Measuring the effectiveness of your app tour videos is essential for optimizing their impact and achieving your goals.
Key Metrics: Track metrics like watch time, completion rate, engagement (likes, comments, shares), click-through rates on CTAs, and conversions (e.g., sign-ups, purchases).
Analytics Tools: Utilize analytics platforms like YouTube Analytics or your video hosting platform's built-in analytics to gather data on video performance.
A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests to compare different versions of your videos and identify which elements drive the best results.
User Feedback: Gather feedback from users through surveys or in-app prompts to understand their perception of the videos and identify areas for improvement.
App Tour Mistakes To Avoid
Creating effective app tour videos requires careful planning and execution. Here are some common mistakes to avoid:
Making it Too Long: Keep videos concise and focused. Avoid overwhelming users with excessive information.
Using Jargon or Technical Language: Use clear and simple language that everyone can understand.
Neglecting Visual Appeal: Invest in high-quality visuals and animations to create an engaging experience.
Ignoring Mobile Optimization: Ensure videos are optimized for vertical viewing and mobile data usage.
Forgetting a Clear Call to Action: Conclude with a specific and compelling CTA to guide users towards the desired action.
App Tour Creation Tools
Several tools and resources can help you create professional and engaging app tour videos:
Screen Recording Software: Camtasia, OBS Studio, Loom
Video Editing Software: Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, Filmora
Animation Software: After Effects, Vyond, Powtoon
Voiceover Platforms: VoiceBunny, Fiverr, Upwork
Stock Footage and Music Libraries: Envato Elements, Shutterstock, Artlist
Interactive Video Platforms: Wirewax, Rapt Media, HapYak

Author at advids
I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!