Video Creation Service

30 Small Business Explainer Video Examples That Conver

Orko Roy
Last updated
Sep. 04, 2024

Small businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to captivate their target audience and effectively communicate their value proposition. In today's digital landscape, where attention spans are shrinking, explainer videos have emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to engage viewers and drive conversions.

From simplifying complex concepts to enhancing brand storytelling, explainer videos offer a versatile and effective solution for small businesses looking to make a lasting impression in the digital age. Let's dive in.

1. State Street

State Street's Venturi video is designed to highlight the benefits of their peer-to-peer financing platform, which allows investors and borrowers to connect directly. The video emphasizes the elimination of intermediaries and back-office burdens, providing a more transparent and efficient experience.

Video Design - The video employs a clean, minimalist design, reminiscent of a "Small Business Explainer Video". The use of simple, animated shapes and lines, vibrant color palettes, and a dark background creates a modern and engaging aesthetic. The video uses high-quality graphics that are clear and easy to understand, reinforcing the concept of transparency.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates its objective of demonstrating the simplicity and ease of use of the Venturi platform. The animated graphics highlight the key features of the platform and provide a sense of movement and energy, further engaging the viewer. The video's tone is professional, confident, and informative, reflecting the company's expertise in financial technology.

2. Veeva

Veeva SiteVault is a platform for sites to manage studies and exchange information. This video is designed to showcase how SiteVault enables better collaboration between sites, sponsors, and CROs.

Video Design - The video uses simple line drawings and animated illustrations to represent complex concepts related to SiteVault. This style of video is commonly known as a Small Business Explainer Video.

The video features clean and modern graphics, using only white and yellow for a clean and minimalist aesthetic. These simple visual cues make the video easy to understand, helping viewers grasp the core concepts of SiteVault and understand how it can improve their workflows. The narrative is optimistic and focuses on empowering sites with tools to do their jobs better, ultimately resulting in better outcomes for patients.

3. Beyon3D

Beyon3D is developing an innovative system that disrupts the construction industry using robotics. The video is designed to introduce the product and demonstrate how robotics can bring about a new age of construction.

Video Design - This Small Business Explainer Video uses a clean and concise design style that focuses on showcasing the robotic system. Animated graphics like the construction of a building and a rising graph convey the company's mission to improve the construction industry. The video uses bright yellow for text and graphics, which pops against the stark white background, giving the video a clear and professional look.

The video clearly shows how Beyon3D is transforming the construction industry. The graphics and animations are well-executed and demonstrate how robotics can be used to create buildings faster, cheaper, and with higher quality. The video tone is professional and informative, and it effectively communicates the company's objective and vision. The video inspires viewers by showing how robots are revolutionizing the way buildings are made.

4. CooperVision

CooperVision is a company that creates contact lenses. This video is designed to introduce the company and its latest product, Aquaform® Technology.

Video Design - The video utilizes simple, clean line art graphics. The video is an example of a "Small Business Explainer Video" where the concept of the product is presented in a clear, concise way. The illustrations are simple and easy to understand, representing the technological innovation of the contact lenses.

The visual style of the video is simple and engaging, emphasizing the comfort and effectiveness of the product. The minimalist graphics and color scheme help viewers focus on the key benefits of CooperVision's contact lenses, which is achieved through the use of Aquaform® Technology. The calm tone of the video helps viewers relax and feel assured that CooperVision products are reliable.

5. Ateme

Ateme+ is a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service solution that simplifies video delivery. This video is designed to introduce Ateme+ and its ability to provide a high-quality experience for viewers.

Video Design - The video design is minimalist and uses bold colors, simple graphics, and a clean aesthetic. This creates a Small Business Explainer Video feel. Ateme's core message is communicated through vibrant colors, and simple graphics, illustrating the core product benefit.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the simplicity, scalability, and global reach of Ateme+. The use of clean lines and geometric shapes, coupled with a vibrant color palette, creates a sense of modernity and efficiency. The video's message of simplifying complexity is evident in the design, showing how Ateme+ can make video delivery easier. The video's overall tone is optimistic and encouraging, highlighting Ateme+'s ability to enhance the viewer experience and ensure a smooth workflow.

6. GeoSLAM

GeoSLAM is a company that specializes in mobile mapping solutions. The video is designed to introduce the brand and its SLAM technology to viewers.

Video Design - This Small Business Explainer Video uses a clean and modern style. The graphics are simple but effective. The use of 3D animation and simple characters helps explain complex ideas like SLAM.

The design choices allow GeoSLAM to communicate the power and simplicity of its mapping solution to a wide audience. The video has a friendly and inviting tone, making it engaging for viewers interested in the benefits of mobile mapping. The focus on digital models and user-friendly technology drives the key message of accessibility and affordability.

7. Ad Astra

Ad Astra helps institutions design better program pathways for students and align faculty and space for efficient resource stewardship. The video is designed to explain the company's product and its value proposition.

Video Design - The video is a well-produced Small Business Explainer Video with an animated approach. The visual style is clean and modern, with simple yet engaging animations and graphics. The video is highly effective in conveying the message.

The video begins with a graphic representation of a college course schedule and then transitions to an engaging animation where colored dots represent students. This simple approach illustrates the core problem that Ad Astra solves. The video uses white space effectively, which is a key characteristic of a well-designed video. The use of white space helps enhance the visual appeal of the video. The visual style of the video is consistent and clearly communicates the benefits of using Ad Astra. The tone of the video is professional and informative, highlighting the value proposition of Ad Astra's solution for institutions.

8. Agilent

Agilent focuses on providing high quality inert gas chromatography (GC) parts for their GC and GC/MS systems. This video is designed to showcase how these inert components help deliver accurate and sensitive analytical results for trace level analysis.

Video Design - The video starts with a static shot of the Agilent 7890B GC and 5977A Series GC/MSD, displaying the Agilent logo and the phrase "Inert Flow Path." The graphics are high quality, and the video uses clean and minimalist animation to highlight the internal workings of the GC system. The animation is simple and effective, making this a good example of a Small Business Explainer Video.

The visual style communicates the objective of the video well. The focus on the product's inner workings, particularly the "inert flow path," emphasizes the scientific nature of the technology. The tone of the video is informative and professional, highlighting the reliability and consistency of Agilent's inert GC parts. The video is engaging due to its clarity, and the use of high-quality graphics and animation creates a professional and trustworthy feel, ultimately showcasing the value of Agilent's GC parts for scientific research and analysis.

9. Invacare

Invacare is a company that makes medical equipment. This video is designed to highlight the benefits of using Invacare's products.

Video Design - The video is designed to engage the viewer using the "Small Business Explainer Video" style. It uses simple graphics and animated figures. The background is a simple gradient, which makes the visuals clean, sharp, and easy to understand.

The video's design style effectively communicates the objective of the video. It uses simple graphics that convey the message clearly and concisely. The tone of the video is motivational, conveying a message that the viewer is capable of achieving anything with Invacare's help. The narrative of the video focuses on the theme of perseverance, and how Invacare's products will help the viewer achieve their goals. The use of animated figures and graphics, with a simple color palette and minimal text, makes the video engaging.

10. Syensqo

Syensqo is a company providing material and chemical solutions to advance the hydrogen economy. This video is designed to showcase Syensqo's solutions for hydrogen-powered mobility.

Video Design - This Small Business Explainer Video starts with an engaging and beautiful animation sequence depicting the clean energy sources used to create hydrogen power. It moves on to the application of hydrogen power, specifically focused on transportation, featuring trucks driving on a road with wind turbines in the background. The visuals have a clean, simple, and professional look, showcasing the brand's commitment to clean energy. The use of vibrant colors and fast-paced transitions makes it an engaging and interesting video.

The video visual style successfully communicates its objective to introduce Syensqo as a company providing clean energy solutions. The video focuses on the clean energy sources and application in transportation to highlight Syensqo's role in a sustainable future. The visual style is clean, modern, and engaging, and the video overall tone is optimistic and hopeful, emphasizing the positive impact of Syensqo's contribution to a greener future.

11. 1Password

1Password is a password manager, focused on user security. The video is designed to introduce the company's latest version, 1Password 8 for Mac.

Video Design - The video uses a bold, bright, and vibrant color palette, including blues and purples. Neon lines and geometric shapes add visual interest and create an effect similar to a Small Business Explainer Video. The neon lines represent the connection and flow of information, emphasizing the importance of security in a digital world.

The video's visual style effectively conveys the goal of introducing 1Password 8 for Mac. The bright colors and engaging animations capture attention, highlighting the excitement surrounding the new version. This approach creates a positive tone, emphasizing the importance of security and convenience, a core message of the brand. The overall video is designed to inspire confidence and encourage users to learn more about the new version.

12. BASF

BASF is a chemical company specializing in developing innovative solutions for refineries. This video is designed to demonstrate BASF's expertise in refining crude oil into high-performance fuels.

Video Design - This Small Business Explainer Video uses simple, clean animation that focuses on the molecular structure of various chemicals, highlighting BASF's expertise. The style uses 3D animation of molecules and other graphic elements that flow seamlessly to capture the viewer's attention, and effectively communicate BASF's solutions for refinery processes. The video uses minimal text with clear font and color choices, ensuring a concise and easily understood narrative for viewers.

The video animated style combined with the visual representation of BASF's products and processes creates a compelling visual language. The tone of the video is straightforward, positive, and engaging. BASF is effectively communicating the value of their solutions by showcasing their expertise and ability to provide solutions for refining challenges.

13. Health-RI

Health-RI is a company focused on facilitating modern health research.
The video is designed to introduce their solution, the "Personal Health Train", which enables secure access to health data without sharing it in a central database.

Video Design - The video utilizes a simple, clean design style that is characteristic of a Small Business Explainer Video.
It uses bright colors, basic illustrations, and minimal text to explain a complex concept in an engaging and easily digestible way.
The use of animated icons and transitions keeps the viewer engaged throughout the video.

The visual style of the video effectively communicates the objective of the video.
The use of simple graphics and illustrations makes the video easy to understand, and the animations help to make it engaging.
The tone of the video is both informative and encouraging, suggesting that the Personal Health Train is a solution to the challenge of managing large amounts of data for research.
The video effectively illustrates the solution by showcasing the information flow through the Personal Health Train.
The narrative clearly explains the need for a solution, and the concept of the "Personal Health Train" is introduced to the audience in a way that makes sense and is easy to grasp.


AESSEAL designs and manufactures sealing solutions for a sustainable future. The video is designed to highlight the company's capabilities and the benefits of their sealing solutions.

Video Design - This is a Small Business Explainer Video. The video is well-structured and informative. The use of 3D animations effectively shows how AESSEAL's STS seal works. The graphics are clean, simple, and professional, making it visually appealing.

The video effectively uses a conversational tone. The combination of 3D animation, and the human voice explaining the complex details of the STS seal, effectively conveys the product's value and solves the problem for the client. The video effectively communicates the benefits of using the AESSEAL STS seal. It emphasizes that the seal can prevent leaks, reduce maintenance costs, and increase efficiency, by replacing older non-functional parts.

15. OccuTrack

OccuTrack is a medical start-up developing a novel mobile Automatic Visual Impairment Detection System (AVIGA) to manage central vision deterioration. The video is designed to introduce the AVIGA system, its benefits, and how it can be used to help people with central vision problems.

Video Design - This is a Small Business Explainer Video. The design is simple but effective, with a clean and modern look. The video uses bright colors and flat graphics to illustrate the product, emphasizing its ease of use and accessibility.

The use of simple graphics and illustrations helps convey the concept of the AVIGA system in a clear and concise manner. The overall visual style is bright and inviting, creating a positive tone and helping viewers feel optimistic about the potential of the AVIGA system to help people with vision problems.

16. NanoSight

NanoSight is a solution for characterizing bio and nano materials. The video is designed to showcase the NanoSight Pro, which provides quick and easy access to high resolution size and concentration data.

Video Design - The video uses an artistic and abstract style with close-up shots of nanoparticles and the NanoSight Pro. This style is common in Small Business Explainer Videos. The visual design creates a sense of wonder and intrigue for the viewer.

The use of high-quality graphics, animations, and a simple background creates a modern and sophisticated feel. The video conveys the message that NanoSight Pro is a powerful tool for scientists and researchers. The overall tone of the video is informative and engaging. The visual design of the video drives home the video's objective, which is to inform the viewer about the NanoSight Pro and its benefits.

17. Wartsila

Wartsila Voyage's Fleet Optimisation Solution (FOS) is a data analysis, voyage planning, and fleet performance management package that helps ship owners, managers and operators. This video is designed to introduce FOS and its benefits for customers.

Video Design - This video uses a simple and clean visual style with bright colors and bold graphics, characteristic of a Small Business Explainer Video. The use of geometric shapes, a clean color palette, and modern fonts create an appealing visual style. The video features numerous visuals and graphics that show how the FOS system connects the dots and helps visualize the data.

The clean design, and bold graphics combined with a bright color palette are used to drive home the message of FOS being a key solution to the challenges faced by the maritime industry. This visual style is easy to understand and appeals to a wide audience. The video communicates the effectiveness of FOS by using a clean visual design, highlighting the key benefits of the solution.

18. Teledyne

Teledyne e2v Semiconductors is showcasing their latest offering, the world's most compact Radiation Tolerant 4GB DDR4 memory. This video is designed to highlight the product's benefits for space systems, demonstrating its ability to withstand extreme environments.

Video Design - This video is a Small Business Explainer Video, utilizing a clear and concise visual style that effectively communicates its message. The visuals are simple and easy to understand, featuring animated characters and basic office settings. The color palette is bright and inviting, helping to create a positive and engaging tone for the viewer.

The video uses simple animation, incorporating an office setting and characters to depict the challenges faced in customer service. The narrative focuses on the stress and anxiety experienced by customer service workers when faced with difficult and frustrated customers, highlighting the need for a robust and resilient solution. The bright color palette and lighthearted animation create a fun and engaging tone, making the video easy to watch and understand. The video design effectively conveys the challenges, highlighting the need for Teledyne e2v Semiconductor's memory solution, and leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

19. CareATC

CareATC is a population health management company that aims to make employees healthier and happier. This video is designed to introduce CareATC to potential customers, employers.

Video Design - This is a Small Business Explainer Video that uses bright, bold colors. The visuals are simple, yet effective, with a focus on icons and graphics. The company's logo features an orange circle with a purple design. This logo is repeated throughout the video, reinforcing the brand. The visuals are clear and concise, making them easy to understand. The video is designed to be engaging and informative, with simple and short animations. The style of animation and graphics works well with the topic of healthcare, showcasing the company's data driven approach.

The visual style is engaging and informative, successfully communicating CareATC's goal of helping employers reduce healthcare costs by improving employee wellness. The use of animations and graphics enhances the video's impact, driving viewers toward the call to action, which is to contact CareATC and learn more about their services. The video maintains a professional tone, conveying CareATC's focus on data-driven, measurable solutions.

20. ABB

ABB Robotics Ecosystem Program introduces a new way to simplify automation and streamline the process of setting up robots. The video is designed to show how ABB is making its robots easier to use, particularly with its latest program.

Video Design - The video uses a simple design style that is consistent with Small Business Explainer Video trends. It employs clear and concise language, clean graphics, and easily understandable visuals to communicate its message. The graphics are 3D and sleek, adding a modern touch. The use of simple animation showcases the robots in action, highlighting how they can be easily integrated into various manufacturing settings. This makes the video engaging and easy to follow, even for viewers who are not familiar with industrial robots.

The video effectively communicates its objective through a visual style that emphasizes the simplicity and ease of use of ABB's robots. By showcasing the plug-and-play nature of the accessories and the intuitive design of the robots, the video sets a reassuring and optimistic tone. The video also highlights the flexibility of the ABB ecosystem, demonstrating that it can be used for a wide range of tasks. The video straightforward and easy-to-understand narrative makes it engaging for both technical and non-technical viewers.

21. DermaConcepts

DermaConcepts is a company that provides advanced skincare solutions. This video is designed to introduce their new Focus Care Skin Tech+ Electro-Sonic DF Mobile.

Video Design - DermaConcepts chose a clean and minimalist design style for this video. It uses mostly white and grey tones, with simple animations and graphics. The product is prominently displayed on a white background. The video uses sharp graphics, highlighting the sleek design of the product. It is a good Small Business Explainer Video. The video uses animation to show the product's features.

The video is able to communicate the objective, which is to promote the product's benefits and encourage viewers to try it. The visual design of the video focuses on the product, showcasing its sleek and modern design. The tone of the video is professional and informative, highlighting the product's unique features, which is further amplified by the use of white background and high-quality graphics. The clear and concise messaging used in the video helps to convey the product's benefits. The overall aesthetic of the video is simple and sophisticated, making it an effective tool for communicating the benefits of the product to potential customers.

22. Radix

Radix is a high-throughput protocol designed to build decentralized applications, tokens and coins. This video is designed to introduce the user to the product, its benefits, and the value it brings.

Video Design - This video is a Small Business Explainer Video. Radix uses minimal animation to draw attention to the benefits of the product. The video incorporates 3D elements such as triangles to visually demonstrate the difficulty of moving assets in the traditional financial system, and lines to visually portray the seamlessness of Radix's decentralized finance framework. The video employs a dark blue color palette, and the animation style is minimalist.

The video's overall design, animation, and color palette are effective in communicating the objective of the video. The simplicity of the video helps Radix achieve its goal of highlighting the potential of DeFi, while the use of animation makes the video more engaging for its target audience. The tone of the video is neutral, it uses the animation to demonstrate the product, and the narrative explains the features of the protocol. The video effectively communicates the core message while remaining easy to understand.


CLEAR Health Pass connects identity to health insights, giving people the confidence to move forward. The video is designed to showcase the benefits of CLEAR Health Pass and how it can help businesses safely and securely bring people back to work.

Video Design - The video uses simple and bright graphics, incorporating a "Small Business Explainer Video" style. The video features a cartoon character that represents a user engaging in common activities. The simple visual style makes the video easy to understand and digest.

CLEAR Health Pass is the touchless solution to bring people back to work safely and securely. The video highlights a woman who uses CLEAR Health Pass to access different locations, such as a stadium, a restaurant, and her workplace. The bright colors, simple graphics, and clear messaging communicate the video's objective and the overall positive and reassuring tone of the product.

24. EagleView

EagleView is a powerful, web-based tool that allows users to view and analyze aerial imagery. This video is designed to showcase the capabilities of CONNECTExplorer, a lightweight web-based application that makes it easier to view and analyze Pictometry imagery.

Video Design -
This Small Business Explainer Video uses a clean, vibrant, and engaging design. It features flat graphics, animated transitions, and a simple color palette that makes it easy for viewers to understand the information being presented. The video starts with a simple illustration of a desk with a computer screen, creating a familiar environment for the target audience, and then quickly transitions to showcasing the product's features, using bright colors and a clean interface.

The video uses a clean and engaging visual style to help communicate the goal of showing how CONNECTExplorer helps users visualize their data and gain new insights. The bright colors and smooth animation help keep the viewer engaged throughout the video, and the overall tone is optimistic and inviting, conveying a sense of ease and efficiency that the platform provides.

25. Blend

Blend is a company that helps make buying a home simple, like an online purchase. This video is designed to explain what a dividend is, as well as what a dividend yield is.

Video Design - The video starts with a teacher explaining the lesson, but instead of a real person, an animated character is used. The style of the video is a "Small Business Explainer Video" that uses flat style illustrations and animations with a simple, clean color palette. The video focuses on the key concept using simple visual language.

The visual style of the video drives the video goal by using simple, clear visuals that make it easy to understand the concept. The tone of the video is friendly and approachable, which makes it feel welcoming for all viewers. The video uses clean animation and an animated character to communicate a complex subject matter. The clean design aesthetic creates a professional and informative tone for the video, conveying the message simply and efficiently.

26. Apogee

Apogee is a company specializing in digital mailroom solutions. The video is designed to explain the process of digital mailroom, its benefits and how it works.

Video Design - The video is a great example of a Small Business Explainer Video. It uses clean graphics, minimal text, and simple animation to illustrate a complex topic. A bright blue background is used, contrasted with bright yellow for the visuals. The use of flat style illustrations gives it a fun and engaging look. This approach makes the video easy to understand and follow.

The video uses bright colors and simple illustrations to make the information easy to absorb. This approach makes the video engaging and effective in communicating Apogee's message. The tone of the video is friendly and informative, appealing to business owners and office managers looking for a secure and efficient way to manage incoming mail. The bright blue backdrop paired with a yellow envelope and other simple graphical representations, drive the central message of the video which is digital mailroom solutions.

27. Nalco Water

Nalco Water is a company that helps businesses optimize their water use. The video is designed to showcase the capabilities of their OMNI Analytics platform.

Video Design - This is a Small Business Explainer Video that uses a clean, modern design with simple graphics. The video features a mix of 3D animated graphics that help to illustrate the benefits of OMNI Analytics. The video uses a lot of white space, which helps to make the graphics and text stand out. The overall tone of the video is professional and informative.

The video does a good job of communicating the objective of the platform. It shows how OMNI Analytics can be used to collect data, analyze it, and then use the insights to make better decisions about a business's water use. This is done through the use of clear and concise visuals that highlight the benefits of using the platform. The tone of the video is confident and upbeat, which helps to create a sense of trust and confidence in the viewer.

28. VISA

VISA Faster Payments Gateway helps businesses easily send and receive money through multiple payment networks. The video is designed to showcase the benefits of using VISA Faster Payments Gateway for businesses.

Video Design - The video uses a minimalist line art style with bright, bold colors. The video is presented as a "Small Business Explainer Video" and focuses on showing how the product can benefit businesses of different sizes, from small deliveries to online boutiques. The graphics are clean and visually appealing, featuring a simple color palette of blue, yellow, and white. The video uses subtle animations to draw the viewer's attention to key features, helping them quickly understand the product's capabilities.

The video design effectively communicates the speed, ease, and convenience of using VISA Faster Payments Gateway. The bright, colorful visuals are engaging and appealing to a broad range of viewers, making the video easy to watch and understand. The minimalist line art style aligns well with the product's focus on efficiency and simplicity, reinforcing its key features. The fast-paced editing and concise narration provide a clear and direct overview of the product's functionality, further enhancing the overall understanding and conveying the tone of speed and immediacy.


LACROIX is a company that specializes in water network monitoring and control solutions. This video is designed to showcase the capabilities of the DL4W data logger, emphasizing its ability to monitor and control water network performance, and the benefits of using their product.

Video Design -
This is a Small Business Explainer Video, that utilizes clear and simple graphics with a minimalist approach. The video opens with aerial shots of water infrastructure, followed by close-ups of the DL4W data logger installed in different locations. The animation is clean and well-designed, making the video easy to understand, visually appealing and informative. The simple graphic style is consistent throughout the video, further solidifying the brand aesthetic of clarity and efficiency. The visual style is a powerful tool for presenting information clearly, making the data logger and its features readily accessible to the viewer.

The video effectively communicates the objective through its visual design. By showcasing the DL4W data logger in various water network environments, the video highlights its wide application and applicability to a range of water management challenges. The animation of the data logger and its role in providing insightful data is key to the video's objective. The video's overall tone is professional, informative, and persuasive, highlighting the value and effectiveness of LACROIX's solutions for water network management.

30. Breton Small Business Explainer Video

Breton is a company that manufactures industrial machinery for ceramic tiles and slabs. This video is designed to demonstrate the company's Ghibli line that offers complete and automatic dry squaring and rectifying of ceramic tiles and slabs.

Video Design - The video is a great example of a Small Business Explainer Video. The use of animation and graphic elements effectively communicates the functionality of the product. The color palette is mostly dark, with a few bursts of red that highlight the product's features. The animation is clean and precise, highlighting the precision of the machine's movements.

The video uses a combination of animation and graphic elements to communicate the product's benefits. The animation is used to visually show the product in action, while the text elements provide additional context and information. The video's fast-paced tempo matches the product's high speed and precision, conveying a sense of efficiency and innovation. The tone of the video is informative and professional, targeting a specific audience of individuals involved in the production of ceramic tiles and slabs. Overall, the video effectively communicates the product's benefits and its potential to improve the efficiency of ceramic tile and slab production.

Key Takeaways

High Quality Explainer Videos

High Quality Explainer Videos

Crafting a high-impact explainer video for your small business demands a strategic blend of engaging content and meticulous planning. Begin by deeply understanding your target audience: their demographics, pain points, and preferred content consumption platforms. Define a crystal-clear objective for your video: is it brand awareness, product explanation, or sales generation? Finally, establish a realistic budget. High quality doesn't necessitate exorbitant costs; explore cost-effective animation styles or leverage freelance platforms for talent. By addressing these core elements, you pave the way for a video that resonates deeply with your audience and achieves your business goals. (Word count: 118)

Boost Customer Engagement

Boost Customer Engagement

Explainer videos are potent tools for boosting customer engagement and fostering loyalty. Start by hooking viewers with a relatable scenario: a customer struggling with a common problem that your product solves. Showcase your solution's benefits through captivating visuals and a clear, concise narrative. Encourage interaction by ending with a thought-provoking question or a compelling call to action, prompting viewers to engage further with your brand. This fosters a sense of community and encourages repeat visits, ultimately strengthening customer relationships and driving retention. (Word count: 106)

Explainer Video Types

Explainer Video Types

The optimal explainer video style hinges on your brand's personality, target audience, and message complexity. animated explainer videos excel at simplifying intricate ideas through engaging visuals and characters. Live-action videos, featuring real people and settings, build trust and authenticity, particularly for showcasing company culture or customer testimonials. Whiteboard explainer videos, with their minimalist yet effective approach, are ideal for dissecting processes or explaining data-heavy concepts. Experimentation with different styles allows you to discover what resonates most effectively with your specific audience. (Word count: 102)

Sales & Lead Generation

Sales & Lead Generation

Explainer videos can be powerful sales and lead generation engines when strategically integrated into your sales funnel. Showcase your product or service in action, highlighting key features and benefits while directly addressing customer pain points. Demonstrate how your offering provides the solution they seek. Include a clear and compelling call to action, prompting viewers to visit your website, sign up for a free trial, or make a purchase. Track your video's performance metrics to measure its effectiveness and make data-driven adjustments to optimize your strategy for maximum impact. (Word count: 103)

Compelling Storyline

Compelling Storyline

A captivating explainer video storyline follows a classic narrative structure: beginning, middle, and end. Start by establishing a relatable problem or need that resonates with your target audience. Introduce your product or service as the hero, the solution to their woes. Demonstrate its value through real-life examples or compelling customer testimonials. Conclude with a strong call to action, prompting viewers to take the next step in their journey with your brand. Maintain conciseness and engagement throughout, ensuring your message resonates and drives action. (Word count: 99)

Platform Optimization

Platform Optimization

In today's multi-device landscape, optimizing your explainer video for various platforms is paramount. Utilize a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, ensuring your video looks its best on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Prioritize high-resolution visuals and crystal-clear audio across all devices. Adopt a mobile-first approach, recognizing that a significant portion of video consumption occurs on mobile devices. By prioritizing accessibility and a seamless viewing experience across all platforms, you maximize your video's reach and impact. (Word count: 101)

Marketing Strategy Integration

Marketing Strategy Integration

Integrating explainer videos into your marketing strategy requires a strategic approach to maximize their impact. Align your video content with your overarching marketing goals, whether it's driving website traffic, generating leads, or educating your audience. Identify the most effective distribution channels for your video, including embedding it on your website, sharing it on social media platforms, and incorporating it into your email marketing campaigns. Maintain consistency by regularly creating and sharing new video content to keep your audience engaged and drive ongoing results. (Word count: 94)

Customer Education

Customer Education

Explainer videos are exceptional educational tools, transforming complex information into easily digestible content. Prioritize clarity and simplicity over technical jargon. Break down complex concepts into bite-sized chunks, using visuals and animation to illustrate your points effectively. Demonstrate product features and functionalities in action, highlighting their practical applications. Address common customer questions and concerns head-on, providing clear and concise answers. By positioning your explainer videos as valuable resources, you empower potential customers, build trust, and ultimately drive conversions. (Word count: 102)

Brand Identity Alignment

brand identity Alignment

Your explainer video should seamlessly reflect your brand's personality, values, and visual identity. Consistency is paramount for building brand recognition and trust. Incorporate your brand's color palette, typography, and logo into the video's design. Ensure the animation style, music choice, and overall tone align with your brand's voice and messaging. If your brand is playful and energetic, reflect that in the video's pacing and visuals. If it's sophisticated and professional, opt for a more refined aesthetic. Your explainer video is a valuable opportunity to reinforce your brand identity and create a memorable experience for your audience. (Word count: 114)

Pain Point Solutions

Pain Point Solutions

Addressing customer pain points effectively is crucial for marketing success, and explainer videos provide a powerful platform to do so. Identify the challenges your target audience faces: their frustrations and struggles. Showcase how your product or service provides the solution they seek. Use storytelling techniques to create relatable scenarios that resonate with your audience. Demonstrate the benefits of your offering, emphasizing how it alleviates their pain points and improves their lives. By directly addressing customer challenges and presenting your product or service as the solution, you establish credibility, build trust, and ultimately drive conversions. (Word count: 104)

Effective Call to Action

Effective Call to Action

Your explainer video's call to action is the pivotal moment where you guide viewers towards the desired action. Use strong, action-oriented language that creates a sense of urgency. Highlight the benefits of taking action, emphasizing what viewers stand to gain. Make it incredibly easy for them to follow through by providing clear instructions and a prominent call-to-action button. A well-crafted call to action can be the difference between a passive viewer and a converted customer, so invest time and effort in crafting a compelling and effective CTA. (Word count: 95)

Support & Onboarding

Support & Onboarding

Explainer videos can significantly enhance customer support and onboarding, offering a more engaging and effective alternative to traditional text-based materials. Welcome new customers with a personalized onboarding video that guides them through the setup process, highlights key features, and answers frequently asked questions. Create a library of tutorial videos that address common support issues, empowering customers to find solutions independently. By incorporating explainer videos into your customer support strategy, you reduce support tickets, improve customer satisfaction, and foster a smoother user experience. (Word count: 99)

Target Audience Resonance

Target Audience Resonance

Creating a resonant explainer video requires a deep understanding of your target audience's needs, interests, and preferences. Conduct thorough market research to understand their demographics, psychographics, and online behavior. Use language and visuals that align with their preferences. If your target audience is millennials, consider using humor, pop culture references, and a fast-paced editing style. If you're targeting a more mature audience, opt for a more sophisticated and informative approach. The more you understand your target audience, the better equipped you'll be to create an explainer video that captures their attention, conveys your message effectively, and drives the desired action. (Word count: 109)

Brand Awareness & Credibility

brand awareness & Credibility

Explainer videos are potent tools for building brand awareness and establishing credibility. By showcasing your expertise through insightful content and telling your brand's unique story, you can position your business as a thought leader and build trust with your target audience.

Leverage your explainer video to highlight your unique selling proposition (USP), emphasizing what differentiates you from competitors. Incorporate customer testimonials and success stories to demonstrate the positive impact of your product or service, building social proof. Ensure your videos are high-quality and professionally produced, reflecting the quality and professionalism of your brand.

Building brand awareness and credibility is an ongoing process. Consistently create and share valuable video content that resonates with your target audience to establish a strong brand presence and foster trust over time.

Successful Campaign Elements

Successful Campaign Elements

A successful explainer video marketing campaign requires a strategic approach aligned with your overall marketing goals and effectively reaches your target audience. Begin by clearly defining your campaign objectives. Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive sales? Your objectives will shape your video's content and call to action.

Once you've established your goals, identify the most effective channels to distribute your video. Consider social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, email marketing, paid advertising campaigns on platforms like Google Ads, and industry-specific websites or blogs. Track your campaign's performance metrics closely using analytics tools to measure its effectiveness and make data-driven adjustments as needed.

A well-executed explainer video marketing campaign can significantly impact your business's growth by reaching a wider audience, generating qualified leads, and driving conversions.

Tracking & Measurement

Tracking & Measurement

Tracking and measuring the results of your explainer videos is crucial for understanding their impact and optimizing your video marketing strategy. Utilize video analytics platforms provided by hosting platforms like YouTube or Vimeo, or through social media insights, to gain insights into key metrics. Track view count, watch time (especially audience retention), engagement rate (likes, comments, shares), and conversion rate (clicks on calls to action, website visits, sign-ups).

Analyze the data to identify patterns and trends. For instance, a high drop-off rate at a specific point in your video might indicate a need to revise that section for clarity or pacing. Use A/B testing to experiment with different versions of your video, such as varying the call to action or adjusting the pacing, to see which performs better.

Data-driven insights are invaluable for refining your explainer video strategy, maximizing your return on investment (ROI), and achieving your marketing goals.

Accessible Explainer Videos

Accessible Explainer Videos

Creating accessible explainer videos is essential for inclusivity and expands your potential reach and impact. Consider these factors to ensure your video is enjoyable for everyone:

Captions and Subtitles: Provide accurate captions and subtitles for viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing, or who prefer to watch videos with the sound off. This also improves SEO.
Color Contrast: Ensure sufficient color contrast between text and background colors to enhance readability for viewers with visual impairments. Use tools to check contrast ratios.
Audio Descriptions: Provide audio descriptions for viewers who are blind or visually impaired, describing the visual elements of the video during pauses in dialogue or narration.

By prioritizing accessibility, you create a more inclusive experience and ensure your message reaches the widest possible audience.

Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty

Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty

Explainer videos can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and foster long-term loyalty. By providing valuable content that addresses customer needs and exceeds expectations, you create a positive and memorable brand experience.

Use explainer videos to provide proactive customer support, addressing common questions and concerns before they arise. This can be done through FAQ videos or knowledge base integrations. Create personalized video messages to welcome new customers or thank existing ones for their business, adding a human touch. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your company culture and values to humanize your brand and build a stronger connection with your audience.

Customer satisfaction and loyalty are earned through consistent effort and a genuine commitment to providing exceptional value. Explainer videos can be a powerful tool in achieving these goals.

Engaging & Memorable Videos

Engaging & Memorable Videos

In today's saturated digital landscape, creating explainer videos that captivate viewers and leave a lasting impression is crucial. Here's how to make your video stand out:

Storytelling: Craft a compelling narrative that evokes emotion, creates intrigue, and keeps viewers engaged from start to finish. Use a classic storytelling structure with a beginning, middle, and end.
Visual Appeal: Use high-quality visuals, animation, and graphics that are both aesthetically pleasing and informative. Consider your brand's visual identity and use it consistently.
Sound Design: Incorporate engaging music, sound effects, and a professional voiceover to enhance the viewing experience. Ensure the audio is clear and balanced.

An explainer video that is both informative and entertaining is more likely to be shared, remembered, and ultimately, drive the desired action.

Competitive Differentiation

Competitive Differentiation

In a competitive marketplace, differentiation is key to capturing attention and attracting customers. Explainer videos provide a powerful platform to showcase your unique selling proposition (USP) and highlight what sets your business apart.

Instead of simply listing features and benefits, focus on the value you provide and the problems you solve for your customers. Tell your brand story in a compelling way, emphasizing your company's mission, values, and unique personality. Use humor, creativity, and a distinct visual style to make your video memorable and stand out from the crowd.

Your explainer video is an opportunity to make a strong first impression and convince potential customers why they should choose your business over the competition.

Cost-Effective Production

Cost-Effective Production

Creating a high-quality explainer video doesn't have to be expensive. With careful planning and strategic decision-making, you can produce an engaging and effective video while staying within budget.

Consider using animation or screencast software instead of hiring a full production crew. Explore freelance platforms like Upwork or Fiverr to find talented animators, voiceover artists, and video editors at competitive rates. Repurpose existing marketing materials, such as blog posts or infographics, as the basis for your video script to save on writing costs.

Cost-effectiveness is about maximizing value within your budget constraints. By exploring creative solutions and prioritizing essential elements, you can create a compelling explainer video without overspending.

Customer Journey Enhancement

Customer Journey Enhancement

Explainer videos can be strategically integrated into various touchpoints along the customer journey to enhance engagement, provide valuable information, and ultimately, drive conversions.

Use explainer videos on your website's homepage to introduce your business, products, or services to first-time visitors. Incorporate videos into your email marketing campaigns to nurture leads, provide product demos, or announce new features. Create tutorial videos that address common customer questions or challenges, reducing support tickets and improving customer satisfaction.

By mapping out your customer journey and identifying opportunities to incorporate explainer videos, you can create a more seamless, informative, and engaging experience for your audience.

Explainer Video Definition

Explainer Video Definition

An explainer video is a short-form video, typically animated or live-action, that aims to explain a concept, product, or service in a clear, concise, and engaging way. It's a powerful tool for businesses to communicate complex information, capture attention, and drive conversions.

Explainer videos often feature a combination of visuals, animation, music, and narration to create an immersive and memorable viewing experience. They are commonly used on websites, social media platforms, and in marketing campaigns to educate audiences, generate leads, and drive sales.

Explainer Video Overview

Explainer Video Overview

Explainer videos are short, engaging videos designed to simplify complex ideas, products, or services for your target audience. They're like mini-documentaries, using visuals, animation, and storytelling to make information more digestible and memorable.

Think of them as your secret weapon for boosting engagement and conversions. Whether you're launching a new product, explaining a technical process, or showcasing your brand story, explainer videos can captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Importance of Explainer Videos

Importance of Explainer Videos

In today's fast-paced digital world, capturing and retaining attention is paramount. Explainer videos offer a dynamic and engaging way to cut through the noise and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

They're not just about entertainment; they're about simplifying the complex, making information accessible, and driving action. Whether you're a startup looking to make a splash or an established business aiming to boost conversions, explainer videos can be a game-changer for achieving your marketing and communication goals.

Explainer Video Definition

Explainer Video Definition

An explainer video is a short, engaging video that aims to explain a complex idea, product, or service in a clear and concise way. It's like a mini-commercial, but instead of directly selling, it focuses on educating and informing the viewer.

Imagine this: you're launching a new software with a bunch of features. An explainer video can break down those features into easily digestible segments, using animation and storytelling to make it fun and engaging. The result? Viewers understand your product better and are more likely to convert into paying customers.

Author at advids
I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!