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30 Visually Stunning Enterprise Application Explainer Video Examples To Capture Attention

Last updated
Jul. 01, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, capturing attention is paramount. With information overload and shrinking attention spans, enterprises face the challenge of effectively communicating the value and complexities of their applications. Traditional marketing methods often fall short, struggling to convey the essence of sophisticated software solutions in a way that resonates with target audiences.

This is where the power of explainer videos comes into play. Visually engaging and concise, explainer videos have emerged as a game-changer for enterprise application marketing. They offer a unique ability to simplify complex concepts, showcase functionalities, and tell compelling stories that captivate viewers. By leveraging the combination of visuals, audio, and storytelling, explainer videos can effectively bridge the gap between technical intricacies and audience understanding.

The applications of explainer videos extend far beyond marketing campaigns. They can be invaluable tools for sales teams, providing engaging content for presentations and demos. Customer support teams can utilize explainer videos to address frequently asked questions and guide users through troubleshooting processes. Moreover, explainer videos can be integrated into onboarding programs, helping new employees quickly grasp the functionalities and benefits of enterprise applications.

Consider the realm of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. These complex software suites encompass a wide range of modules, from finance and accounting to human resources and supply chain management. Explainer videos can effectively demonstrate how these modules interact, streamlining processes and enhancing operational efficiency. By visualizing workflows and data flows, explainer videos provide a clear understanding of the value proposition of ERP systems for businesses of all sizes.

Similarly, in the domain of customer relationship management (CRM) software, explainer videos can showcase the power of managing customer interactions, tracking sales pipelines, and nurturing leads. By highlighting features such as contact management, opportunity tracking, and reporting dashboards, explainer videos can effectively communicate the benefits of CRM systems for sales, marketing, and customer service teams. With the ability to tailor messaging to specific user personas, explainer videos can address the unique needs and challenges of different departments within an organization.

The possibilities are endless, and the impact is undeniable. Explainer videos have become an essential tool for enterprises seeking to effectively communicate the value of their applications. From simplifying complex concepts to driving engagement and conversions, explainer videos offer a compelling solution for capturing attention in today's competitive market. So, let's dive in and explore 30 visually stunning examples that will inspire your next enterprise application explainer video.

1. Mezmo

Mezmo, formerly logdna, is a comprehensive platform that makes observability data consumable and actionable for modern engineering teams at hyper-growth startups and fortune 500 companies. It fuels massive productivity gains by providing real-time intelligence powered by mezmo.

This enterprise application explainer video effectively visualizes the concept of observability data by using abstract geometric shapes and patterns. The video showcases a fresh source of energy with interconnected lines and nodes, symbolizing the flow of insights and data within an organization. The use of bold colors, like blue, black, and yellow, further emphasizes the key message, of making data actionable and easily consumable.

The video's minimalist aesthetic, combined with its dynamic animations, creates a visually engaging experience that effectively communicates the value proposition of mezmo. The design choices successfully highlight the enterprise application's ability to provide a clear and comprehensive view of complex data, ultimately leading to improved insights and decision-making for engineering teams.

2. ChannelAdvisor

ChannelAdvisor commerce network is an interactive portal built for sellers and marketplaces to easily find and connect with one another. The portal allows sellers to easily connect with marketplaces and expand their online presence. This serves as an excellent enterprise application explainer video, simplifying the process for new users.

The video uses a clean and modern design style with bright colors and simple shapes. The animation is smooth and engaging, and the use of icons and illustrations helps to explain the complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. The clear and concise format makes it an effective enterprise application explainer, ensuring viewers grasp the functionality.

The video does a great job of highlighting the benefits of using channeladvisor commerce network, such as the ability to easily find and connect with new marketplaces, and the ability to manage all of your sales channels in one place. For businesses looking to expand their online presence, this video acts as a compelling enterprise application onboarding explainer, demonstrating the platform's value.

3. Arctic Wolf

Arctic wolf's video effectively conveys the crucial role of incident response in safeguarding organizations from cyber threats. The video, which can be classified as an Enterprise Application Onboarding Explainer, emphasizes the significance of preparedness and swift action in mitigating the impact of security incidents. This Explainer video effectively showcases the importance of incident response for any Enterprise Application.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of neon colors and futuristic elements creates a sense of urgency and sophistication, aligning with the critical nature of incident response. The hexagonal shapes and geometric patterns convey a sense of structure and organization, reflecting Arctic Wolf's approach to incident response for any Enterprise Application. The animation is dynamic and engaging, keeping viewers captivated while effectively illustrating the incident response process.

Overall, Arctic Wolf's video successfully combines informative content with a visually appealing design, making it an excellent product demo Explainer video. The video effectively highlights the importance of incident response, especially for any Enterprise Application, and showcases Arctic Wolf's expertise in this critical area. This Enterprise Application Onboarding Explainer serves as a valuable resource for organizations looking to enhance their cybersecurity posture.

4. Earth Token

Earth token's natural asset exchange video effectively explains the challenges and solutions in the realm of environmental preservation and sustainability. This video can be categorized as an enterprise application capability explainer, as it effectively showcases the capabilities of the earth token platform. The video highlights the growing global awareness and investments in innovations like solar, wind, waste-to-energy, carbon sequestration, and preservation of natural assets. It emphasizes the difficulty in connecting buyers and sellers of sustainable products and technologies.

The video's design style is simple yet impactful, utilizing clean lines, vibrant colors, and engaging animations. Geometric shapes and icons represent various environmental initiatives and technologies, making complex concepts easily digestible. The use of a central ethereum symbol surrounded by these icons effectively conveys the role of earth token in facilitating transactions and connections within the sustainable ecosystem. The animation of people interacting with these icons further emphasizes the human element and the accessibility of these solutions.

Overall, the video's design style perfectly complements its message, creating an informative and visually appealing experience for viewers. This enterprise application explainer video successfully conveys the functionality and features of the earth token platform. The combination of clear explanations, engaging visuals, and a focus on human impact effectively conveys the importance of earth token's natural asset exchange in promoting environmental sustainability.

5. Avast

Avast business hub is a cloud-based security platform that helps businesses manage and protect their devices, data, and users. It offers a variety of features, including antivirus, firewall, email security, and patch management. Avast business hub is designed to be easy to use and manage, and it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This is a perfect example of an enterprise application explainer animation.

The video uses a modern, flat design style with bright colors and simple shapes. This makes it easy to understand and follow, even for viewers who are not familiar with cybersecurity concepts. The video also uses animation to bring the concepts to life and make them more engaging. For example, the video shows how avast business hub can be used to protect devices from malware, block phishing attacks, and keep software up to date. This explainer video showcases the functionalities of this enterprise application.

Overall, the video is an effective way to explain the benefits of avast business hub. The use of simple language, clear visuals, and animation makes it easy for viewers to understand how the platform can help them protect their businesses. This enterprise application functionalities explainer video effectively communicates the value proposition of avast business hub.

6. HR Acuity

The video aims to showcase HR Acuity's ability to transform employee relations management, emphasizing consistency, improved outcomes, and risk mitigation. It encourages viewers to request a demo to explore the benefits for Employee Relations and Human Resources teams. This Enterprise Application Explainer effectively communicates the value proposition of HR Acuity as an Enterprise Application.

The design style effectively complements the video's purpose. The clean and minimalist aesthetic, characterized by a white background and simple shapes, ensures that the focus remains on the core message of employee relations management. The use of bold colors and distinct icons helps to visually represent different aspects of the process, such as discrimination or employee relations issues. This Explainer video uses animation that is smooth and engaging, guiding the viewer through the concepts without overwhelming them.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully balances clarity and visual appeal. It effectively conveys the value proposition of HR Acuity as a solution for managing employee relations issues, achieving consistency, improving outcomes, and mitigating risk. The use of color, icons, and animation enhances the message and encourages viewers to explore the benefits further. This makes it an effective Enterprise Application Features Explainer.

7. YugabyteDB

This video introduces yugabyteDB, a distributed SQL database designed for mission-critical enterprise applications that are built and deployed differently than traditional monolithic databases. This video serves as an excellent enterprise application explainer video.

Traditional monolithic databases can be slow, complex, not cloud-friendly, and require too many manual processes. The video uses a dark color palette with neon accents to illustrate the complexity and limitations of outdated databases. The sleek, modern design of the yugabyteDB logo and accompanying visuals effectively conveys the product's cloud-native approach and its ability to address the challenges posed by traditional databases.

The use of simple geometric shapes and clear typography makes the information easily digestible, while the animation and transitions keep the viewer engaged. This design style effectively highlights the key features and benefits of yugabyteDB, making it an excellent product demo explainer video.

8. GoCardless

This video introduces gocardless protect+, a new intelligent fraud prevention solution designed to help businesses combat the increasing costs associated with fraudulent activity. this enterprise application explainer leverages payment intelligence and machine learning to proactively identify and prevent fraudulent transactions before they occur. the video effectively uses visuals of water, a maze, and a coin funnel to symbolize the flow of payments, the complexities of fraud, and the solution's ability to safeguard genuine payments.

The minimalist aesthetic and focus on symbolic imagery create a visually engaging and informative product demo that clearly communicates the value proposition of this next-generation fraud prevention solution. this enterprise application capability explainer is a great way to learn more about gocardless protect+ and how it can help your business. the video is short, informative, and easy to understand, making it a valuable resource for any business owner or manager.

This teaser is a great way to get a quick overview of gocardless protect+ and its capabilities. the video is visually appealing and easy to follow, making it a great way to learn about this innovative new enterprise application. the video also does a great job of highlighting the value proposition of gocardless protect+, making it clear why businesses should consider using this solution to protect themselves from fraud.

9. Citrix

This enterprise application explainer video highlights the challenges faced by modern financial institutions, including evolving cyber threats and the shift towards hybrid work models. Organizations require comprehensive and real-time insights into user access patterns to safeguard valuable assets. Citrix DaaS addresses these concerns by offering advanced analytics capabilities for enhanced security and performance optimization.

The video's design style effectively conveys the message of enhanced security and productivity through its clean and minimalist aesthetic. The use of simple line drawings and a limited color palette creates a visually appealing and easy-to-understand representation of complex concepts. Visual elements such as shields and magnifying glasses reinforce the themes of protection and visibility, aligning perfectly with the core functionalities of Citrix DaaS.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully demonstrates the value proposition of Citrix DaaS for financial service providers. The design style effectively complements the narrative, making it an excellent example of an enterprise application features explainer video.

10. Citrix

The video addresses the challenges faced by BFSI organizations in modernizing their operations to meet evolving customer expectations, new competition, and transformed work environments. It emphasizes the need for BFSI organizations to adapt to hybrid workforces while ensuring data security. The video positions Citrix as a solution to these challenges, enabling modernization and addressing the demands of the changing BFSI landscape. This makes the video a perfect example of an Enterprise Application Overview Explainer.

The video's design style effectively complements its message. The use of simple, clean line drawings and a limited color palette creates a visually appealing and uncluttered aesthetic. This minimalist approach allows viewers to focus on the key points being conveyed without distractions. The animation is smooth and engaging, further enhancing the viewing experience. The visuals effectively illustrate the concepts of online banking, data security, and hybrid work, aligning perfectly with the video's core message. This is why such Explainer videos are very effective for Enterprise Application demos.

In conclusion, the video's design style is well-suited for a product demo explainer. The clean lines, minimalist aesthetic, and smooth animation create an engaging and informative experience for viewers. The visuals effectively support the video's message, highlighting the challenges faced by BFSI organizations and positioning Citrix as a solution for modernization and adaptation in the evolving financial services industry. The video is a great example of an Enterprise Application Explainer Animation.

11. iCare

This enterprise application explainer video showcases a provider engagement platform, aiming to streamline and optimize provider data management for enhanced efficiency and accuracy.

The explainer video employs a clean and engaging visual style, effectively communicating the platform's ability to address challenges related to missing information and data discrepancies. The use of vibrant colors and simple, relatable imagery, such as calendars and documents, helps to visually represent complex data management processes. This approach makes the enterprise application's functionality easily understandable for viewers, regardless of their technical expertise.

By combining clear visuals with concise messaging, the video successfully demonstrates how the platform can improve provider data management, ultimately leading to better quality outcomes and risk adjustment accuracy.

12. Avantor

Avantor services provides comprehensive solutions for the management of biological research samples and manufactured products. Their services encompass the secure handling, processing, and storage of valuable research assets, including specimens, data, and samples. This video showcasing avantor services can be classified as an enterprise application functionalities explainer.

The video effectively employs a clean and minimalist design style, characterized by simple line icons, a muted color palette, and ample white space. This approach ensures that the focus remains on the core message – the meticulous care and security avantor services provides for research assets. The use of subtle animation further enhances the viewer's understanding of the processes involved, such as sample tracking and data entry. This makes the video an effective explainer for the enterprise application.

In conclusion, the video's design style perfectly complements its objective of showcasing avantor services' expertise in handling sensitive research materials. The clear visuals and concise messaging effectively convey the company's commitment to quality control, security, and efficient management of research assets. This enterprise application explainer video effectively showcases the functionalities of the system.

13. E COM

The video showcases infrastructure security assessments services, simulating an attacker's approach to exploit security weaknesses in multiple systems. This process identifies vulnerabilities and reveals how networks, intended for regular business operations, can inadvertently provide attackers with access to sensitive back-end systems and data. This Enterprise Application Value Proposition Explainer emphasizes the concept of pathways to back-end systems and data through its minimalist design.

The use of simple graphical elements, such as the expanding squares and the traffic light analogy, effectively illustrates how attackers exploit vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive assets. This visual approach simplifies a complex process, making it easily understandable for viewers of this Explainer video. By visually representing the vulnerability of networks and the potential pathways for attackers, the video effectively communicates the importance of robust infrastructure security assessments for any Enterprise Application.

The minimalist design, coupled with clear and concise messaging, ensures that the core message is effectively conveyed to the audience.

14. OpenText

Modern work and hybrid work environments require information management tools to create a digital workplace that can handle changing regulations while delivering exceptional employee experiences. Opentext core content integrated with google workspace fuels business processes and enables seamless collaboration. This is a great example of an Enterprise Application Features Explainer video.

The video showcases a clean and modern design aesthetic with a focus on user interface elements and screen recordings. This approach effectively highlights the product's features and functionality, making it easy for viewers to understand how opentext core content integrates with google workspace. The use of bright colors and simple animations helps to keep the video engaging and informative, while the clear and concise narration guides viewers through the key benefits of the product. This Explainer video does a great job of highlighting the value proposition of this Enterprise Application.

Overall, the video's design style is well-suited for a product demo explainer video. It effectively communicates the value proposition of opentext core content and how it can help organizations master modern work by creating a digital workplace that is both efficient and user-friendly. This Enterprise Application Landing Page Explainer video is a great example of how to effectively communicate the value of your product.

15. Silvercloud

SilverCloud is a digital platform for mental health and wellbeing that provides a private space to help you feel better. The on-demand solution focuses solely on your needs, giving you a judgement-free space to work towards better mental health. This product demo explainer video is a great example of an Enterprise Application Landing Page Explainer, as it effectively introduces the platform and its benefits.

This product demo explainer video uses a unique design style to highlight the benefits of SilverCloud. The minimalist aesthetic, with its soothing color palette and abstract imagery, effectively conveys the idea of a safe and private space for mental health. The use of symbolic visuals, such as a figure walking towards a distant goal or gears turning within a head, further emphasizes the platform's focus on helping users navigate their own mental health journey and set their goals. This type of explainer video, focusing on the user experience and benefits, is a key component of an Enterprise Application Landing Page Explainer.

By combining simple yet powerful visuals with clear and concise messaging, the video successfully communicates the value proposition of SilverCloud as a digital solution for mental health and wellbeing. The video effectively explains how the Enterprise Application works and its benefits, making it a perfect example of an Enterprise Application Landing Page Explainer.

16. Comarch

Comarch, a renowned telecommunications solutions provider, has created a compelling enterprise application marketing explainer video showcasing the potential of 5G monetization. This enterprise application explainer emphasizes the significance of collaboration and partnerships among various stakeholders in delivering cutting-edge digital services.

The video's design style effectively conveys the message of 5G monetization through its use of vibrant colors, engaging character animation, and futuristic background visuals. The characters, representing different players in the 5G ecosystem, are depicted in a modern and relatable manner, fostering a connection with the audience. The animation seamlessly guides viewers through the complexities of 5G technology and its potential applications, making it easily understandable for both technical and non-technical audiences.

In conclusion, Comarch's enterprise application explainer video successfully utilizes a visually appealing and informative design style to highlight the importance of 5G monetization and the role of collaboration in driving digital innovation. The video's engaging animation and clear explanations make it an effective tool for educating and inspiring stakeholders in the telecommunications industry.

17. Hotjar

This Enterprise Application Explainer Teaser video tackles the issue of managing large volumes of user data and pinpointing the most relevant insights to boost a business's profitability. Hotjar provides a solution with its filtering feature, enabling users to segment and analyze data from recordings, heatmaps, and feedback tools. This empowers businesses to concentrate on specific user groups and behaviors, streamlining their workflow and gaining valuable insights.

The design style effectively complements the Enterprise Application Explainer video's message. The clean and minimalist aesthetic, with a focus on white space and pastel colors, creates a sense of clarity and organization. This aligns perfectly with the concept of filtering data to reduce noise and highlight key insights. The use of simple shapes and icons further enhances the user-friendliness of the interface, making it easy to understand and navigate.

In conclusion, the Enterprise Application video's design style effectively supports its message by creating a visually appealing and informative experience. The minimalist aesthetic and clear visuals emphasize the value of Hotjar's filtering feature in simplifying data analysis and extracting actionable insights.

18. Arctic Wolf

Arctic wolf managed risk helps businesses identify and strengthen their digital environments against cyber threats. The solution provides a comprehensive view of potential vulnerabilities across networks, endpoints, and cloud environments. This approach is particularly valuable for enterprise application explainer videos, as it allows viewers to understand the scope of security challenges facing modern businesses.

The video effectively uses a clean and modern design aesthetic to communicate the value of arctic wolf managed risk. The minimalist approach, with its focus on clear visuals and concise messaging, allows viewers to easily grasp the concept of attack surface coverage. This design philosophy aligns well with the goals of an enterprise application explainer, which aims to simplify complex concepts for a broader audience.

By combining a clear explanation of managed risk with visually appealing graphics, the video successfully conveys the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures in today's digital world. This message is especially relevant for enterprise application capability explainer videos, as they often showcase features designed to enhance security and protect sensitive data within enterprise applications.

19. Tipalti

This Enterprise Application Functionality Explainer video showcases the importance of efficient and reliable payment solutions for businesses operating with a digital, online marketplace model. It emphasizes the critical role of a seamless payment process in maintaining a strong network of partners and service providers. The explainer video highlights the challenges faced by businesses in ensuring timely and accurate payments to their partners, particularly when dealing with a large network. It underscores the need for a robust enterprise application solution that can handle the complexities of onboarding, compliance, and tax validation, especially for businesses with a global reach. The design likely incorporates visuals of interconnected networks, payment flows, and perhaps animated representations of onboarding and compliance processes to visually reinforce these concepts.

This Enterprise Application Marketing Explainer video showcases the importance of efficient and reliable payment solutions for businesses operating with a digital, online marketplace model. It emphasizes the critical role of a seamless payment process in maintaining a strong network of partners and service providers. The explainer video highlights the challenges faced by businesses in ensuring timely and accurate payments to their partners, particularly when dealing with a large network. It underscores the need for a robust enterprise application solution that can handle the complexities of onboarding, compliance, and tax validation, especially for businesses with a global reach. The design likely incorporates visuals of interconnected networks, payment flows, and perhaps animated representations of onboarding and compliance processes to visually reinforce these concepts.

20. PacketLight

PacketLight networks offers cutting-edge DWDM and OTN equipment for data, storage, voice, and video transmission across data center interconnect, metro, and long-haul fiber optic networks. Their comprehensive optical layer transport solutions encompass muxponders, transponders, ROADM, optical amplifiers, and fiber diagnostic tools, with optional embedded Layer-1 optical encryption for secure data transfer.

This Enterprise Application Onboarding Explainer video effectively showcases PacketLight's expertise in optical networking solutions through its sleek and modern design. The use of dark backgrounds with vibrant accents creates a visually appealing contrast, drawing attention to key information and product features. High-quality 3D animations and graphics illustrate complex concepts such as data center interconnect and optical network expansion, making them easily understandable for viewers.

By combining informative visuals with concise messaging, the Enterprise Application explainer video successfully conveys the value proposition of PacketLight's DWDM and OTN equipment. The emphasis on data security, network scalability, and efficient data transport resonates with potential customers seeking reliable and advanced optical networking solutions. Overall, the video's design style effectively complements its technical content, creating a compelling and informative experience for viewers interested in PacketLight's offerings.

21. Google

This Enterprise Application Explainer Video from google showcases the power of google cloud services, specifically highlighting the capabilities of its global fiber optic network. The video explains how this network seamlessly manages web traffic at scale, ensuring uninterrupted service for google cloud users. This Explainer video for this Enterprise Application uses a simple, colorful, and engaging visual style to illustrate complex concepts like data transfer speeds and global network infrastructure. By employing clear visuals and concise language, the video effectively demonstrates the scale and efficiency of google's network, emphasizing its ability to transfer massive amounts of data, such as the entirety of wikipedia, in under a second. The video's design successfully conveys the message that google cloud services are built on a robust and reliable foundation, capable of handling the demands of today's digital world.


Netgear insight offers a revolutionary approach to network management for small and medium-sized businesses. Setting up and maintaining a wireless network, with its numerous devices and access points, can become overwhelming. Netgear insight simplifies this process, providing a solution that saves time and effort.

This enterprise application explainer effectively utilizes a minimalist design style with clean lines, bold colors, and simple animations to convey the message clearly. The use of icons and visual representations of devices and networks helps viewers easily understand the product's functionality. The animation style is engaging and dynamic, keeping viewers interested while effectively demonstrating the features and benefits of netgear insight.

By combining a clear and concise message with a visually appealing design, the video successfully highlights the value proposition of netgear insight as a network management enterprise application. The minimalist approach ensures that the focus remains on the product and its benefits, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

23. Vaillant

The video showcases the features and benefits of the new ecoTEC exclusive, a state-of-the-art boiler system designed for modern homes. with its sleek and contemporary design, the ecoTEC exclusive offers a seamless blend of style and functionality, making it the perfect choice for those seeking a reliable and efficient heating solution. this explainer video for enterprise application showcases the product as a perfect solution for modern homes.

The video highlights the ecoTEC exclusive's connectivity features, allowing users to control their heating system remotely using a dedicated app. the app provides real-time energy consumption data, empowering users to monitor and optimize their energy usage for enhanced sustainability. additionally, the ecoTEC exclusive offers remote diagnostic and maintenance services, ensuring that the system operates at peak performance. this enterprise application explainer video focuses on the connectivity features.

By combining stunning visuals with informative content, the video effectively demonstrates the ecoTEC exclusive's advanced capabilities and user-friendly interface. the emphasis on connectivity, energy monitoring, and remote services underscores vaillant's commitment to providing innovative and sustainable heating solutions for the modern home. this enterprise application marketing explainer video targets modern homes as its potential customer base.

24. Emburse

Emburse offers a comprehensive expense management solution that streamlines the process of managing employee spending and expense reports. With Emburse, businesses can issue virtual and physical credit cards, set spending limits, and track expenses in real-time. The platform also includes features such as text message receipt capture, which simplifies the expense reporting process for employees.

This Enterprise Application Functionalities Explainer video effectively showcases Emburse's features and benefits through its clean and modern design style. The use of bright colors, simple shapes, and clear typography makes it easy for viewers to understand the platform's functionality. The video also incorporates subtle animations and transitions that keep viewers engaged and help to illustrate key points. The combination of these design elements creates a visually appealing and informative explainer video that effectively communicates the value proposition of Emburse's expense management platform.

In conclusion, the explainer video's design style plays a crucial role in highlighting the benefits of Emburse's enterprise application. The use of clear visuals, concise messaging, and engaging animations effectively conveys the platform's ease of use and comprehensive features, making it an excellent example of a product demo explainer video.

25. district0x

The video aims to educate viewers about blockchain, bitcoin, and ethereum by addressing the byzantine general problem (bgp). Bgp is a fundamental challenge in distributed computer systems, and its solution forms the basis of blockchain technology. The video delves into the concept of byzantine fault tolerance, which is crucial for understanding the significance and potential of blockchain. This enterprise application explainer video clearly explains the value proposition of blockchain technology.

The video's design style effectively complements its educational purpose. The use of simple, clean lines and a limited color palette creates a visually appealing and easy-to-follow aesthetic. The characters and objects are depicted in a cartoonish manner, making the complex concepts of blockchain and bgp more approachable and engaging for viewers. This enterprise application value proposition explainer video uses animation effectively to communicate the value proposition.

The animation is smooth and dynamic, keeping the audience captivated and reinforcing the key points. In conclusion, the video's design style successfully enhances its educational value by presenting complex information in a clear, concise, and visually engaging manner. The use of animation, simple graphics, and a limited color palette effectively captures the viewer's attention and facilitates understanding of the byzantine general problem and its relevance to blockchain technology. This enterprise application explainer video is an excellent example of how design can be employed to create informative and engaging explainer videos.

26. OpenText

Enterprises are seeking enhanced infrastructure, security, scalability, and cost savings by transitioning to google cloud. However, application and information migration can present challenges that hinder organizations from fully realizing the cloud's advantages. This Enterprise Application Explainer showcases how opentext cloud managed services and cloud computing solutions can facilitate a swift, secure, and seamless transition to google cloud.

The Enterprise Application Explainer Animation effectively employs a clean and modern design aesthetic to highlight the key benefits of opentext's cloud computing solutions. The use of simple icons and a minimalist color palette allows viewers to easily understand the complex concepts of application and information migration. The animations are smooth and engaging, further enhancing the viewing experience and reinforcing the message of a hassle-free journey into google cloud.

By combining informative content with visually appealing design elements, the video successfully conveys the value proposition of opentext's solutions for organizations seeking a smooth transition to google cloud.

27. Bugcrowd

Bugcrowd attack surface management is the first solution of its kind to match the effort and scale of attackers with the ingenuity and impact of trusted attack-minded defenders for the most organic assessment of real risk possible. This makes for a compelling Enterprise Application Value Proposition Explainer.

The design style of the video is modern and minimalist, with a focus on clean lines and simple shapes. The use of bright colors and bold typography helps to create a visually appealing and engaging experience for the viewer. This visual style is especially effective for an Enterprise Application Explainer.

The video also makes use of animation to help explain complex concepts in a clear and concise way. The animation is smooth and fluid, and it helps to keep the viewer engaged. This makes animation a great tool for any Enterprise Application Explainer.

28. Veeva

Veeva SiteVault is a single place for sites to manage their studies and exchange information across the hundreds of sponsors and CROs that already use Veeva to run their trials. This Enterprise Application Value Proposition Explainer showcases how SiteVault enables better, more efficient collaboration between sites and sponsors, allowing for more time to focus on patients.

The Enterprise Application Explainer cleverly employs a minimalist design style with clean lines and a limited color palette of black, white, and orange. This approach effectively highlights the key features and benefits of SiteVault, such as its user-friendly interface for managing site operations and its ability to facilitate seamless collaboration between sites and sponsors. The use of simple icons and animations further enhances the clarity and visual appeal of the video, making it easy for viewers to understand the value proposition of SiteVault.

By combining a concise narrative with visually engaging graphics, the video successfully conveys the message that SiteVault is a powerful solution for streamlining clinical trial management and improving collaboration between sites and sponsors. The minimalist design aesthetic ensures that the focus remains on the product and its benefits, making it an effective product demo Explainer video.

29. AppFolio

The video showcases the challenges faced by board members in managing their community responsibilities alongside personal commitments. It emphasizes the need for an enterprise application solution that simplifies these tasks and allows for efficient community leadership. This video serves as an enterprise application explainer video, effectively explaining the application and its benefits.

The animation style effectively conveys the message by employing a combination of relatable characters, clean visuals, and intuitive interface depictions. The use of vibrant colors and simple shapes creates a visually appealing and engaging experience for viewers. By showcasing the software's interface and features in a clear and concise manner, the video effectively demonstrates how appfolio empowers board members to streamline their duties, such as document sharing and communication, ultimately leading to better community management. This explainer video excels in highlighting the software's capabilities.

In conclusion, the video's design style successfully complements its message by providing a visually engaging and informative experience. The animation effectively highlights the key features and benefits of appfolio, making it an excellent product demo explainer video for board members seeking efficient community management solutions. This enterprise application functionalities explainer video effectively showcases the functionalities of the application, making it easier for viewers to understand its benefits.

30. Avast

This Enterprise Application Explainer video focuses on the importance of cybersecurity for businesses, highlighting the increasing threats posed by cyberattacks and data breaches. It emphasizes the need for robust cybersecurity solutions to protect sensitive data and ensure business continuity. Enterprise applications are becoming increasingly complex, and it is more important than ever for businesses to have a strong cybersecurity posture.

The video employs a visually appealing isometric design style, effectively showcasing complex cybersecurity concepts in a clear and engaging manner. The use of vibrant colors and 3D visuals enhances the viewer's understanding of potential threats, such as malware, phishing attacks, and data breaches. This explainer video uses isometric perspective to allow for a comprehensive view of various cybersecurity elements, including networks, devices, and data centers, enabling viewers to grasp the interconnected nature of cybersecurity challenges.

In conclusion, the video's compelling design style effectively conveys the importance of cybersecurity solutions for businesses. By combining informative content with visually engaging graphics, the video successfully educates viewers about potential cyber threats and underscores the significance of implementing robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive data and maintain business operations. This enterprise application explainer video is a valuable resource for any business looking to improve its cybersecurity posture.

Key Takeaways

  • what is an enterprise application explainer video?

  • an enterprise application explainer video is a concise and engaging video that explains the functionality and benefits of a complex software solution designed for businesses. it uses clear language, visuals, and storytelling to make the application easily understandable for potential clients and stakeholders. target audience: businesses and organizations looking for software solutions. purpose: to educate, generate interest, and drive adoption of the application. distribution: websites, landing pages, social media, sales presentations. format: animated, live-action, or a combination of both.
  • creating an enterprise application explainer video: where to start?

  • before diving into production, a solid foundation is crucial for a successful explainer video. define your target audience: understand their needs, pain points, and how the application addresses them. establish clear objectives: what do you want viewers to take away from the video? (e.g., increased awareness, lead generation, product understanding). develop a compelling narrative: craft a story that resonates with your audience and showcases the application's value proposition. choose the right style and tone: align the video's aesthetics with your brand identity and target audience preferences.
  • enterprise application explainer video ingredients

  • a compelling explainer video requires a blend of key ingredients to effectively communicate its message. clear and concise messaging: avoid technical jargon and focus on the application's core benefits. engaging visuals: use high-quality animation, graphics, or live-action footage to illustrate key concepts. compelling storytelling: weave a narrative that connects with the audience and highlights the application's value. strong call to action: encourage viewers to take the next step, such as visiting a website or requesting a demo.
  • enterprise application explainer video goals and objectives

  • explainer videos serve a variety of purposes, each with specific goals and objectives. increase brand awareness: introduce your application to a wider audience and establish its presence in the market. generate leads: capture viewer interest and encourage them to provide contact information for follow-up. educate potential customers: clearly explain the application's features, benefits, and how it solves specific business challenges. drive adoption: motivate viewers to choose your application over competitors and integrate it into their operations.
  • motion graphics in enterprise application explainer videos

  • motion graphics play a crucial role in bringing complex software concepts to life in a visually engaging way. simplify complex information: use animation to break down intricate processes into easily digestible visuals. enhance visual appeal: add dynamism and visual interest to keep viewers engaged. highlight key features: draw attention to specific functionalities and benefits through animated demonstrations. create a memorable experience: leave a lasting impression with impactful visuals that reinforce key messages.
  • using storytelling in an enterprise application explainer video

  • storytelling is a powerful tool for connecting with viewers on an emotional level and making your message resonate. create relatable scenarios: present real-world situations where businesses face challenges that your application solves. highlight user benefits: show how the application improves efficiency, productivity, or other key metrics. evoke emotions: connect with viewers by showcasing the positive impact your application has on users and their businesses. build trust and credibility: use storytelling to demonstrate your understanding of customer needs and your commitment to providing solutions.
  • best practices for enterprise application explainer videos

  • to maximize the impact of your explainer video, follow these best practices: keep it concise: aim for a video length of 1-2 minutes to maintain viewer engagement. focus on the benefits: clearly articulate how the application solves specific business problems and delivers tangible value. use a professional voiceover: a clear and engaging voiceover enhances the viewing experience and adds credibility. optimize for different platforms: create versions tailored for various social media platforms and website placements.
  • what makes an enterprise application explainer video effective?

  • an effective explainer video achieves its objectives by: clearly communicating the value proposition: viewers understand the application's purpose and benefits. engaging the audience: the video captures attention and maintains interest throughout. driving action: viewers are motivated to learn more or take the next step. aligning with brand identity: the video's style and tone reflect the company's brand and values.
  • connecting your brand and enterprise application explainer video

  • seamlessly integrate your brand into the explainer video to reinforcebrand identityand create a cohesive experience. visual consistency: use brand colors, fonts, and imagery throughout the video. tone of voice: ensure the script and voiceover align with your brand's personality and communication style. brand storytelling: incorporate brand narratives and values into the video's storyline. call to action: direct viewers to brand-specific channels for further engagement.
  • example: salesforce

  • salesforce, a leading crm platform, effectively utilizes explainer videos to showcase its various solutions. their videos feature engaging animations, clear explanations of complex features, and compelling storytelling that highlights the benefits for businesses. this approach has contributed to salesforce's widespreadbrand awarenessand market dominance.
  • what is an enterprise application explainer video?

  • an enterprise application explainer video is a concise and engaging video that explains the functionality and benefits of a complex software solution designed for businesses. it uses clear language, visuals, and storytelling to make the application easily understandable for potential clients and stakeholders. target audience: businesses and organizations looking for software solutions. purpose: to educate, generate interest, and drive adoption of the application. distribution: websites, landing pages, social media, sales presentations. format: animated, live-action, or a combination of both.
  • creating an enterprise application explainer video: where to start?

  • before diving into production, a solid foundation is crucial for a successful explainer video. define your target audience: understand their needs, pain points, and how the application addresses them. establish clear objectives: what do you want viewers to take away from the video? (e.g., increased awareness, lead generation, product understanding). develop a compelling narrative: craft a story that resonates with your audience and showcases the application's value proposition. choose the right style and tone: align the video's aesthetics with your brand identity and target audience preferences.
  • enterprise application explainer video ingredients

  • a compelling explainer video requires a blend of key ingredients to effectively communicate its message. clear and concise messaging: avoid technical jargon and focus on the application's core benefits. engaging visuals: use high-quality animation, graphics, or live-action footage to illustrate key concepts. compelling storytelling: weave a narrative that connects with the audience and highlights the application's value. strong call to action: encourage viewers to take the next step, such as visiting a website or requesting a demo.
  • enterprise application explainer video goals and objectives

  • explainer videos serve a variety of purposes, each with specific goals and objectives. increase brand awareness: introduce your application to a wider audience and establish its presence in the market. generate leads: capture viewer interest and encourage them to provide contact information for follow-up. educate potential customers: clearly explain the application's features, benefits, and how it solves specific business challenges. drive adoption: motivate viewers to choose your application over competitors and integrate it into their operations.
  • motion graphics in enterprise application explainer videos

  • motion graphics play a crucial role in bringing complex software concepts to life in a visually engaging way. simplify complex information: use animation to break down intricate processes into easily digestible visuals. enhance visual appeal: add dynamism and visual interest to keep viewers engaged. highlight key features: draw attention to specific functionalities and benefits through animated demonstrations. create a memorable experience: leave a lasting impression with impactful visuals that reinforce key messages.
  • using storytelling in an enterprise application explainer video

  • storytelling is a powerful tool for connecting with viewers on an emotional level and making your message resonate. create relatable scenarios: present real-world situations where businesses face challenges that your application solves. highlight user benefits: show how the application improves efficiency, productivity, or other key metrics. evoke emotions: connect with viewers by showcasing the positive impact your application has on users and their businesses. build trust and credibility: use storytelling to demonstrate your understanding of customer needs and your commitment to providing solutions.
  • best practices for enterprise application explainer videos

  • to maximize the impact of your explainer video, follow these best practices: keep it concise: aim for a video length of 1-2 minutes to maintain viewer engagement. focus on the benefits: clearly articulate how the application solves specific business problems and delivers tangible value. use a professional voiceover: a clear and engaging voiceover enhances the viewing experience and adds credibility. optimize for different platforms: create versions tailored for various social media platforms and website placements.
  • what makes an enterprise application explainer video effective?

  • an effective explainer video achieves its objectives by: clearly communicating the value proposition: viewers understand the application's purpose and benefits. engaging the audience: the video captures attention and maintains interest throughout. driving action: viewers are motivated to learn more or take the next step. aligning with brand identity: the video's style and tone reflect the company's brand and values.
  • connecting your brand and enterprise application explainer video

  • seamlessly integrate your brand into the explainer video to reinforcebrand identityand create a cohesive experience. visual consistency: use brand colors, fonts, and imagery throughout the video. tone of voice: ensure the script and voiceover align with your brand's personality and communication style. brand storytelling: incorporate brand narratives and values into the video's storyline. call to action: direct viewers to brand-specific channels for further engagement.
  • example: salesforce

  • salesforce, a leading crm platform, effectively utilizes explainer videos to showcase its various solutions. their videos feature engaging animations, clear explanations of complex features, and compelling storytelling that highlights the benefits for businesses. this approach has contributed to salesforce's widespreadbrand awarenessand market dominance.


    Harnessing the Power of Visual Storytelling

    The digital landscape is saturated with content, making it increasingly challenging to capture and retain audience attention. Enterprise application explainer videos offer a powerful solution, effectively conveying complex information in an engaging and digestible format. These videos leverage the power of visual storytelling to simplify intricate concepts, showcase product features, and ultimately drive user adoption and business growth.


    The need for effective communication is paramount in today's competitive business environment. Enterprise applications, often characterized by their robust functionality and intricate workflows, can be daunting for potential users. Explainer videos bridge this gap, providing a clear and concise overview of the application's value proposition and key features.


    Challenges arise when attempting to explain complex software solutions to a diverse audience with varying levels of technical expertise. Traditional methods, such as lengthy user manuals or static presentations, often fail to engage users and effectively convey the application's capabilities. Explainer videos overcome these challenges by presenting information in a visually compelling and easily understandable manner.


    Explainer videos find application across various stages of the customer journey, from initial awareness and lead generation to user onboarding and customer support. They can be utilized in marketing campaigns, product demos, training materials, and knowledge base articles, providing a versatile tool for enhancing user experience and driving business objectives.


    Engagement is key to effective communication, and explainer videos excel in capturing and retaining audience attention. By combining captivating visuals, concise messaging, and a compelling narrative, these videos create an immersive experience that resonates with viewers and leaves a lasting impression.


    Clarity is crucial when explaining complex concepts. Explainer videos simplify intricate workflows and technical features, presenting information in a clear and concise manner that is easily understood by users of all levels. This clarity fosters user confidence and encourages adoption of the application.


    Conversion is the ultimate goal of many marketing and sales initiatives. Explainer videos effectively demonstrate the value proposition of enterprise applications, showcasing their benefits and addressing potential pain points. This persuasive approach can lead to increased lead generation, improved sales conversions, and ultimately, business growth.


    Retention of users is essential for long-term success. Explainer videos play a vital role in user onboarding and ongoing support, providing readily accessible resources that empower users to maximize the application's potential. This enhanced user experience fosters satisfaction and loyalty, leading to increased retention rates.


    Scalability is a critical consideration for businesses of all sizes. Explainer videos offer a scalable solution for communicating with a large and diverse audience. They can be easily distributed across multiple channels, including websites, social media platforms, and email campaigns, ensuring broad reach and consistent messaging.

    Return on Investment

    Return on investment is a key metric for evaluating marketing initiatives. Explainer videos offer a high return on investment by effectively driving user engagement, conversion, and retention. Their versatility and scalability further contribute to their cost-effectiveness, making them a valuable asset for businesses seeking to maximize their marketing impact.

    Author at advids
    I'm Orko Roy, a video producer with a passion for crafting compelling stories that connect. For the past 7 years, I've been part of the Advids team, where I've honed my skills in video content planning, creation, and strategy. From concept to completion, I've worked closely with a diverse range of startups and enterprises, helping them achieve their communication goals through impactful video content.

    Whether it's a product launch, an educational explainer, or a brand story, I love collaborating to create videos that resonate with audiences and drive results.

    My approach is collaborative and results-driven, always focused on delivering high-quality video solutions that help businesses thrive. Let's connect and see how I can help bring your vision to life!